What are the entrance doors? Entrance metal doors: characteristics and installation.

  • 14.06.2019

To reliably protect housing from thieves, as well as to ensure high heat and sound insulation characteristics of the house, the most reliable and effective solution are metal doors. If the owner is not satisfied with the appearance steel door, there are many options for its interior and exterior finishes, so this design will fit perfectly into any interior. The modern market offers a large selection of metal doors, but if there is a desire and opportunity, then it is easy to make them yourself.

Types and designs of metal entrance doors

In order to choose the right metal front door, you first need to know where it will be installed: at the entrance from the street or at the entrance. In addition, you need to decide on the requirements that you impose on it: high heat and sound insulation characteristics, fire safety, large width, etc.

Exists different types entrance doors: street, fire, with glass, entrance and others

One of the main advantages of entrance metal doors is their high strength. There is a large selection of different finishing materials, which are used to decorate a metal door from the inside and outside, so it will look aesthetically pleasing in any room. The presence of an anti-corrosion coating allows you to increase the service life of such a structure and protects the surface from the negative effects of external factors.

The strength and reliability of metal doors depends on the thickness of the metal used for their manufacture. In the cheapest models, it is 0.5 mm, while in more expensive and high-quality models it is up to 3 mm. For improvement performance characteristics doors inner part filled with heat and sound insulating materials. For decoration, various natural and artificial materials can be used, for example, wood, veneer, decorative film, MDF lining, etc.

Entrance doors to a private house

At first glance, street entrance doors in private house are no different from those that are installed in apartments, but this is not so. The outer door at the same time should not only protect the house from unauthorized entry, but also be its decoration, since it is constantly in sight.

When choosing a street door to the house, the following factors should be considered.

  1. Wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage. Such structures must have an anti-vandal coating in order to be reliable protection home for many years.
  2. Heat and sound insulation. Entrance doors are a barrier between the street and the house, so their design must necessarily have a double-circuit seal and a thick layer of heat-insulating material.
  3. Fire resistance. An important characteristic, since metal street doors must provide high security and practicality.
  4. Burglary resistance. Since the doors ensure the safety of the residents of the house and the safety of property, the degree of their resistance to burglary must be very high. There are three classes of burglary resistance of metal doors:
    • I class - a budget option, which is not suitable for installation from the side of the street, since such doors can be opened using hand tools;
    • Class II - the most popular option, which is characterized by high reliability and affordable cost;
    • III class are the most reliable doors, which are made of thick sheet steel, they have additional insulation, therefore they are ideal option for outdoor installation. To open such a structure, attackers will have to work with a powerful grinder from 15 to 30 minutes, and they usually do not have this time.
  5. Appearance. Since the street door is visible, it must match the architectural design of the building. There are many options for finishing, so this design can always be organically fit into both the internal and external design of the house.

Street entrance doors must fit into decoration Houses

If at the entrance from the street to install ordinary metal doors without insulation or with its minimum layer, then such a design will freeze through. On her inner surface frost and frost will appear, which will significantly reduce the thermal insulation performance of the house. In addition, such a door will not be able to protect the house from the sound of the street, so it will be uncomfortable and uncomfortable to be in it.

Entrance doors to the apartment

For installation in an apartment, the most safe and reliable are hinged metal doors that open outwards. Such a solution not only prevents the door from being knocked out, but also saves space in the hallway when leaving and entering the room.

Most often, single-leaf doors are installed in an apartment, but if possible, a half-open structure can also be installed. In this case, one part of the canvas has standard dimensions, and the second bar opens if it is necessary to bring in or take out large-sized furniture or in other similar cases. For the front door, it is not recommended that the width of the canvas exceed 100 cm - if you need it wider, then it is better to install a double-leaf structure.

Most often, single-leaf metal doors opening outwards are installed in apartments.

When choosing entrance metal doors to an apartment, you should pay attention to the following characteristics.

If in a house or apartment it is necessary to arrange a doorway with a width of more than 1 m, then it is best to install a double-leaf metal door. Typically, such a solution is used in public buildings where there is a large flow of people, but it can also be implemented in a private house or apartment.

Now there is a large selection of double-leaf metal structures, which are distinguished by high reliability, strength and durability. The cost of such a door is affected by the thickness of the metal, the type and thickness of the insulation, the presence of a reinforced frame and the type of lock used.

When choosing a double-leaf door, it is necessary to take into account the place of its installation, whether it will be an entrance to Vacation home or to an apartment. Street structures, in addition to a beautiful appearance and resistance to burglary, must be adapted to the effects of moisture, sunlight and other adverse natural factors.

Double-leaf entrance doors differ in several ways.

  1. Sash width. Two options are possible: both sashes have the same width or one sash is narrower than the other. Usually one half of the door constantly performs its functions, and the second opens as needed.
  2. The size. The standard sash width is a multiple of 10 cm and is usually in the range of 40-100 cm. The combination of sashes of different widths allows you to design any doorway.
  3. Sash opening. It can be made both inside and outside, while each leaf can open only in one direction.

The entrance double-leaf metal door has a number of advantages:

  • you can bring in and take out large-sized furniture or other items;
  • it is possible to design a doorway of a non-standard size;
  • provides a beautiful appearance.

The only drawback of this solution is the high cost.

Entrance doors with glass

Entrance metal doors with glass are an excellent option for a private house. They provide it with reliable protection and at the same time look very stylish and allow additional sunlight into the house.

Metal doors with glass replaced all-metal doors. Despite their apparent fragility, they are highly durable and reliable, so they can protect your home from uninvited guests, cold and street noise.

For their manufacture, special impact-resistant glass is used, and the metal part of the structure is no different from ordinary entrance doors. Often such doors are complemented with decorative forging, and stained-glass windows are used instead of ordinary glass. Forged elements not only make it possible to create exclusive and unique canvases, but also act as additional stiffening ribs. To protect from prying eyes, you can cover the glass with a mirror film.

Glass inserts are highly durable, and the presence of forged elements provides additional protection against intruders

The disadvantage of metal doors with glass is their higher cost, but they have many advantages:

  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • high strength and reliability;
  • the ability to fill the house with additional natural light;
  • attractive and unique appearance.

Such designs belong to premium products, therefore they differ high level safety and quality, as well as a long service life.

Fireproof metal doors

Modern metal fire-prevention entrance doors allow you to protect the apartment from a fire that has arisen in the entrance. Such structures may have different exterior finish, so they fit perfectly into any interior.

The main requirement for such a door is fire resistance. When buying it, you must definitely pay attention to this indicator, which is designated as EI in the passport for the product. The number next to the letter designation indicates how long the door can withstand fire, that is, if the marking is EI-60, then the fire resistance of the door is 60 minutes.

Fire doors must withstand direct exposure to fire for at least 30 minutes.

The fire resistance of this design is ensured not only by the thickness of the metal sheets, but also by the internal filling of the canvas. In addition, the door frame also has a special design, which should ensure reliable fixation of the leaf.

You can buy a ready-made fireproof metal door, or you can order its manufacture according to an individual plan and with specified characteristics.

A fireproof door is considered to have a degree of resistance of at least EI-30, that is, it can withstand fire for 30 minutes, but it is best to give preference to designs with EI-60 or EI-90.

Metal access doors

Most apartment buildings recently installed metal access doors. Such a decision not only protects the entrance from the penetration of cold, but also does not allow thieves, drug addicts, hooligans and other disadvantaged categories of citizens to enter there. Access doors to apartment house, as well as street doors to a private house, must be durable and reliable. Their difference lies in the fact that appearance less requirements are imposed, and they may also have no or a slight layer of thermal insulation.

When choosing entrance doors, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the presence of a closer, this important element, which will not allow the door leaf to close abruptly, so there will be no extraneous noise;
  • the presence of a combination lock or intercom allows only residents of the house or those guests you are waiting for to enter the entrance;
  • trouble-free operation - since access doors are used very often, they must function flawlessly for a long time, so special attention is paid to the quality of the hinges;
  • high-quality external coating, powder paint is usually used, which has a high resistance to atmospheric precipitation, sunlight and perfectly withstands temperature changes.

Access doors must have strong hinges to withstand a large number of openings and closings.

Since the entrance door to an apartment building must have high strength and reliability, metal sheets with a minimum thickness of 2 mm are usually used for its manufacture. If the entrance is not heated, then you should not worry too much about the insulation of the door. The main task of this design is not to let moisture in, to protect against drafts, so it is equipped with high-quality seals.

Entrance doors with hidden hinges

To ensure the maximum level of protection for a house or apartment, sellers recommend using structures with hidden hinges.

In addition to the fact that the hinges provide opening and closing of the canvas, they are also elements of anti-vandal protection. Consider whether hidden loops really have advantages over ordinary ones.

  1. Unlike ordinary hinges, it is impossible to cut off hidden ones when the doors are closed. But you need to know that almost all entrance doors additionally have anti-removable elements, so even without hinges it will not work to pull them out of the box. In addition, it must be borne in mind that it will take time to cut the loops, and a lot of noise is created, so it is unlikely that such a solution will be implemented at the entrance. It is much easier to break the lock to enter the house.
  2. Nice looking door. This is also a controversial advantage, as some people like it when the loops are not visible, while others prefer traditional solutions.

The presence of hidden hinges increases the burglary resistance of doors and provides a more attractive appearance.

Hidden loops also have serious disadvantages:

  • they do not allow the door leaf to be fully opened, the maximum angle is no more than 130 degrees, which often makes it difficult to move furniture and other large items;
  • the cost of such canopies is much higher than conventional ones;
  • they are not so strong and sag more under high loads, so you need to be sure of the quality of the hinges, otherwise there may come a time when it will be difficult to get into the apartment;
  • there are restrictions on the size of the door leaf, it should be no more than 2100x980 mm;
  • you can install only one seal circuit, which negatively affects the sound insulation of doors;
  • difficult to remove the canvas from the box.

Triangular entrance doors

The thermal insulation characteristics of the door are especially important when installed in a private house, since there it is in direct contact with the street. To ensure improved heat and sound insulation characteristics of the house, there is such a solution as three-circuit metal doors. They not only have high thermal insulation performance, but also perfectly protect against street noise.

Two of the three circuits are on the canvas, and one is on the door frame, which ensures their maximum fit to each other. When creating a three-circuit door, additional stiffeners are usually installed. This solution allows you to increase the thickness of the door, so you can lay a thicker layer of insulation and install more reliable locks.

The presence of three contours of seals increases the heat and sound insulation qualities of metal doors

A three-circuit metal door is usually installed at the entrance to the house from the street, when they live in it permanently, so its high-quality thermal insulation is needed. In addition, such structures can be installed in apartments located on the first floors of apartment buildings and at the entrance to heated entrances.

The main advantages of three-circuit metal doors:

  • high heat and sound insulation characteristics;
  • protection of the premises from the penetration of foreign odors and smoke into it during a fire in the entrance;
  • high class of burglar resistance.

When choosing an entrance door, many owners pay attention to its soundproofing characteristics. This indicator is important both for the door in a private house and in an apartment. It’s not very pleasant to hear how children run around the stairwell or in the morning a neighbor takes the dog for a walk. To improve comfort and coziness in the house, it is enough to install metal doors with sound insulation, which are otherwise called acoustic.

A metal door with soundproofing provides a more comfortable stay, because extraneous noise from the street or from the stairs behind it is not heard

Such structures have the following features:

  • due to the use of additional filling, the weight of the door will be greater;
  • for their filling, basalt wool is usually used and two layers of a sound-absorbing membrane are installed;
  • a layer of cork is laid between the metal sheet and the finishing MDF panel, which acts as a thermal break;
  • a special pattern is milled on the finishing MDF panel, which allows you to cut the sound wave into many small reflections, after which the sound power is significantly reduced;
  • 4 contours of sound-absorbing sealant are used.

The popularity of metal doors with soundproofing is constantly growing, this is due to the fact that they protect the house well from external noise, have high burglary resistance and beautiful appearance.

Video: how to choose an entrance metal door

Dimensions of entrance metal doors

There is a state standard that determines the size of the entrance doors. Their main parameters should be as follows.

The standard width of the front door is larger than that of the interior door, this is necessary to ensure the free movement of people and bulky goods.

Gradually, standards are becoming a thing of the past, as houses and apartments often have original design solutions, so doors are required custom sizes. This is especially true in private construction. Although doors can be made to order, experts recommend that their width be in the range of 90-200 cm and height - 200-240 cm.

Production of entrance doors from metal

You can buy a ready-made metal door in the store, but if you have the desire, opportunities and certain skills, then you can do it yourself. This solution allows you to create a door according to your dimensions and requirements, as well as save money.

To create an entrance metal door, you will need materials and tools:

  • a metal corner or profile to create a frame for a leaf and a door frame;
  • steel sheets 2 mm thick;
  • at least two, and if the weight of the canvas is large, then 3-4 loops;
  • accessories;
  • electric drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • construction foam;
  • fasteners;
  • lining material;
  • sealing materials;
  • insulation.

For the manufacture of metal doors, you will need a specialized tool that can be rented.

Much will depend on where exactly the metal door will be installed. If at the entrance, then only one sheet of metal is enough. To install at the entrance to an apartment or house, you will need two sheets, between which a heater is laid.

When creating an entrance door, work is carried out in several stages:

  • door frame manufacturing. There should be 2 cm between the box and the doorway on each side;
  • door leaf assembly. There should be a gap between the canvas and the box, and the sheet should protrude slightly beyond the edges of the frame;
  • fittings installation;
  • structural insulation;
  • finishing of the finished product.

The metal sheet must be welded with several seams no more than 4 cm long, located at a distance of no more than 20 cm from each other.

Sequence self-manufacturing the entrance metal door will be next.

  1. Carrying out measurements of the door frame. It is necessary to leave a gap of 2 cm between the door frame and the frame, which, after the installation of the doors, is filled with mounting foam.

    Before you start creating doors, you need to correctly measure the doorway

  2. Cutting profile or corner 50x25 mm. From the obtained parts lay out a rectangle on the welding table. Be sure to check the diagonals, which must be equal. After that weld door frame.

    The frame of the box and the door leaf can be made from a profile or a corner

  3. Carrying out measurements of the door leaf. To do this, measure the finished box and take into account the gap of 1 cm, which should be between it and the canvas.

    The door leaf must be 1 cm smaller than the box in order to ensure the normal opening of the door

  4. Cutting a profile or corner 40x25 mm to create a frame for a door leaf.
  5. Installation of a loop profile. Before this, the locations of the hinges are precisely determined to ensure the normal opening of the door. The upper part of the hinge is welded to the door leaf, and the lower part is welded to the box.

    The hinge is welded to the box, after which the hinge profile of the door leaf is fixed to it

  6. Checking the parallelism of the profile of the canvas and the box. After exposing all parts of the canvas frame, they are welded to each other.

    The rest of the frame elements are welded to the loop profile of the canvas

  7. Laying a sheet of metal on a canvas. It is necessary to leave 10 mm of a sheet on each side of the canvas for a swoop. The sheet is first welded near the hinges, and then along the perimeter of the canvas.

    The metal sheet is superimposed on the frame of the door leaf and welded

  8. Installation of a feigned strip. She welds with inside canvases. To strengthen the canvas, you can weld several stiffeners.
  9. Weld cleaning and door painting.
  10. Lock installation. Under it, a slot is made in the end plate of the canvas.

    A slot is made in the end plate of the door leaf for installing the lock

  11. Sheathing installation. It can be film, wood panels, leatherette, etc.

    The sheathing of a metal door can be made with clapboard, solid wood, veneer or other materials.

  12. Fabric insulation. Insulation is first laid on the sheet, and then everything is covered with another sheet of metal.

    If necessary, the metal door is insulated

Video: creating metal doors with your own hands

Installation of entrance metal doors

If you were able to make metal doors yourself, then there will definitely not be any problems with their installation. The installation process of such a design is not difficult - you just need to follow the recommendations of specialists.

  1. Training doorway. This stage consists in fitting the dimensions of the doorway to the standard ones. To do this, remove the remains old plaster, if there were other doors in this place before. The gap between the box and the opening should be 1.5–2 cm. This will allow the door frame to be set normally.

    The doorway is cleaned of mortar and plaster residues

  2. Door installation. If possible, it is better to remove the canvas, but you can carry out the installation and so. The box is inserted into the prepared opening, while the canvas is opened 90 o and fixed with a support.

    If possible, then the canvas is removed from the hinges, but you can install the box together with the canvas

  3. Leveling the door frame. With the help of wooden wedges, the box is exposed in the vertical and horizontal direction.

    The correct installation of the door is checked using the building level.

  4. Fixing the box in the doorway. It is fixed with anchors through special eyes. First, the anchors are not completely screwed in, the correct installation is checked again, after which everything is well clamped.

    The box is fixed with special anchors.

  5. Health monitoring. Check how easily the door closes and opens. If necessary, correct its position.
  6. Sealing the gap between the wall and the box. For this, mounting foam is used. The gap between the threshold and the box is filled with cement mortar.

    After installing the door, the gaps between the box and the wall are filled with mounting foam.

In order for the foam to completely harden, after applying it, it is better not to use the door for six hours.

Video: do-it-yourself installation of a metal front door

Entrance door accessories

In order for the entrance metal door to be a truly reliable protection for the house, it must be equipped with high-quality fittings.

The following components are commonly used for entrance metal doors.

  1. Pens. They can be steel, aluminum, copper, silumin or alloys. The shape can be either rectangular or curved, metal is used to protect various coatings, but most often it is chrome or nickel. Handles are:
  2. Loops. Depending on the weight of the door, there may be two or three hinges. They are of the following types:
  3. Closers. This device provides smooth closing and opening of the door. When choosing a door closer, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the door, as well as the conditions of its operation, since not all of them can withstand temperature changes.

    Closers are selected taking into account the weight of the door and the conditions of its operation.

  4. Lock pads. They are armored plates that protect the lock from breaking. Mortise linings are located inside the web, they are invisible and cannot be removed.

    Armor plates for the lock can be mortise or overhead

  5. Peephole. These devices may have different viewing angles. The minimum is 120° and the maximum is 180°. The body of the peephole can be metal or plastic, and the optics can be glass or plastic.

    Recently, peepholes have been replaced by modern video surveillance systems.

  6. Locks. They can be overhead or mortise. There are several types of locks:
    • cylindrical - although it is quite difficult to open it with a pick, the cylinder can be drilled out, so an armored lining is required;
    • crossbar - such a lock has high strength, but picking up a key to it is quite simple, so it is better to use it as an addition to the main lock;
    • lever - a universal solution that provides a high level of security, the lock is locked when the plates are combined, which must be at least 6 pieces;
    • electronic - it is highly reliable, but due to its high cost it is not yet very popular.

    Locks for entrance doors can be mechanical, electromechanical or electromagnetic

Repair and adjustment of entrance metal doors

Despite the high strength and reliability of entrance metal doors, after a while it becomes necessary to adjust or repair them.

The main reasons for the breakdown:

  • damage to the door leaf by corrosion;
  • skewing the canvas, this malfunction is eliminated by adjusting the loops;
  • loose fit of the web due to wear of the seal;
  • jamming or breakage of the lock.

The troubleshooting method depends on the cause.

  1. Castle breakdown. Usual door lock without repair, it can withstand from 7 to 15 thousand opening and closing processes. Often, the owners do not lubricate it during the entire period of operation of the lock, which can lead to breakage in 5–7 years. Depending on the type of lock, repairs are carried out as follows:

    If the hinges are fixed with screws, then with their help you can slightly change the position of the door leaf

  2. Damage to seals. After some time, it is necessary to replace the sealing elements.

    If necessary, the old seals are removed and new ones are attached in their place.

  3. Coating damage. After some time, the protective coating of metal doors may be damaged, which leads to corrosion of the leaf and the box. In this case, the repair consists in updating the coating. It is necessary to clean the surface with high quality, remove the fittings and paint the doors with anti-corrosion paint, this should be done in 2-4 layers.

    To restore the paintwork, the doors are cleaned, degreased, primed and painted in several layers.

  4. Sheathing damage. If the doors are trimmed with artificial or natural leather, then if it is damaged, the skin will have to be completely changed. Powder coating at home cannot be restored, so the doors must be carried to a specialized workshop.

If the hinges are standard and they are welded, then the adjustment can be made by installing additional washers, with which the door leaf rises. If the hinges are fixed on the screws, then you need to loosen the screws and move the canvas a little in the right direction, and then tighten everything again.

Video: repair of entrance metal doors

Different types of premises present a unique set of requirements for the characteristics of the entrance doors. They can be classified according to various features and indicators.

1. Material

Entrance doors, depending on the materials used in the manufacture, can be divided into groups:

The most common type of front door is a steel door. The main material can be completely hidden by finishing materials, so the structure can look like wood or plastic. The most common option is a steel front door trim. plastic panels with further processing by powder paints. Powder paints are resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress (no more than 5% is lost after 5 years of operation). They are applied using extrusion technology. First stage involves the application of powder dye, followed by heating the canvas to 700 degrees Celsius. Thus, the powder is not only firmly fixed on the web, but also partially penetrates the metal or other material. The obvious advantage of this option is hidden in the possibility of replacing the coating to update the door or change the appearance.


Today, a wooden front door is used quite rarely. main reason the unpopularity of this kind is the low safety. Despite this, a wooden door is of interest to wealthy owners of private houses with a high level of security. Thus, its installation is desirable only with the support of additional security systems. The most common option is oak massif. Obviously, the installation of this type of wooden front door significantly exceeds the cost of manufacturing and installing a steel structure.

In the event that the front door must be sliding, it becomes advisable to use aluminum. Most often, products from this type of material are used for installation in warehouses or garages, entrances to protected areas.

Plastic entrance doors are used extremely rarely. Their use is expedient in closed areas or places of preliminary check by the security point.

Glass front door is used in modern business centers, offices prestigious companies or in the arrangement of private houses of wealthy customers.


2. Appointment

The shockproof type of entrance doors is necessary to limit unauthorized access to public, residential industrial, as well as auxiliary types of buildings and premises. Comply with GOST-31173-2003, GOST R 51072-97. Shockproof should not provide tightness, as well as proper water, moisture, dust, wind, sound and heat insulation.

The bulletproof type of entrance doors is used for installation in office and residential premises. Their main task is to protect against unauthorized access. This type of structures must be certified and fully comply with GOST in terms of protection. GOST R 51112–97 classes from 1 to 6 (bullet resistance). GOST R 51224–97 and GOST R 51113–97 classes from 1 to 7 (burglary resistance).

The fireproof type of entrance doors is characterized by the fire resistance limit EI30, EI60. Must comply with GOST. GOST 30247.0-94, GOST 26602. 1-99, GOST 26602.3-99. Prevents the spread of fire. This type is relevant for installation in rooms with a large number of electrical appliances, in chemical industry facilities, laboratories and some types of storage facilities.

The hermetic type of entrance doors is mainly used for installation on enclosing shelters, as well as premises with controlled air environment(catering units, laboratories, pharmaceutical premises, operating rooms). Climatic performance complies with GOST 15150-69. Sealing and valves for various types rooms must provide gas or fire resistance, as well as withstand structural loads.

Noise-absorbing front doors are extremely rare. Used in high-end residential buildings, laboratories or recording studios.

fire fighting

3. Opening method

Door structures are divided according to the method of opening into swing, sliding, internal, external, left and right. Creating a reliable sliding front door is a technologically complex and expensive task, so this type is almost never found. Regardless of the material used, the front door can open inward or outward. It should be borne in mind that opening to the outside is accompanied by significantly less heat loss in the room. The outdoor type is more secure and tamper-proof. The choice of the opening side is an extremely important condition with a small amount of usable space: narrow corridors, landings of apartment buildings, entrances to underground premises.

In order to reliably protect the home from the penetration of strangers, to ensure heat and sound insulation of the room, entrance doors are installed, and the most reliable of them are steel. For the manufacture of metal doors are used various materials, but all of them must certainly meet the basic requirements of safety and environmental friendliness. For improvement external characteristics often performed decorative exterior and interior decoration.

Everything modern views entrance metal doors are not only a guarantee of the safety of your home, but also additional comfort. They serve as protection against drafts and prevent the penetration of street noise.

What metal doors are made of, and what methods are used to install them, you will learn in this material.

Types of entrance metal doors in the house: photo and description

And so, what are the entrance metal doors that are installed in a private house or apartment? Three main technologies are used in their production:

  • pipe-angle (from long products);
  • bending-profile (from a special profile);
  • combined.

The pipe-angle technology has its drawbacks. First of all, it is difficult to ensure the required accuracy in the manufacture of such a metal structure. This may be due to several reasons. Often, the resulting dimensions do not meet the tolerances provided for by the standards. In the production process of budget doors, manual arc welding is used, which causes local internal stresses in the metal, which affects the shape of the door block. In addition, the choice of assortment from the manufacturer is small.

The bending-profile method of manufacturing doors is considered the most modern, since it provides the production of a large volume of high-quality products.

When describing this type, it is worth noting that the cost of such doors is higher than that of pipe-angle doors. Due to the bending and profile technology, the door leaf is thicker with a slight increase in the total mass. Thus, the strength characteristics are increased, and the product is more resistant to breaking.

The influence of holes on the design of a metal door is reduced, which allows you to put the lock deeper and complicate access to the crossbars.

With the combined method, finished and bent profiles are used.

These photos show different entrance metal doors for a house and an apartment:

What reliable metal doors are made of in an apartment (with photo)

The steel door can be hacked in several ways. The task of the manufacturer is to predict the actions of the attacker, leaving not the slightest loophole and strengthening problem areas.

An important role in the design of the entrance metal door is played by the door leaf. The metal with which the door is sheathed from the outside must meet a number of requirements. Domestic manufacturers use structural steel with a thickness of 1.8 to 2.5 mm, while Italian companies prefer sheet material with a thickness of 1.2 to 1.5 mm. According to experts, an increase in the total mass of the door is not justified, since such a design puts a serious load on the wall, opening and hinges. In addition, the balance of the door unit is very important. An illogical build-up of steel armor worsens the characteristics of a metal door, leads to a shift in the center of gravity and a distortion of the structure. As a result, the lock mechanism fails and other problems arise.

The strong door leaf is perfect for specialized doors, such as bank or bulletproof doors. Such products have the appropriate complete set of fittings, engineering solution and much more.

On the other hand, you should not use too thin material for a metal door: if the thickness of the skin is from 0.5 to 0.8 mm, then it can be easily cracked with an ordinary can opener or a screwdriver. The disappointing experience of using low-quality Chinese products is a direct confirmation of this.

Another problem may also arise - squeezing the canvas from the box. To avoid such situations, the doors should be reinforced with a system of vertical, horizontal or inclined stiffeners. Also used are devices in the form of a bidirectional hook that block the locking bolts.

To get to the lock mechanism, burglars drill through the outer skin in the area of ​​the lock. Special plates will help protect the lock pocket. Manganese and nickel overlays 3 mm thick are often used. To protect cylinder locks from the outside of the door, armor plates are installed - defenders that protect the cylinder from being hit by a heavy hammer. Such protection methods are available in the arsenal of many reputable companies, but they are installed for an additional fee.

It is possible to get to the bolts of the lock if you bend the flashing, which closes the gap between the box and the canvas. With this method of hacking, doors with a recessed leaf will do just fine.

A weak casing provides access to the frame fasteners and crossbars. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a door that is equipped with a special profile that protects the opening around the perimeter.

The entrance metal door must necessarily have such a characteristic as reliability, which directly depends on the quality door hinges, which must be powerful enough to withstand the load of the canvas. This does not mean that they need to be done as much as possible. The presence of a third loop complicates the installation process, and usually it becomes useless.

When completing steel blocks, hinges with a “ball” and thrust hinges are often used. Complete wear of the support loops is quite rare. However, fixing it is simple: you need to substitute an additional washer in the form of a bidirectional hook. In the manufacture of high-quality products, galvanized axles and hardened steel inserts are used. Such elements are highly resistant to corrosion and do not allow the door to rust. The hinges are adjusted in two or three directions, as in many Italian doors.

Some manufacturers produce door structures with pivotless hinges. These doors are easy to install, easy to adjust, do not require lubrication and can withstand heavy loads. The non-adjustable bottom hinge rests on the floor, transferring the load to the floor slab. In the very corner is the upper loop, which works by surprise. As a result, less effort is required to open the door, the load on the frame is reduced and the reliability of the hinge installation is increased.

Look at the photos of various entrance metal doors in the apartment:

Characteristics of a metal door: good sound insulation and heat insulation

To ensure good sound and heat insulation of the entrance metal door, an integrated approach is needed. First of all, the space inside the canvas should be filled with insulating materials. Domestic manufacturers prefer modern insulation based on basalt wool (Isoroc, Rockwool) or fiberglass (Isover, Ursa). These materials are distinguished by efficiency, ease of use, fire safety and environmental friendliness.

European firms prefer foamed polyurethane foam. This substance is pumped into the web, where it polymerizes and tightly sets to the surface. sheet metal. As a result, a stable homogeneous structure is formed. To improve the thermal insulation of the entrance metal door, decorative panels made of chipboard or wood with a thickness of 16 to 22 mm will also help.

To increase the sound insulation of the entrance metal door, sealing contours made of latex or foam rubber, which are laid along the ends of the leaf, will help.

The outer seal will last much longer if it is clamped into a special groove, and not glued. Frost-resistant contour is included in the package of external doors. The seal also provides air impermeability, preventing odors from the entrance from entering the apartment.

The insulating characteristics of the door are largely determined by the installation conditions. Often the old wooden door is left and a vestibule is arranged. This option has two drawbacks: the doors open in the other direction, while the design of the canvas is not visible from the inside of the room.

To ensure good sound insulation of the entrance metal door, you can close the door frame with a quarter of the wall from the inside. If this is not possible, it is necessary to plaster the door slopes.

Internal and external decorative finishing of the entrance metal door

It should be remembered that the door plays an important role in creating the design of the room. The simplest finishing methods include painting metal or stretching artificial leather. Such coatings cannot be replaced or restored at the place of installation of the structure. Updating this finish of a metal door is possible only in the factory.

When buying a door, the owners of a house or apartment are counting on its long service life. Therefore, close attention should be paid to its interior and exterior decoration.

You can decorate steel door blocks with the help of decorative removable panels, including democratic plastic and elite wooden ones. Before choosing a product from a particular company, you should find out how easy it is to change the finish, install other panels, etc.

The finishing of doors made using the pipe-angle technology is often performed without the possibility of dismantling.

In addition, for models of different price categories, there are corresponding types of panels. For example, for a high-end door kit, an expensive coating is provided. If you buy a door that comes with thin panels about 5 mm thick, then in the future you will not be able to change the finish to a more solid and high-quality one.

When choosing interior decoration the entrance metal door is taken into account the interior of the hallway. The design of the front door can match the design of interior doors.

When installing the front door, you should find out what the design of the non-opening insert - transoms will be like.

These elements are made in the same style with the door leaf, unless any other original design solutions are provided.

Usually entrance doors are made according to certain dimensions. Doors can be 80, 85 or 90 cm wide and 200 or 210 cm high.

Modern metal door with beautiful exterior finish You can also order according to individual measurements. In addition, it is possible to expand a ready-made doorway for a certain model by several centimeters.

Ways to properly install a metal door and video installation

Entrance doors are installed using different technologies, which are best known before the installation process.

The main thing when installing a steel door is to ensure its strictly vertical position. This prevents her future jamming or distortion, as well as possible damage to the lock and hinges.

Installation of entrance metal doors is carried out in two ways.

One is used for installation of structures of domestic production, and the second - for doors of foreign manufacturers.

First way: the box is fixed in the doorway by means of metal pins with a diameter of 12 mm and a length of about 150 mm. For correct installation holes are made in the frame of a metal door. In order to provide protection against burglary (cutting pins), welded or removable mounting plates (ears) are used.

Second way: the mounting frame (flypkorob) is attached to the wall by means of anchor bolts. Then the main frame is screwed to the foldbox with screws. This technology allows you to protect the door from burglary, because if the criminals cut off the screws, the door will be held by crossbars and anti-removable elements.

Often during installation, concreting of the frame is used. Her profile in this case will have a special closed configuration. This prevents the box from unclenching as the hardened concrete turns it into one with the wall and opening.

Watch the video of installing a metal door to better understand the installation technology:

The front door is a kind of business card for a house or apartment. It not only emphasizes the status of the home owner, but also reflects his individuality to some extent, acting at the same time as an important component of ensuring security. Used for door trim different materials– leather, laminate, MDF, natural wood, etc. Forging elements, glass parts, mirrors, and even non-ferrous metal inserts can act as decorations.
For decoration, paints, powder coatings and accessories are used.
As part of our publication, we will consider the main types of entrance doors, their advantages, disadvantages and features.

The main types of entrance doors

The types of entrance doors are as follows:

Depending on the placement in the building - internal and external.
According to the material of manufacture - metal and wood.

The external front door is also an element of the facade, so it is adjusted to the overall style of the building. Such doors are subject to stringent requirements for sound and heat insulation, safety, reliability, resistance to atmospheric factors, for example, guardian steel doors.

Entrance doors inside the building separate living spaces (apartments) inside the house and protect the dwelling from unwanted entry. To protect the residents of the house from penetration, not only the material from which the door is made is important, but also the component materials: lock, hinges, chains, etc.

The metal entrance door is durability, reliability, long service life. Entrance doors made of metal are highly durable and have a long service life, they have good heat and sound insulation. In addition, custom-made armored, bulletproof, anti-burglary and explosion-proof models are available.

There are many finishing materials for metal doors - any, even the most discerning buyer will be able to choose something that suits their tastes and preferences. The steel door leaf can consist of several sheets, be deaf, partially glazed, equipped with transoms, or be a combination of several materials. The use of advanced technologies in production allows us to produce doors that have any characteristics necessary for each specific case.

Wooden entrance doors also do not give up their positions in the market. In a private house or apartment, it is advisable to install an entrance wooden door along with additional security measures: alarm, cameras, etc. It is much easier to open it than a metal one.

However, a wooden door, unless it is made of plywood, is also quite a strong thing. A good wooden door has a high-quality construction, consisting of a threshold, a sealant, a heater, a reliable locking mechanism, a peephole, a steel plinth, etc. If the door is made to last, it has a weather-resistant exterior and canopy. The entrance door from the massif can be made from a single piece, panel or paneled.

How to choose a metal door

When choosing a door for your home, you should not rush, you need to take into account a number of important nuances. First of all, you need to evaluate how reliable and durable the product is. Be sure to take into account the conditions in which the door will “work”. And, of course, you should like the door, be beautiful and not stand out from the interior. Metal entrance doors are made of steel or aluminum. The soundproofing of a steel front door is better than that of aluminum. The advantage of aluminum products is light weight making them easier to transport and install. In addition, aluminum is very well processed. Thanks to this, the most daring design decisions can be realized.

The cost of a metal front door depends, among other things, on the thickness of the metal from which it is made. Entrance doors, which are made of material 2-3 mm thick, are the best option for domestic use, and, in addition, sheet material of this thickness is the most popular among Russian manufacturers.

finishing materials for a metal entrance door

The decoration of the metal entrance door, both external and internal, should organically fit into the interior. Progress does not stand still, and today you can choose a huge number of finishes for your door, which continues to grow. Finishing materials serve not only to decorate the surface, but also perform a number of useful functions. For example, finishing with plastic panels is a high-quality coating that is resistant to mechanical damage, reliable and very easy to clean.

Finely dispersed fraction (MDF) is an environmentally friendly finishing material that looks a bit like hardboard. MDF board has a thickness of 7 to 20 mm, which provides good insulating properties.

Powder coating (another name is polymer coating of a product). One of the simplest and most inexpensive finishing materials, which at the same time provides good protection door leaf surface. In addition to broad colors, the coating may have a rough texture. Such a coating adheres very strongly to the metal surface, it is difficult to damage it.

Paintwork. The cheapest and easiest option for finishing the surface of metal doors, which, however, does not differ in great durability and strength. However, this type of coating, if damaged, can be quickly and with minimal cost restore yourself.

Wooden finish. A beautiful and environmentally friendly way to decorate the door leaf, which, however, will cost the owner far from cheap.

When choosing a front door, decide immediately which side it will be door knob, and in which direction the door will open: left, right, outward or inward.
When choosing a metal door, you should also consider that atmospheric factors will affect its surface (if the door is external). Therefore, the outer coating of the door must be resistant to moisture, temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. These factors are well resisted by powder coating and oak paneling.

insulating properties of a metal front door

Provided with special fillers. It can be mineral wool, corrugated cardboard, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, etc. Mineral wool is the most reliable, though not the cheapest material. If we talk about corrugated cardboard or foam, then these materials, although cheap, but do not last long, are used in cheap door models.

locking mechanism

The degree of protection of the house from penetration to a large extent depends on the lock. All locking mechanisms for metal doors have 13 classes on a scale of resistance to burglary. For normal household use, grades 1-4 are quite suitable. The higher the class of the lock, the more difficult it is to open it, and the higher the price of the product.
According to the principle of operation, locks of classes 1-4 are divided into cylinder and lever locks. Level locks from well-known manufacturers have increased secrecy.

They can be recoded if the keys have been lost. Cylinder models have a simpler design. If such a lock breaks down, only its core - the cylinder - can be changed.

Relatively recently, biometric locks for front doors, the so-called smartlocks, have appeared on sale. These locks use the owner's fingerprint instead of a key. Due to their complexity and high cost, they have not yet received wide distribution.

front door fittings

Cheap fittings of poor quality not only spoil the appearance of the front door, but can simply break at the most inopportune moment. When buying a door, you need to pay attention to door hinges, handle, peephole, decor elements, chain. If you do not like the appearance of these details, you should think about which front door to choose and give preference to another model. The manufacturer's warranty on the front door must be at least six months.

metal door installation

As a rule, no one undertakes to independently install a metal front door - it is easier and faster to order its installation. Very often sellers of doors simultaneously provide services for their transportation and delivery. Since the departure of the measurer, the manufacture, delivery and installation of the product takes some time, it is best to contact the sellers who provide a range of services and perform the work as soon as possible. Before you give preference to a particular store, you should definitely study customer reviews.

The best metal door is the one that fully meets the requirements and preferences of the client in terms of quality and cost. For use in everyday life, we can safely recommend the entrance insulated metal doors of domestic manufacturers, which fully meet modern requirements.

Solid wood entrance doors

An array is usually called the elements of the door leaf, which are made by the method of continuous filling using natural wood. There are several manufacturing technologies for such doors: from one piece of wood or glued solid wood. The second option is more popular and cheaper. Yes, and it looks very good, because when assembling the canvas, its sections acquire different shades, the surface turns out to be heterogeneous, which gives it additional attractiveness.

Entrance doors made of solid wood are quite durable if the manufacturer strictly followed the manufacturing technology. One of the most important points in this regard is the use of properly prepared raw materials. Wood must be properly dried and treated properly. If violations were allowed during the drying process of the material, this can lead to rapid deformation and cracking of the finished product.
Also, the array must be glued using special adhesives, at a certain temperature and pressure.

To finish the surface of a wooden door, a variety of paints and varnishes, which emphasize the texture of wood, and at the same time perform protective functions.

The varnish is applied in several layers, after applying each layer the surface is polished. For entrance doors made of solid natural wood, only dense and expensive varieties are used. First of all, it is oak, the door of which has a light brown or yellowish-brown color, which darkens with time.

Expensive species of mahogany, beech, ash, walnut, fruit species are also used. Each material has individual properties and its own unique color.

The oak door is strong and durable, has excellent heat and noise insulation. Oak is perfectly processed, suitable for different climatic conditions, lends itself well to tinting and varnishing.
For those buyers who do not like oak, we can advise a door made of solid alder.
This material has a very beautiful pinkish tint; when tinted, it can take on an interesting color.
The cheapest doors are made of solid pine, this explains their high popularity among consumers.

The entrance door made of natural solid wood requires constant careful maintenance. The surface can only be cleaned with special means, conventional powders and detergents cannot be used. If scratches appear, they are treated with fine sandpaper and rub in a special polishing wax. As a result, the surface acquires its original uniformity and gloss.
Every few lats it is recommended to check the fittings, lubricate the hinge and the lock.

shield door

It is a solid or empty shield inside, lined on both sides with a thickness of 3-4 centimeters. A solid shield can be glued from laths or chipboard. Empty inside the shield is a frame sheathed on the outside with wood. The void inside the doors is filled with corrugated cardboard. The door lining is made of natural veneer from precious woods - walnut oak, mahogany, fruit trees, etc. A door made in this way practically does not differ in appearance from solid wood doors, but at the same time it costs several times cheaper. The assembly technology of panel doors allows us to make combined products that simultaneously use natural wood, fiberboard, metal and other materials.

Which front door is better to put - metal or wooden, everyone decides for himself. Both products have their own advantages and disadvantages. We hope that the material presented in this article will help you make a choice in favor of a particular product.