Projects of small one-story houses with a terrace. Ready-made projects of houses and cottages with a terrace

  • 03.03.2020

With the advent of spring, the windows of apartments and houses open wide to fill the premises with fresh air and a light breeze. But it is much more pleasant to sit on the terrace or balcony than to spend time in a stuffy living room. That is why even at the design stage, the presence of such architectural elements should be considered. The project of a house with a terrace at a price will cost a little more, but in the summer you can always install furniture on it, arranging gatherings in a noisy group of friends.

Project plans for houses with a terrace

The veranda allows you to harmoniously combine nature and the living space of the cottage. The entrance to it can be made from the living room, dining room or any other room at the request of the client.

The veranda is open and closed. In the first case, this is a free area, which is protected from direct sunlight and rain - a great place for a picnic in cloudy weather. Closed provides for glazing, insulation, often it has a separate heating.

Among the advantages of the veranda:

  • adjoining rooms receive maximum light, which visually makes them larger and saves energy;
  • insulated veranda can be used all year round, but in this case it is recommended to install energy-saving double-glazed windows when glazing;
  • this is an additional living space that can be turned into a recreation area, a children's play area or a greenhouse.

When comparing different projects of cottages with a terrace, think in advance which side of the world it will face. If to the south, then a maximum of natural light from the street is guaranteed. But those who like to sleep for a long time should not combine the bedroom with it, because the sun's rays will wake you up too early every day. To protect the room from excess light, you can use a canopy or thick curtains.

If the veranda is attached to the western part of the cottage, then it will be well lit after dinner. It is convenient when combining it with a living room or a children's room. They will be warm and light most of the day. And for romantics who like to admire the sunrises, it is better to place the veranda on the east side.

We have projects in our catalog modern houses with a terrace for every budget. The option you like can, if necessary, be adjusted and adjusted to the wishes of the client. And if you want to get something exclusive, then you should order an individual design. It takes longer and more expensive, but the result is worth it!

Terraced brick house designs have gained immense popularity over the last decade. Gorgeous view of your own garden, comfort, several bedrooms and bathrooms, a common recreation area for the whole family. There is everything you need for a comfortable life.

The advantages of brick houses from the company "Dachny Sezon"

  1. The advantages of living in the private sector are fully revealed only if there is a spacious terrace. This is the perfect place for a picnic during the summer season. In the future, you and your children will have a lot of warm memories of such little things in life.
  2. The strength of a single-story brick house with a terrace, built by our company, cannot be compared with classic Soviet-style buildings. The minimum service life of such a structure is 150 years. Here you can also order a beautiful two-story mansion with a veranda, a garage, a balcony and an attic at an affordable price.
  3. One of the well-known benefits brickwork is the ability to absorb moisture. The walls of this house literally breathe, creating a healthy microclimate and letting fresh air into the living quarters.
  4. Projects of brick houses with a terrace will provide you with comfort in any weather. They are well insulated and equipped with an independent boiler room. Rolling blackouts hot water during the summer season they will not be able to spoil your vacation. Forget about basins and other inconveniences as a nightmare.
  5. You can evaluate photos of two-story brick houses with a terrace directly on our website. If you like the aesthetics of one of the houses, but there are needs to change the layout of the interior, our architects will bring them in as soon as possible. The construction team will start work immediately. From the conclusion of the contract to the settlement will take an absolute minimum of time.

Recently, private housing construction has begun to enjoy active popularity among our compatriots. Thanks to a wide range of materials, as well as their affordable prices, sometimes building a private house in a comfortable cottage village is much cheaper than buying an apartment in one of the new buildings. Agree, which of us does not dream of living in his own house, where there are no noisy neighbors, polluted air and people always in a hurry around? Private house- it's cozy and comfortable, and in this article we will consider all the main aspects of building a small cottage with a private terrace.

Why choose a house project with a terrace?

Modern housing construction does not stand still, but is constantly evolving. That is why, now you can see an incredible number of various projects that differ in their layout, scale and level of complexity of its implementation. The terrace is a kind of additional space that can be equipped according to discretion. If you want to enjoy a picturesque view of a forest, a lake, or just a plot planted with flowers, then with this solution, you will undoubtedly get a great opportunity to experience all the delights of country life. In addition, when starting construction, which will use the project of a house with a terrace, you can save a considerable amount if you take ready-made drawings that can be found on the Internet in the public domain.

Advantages of houses with a terrace

Many construction experts are sure that houses equipped with terraces are a real find if the construction budget is limited. But even if you are going to build a spacious two-story mansion with all the benefits of civilization, with the help of a terrace, you can make your home much more comfortable, creating an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

In addition, it is worth noting the following advantages of houses with a terrace:

  • A huge number of ready completed projects. You have an amazing opportunity to save money at the design stage of the structure. Why turn to planners when you can take on a ready-made project? Of course, your home will not differ in individuality, but if you wish, you can make your own adjustments.
  • Extra space. The terrace area can and should be made useful. You can choose for what purposes it will be used. As a rule, in summer time year, it is equipped with a summer kitchen, made with wicker rattan furniture or simply decorated with flowers.
  • Attractive appearance. Houses with a terrace have a special charm, sophistication, and also look really impressive, so if you don’t know how to diversify the building project, add this building solution to it, and believe me, you won’t regret it.
  • thermal insulation properties. Having built a glazed terrace, you will create a certain protection of the structure from strong winds, which, as a rule, greatly affect the heating of the house in the cold season.
  • Saving. If you have been dreaming of gazebos all your life, then in order to save money, you may well replace it with a terrace.

Features of construction objects

If you decide to give preference to a house with a terrace, then you need to know a few the most important nuances. Often, one-story buildings are equipped with a terrace on the back side of the entrance to the house. Of course, if you want something new and unusual, then with your ideas it is best for you to turn to a professional who can change the location of this room without losing it. performance characteristics. In addition, the development of an individual project will provide you with a unique opportunity to realize your dreams and desires. You will not be tied to any particular building material, so you can choose the one that really appeals to you and suits the allocated budget. Creating your own project is a chance to build a building that is unique in its kind, not like the neighboring cottages and has its own zest. Of course, it is worth noting not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages of such a solution. Be prepared for the fact that a considerable amount will be required from you for creating an individual drawing, since the services of professional and experienced specialists are expensive today. In no case do not communicate with novice architects and designers, because if you make mistakes, you can pay a lot for such unjustified savings.

In any case, remember that even if you decide to build a house on standard project, the most important thing is to invest a piece of your soul. The issue of creating a terrace must be decided at the stage of designing the foundation, since the place for it should be allocated separately. Many builders are sure that due to the insignificant weight of the structure, it is possible to completely refuse to create a foundation. Of course, in this case, it is best to first consult with the master in order not to create additional loads on the ground and prevent the risks of subsidence.

The project of houses with a terrace and an attic

Houses with a veranda: coziness, comfort, convenience - in one building

Dreaming of spacious cozy home, and very little money has been allocated? Thanks to the emergence of innovative solutions in the construction industry, you can solve your problem! Believe me, even a small one-storey cottage with the help of a terrace and an attic, it can become a real palace.

Over the past ten years, more and more houses with a glazed terrace appear. This is a kind of separate room, which, if desired, can be easily turned into a living room or study. Attics, in turn, are a kind of additional floor. Their construction is economically justified, and in terms of their quality characteristics, they are in no way inferior to two-story houses.

Also, they will be able to choose the most optimal combination of materials, tools and everything else that is needed at the facility. Terrace design is a simple process, but it will require specific knowledge and skills from you. Of course, it is up to you to choose, but do not forget that only professionals in their field can guarantee a quality result. In this article, we have reviewed all the advantages and features that have modern projects one-story houses with a terrace, and also tried to examine in detail design features buildings with extensions.

Private one-story houses with a terrace are becoming quite popular in last years. The terrace space allows you to create a recreation area that links the house and the plot. Typical one-story houses with a terrace have the traditional location of the entrance to the terrace in the living room, but thanks to the custom design service, the layout of one-story houses with a terrace can be changed and the terrace can be placed near other rooms.

Many projects are included in our catalog of one-story houses with a terrace, which allows customers to choose and buy for turnkey implementation the one that is as close as possible to their ideas of their new dream home. The prices of our company for projects of one-story houses with a terrace (photos are posted on the website) and for services are at the average market level.

Project plans for one-story houses with a terrace: purpose and features

Residential one-story houses with a terrace have a number of advantages. The best option there will be one-story houses with a terrace, videos, drawings, diagrams and sketches of which can be viewed in this section, for those who love a lot of light.

open terraces

First of all, projects of one-story houses with a terrace open type give a feeling of unlimited space and are suitable for cottages of any type. The terrace will provide good level illumination of adjacent rooms. However, the lack of a canopy makes the use of the terrace dependent on weather conditions.

Closed terraces

A covered terrace is more practical than an open one, as it can be used in any season of the year. Due to the canopy, the terrace will be reliably protected from rain and from the burning sun. By installing balustrades and arranging fences, the terrace can be turned into a cozy corner or veranda.

Finished one-story houses with a terrace closed type block the penetration of light into adjacent rooms. To avoid excessive shading of the rooms located near the terrace, it is possible to install a partial canopy.

Plans of one-story houses with a terrace: orientation of the terraces to the cardinal points

Thus, a terrace oriented to the south allows heat and light to penetrate into neighboring rooms. To increase comfort, it is recommended to install a removable canopy, which will reduce the amount of sun rays in the hot summer.

The west-facing terrace is more suitable for those who will use it in the afternoon. Even with a closed structure that allows you to protect the room from winds from the west, the sun at sunset will illuminate the terrace.

The architectural designs of the houses, where the terrace is oriented to the east, allow you to enjoy breakfast on fresh air in the morning sun and be protected from the scorching rays in the afternoon.

The north facing terrace creates diffused light. Such a room is ideal for a dining area or can be used as a workshop where you can draw and be creative. At the same time, it is important to make the terrace open and that it opens onto a well-consecrated part of the site.

Projects of one-story houses with a terrace have recently been very popular. This is due to the many advantages of such buildings. And, first of all, it is the expansion of the usable area of ​​the house, aesthetic appearance.

The project of a one-story house with a terrace

Choosing a project for the construction of individual housing, you should think about its functionality, completeness of the premises. One-story houses have a number of features:

These are the main subtleties regarding. But they gained popularity due to the following advantages:

Despite a number of subtleties, the popularity of such individual housing is growing. This is also influenced by a wide selection of finished projects.

Types of structures by material

The modern market only complements the range of materials for the construction of individual housing. To date, there are four main types:

The chosen material influences the physical properties of the buildings. Finishing facade may have various options performance through a wide range.

Interesting terrace device solutions

Typical projects of one-story houses with a terrace make it easy to choose suitable option. But before starting construction, you should make sure that the requirements for the placement of the structure correspond to the technical capabilities of the site. Is it planned to expand the living space by adding an attic or terrace. If all these nuances are taken into account at the design stage, then in the future there will be no problems with increasing the usable area.