How to organize the heating of a private house with gas cylinders. How a gas boiler works on bottled gas, operation features Heat a house with gas cylinders

  • 20.06.2020

If it is impossible to connect to the central gas pipeline, an alternative to switching to solid fuel or using electric heating can be heating the house with gas cylinders. Such a method of heating a home is by no means a rarity in our country, because in terms of its characteristics, liquefied gas is no different from the main one, even if it is much more expensive.

Heating a private house with gas cylinders

Arrangement of balloon heating

In the vastness of our country there are still areas remote from the main roads and the benefits of civilization with several summer cottages or houses. Is it possible to heat a house with liquefied gas from a cylinder in an area remote from gas communications?

In principle, there are no restrictions and prohibitions on autonomous heating of an individual house with gas in cylinders. But heating with gas not from the central line requires significant costs for obtaining thermal energy.

Heating a house with liquefied gas is rational when:

The organization of heating the home from gas cylinders can also be considered as a short-term solution, since in the future it is possible to re-equip the existing boiler to be fed from the central gas pipeline.

Heating of a country house with liquefied gas is carried out by standard 50-liter cylinders. Vessels are mainly filled with propane and butane, which are pre-liquefied.

Heating with gas can also be carried out with such combinations of combustible substances:

  • SPBTL (summer version of the mixture);
  • SPBTZ (winter version).
LPG cylinders

Cylinders require constant monitoring in winter. Even at the lowest temperatures, heating gas mixtures do not freeze, but interruptions in the supply of fuel are quite likely, due to different boiling temperatures (for propane - -40 ° C, for butane - 0 ° C).

If we consider a temperature of -10 ° C, the mixture begins to boil in a vessel filled with gas, and propane begins to evaporate first. Before the butane begins to boil, a decrease in its evaporation can be observed in the bottled gas, which leads to a decrease in pressure below the level required for normal operation of the boiler.

The best possible solution in such circumstances is to heat the cylinder to a temperature at which the butane begins to evaporate. For this purpose, a corrugated sleeve from the boiler room should be inserted into the box. To transfer heated air through an arranged channel, it is necessary to use low-power duct fans.

Also, when heating in winter, it is possible to organize the heating of the duct with pipes according to the principle of a warm floor.

Cylinders located in conditions of negative temperatures in a country house or in a private house should never be heated with heating cables or heating elements.

Which boiler to use

Gas heating of a private house from cylinders is mainly carried out using a boiler with a water circuit as a heat generator. Moreover, any model of boilers designed for burning natural gas is suitable. For normal operation of the equipment, you only need to replace the burner or adjust (replace) the nozzles - most boiler manufacturers include a special kit for liquefied gases in the delivery.

Similarly, the type of heating device and its power are selected. However, taking into account the high operating costs of gas-balloon heating, it is necessary to choose a boiler with the highest possible efficiency, for example, a gas condensing heat generator.

Wall-mounted gas boiler for cylinder heating

Boiler connection diagram

Heating country house gas cylinders requires retrofitting with equipment and purchase:

  • boiler;
  • special nozzles for gas, if they are not included with the boiler;
  • ramps;
  • shutoff valve.

Installation of cylinders in the basement or basement is not recommended, the best place for their location - a box made of metal, below and above the front part of which ventilation holes are made.

Tanks should be placed strictly horizontally, storage of full cylinders in a vertical position is not allowed. The box should be located on the north side of the building, if possible - in the most shaded place.

For normal operation of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to connect it to a "battery" of 4-5 cylinders for heating. Their installation and connection is carried out according to the following scheme.

For the device of the outlet gas pipeline, a pipe with walls from 2 mm thick is used. At the point of its passage in the wall, a sleeve with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipe by 20-30 mm is installed. The space between the pipe and the circumference of the sleeve is filled with mounting foam.

The inclusion of vessels in the system is carried out using a reducer that returns gas from a liquid back to a vapor state for its subsequent supply to the boiler.

Connection is carried out in two ways: one common reducer for all cylinders or one device for each of the vessels. The implementation of the second method will cost more, but it provides complete security.

To increase the interval between fillings, it is better to connect several cylinders to the boiler at the same time through a ramp - a two-arm manifold that separates the vessels into the main and spare bundles. Gas first comes from the main bundle, and when it comes to an end, the boiler switches to a spare one. When installing new, filled cylinders, the heating device returns to power from the main bundle.

LPG heating system

All connections during installation are made in the form of pipes and hoses, detachable connections are checked for leakage by washing.

Heating a country house with bottled gas requires compliance the most important rule safety: filling the cylinder with more than 80% of the volume is prohibited. The reason is the high percentage of expansion of the mixture of propane and butane. Despite the sufficient strength of the cylinder, when its volume is filled over 94% and the temperature rises, there is a high probability of an explosion.

Cylinders or gas tank

To store gas in a liquid state, gas holders are also used - steel tanks of large volume, which, unlike standard cylinders, are often enough for the entire cold period.

However, heating a private house with gas cylinders seems to be more convenient, since there are no problems with the purchase and delivery of fuel in any volume. In addition, gas storage in gas tanks requires a significant amount of excavation, which will lead to additional costs.

The disadvantage of balloon heating compared to using a gas tank is the need to simultaneously connect several vessels at once. The point here is not the desired gas supply, but the fact that a single cylinder has an insignificant evaporation area and cannot provide enough fuel to a powerful burner. To heat the house, you need to immediately collect a group of vessels.

Gas tank 500 liters

What is a reducer for?

Cylinder pressure is a variable that depends on a number of conditions:

  • the number of vessels;
  • remaining fuel;
  • composition and temperature of the gas mixture;
  • distance from the box with cylinders to the boiler.

A reducer is used to convert and maintain a stable gas pressure in the vapor phase.

The device is selected according to two main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • operating pressure.

Energy-efficient heating of a country house with gas cylinders depends on the fuel consumption of the heating installation. In this regard, the productivity of the gearbox should be no less than the injectivity of the boiler.

According to the working pressure, the device is selected in accordance with the parameters of the heater. If the pressure supplied by the reducer is too high, then the boiler automation may be damaged, or the flame will “break off” and the burner will die out. Reducers are produced with a pressure of 30, 37, 42 and 50 mbar. There are also models in which this parameter is adjustable in the range from 20 to 60 mbar.

High tech pressure regulator

When connecting cylinders using flexible hoses, you will need a reducer with a “herringbone” fitting; when connecting using combs and rigid pipes, fittings will be required with threaded outlets.

In addition to their intended purpose, gearboxes switched by automation are equipped with protective elements. When the pressure rises to a critical level, the protection automatically works by opening the relief valve.

LPG consumption

Heating with liquefied gas for a house with an area of ​​​​about 100 m 2 can be carried out by a boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. To obtain 1 kW of heat energy, it will be necessary to consume 100-120 g / min of liquefied gas with a 100% boiler load. If the duration of the cold season is approximately 7 months, then the approximate estimated consumption for the entire season will be about 5 tons.

But in fact, the consumption will be almost half as much - the automation switches the heater into an economical mode at a sufficient temperature in the rooms or in accordance with the timer readings.

When comparing the cost of heating a summer house or a house from main gas pipeline, heating with gas cylinders will be about 5-6 times more expensive. But in the end it will still be cheaper than heating with electricity.

If you look at the cost of gas in a liquid state, then heating a country house from cylinders can be considered not the worst replacement for liquid fuel and electric systems. Especially if the region has problems with solid fuel or the cost is too high.

Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters

Heating on liquefied gas - the best solution if gasification of the settlement is planned in the near future, since then it will not be necessary to purchase the boiler again. In addition, you will receive personal experience gas boiler handling.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas

Heating a private house with bottled gas has, in fact, only one significant drawback - the high cost of installation and operation. You will have to pay not only for the consumed gas itself, but also for the delivery of cylinders, and they will most likely have to be changed every week.

but individual heating at home or giving gas cylinders has its undeniable advantages:

  • high efficiency and significantly lower labor costs compared to wood heating;
  • the possibility of re-equipping the boiler to work with conventional main gas in the future;
  • complete independence and autonomy of the system;
  • long service life of the equipment;
  • high demand for equipment in the secondary market - if necessary, cylinders can always be sold, while returning most of the money spent on them.

Conclusion. Heating on gas cylinders as the only way home heating cannot be called profitable in long term. But as a temporary measure with re-equipment of the boiler for main gas in the future, it is quite suitable.

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Gas heating and its planning

Heating a private house with gas cylinders is the most modern way of heating private houses. When using this equipment, you need to know the storage rules:

  1. Cylinders located on fresh air, without fail, must be carefully protected from sunlight and a variety of precipitation;
  2. Only those cylinders that have passed a strict test for 100% serviceability can be operated;
  3. Cylinders should not contain even the slightest defects, mechanical deformations, malfunctions, and corrosion;
  4. 0.05 MPa is the minimum residual pressure in the cylinder;
  5. In a room that stores gas cylinders, temperature regime should not exceed plus 45 degrees Celsius;
  6. The distance from the cylinder to the gas stove is at least 0.5 meters. Compliance with all the above standards will allow you to keep the heating system in the correct condition for a long time.

Advantages and features of gas cylinders

Gas heating from bottled gas is one hundred percent profitable. This moment can be confirmed by the presence of a low level of natural gas in the equipment, which has the ability to instantly change and become gaseous.

In addition, gas cylinders are characterized by high efficiency.

Cylinder liquefied gas is autonomous. It can be transported to absolutely any place, regardless of remoteness. Also an important point is the ability of autonomous heating to provide the room with the use of hot water. Therefore, heating a private house with gas cylinders is the most effective means.

At the moment, the most common heating substance is propane, which, in fact, produces unique quality and undeniable reliability of heating for the entire room. The systems under consideration are endowed with autonomy, environmental friendliness, simplicity, economy and, of course, stability. It is in this case that there are no possible differences in pressure at all.

Negative aspects of using gas cylinders

Gas burners for heating furnaces, like any other type heating system, have a number of their individual shortcomings.

Before purchasing units, you must carefully familiarize yourself with all the mechanisms, and only then make decisions.

An important point is the variety of cost prices for the fuel substance. This fact is influenced not only by price instability, but also by the choice of direct fuel. That is, for heating the house with gas cylinders, the flow rate is set in accordance with many factors. It is important to note that purchasing products from unverified suppliers can lead to the most unpleasant consequences and unstable operation of the cylinder.

Of course, one should not forget about such a disadvantage as the possibility of an explosion of reduced gas. Gas heating converters in country and private houses should be installed only by true professionals and first-class specialists.

Gas burners for heating furnaces are mainly used in country houses. And this is not just because the local residents do not have a gas pipeline. Heating with liquefied gas in private homes should be carried out and installed exclusively by craftsmen. Thus, there will be confidence in the correctness of the activities carried out and subsequent use for domestic purposes.

Gas cylinders and installation in the room presupposes the subsequent correct operation. It is mandatory to read the instructions for use, and in the future, clearly follow the prescribed rules. The activity of the heating gas cylinder directly depends on the strict adherence to the recommendations.

Efficiency, propane consumption and safety depend on the owner of the premises.

Where to start studying the issue?

The heating process is carried out using butane or propane.

Gas is liquefied in production, then it is driven into cylinders. This is how delivery to the place of consumption takes place - be it private individuals or commercial organizations.

In the normal state, the gas needs to occupy a significant volume, so it is transferred to a liquid form. This treatment allows a much larger volume of gas to be pumped into the tank. Next, the gas cylinder should be connected to the boiler using a reducer (device for reducing pressure). The gas returns to its original gaseous state. Next, the gas is burned in the boiler, as a result, the required heat is released.

The advantages of this type of heating

  • Fuel purity.
  • System autonomy.
  • High stability
  • Ease of use and management.
  • Low fuel costs.

Heating a house with gas cylinders is becoming much more popular in our time, so it is important to think about how the entire system will be installed, no matter whether it is new construction or the reconstruction of an old house or building.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that from such a system it is possible to create a supply for a house or cottage hot water. Such a system will come in handy if there is not a single option to connect to the highway. Such a heating system has a fairly good coefficient useful action, due to the fact that natural gas passes from a liquid state to a gas in a fraction of a second.

If desired, gas cylinders are used almost everywhere, even in a simple hut, so heating a cottage or house with gas cylinders should be called truly autonomous. You can easily warm up any rooms and premises, use the heated water in the system as you please, these are undoubtedly excellent opportunities.

Today, propane-butane is popular among consumers. It has many advantages, which is why it is so in demand.

  • high availability;
  • generated heat;
  • stability, security and simplicity;
  • autonomy.

Thanks to these pluses, we end up with: inexpensive, profitable and reliable equipment that provides home heating. A huge advantage - you can turn off and turn on the heating system with liquefied gas, whether it is day or night. Even when the cottage or house is still in the process of construction or has already been put into operation. Autonomous heating of the house on gas cylinders can be used when it is unprofitable to use other fuels. Any fuel can rise in price, as is the case with diesel fuel or firewood.

Try to listen to all the possible suggestions of professionals and ordinary consumers who use gas cylinder heating. Not only for safety reasons, but also to save money.

Important information!

To ensure the safety of your home and its residents, you can, at night during sleep, lower the gas supply.

In household goods and in many hardware stores and supermarkets, you should buy a burner. There are, of course, many options, but you should look at the options for 10-20 kW, you need to take into account the volume of rooms and premises. The purchased burner is connected to a gas cylinder using a reducer, it uses fuel from one eighth to two cubic meters per square meter. When operating a burner that operates from a central line, valve adjustment will be required, since the opening in the main line in the valve is slightly larger, and the pressure is also lower.

Carefully read the instructions that come with all burners. To save money, you can also connect, for example, the old Soviet gas stove, however, it will have to change the jet. We'll talk about installation next time.

Sometimes sellers in stores may offer more expensive options, saying that the stove will not function on liquefied gas, at the same moment the instruction assured otherwise! Read the instructions.

How is refueling?

This type of heating implies constant delivery of new gas to the place of consumption. In some villages there are special workers with a truck to transport fuel. The following have gas (propane) stations. But not everyone and not always run the way they should.

Filling only half, at some stations they say that the rest must be filled with condensate, because the gas can boil at forty degrees. And the condensate itself will save you from an inevitable explosion.

According to information from various sites, you can find out that 1 cylinder with a capacity of fifty liters is able to provide good functionality with a power of ten to twenty kW. Autonomous system it functions for about 1/3 of the day, the burner is taken into account, and the time it takes to cool down to the desired temperature, which you can choose yourself. As a result, we have - at a temperature of twenty degrees, the heating system uses five kW.

Cons of the system

When located outdoors, and even at low outdoor temperatures in frost, the system will not be able to function normally, or it will turn off completely, due to the fact that the condensate is frozen and does not allow gas to escape.

Useful advice!

Place the cylinders in a warm place, preferably not in a residential area. For many country houses and cottages this is not a problem, there are premises or even separate buildings.

If this is not the case, you should not be upset. Quickly making your own ventilated insulated box should not be a problem. The box itself can be made of metal, insulated with five layers of foam from the inside and drilled holes for ventilation.

Do not forget about the importance of ventilation, put the cylinders in ventilated buildings or rooms. Remember, gas is heavier than air. In the event of a leak, it can lead to trouble.

Is it possible to heat the house with a gas bottle

Individual gas heating of a private house with cylinders is a good alternative, in the absence of the possibility of connecting to a central highway. The cost of heating from gas is much lower than those that have to be paid for heating with electricity, solid fuel and diesel fuel.

The heat output of the system is enough to warm the house, heat enough water. It is possible to make autonomous gas-balloon heating of a country house or summer house with bottled gas in a simple way.

Cylinders with liquefied gas Propane-Butane

Fundamentally, this scheme is no different from the operation of a gas tank. The propane-butane mixture has a high evaporation rate. The gas evaporating from the surface is suitable for the operation of hot water equipment. For efficient operation, it is necessary to connect gas cylinders to each other in a single fuel supply network to the boiler.

Depending on the season, a summer and winter gas mixture is used. In the first, the ratio of propane and butane is approximately 50 to 50%, the second is 85 to 15%. During the winter season, gas with a high butane ratio freezes, causing the system to shut down.

Cylinders are filled under high pressure, which results in the transformation of the gas into a liquid state. To ensure the reverse process and obtain a gaseous mixture, it is necessary to lower the pressure back. Continuity of gas supply is provided by a special reducer.

The node lowers and stabilizes the pressure. Only a hot water boiler can operate on liquefied gas, with a minimum operating pressure of 3-4 mbar. For convenience, autonomous gas heating of the house operates from a bundle of several cylinders connected to a ramp, which automatically switches the flow rate from the main to the backup fuel source.

The disadvantage of using tanks with liquefied propane gas is the impossibility of heating the entire building. The systems are mainly used for heating tourist tents, country houses, construction change houses, etc.

Do I need a permit for heating from gas cylinders

Gas heating systems from cylinders do not need official registration and registration with the gas service or the fire inspectorate. But, the legislation stipulates the norms and requirements necessary for safe operation, presented both for the very connection and placement of gas-cylinder installations, and for the room used as a boiler room and LPG storage.

The legality of the use of gas cylinders for heating is stipulated in the Federal Law. Subject to the requirements of fire supervision, autonomous gasification of a private house through gas-cylinder installations does not require registration. In practice, this means that the only possible claims may be from the fire inspector. At the next check, he can pay attention to errors, and in case of gross violations, he can seal the installation.

How to calculate how many bottles of gas you need per month

On average, a cylinder is enough for 3-4 days of work, subject to heating of 100 m². It turns out that for continuous operation of the boiler during the week, it is necessary to empty two containers of 50 liters each. each. Further calculation of gas consumption for heating when using bottled gas is carried out in the following way:

  1. With the help of two 50l. cylinders can heat a house of 100 m² for a week.
  2. For a month, respectively, about 10 cylinders are needed.

In order to accurately calculate heating using cylinders, it will be necessary to determine the possible heat losses, as well as the additional number of parsing points that will be used in addition to the heating boiler. The approximate consumption of liters of bottled gas per month will be about 500 liters.

What type of balloons to choose?

Since at least 4 cylinders of gas are needed to heat a house, it becomes a difficult task for the consumer: to choose the right container for storing LPG. You can understand the presented assortment if you conditionally classify products into several classes according to the following criteria:

  • Body material - metal is traditionally used in production. Recently, polymer-composite and metal-composite models of cylinders have gained popularity. The weight of such equipment and the susceptibility to corrosion is much less.
  • Volume - the characteristics of gas-balloon equipment largely depend on their capacity. Manufacturers offer containers of 12, 27, 50 and 80 liters. As practice shows, autonomous heating from gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters is optimal.
  • Cost - a metal household liquefied gas cylinder costs 2,500 rubles. polymer-composite about 10,000 rubles. The polymer has a longer service life, so the high cost is fully justified.

How to make gas heating from cylinders yourself

It is better to entrust the installation of autonomous gasification of a private house to specialists, but it is possible to connect the system with your own hands. To do this, it will be necessary to strictly comply with existing fire safety standards and SNiP.

For the correct implementation of the work, several questions will need to be clarified:

  1. Where to locate and how to ensure the storage of cylinders.
  2. How to properly connect several containers to a single network.
  3. Is it possible to heat the cylinder in the winter season.

Where is the LPG equipment located?

Strictly speaking, the placement of gas cylinders in a room is possible only if no more than two containers are connected at the same time (the norms may vary depending on the region). If the number of tanks exceeds the allowable limit, they are installed outdoors in a special cabinet. Additionally, the following rules apply:

  • The minimum distance from heaters to gas cylinders is 1 m. In this case, the maximum volume should not exceed 50 liters. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.5 m if there is a protective screen or wall between the LPG tank, heater or gas stove. Gas cylinders installed indoors can be located at a distance of 1 m from heating appliances and radiators.
  • Cylinders must be stored outdoors in a special cabinet. The base is made of non-combustible materials. The distribution of the pipeline of the gas supply system is carried out along the outer walls to each point of consumption. A sign indicating the storage of LPG is required.
  • When using a propane-butane mixture, you will need to insulate the cylinders located in the closet on the street. To do this, the inner walls are insulated with thermal insulation. It would be optimal to purchase a cabinet for installing heated gas cylinders.
  • Delivery of gas in cylinders is carried out exclusively in specialized vehicles.

Do not store empty containers together with filled ones. Every 4-5 years, the tanks are tested, after which they are again allowed to operate.

How to connect gas cylinders into a single system

The practice of heating from propane cylinders shows that you can significantly reduce costs if you connect not 1-2 containers at the same time, but the whole system. For the installation of gas-balloon heating, the following conditions must be met:

  • Refurbishment of the boiler - it is necessary to replace the burner or jets. If the boiler is universal, the program in the settings changes to switch to LPG. For some models, you will additionally need to replace the gas valve.
  • Ramp of gas-cylinder installations. When the tanks are directly connected to gas equipment, after the gas is produced, the boiler has to be completely turned off to replace the cylinders, which is quite impractical in the winter season. To avoid this, cylinders are heated through a distribution ramp. The node is a two-arm collector. Two groups of LPG tanks are connected to the ramp, working alternately.
    After the fuel has been produced in the main working group, there is an automatic switching between the cylinders. At this moment, the indicator shows information about the need to refuel the tanks of the first group and switch to the reserve.
  • Reducer - the gas mixture is filled into cylinders under pressure, which leads to its transformation into a liquid state. Liquefied gas is not suitable for use in heating equipment. To return the propane-butane mixture to a gaseous state, the initial pressure is required. A special reducer with a capacity of 1.8-2 m³ / hour is connected to the cylinder.

The scheme of the autonomous heating system for a summer house or a country house with gas-balloon equipment with a ramp allows you to simultaneously connect from 1-10 tanks with LPG. The actual need for the number of tanks is calculated from the total heated area.

How to heat a gas cylinder in winter

Heating of cylinders in winter can be done in several ways:

Safety measures for the operation of cylinders

To heat a private house, you need from 4 to 10 cylinders of gas, which in itself is potentially dangerous. For this reason, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the PB:

  • The installation of portable cylinders is carried out strictly according to SNIP. Installation of the gas pipeline and connection to gas consumption points is carried out along the outer walls of the room.
  • The room used as a boiler room must have natural and forced ventilation.
  • The technical conditions for the installation and connection of Propane-Butane bottled gas for home heating allow installation in residential premises of 1 LPG tank. A system of several cylinders is installed exclusively on the street.
  • The warehouse for tanks should not have pits and basements.
  • Do not expose the tank to direct sunlight. The cylinder storage cabinet must be waterproof.


If it is impossible to connect to the central gas pipeline, an alternative to switching to solid fuel or using electric heating can be heating the house with gas cylinders. Such a method of heating a home is by no means a rarity in our country, because in terms of its characteristics, liquefied gas is no different from the main one, even if it is much more expensive.

Heating a private house with gas cylinders

Arrangement of balloon heating

In the vastness of our country there are still areas remote from the main roads and the benefits of civilization with several summer cottages or houses. Is it possible to heat a house with liquefied gas from a cylinder in an area remote from gas communications?

In principle, there are no restrictions and prohibitions on autonomous heating of an individual house with gas in cylinders. But heating with gas not from the central line requires significant costs for obtaining thermal energy.

Heating a house with liquefied gas is rational when:

  • building area up to 100 m 2;
  • arrangement of effective thermal insulation of the building;
  • minimum heat loss.

The organization of heating the home from gas cylinders can also be considered as a short-term solution, since in the future it is possible to re-equip the existing boiler to be fed from the central gas pipeline.

Heating of a country house with liquefied gas is carried out by standard 50-liter cylinders. Vessels are mainly filled with propane and butane, which are pre-liquefied.

Heating with gas can also be carried out with such combinations of combustible substances:

  • SPBTL (summer version of the mixture);
  • SPBTZ (winter version).

LPG cylinders

Cylinders require constant monitoring in winter. Even at the lowest temperatures, heating gas mixtures do not freeze, but interruptions in the supply of fuel are quite likely, which is explained by different boiling temperatures (for propane - -40 ° C, for butane - 0 ° C).

If we consider a temperature of -10 ° C, the mixture begins to boil in a vessel filled with gas, and propane begins to evaporate first. Before the butane begins to boil, a decrease in its evaporation can be observed in the bottled gas, which leads to a decrease in pressure below the level required for normal operation of the boiler.

The best possible solution in such circumstances is to heat the cylinder to a temperature at which the butane begins to evaporate. For this purpose, a corrugated sleeve from the boiler room should be inserted into the box. To transfer heated air through an arranged channel, it is necessary to use low-power duct fans.

Also, when heating in winter, it is possible to organize the heating of the duct with pipes according to the principle of a warm floor.

Cylinders located in conditions of negative temperatures in a country house or in a private house should never be heated with heating cables or heating elements.

Which boiler to use

Gas heating of a private house from cylinders is mainly carried out using a boiler with a water circuit as a heat generator. Moreover, any model of boilers designed for burning natural gas is suitable. For normal operation of the equipment, you only need to replace the burner or adjust (replace) the nozzles - most boiler manufacturers include a special kit for liquefied gases in the delivery.

Similarly, the type of heating device and its power are selected. However, taking into account the high operating costs of gas-balloon heating, it is necessary to choose a boiler with the highest possible efficiency, for example, a gas condensing heat generator.

Wall-mounted gas boiler for cylinder heating

Boiler connection diagram

Heating a country house with gas cylinders requires retrofitting with equipment and purchases:

  • boiler;
  • special nozzles for gas, if they are not included with the boiler;
  • ramps;
  • shutoff valve.

Installation of cylinders in basements or basements is not recommended, the best place for their location is a box made of metal, with ventilation holes made from the bottom and top of the front part.

Tanks should be placed strictly horizontally, storage of full cylinders in a vertical position is not allowed. The box should be located on the north side of the building, if possible - in the most shaded place.

For normal operation of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to connect it to a "battery" of 4-5 cylinders for heating. Their installation and connection is carried out according to the following scheme.

For the device of the outlet gas pipeline, a pipe with walls from 2 mm thick is used. At the point of its passage in the wall, a sleeve with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipe by 20-30 mm is installed. The space between the pipe and the circumference of the sleeve is filled with mounting foam.

The inclusion of vessels in the system is carried out using a reducer that returns gas from a liquid back to a vapor state for its subsequent supply to the boiler.

Connection is carried out in two ways: one common reducer for all cylinders or one device for each of the vessels. The implementation of the second method will cost more, but it provides complete security.

To increase the interval between fillings, it is better to connect several cylinders to the boiler at the same time through a ramp - a two-arm manifold that separates the vessels into the main and spare bundles. Gas first comes from the main bundle, and when it comes to an end, the boiler switches to a spare one. When installing new, filled cylinders, the heating device returns to power from the main bundle.

LPG heating system

All connections during installation are made in the form of pipes and hoses, detachable connections are checked for leakage by washing.

Heating a country house with bottled gas requires compliance with the most important safety rule: filling a bottle with more than 80% of the volume is prohibited. The reason is the high percentage of expansion of the mixture of propane and butane. Despite the sufficient strength of the cylinder, when its volume is filled over 94% and the temperature rises, there is a high probability of an explosion.

Cylinders or gas tank

To store gas in a liquid state, gas holders are also used - steel tanks of large volume, which, unlike standard cylinders, are often enough for the entire cold period.

However, heating a private house with gas cylinders seems to be more convenient, since there are no problems with the purchase and delivery of fuel in any volume. In addition, gas storage in gas tanks requires a significant amount of excavation, which will lead to additional costs.

The disadvantage of balloon heating compared to using a gas tank is the need to simultaneously connect several vessels at once. The point here is not the desired gas supply, but the fact that a single cylinder has an insignificant evaporation area and cannot provide enough fuel to a powerful burner. To heat the house, you need to immediately collect a group of vessels.

Gas tank 500 liters

What is a reducer for?

Cylinder pressure is a variable that depends on a number of conditions:

  • the number of vessels;
  • remaining fuel;
  • composition and temperature of the gas mixture;
  • distance from the box with cylinders to the boiler.

A reducer is used to convert and maintain a stable gas pressure in the vapor phase.

The device is selected according to two main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • operating pressure.

Energy-efficient heating of a country house with gas cylinders depends on the fuel consumption of the heating installation. In this regard, the productivity of the gearbox should be no less than the injectivity of the boiler.

According to the working pressure, the device is selected in accordance with the parameters of the heater. If the pressure supplied by the reducer is too high, then the boiler automation may be damaged, or the flame will “break off” and the burner will die out. Reducers are produced with a pressure of 30, 37, 42 and 50 mbar. There are also models in which this parameter is adjustable in the range from 20 to 60 mbar.

High tech pressure regulator

When connecting cylinders using flexible hoses, you will need a reducer with a “herringbone” fitting; when connecting using combs and rigid pipes, fittings will be required with threaded outlets.

In addition to their intended purpose, gearboxes switched by automation are equipped with protective elements. When the pressure rises to a critical level, the protection automatically works by opening the relief valve.

LPG consumption

Heating with liquefied gas for a house with an area of ​​​​about 100 m 2 can be carried out by a boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. To obtain 1 kW of heat energy, it will be necessary to consume 100-120 g / min of liquefied gas with a 100% boiler load. If the duration of the cold season is approximately 7 months, then the approximate estimated consumption for the entire season will be about 5 tons.

But in fact, the consumption will be almost half as much - the automation switches the heater into an economical mode at a sufficient temperature in the rooms or in accordance with the timer readings.

When comparing the cost of heating a summer house or a house from a main gas pipeline, heating with gas cylinders will be about 5-6 times more expensive. But in the end it will still be cheaper than heating with electricity.

If you look at the cost of gas in a liquid state, then heating a country house from cylinders can be considered not the worst replacement for liquid fuel and electric systems. Especially if there are problems with solid fuel in the region or its cost is too high.

Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters

Heating on liquefied gas is the best solution if gasification of the settlement is planned in the near future, since then it will not be necessary to purchase a boiler again. In addition, personal experience in handling a gas boiler will be obtained.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas

Heating a private house with bottled gas has, in fact, only one significant drawback - the high cost of installation and operation. You will have to pay not only for the consumed gas itself, but also for the delivery of cylinders, and they will most likely have to be changed every week.

However, individual heating of a house or a summer residence with gas cylinders has its undeniable advantages.:

  • high efficiency and significantly lower labor costs compared to wood heating;
  • the possibility of re-equipping the boiler to work with conventional main gas in the future;
  • complete independence and autonomy of the system;
  • long service life of the equipment;
  • high demand for equipment in the secondary market - if necessary, cylinders can always be sold, while returning most of the money spent on them.

Conclusion . Heating on gas cylinders as the only way to heat a home cannot be called profitable in the long run. But as a temporary measure with re-equipment of the boiler for main gas in the future, it is quite suitable.

If it is not possible to connect to the central gas pipeline, then some owners of private houses decide to equip autonomous gasification. The heart of such a system is a gas liquefied gas boiler - the unit is connected to a gas tank or propane cylinders.

The boiler plant is able to heat a room of any size. In order for the boiler to provide the residents with the proper level of comfort, it is necessary to carefully consider the issue of its choice.

We will tell you how the gas unit works, what types of boilers are on the market, what are the features of their installation and operation. So that you can decide on a purchase, we have listed the main selection criteria and prepared an overview of popular manufacturers of heating equipment.

Liquefied gas is natural resource, artificially chilled to -160 °C for easy storage and transportation.

A boiler using this type of fuel, in appearance, design and type, is a traditional heat generator. It burns gaseous fuel, and the resulting heat is directed to heat the heat exchanger.

Boilers operating on liquefied gas can be converted to traditional main gas in the future if such communications appear near the living quarters. To do this, you will need to replace several work items and reconnect the equipment to a centralized gas system

From there, the useful resource “takes” the coolant and transfers it along the contour communications, in this way heating houses and heating domestic water, if this is provided for by the design of the equipment.

Specific features of functioning

The first main difference between the unit and analogues operating on traditional main gas is the ability to function efficiently even with reduced fuel pressure. The second is a special nozzle in which the jet holes have a reduced diameter, suitable specifically for a propane-butane mixture.

In order for the boiler to cope with heating a residential building and heating water for plumbing and domestic needs, it will need to be provided with the necessary amount of fuel. To do this, you will have to build a gas tank on the site (a reservoir located underground) or connect equipment to propane cylinders

The connection of the supply communications to the boiler is carried out by means of. It controls the supply of fuel and ensures its reasonable consumption - within 1.8-2.0 m 3 / h.

In order to quickly and not very costly equip a fuel tank, you can purchase a mobile gas tank. It will instantly solve the problem with the storage of the resource and will allow you to supply heating to the cottage or not too large country house

The main functionality also includes a security unit, consisting of safety valves, temperature controller, . A system equipped with these elements is easy to operate and does not create any problems for the owners during use.

Types of propane boilers

There are three types of units on the home appliance market. These are single-circuit, double-circuit and condensing boilers. They perform similar tasks, but differ in the principle of device and functionality.

Features of single-circuit devices

A boiler with one circuit is intended only for space heating and is usually placed where water heating is solved in some alternative way.

The cost of single-circuit boilers is slightly lower than that of similar devices with two circuits. This is due to the fact that the equipment performs only a narrowly focused function - heating the home.

The module is supplied with a closed combustion chamber, and in the process of operation, the boiler flame is enriched with oxygen coming from the room where the equipment is located. The materials spent during the combustion process are discharged to the street through a vertical chimney specially equipped for this purpose.

Nuances of double-circuit products

Devices equipped with two circuits effectively heat living quarters of any size and provide households with hot water. The coolant is heated by two burners, ignited with an igniter equipped with a built-in system of piezoelectric elements.

When the flame ignites, the temperature sensor is activated. Upon reaching certain indicators, it gives a signal to automation, and access to the combustion chamber is covered.

If the unit has a closed combustion chamber, for correct operation and timely removal of combustion products, it is necessary to equip a coaxial chimney with forced draft. This design will ensure a uniform flow of oxygen to the wick and ensure stable combustion.

Waste materials and acid impurities leave the room through a chimney or through a ventilation outlet.

How condensing units work

The condensing type boiler supplies heating to the dwelling, and hot water for domestic purposes, but does it a little differently than a double-circuit one. In the condenser cold water, once in the heat exchanger, is heated by the burner and hot air.

The condensing boiler belongs to high-tech types of equipment and consumes fuel very economically. The flue gas temperature at the burner is 40°C and the efficiency level reaches 97%. At the same time, heat losses do not exceed 0.5%

Then half of the liquid goes into the communications of the heating system, and the second half enters the taps for washing, washing and other household needs. After going through a full cycle, the water from the radiator returns to the heat exchanger and the whole procedure is repeated again.

Types of products by location

Equipment operating on liquefied fuel is floor-mounted and mounted. Each option has specific characteristics that make it attractive and practical under certain conditions.

With this information in hand, the owners can independently determine which device is most suitable for them, and then purchase it in a specialized store.

Option #1: floor equipment

Floor-standing devices are the most widely used. These are high-power units capable of providing comfortable heat and hot water not only to standard residential buildings, but also to large country cottages.

The main active element of the devices is supercharged gas-burner. It has a good degree of efficiency and is characterized by high heat dissipation.

Floor-standing devices show stability in operation even with a strong drop in gas pressure in the system and reliably serve in intensive operation from 15 to 25 years, depending on the manufacturer

The boilers are equipped with a cast iron or steel heat exchanger. The cast iron element is heavy and has a long service life. A steel object is much lighter, but exhibits fragility, sensitivity to mechanical damage and shock and lasts for a shorter period of time.

In addition to the basic elements, progressive modules have all kinds of auxiliary equipment that increases operational safety. These are sensors for controlling the level of thrust, the volume of the coolant and the presence of a flame, as well as thermostats that block operation at an emergency high level of heating of the working fluid

The device, depending on the manufacturer, is equipped with a piezo or electronic ignition system. In the first variant, the device is started manually by pressing a button.

In the second case, activation occurs automatically, and the boiler does not consume excess fuel during operation, since there is no igniter in the system with a flame burning in a constant mode.

Detailed information on the selection and installation of floor gas boilers is presented in the articles:

Option #2: Wall Mounted Devices

Boilers intended for wall placement, are compact in size and modern appearance. They occupy a minimum amount of space and are suitable for placement in small-sized rooms with a complex layout.

The installation of a mounted boiler is always carried out by a master with experience in such a plan. The equipment must be installed in accordance with the safety requirements for domestic gas systems.

Functionally, they are no different from the floor ones, however, they have a slightly lower power and are not very suitable for use in large, spacious houses. But they economically consume the fuel resource, while providing high level comfort in living quarters.

Advantages and disadvantages of units

Boilers running on liquefied gas are cheaper than appliances using other types of resources.

Among the advantages of the equipment are parameters such as:

  1. Complete independence from centralized fuel supplies and regular price hikes for utility services. The autonomy of the system ensures the absence of emergencies.
  2. High level of efficiency- an average of 92-95% and up to 97% for individual models.
  3. Silent burner- for comparison, the burner device of a diesel boiler produces a noise effect of 60-75 dB.
  4. Ease of maintenance. The equipment does not require time-consuming and expensive maintenance, replacement of the fuel filter and nozzle, reconfiguration of the burner and cleaning of the heat exchanger.
  5. Ability to work through the main gas- in the future, you can not buy a new boiler, but transfer the existing one to a centralized supply of blue fuel.
  6. Duration of operation- the service life of outdoor - up to 25 years, wall - 15-20 years, subject to qualified installation, compliance with operating rules and timely service.
  7. LPG Safety- the fuel does not ignite even when the container in which it is contained is heated. Combustion occurs only at the moment of mixing the substance and oxygen, and this happens directly in the burner and only in it.

On sale there are completely non-volatile products that allow you to organize a full-fledged heating system in hard-to-reach conditions, for example, in remote forest areas or high in the mountains.

Of the minuses of the devices, the following positions are most significant:

  • the need for constant high-quality work to connect the boiler to 3-4 propane cylinders by means of a reducer and a ramp;
  • it is undesirable to place containers with liquefied gas near the boiler - it is better to place them in rooms nearby, equipped with a good ventilation system, or take them outside and mount them in a special box;
  • care and caution required when connecting the cylinder, since all operations are performed manually and require the use of physical force;
  • subsequent conversion of some models of boilers to conventional gas is expensive (burner replacement costs 30-40% of the total price of the boiler);
  • installation of the unit and connection to gas supply communications must be done by a licensed specialist with experience.

The ratio of pluses and minuses must be considered in each individual case and, based on the conclusions drawn, a decision should be made regarding the appropriateness of purchasing one or another type of equipment.

Important selection criteria

When planning the purchase of a device, you need to take into account such a parameter as base power. This indicator is measured in kW and indicated in the documentation attached to the boiler. The heated area is usually 9-10 times higher than this value. For example, by purchasing a unit with a capacity of 10.5-11.3 kW, it will be possible to fully heat a house with a size of about 100 sq.m.

Experts recommend, when calculating the ratio of power / area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, to make allowances for possible severe frosts in the winter season and purchase a boiler with some margin (about 15-20%). Otherwise, during the period of intense cold, the system will not physically be able to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

The efficiency of the unit is also very important. The higher this indicator, the more economically the boiler consumes the fuel resource, while ensuring the most efficient return. In models of the budget line, the coefficient usually ranges from 90-94%.

For more progressive premium products, it reaches 96-97%, but the cost of such units is an order of magnitude higher than the average price.

Another key position that cannot be ignored is fuel consumption. The data indicated in the accompanying documents by the manufacturer are considered conditional.

How much gas do propane people actually use? gas boilers, depends on the efficiency and power of the units, the set temperature in the living room, the actual heat loss of the building and other factors.

More accurate figures can only be determined by specialized specialists, but even their information will have an error of 10-15%.

Liquefied fuel equipment must operate at a low pressure level in the system (no more than 3-5 mbar). Only such values ​​​​allow you to effectively produce gas from cylinders in full and without residue.

If the plans include organizing only a heating system, a single-circuit boiler is suitable for purchase. When you also need to provide hot water, you will have to purchase a condensing one or with an open or closed combustion chamber.

For a large residential cottage, it is better to choose a floor unit. It has more power and can provide the room with useful heat and the right amount of hot water.

For a medium or small house, or an apartment on the ground, a compact attachment will suffice. When placed, it will not take up much space and harmoniously fit into interior solution any type.

Rating of popular models and manufacturers

Boiler Siberia, manufactured at the domestic enterprise JSC "Rostovgazoapparat" - the best-selling module among all presented on the market today gas equipment.

It is a non-volatile unit with a highly reliable Eurosit automation system, made in Italy and fully adapted to domestic operating conditions.

The Siberia appliance is made of durable high quality materials. A layer of thermal insulation coating, available on all models, makes operation safe and protects the user from burns and other potential injuries.

The heat exchange tank is boiled in automatic mode and due to this it has increased strength. Double-circuit boilers are equipped with a flowing copper circuit for efficient heating and subsequent supply of hot water to the system.

The control of the module is carried out at an intuitive level and does not create difficulties even for those users who are “not friends” with technology.

Models are presented in the widest range and various dimensions, safe and silent. The high quality of the products is confirmed by standard certification certificates, and the reasonable cost of the devices makes them doubly attractive in the eyes of customers.

High-quality and competitive in all respects equipment for Russian market supplied by an Italian company Ferroli. The products of this company are stylish, modern design and a convenient control panel that provides for displaying the general mode of operation of the equipment and temperature indicators.

The Ferroli boiler is equipped with a progressive and convenient system that protects the equipment from freezing. The design provides the ability to connect a room thermostat and a remote control function at the request of the user

Among the main features of the equipment is a compact copper heat exchanger, created using a technology patented by the company. It consists of 3 communication tubes connected in series into a single complex.

Serpentine hot water elements are located inside them, and the outer part has an anti-corrosion coating made on the basis of an aluminum alloy. The boiler is the smallest and lightest unit on the market.

german corporation Bosch offers convection turbocharged boilers designed for wall placement. They work correctly at low gas pressure in the system and provide the room with full heat in the required volume.

The control unit of the unit contains a temperature limiter that prevents overheating of the heat exchanger and a pressure sensor that protects the equipment from operation in the absence of a coolant in the system

No less high-quality and practical boilers for operation on liquefied gas are supplied by the industrial group Viessmann(Germany). The product range includes both high-power floor modules and mounted compact units for small spaces.

Devices of the German manufacturer Viessmann operate silently, demonstrate a high level of efficiency and reliably serve for many years.

All processes are fully automated, and in some premium models it is possible to connect an SMS alert or open access to control via the Internet.

In addition to the classic ones, the company also produces condensation products. They consume fuel with extreme efficiency and provide heat transfer in the amount of 97%. The heat exchange device in them is made of steel, and the presence of a controller allows the user to install an additional thermostat.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to properly organize the gasification of a dwelling using gas cylinders. Connection of boilers, features of increasing the capacity of the system in case of an increase in the energy demand of customers:

Features of the floor heating boiler operating on liquefied fuel:

Modern installation. a boiler operating on liquefied bottled gas is the best way to equip a heating system in a house located far from centralized communication networks. The equipment is practical, durable, reliable and perfectly copes with the tasks.

If in the future there is a need to switch to the use of the main gas resource, it will not be necessary to completely dismantle the unit.

It is enough just to call a specialist, pay for the replacement of the burner, make some changes to the electronic control unit, reconfigure the valve, and the equipment will begin to fully function in the new mode, without causing any problems or inconvenience to the owners.

Are you looking for an efficient and reliable gas boiler for your home? Or do you have experience with these settings? Please leave comments on the article and share your impressions about the use of gas equipment. The contact form is located in the lower block.

If there is no main gas pipeline near your house, you will have to choose an autonomous heating option - a gas boiler for heating a private house with cylinders. Experts say that this type of heating will certainly cost more than main gas, but cheaper than electric and liquid fuel options.

Most gas boilers can run on both natural and bottled fuel. When choosing a unit for operation on liquefied gas, it should be noted that some models come with a set of nozzles with which you can convert the boiler to operate on bottled fuel. If such equipment is not included in the kit, you can purchase it separately. In some units, you will have to replace the entire burner.

Connecting the gas pipeline from the cylinders to gas boiler produced similarly to the connection with the gas main. It will only be necessary to take into account the nuances of storing cylinders in accordance with all fire safety standards.

A significant disadvantage of the use of gas cylinders is the need for their constant refueling. A standard container of 50 liters is enough for an average of 2-5 days, depending on the temperature outside. To reduce the frequency of refueling and avoid a situation where the end of the gas in the cylinder will take you by surprise at night, you should combine several containers with one ramp. This device allows simultaneous connection of up to ten cylinders.

Note! To achieve uniform fuel pressure when it enters the gas boiler, a special gearbox of the appropriate capacity is connected. For heating, a device designed for fuel consumption up to 2 m3 / h is suitable.

The ramp is a two-arm collector, and works as follows:

  • balloons are divided into two groups;
  • first, the gas comes from the tanks of the first group;
  • when the fuel runs out, gas begins to flow from the second group;
  • after refueling the main cylinders and connecting them, fuel will again come from them.

To continuously monitor the gas pressure, a pressure gauge must be connected to the cylinder system.

Rules for the operation of gas cylinders

The rules and regulations for the storage and operation of gas cylinders are regulated by fire safety rules. Here are the main ones:

  1. Cylinders with gas should not be located with heating devices in the same room.
  2. Fuel containers should be stored outside housing in a special metal container or in a separate non-residential area, which should be well ventilated and not have a cellar. The fact is that gas is heavier than air and tends to accumulate at floor level in case of leaks. When concentrated in a cellar or pit, it can become explosive.
  3. Empty cylinders cannot be stored in a residential building.
  4. In order for the cylinders installed on the street not to freeze in frost, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the container with non-combustible heat-insulating material.
  5. Every 4 years cylinders should be checked for tightness and integrity of the walls.
  6. You need to fill the tanks with fuel after using 90% of the gas. Full production is not allowed.

Refill cylinders the following types gas:

  • propane;
  • butane;
  • propane-butane mixture.

Tanks should not be filled with more than 80% of the volume, since when heated, the gas tends to increase. The expansion coefficient of the gas mixture is 6-7%, therefore, if you fill it with more than 90%, it may explode under conditions of temperature difference.

How to correctly calculate the required number of cylinders?

On average, 2-3 fifty-liter cylinders are enough to heat a house up to 100 m². It turns out that 9-14 containers are needed per month. For the convenience of gas heating a house with an area of ​​100 m², you will have to install a ramp of at least 4 cylinders: 2 main and 2 backup.

In addition to the size of housing, the need for fuel is influenced by:

  • consumption of liquefied gas by the boiler;
  • quality of building insulation;
  • average annual outdoor temperature;
  • availability of additional fuel consumption points.

If you want the unit to also provide hot water, then keep in mind that a water boiler for heating from a gas cylinder will consume 20-35% more gas.

The best gas boiler for liquefied fuel

The experience of using gas boilers operating on bottled fuel has shown that not all of them successfully cope with their task. In some cases, after re-equipment of the unit for liquefied gas, its efficiency decreased. The best boilers, which give high performance on gas from cylinders, are:

  1. Condensing boilers - their design is designed to work in conditions of low gas pressure. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the burner and nozzles more often.
  2. Units, in the technical documentation of which it is indicated that they can operate on liquefied fuel.
  3. Gas devices equipped with weather-dependent automation, which can significantly reduce fuel consumption.
Note! It is dangerous to convert a gas boiler to work on bottled fuel on your own. It is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.

Is bottled gas heating profitable?

Many of those who are going to arrange autonomous heating are interested in how profitable the use of liquefied fuel is. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since climatic conditions can differ significantly in different regions of the country, and the cost of energy carriers also varies. Therefore, the calculation should be made for each type of fuel.

When determining the required costs for gas heating from cylinders, one should also take into account the costs of regular transportation of containers for their refueling. As practice shows, heating on liquefied fuel turns out to be profitable if 3 conditions are met:

  • the house is sufficiently insulated;
  • housing area less than 100 m²;
  • there is one more alternative source heating.

Heating on bottled gas is the best option in the event that in the near future your village is going to be gasified, and such heating is only a temporary measure.

Most owners of an LPG heating system have an alternative heating source. In severe frosts, they switch to the use of electrical installations or solid fuel heating.

To date, the most common type and method of heating real estate in the suburbs, suburban towns and villages is home heating using gas cylinders.

This is the most promising and promising method of heating small dachas, cottages and high-rise residences.

But it, like other home heating options, has its drawbacks and of course advantages. To do this, it is necessary, at least theoretically, to represent gas-balloon heating, the equipment itself and how to use it.

Theoretical part

Heating is carried out using gas:

  • butane;
  • propane.

The gas is liquefied, bottled and supplied in this state to industries and the private sector.

Since in the gaseous state of aggregation, the gas occupies a large volume with a small amount, as a result of its treatment with high pressure, it passes into a liquid state. This allows you to pump gas into the cylinders of a larger volume.

The cylinder is connected to the heating boiler through a reducer (a device for reducing the pressure in the system).

The gas leaving the cylinder passes through the reducer and, as a result of a rapid decrease in pressure, returns to its original (gaseous) state of aggregation. In the boiler, it is burned, releasing a large amount of heat.

Advantages of gas-balloon heating at home

  • Fuel: clean (environmentally) and meets all regulations and standards.
  • Autonomy.
  • Relative stability: the pressure in the pipes does not jump and does not change.
  • Simple operation and ease of management.
  • Fuel consumption is minimal.

During new construction and renovation old building you need to carefully consider the heating of the dacha with gas cylinders, which in last years becomes even more popular.

In addition, from the heating system on gas cylinders, you can supply your suburban real estate with hot water.

Advice! For greater savings and safety, it is useful to reduce the gas supply or completely turn it off during sleep. Burner for heating on cylinders

In many stores you can buy a burner designed to work from liquefied gas cylinders.

There are many options to choose from, but it is best to choose a burner with a capacity of approximately 10-20 kW, depending on the total volume of heated rooms.

A liquefied gas cylinder is connected to the purchased burner through a special gearbox (purchased separately), which should consume from 1.8 cubic meters per hour to 2 cubic meters per hour (the usual one uses 0.8).

If you use a burner that is designed to work from main gas, it will be necessary to adjust the valve for proportional gas supply, since the pressure in the line is an order of magnitude lower and the hole in the valve is larger.

Each burner, which is designed for heating the house with bottled gas, is accompanied by an instruction in which you will find a description of this adjustment.

You can, of course, use an old, Soviet-style gas stove (to save money), but you will also have to replace the jet in it (see photo)

Gas stove jets

on the other (with a smaller hole).

You can find all methods, methods and instructions on how to do this in articles and forums on the Internet or watch a video about reinstalling jets.

On a note! In one of the articles we read on the Internet, in an article about buying a burner, it is said that the sellers, wanting to sell a more expensive product, assured the buyer that the stove would not work on liquefied gas, although the instructions provided for the possibility of adjusting the valve.

Cylinder filling

Heating with bottled gas requires the timely delivery of a new portion of gas. In some villages and towns there are special teams with a truck and auxiliary workers, in others there are special gas stations for filling gas into cylinders.

But not everyone fills the gas as needed. At some gas filling stations, only half a cylinder of gas is filled, and the remaining half is filled with condensate, citing the fact that the gas boils already at -40 degrees Celsius and the condensate is necessary to prevent the cylinder from bursting.

From various forums, you can find out that approximately one gas cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters can ensure the normal operation of a heating system with an automatic power of 10-20 kW.

The automatic system operates approximately one third of the time per day, turning on the burner as it cools down to certain temperature(which you install).

That is, at a room temperature threshold of about 20 degrees, your system consumes an average of 5 kW.


  • At low temperatures in winter frosts(if the cylinder is located outside) your system may shut down as the condensate freezes and prevents the gas from escaping.

Advice! Gas cylinders must be kept in a sufficiently warm place.

  • This means that you will have to place the cylinders in a room where there is heat, but preferably not in a residential area. Many have separate buildings, old greenhouses, etc. on their personal plots.
  • If you do not have a suitable building nearby, you can make a simple insulated box with your own hands, which is made of metal or plastic.

  • All walls are insulated with a 5 cm layer of foam, ventilation holes are provided in the lid

Advice! Do not place cylinders in unventilated rooms and rooms with a basement and underground floor.

  • Propane and butane gases are heavier and denser than air. If they leak, they can collect, for example, in the basement, which, once the concentration is reached, can lead to irreversible consequences.

An approximate calculation for heating a house of 200 sq. / M shows that the price for a full heating season will be 40-60 thousand rubles (see)