Do-it-yourself sidewalk. What to make paths in the country cheap? Do-it-yourself economy options! Budget garden paths made of tires

  • 27.06.2020

Walking barefoot on asphalt is less pleasant than walking on seashells, polished cobblestones or logs warmed by the sun. The road surface, without which a metropolis is unthinkable, is inappropriate in a country estate. Almost daily, the owners walk around its territory without shoes, and the kids crawl on all fours anyway.

Being engaged in gardening, it is important to pay attention not only to the quality care of fruit plantations, but also to remember the general arrangement and appearance of the garden. Do-it-yourself garden paths not only create the convenience of moving around the household, but are also a special part of the overall design. In this article we will talk about the arrangement of tracks with our own hands.

Garden paths - how to combine beauty and convenience

Country house, private house, a cottage require not only the arrangement of the interior, exterior, but also embellishment of the area around. Often, owners want to combine practicality and aesthetics in one project. You can realize the idea by laying garden paths.

What you need to know and consider when building

Any design begins with a concept, a thorough study of the area and a plan. The first step is to determine the directions, length, width of future tracks, imagine their shape, decoration. Next, you need to analyze the bearing capacity of the soil in order to choose the right type. building material and only then plan.

It is necessary to draw up a drawing on paper, there will be an opportunity to correct, redo, supplement. You should pay attention to several important factors:

  • Component parts must be resistant to aggressiveness environment– high humidity, fungi, corrosion.
  • It is good to tolerate temperature fluctuations of different seasons.
  • Provide for a possible increase in loads (car, loaded wheelbarrow).
  • The optimal angle of inclination of the canvas to avoid the accumulation of water from precipitation.

Advice from a landscape designer - in compact areas it is better to lay not straight garden paths, but with undulating bends and turns. This visually expands the space, deepens the niches for plants.

From what to build a track, each owner decides independently, based on financial capabilities, needs and fantasies. Every coating needs a base. An ideal option would be a compacted earth embankment or crushed stone pillow.

The most popular do-it-yourself materials for garden paths:

  1. A natural stone. It looks noble, aesthetically pleasing even with non-smoothed corners.
  2. artificial substitute. The grace of nature, faceted by man.
  3. Clinker bricks will add bright colors to the garden.
  4. Gravel or large polished pebbles will provide originality.
  5. Wood is an affordable, simple, but short-lived species. Looks impressive separately and in composition.
  6. Decking - garden plastic parquet. New material, resistant to UV, water, mildew, rot.

The decorativeness of the structure to a greater extent depends on the methods of laying blanks. The canvas can be solid, even or consist of separately located elements of different geometric shapes. Having laid out a path of large "leaves", "butterflies", "flowers", it is easy to enjoy comfort and a pleasant walk.

Types of garden paths

Everyone who has a dacha and even a small one, but his own household plot, more than once will think about ways to decorate and transform it. There is not always enough money to implement ideas and fantasies. Many will ask: “What then to do?” The answer is quite simple: if you want to ennoble garden paths, but there are no funds for a landscape designer and expensive components, then you should pay attention to improvised and more affordable materials.

For arranging garden paths with your own hands will come in handy different kind stones, boards, saw cuts, river pebbles and even lids from plastic bottles. Now a little about each of the options.

Tracks from natural stone

They fit into any site design. They look natural, and with proper styling can last for ages.

These tracks look very impressive. If stones are left after the nearest construction, you can use them. Or those that remain after laying the alpine slide will do. They have uneven shapes, which makes them ideal for a scenic path.

Natural stone walkway

Initially, you need to calculate the number of pebbles. One of the methods is a rough layout of stones. So you can estimate whether the amount of material you have is enough.

Sprinkle the place for the track with sand and compact it with high quality. It turned out in some way a "pillow" for pebbles. They need to be processed, adjusted in shape, made more uniform. For good docking and grinding, you can use a grinder or other not too powerful types of tools. Having prepared the stones, they are placed in a mosaic composition.

Since all stones are different in size, they are adjusted to each other with a rubber mallet. At least one of the sides of the stone must be flat for the path to turn out as it should.

When the mosaic is ready, you need to start sealing the seams between the stones. Otherwise, they will start to overgrow. Although some may prefer another option, as natural as possible: a cement-sand mortar is used for grouting.

concrete walkways

They are very similar to stone. First make a bed, the depth of which is approximately 10 cm. Then pour sand on the bottom and tamp it down. Fill the top with a mixture of concrete and sand, set the formwork around the edges. Until the solution has hardened, pour pebbles into it. Lay out the intended pattern from it. A drainage system must be installed next to such a path.

Sometimes a concrete path is made using a ready-made form. It is easy to buy at a hardware store. And then just pour the concrete mixture into the mold in the place you need, level it with a trowel, remove the excess and remove the mold. It is very light and fast way, moreover, you can lay out such a form at least in several rows.

How to make concrete walkways with your own hands using ready-made forms

wooden walkways

Wooden paths will serve for a long time, but in the beginning they require care. You can lay them out from sawn boards or timber, using what is left of building a house.

wooden walkways

Prepare boards and sticks, the latter can be replaced with steel corners or pipes. Treat them with protective impregnations or bituminous mastic. After soaking, nail the boards to the bars. Mount the track from above, using hemp of various calibers for this. Paint them in one or more colors.

But in domestic climatic conditions the most modern impregnations will not protect the boards from deformation, rotting and corrosion, therefore, imitation wood is more often used as a material for paths - tiles with an appropriate pattern.

It will be possible to pick up samples so perfect that no one will detect the difference at a distance. It is felt only after tactile contact. The tiles reliably depict the natural texture of pine, beech, oak and other species in the context - as a result, the ersatz is indistinguishable from the original.

DIY gravel garden paths

Gravel is a simple material that has good flowability, allows moisture to pass through, and is relatively cheap. Paths of any width and length can be poured from it, it is even possible to give them a different shape. Such a path looks neat, harmoniously fits into any landscape. Doing it yourself will not be difficult.

DIY gravel garden paths

The procedure for the execution of a gravel path

  • First you need to mark the track on the site. Marking is carried out with pre-prepared wooden pegs. You can stretch a string between the pegs if you find it difficult to determine the direction "by eye".
  • Next, according to the markup, a bed is prepared. To do this, dig a trench in the ground. The depth of the trench can be about 14 - 17 cm.
  • Prepare gravel. It is advisable, if possible, to review it and remove unwanted impurities (broken glass, sharp large stones, etc.). Enumerating gravel should be done with thick gloves.
  • The gravel is backfilled to the depth of the trench. You can level with a rake or with your hands (also use gloves).
  • Next, the laid gravel is rammed.
  • At the end, along the edge of the path, you can lay a curb stone. This will give an even more spectacular and finished look. stone fix cement foundation. You can lay it either flush with the canvas, or slightly above it.

This algorithm is also suitable for constructing a garden path made of sand. Accordingly, gravel is replaced by sand, and then all work is carried out according to the same scheme.

DIY garden paths made of bricks

This is a very fragile type of material. Before laying it is necessary to check for strength. First, mark the path with string and pegs.

Remove the soil (25 cm), put the drainage below. In this case, it will be simple, but the main thing is that water does not penetrate. Crushed stone must be poured on top of the drainage system. Boards are laid sideways along the edges. Then the brick is laid. You can come up with many different patterns of bricks.

Clinker path

The garden path lined with brick chips looks great. It is permissible to pour it on a concrete path. A beautiful mosaic is laid out from broken bricks. If the bricks different colors, of which are laid out beautiful patterns. You can leave space between them to fill it with small pebbles, pebbles or soil, so that later there is a green island.

Homemade track brick and stone

sandstone path

They are made dry or use cement pouring. This method is similar to laying a stone path, and the first one is more natural and original.

Dig a trench, removing some of the soil. Pour sand into it and tamp it down. The middle part should be higher than the edges. You need to go up the slope a bit. This is such a dehumidification system. Next comes the processing of stones.

Sandstone can be of various sizes and shapes. Try on each stone before processing.

Align the stones, making the gaps as small as possible. Processed stones are laid out as you like. For a classic track, you need a bucket of sand and the same amount of mixture with cement. Under each pebble, you must first put the first, then the second. Moreover, the cement should protrude slightly. You need to press the stone firmly. The made path must be washed so as not to spoil the aesthetics with cement residues. Seams are filled with soil or sand.

Walkway made of wood saw cuts

Such a path will look very beautiful and attractive.

Walkway made of wood saw cuts

Saw cuts must be taken of different sizes, stacking them so that there is no free space between them. Before laying, the round timber must be treated with an antiseptic composition.

Saws for a garden path

Another option is to use round timber in the form of curbs, and fill a layer of gravel between them.

Staying in the country, I want to move away from city life, because if not a forest, then a garden, some lucky ones even have a lake or a river. In a word, whatever the surrounding landscape, it encourages rapprochement with nature.

An interesting idea is a path stylized as a forest one. It is fragments of ordinary tree stumps. Round plates different sizes laid along the edge of the pond and concreted.

The side of an artificial reservoir is made of them. It is pleasant to sit on such stumps to sunbathe, the contact of the feet with them also gives rise to positive sensations.

Plastic garden paths

Such country paths are sold as modules, ready-made. Their installation does not require preparation and surface treatment. They are very easy and quick to attach, very economical, characterized by durability and long service life. They can be laid out on any site, in the form of any composition. They are environmentally friendly and aesthetic.

River gravel paths

Working with these stones will be difficult, time-consuming and will not end quickly. They fit in advance confined space into wet sand and compacted to the desired depth. The process takes several days.

River gravel paths

It happens that the design of country houses is based on the imitation of the styles of bygone times - the ancient era, British classicism, etc. Then you should choose plates ornamented in accordance with the general concept of the site and the residential building. They may have impressions of Mediterranean pebbles, ancient bricks, etc.

Paths from caps from plastic bottles

The most original and interesting way is to lay out the path or part of it. plastic lids from bottles. Due to the fact that the covers have a variety of colors, you can make patterns and mosaics, even coming up with whole pictures.

The only negative of this improvised material is its collection, because you will need a lot of covers.

Garden path made of reinforced concrete tiles

Stages of work:

Do-it-yourself garden path made of reinforced concrete tiles
Mosaic tiled ceramic tiles
Paving stones, stone path
The slabs are laid on a layer of sand, lawn grass is sown in between. Mowing is carried out with a conventional electric lawn mower. The photo was taken 3 years after installation.

These are just the basic materials from which you can make country paths with your own hands. Human fantasy is limitless, so by the next summer season, they will probably come up with something else. Paths for summer cottages are made by hand from any, sometimes unexpected material. For example, from glass bottles. You can create combinations of different types material in one composition.

Remember that such paths carry not only convenience and benefits, but also beauty, joy for the eyes, harmony. Imagine, invent, create.

The independent choice of materials for garden paths and the driveway to the cottage is sometimes difficult. Then you just need to set aside time for a scrupulous study of catalogs or a means for consulting with specialists. The result will justify all these costs.

Video master classes

It is difficult to imagine a suburban or suburban area without garden paths. They serve not only for convenient movement between different objects, but also perform a decorative function, emphasizing the style of the territory and dividing it into zones. Those who want to ennoble their site are in for a real delight, because mass of materials for creating garden paths: expensive and affordable, natural and artificial, purchased and improvised, of any shades and textures. Indeed, there is plenty to choose from, but do not forget to take into account not only attractive appearance material, but also his performance.

Each of the numerous possible materials is used in garden areas, since the requirements for paths and their style are different for everyone. If the track will serve for the constant movement of people and goods, then the coating should be as strong, durable and easy to clean as possible. In other cases, you can choose less durable and more decorative materials.

No. 1. A natural stone

Natural stone can be called the most versatile material. It harmoniously fits into any garden plot and can serve as its decoration for many years.

Main advantages:


  • heavy weight, which complicates transportation and installation;
  • high price.

In addition, on some types of stone (granite, marble) ice crust forms in cold weather, making it difficult to move along the garden path. The only way out of this situation is to arrange it right under the path, but not every summer resident will decide on this.

The type of surface and color of the stone depend on the rock. The material may be rough or smooth to a shine. The color range is wide: from light rocks to dark red and almost black. Any natural stone- expensive material, but the cost different breeds is very different. TO the cheapest Materials include sandstone and limestone. Marble, granite, basalt, porphyry are already more expensive materials.

For arranging garden paths, stone can be used in natural raw form(quartzite, slate, sandstone, granite, gneiss) or succumb additional processing to achieve the best operational and decorative qualities (basalt, gabbro, diabase). In its raw form, river and sea pebbles are also often used.

The beautiful natural relief and the roughness of the surface of the stone will decorate the site, but it is important to remember that it should be convenient to move along the path, so it is better to choose a stone that has at least one of the sides is more or less even. Porous rocks, which include tuff and limestone, can accumulate moisture, so once every 2-3 years it is better to treat their surface with water-repellent solutions.

No. 2. Paving slabs and paving stones

One of the most common options for organizing a garden path is still. These two materials are similar in composition, and the difference is only in geometric dimensions: with the same length and width, the paving stones will be thicker.

Suitable tiles for the garden with a thickness of 50-60 mm, since there are no special loads on the tracks. Paving slabs can be made from different materials, and For organizing a garden path, the following types are best suited:

  • concrete tile . It can be produced by vibrocompression and vibrocasting. The first one turns out to be more durable, but has the simplest forms, it can be used to equip paths along which cars will move. Vibro-cast concrete tiles are distinguished by a wide variety of shapes and are quite a bit inferior to the vibro-pressed counterpart in terms of strength;
  • clinker pavers It is made from plastic clay, quartz and feldspar, so it is not inferior to natural stone in terms of strength. To obtain a rough non-slip surface, sand is added to the mixture. Paths made of clinker paving stones will be durable and very beautiful;
  • natural stone tiles- the most expensive and chic option, will complement the spacious suburban area. This is actually the same natural stone, but split into pieces right size, polished and sanded;
  • polymer sand tiles made from sand and dyes with the addition of polymers. The result is a material that is excellent in performance, but its appearance still betrays the presence of polymers in the composition, therefore, for arranging a site in classical style such a tile is unlikely to work, but in all other cases it will allow you to get a durable and durable coating of the paths.

Among the main advantages paving slabs durability, frost resistance, strength, resistance to negative atmospheric factors, a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. You can lay tiles in bulk different ways. This explains the wide popularity of the material.

No. 3. Concrete

No. 5. Asphalt

Due to its low aesthetics, asphalt pavement is used for those paths that lead to and are located in inconspicuous parts of the garden plot.


  • low cost of opening;
  • ease of care;
  • high strength and moisture resistance;
  • asphalt can be of several shades (except for dark gray, there are green and red).

The main disadvantage is not the most attractive look, but this disadvantage can also be dealt with by rolling into asphalt pavement when laying pebbles or other pretty pebbles. In summer, when the ambient temperature rises, asphalt can soften and release bad smell . Cracks may appear on the coating, but often this is due to violations during the installation process or when laying took place under inappropriate weather conditions.

No. 6. Wood

Wood is another natural and beautiful material, which can be used to create original garden paths. Wood can be used in the form or saw cuts . Last option will become original decoration plot, especially if you use saw cuts of different diameters and arrange them in a certain order.



  • low moisture resistance, high probability of development and fungus;
  • low durability and the need for constant care. Not only that, before installation, the wood must be processed antiseptics, and during operation, the material will regularly need to be treated with protective agents.

To minimize the shortcomings, it is better to choose the strongest and most durable breeds. The best way -. Its wood has moisture-resistant properties, durable, with beautiful pattern and pleasant smell. You can also use oak- the leader in strength, hardness and durability, but it will cost much more. In extreme cases, you can use sawn wood garden trees, but you will have to work hard to process it.

In order for the wooden path to last as long as possible, you need to carefully consider the process of its arrangement. It is recommended to lay a plastic film on the sand cushion, which will reduce the contact of wood with the soil, reducing the risk of rot. It is better to leave small gaps between saw cuts or boards: firstly, all water will go into them, secondly, they are needed in case the wood expands, and thirdly, if you fill the cracks with sand, grass can grow in them, and this path decoration.

No. 7. garden parquet

Garden parquet, often referred to as anti-slip, is a coating that has all the benefits of wood, but due to special processing it is more resistant to negative atmospheric influences. For material production use hard wood which can be further heat treated. The finished material is a square (rarely rectangular) slats, divided into sections. Sections can form a specific pattern.

On the slats of garden parquet are always present ventilation slots, the size of which ranges from 1.5 to 8 mm: the higher the humidity level during operation, the larger the gaps should be. The surface of the material has anti-slip profile, so decking can be used to arrange paths around. Installation involves the use of special supports, the height of which is adjustable, which allows you to smooth out differences in the level of heights on the site. The type of fastening depends on the substrate of the garden package. Rigid parquet has a completely wooden backing, made from the same species as the front. Soft parquet It is distinguished by the presence of a soft lattice plastic substrate with special fasteners, thanks to which such material is mounted very quickly and easily.


  • durability. Due to the use of durable wood species and their treatment with special substances (sometimes heat treatment is used), a high service life of the material is achieved (up to 50 years);
  • high strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • beautiful appearance, because the color and texture of the wood are preserved;
  • the presence of an anti-slip profile;
  • resistance to decay and moisture;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • warm surface and fast drying.

There are not so many cons of the material. For a longer preservation of appearance and performance, garden parquet is better treat twice a year with special oil. If the choice fell on decking made of heat-treated wood, then the material will cost several times more, but it will also last longer.

Can also be used to organize garden paths wood-polymer composite decking. It is made from a mixture of sawdust or wood flour with a polymer binder, to which a dye is added and the material is formed into the desired shape and size. This is a less environmentally friendly, but more resistant to external factors material that does not need additional care.

No. 8. Plastic tiles

For the production of plastic tiles, polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride is used. The material has, as a rule, a square shape with dimensions of 30 * 30 cm and a lattice structure. Fits due to the presence of special grooves on each element. Some samples are even stuck into the ground, so they can be used to organize temporary tracks.

Main advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to moisture and sunlight;
  • frost resistance;
  • non-slip surface;
  • light weight.

Among the shortcomings of the material low aesthetics and durability. Plastic tiles are ideal for organizing walkways nearby.

No. 9. Ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles

No. 10. Bulk paths made of gravel and tree bark

The easiest way is to equip the path from the bulk coating, which include gravel, stone chips, and tree bark. You don’t have to align and align anything - you just need to pour the material where the track should go. Gravel is laid on the prepared base in several layers, each of which is carefully compacted with a roller or vibrating plate. It will not be superfluous to use under the embankment to exclude the possibility of grass germination.



  • low strength. Gravel will not withstand decent loads, but it is suitable for hiking, so the material can be used to equip secondary paths;
  • difficulty in care, because gradually the gravel overgrows, becomes clogged, and it is impossible to sweep it;
  • at first, until the material is very compacted, it will be difficult to walk on it.

You need to be prepared that over time you will have to add new gravel, and it will be impossible to do without, because they give shape and prevent the material from spreading throughout the site. So that grass does not grow through the gravel, the soil under it can be treated with herbicides or the soil can be covered with agrofiber.

Alternatively, you can use expanded clay graveleco-friendly material, obtained as a result of the processing of clay rocks. It is lightweight, has good frost-resistant properties, and is inexpensive.

Bulk paths can be equipped using tree bark. This is a natural and pleasant material for walking, but it will have to be sprinkled periodically, as it is easily blown out by the wind. The same applies to pine nut shells, which have recently also been used in landscape design.

No. 11. tennis

The material of red and yellow shades, used on tennis courts, has recently begun to be used for organizing garden paths. tennis consists of clay, crumbs and lime. After laying, the material absorbs water and swells, forming a dense integral structure; it must be compacted with a vibratory roller.

Main advantages:

  • soft and safety surface;
  • high strength;
  • ease of care;
  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • environmental friendliness.

Flaw- the formation of dust and cracks during a drought, so in the heat the paths will need to be watered periodically. Sometimes you have to add and re-compact the coating.

No. 12. cobblestones

In the garden, you can create a real pavement from large rounded smooth stones. Such a path will look great, the material is no more difficult to lay than brick, and interesting patterns can be created from cobblestones. The material is characterized by high strength, durability, resistance to temperature extremes, is not afraid of moisture, but is not suitable for arranging driveways. Cobblestones can be combined with pebbles.

No. 13. Grass

The path can even be created from grass, though not ordinary, but resistant to trampling. Such a path will require additional efforts to care for it, but will become a non-standard decoration of the site.



  • permanent care;
  • Even the most durable coating wears out over time.

It is better to make grass paths wide so that they trample down more slowly. Of course, grass is not a material for the main paths, it is better to use it where the traffic is low.

No. 14. improvised materials

A garden path can be set up at a minimal cost, and sometimes even use unnecessary materials that are usually thrown away as a basis. As a result, original paths are obtained, and their creation turns into an interesting creative process. You can use river pebbles, plastic bottle caps, wine corks and any other materials.

The choice of material for garden paths should be preceded by a planning stage, during which the location of the path, its form and function are determined. Given these factors, as well as climate and terrain conditions, you can proceed to the selection of the most suitable material.

It is impossible to imagine a suburban area without suburban paths: they not only connect the house with other objects, but also perform an important decorative function. By choosing the right material, you can create a harmonious picture in a single style, and by building paths in the country with your own hands, you can turn several acres into a unique and comfortable area.

The main reason for dividing country paths and paths into types is the material from which they are built. Its diversity allows you to choose the best option for landscaping.

Natural beauty and nobility are distinguished by natural stone, but the price for it is quite high.

Natural stone is ideal for building curved paths: the stone elements are arranged in a chaotic manner, so it is easy to make smooth bends

Wood is great for rustic landscaping.

The natural textured pattern on wood saw cuts depends on the type of wood, but an interesting effect can also be achieved using special impregnations and varnishes.

Brick is a wonderful material, especially if the house is also built from it.

Ordinary full-bodied building bricks are not suitable for garden paths; it is better to use special sidewalk types that are not afraid of water and frost.

Paving slabs or paving stones will serve for a long time and faithfully.

Using paving stones of different colors, as well as a certain laying pattern, you can create an amazing original pattern that is suitable for your garden.

Simple and inexpensive gravel paths are also appropriate in the garden.

Gravel is good not near a landscaped area around the house, but in a garden or near a stream - it blends better with wildlife

Concrete can be used to create unique road tiles.

In construction stores, you can purchase special plastic molds that are used to make road concrete elements with your own hands.

By combining materials, it is easy to achieve a style match of the tracks with the surrounding natural and artificial objects.

You can absolutely combine different materials: natural stone and multi-colored gravel, wooden boards and river pebbles, brick and concrete

The location of the tracks, taking into account the landscape and climate

Paths are just as important a strategic part of a suburban area as a house, a garage or a bathhouse, so you need to think about their arrangement before building buildings and utility rooms. For convenience, it is better to draw up a diagram by drawing it by hand or using a computer design program. Having identified important points, it is necessary to connect them with paths - straight or curved, depending on the terrain.

It is better if all objects are present on the diagram, including a garden, a vegetable garden, greenhouses, a bathhouse, gazebos - the paths are the connecting element between them. The material for the construction of communication lines should be combined with buildings and surrounding decorative elements.

Paths in a summer cottage do not have to be of the same type: solid and step-by-step, straight and curved options are perfectly combined

When drawing up a diagram or site plan, you can indicate which plants and shrubs will be planted - this will help when choosing material for building paths

If it often rains in your area, be sure to consider the drainage system and dig drains along the edges of the roads so that water does not stagnate. Doing the construction of country paths with your own hands, remember: freezing, water will spoil the material - wood, brick, concrete. Powerful trees should not grow near the pavements, as their root system will easily violate the integrity of the roads.

The more detailed the preliminary planning, the brighter the picture of the future will be. country landscape and the easier it is to come to the choice of design elements

Analysis of the 3 best budget options

The owners of villas and luxury cottages will most likely not bother with sand and stones, but will invite a well-known landscape designer and a team of specialists. Anyone who is independently engaged in arranging a garden knows perfectly well that it is not necessary to use expensive natural stone or collectible paving stones to build original and convenient paths. Therefore, we will consider three options for creating paths from affordable and inexpensive materials: cement, brick and wood. Be sure the result will surprise you!

Option # 1 - a trail of cement leaves

Lovers of short-cut lawns will never exchange silky green grass for dense thickets of shrubs or a flower garden, and even more so they will refuse the path that crosses the luxurious carpet in front of the house. But there is a tricky option in which you can maintain the integrity of the lawn and at the same time arrange a kind of path that allows you to cross the grass cover directly.

Decorative concrete leaves are just an option that can be replaced with other elements: human footprints, geometric shapes, animal silhouettes

To build a miracle path, you will need an ordinary one and a plant that can be found somewhere nearby - burdock, or rather, its large leaves.

Burdock leaves can be replaced with any other, as long as they are large. As an option - the use of several differently textured leaves

In a small container, knead the solution according to the instructions and spread the thick mass on a large leaf of burdock. Why not a form to fill?

Make sure that the cement mortar has the required consistency: too thick will lie unevenly, and liquid will not retain its shape

After the sand-cement mixture has completely set, the sheet is removed. We get the original decorative tile - the main element of the track.

As you can see, nature turned out to be the best decorator - a decorative leaf with a natural pattern will not disturb the harmony of a lawn or garden

It remains to prepare a place for laying. With the help of a scoop or a small spatula, carefully remove a piece of sod so that a shallow hole forms.

The advantage of arranging a step-by-step lawn track is the absence of a special tool: for example, a baby scoop is enough to make holes

We lay the tiles in the prepared nest, then do the same with the rest of the elements. The path turns out to be light, airy, harmoniously complementing the lawn. It is pleasant and safe to walk on beautiful decorative leaves even in rainy weather.

Option #2 - Solid Brick Walkway

Brick is a versatile material. You don’t have to think about how to make a path in the country if you have the necessary amount of this durable material at hand, as if specially created for the construction of reliable coatings. Its advantage is that it is ideal for almost any cottage style. Red bricks, like gray ones, look amazing against the background of a building made of similar material, blend perfectly with wood, harmoniously fit into natural environment. One piece of advice - you need to use only special, paving material.

The advantages of brick are obvious: it is durable, lasts for decades, is easy to install, does not slip even in the rain, and has aesthetic value.

Main stages of construction:

  • Determination of boundaries and extraction of soil.
  • Preparation of sand and gravel base.
  • Filling voids with sand.

The width of the trench depends on the size of the bricks and the pattern that will be laid out of them. The minimum width of the track is 0.9 m. We define the boundaries and mark them with pegs with a stretched building cord. We take out the sod and tear out a shallow trench. Its edges must be strengthened with boards - in the next two years they will serve as an additional emphasis for the curb. Then they can be taken out, and the grooves can be covered with gravel chips or pebbles.

The brick base consists of two layers. The lower one is gravel and coarse sand. After backfilling, the gravel mixture must be evenly distributed along the entire length of the track and compacted.

Determining the depth of the trench for laying a brick path is simple: you need to add up the thickness of both layers of the base and the dimensions of the brick itself

Compaction of the gravel layer is mandatory: loose material will provoke the movement of the remaining layers and, as a result, will destroy the brick surface

The top layer consists of one sand. While leveling it along the track, press at the same time so that the layer becomes dense enough. It is better to compact segments of 20-30 cm, so the base will be of better quality.

Having made a sand backfill, it is necessary to level the surface: pull a special device towards you, while pressing on it, so that the sand lies in a dense layer

The next step is laying bricks along the boards. Before laying each element, dig a small hole, then place a brick in it and adjust its position with a wooden mallet. Products placed on the end will play the role of a border.

To “hammer” bricks into the sand, it is better to use a special rubber hammer: metal or even wooden can damage the structure of the material

Given the laying pattern, fill the gap between the curbs with bricks, lightly hammering them into the sand and checking regularly for level.

When focusing on a particular element, do not forget about the integrity of the path: regularly check the horizontal position of the bricks using a level

The last stage is filling the gaps between the bricks with sand. Carefully pour sand until it is level with the bricks. Water the path and repeat the last operation. In the next few days, you can adjust the position of the bricks.

An ordinary cleaning brush will help to evenly distribute the sand: with its help, you can easily move the sand over the surface and push it between the bricks

Option #3 - use wood saw cuts

If we compare a tree with a stone, then it will certainly lose: wood is not distinguished by the durability and strength of granite or marble. However, when arranging garden paths in the country, elements from this seemingly unsuitable material are used. Wood saw cuts, subject to the laying technology, are excellent “bricks” for creating a decorative path in a rustic style.

Choosing tree saw cuts, you kill two birds with one stone: you “attach” unnecessary cut trees and decorate the territory with a beautiful and practical path

An old tree can be found right in the country or in the nearest forest. We cut the trunk into small segments - from 10 to 20 cm thick. Thick branches will also come in handy - small round trees are suitable for decorating the site or the edges of the track.

There are several options for arranging a garden path from saw cuts: one uses flat parts, the other uses stumps

On the planned site, we remove a layer of turf and dig a shallow trench.

When extracting soil when digging a trench, do not take it outside the cottage: it will come in handy to fill the voids of the path, and the remains can be used for a garden or flower garden

We cover the bottom of the trench with sand, a layer of 5 cm is enough. We tamp and level.

Spread the sawn stumps along the path: it’s easier to imagine how many they will need, and later it’s easier to use when laying

We lay out saw cuts on the prepared base. Using the level, we give them a horizontal position, a wooden sledgehammer or a large hammer is perfect for this. In some places, voids form - they can be filled with small cuts.

When laying large items, do not worry about in large numbers voids that remain between them: they are easy to fill with small stumps, gravel or pebbles

gaps between wooden elements covered with sand or earth. In the spring, they can be planted with lawn grass or small flowers - this way the path will look more artistic.

To determine how to lay out beautiful decorative paths in the country, just look around. Do not be afraid to use your own technological secrets during construction and design solutions- then the summer cottage will become truly unique.

Garden paths winding elegantly through the trees add to the yard. refinement and perfection. And it is not necessary to buy for their arrangement paving slabs, hire a designer and builders. You can improve the paths in the garden on your own, putting your soul into their creation, and in return get a durable, well-groomed coating that can please you for many years. We will tell you more about how to make a garden path from a variety of materials with your own hands.

Types of garden paths

Garden paths can be classified according to many criteria, ranging from the material of manufacture, size and arrangement, to design and compliance with a particular style. Consider which garden paths can be equipped on your site with low costs for their manufacture.

Garden path made with a plastic mold

Ennobling garden paths with plastic molds- a relatively new method, which, due to its simplicity, has found many fans among the owners of suburban areas.

Proof of this are numerous photos from specialized forums, where you can see just such garden paths.

Virtues of this method are not only simplicity, but also low cost and speed of manufacture, because the manufacture of garden paths using molds is, in fact, ordinary concreting.

The cheapness of this method is due to the use of one form, which is enough for trouble-free operation. Of course, the strength of tiles made in this way is inferior to products made by vibrocasting in the factory, but for a track in the country they are one of the best options.

Garden path from paving slabs

For garden paths, the same tile which is placed on sidewalks. The undeniable advantage of this material is strength. The tile laid in the form of a path in the country will serve you for many years without losing its appearance, and if some elements of the path are damaged under the influence of external factors, they can be easily replaced. IN limitations we will write down the tile covering laboriousness And high cost. And what do you want? Longevity doesn't come without a cost.

stone garden path

Very often, the stone left over from the construction of the house is used to improve the paths. In this case, we can assume that the price of such a garden path is equal to the cost of one's own labor. We will not talk about the durability of the stone, paths of this type have been known since ancient times. In shortcomings, as in the case of tiles, we will determine the complexity.

Laying a stone correctly is not for the weak, but it will more than pay off with the result. Do-it-yourself stone paths will give the look of your garden real nobility and a look of unshakable durability, besides, they will remain your descendants in their original form.

Garden path made of chocks and wood

If the country house is built of logs, then your choice is a do-it-yourself path made of wood. This is one of the cheapest options, very easy to repeat, but nevertheless one of the most spectacular against the backdrop of trees in the garden. Unfortunately, the service life of such paths is limited due to the fragility of the material, so only the hardest wood species will have to be used.

Garden path made of loose materials

If you want to build garden paths with your own hands at low cost, then this method is what you need. It is enough to dig a trench of the required width and fill it with suitable material, ranging from pebbles and screenings to rubble or marble chips. You can even lay pieces of marble or concrete slabs in a chaotic manner, the main thing is to set their upper plane to a level and fill the gaps between them. Such garden paths are not suitable for a heavy load, but they will be able to provide the necessary cleanliness and excellent appearance of your garden.

Instructions for creating garden paths in photos

Garden path with a do-it-yourself mold. Step-by-step instruction

To start equipping garden paths with a plastic mold with your own hands, look at photos of such stencils and get the one that you liked the most.

Pay attention to the height of the forms and "stones" - they can vary widely.

A lot has been written about how to make paths in the country with your own hands. We suggest using the following guide.

Choosing a place for a garden path and we mark it with our own hands. To do this, we hammer in the pegs at all the bends of the path, and then we tighten them with a cord around the entire perimeter. We immediately set the cord according to the level, taking into account the required height of the track above the ground. A water level can make this task much easier.

If the soil in your area is soft, then you need to dig a trench 10-12 cm deep, fill it up to half with sand, after which it is necessary to spill everything with water and tamp. With sufficient soil strength, you can do without a trench, but it is necessary to make sand bedding followed by tamping.

If the paths in the country house are planned to be used for driving a car, then you should dig a trench with your own hands, fill it with a sand and gravel mixture, and then lay a reinforcing steel mesh over it.

We prepare the solution . To do this, mix cement grade 400, sand and gravel in a ratio of 1: 3: 4. If you plan to use coloring and plasticizing additives, then we add them at the rate of 1-3% of the dye and plasticizer. You can take 4 parts of sand, but make sure that the cement is as fresh as possible, and its brand is not lower 400 .

We start making garden paths by mixing all the components in a dry form, after which we add water (if a concrete mixer is used, then half the volume of water is first poured, and the rest of it is added during the mixing process).

We begin to prepare the solution Add a dye for concrete And a liquid plasticizer Mix dry Add water with a plasticizer and mix again

We note right away that excess water negatively affects the strength of concrete after setting, so the amount of liquid should not be more than required for high-quality filling of the form. Application plasticizer will greatly facilitate this process, add strength to concrete and reduce cement consumption by up to 15-20%. Fiber can also be added to the solution, which will prevent shrinkage cracks on the surface and increase the abrasion strength of concrete by 100%.

For ease of use of the stencil, we attach handles to it. , using special technological holes in the case. For those who plan to make garden paths at low cost, we will tell you that the mold can be lubricated with automotive " working off».

Of course, this is not the most perfect option, because the greasy surface of the tiles can be painted only after a while. The use of a soap solution is no less budgetary, however, even such an environmentally friendly method also has the drawback described above.

We lubricate the forms for the garden path with a special lubricant Lubrication of the form will make it easy to remove it from the finished product

And here is the application special grease for forms, although it will entail additional costs, it will save you from the need to constantly lubricate the mold for making a garden path with your own hands. The form lubricated immediately before work will not leave greasy marks, so you can paint such a track immediately after setting.

If the soil you compacted has had time to dry out , then it is necessary to spill it with water. Further, guided by the previously stretched cord, as well as controlling the level, we set the form for pouring garden paths, which must be slightly pressed into the sand.

We fill the stencil with the prepared solution , avoiding voids in its corners. Using a small rammer, which we work like a vibrating plate, we try to compact the concrete as much as possible, and then level its surface with a spatula. After the 30-50 minutes required to pre-set the concrete, the mold is carefully removed and set side by side, repeating the process until the finish line.

We begin to gradually fill in the form, do not forget that the concrete should not be very liquid. Pay special attention to the corners, it is necessary to fill them with concrete mortar as much as possible. Since we used a plasticizer and made the solution thick, after 15-20 minutes you can remove the mold. Here is the first plate and ready! Leave to freeze for a day, after which we actively begin to use

To avoid animal prints , hand-made garden paths are covered with plastic wrap and wait at least 3-4 days before taking a new path and taking a photo as a keepsake. Full load on concrete product can be given no earlier than 20 days later.

The last stage in the construction of garden paths do-it-yourself at low cost is painting and backfilling tile joints with river sand.

There are several ways to paint a new path.

  • The first is to add a dye at the final stage of concrete preparation. . After that, you can lightly mix the concrete, achieving an uneven color, or mix the components thoroughly to obtain a uniform color.
  • The second method requires sprinkling a wet concrete surface with a dry dye each time after demoulding. , but in this case only the most upper layer which will fade over time. Garden paths with spots wiped off just after such a coloring can often be seen in the photo on the net.

DIY tracks video tutorial

Garden paths painted with their own hands look very interesting. dye dissolved in deep penetration soil , which allows you to achieve similarity with natural stone at low cost. Stone effect tiles painted in various colors, will look especially impressive in your garden. And the last tip: after painting, do not forget to treat the surface of the path with a water repellent - it will not allow moisture to penetrate into the pores of the concrete, destroying it from the inside.

We fill the concrete path with our own hands

Easy to manufacture, durable and outwardly attractive are monolithic concrete paths laid along the summer cottage. Read on to learn how to make garden paths out of concrete.

Marking the future path , hammering pegs along its edges and pulling a cord between them at the required height. We take into account that the optimal thickness of the fill is from 7 to 10 cm.

Preparing the sand bed . To do this, we dig a trench up to 20 cm deep, level its bottom, install beacons and lay geotextiles, also covering the slopes of the trench with this material. After that, we fill the hole with 2-3 layers of sand with intermediate pouring and tamping of each layer. It is possible to pour a layer of fine gravel between two adjacent layers of sand. This will enhance the drainage properties of the pillow.

Laying of agrofibre Sand cushion installation Sand cushion leveling

Preparing concrete . You can use the recipe from the instructions for filling forms. If you need a sidewalk path of increased strength, for example, for driving or parking a car in a country house, then take 1 part of cement (not lower than grade 400), 1.5 parts of sand and 2.5-3 parts of crushed stone or gravel. The ideal volumetric ratio is considered to be 1 part water to 3 parts cement, but a little more is added to increase the plasticity of the liquid. Do not forget that the less water there is in the solution, the stronger the concrete coating will be.

Formwork is used for garden paths from wooden planks not less than 20 mm thick. It is better if the width of the boards is equal to the thickness of the fill, otherwise you will have to dig them into the ground. Boards need to be nailed to the inside of the pegs.

Place dividers at regular intervals in order to create expansion joints. When making a track in the country, dividers can be used from improvised material. For these purposes, flat, narrow strips of drywall, glass, thin boards, trimmings of laminate, siding, etc. are suitable. In order to remove the separators after the concrete has set, they must be lubricated with any suitable lubricant.

We carry out reinforcement of the structure to increase its strength. As a reinforcing mesh, a chain-link mesh, cuttings of reinforcement, pipes, etc. are used. Of course, it is best to use a welded reinforcing belt made of rods with a diameter of up to 8 mm, with a cell of 100x100 mm. The reinforcement is set at half the height of the track, using fragments of bricks or clamps from the same rods.

Garden paths are poured up to the top edge of the formwork . Next, using a rammer, we compact the surface until cement milk appears on the surface of the path, and then level it using the rule. Next, we cover the path with plastic wrap and wait at least 5 days before removing the formwork. The full load on concrete can be given no earlier than after 3 weeks.

Decorate the path possible in several ways.

  • Firstly, the surface can be painted or lined with marble or ceramic tiles.
  • Secondly, you can apply a pattern to it with a figured spatula, screwdriver or coarse brush.
  • Thirdly, you can paint the concrete itself at the stage of preparation.
  • Fourthly, gravel or pebbles can be pressed into the wet layer, laying out intricate patterns.

In a word, a concrete garden path can be original and attractive, as on numerous videos of popular Internet resources.

DIY paving slab garden path

If you plan to equip garden paths with your own hands at low cost, then this method will not work for you. Paving slabs cannot be called cheap material. On the other hand, such tracks have a lot of advantages and are practically devoid of disadvantages. Watch the video in which such a garden path is laid with your own hands. Not so difficult, right? At first glance, this is what it is. In fact, in order for the pavement laid in the country to please the eye long time, requires careful preparation of the base and maximum accuracy and precision in work. So, how to make a path from paving slabs with your own hands:

  1. Choosing a tile . At the same time, we focus not only on design, but also on its operational features. For example, for a tile on which it is planned to drive a car, the ability to withstand increased loads is important.
  2. We stock up on tools . For work we need: a trowel, a rubber mallet, a rammer, a level, a cord, pegs, a pipe or an I-beam, sand and cement.

  1. Marking future tracks . To do this, we hammer in the pegs and pull the cord at the required height.

  1. We prepare the base . The successful operation of the track throughout the entire service life will depend on this work, so we approach this stage most responsibly. To do this, we level the base as accurately as possible, removing part of the soil on the hills and pouring it in the lowlands. In the process of work, we constantly compact the soil, wetting its surface with water.

We calculate the depth of the base from the calculation of the height of the tile plus the height of the sand layer. To the resulting value, add a couple of centimeters for shrinkage. As a rule, the depth is 20-30cm. Do not forget to create the necessary slopes for the flow of water from the surface.

  1. After leveling the base, lay the geotextile . It will prevent weeds from growing into the tile joints.
  1. Pour a sand cushion , spill it with water and ram. After that, we level its surface with a profile, relying on pipes or beams installed at the required distance from each other.

  1. We prepare the mixture from 1 part of cement and 3 parts of sand, which we lay out on the base and perform a screed using an I-beam or channel.
  2. We start laying tiles from the curb in the direction "away from you" . We lay out the initial row clearly along the cord, installed along the chamfer. In this case, you can use 1-2mm crosses to form seams of the same thickness. To ensure the required height, sand is poured or removed with a trowel, ramming it in the process. At the same time, do not forget to constantly monitor the quality of laying with the help of a level and a mallet. If you need to dock the tile to other buildings, then if necessary, it can be cut with a grinder with an established circle for working on stone.
  1. After the last row is laid, we fill the seams with a sand-cement mixture and fill them with water.

A curb installed along the edges of the sidewalk will prevent the tiles from moving and preserve the integrity of the structure. During operation, sand from the seams can be washed out with water, so it will be necessary to periodically add it.

wooden garden path

Many summer residents think about how to make garden paths out of wood, because this inexpensive and affordable material is always at hand. In addition, you can use not only the classic version in the form of installed saw cuts, but also install beautiful and functional paths in the country, for example, from such improvised material as euro pallets.

The material for saw cuts can be both a purchased log house and fallen trees from a grove, which is located next to the site. A chainsaw will help to make wooden garden paths at low cost, which is not necessary to buy if you can ask a friend for help.

To arrange the track, follow the instructions below:

  1. We mark the place for the path and dig a trench 10-20 cm deep.
  2. We lay waterproofing, taking into account the overlap of not only the bottom, but also the slopes.
  3. As a drainage, we fill the bottom of the trench with rubble.
  4. We pour a 10 cm layer of sand as a pillow under the cuts.
  5. We install saw cuts, alternating thick logs with thin branches to maximize the filling of space.
  6. We fill the gaps between saw cuts with sand.

You can install saw cuts in such a way that their upper part will rise 3-5 cm above the surface. A path of this type will be much less polluted in slush and rain.

In the video, you can often see how great a garden path made of wooden planks looks. But such material as euro pallets is excellent for our purposes, and the cost of such material includes only its delivery to the site. At the same time, pallets are made from durable wood, which, when treated with antiseptics, can last a long time.

To prepare the boards, they are cut into pieces of 50 cm, sanded, treated with a protective agent and painted or varnished. The flooring itself is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Logs are arranged from wooden bars, which are fastened together with the same bars, using knitting “in half a tree”.
  2. Cover the structure with bituminous mastic, which will protect the frame from decay. The same mastic covers the bottom of the boards.
  3. Boards are laid, leaving a gap of 10-20 mm between them for water flow.
  4. Additionally, cover the track with varnish or paint.

When hammering nails, try to sink their hats into the wood as deeply as possible. This will allow you to walk barefoot along the path without fear of injury.

Prices for molds and materials

Everything you need for arranging garden paths can be found in the relevant sections of the Leroy Merlin store. "Garden paths" and other sections of the catalog have hundreds of positions necessary tools and materials. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the rather democratic prices.

So, the cost of a form for a garden path in Leroy is 507 rubles, which, you see, is quite inexpensive, given its reusable use. A concrete mixer, of course, will cost you more - a 120-liter unit has a price of 5690 rubles, but it will greatly facilitate concrete work.

Dyes for concrete

Dyes for concrete start at 603 rubles. for a 700 g jar, while plasticizers can be bought for a minimum price of 149 rubles. for a container weighing 600 g. Store consultants will be able to answer questions about how to make paths in the country with your own hands or tell you about the features of using certain materials. The form for the garden path, bought in Leroy Merlin, will allow you to save quite a significant amount when arranging paths in your garden.

If you have not yet decided how to make a path in the country, look at the gallery of photos located on our website. Interesting solutions using various ways arranging garden paths will help you choose the best option, make the necessary changes to it and create your own unique design. And, maybe, soon the photo of your site will appear in the first lines of search results.

Those who have their own dacha or garden know how important it is to equip them well so that rest or stay in the countryside after a dusty and bustling city is as pleasant as possible. gentrification landscape design became more important than simply growing vegetables in the garden.

Now every owner strives to give his garden or cottage a special personality and style. One of the main details of this style are garden paths, because the whole look of your site can depend on their design and appearance.

How to make paths in the country, but such that all the neighbors gasp with surprise and delight? Of course, you can invite a designer or hire specialists who will professionally decorate the site for you, but this will cost you quite a lot. There is another option - to design and make paths in the country with your own hands. Moreover, absolutely any materials can be suitable for this.

What to choose and how to turn the idea into reality?

First you need to figure out what country paths are in general and what they can be made of. You will have a very large choice, because there are a huge number of options for their manufacture and design, in addition, they are all very diverse and original and beautiful in their own way, so if you wish, you can find an idea to your taste and to your wallet.

Why do we need paths in a summer cottage or garden plot? Many will answer that their main function is to provide the opportunity to move around this very site. Indeed, paths or paths should provide comfortable movement, connecting all the main objects or buildings of your dacha. However, in addition to this, ideally they need to perform other tasks:

  • provide comfortable walking (especially if there is clay soil or a lowland around, where water accumulates all the time);
  • divide the site into peculiar zones or sectors (flower beds, garden, vegetable garden, recreation areas, etc.);
  • decorate and create a certain style, uniting everything around into a single harmonious ensemble.

So, we figured out the purpose of the garden alleys, now you need to understand what paths you can make in the country with your own hands. The main classification is based on the choice of material that you use to make the paths, and on the way they are constructed (there are also differences in size and location - straight, winding, etc.).

  • The most spectacular and expensive paths, of course, will be made of natural stone. A big and undoubted advantage of this option is the durability of your product. However, even here you can save money by not buying a stone on purpose, but by using, for example, the remnants of building cladding. However, it is necessary to be able to handle such material. This also includes paving slabs or paving stones and bricks. If you chose the latter as the material, then find a special paving brick, since ordinary white and red bricks may not be resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. With a brick, you can lay out any designs and patterns in your alleys, folding it like a mosaic. Just designate in advance in the diagram the ornament that you want to get as a result.

  • Wood is the second most popular material after stone. Wooden alleys look no less beautiful and stylish, especially since a do-it-yourself garden path made of wood can be obtained at much lower cost and effort. You can use wooden blocks, and wood cuts, and boards, and chocks - in a word, any derivatives that are easy to get. The main thing is to show a little imagination and try to do something special. However, a tree will require some care, so for the durability and beautiful appearance of your wooden paths, learn how to properly care for them.

  • You can pave the paths in the country with your own hands from gravel, pebbles, crushed stone or marble chips, pouring them into a specially prepared base and reinforcing them on the sides with a border tape made of bricks or tiles. Gravel can be multi-colored - then you will be able to make original patterns. The soil in a dug trench will need to be pre-treated before backfilling (usually herbicides are used), and then covered with agrofiber or polyethylene. So you protect the alley from the germination of weeds. At the end, you need to compact the gravel (you can use a portable roller or other device).

  • The easiest way is to pour concrete paths. Moreover, on top you can lay at least a tile, even a stone, even a paving stone. And now on sale in hardware stores you can find plastic molds with which you can easily make various concrete elements and create unique and beautiful paths.
  • In addition to the basic materials, you can use any improvised means for arranging tracks: pieces of old tiles, glass bottles, caps, plugs, old tires, etc.

As you can see, you can easily and quickly equip garden paths with your own hands at low cost. Materials can be combined with each other, the main thing is that they fit general style plot and house, fitting into their ensemble and complementing it.

Be sure to think in advance and draw up a plan-scheme of how the alleys will be located on the site, because their network must be built so that they unite all the main zones and buildings. Do not be afraid to combine different shapes and directions - let you have straight and curved paths side by side, wide and narrow, etc.

Getting Started: A Quick Look at the Basic Ways to Make Tracks

An important part of creating routes for movement around the site will be preparatory stage. First of all, you will need to properly markup. If a straight path is planned, then a rope stretched on pegs is also suitable. And to mark out a winding alley, you can drive long nails along the edges of an ordinary rake and drag them where you want to see the path.

If the climate in your area is rainy, then you need to take care of drainage system, and also provide for drains along the edges of the tracks so that stagnation of water does not form. Consider also the fact that near the alleys themselves should not grow big trees, because their roots will spoil the integrity and appearance of any roads.

  • The device of all tracks begins with markings. Then comes the digging of a trench and the preparation of the soil for laying out the material. The depth and width of the trench depends on the type and parameters of the selected materials. The next step is to form a sand bed or pillow. Backfilling is especially important for areas with loose earth, as well as for paths on which you foresee a large operational load, for example, for a platform for a car.
  • To line an alley with brick, stone, or tile, fill the grooves with gravel or pebbles, tamp them down, and then make another layer of sand. It is this top layer that will need to be well leveled. The depth of the trench for stone is about twenty centimeters (often it will be the same for paving stones or bricks). Crushed stone or gravel should be poured with a layer of ten centimeters, plus ten centimeters of sand. Then lay the material on this pillow, following the direction and shape of the desired track. Tap bricks or tiles with a rubber mallet to set them down to the correct level. Fill the void between the stones with sand, and then thoroughly water everything.
  • You can make tiles of any shape yourself using a plastic frame. To do this, you only need to fill them with concrete, compact the mass in the form, and then remove it. From such tiles, when they dry, you can lay out an alley, and then fill the gaps between them with multi-colored filler or sow them with herbaceous plants.

  • If you want to make a path from wood cuts, then you will need to cut a lot of stumps different shapes(the large ones will go to laying the main part of the alley, and the small ones will fill the voids between them). A trench for wooden cuts does not need to be too deep. Fill its bottom with sand and tamp, and then lay out the stumps there. You can level the chocks with a sledgehammer and focusing on the level. You can also fill in gravel, soil or sand between them, and then sow flowers or grass if you want. If nothing should grow on your path, then lay polyethylene on the bottom of the trench, as is the case with a gravel path. Be sure to prepare saw cuts - they must be well dried and treated with hot drying oil over the entire surface (you can process sections with a ten percent solution blue vitriol, and the side that will be in contact with the ground - bitumen).
  • Gravel and planks go very well together. Boards can be large and small, located next to each other or at some distance from each other, you can lay them in a crossbar or length, lay them out in a parquet way, paint - in a word, do whatever your heart desires. Please note that raising the boards a little above ground level will help you circulate air underneath them, which means they will last longer. Like saw cuts, boards also need to be treated with antiseptic and protective agents.