High quality metal door locks. Locks for metal doors - choose a reliable design

  • 31.05.2019

High-quality door construction, which will be a guarantee of security country house or apartments must be equipped with high-quality fittings without fail.

Items such as door hinges, is able to determine the stability, as well as the high soundproofing qualities of a metal door. Parameters such as reliability and structural strength will directly depend on the quality of the installed locking device.

At the moment, consumers are offered a wide variety of types and categories of door lock structures. The choice of one or another mechanism should be based on the type of door construction, on the required degree of reliability and on the required level of fire safety.

In addition, in the process of purchasing a quality door lock, it is necessary to take into account not only the quality, but also the level of ease of operation.

Now in the acquisition process, it is important to pay attention to the external characteristics of the device in order to give the interior and the door itself an attractive and pleasant appearance.

Regardless of which door is installed, a simple lock will not protect against penetration into the room; it will not resist the efforts of an experienced thief. In order to protect yourself and all acquired property as seriously as possible, you need to take the acquisition of a locking device with great responsibility.

With a perfect lock, the likelihood that the apartment will be robbed is minimized. Below we will describe which locks are offered, as well as how to select them.

Classes of door locks

The modern market offers a wide variety of door locks, each of them has its own security class.

As a rule, a similar parameter is indicated in a special passport and it ranges from I to IV. Each of the classes is worth studying in detail:

  • I class- These are ordinary serial and simple in design locks. Devices will not be a serious obstacle for an experienced cracker, especially for a professional. Moreover, even a beginner will spend no more than 5 minutes to enter such a room;
  • II security class- these are locks that are characterized as a little more reliable. Hacking may take longer;
  • III class- under this class are locks that are distinguished by a higher degree of reliability;
  • IV class has a high quality and level of protection. Such a device is difficult to open, even with special equipment.

In addition to the protection class, the variety of locks is also based on design features.

Structural differences of locking devices

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of different castles.

Among them, such types of mechanisms are especially popular., how:

  • crossbar;
  • level;
  • cylinder;
  • electronic.

Each of the above types has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is worth familiarizing yourself with each of the types to facilitate the selection process.

You can also find information on which locks are suitable for an entrance metal door,.

Crossbar devices

Crossbar locks for metal doors, which are also called rack, belong to the first class of protection. These mechanisms have a simple mechanism. The keys have a flat design, there are cut grooves on both sides. That is what makes the device work.

Read how to adjust a plastic door.

The main feature of the crossbar lock can be attributed to equipping it with special handles on both sides. This is quite convenient not only for the owner of the apartment and for the thief. This lock, if necessary, can be easily and simply opened without using the help of a standard master key.

cylinder lock

Such devices can be of different types and protection classes, respectively. Some, the simplest, which can be easily opened with a standard pin, for others it is simply impossible to try to pick up a high-quality master key. These devices are usually not hacked, they are simply broken out. As soon as the larva falls inside from the impact, the door opens very easily.

What to do if it is necessary to insulate the entrance wooden door with your own hands, you will know.

The level of security of such a device directly depends on the features of its device. Locks that belong to III or IV class, as a rule, are equipped with a special tab, which is made of sheet armored sheet. Special balls made of steel are mounted in it. This lock is very difficult to break, as well as knock out the larva.

Lever locks

Lever locks for metal doors are now in great demand. The name of this mechanism is based on the fact that the structure contains special plates made of steel. It is from them that such a locking mechanism consists. To open it, it is necessary that all the plates present are built in a certain order, which is indicated by the type and shape of the key.

The key to such a locking device looks like a regular rod, equipped with two plates located at the end. They have one-of-a-kind grooves cut into them. Such levers line up in direct proportion to the shape that the grooves on the key have and the device immediately opens.

Locks of this kind are also offered with different security classes. The level depends on how many levers the lock device has, what type of metal they are made of, and it also matters whether or not an element such as an armor plate is present in the lock.

The main types of cylinder locks

Among the wide variety of proposed options for locks, cylinder locks are very popular.

At the moment, several types of these mechanisms are offered:

  1. Pin single-row devices. In fact, these are locking and code pins, they are made of quality steel, and they are lined up strictly in one row. Code ones, as a rule, have a regular cylindrical shape, as for shut-off ones, they can have a notch that looks like a fungus.
  2. Pin double row locks. In these mechanisms, the pins are arranged strictly two in a row, respectively, their number is twice as large. A special double-sided key is used to close and open this type of lock.
  3. Cross devices. Here, the code pins are arranged in the shape of a cross, so the key and the keyhole itself are similar in external characteristic right on the cross. In these locks, the number of rows can be different - about 3-4 rows. Each has two or more pins.
  4. Special cylinder locks having conical milling on the key. The mechanisms of such a plan may include from 2 to 4 rows of pins. The number of rows can be up to five. They are located in planes of different levels, which significantly increases the secrecy of the locking device, as well as the number of possible code options.
  5. Cylinder locks equipped with swivel pins. This is a fairly small type and type of devices that are distinguished by the presence of special pivot pins.

The choice of one or another type of device directly depends on the material possibilities and individual preferences.

How to choose a facing stone for the facade, read.

How to choose the right lock

When choosing, you need to study the documents and instructions that are usually attached. This is a passport, which usually indicates the protection and safety class of the device. As a rule, locks with a class of 2 to 4 will be accompanied by a special certificate of conformity.

The first class is usually not certified. When choosing and purchasing, it will not be superfluous to inspect it appearance, it is important to exclude smudges of destructive rust.

The choice of a lock for a metal door should be made with a solution to the question for which object the lock is purchased.

Modern buyers can choose from different types of mechanisms that differ in the method of fastening on the door leaf:

  • security mortise locks for front doors- they are cut into the door structure with the help of special tools. Despite the relatively difficult installation, such locks are quite popular;
  • invoices- have a special box shape. The mechanisms of such a plan can be installed directly on the door leaf, and also crash into a pre-prepared compartment;
  • hinged- partially or completely separated from the door structure. their main drawback is based on this, that is, despite the high-quality core, it is relatively easy to crack them.

When buying a lock, you need to pay attention to the thickness steel sheets from which the door structure is made. If this indicator does not exceed 4 mm, you should not buy a very large lock, since with its weight it is able to deform the door leaf.

Speaking of the highest level of security, it is necessary to highlight the lever locks. Their mechanism after installation is strictly inside the door, in order to crack it, you first need to get to it by all possible methods.


This video shows reliable locks for the front door.

To ensure a high level of security, it is worth installing two types of locking devices on the door at the same time - lever and cylinder. In this case, the higher the protection class present, the better.

The question of which lock is better to choose for the front door is no less significant than the selection of the canvas itself. Indicators of safety, reliability and anti-burglary depend on the characteristics of the mechanism. What type of product is best to choose?

It is very important to choose the right lock for the front door.

Safety class

The choice of a lock for the front door should begin with determining its security class, there are such categories:

  • 1 class - the simplest and weakest mechanisms that can be hacked in just a few minutes;
  • Grade 2 - it is more difficult for an inexperienced burglar to deal with such a lock, but an experienced thief can quickly deal with it, in about 7-10 minutes;
  • Grade 3 - are considered quite reliable, since it takes a lot of time and effort to open them, it will take a professional about 20 minutes;
  • 4th grade- the most reliable and secure, since it is very difficult to hack them even with the use of special equipment, besides, it will take about half an hour.

When choosing a lock, it is necessary to take into account its security class.

You should also consider such an indicator as the level of secrecy, it characterizes the number of available combinations for a particular lock cylinder mechanism. The more of them, the higher the level of secrecy, which means that it will be more difficult to hack it. There are 3 levels of protection:

  • Small - simple products with less than 5000 combinations. In addition, they are not equipped with armor plates and other means of additional protection against hacking.
  • Medium - it is very difficult to pick up a master key for such a secret, and the number of combinations can reach 1 million.
  • High - these are the most reliable and unique locks of their kind, they are almost impossible to crack, since in addition to the secret with 4 million combinations, there are additional protective mechanisms.

For an apartment, you can choose the second type, since the ratio of cost and quality in this case is optimal for most people. But what kind of castle is the most preferable?


This is the simplest and most unreliable type of locking mechanism, its second name is a rack lock. In order to open it from the inside, it is enough to pull the two protruding levers that move the crossbars. Robbers can also take advantage of this by inserting a wire with a loop into the well.

Crossbar mechanism

The key looks like a flat long plate with grooves on the sides. This type of lock is absolutely not suitable for the front door, so it is better to choose a different model. In addition, a huge disadvantage is that often doors with a rack lock slam shut and it will be quite difficult for you to get inside, or when closing, the bolt may jam and you will not notice how you left the door open.


In the question of which lock is better to choose for the front door, cylinder systems are usually in the lead. In principle, this type is quite reliable if you take care of protection. key element systems - a cylinder with a larva. To do this, they are additionally equipped with armored plates, which are attached with inside doors and prevent the cylinder from being drilled or knocked out.

The key for such a lock has the most familiar form for us, it is also called English. Inside the larva there are pins that move to a predetermined position when using a key with notches and notches, the more there are, the higher the level of secrecy of the mechanism.

There are also higher class cylinder models with improved security features and a higher level of secrecy.


When wondering which lock is better to put on the front door, you should pay attention to another good option - a lever mechanism. A feature of such a lock is that there are levers inside that block the position of the locking bolts. In order to open the door, you need a native key, it looks like a long rod with plates on the sides on its very edge. Cutouts and notches are made on the plates, it is thanks to them that the levers are set in motion. If at least one of them does not stand in the place specified by the secret, the crossbars will not budge, which means the door will not open.

Lever lock mechanism

To break such a lock, you will have to pick up the key, and this can take a lot of time. Additional armor plates will protect the castle from destruction. Such a system can easily be chosen to protect the home.


There are other types of locks. One of them is a Phillips, it is easy to identify by the key, which looks like a Phillips screwdriver. Actually, he tells you how to hack it. If you remove the plate and get inside the larva, you can turn it with a simple Phillips screwdriver, of course, this is not the most best defense from strangers entering the house.

It makes sense to install such locks on outbuildings, but not on the front door to a dwelling. Low level reliability does not guarantee you proper protection, but it's better not to take risks.


A little more reliable, but still one of the simplest mechanisms is a disc lock. Such locks are based on a lock with a combination of disk positions; they are turned using a key that has the form of a short rod semicircular in section with cutouts on one side.

Rim disc lock

However, such a mechanism is well protected from the effects of environmental factors, and therefore it can be installed to protect outdoor extensions that are not of particular value, but such a lock will not properly protect the entrance to the house. Especially often they are used for improved models of padlocks.


When choosing which lock is best for the front door, you should also turn to more advanced models that will perfectly complement the level of protection of your home. We are talking primarily about the electromechanical lock.

Electromechanical locking mechanism

This type of locking mechanism is an improved variation of the crossbar lock, the main difference is the absence of a key. In order to open the door you need remote, magnetic card, code or other contraption. If the lock is equipped with a scanner, fingerprint recognition can be set. The disadvantage of the latter method: for opening, you can use a photo or an imprint of the owner's papillary lines. But it is practically useless to wield a master key here. To open the thief will need special equipment and, of course, time.


Another type of such systems is an electromagnetic lock. The principle of its operation is based on holding the door plate with the help of an installed electromagnet, control is carried out by means of a controller. Something similar applies to intercoms. In order to open the lock you will need a magnetic key or a code.

Electromagnetic door lock

If you decide to install an electromagnetic model, be sure to use other ways to protect your home, since such locks depend on electricity and simply turn off if there is no power.


This type of device is no longer related to the locks themselves, but to additional security measures. Of course, when you leave the apartment, its safety depends entirely on those locks that you can lock from the outside, but if you or your children stay at home, a small latch will help protect you from ill-wishers.

This mechanism is located only on one side - on the inside. It is enough to turn it and the door is additionally locked on a durable bolt, which is hidden in the structure. It is impossible to crack such a lock from the outside, since the robber has no idea about its existence and location. At the same time, it is important to ensure a close fit of the door leaf to the box, otherwise this crossbar can be cut off. The same applies to all other cases.

It is also important to take care of the installation in addition to locks quality door, which cannot be cut off the hinges or opened bypassing the lock, for example, using a can opener.

Even if you know exactly which lock to choose for your door, don't stop at one option. The combination of lever and cylinder mechanisms is optimal. For greater reliability, you can install a hidden electronic lock, and on the inside - a latch lock. Perfect option- the use of additional means of protection: armor plates, locking bolts on hinges, multidirectional pins in the canvas, alarms, etc.

Locks for entrance doors are divided into five categories according to the type of locking device: crossbar, lever, cylinder, combined and electronic. The first two types are traditional, operating on the principle of coincidence of crossbars (grooves) or levers (plates) inside the lock and beards on the key. Cylinder - a more advanced and convenient type of lock for metal entrance doors. Universal locks are considered combined with two mechanisms. They are two-lever, two-cylinder and lever-cylinder. The most modern lock is electronic, which opens without a key, using a remote control, card or code.

About manufacturers: whose products are better?

On the Russian market among preferences are Super Lock (Israel), KALE KILIT (Turkey), KESO (Switzer
iya), Kerberos (Russia). A special list includes lock brands ABUS (Germany), ABLOY (Finland), Cisa (Italy), Mottura (Italy), ATRA-DIERRE (Italy).

Brief characteristics of some brands and models:
Super Locks - equipped with a locking system in case of an attempted force or removal of the protective lining. In the event of a breakdown, the larva changes quickly.
Mortise type lock KALE KILIT 252 - recommended for heavy armored doors. Special strength is given by three steel chrome-plated crossbars with a diameter of 16 mm, the projection of the crossbars is 34 mm. Burglar resistance class - the fourth. The case has an additional steel protective plate. Secret with a three-step mechanism,

  • KESO - Material for locking mechanisms - carbide steel. The secret part is a pin mechanism. The quality is confirmed by certificates VdS A and VdS B. (www.bars-x.ru/KESO.htm)
    Kerberos ("Kerberos", RF). The lock is equipped with a cover made of armored steel Ts85 with a thickness of 4.6mm, which provides protection against drilling. There is a system of anti-master keys and anti-falsification of keys. The manufacturer on the website www.locks.ru announces a guarantee for all products for 100 years.

Security class of door locks

The safety class is assigned as a result of tests and confirmed by a special certificate. Security class parameters:

  • secrecy (number of lock combinations);
  • failure-free operation;
  • strength and breakage resistance.
Description Advantages Flaws
I Standard bolt locksEasy installation and low costLow burglar resistance. These locks are not recommended for metal front doors.
II More reliable and sophisticated devicesIt will be difficult for a beginner to cope with such a mechanism.An experienced burglar needs 10-20 minutes to open the door
III Locks on with additional protectionEnhanced protective qualitiesHigh price. Can be hacked by a professional within half an hour
IV The most protected mechanisms with high level secrecyCannot be hacked with conventional toolsHigh price. An experienced master will cope with the help of special tools or electrical equipment

Top 5 - the most popular locks for front doors

On the site male-hobby.ru/rating-dvernyh-zamkov-2016.html the rating of the best and most reliable locks for steel entrance doors is published. The choice is based on technical specifications and consumer reviews. The first three lines of the rating are occupied by Italian manufacturers.

  • The first place was given to the locks of the Italian company ATRA-DIERRE. The Atra Heavy series is especially noted as ideal locks for entrance doors. The lever mechanism can combine a different number of crossbars, combinations with spacers are possible, which gives the lock a special reliability.
  • In second place is Mottura (Italy), the cylinder model MOTTURA 52 YM 515 B / 37, which has a replaceable security element, was highly appreciated. The lock is protected from breaking by blocking from knocking out of crossbars.
  • On the third line– lever lock Cisa-57.535.28.C5 with four bolts 18 mm, reversible latch 19 mm and two bolts of vertical locking. For added durability, there is an anti-vandal level pad.
  • Fourth in the ranking– ABLOY lock (Finland). It has a steel case with armored plates, the level of secrecy is 1 million combinations. Forced opening is prevented by a hook-shaped crossbar.
  • The brand of German manufacturers closes the list ABUS EP-10. The safety of the lock in three planes is provided by 13 pins plus 2 additional ones. Material - specially hardened steel. Copies are made only at the factory.

The strongest and most secure front doors cannot provide the expected level of security and protection without a good quality lock. Any door will become vulnerable to intruders if a weak lock is installed on it. Let us consider in more detail which lock to choose for the front door so that it is reliably protected, and which mechanism to give preference to.

If you forgot the keys in a house or apartment, and then accidentally lost them, then opening doors with this type of lock will not be an easy process, but this is not a minus of this lock, because this fact only speaks of the reliability of the lock. Another disadvantage of this mechanism is the need to close the front door on both sides only with a key, and this is not always convenient.

Electronic type locks

Electronic lock invisible

Electronic locks are not the worst choice for a front door mechanism, and in some situations even a very positive and reliable one. These mechanisms have recently appeared on the modern market and their cost is quite high, so not everyone can afford such protection.

They are currently not very popular and are not often seen, and therefore most burglars simply do not know how to open this lock. Seeing such a complex mechanism, many intruders will simply abandon all attempts to enter the house.

An electronic door lock does not have keys in the common sense of the word. It opens with a code, a special remote control or a card, and sometimes even with a fingerprint.

It should be noted that last option is less common, because the lock will be very easy to open by attaching a photo of the owner's finger to the photocell.

Many electronic locks can be easily controlled using applications on a smartphone or laptop, and this is a rare feature that is not available to other types of locks. Having listed all the advantages of an electronic lock, we can say with confidence that this mechanism is not a bad protection for your entrance.

Combination locks

Combination lock

Combination locks - this is perhaps the best option for the front door of the house, because it will be quite difficult to open it.

Locks combined type have two mechanisms. For example, two-lever, two-cylinder and lever-cylinder locks. And it is worth noting that both locks will work independently of each other, and will be supplemented, which will greatly increase protection and reliability. In this case, when you try to open the first lock mechanism, the second one will be automatically blocked, and the robber will not be able to get inside the house. Breaking this lock is very problematic, because. Each castle will require its own individual “approach”.

An excellent replacement for combined locks will be the use of two different locks on the front door, for example, a cylinder and a lever lock, and always with special protective linings. In this case, the house will receive an excellent degree of reliability and protection.

Types of locks by installation method

According to the installation method, all locks can be divided into three main types:

  • mortise type locks;
  • overhead locks;
  • padlocks.

Mortise lock type

Mortise locks for entrance doors - this is the best option. From the name itself, it becomes clear that the mechanism is mounted inside the door. When used, these locks are simple, but their repair is not easy, and will require the help of specialists.

Too large mortise locks weaken the strength of the door, which cannot be said about loose. This is a type of mortise mechanism, and in this case, the lock is mounted in a prepared special door pocket. Thanks to such introductions, the strength characteristics do not decrease, the lock will become even more difficult for burglars, and if we consider the repair of the lock, then insertion mechanisms are much simpler.

Rim lock

Overhead locks very easy to install and install.

They are installed on inner part doors, and a special hole is made in the door leaf for the location of the secrecy mechanism and the key entry.

These locks are easy to dismantle and change, the door leaf does not weaken, but they are inferior in strength to mortise locks, so they are used only in combination with them.

padlocks they are not suitable for doors to an apartment, they are used as an additional element when other types of locks are installed. For their operation, you need to install special hinges on the door and the box, into which the padlock shackle will be inserted. Mechanisms of this type are automatic, i.e. lockable without a key, or non-automatic. This type of lock is often found on the doors of cellars, various basements and sheds, gates or gates.

Common security classes of different types of locks

All existing locks can be divided into security classes, depending on how easy they are to open. Of course, it is better to choose the right lock for the front door and a higher class.

No secure locks. Usually they put at least two locks, sometimes three or four. It is they who make reliable door structures, regardless of how and with what the canvas and frame are reinforced. When choosing a metal door, give preference to models that are equipped with locks with different mechanisms and are able to provide your home with maximum protection from intruders.

Crossbar - the main locking element

The main barrier that prevents the robber from entering through the doors into the house is the crossbar, which is pulled out of the castle and enters into door frame. Representing a rod with teeth and recesses, it blocks the spring when a “non-native” key is inserted and prevents the locking mechanism from opening. In high-quality designs, the crossbar is made of high-strength steel, has a cylindrical shape and is able to rotate freely around an axis.

Which castle is better?

Level lock

It is considered the most reliable and burglary-resistant device. Invented in the 19th century, it has been consistently popular with the population of the whole world for several centuries. The lock mechanism is difficult to open due to a unique set of levers or plates (no more than 6), on which there are cut teeth different size. If the key is lost, it is easy to recode it without disassembling the case. The lever lock is vandal-resistant and continues to work normally even if small objects get into the keyhole. Modern suval devices are equipped with effective protection against hacking: false grooves, buffer mechanisms for recognizing master keys, armor plates, therefore they are opened only by force.


  • durable and shock-resistant housing;
  • high burglar resistance;
  • ease of repair and replacement of the mechanism.


  • great weight.
  • overall key;
  • the presence of a through keyhole, freezing in cold weather.


When choosing a lever lock, pay attention to the stand of the crossbar shank. A gap of 0.3-0.7 mm should form between it and the groove of the lever. A lower value will result in frequent jamming of the deadbolt, applying more force when turning the key and its rapid wear, especially when closing and opening doors frequently. Too large a gap reduces the burglary resistance of the lock and increases the likelihood of opening the door with a special master key.

English (cylinder) lock

The design of the cylinder lock, equipped with a cylindrical coded or secret mechanism, is a universal option for entrance doors. Due small sizes and a mortise hole, it does not spoil the aesthetics of the entrance doors at all. In addition to the cylinder (larva), the device has a body, code elements and a crossbar drive that actuates the door closing or opening mechanism. The device is supplied with a flat steel or brass key, equipped with 1-4 rows with notches and teeth along the edges. Created different types cylinders: cruciform, rotary, pin (single-row, double-row), with conical milling at the end.


  • compact dimensions;
  • high reliability;
  • small key;
  • maintainability - the cylinder changes, and not the entire lock;
  • high secrecy (billions of combinations for expensive models).


  • weak protection against power hacking;
  • the hole is easy to score with a match;
  • the cost of installing an armor plate;
  • the larva is unstable to concentrated acids.


Reliable protection of the apartment is provided by a cylinder lock with a hole cylinder, five or more “pins” - spring-loaded balls and pins that are combined with the key bits, a smooth drive and armor protection from knocking out the larva. Its reliability is significantly increased by multi-row keys with perforation at the end. It is almost impossible to open such a lock with master keys, only by bumping.

Disc lock

The device belongs to pin cylinder locks and is highly reliable. It does not use the selection of pins in height, but alignment of the disks at a certain angle. The key is a metal rod with a semicircular section and transverse cuts. In most cases, models are equipped with an automatic or semi-automatic (push-button) latch. To a greater extent, they are suitable for doors of public buildings, the locking devices of which are under increased load.


  • does not freeze;
  • high resource of working capacity;
  • opens when debris hits.


  • the larva protrudes beyond the door leaf;
  • function of automatic slamming in the absence of a key;
  • the cylinder is drilled and knocked out.


A disc lock is often opened by drilling, so it is better to choose designs with carbide protective inserts.

cruciform lock

A distinctive feature of the device is the larva and the key, which have a cruciform shape from the end. The mechanism consists of four rows of pins and is notable for good secrecy - about 20,000 combinations, but it does not have great reliability and is easily drilled or opened with the help of master keys.


  • profitability;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • ease of use;
  • in case of breakage, it is enough to change the cylinder.


  • low burglary resistance;
  • low degree of secrecy;
  • low quality;
  • wears quickly on all four sides.


Cross-core locks are often made of unreliable material, due to which they wear out and break quickly. When buying it, it is better to choose models made of armored steel. In the attached documents, it is referred to as C85.

Top 5 door lock manufacturers


The company started its activity in 1992 and today its products are in demand both in Russia and abroad. The main specialization of the plant is the production of tumbler, cylinder and combined locks of increased strength and 4 security classes. A special group is made up of radio-controlled locking devices for doors. industrial premises and apartment buildings, made of durable steel and equipped with a code dialing mechanism of ten buttons. Models are equipped with 4-10 levers, some of them are equipped with an additional code mechanism for blocking bolts.


In 2008, the Finnish company Dafor OY launched in St. Petersburg the production of lever locks of the 4th class of burglary resistance, which are considered one of the most reliable locking structures on the domestic market. Tests have shown that devices resist hacking for 30 minutes, thanks to effective protection: false grooves, variable cutting pitch, a special locking device against drilling - a floating ball that is placed on the end of the shank and rotates with the drill. The secrecy of some models exceeds five million combinations.


The Ryazan plant, founded in 1942, produces lever locks, electronic locks, and locks with wringing grooves. Particularly popular are burglary-resistant models of Mechanical 3 and 4 security classes, equipped with chrome strikers, armor plates, deviators to increase the level of secrecy. Locks of the Resistance series are equipped with a unique patented system with reinforced bolt pins that reliably protect the door from burglary. Electromotive locks from the Electronics collection are opened using proxy cards and are designed to protect banks and plastic doors hotels.


Since 1994, CERBER CJSC has been manufacturing mortise and overhead locks of 3-4 security levels in St. Petersburg. Their production is based on K-SYSTEM's own patented technique, which provides closed interaction between the lever and the key, thanks to which the locking mechanism continues to work even in the event of an unforeseen breakage or corrosion of the stopper. All models meet international requirements and are equipped with a bearing roller, a locking stand, and a special anti-drilling insert against unauthorized opening.

« guardian»

For more than 15 years, the Guardian has been supplying the Russian and foreign markets with lever, cylindrical and combined locks that are in no way inferior to their European counterparts. Today, the line includes over 40 models with thickened armor plates and modern mechanisms of 2-4 burglary resistance classes. They are equipped with both wooden and steel doors presented. Models with replaceable rotors are produced, which allow, in case of loss of the key, not to completely change the lock, but only to recode the larva. The manufacturer provides a 5-year warranty for all products.

Smart locks

Today, many leading Russian and European brands produce limited series of biometric locks that scan the owner's fingerprint and open when the scanner is pressed. For example, the Guardian company, which has launched the production of doors with an ekey scanner, thanks to which a fingerprint is taken even from contaminated fingers, without the use of computer and additional devices. Bribes their convenience - no need to carry the key with you and worry that it might get lost. At the same time, the locks recognize the fingerprints of both adults and children, starting from the age of 6, and tolerate temperature changes from -40 to +85 degrees.