The height of the bathtub from the floor. Dimensions of a bathtub made of different materials and important nuances Height of a corner acrylic bathtub from the floor standard

  • 23.06.2020

Those who make repairs to the bathroom, changing its design, are interested in information about the optimal height of the bathtub from the floor (the standard that exists today, whether it allows you to change the parameters) and how the installation of plumbing from different materials differs.

Bathroom design.

Incorrect installation can cause leakage, instability, falling and overturning of the equipment.

Standards and norms for SNiP

Bath with legs, placed close to the wall.

Plumbing installation standards are as follows:

  • bath height with legs (from the floor to the top edge) - 57-60 cm;
  • leg height (required for placement and maintenance of the siphon) -12-15 cm;
  • the bath is placed close to the walls or at a distance of 0.6-1 m from the walls.

The norms for the height of the bathtub from the floor are calculated for a person of average height and build. It is believed that by raising his legs to such a height, he will not experience any inconvenience.

  • so that you can stretch your legs in it;
  • a person lying in it on both sides must have gaps between the body and the side of at least 5 cm;
  • so that the bather's shoulders are above the water level.

Possible deviations from the norm

The regulated installation height of the bathtub from the floor can be increased up to 70 cm for tall people or reduced to 50 centimeters if the bath is used by:

  • elderly people;
  • disabled people;
  • children;
  • short family members.

Existing types of baths

Another type of bath.

Different types bathtubs differ in characteristics, the main of which is the material of manufacture. Devices can be:

  1. Cast iron.
    Durable, silent, keep heat well, heavy (up to 130 kg). The shapes of most models are simple rectangular. Modern products have a stronger and more durable polymer coating than enamel.
  2. steel.
    Lightweight (4-5 times lighter than cast iron), inexpensive, but water makes noise and cools quickly when drawn into them, and is prone to rust. Available only rectangular shape.
  3. acrylic.
    Lightweight, quiet. The homogeneity of the material allows you to quickly eliminate scratches that have appeared on the surface. Differ in a variety of forms. It is not recommended to keep water temperature above 60°C in them.
  4. Kvarilovs.
    The material consists of acrylic and quartz dust, lighter than cast iron and stronger than acrylic, warm, does not deform if you keep hot water in it for a long time.
  5. Starilanov.
    They consist of 3 layers: at the base - a steel form, outside - a layer of high-quality acrylic, and between them (for connection) - a composite polymer starilan. Warm, stable and comfortable. They cost 20-40% more than steel bathtubs.
  6. From polymer concrete.
    Sturdy, looks like carved from natural stone(onyx, malachite, marble of different shades, etc.). At proper care the appearance of any spots on the surface is excluded.

Consider other parameters that determine the types of baths.

  • rectangular;
  • corner;
  • asymmetric (right- and left-sided);
  • round;
  • in a quarter of a circle;
  • sedentary;
  • with sheer walls (made only from modern polymer materials).
  • length of small ones - 100-130 cm, medium - 140-150 cm, large - 180-200 cm;
  • rectangular width - from 65 to 100 cm;
  • depth - from 37 to 48 cm.

Round single bathtub made of artificial stone.

Round baths are made 1- and 2-seater, an artificial stone product can have a diameter of up to 3 m.

Wall thickness:

  • acrylic - from 2-3 to 5-6.5 mm;
  • cast iron - 6-8 mm;
  • steel - from 1.5 to 3.5 mm.

Possibility to connect additional options:

  • hydro, turbo and air massage;
  • radio and FM player, retractable speaker;
  • chromotherapy lamps.

General installation rules

Strictly horizontal arrangement of the bath
checked by building level.

Before installation, do the following:

  • prepare the place where the plumbing will be placed - level and dry the floor;
  • clean and wipe dry the drain connection pipe;
  • determine a comfortable height.

A bath of any type is installed as follows:

  • strictly horizontally, using the building level, controlling the location of the side against the wall, the necessary slope towards the drain is provided by the design of the bath itself;
  • providing free space under it for the siphon;
  • if the floor under the bathroom is not solid, in order to protect it from subsidence, metal gaskets are used in the form of plates with a thickness of at least 5 mm;
  • all threaded connections when connecting the drainage system, they are twisted by hand, only the main outlet of the overflow can be tightened with a fork wrench.

Upon completion of installation, the structure is checked for stability, drain operation and tightness (5 liters of water is enough).

It can only be used after the sealant has hardened well - from 4 to 24 hours.

Installation of bathtubs from different materials

Depending on the material of manufacture of the bath, set:

  • on the frame;
  • on legs;
  • on the podium;
  • on metal corners.

legs metal structures height adjustable.

Oval bathtub.

To attach the support and siphon, the bath is placed on its side.

If it is made of metal or stands on a metal frame, it must be grounded using copper cable. To do this, its body is connected to metal pipe(water, gas, sewer) or lay a large-section cable into the room.

Grounding will prevent electric shock in case of damage to the cable insulation or moisture ingress into the terminal box of the heated towel rail, washing machine, hair dryer and other electrical appliances.

The nuances of installing cast-iron plumbing

The cast-iron bath is placed on supporting legs. They are made from durable metal bolted to distribute the load evenly. In order not to damage the floor surface, plastic caps are put on them.

Outwardly, the support legs look unattractive, so they are hidden behind bronze or polyurethane decor in the form of lion paws, plants, depicting heraldic symbols or behind an oriental-style ornament.

In most cases, products are equipped with support legs, the height of which is not adjustable, because. they are considered stronger and more reliable.

If there are no legs in the kit, you can purchase multifunctional supports - at the same time durable, height-adjustable and decorative. They fit most old and modern models. But it is necessary to clarify the maximum load on the legs, because. a difference in the size of cast iron plumbing of 20-30 cm greatly changes its weight.

Acrylic bathtub on a metal frame.

To ground a modern cast-iron bathtub, a tide is provided, into which a galvanized steel bolt is inserted. 2 turns of the stripped cable are wound on it and washers with nuts and a copper cable are mounted.

On old plumbing, the cable is connected to the bolted leg by drilling a hole in it for a grounding jumper.

Steel bath height adjustment

The height of the steel bath can be adjusted in the following ways:

  1. Tightening the bolts on the legs. This is done before gluing the bowl onto the sealant. Adjustment range - 1 cm.
  2. Installing the bath on bricks. Additionally, its sides are supported on one side by a strobe or wooden bars fixed on the wall, and on the other side, on a crate of profiles. The areas with which the bowl will rest on the bricks are treated with a waterproofing mixture to prevent contact of the metal surface with the mortar.
  3. Having picked up or made to order a supporting metal frame of the required height - based on walls or floor, installed independently of them.

Features of mounting an acrylic model

The manufacturer encloses installation recommendations with each acrylic bathtub, which indicate which points of the body (6-12 pcs.) Must be provided with support.

Incorrect fixation over time can lead to deformation and punching of the walls of the product, especially if it is used by a person with a large body weight.

The more supports, the higher the strength of the bath. It is placed:

  • on legs and a brick base with fixation to the wall;
  • on a special platform, which is 6-8 legs connected by metal elements;
  • on a metal frame that provides support for all sides.

In private houses, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, a podium is made of bricks or blocks. This will increase the stability of the bowl.

A person climbs the stairs to the podium, and he does not have to step over the side of the bath to enter it. The structure is equipped with handrails.

The height between the floor surface and the edge of the bath is extremely important when choosing the ideal model. It is extremely undesirable to make a mistake when determining this size. After all, the convenience and safety of the operation of the main hygienic object in a house or apartment mainly depends on it. Do you agree?

A well-chosen height of the bath from the floor is the standard and ensures comfort, as well as the exclusion of traumatic situations that may occur during the reception of hygiene procedures. In the article presented by us, the standards are given according to which this characteristic is determined. Recommendations for installation are given.

In the plumbing market, bathtubs are present in large assortment. You can purchase a model made of cast iron, steel, acrylic, or such a novelty as a quartz product. The choice dictates the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and the amount you are willing to spend on the purchase.

The most profitable, from an economic point of view, is. It is light, does not create problems during transportation and its price is quite democratic. The use of this material allows you to give products any geometry.

But will last steel bath not very long, because it resists mechanical damage weakly. In addition, it does not hold heat well and is very noisy.

A bath is a place for rest and relaxation, so it should be comfortable for all family members.

A cast iron bathtub is a classic. This solid reliable product is famous for its durability. Heavy in a wide variety of shapes cast iron bath does not differ, although there are original design solutions. The water keeps it warm for a long time. A cast-iron bath costs 2 or even 3 times more than a steel one.

These two traditional types of sanitary ware began to replace acrylic bathtubs, which appeared on the market much later, but gained great popularity. They are lighter than their predecessors, but keep heat well. Quality products made from this material can last 10, 20 or more years.

The advantage of acrylic models in variety colors and forms, but a large number of intricate lines reduces strength characteristics. There are no pores on the surface of acrylic, so pathogens will never breed in the bathroom.

Comparison specifications and performance is given in the following article, which we recommend that you read.

Quaryl contains additives that enhance the characteristics of acrylic. Therefore, quartz baths have a more saturated color, elasticity, gloss, good sound insulation.

A novelty in the world of sanitary ware is a bathtub made of quaril composite material, which includes acrylic, quartz, and polymer additives. They serve for a long time and fully justify their high price.

This material is UV - resistant , hygienic , with a hard surface . Models are heavier than acrylic - weigh approximately 50 kg. The cost of products is high, because they are produced only in Europe.

In addition to the listed varieties, there are natural and artificial stone. Their dimensions are regulated by norms and standards common to all products.

The process is a difficult and responsible job that requires compliance with technical standards. First of all, it is necessary to withstand such a parameter as its height from the floor surface. SNiP recommends 0.6 m for any bath size.

This value does not depend on the location of the bowl. It can be placed against the wall if the room is small or in the middle when the bath is spacious. The main thing is that there is free space around - at least 1 m. SNiP also limits the height of the threshold in the bathroom - it should not be higher than 3 cm.

There are exceptions to the established standard - bathtubs in hospitals and childcare facilities are raised to a height less than 10 cm from the parameter established by the standards.

The bath bowl is set relatively to the floor perfectly even. After adjusting the legs and mounting the harness: connect the siphon, adjust the drain

The 60 cm standard is not strict and unshakable for home conditions. The growth cannot be the same for all family members, therefore a deviation of 100 mm is allowed both up and down. It is important that you feel comfortable getting in and out of the bath.

Installation of bathtubs from different materials

The installation height of the bowl should be determined in advance. To do this, you need to focus on information such as the growth of the smallest member of the family.

General installation rules

Affects this parameter and the type of wall cladding. If a tile is selected, then it is desirable to know the size of the tile. At a height regulated by SNiP, from 2 to 3 rows can be laid on a plot of 0.6 m without residue.

Proper installation of the font involves:

  1. Its strictly horizontal position. It is controlled by a level set along the edge of the tub in contact with the wall.
  2. The angle created by the side and the wall should be 90⁰. Therefore, a large triangle will be required to constantly verify that this condition is met.

The horizontality of the sides is easier to ensure by using metal spacers in the form of plates with parameters of 100x100x5 mm.

Their presence under the supports is mandatory if the bath is installed on a base that is less hard than the screed. It can be a wooden floor or parquet, laminate. In this case, without additional stiffening elements, the container will sag during operation.

Domestic manufacturers most often use the format 1.5x0.5 and 1.5x0.7 m. Products of foreign companies are somewhat larger -1.8x0.8 m

When choosing the height of the bath, you should also remember that it will be located under its bottom. For its normal functioning, a free space of about 150 mm is required.

The nuances of installing cast-iron plumbing

It is especially important to choose the height from the floor to. Since its weight is quite impressive, it is difficult to adjust this parameter after installation. The legs of such a bowl are usually solid, often distinguished by an exquisite design.

A cast-iron bathtub with ornate legs with engravings or ornaments is a classic option. She can stand on lion paws or petal-shaped supports, vine. The supports are rigidly attached to the body. They are fixed with complete metal wedges or coupling bolts.

A cast-iron bathtub in a designer design is a decoration of the room. It should be located at a distance from the walls

If the kit includes non-adjustable stands, then the height is adjusted by trimming them, followed by grinding.

The surface on which the product is to be installed must be solid and level. If the floor is not hard enough, metal pads with a diameter of 5 cm and a minimum thickness of 5 mm are placed under the legs.

When installing the container on a slippery floor, its supports are fixed with waterproof polymer glue. If the design of the legs allows for height adjustment, the parameter is adjusted by means of adjusting screws, followed by tightening with fixing nuts. Correctly align the bowl on one side and on one end.

If the cast iron bath is in contact with steel piping, it must be grounded. This responsible work can only be performed by a professional electrician.

A modern cast iron bath on one of the legs or on its bottom has a special eyelet for the possibility. If this element is available, then it will be necessary to strip the insulation so that the cable fits snugly at the connection point. Then it remains only to attach the conductor with a bolt.

Models of the old image cannot be grounded according to such a simplified scheme - they do not have a special eyelet. At the time when they were released, grounding was natural - a cast-iron plumbing connected the bath to the ground.

Since many have changed cast iron to plastic, natural grounding has ceased to function. Therefore, for grounding, they make a hole on their own in the area where the legs are attached to the bottom of the tank. Must be used during installation building level to keep the sides of the bowl parallel to the floor.

If, after the final adjustment, the product needs to be moved, this can be done by gently tapping. Perform manipulations only with those supports that are closest to the rest in relation to the points of movement.

Steel bath height adjustment

While a cast iron bath can be installed even in the middle of the room, the steel bowl must be adjacent to the walls. Before its installation and alignment in height, it is necessary to tile the walls with tiles. From existing ways commits steel baths, supports with self-adhesive pads are considered the safest and most reliable.

Often when installing a bathtub, design rules are followed. This is not entirely correct - if you change the height for the sake of beauty, the consequences can be sad. The standard exists for this, to prevent possible errors.

When installing legs with tightening bolts, enamel peeling can occur both when tightening the fasteners and during operation.

Self-adhesive, adjustable, following the contour of the bottom of the bowl, the legs are always paired. They have the shape of a channel and a slight deflection at the base. Here is the fastener - adjusting screws, equipped with plastic tips.

Particularly reliable legs for the steel bowl - short, but with long bolts for adjustment. The bath itself is installed to straight walls, which are not yet finished, pre-impregnated with a moisture barrier.

Before they try on self-adhesive legs to the places of their docking with the bowl. In this case, the first is installed at a distance of about 30 mm from the drain hole. Second - on flat surface at the opposite end. Before this, the contact points are wiped with alcohol or a solvent containing acetone in order to degrease.

Adjust the height of the bathtub to the required level by unscrewing the studs. All manipulations related to the fastening of the legs are easier to perform when it is in an inverted position.

The overlay is slightly warmed up with a building hair dryer. Then, having removed the protective film, install the supports exactly according to the markings and press them tightly. Clamp nuts are put on the adjusting studs and carefully driven into the plastic tips until they stop. The nuts are moved close to the tips. The assembled unit is connected to the supports.

After the bath is installed in a permanent place, it is preliminarily leveled in terms of level and height. The next step is fine-tuning. To do this, you need 4 wooden wedges. They are driven in between the walls and the side of the bath so that the edges protrude slightly.

The side is pasted over with paper tape. Then the resulting gap is foamed using a balloon with a narrow nozzle. After curing polyurethane foam, dismantle the wooden wedges using pliers. It remains to cut off the remaining foam and eliminate the play by unscrewing the adjusting pins.

Proceed to the next step - finishing work. The bowl is covered protective film lay tiles on the walls and on the floor. After that, the legs are manually pulled in such a way that the bath adjoins the wall very tightly.

Tighten the nuts, twisting them close to the supports. To check the correct height adjustment of the bathtub, measurements are taken at four points from the side to the floor. The difference in measurements should not exceed 4 mm. If this condition is violated, the adjustment is performed again.

Features of mounting an acrylic model

Acrylic bathtubs are often completed with a metal frame. There are adjustable legs, with which you can easily select the height of the polymer bowl. The included set includes assorted metal profiles, where there are already mounting holes, 4 legs, 4 racks in the form of studs, 4 thrust bearings, 16 nuts, self-tapping screws.

At the beginning, the assembled frame is installed in the middle of the center of the bottom of the bowl, which is upside down on the floor. The legs are attached to the frame. Two supports are fixed under the bottom, three - along the front edge, along the wall - two more. Adjust the legs to the required height.

The bathtub is turned over, horizontalness is checked with a level. If there are no deviations, a siphon is connected. The next step is attaching the edge of the tub to the walls. This is done using special hooks or corners. In conclusion, a decorative screen is mounted.

When there is no metal profile frame, the bowl is installed on bricks, from which a podium-like structure is made. Sometimes, in order not to overload the ceiling, posts are made of brick instead of this bulky structure. There may be two or three - it all depends on the length of the model.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video #1 Demonstration of bath installation rules:

Video #2 About the nuances that arise when installing a bath:

There are no requirements for strict compliance with such a size as the height of the side of the bathroom from the floor. The existing norms are rather advisory in nature. For right choice should be based not only on these parameters, but also on individual circumstances.

How did you define optimal height bathtub edge before buying plumbing? Tell us about the landmarks that have become decisive in the search best model. Please write comments in the block below, ask questions and publish photos on the topic of the article.

When designing a bathroom, the font is an important object. When choosing a suitable model, you need to take into account and know how to determine the dimensions of the bath, configuration, color, as well as the material from which it is made. The style and design of the room depends on these parameters.

Typical plumbing (width - 80 cm, length - 160 cm) does not always suit the owners of large houses and apartments. After all, Soviet standards of sanitary equipment do not correspond to the modern level of comfort. The parameters of the fonts are varied, so everyone can choose for themselves the optimal size of the bath, in which it will be comfortable to take baths. water procedures.

About product sizes

The standard dimensions of the bath may not meet the needs of all consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to find out which bath size is best for specific situations.

Conditions for choosing the desired parameters:

  1. Overall dimensions depend on the spaciousness of the room where the font will be placed. AT modern bathroom in addition to the bath, additional equipment is often installed in the form of washing machines, bath furniture, toilet bowls and sinks. Therefore, before choosing the size of the bath, it is worth deciding on the usable area that will need to be left for normal movement around the apartment;
  2. The depth of the font and its volume can differ significantly even if the parameters are visually the same. It is comfortable to perform water procedures only in a horizontal position, which allows the whole body to be immersed in water;
  3. A high bath may be safe for an adult, but not for a child. The optimal depth of the bath is 50-60 cm. This condition should be observed if you want your head to be above the water;
  4. The width of the font is determined in accordance with the complexion of the person. It is desirable that from the shoulders of the person who is inside the font to its walls there is a gap of several centimeters on both sides;
  5. Dimensions are often influenced by additional accessories, features of the room and the relative position of plumbing in space:
    • sinks above the font;
    • the presence of armrests;
    • the angle of inclination of the sides;
    • shelves and niches installed next to the plumbing.

Popular life hacks for home and summer cottages on the build-experts portal, building tricks and recommendations from experienced foremen.

Parameters of steel products

Metal hardware is considered one of the most practical and affordable options. Therefore, a huge number of consumers stop at their steel products, because they have many advantages:

  • Minor weight. The wall thickness of the products does not exceed 3-4 mm;
  • The inner side of the font is covered with enamel, which significantly extends the life of plumbing.

But such models do not isolate sound very well and keep heat, therefore, when choosing a font, this one must be taken into account.

Typical dimensions of the bathroom are as follows:

  • bathtub height - up to 75 cm;
  • width - 80 cm;
  • bathtub length - 185 cm.

It is not advisable to sit on the sides of such a product, as they can bend. Also pay special attention to the width of the font, if a person has a large build, he will not be particularly comfortable taking a bath.

The photo shows typical dimensions of metal bathtubs, starting from the distance between the legs and ending with its height of plumbing.

acrylic products

Plumbing made of polymeric materials is now a success with consumers, thanks to the huge number of advantages of this type of device. At the same time, the selection of a bathtub in size in this category is very difficult, because the standards for acrylic products are quite flexible. What sizes are acrylic bathtubs?

Deep and long bathtubs make plumbing voluminous and roomy. Products fit perfectly into small spaces, due to the huge variety of configurations and dimensions of fonts.

Before determining the dimensions of the font suitable for your bathroom, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Anatomy;
  • Height. It is desirable that while taking a bath, a person can comfortably rest his head on a special headrest.

The length and width of the bath according to GOST made of polymeric materials are 120-180 cm and 70-160 cm, while the configuration of the product can be almost any.

The parameters of acrylic models are clearly presented in the diagram:

Cast iron models

What are the dimensions of cast iron bathtubs? To understand this, it is worth considering the main parameters of the products. Cast iron fonts are conditionally divided into four categories:

  • Small size products. They are suitable for rooms with a small area. Thanks to such designs, you can save usable space in the bathroom. The height from the floor can vary considerably, but the width of the bathroom and its length, respectively, are 70 by 120 cm. Of course, you cannot call such a “crumb” comfortable. But if the premises do not allow the installation of larger plumbing, you will have to put up with it;
  • A different type of font is produced with the following parameters: bathroom length - 130 cm, width - 75 cm. For some reason, such products are not mass-produced, but these dimensions are considered the most optimal for small models;
  • According to the European standard, the height of the bathroom from the floor is 530-620 cm, and the length and width are 150 by 70 cm. Such models are in demand among consumers who have bathrooms of non-standard sizes;
  • Large tubs. In such models, the distance from the floor to the bathtub is 440 cm without legs, respectively, the length and width are 180 by 85 cm. However, such devices are not recommended to be installed in high-rise buildings, because the overlap may not withstand a serious load.

A little higher and to the right is a table of standard parameters for cast iron models.

Determination of optimal dimensions

How to choose a bathtub for height? There are a variety of ways to choose a product that is ideal for the complexion of the consumer. To begin with, you will have to measure all household members, after which it will be easier to determine what size the bath should be.

Tip: If the height of the tallest person in the family is approximately 175 cm, you should purchase a product of no less length. Otherwise, you will take a bath with your legs bent at the knees, which is not very convenient.

The height of the bathtub with legs should not exceed 0.7 m if small children live in the family. It will be inconvenient for them to step over the sides of the font. On the other hand, steps or a podium installed next to the plumbing can also solve this problem.

Before calculating the size of the bath, estimate its weight with and without water. If you live in an apartment and decide to purchase a large-sized cast iron product, you should take into account the permitted floor load (to find out, you can contact the housing office staff who can give you such information).

Bathroom parameters

What are the dimensions of the bathroom? This issue worries consumers who are eager to quickly acquire brand new plumbing. But first of all, you should evaluate the parameters of the room itself in order to understand whether the font you like will fit there or not. This will require:

  • measure the length of all sides of the room;
  • measure the distance between the corners of the bathroom diagonally;
  • draw a schematic layout of the future font;
  • model suitable option location of plumbing;
  • based on this, determine what sizes will be optimal.

Standard parameters of direct models

What are the dimensions of the rectangular bathtubs? In fact, few people are limited to the standard now, if you want only a rectangular font in your house, you can make it to order, then you definitely won’t worry about the question of how long the baths are. Indeed, in this case, the contractor will select the optimal model parameters for your bathroom.

A standard straight bath has a height of 62-65 cm, a length of 175 cm, a width of 80 cm. What height of the bath from the floor should rather depend on the individual needs of each individual family.


Now you know how to choose the size of the bathtub that suits your individual room conditions. This parameter must be taken into account when buying a font, because the ease of use of plumbing depends on it.

The main difficulty lies in determining optimal dimensions models that will be suitable for all family members. If you buy plumbing too high, it will be difficult for children to climb into it. If you purchase a font with very low sides, it will be impossible for a fully grown adult to dive into the water.

But subject to the rules listed above, you will be able to make a choice in favor of the best plumbing option that will delight you and your household for many years.

Considering that the standard height of the bathtub with legs from the floor should be no more than 70 centimeters, this norm is recommended in order to ensure safety when using.

Sometimes the choice in size is so limited that you have to purchase a sitz bath, in which case the depth of the font can reach 70 centimeters, respectively, the height to the upper edge increases. In this case, a handle is installed on the wall to ensure safety.

How to install, install and connect - instructions

Repair in the bathroom with the replacement of plumbing always requires an answer to the question - what, where and how to attach. First of all, it is necessary to solve the issues of rational water supply and sewerage.

Such processing of the body of the font from the outside greatly increases its heat resistance and reduces the noise level during filling.

The weakness of the body of such a vessel from deformations during filling and use also deserves attention and additional refinement. It is practiced to install such tanks on an additional brick foundation, which compensates for the loads on the bottom.

In this case, the height of the bathroom 170 x 70 from the floor is standard and is 70 centimeters.

Installation instructions

Watch the video

Installing a bathtub is a responsible operation that is best entrusted to a specialist or performed independently under his guidance. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. In accordance with the requirements of SNiP, the bath must be installed on a perfectly flat horizontal surface. Bearing characteristics finishing material floors must correspond to the weight characteristics of the font plus the mass of poured water. In particular, for cast iron vessels it is better to use porcelain stoneware tiles.
  2. For the safety of the bath during installation, its installation is carried out last, when the main finishing work has already been completed.
  3. It is necessary to determine in advance its location, including the design of the supporting device. The mounting method is taken into account - on a foundation, a metal frame or directly on standard legs.
  4. In some cases, when using a metal bath, standard legs do not provide performance characteristics. In the place where the legs rest on the bottom, over time, the enamel may crack and peel off. Therefore, cases made of thin sheet metal must be installed on a special lodgement, which increases the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport.
  5. Of course, the standard for the height of the bathtub from the floor is maintained.

Features of mounting acrylic products

The use of an acrylic bath has its own characteristics. The body of this material can be quite significantly deformed when filling with water and taking procedures.

Therefore, such products are installed based on a specially made metal frame. Load bearing points are located in such a way as to support the font not only through the bottom, but also through the upper flanges.

However, the most popular way to install a bathtub is to mount it on a brick foundation. Moreover, the laying is carried out in such a way that the height acrylic bath from the floor corresponded to the standard and was no more than 70 centimeters. A deviation is permissible, but only in the direction of decreasing this indicator.

Support base under acrylic bath formed with subsequent consideration of decorative finishes.

Let's talk a little about the device and the principle of operation of the jacuzzi

The days when the presence of a jacuzzi in the house was a sign of the wealth of the owner are not so far away. Today, such a hot tub is found in many homes and serves as a necessity, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate after a hard day's work.

Watch the video

But acquiring such a device is only the first and not the most difficult step. The main thing is to install it correctly. Naturally, you can invite an experienced specialist, but having studied the procedure in detail, you can cope with such a task on your own.

Bathtub for hydraulic massage consists of the following main elements:

  • a vessel in the form of a bowl, also called a font;
  • hole for water intake;
  • nozzles for ejection of water jets and air;
  • piping of the hydromassage system and aeration network;
  • pumping station for pumping liquid through the hydromassage system;
  • compressor for air intake and pumping in the aeration system;
  • drain holes for transferring runoff to the sewer system;
  • adjustment and control unit;
  • support system with position regulators during installation;
  • mixing device for adjusting the water temperature during the filling of the font;
  • Remote Control.

The principle of operation of the device with hydromassage is simple - the bathtub is filled with water desired temperature through the mixer, while part of the liquid enters the piping of the hydromassage system.

The pump creates pressure, and the liquid breaks out of the nozzles at high speed, exerting a massaging effect on the human body.

In addition to this effect, you can turn on the aerator, and get an additional effect of air in the form of a clean jet or mixed with water. The whole process is controlled by a pneumatic or electronic system.

Modern whirlpools are equipped with additional functions designed for various purposes - music playback, radio, television, as well as the creation of color effects. Aromatization of air, ozonation and other options are possible.

Features of installation of bathtubs of any design

Regardless of the material of manufacture, the shape and size of the font, during installation there are a number of general rules to be followed:

  1. The legs are installed on the bath in such a position that the siphon freely, without distortions, enters the outlet sewer pipe. Before inserting it, silicone sealant must be applied to the nozzle.
  2. When installing, it is necessary to control the presence of a proper slope of the bottom towards the drain hole. In this case, the upper edge should be parallel to the floor. The slope is provided by the design of the vessel.
  3. When the font is located near the wall, reliable sealing of the joints is necessary. It is provided by sealing gaps cement mortar and laying a border of ceramic corners. The outer seam needs to be painted over acrylic paint moisture resistant.
  4. Large gaps are closed with bricks or closed with any suitable sheet material followed by decoration with decorative materials.
  5. The bath must be equipped with grounding. It is performed with a thick copper wire or shank. The use of steel strip is acceptable.
  6. When using a bath with a hydromassage, it is necessary to lay additional communications from the power and water supply system. Even at the stage of choosing such a device, it should be taken into account that for its normal operation, a water pressure in the network of the order of 4.5-6 atmospheres will be required. If this condition is not met, you will have to attend to the acquisition and use.

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Special care should be taken to seal the drain hole in the floor and the joints on the sewer pipes.