Business plan for the production of stretch ceilings. Stretch ceilings - a successful business

  • 23.09.2019

Facing the surface of the ceiling with a fabric or PVC film, in our time, is the most popular type of finish that both low-income and wealthy segments of the population can afford. The demand for these materials is growing, and even though there are a lot of companies involved in the manufacture of such coatings, proper organization process can be successful.

In order to successfully work in the conditions of serious competition, it is necessary to correctly build a company policy: carefully consider pricing, advertising placement, provide consumers with decent service and high quality products.

What should be remembered before opening an enterprise that produces stretch ceilings - this business is not easy, there are many nuances in production and marketing. However, the products are popular, especially in large, densely populated cities.

Consider the main stages of opening production, the initial investment required to start a business, and evaluate the payback of such a business.

Company opening

To start a business on stretch ceilings, you will have to start by registering a legal or individual and choice of taxation system. Everyone has the right to choose for himself what is more convenient: to open an IP or a Limited Liability Company for him.

Note! Both options have their pros and cons. Registration of an individual entrepreneur is easier and faster (the application is considered, at most, within a week, the fee is 800 rubles), however, in unforeseen situations, the entrepreneur is liable for claims with all his property.

At the same time, the owner of an LLC to the state, customers and partners is only responsible authorized capital. In addition, consumers and suppliers have less confidence in individual entrepreneurs as opposed to legal entities.

You can go the following way: to start an activity, register an individual entrepreneur, and over time, with favorable business development, open an LLC, or, if necessary, create a Joint Stock Company.

For clarity, we give a comparison of two forms of enterprises:

Comparative table of tax rates by different systems taxation:

To conduct activities for the manufacture and installation of stretch ceilings, you do not need to obtain licenses. It is only necessary to obtain permission for the right to carry out activities using gas equipment(for installation of a film from polyvinylchloride).

Business plan for an enterprise engaged in the production and installation of ceilings

Why is it important to draw up a business plan for stretch ceilings:

  • to understand the feasibility of participating in this market segment;
  • to determine the development strategy of the enterprise;
  • to attract outside capital.

A well-written business plan: "Production of stretch ceilings" can help attract investors, convince them of the feasibility of investing or providing a loan.

The main stages of analysis when drawing up a business plan:

For the production of stretch ceilings, the business plan should include the following items:

  1. General characteristics of the industry, description of the main activities of the enterprise.
  2. Description of the product provided by the company: types of stretch ceilings, production technology, methods of their installation.
  3. Analysis of the stretch ceiling market: competitors, consumers, production volume and market segments, the possible share of the enterprise in it.
  4. Marketing policy of the company.
  5. Description of production.
  6. Company budget.

A business plan for stretch ceilings, drawn up in this form, will help potential creditors assess the liquidity of the company and the degree of business risk.

In order to evaluate for yourself the feasibility of opening a company for the production of stretch coatings, it is enough to assemble and arrange in more summary information that gives an idea of ​​the upcoming costs, profits and payback of the direction that stretch ceilings represent as a business.

Stretch ceiling are of two types:

  • Made from PVC film. To obtain a facing coating, it is required to stitch the canvases, and when installing them, use a heat gun.

  • Fabric made from polyester. These covers are seamless. They are installed without the help of heating devices.

Depending on the type of material, different equipment and tools are used for the production of ceilings and their installation. Consider what expenses entrepreneurs face when opening a manufacturing company in order to draw up an indicative business plan for the production of stretch ceilings.


Consider what the costs are.

Office rent

Companies that do not have an office where one could get acquainted with the products offered, consult on the coating options used and their installation technology, and conclude an installation contract do not look attractive in the eyes of potential customers. So the presence of an office space is largely an image component of the business.

Prices for renting premises in different regions differ greatly.

For example, in Moscow office space area of ​​20 sq.m. can be rented for 13,000 rubles. per month (in a residential area) or for 30 thousand (in the center), and in Ivanovo the prices are 3 times lower. Additional funds will be needed to pay utility bills, use telephone line and the internet.

In addition to the office itself, you will have to spend money on the purchase of furniture and equipment: computers, printer, telephone, stationery, software. For these purposes, you will need from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

A booth with samples of coatings should be placed in the office; a prerequisite for working with clients is the availability of certificates for all types of materials.

Rent of industrial premises

To organize the work process, you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 100 sq.m. In Ivanovo, to rent such an object, it will take 20 ... 25 thousand rubles, in Moscow - a little more: 40,000 ... 70,000 rubles per month. To minimize costs, it is more reasonable to place the workshop on the outskirts of the city.


For welding polyvinyl chloride, equipment is used that allows, using high-frequency exposure to the molecular structure of the web, to achieve almost imperceptible seams in the coating. A machine for soldering PVC sheets will cost 250,000 ... 350,000 rubles.

Important! For starters, you can also purchase used equipment. In this case, you can save more than half of the funds.

In the future, there is a reason to install machines for printing on stretch fabrics.

For the installation of film coatings, you will need a gas complex, consisting of:

  • heat gun operating from the mains;
  • gas bottle(for reasons of fire safety, it is best to use composite cylinders);
  • connection hose.

Such a kit can cost 10 ... 15 thousand rubles.

Additionally, you will need electrical equipment, a compressor. They will have to pay another 40 thousand rubles.

For the equipment of the workshop, it is also necessary to purchase tables for cutting and feeding the film, as well as racks for its storage. They will cost no more than 100 thousand rubles.


For the operation of the company will need at least:

  • ceiling installers - 2 people;
  • supplier - 1 person;
  • sales manager - 1 person;
  • workers in the workshop - 2 people;
  • accountant - 1 person;
  • designer - 1 person;
  • office manager — 1 person

Accordingly, their wages should be taken into account in the costs of doing business.


To install stretch ceilings, you will need the following tools and fixtures:

The whole tool will cost 30 - 50 thousand rubles.

Materials and accessories

Of course, in the future we should establish direct relations with foreign suppliers of film and fabric. However, on initial stage development of the company, you can focus on the purchase of material within the country.

  • PVC film will cost, depending on the type, within 50 ... 250 rubles / sq.m.
  • Polyester fabric costs about 350 ... 700 rubles / sq.m.

The range of prices is determined not only by the type of coating, but also by the country in which the material was manufactured. Recently, fabrics made in China have been widely used. However, Chinese products, manufactured in the factory and received quality and safety certificates, are quite competitive.

Important! Suppliers of materials should be selected responsibly in order to minimize the risks of purchasing low-quality products, and, as a result, the loss of customers.

You will also have to purchase components for installing coatings: profiles, decorative inserts, thermal rings, pipe bypasses, etc.

For example, 1 running meter a profile costs 20 ... 70 rubles, a decorative cap: about 10 rubles / m.p.

other expenses

Among other things, funds will be needed for advertising, payment for gasoline, overalls for employees, packaging material, etc.

Advertising is very important for the promotion of a business and its promotion. You can use posting ads, distribution by mailboxes, as well as to produce souvenir products such as fridge magnets, pens, etc. It is also important to have business cards.

To create a client base, you also need to build relationships with construction companies, designers, and actively advertise the company using social networks.

Summing up what has been said, we get that 800 thousand rubles are needed to start. This amount takes into account the stock of material and components (for 300 thousand rubles).

Every month, the operation of the enterprise will require approximately 385 thousand rubles: about 65 thousand for rent, about 20 thousand for paying utility bills, telephony and the Internet, 300 thousand for paying wages employees.

Sales of products

On average, the cost of a finished stretch ceiling varies between 500 ... 2000 rubles per 1 sq.m.

On the day, one team, consisting of two people, finishes about 30 square meters of the ceiling surface, that is, 2 rooms. If there are at least 15 orders monthly, the revenue will be about 650,000 rubles.

The state will have to pay about 40,000 rubles (subject to the choice of a 6% rate) tax from this amount. Based on the average cost of 1 sq.m. the established coverage of 150 rubles, the cost of materials and components for the monthly amount of work will be about 70 thousand rubles.

We calculate: the total net monthly profit of the enterprise can be approximately 150 thousand rubles. It seems that this is quite a bit, but we are considering profit when only one team works. Accordingly, it makes sense to expand the staff and scope of work, as well as go directly to the manufacturers of canvases. In addition, the figures given are quite indicative, since a lot depends on the regional location of the enterprise.

Important! Can be purchased and ready business plan for the production of stretch ceilings, prepared by specialists. But independently, as we have seen, it will also not be difficult to estimate the costs and possible returns from this type of activity.

Coating installation business plan

If there is no desire to engage in the production of coatings, but only to install them, as well as to start in this business, you can conclude an agreement with the manufacturer and act as his subcontractor. Or take orders on your own and place their execution at specialized production facilities, and then carry out the installation of manufactured products on your own.

In this case, the business plan: stretch ceilings in the "Investments" section will take into account only the costs of maintaining the office, tools, personnel and the cost of the ceiling covering.

In this scenario, there is no need to maintain a production workshop, the initial investment will decrease, however, accordingly, the “margin” will also decrease.

If you do not feel the strength to start a business from scratch, you can purchase a ready-made business "Stretch Ceilings" with existing experience in the market, and a complete set of production: office, warehouse and industrial premises, trained staff, well-established supply and customer base.

What you should understand before starting your own business: Stretch ceilings are the most popular cladding these days. High competition in this market forces manufacturers to reduce product prices.

There are frequent cases of using counterfeit Chinese film that does not meet the requirements for appearance and performance characteristics. In this regard, if you have ideas on how to organize the production and installation of cheap, but quality coatings, you can safely plunge into this business.

If you are involved in construction and are thinking of opening own business, stretch ceilings - what you need, because the demand for them is only increasing.

♦ Capital investments – 110,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 4–8 months.

Today, from any, even the oldest and most neglected building, you can make a masterpiece, because there are stunning in quality Construction Materials easy to use and not too expensive.

These include stretch ceilings, which appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to become one of the favorite materials for both professional builders and ordinary consumers.

If you are involved in construction and are thinking of opening your own business, stretch ceilings- what you need.

Starting this startup does not require large capital investments, it is easy to learn how to work with these materials, and the demand for them is increasing every day.

Two types of business "stretch ceilings"

If you decide to launch a startup, somehow connected with stretch ceilings, you should know that you can develop your business in two directions:

  1. Production of stretch ceilings.
    Until recently, construction teams, when installing stretch ceilings in their homes and offices, used foreign materials.
    Today in Russia there are enterprises that manufacture stretch ceilings.
    If you want to try your luck in this business too, now is the time to do it before the competition gets too much.
  2. Installation of stretch ceilings.
    If you and a team of like-minded people are building houses from scratch or renovating ready-made ones, but have been experiencing difficulties lately, you can narrow your field of activity and start a new business: installing stretch ceilings.

Both businesses are possible to launch in our country, but we will talk about the second type of entrepreneurial activity.

Installing stretch ceilings is a simpler and more cost-effective startup that does not require a huge start-up capital to start.

In addition, it takes very little time to open such a business.

Business advantages and disadvantages: stretch ceilings

Regardless of what kind of business you decide to do, it is imperative to analyze all its pros and cons in order to make an informed decision.

The main advantages of the Stretch Ceilings business are that:

  • this startup does not require a huge capital investment to launch, especially if you have previously dealt with repair and construction work and have a minimum supply of tools and overalls;
  • the installation system of stretch ceilings is easy to master even for a beginner;
  • you don’t have to hire a lot of people or buy expensive equipment to do this business;
  • most effective ways advertising stretch ceilings as a business - word of mouth, the Internet and newspapers, which do not require large financial investments;
  • you won’t have to spend money on office rent, because you will work on the client’s territory, and you can keep tools and workwear at home.

Perhaps the main disadvantage of this startup is high level competition, so it’s worth figuring out if you can join this business, stretch ceilings After all, they offer to install many installation teams.

On the other hand, competition appears where there is high demand, so if you are a good specialist in this area and have a good supplier of materials, then start acting.

Advertising campaign for stretch ceilings as a business

Note information:
The guaranteed service life of stretch ceilings is over 10 years. But in practice they serve for more than one decade, ceiling materials are very durable.

Since your revenue directly depends on how many square meters of stretch ceilings you install per month, you need to actively develop your client base, especially at the beginning of opening this business.

  • flyers and leaflets that can be handed out in places with high traffic, for example, near the market, metro stations, shopping malls etc.;
  • outdoor advertising in public transport and on special stands;
  • advertisements in newspapers, especially those that are distributed free of charge and inform the inhabitants of the city about everything they need;
  • Internet - Yandex.Direct, ads on thematic sites, communication on city forums and social networks.

If you do not overcharge and do your job conscientiously, then your satisfied customers will advertise you and the number of orders will begin to increase without visible effort and separate investment in advertising on your part.

But you can’t rely only on word of mouth, you need to insure your business in other ways of advertising.

Business "stretch ceilings": calendar plan

Speaking about the advantages of this type of entrepreneurial activity, it is impossible not to point out that it takes very little time to open it.

Stretch ceilings as a business - a project that can be launched in 2-3 months after the idea arises.

This is exactly how long it will take you to legally formalize your business, advertise it, purchase tools, build relationships with suppliers and find your first customers.

Therefore, if you want to start making money installing stretch ceilings as quickly as possible, then this startup will suit you completely.

Purchase of equipment
Hiring an installation team
Startup launch

Business registration

In order to understand whether you have this case or not, you can start installing stretch ceilings without any legal delays at all.

Found the first client → took the order → completed the work → received the money.

It is according to this scheme that many repair and construction teams work in our country.

If you do not want to deceive the state and want to do everything according to the law, then you should register as an individual entrepreneur, deleting all questions with the Tax and Pension Fund.

The most convenient and profitable form of taxation for business on stretch ceilings is UTII.

Since you don’t have to have your own office at all, then, firstly, you can save a lot on rent, and secondly, you won’t have to deal with the Fire Service, SES and other government agencies.

Equipment for installation of stretch ceilings

In order to fully run a stretch ceiling installation business, you will need to purchase both standard construction tools and special equipment.

The amount of equipment is calculated depending on how many installation teams work under your supervision.

Some entrepreneurs are looking for an installation team that works on their equipment, but such a scheme has too many disadvantages:

  • your income as a partner of the installation team will be much less than as an employer who issues equipment to specialists;
  • if you have an industrial conflict, then you will lose not only specialists, but also equipment and will be forced to start a business from scratch;
  • it is very difficult to find such people for cooperation, because installation teams with all essential tool, prefer to work without intermediaries.

To start a stretch ceiling business, you need to purchase the following tool for one installation team:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Total amount (in rubles)
Total: 80 000 rub.
Conventional and laser roulette
1 1 000 1 000
1 8 000 8 000
2 3 000 6 000
Electric jigsaw
1 3 000 3 000
cutting machine
1 8 000 8 000
Heat machine for heating material
1 15 000 15 000
gas cylinder
1 1 000 1 000
1 3 000 3 000

2 3 000 6 000
household hair dryer
1 2 000 2 000
miter saw
1 4 000 4 000
2 1 500 3 000
Hydraulic level
1 1 000 1 000
A set of small tools (rasps, shovels, knives, hangers, etc.)
7 000 7 000
1 1 000 1 000
Other 11 000 11 000

But you don't have to buy a company car.

The installation team may well use their own transport if you compensate them for the cost of gasoline.

Consumables for business

Not a single client will independently look for materials for you to install a stretch ceiling for him.

Your installation team should come with their samples, offer various options, measure the premises and, based on the choice of the client, place an order with the manufacturer.

There are two types of stretch ceilings depending on the materials from which they are made:

  • tissue;
  • from PVC film.

Most customers order PVC film ceilings because it:

  • relatively cheap;
  • varied decorative range.

Wholesale price 1 sq. a meter of PVC film varies from 150 to 1,000 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the quality of the material.

In any case, get ready for the fact that 25-30% of the cost of the order will be spent on materials.

The staff of the company that installs stretch ceilings

Much in this business depends on what role you are going to play.

If you are a professional builder, you will have to hire an administrator who would deal with negotiations with clients, advertising your business and other administrative issues, and a partner with whom you will do the installation.

If you take on accounting and administrative functions, then look for people who will be directly involved in the installation.

Let's say you are going to implement the second scenario and for starters you decide to launch a small startup with one installation team of two people.

Apart from these workers, no one else needs to be hired.

It is better to pay them not a specific rate, but a percentage of each order.

Also, your profit will be in % of each order.

You can run your business from home.

How much does it cost to open a business like installing stretch ceilings?

As already mentioned, this business is one of those that do not require large investments at the start.

In fact, the main thing you need to spend money on is the purchase of tools and special equipment.

Everything else will cost mere pennies compared to other types of entrepreneurial activity. Having 100,000 rubles, it is quite possible to start a business on stretch ceilings.

Monthly maintenance of your business will also be inexpensive.

Of course, you will have to pay taxes and spend money on mobile communications, the Internet, refueling a car, etc., but these expenses will be relatively small and will cost a maximum of 20,000 rubles:

How to find and retain customers interested in stretch ceilings,

see in the video:

Potential business income for the installation of stretch ceilings

The cost of installing tension threads can be different and varies from 400 to 3,000 rubles per square meter.

Let's take the average cost of installation of one square meter: 800 rubles.

Installing a stretch ceiling in a room of 30 sq.m. will cost the customer 24,000 rubles.

From this amount, you need to subtract 25% (6,000 rubles) - the cost of materials, 30% (7,200) - payment for the work of the installation team.

That is, you are left with 10,800 dirty profits for one completed order.

Let's say that your installation team completes 10 orders per month for the amount of 24,000 rubles each.

Your profit will be 10,800.

If you subtract 20,000 rubles for maintaining the business from this amount, then you will be left with 88,000 rubles of net profit, that is, after a month and a half of successful work, you will be able to fully return the capital investment.

Of course, this one is not so simple. business: stretch ceilings Not everyone needs them and not always.

To reach the indicators indicated in the business plan, you will have to create a reputation for your company and acquire regular customers.

But, looking at the calculations, you can see that this startup can be turned into a gold mine if you organize the work correctly and find good specialists.

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This article will tell you how to organize an enterprise for the production of stretch ceilings and what is needed for their production.

That writing a business plan is This is a mandatory step when starting a new business.- no one needs to explain.

Detailed market analysis, calculation of income and expenses, development turn-based strategyAll of this must be spelled out in detail.. But you shouldn't limit yourself to just that.

Since the construction market and all services on it have a high level of competition, it is necessary to provide for ways to separate from the ranks of identical companies.

What it will be: an additional set of free services or low prices for fittings - it's up to you, but you definitely need to lay down expenses for specific marketing promotion.

Registration of the enterprise

Like any type of business, the production of stretch ceilings must be formalized. No special licenses or permits are required for this type of activity., but register an individual entrepreneur or LLC in tax office have to.

Sole proprietorship, at the initial stage, is preferable, since it requires less tax costs and has light form documentation and reporting.

Selection of premises and staff

Premises for an office

For manufacturing enterprise Definitely need an office. It is required for communication with customers and for placing product samples. The room may be small - about 15 square meters, but it is desirable that it be in an accessible and crowded place.

Production room

The production room will require large volumes and the mandatory availability of appropriate communications: three-phase power supply 380W, ventilation and uniform temperature regime. The workshop for the manufacture and storage of products must have an area of ​​​​at least 60-70 sq. m.

Staff for work

The manufacturing business requires specialists in different areas:

  • 1-2 cutters-welders - for cutting and working with canvases in the workshop;
  • 1-2 installers - to install finished ceilings;
  • specialist designer - a professional who understands the program for creating drawings of stretch ceilings;
  • secretary-manager for work with clients and suppliers;
  • accountant, driver - can be hired under a contract on a temporary basis.

Equipment for the production of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are manufactured using special machines that glue parts of the working material in accordance with the drawings developed for the order.

Qualitative new machine HDTV, which guarantees an ideal and imperceptible soldering of seams, costs about 400 thousand rubles, and used can be purchased for 250 thousand rubles.

In addition to the machine, the workshop must have a compressor and a set of electrical equipment (machines, cables, etc.). To store the material, as well as its cutting and feeding to the machine, you need: racks, two cutting tables and a couple of workers.

To create accurate drawings, a computer with a special program is required: CeilingCalc, DEXCeil or Saros Designer.

Production technology

The production of stretch ceilings from the finished film is not difficult, and its technology includes three stages:

  • Cutting the material according to the drawings.
  • Welding of individual elements into a single whole using a HDTV machine.
  • Welding along the edge of the ceiling of a special harpoon - a flexible polymer plate, which serves for the subsequent fastening of the product to the baguette.

After production, the finished ceilings are packed, layered with a special air-bubble material, and sent to the installation.

Business features

Opening a business for the production of stretch ceilings, many specific considerations need to be taken into account.. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Russian consumers prefer products made from materials from European manufacturers (Germany, France, Italy), being suspicious of the products of domestic and Chinese firms.
  2. It is not worth excluding the products of Russian companies from catalogs, since the quality of their materials practically does not differ from imported analogues. An attractive price and the right marketing approach to customers will allow us to successfully work with Russian materials.

profitability calculation

In order to determine whether it is profitable or not to engage in the production of stretch ceilings, we will carry out small calculations.

The cost of organizing the production of stretch ceilings

  • Business registration and advertising campaign - 30 thousand rubles
  • Procurement and acquisition of the program - 500-550 thousand rubles.
  • Office decoration and equipment - 20-40 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises for an office 8-14 thousand rubles. and under the workshop 20-25t.r., a total of about 40 thousand rubles.
  • Salary, taxes - 120-160 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 10-15 thousand rubles.


Based on the fact that the productivity of one HDTV machine is 3750 sq. m. per month, the cost of 1 sq.m. the ceiling is 115 rubles, and the selling price is from 200 rubles. (dealers) up to 500 rubles. (end users) – net production income can range from 350 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles.

The presented calculations show that stretch ceilings are very advantageous view business. The cost of equipment and organization will pay off in 2-3 months, and the profitability of production can be significantly increased by expanding volumes and attracting new customers.

The production of stretch ceilings is enough profitable business. There are not too many competitors in this segment. There is an opportunity to occupy a niche. The cost of a foreign canvas is about 700-900 rubles/sq. m., a canvas of Russian origin costs about 300-400 rubles / sq. m.

Starting investments: 450 thousand rubles The number of employees: 10-12 people
Planned income per month: 400 thousand rubles Market competition: average
Estimated monthly expenses: 300 thousand rubles Payback: 0.6-1 year

Stretch ceiling is a vinyl pvc film which is produced using a special technology. At the level of the ceiling, a frame is installed on which the canvas is stretched. In addition to selling such a "film", your craftsmen can provide services for installing them, chandeliers and built-in lamps. Business on stretch ceilings attracts an increasing number of entrepreneurs.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

The demand for the installation of stretch ceilings is growing every year for two reasons:

  • beautiful and fast design of the room;
  • You can easily hide the imperfections of an uneven ceiling.

Before starting such a business, it is worth thinking about the number of employees and cash that is needed when starting a business. It is better to develop a business plan for stretch ceilings a few months before the implementation of the idea.

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

Only the official opening of the company and the official registration of employees will make it possible to receive their profit. In order to open the production of stretch ceilings, you must:

  • obtain a certificate of the right to work with gas cylinders;
  • apply for clearance legal entity;
  • register with the local tax office, Pension Fund and statistics authorities;
  • submit electronic reports to all authorities.

Stage 2 - finding a room

When opening production, you need to look for premises both for an office and for a small workshop where workers will work. The office must be at least 30 sq. m. and located - in a crowded area. Customers will come to the main office, sign contracts and make an advance payment for the work. The workshop is needed from 100 sq. m. for the convenient location of workers who will make stretch ceilings.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

The production of stretch ceilings requires investments in equipment. A small tool that should be purchased for installers is a hammer, tape measure, side cutter, hacksaw, knife, adjustable wrench, drills, chisel, a set of files.

Necessary equipment for production, in rubles:

  • office equipment (from 15 thousand rubles);
  • perforator (from 3 thousand rubles);
  • drill (from 2 thousand rubles);
  • gas gun (from 10 thousand rubles);
  • overalls with a company logo (from 1 thousand rubles);
  • a staircase of 5 steps (from 500 rubles);
  • gas bottle from 25 liters (from 5 thousand rubles).

Photo gallery "Equipment for the production and installation of stretch ceilings"

Gas gun (10 thousand rubles)

Ladder for stretching the ceiling (500 rubles)

Perforator for drilling (3 thousand rubles)

Stage 4 - recruitment

The office must have:

  • administrative secretary;
  • designer;
  • personnel manager;
  • accountant.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

You will need to promote your business in the following ways:

  • walk around new buildings and offer installation services;
  • cooperate with construction companies;
  • establish business relationships with designers;
  • run ads on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

Several sales managers will be able to advertise the services. They will do this through active sales, cold calling and mailing. commercial offers by clients.

Financial plan

The profitability of the business is 25-30%. The costs that need to be incurred in the course of the activity will be as follows:

  • office rent of 30 sq.m per month (50,000 rubles);
  • rent of a production workshop per month (100-150,000 rubles);
  • salary for 10-12 employees per month (100,000 rubles);
  • utility bills per month (20,000 rubles);
  • purchase of equipment (50-100,000 rubles);
  • payment for certificates (15,000 rubles).

Total: 450 thousand rubles.

Financial planning should be done 1-2 years before the start of production. During this time, you can calculate how much start-up investments will be needed.

Possible risks

There is a risk of acquiring low-quality canvas. Therefore, you should carefully choose suppliers, compare prices and quality before buying.

There is a systematic risk, which implies an increase in inflation. In this case, you will have to slightly raise the prices for services.