Boilers of long burning. Long-burning wood-fired boilers: advantages and disadvantages Long-burning solid fuel heating boilers

  • 15.06.2019

Which solid fuel boiler for heating a private house should be preferred? We understand the features, pros and cons of modern heating units long burning.

Frequent loading of the firebox is the main disadvantage of classic solid fuel heat sources. The fuel in them burns out quickly enough, and the generated heat is not enough for a short time. Allows you to solve the problem modern boilers long burning, which increase the process of combustion of solid fuel material by tens of times.

Long-burning heating boiler for a private house

Highly efficient heating units make the most of the heat energy released by the fuel during combustion, so they are ideal for heating private houses, as well as industrial premises.

The market for solid fuel boilers for long burning is quite extensive - the range includes models from the simplest to the most adapted to the interests of the user.

All units of this type work effectively even on minimum capacities, demonstrating the difference in the volume of accumulated heat in comparison with classical boilers by approximately 10 times

Heating boiler for wood

A suitable heat source is selected taking into account the following factors:

  1. what type of fuel will be used (coal, firewood, peat briquettes, waste from wood processing and similar solid combustible substances);
  2. what type of boiler is needed (simple, combined or universal);
  3. how large the area will be heated;
  4. how often fuel will be loaded;
  5. what budget is planned for the purchase of the boiler.

Principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, the installations are divided into two types:

  1. operating according to the classical scheme with the inclusion of a blower-fan;
  2. models with top loading and air supply.

Heating system of a private house with a boiler

In both of these options, the operation of the blower is controlled by a special electronic unit - it controls the temperature of the water, increasing or slowing down the performance of the fan. In units with a supercharger, a decrease in the inertia of the processes is provided, due to which the duration of the combustion of solid fuel increases.

In models with top loading, respectively, the supercharger is located in the upper part of the case. Air is supplied from top to bottom, fuel is burned in a similar direction, as a result, a fully charged installation is able to work very long time(from 8 to 48 hours).

In general, long-burning units have a lot of advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. Regardless of the principle of operation, they must be cleaned from time to time - if cleaning is neglected, the equipment may simply fail.

Scheme: long-burning boiler device

On the full power boiler equipment does not heat up immediately, but after a certain time. Another disadvantage is that it is impossible to quickly stop the operation of a long-burning boiler if necessary.

Differences in the type of solid fuel used: what to consider when choosing

Between themselves, long-burning boilers differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the type of fuel used. Each of the heating units operating on a solid type of fuel has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered when choosing.

wood burning boiler

The most important thing when choosing this model is the volume of the firebox itself for laying firewood, which will fit in it with one load. The larger the capacity of the firebox, the longer the firewood will burn.

Wood boiler for heating

coal boiler

If coal is used as a fuel, first of all, you should pay attention to the material of manufacture when choosing a suitable model. It is better to give preference to structures made of cast iron or stainless steel.

The wall thickness of the furnace also plays an important role, since the temperature will be very high when burning coal. It is recommended to choose a model with the thickest walls, which will keep warm for a long time.

Coal boiler for heating

pellet boiler

This type of boilers is able to work offline for the longest period of time, therefore it is very popular with consumers. Its battery life directly depends on the size of the hopper - the tank can hold from a minimum of 20 kg to several tons of granules. Therefore, it is rational to choose models with a capacious bunker in order to reduce the number of fuel tabs.

  • high efficiency;
  • profitability;
  • automatic control (in the presence of electricity, the equipment independently pours fuel into the furnace using an auger);
  • there is no need for frequent cleaning, since the fuel burns out almost completely.

pellet boiler

  • rather high cost;
  • energy dependence;
  • high quality fuel (whole low-ash pellets) is required, otherwise the burner clogs very quickly.

pyrolysis boiler

The operation of the pyrolysis boiler occurs by distillation of fuel at elevated temperatures with limited oxygen supply, which contributes to the decomposition of wood into the so-called pyrolysis gas. Pyrolysis-type boilers have two furnaces, in one of which the primary combustion of fuel is carried out, and in the second - gas afterburning.

pyrolysis boiler

  • profitability;
  • high efficiency;
  • no special manual adjustment required;
  • practically no ash remains;
  • the temperature of the heat-carrier water remains stable as long as there is at least a minimum of solid fuel in the furnace;
  • heating of the room is achieved in 30-40 minutes;
  • equally good quality indicators both in natural and forced circulation coolant in the system.
  • Types of pyrolysis boilers for long burning

    Combined boiler

    In addition to the main one, secondary types of fuel, as well as their combinations, can be used in these units. Some of the models are equipped with an additional function - electric heating, which turns on after the existing fuel burns out, when the boiler begins the cooling process.

    Combined long-burning boiler


    The basic indicators when choosing a long-burning heating boiler are the power of the equipment, as well as the combustion method. The most efficient in terms of efficiency are boilers, the principle of operation of which is based on the pyrolysis process. Unlike conventional combustion, pyrolysis boilers burn not only fuel, but also wood gases.

    Long-burning boiler - a modern way to heat a living space

    An additional plus in favor of their choice is ease of maintenance, since soot is practically not formed, the cleaning process is simplified. If there is no desire from time to time to load the next portion of fuel into the boiler, then it is rational to purchase automated system which completely eliminates manual labor.

    What is a long-burning boiler: video

    Long burning boiler: photo

    Traditionally it was thought that solid fuel boilers almost indistinguishable from the usual wood stove, and the only difference is in the body material. But this is far from true. Behind last years manufacturers of heating equipment have significantly upgraded the internal structure and principle of operation, turning metal heaters into a reliable and economical unit that allows you to quickly and efficiently maintain a given temperature level in the room.

    Types of long-burning boilers

    The general gasification of settlements has led to a decrease in the popularity of solid fuel stoves. But, if earlier it was necessary to add a new portion of fuel to such units every two to three hours, besides, they were far from cheap, now the situation has changed in better side. In specialized stores or markets in Moscow, you can buy any model inexpensively with a factory warranty for several years. It offers buyers for sale equipment with manual or automatic feeding fuel at different prices. All models have one important function - the process of slow combustion of fuel with a high rate of efficiency.

    There are several types of boilers, based on the principle of operation:

    • Extended firebox. During the operation of such a boiler, air is supplied to the combustion chamber in certain portions. This procedure allows you to increase the period between bookmarks of fuel up to 8 hours;
    • Top burning stove. If the splinter is turned with the burning side down, then it will burn out faster than the one that stands the other way around. This feature has been implemented in similar models, where the burner is on top and gradually moves down;
    • Pyrolysis or gas generating. Such equipment has a complex technological system; it can operate up to 12 hours on one firewood tab. In a heated combustion chamber, wood gradually smolders without feeding fresh air. During combustion, carbon monoxide, methane, nitrogen and hydrogen are released. It is fed through a special nozzle into the next chamber, where it burns in a mixture with forced air. In this case, the temperature can reach 10000 C.

    Arrangement of the heating system

    Long-burning solid fuel boilers are supplemented with one or two circuits that are connected to an autonomous heating system of a residential or production premises. The heat carrier of the working circuit is heated inside the heater, giving off its heat through the radiators to the room air.

    For small houses ovens that use convection are great. The main coolant in such models is not liquid, but air. Through metal tubes, the hot portion rises, and the cold air flow enters the heat exchanger. This cheap way perfect for country houses or small commercial buildings.

    Before you buy the appropriate unit, you need to choose a copy that is suitable for power and price. On sale you can find boilers weighing more than 200 kg, the installation of which will require a reinforced base. In any case, solid fuel boilers will help to inexpensively organize an autonomous heating system for a private house in Moscow.

    Solid fuel boilers of long burning

    What are solid fuel boilers, and what are the principles of their operation

    It would seem that heating a house with solid fuel (wood, coal, peat) will disappear from use in the 21st century. But this statement turned out to be premature: today many more modern houses fueled by these energy sources. Of course, not an old stone stove is used to heat the room, but modern heating boilers on solid fuel.

    These heat generators can operate on different type energy carrier:

    • coal pellets;
    • firewood;
    • usual coal;
    • peat pellets.

    The principle of operation of a solid fuel boiler is quite simple: any of the above energy carriers is loaded into the furnace compartment of the boiler and ignited. The heat from combustion heats the water, which, circulating through the pipes, heats the house. Such heating boilers for long-burning wood have a number of negative features:

    • short burning period (2-8 hours);
    • the need to remove the ashes;
    • the need to regularly throw new portions of the energy carrier into the furnace.
    • low efficiency.

    It was possible to get rid of these shortcomings with the development of fundamentally new solid fuel heat generators, which are long-burning solid fuel boilers. They are divided into two types:

    • pyrolysis;
    • upper combustion boilers.

    Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers of long burning

    The mechanism of operation of the pyrolysis boiler is based on the principle of splitting the energy carrier into pyrolysis gas and coke. This problem is solved with the help of a low burning rate of fuel, which, in fact, does not burn, but smolders. As a result of this smoldering, pyrolysis gas is formed, which burns when combined with air.

    A long-burning pyrolysis boiler on wood or any other solid energy carrier structurally consists of two chambers: in the first, the fuel itself is split, and in the second, the pyrolysis gas is burned. In such a unit, the combustion process is under the control of automation: to increase the intensity of combustion, the system slightly opens the damper of the combustion chamber, letting more oxygen into it, and to reduce the temperature, it closes it.

    Pyrolysis gas generators have a number of advantages:

    • high efficiency of burning the energy carrier (there is a minimum of waste);
    • long period of work without reloading;
    • environmental friendliness (it emits a minimum of harmful gases that undergo thorough filtration);
    • high reliability.

    Pyrolysis units, due to the fact that they consist mainly of mechanical elements, are extremely easy to operate. If you want to install a long-burning boiler with your own hands, then this version of the heat generator is optimal.

    But pyrolysis models also have certain disadvantages. They work on forced draft, so they depend on uninterrupted power supply. The fuel loaded into the pyrolysis boiler must be absolutely dry, and its volume in the furnace must comply with the requirements of the heat generator manufacturer.

    Upper combustion boilers

    The burning of fuel in conventional boilers and furnaces of fireplaces and stoves occurs from the bottom up, which is explained by the physics of combustion. But such a scheme is not always effective, since the burning rate is too high, which is why not all materials completely burn out. This disadvantage has been eliminated in top burning boilers, where the fuel burns out gradually from top to bottom.

    This mechanism has been implemented thanks to design feature heat generators. They do not provide a grate and an ash pan. In the pan there are no elements that support combustion at all.

    The fuel burns out when there is a shortage of oxygen, which is supplied to the combustion chamber through movable nozzles, and the oxygen supply volumes are controlled by automation. The fuel in the chamber burns out layer by layer, due to which such equipment demonstrates a number of advantages:

    • high efficiency;
    • minimum volume of waste (ash);
    • minimum fuel consumption;
    • environmental friendliness (minimum amount of harmful emissions).

    This type of long-burning solid fuel boiler is also equipped with automation that controls the intensity of combustion by limiting or increasing the supply of oxygen to the chamber.

    The average power of such equipment is 6 kW, which is enough to heat a small house. Ease of maintenance is the main advantage of upper combustion boilers: you only need to load about 50 kg of firewood or other energy carrier into the furnace, after which you can forget about the existence of the boiler for the next 30 hours.

    How to choose a solid fuel boiler for long burning

    If you have decided on the type of device, then in order to buy a long-burning boiler that would best meet your requirements, you need to find out a number of nuances:

    • the volume of the heated room;
    • average temperature in the room;
    • the level of thermal insulation of the house;
    • type of solid fuel.

    Power Selection

    For the boiler to provide comfortable temperature in the house, it is important to choose the unit of optimal power. This parameter is calculated by the formula P=S/10, where P is the power of the heat generator, and S is the area of ​​the heated room.

    By the volume of the chamber and the type of its loading

    When choosing equipment, an important role is played by the volume of the combustion chamber and the way it is loaded. Since this criterion affects the main labor costs when using the boiler. It is better to give preference to units with large chambers, which are fed from above. This arrangement allows you to fully load the boiler with combustible material and reduce the time between procedures.

    According to the material of the heat exchanger

    The transfer of combustion energy to the coolant (water) occurs through a heat exchanger; in such devices it can be of two types - cast iron and steel.

    1. The first option has a long service life (30 years), but is afraid of temperature changes and hard water.
    2. And the second requires regular cleaning, but is resistant to sudden changes in temperature and chemical composition coolant. The time of its operation is 2 times less than cast iron.

    Decide among the many technical parameters professional consultants who work in specialized stores of heating equipment will help.

    If the price is a determining parameter when choosing equipment, then it makes sense to pay attention to a domestic-made long-burning boiler. Russian models are distinguished not only by an attractive price, but also by high reliability.


    Having acquired a long-burning solid fuel boiler, you are guaranteed to provide your home with uninterrupted heat supply, the cost of which will not be too burdensome for the family budget.

    Long-burning boilers are completely unique and absolutely new design boiler equipment, the principle of operation of which is based on the use of solid fuel for heating. At the same time, for full-fledged functioning, it is necessary to use only that solid fuel, the moisture content of which will not exceed 20 percent. The performance level of such a device is 50, 70, and sometimes even as much as 100 percent!

    Principle of operation

    Solid fuel for long-burning boilers are wood, peat briquettes or coal. The supply of oxygen to the combustion chamber with a water circuit is extremely limited, so the smoldering process of the fuel is very slow. The process of combustion of the inert gas formed from the fuel resource also slows down.

    Thus, traditional combustion is transformed into a rather slow smoldering. In this case, the volume of initial resources is sufficient to obtain generator gas at the output, which has a very high rates thermal conductivity, and then pave the way to the refractory ceramic nozzle to reach the combustion chamber, where the active combustion process is already ongoing, supported by additional air. The ignition moment begins when air is mixed with gas and is enhanced by the use of a catalyst. The generator gas itself at this time burns out with soot and heavy compounds.

    When fuel is burned within the boiler plant, the combustion becomes very superficial and the release of heavy compounds into the chimney is inevitable, carbon monoxide and other harmful pollutants environment. However, from a chemistry point of view, these products provide excellent combustion and economy for the owner of the boiler.

    The smoldering process, accompanied by oxygen deficiency, keeps the most valuable products inside the long-burning boiler, which contribute to maximum energy efficiency, and non-combustible and practically non-toxic elements enter the chimney directly, forming absolutely harmless smoke.

    Although firewood is the most common and even traditional type of solid fuel, a much more profitable and practical alternative is peat briquettes, whose humidity index, even if stored incorrectly, barely reaches 18 percent, and the burning time is 12 hours. Thanks to this, it is enough to replenish the combustion chambers no more than once every two or even three days, while firewood burns no longer than 6 hours, as a result of which the intervals between the laying of new portions of fuel are noticeably reduced.


    According to its design, such a long-burning heater is a standard single-circuit boiler used exclusively as a heating system operating on the basis of forced circulation. At the same time, the production and supply hot water should be completely excluded from household consumption.


    Specifications and Precautions

    Boiler selection according to individual needs

    Of course, qualified sales consultants will help you choose a long-burning boiler for several days according to the individual needs of the buyer, but most specialists are interested in selling certain types and models of boilers. That is why it will it is advisable to prepare for the purchase in advance and at least when choosing a solid fuel heating boiler, consider the following key factors.

    An important point when choosing a boiler is its purpose and intended use, since solid fuel boilers can be used both as a main and additional source for heating.

    When using a long-burning boiler as the main functional unit, it is better to find quality model with an optimal ratio of price and quality. The price is determined mainly by the reliability of the installation and its quality characteristics. The choice of inexpensive devices most often leads to a decrease in efficiency and a violation of the stability of functioning equipment.

    If the boiler plant is planned as an additional source of heating, the choice can be completely budget models devices.

    The next criterion is the types of fuel suitable for refueling different models long burning boilers. Let's say in a village, an urban-type settlement, or just in a small village, there is a a large number of cheap wood. It would be advisable to give preference to this particular material and, accordingly, to the installation that will support the operation mode on this type of fuel. At the same time, one should not forget that it is coal that has the highest energy return and calorie content. Based on this, you can also choose a universal type of boiler unit, providing simultaneous combustion of firewood and coal.

    Despite the fact that in the Western market, including the European one, solid fuel boilers equipped with an automatic fuel supply and control system are the leaders in sales, they are wary of them in the domestic market and consumer demand they hardly ever use it. The high cost of equipment scares the mass buyer, however, such high-tech installations have a lot of advantages and very benefits in operation, because the investment pays off incredibly quickly, while the boiler will last for many years.

    The likelihood of breakdowns and any other inconvenience is very small. Moreover, automatic long-burning boilers should be loaded no more than once every 6-7 days, since refueling is enough for almost a weekly operation without interruption.


    Modern long-burning heating boilers have a high degree of efficiency, convenience and productivity. The latest models of boiler equipment and at all adapted to work on two types of solid fuel simultaneously(e.g. on wood products, coal or ordinary firewood). Due to the compactness of solid fuel boilers, it becomes especially convenient to use them in small-sized premises, both residential and commercial. Such boilers also gained notable popularity due to their ease of operation and the absence of any difficult maintenance conditions.

    Electric boiler operation may cause a short circuit, which often leads to fires or other emergencies associated with material costs, and even with human sacrifices. Unlike conventional gas and diesel units, long-burning solid fuel boilers are absolutely safe to operate, since the risk of an explosion is reduced to zero. Thus, a solid fuel device is not only economical and productive, but also a guarantee of safety.

    In order to purchase a suitable heating unit for a private house, it is necessary to soberly evaluate the characteristics of the options offered and take into account all the features of the housing that needs to be heated. To cope with this task, you will have to make accurate mathematical calculations and think carefully about the moment of fuel delivery. The information that you will receive from this article will help you understand how to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler. Use the suggested material to avoid common mistakes and accept the right decision.

    Varieties and principles of operation of solid fuel boilers for long burning

    If you have to choose a long-burning solid fuel boiler, first of all, familiarize yourself with the classification of these units. Having a general idea of existing varieties, you will be able to navigate in a wide range and immediately exclude not suitable options. Solid fuel heating boilers differ in several ways, which will be described later in the article.

    According to the method of fuel combustion

    Long-burning solid fuel heating boilers are divided into two categories:

    • Traditional. They implemented the most simple circuit fuel combustion. According to the principle of operation, they resemble an ordinary stove with a special window for supplying fuel. The main element is a heat exchanger that provides temperature transfer directly to the coolant. Such boilers are distinguished by unprecedented reliability and durability, but their efficiency leaves much to be desired.
    • Pyrolysis (gas generating). This type is different increased level efficiency. Such units generate thermal energy by burning fuel in a special way. First, the unit dries the fuel. This is followed by degassing, during which about 85% of the substances during combustion are converted into combustible gas. The remaining 15% remains in the form of coal. In the internal cavity of the combustion chamber, the temperature rises to 600 °, due to which the combustible gas is oxidized and ignited. This process leaves a burning layer of coal. Masses of low-temperature gases are saturated with carbon, providing an increase in temperature up to 1000 °. Under such conditions, coal decomposes, releasing a large amount of thermal energy. The air flow supplied to the upper wall of the combustion chamber directs the flame vertically downwards. Due to this, the combustion process becomes controlled. Continuous air supply ensures constant oxidation of combustible gases.

    According to the material of manufacture

    In the range of household solid fuel boilers there are units made of various materials. Manufacturers use two types of metals:

    • Cast iron. The boiler, made of cast iron, is a sectional structure, each section of which can be separated from the rest. The possibility of dismantling makes the unit more convenient for transportation and installation. When it becomes necessary to carry out repair work this feature greatly facilitates the task of the master. During the operation of a cast-iron boiler, the internal walls of the combustion chamber are subjected to chemical corrosion. Dry rust appears on them (a film consisting of iron oxide). As a rule, it does not progress, so the efficiency of the unit remains at a consistently high level. Often it is not necessary to clean it from soot. The only significant drawback is the susceptibility to temperature changes. Thermal shock can damage the chamber walls. Such cases should be avoided.

    • Steel. A boiler made of this metal is a monoblock unit that is assembled at the factory. It will not be possible to disassemble it for ease of transportation. Steel solid fuel boilers for long-term combustion are not afraid of thermal shocks, therefore automatic boilers are more widely used in them. electronic devices mode change. However, systematic temperature changes lead to the formation of fatigue zones on the walls of the combustion chamber, which eventually leads to burn-out of the metal. If this happens, the unit cannot be repaired.

    By type of fuel used

    Heating solid fuel boilers for long-term combustion are divided into four categories according to the type of fuel burned:

    • On wood. The most common variety. Its popularity is due to the simplicity of design and unpretentiousness to fuel. A solid fuel boiler for long burning on wood can work under almost any conditions, but it has one significant drawback - the lack of automation. As the fuel burns, the user has to put firewood into the firebox.

    • On the corner Suitable for a large area home much more than a wood-burning one. Coal is low cost and easy to transport.
    • On pellets. Fuel oils are used as fuel for this variety. wood pellets, which are compressed waste from the woodworking industry. They are called pellets. The relatively small combustion chamber of a pellet boiler burns briquettes, generating a large amount of heat.
    • On sawdust. A separate type of solid fuel boilers that burn sawdust, dry grass, leaves and other waste. Such units provide high-quality heating of housing, and also solve the problem of disposal of waste of plant origin.

    Dual circuit

    Solid fuel double-circuit boilers long burning are distinguished by the fact that they not only heat housing, but also heat water for domestic use. By installing such a unit, you will heat the house and at the same time solve the problem of providing warm water for bathroom and kitchen. A long-burning solid fuel boiler with a water circuit is more expensive, but it eliminates the need to install a geyser or boiler.

    Criteria for choosing solid fuel boilers for long burning

    FROM general classification we have already familiarized ourselves with solid fuel boilers. It's time to consider the criteria by which the owners of private houses determine the best options for units for installing heating systems. After reviewing the following sections, you will learn how to choose the right long-burning solid fuel boiler for your home.

    Type of fuel

    First of all, you must decide what fuel will be used for heating. Consider what type of fuel is more convenient to buy and import. If you have harvested wood, it would be wise to purchase a wood-fired boiler. Owners of cottages where there are no trees can recommend heating with pellets. coal boilers suitable for those who have the opportunity to order high-quality fuel on favorable terms. Sawdust heating systems are typically used to heat woodworking facilities.


    To determine the required power of the heating system, you need to make simple mathematical calculations. Calculate the total volume of the rooms that you are going to heat. The resulting figure will help you find a model with the appropriate parameters in a wide range of solid fuel boilers for long-term combustion. Keep in mind: you always need to provide a power reserve so that with a strong winter frost the house was not cold.

    Device weight

    When choosing a solid fuel boiler for long-term combustion for heating a private house, the mass parameter is taken into account only if the owner intends to fix the purchased unit on the wall. According to government standards set gas service Russia, this installation method is allowed for heating boilers with a volume of less than 100 liters.

    Loading chamber volume

    This parameter characterizes the ratio of the amount of fuel to be loaded with the power of the heating unit. The more fuel that fits in the loading chamber, the less often you will have to replenish the supply of firewood / coals / pellets. For steel boilers, the ratio of these values ​​​​is 1.6-2.6 l / kW. Cast iron heating units consume fuel in smaller quantities - 1.1-1.4 l / kW.

    The total volume of the loading chamber will help you roughly evaluate the possibilities. You will not succeed in filling it 100% in any case. Where greater value has a useful volume of the loading chamber. This value displays the actual amount of fuel that you can load into the combustion chamber. To determine it, you need to know the principle of burning the fuel of the selected boiler and the method of loading the fuel (top or front).


    One of the most important parameters for any solid fuel heating unit for long-term combustion. The figure expressing the efficiency of the boiler characterizes that part of the generated thermal energy that is actually spent on heating the home. Choosing a unit with a high coefficient useful action, you can reduce power requirements. Low efficiency means wasting heat, so you'll have to add more fuel to keep your house at an acceptable temperature.

    Overview of the best manufacturers

    Modern market heating systems for private houses is full of offers from many brands, but not all of these units can boast of reliability and durability. You learned how to choose a home solid fuel boiler for long burning from the previous sections of the article. It's time to narrow down your search to those manufacturers that truly deserve respect:

    1. Stropuva. The Stropuva trademark produces high-quality coal-fired heating boilers with a high level of efficiency and a long burning period after each laying.
    2. Hearth. The company "Ochag" produces solid fuel boilers equipped with heat exchangers of the most modern design. The units of this brand are distinguished by durability and high performance.
    3. Wichlacz. A reliable Polish brand that produces excellent solid fuel boilers operating on the principle of layered combustion of fuel.
    4. Viadrus. Worldwide respected manufacturer of coal, wood and coal-wood solid fuel boilers.
    5. Don. Heating units of this brand are distinguished by reliability and durability. With minimal fuel consumption, Don provides high level efficiency.
    6. Teplodar. Heating units for long-term combustion trademark"Teplodar" in its reliability and performance can be compared with the best offspring of German manufacturers.

    Where to buy and how much

    The acquisition of a solid fuel boiler for long-term combustion for heating a private house is a serious task. It must be approached with the utmost responsibility. Such a unit costs a lot of money, so the first step is to evaluate the reliability of the selling side. In the table below you will find contact details and some commercial offers trusted Moscow suppliers of heating equipment.

    Name of the organization

    Address, Website

    Name of the proposed model

    Price, rub


    Factory highway, house No. 9A; Website: teh-dom

    Double-circuit pyrolysis

    Viardus Woodpell 7

    Automatic pellet


    st. Aircraft designer Mil, house number 19; Website: termo-mir

    Don KS-T-16


    Don KS-GV-50N



    Rumyantsevo Business Park, Kievskoe shosse, building No. 1, building A, office No. 905; Website: garantcomfort




    Website: teplodar

    Teplodar Kupper OK15

    Universal solid propellant

    Teplodar Kupper OK20

    Universal solid propellant

    Teplodar Kupper OK20

    Universal solid propellant


    For those who are deprived of the opportunity to purchase an expensive heating boiler, the option of assembling such a unit at home is suitable. The video below will explain in detail how to do this. Listen to the advice of experts, and you can independently create an alternative version of a solid fuel boiler for long-term combustion.