Sawing garden trees. saw cut trees

  • 15.06.2019

Why do you need filing, trimming and removing trees? Year after year the garden grows fruit trees grow both in height and in width, making paths impassable, interfering with each other. Overgrown branches are capable of breaking electrical wires, climbing through windows, destroying building facades and causing a lot of trouble for their owners. No matter how sorry it is, you still have to part with the plants that the summer resident loves. By removing old trees, the gardener will prepare a place for new varieties that will delight him with a rich harvest.

Why is tree removal necessary?

Remove diseased branches of trees or even a completely tree so that the disease does not spread to healthy trunks and crowns of neighboring plants. Removal is carried out according to a certain technology, uprooting a massive root. At the site of the removed plant, the soil is treated: they are disinfected, and then fertilized, the soil is allowed to rest before planting another plant on it. At least a season is required on the "rest" of the earth.

What is filing and why is it needed?

Filing is also a necessary manipulation in the garden. There are several types of filing. One of them is called structural. It is carried out if in the crown fruit tree the branches crossed, broke off, split, i.e. selective filing is carried out in order to regulate the growth of branches in the crown of the tree, young and healthy shoots are given the opportunity to grow.

Rejuvenating sawdust is used to renew the crown of a tree. With this filing, the crown is thinned out, due to which more light and air pass to the lower branches. The lower part of the plant is not subjected to drying, the branches do not break off, therefore, they will bear fruit with high quality.

Consideration should be given to the features of filing for trees of each type. Hardwoods such as elm, poplar, maple tolerate pruning well, while conifers, as well as birches and oaks, do not tolerate pruning. The healing rate after pruning depends not only on the type of tree, but also on the direction of the cut of the branches and the methods of its subsequent processing.

Quality wood sawing

Giving a tree (more precisely, its crown) a shape. Tree crowning in this case is most often used from an aesthetic point of view, when the crowns of trees near the office or home are given the desired shape, in harmony with the landscape. It is also done to improve the natural lighting of the site. Concern for the safety of others. During tree trimming, dry branches are removed, which, when strong wind or simply over time can cause damage to the health and life of people around or nearby buildings. Removing branches, carried out in time, will avoid such a threat.

Tree health support. Pruning trees, which results in the removal of extra branches, in addition to safety, also has a stimulating and healing function. A tree devoid of ballast in the form of dry branches grows better, since its strength is given to healthy and young shoots. Professional sawing of trees in our company is carried out taking into account modern techniques and technologies that are selected separately depending on the specifics of the order and taking into account the characteristics of the surrounding area and the requirements of the customer. And if you want the sawing of trees on your territory to be carried out with the highest quality and at the same time reliably, safely and professionally, please contact our specialists. We will carry out the work at a time convenient for you, and very soon you will forever forget about the problems that trees brought you.

Service Price
tree filing
Sawing dry branches (hardwood) 1 700 rub.
Cutting dry branches (coniferous) 2 200 rub.
Topping. Removing the top at a height of 6-8 m 3 700 rub.
cutting down a tree
Felling a tree on a natural slope 800 rub.
Felling a tree using a quickdraw 1 300 rub.
Removing a tree in parts with dropping 3 500 rub.
Removing a tree in parts with hanging 4 000 rub.
Removal from site
Sawing wood for firewood 40 cm 700 rub.
Moving parts of a tree 1 600 rub.
Stump uprooting 2 000 rub.

* The prices indicated on the site are not a public offer and are for informational purposes only. The cost of work for each client is calculated individually.

Or his branches, there are several reasons. They must be established by law, so the unreasonable cutting of a tree or its parts is a violation of the law and is punishable by a fine.

It is also necessary to obtain the necessary documentation, which will give the right to cut down a tree, branches or several trees.

A tree or its branches can be cut down if:

  • The tree is infected with the disease and to prevent its spread, the diseased tree is removed.
  • The branches of the tree interfere with power lines and create an emergency situation (in a strong wind, the branches can break the wires).
  • The crown of a tree disrupts the natural insolation of buildings (in daytime natural lighting in the premises is disturbed).
  • Branches or the whole tree are emergency and threaten to fall on people, buildings, cars, etc.
  • Seasonal pruning of trees to improve plant health and give a tidy appearance.

Emergency tree that fell on the house

Types of tree filing

Depending on the cause and conditions of the cut, one or another type of filing is prescribed. It is important to choose the right type of saw cut, since not only the safety of the workers themselves, but also the surrounding people, buildings and structures depends on this:

  • Saw a tree with a shaft with hanging the trunk - the tree is fixed with ropes and cut down at the base, while the trunk gently falls to the ground without damaging surrounding objects. They are used for cutting tall and thin trees, as well as for removing trees that have fallen on buildings.
  • Saw the tree in parts with free discharge - the tree is sawn from top to bottom in small parts, the sawn parts freely fall to the ground. This method is used with sufficient free space around the tree.
  • Removing the tree in parts with hanging - the tree is sawn in the same way as in the previous case, but parts of the trunk are fixed with ropes and carefully lowered to the ground. This method is perfect when the space around the tree is limited and free throwing can damage nearby buildings, structures, cars, etc.
  • Tree trimming - pruning of tree branches for the purpose of healing, giving a neat appearance, as well as for trimming branches that interfere with the flow of natural light into the windows of buildings or in case of an emergency condition of the branches.
  • Cutting a tree with an aerial platform - this method is used for very thin trees, on which it is impossible for an industrial climber to gain a foothold. It is also necessary to take into account the feasibility and spatial possibility of using aerial platforms.

What is needed to cut down a tree?

To cut down a tree or branches, you need to contact management company or municipality of the city. When cutting down a tree on your own, you definitely need to get a felling ticket.

A felling ticket is a document that allows you to cut down a tree or its branches legally. Without this document, sawing is illegal. You can get a logging ticket at the Department of Protection environment and natural resources.

You can cut down a small tree on your own, but high, big trees it is better to entrust to professionals. This is due to the fact that professional workers have skills in working with trees, and also have permission to work at height.

What threatens the unauthorized cutting of a tree?

When cutting a tree without a felling ticket, a fine is imposed:

  • For citizens - from 100 to 2500 rubles.
  • For officials - from 2000 to 5000 rubles.
  • For legal persons - from 5000 to 75000 rubles.

In areas of special environmental protection, unauthorized felling of trees threatens with criminal liability, the same applies to the felling of rare trees.

In the natural habitat, the growth of trees is limited only by natural factors: the genetic characteristics of the plant itself, the amount of light and moisture, the presence of neighbors with whom one must fight for a place under the sun, or their absence. When a tree grows near human habitats, it also limits its growth. Filing trees in the city is an important event that is aimed at improving the appearance of city streets (decorative filing), as well as maintaining the level of safety of citizens (the branches of an overgrown tree risk being broken by a strong gust of wind) - this is the so-called sanitization. Tree trimming services are provided by many arborist or industrial mountaineering companies.

Tree sawing services

When a person is faced with the question of choosing a contractor, it is easy for him to get lost in the variety of offers on this market, especially since the price of sawing trees has settled at about the same level. Before you give your preference to any company, you should familiarize yourself with its website and reviews of past customers on independent sites. This will help you avoid mistakes and find the best value for money.

Tree sawing services typically include:

Departure to the object in order to assess the scope of work;

Drawing up a preliminary estimate of the project;

Carrying out direct filing;

Treatment of each cut with special antiseptic solutions;

Removal of logging residues "under the rake";

Preparation of the final budget.

Be sure to specify exactly what list of works will be carried out, since there are often cases when an unscrupulous performer considered his role to be over when the branches were simply cut down. And as a result, the client himself is engaged in their export and processing of saw cuts.

tree sawing price

Filing of trees in the city can be carried out using aerial platforms, or by industrial climbers. The choice of method greatly affects the price, the first method is more expensive, but faster, the second is cheaper, but requires a little more time. Also, the price of filing trees will depend on the height of the tree trunk, as well as on the approximate number of branches to be removed. In any case, a specialist will be able to orient you on the cost when he sees the object with his own eyes.

Our company has been working with trees for more than 10 years. During this time, we managed to work with many trees at various facilities, both private and public. Tree cutting, diagnostics, strengthening, treatment, pruning, removal of trees - this is only a small part of the high-altitude work that we perform. Call us, the specialist will advise you, and if necessary, will come to you. Consultation, assessment and site visits are free of charge!

Cutting down trees on the site is hot topic for any gardener. The need to eliminate a tree may arise for various reasons: too large and close to home, the danger of a dried trunk falling, excessive shading, etc. Regardless of the reason, it is necessary to know the rules for cutting trees and observe safety precautions.

Can be used to cut wood various tools starting from classical hand saw ending modern models chainsaw Because the last option more relevant and helps save a lot of time and labor costs, we will dwell on it in more detail.

In addition to the technique, you will need wedges to expand the notch. Wedges must be made of plastic or wood (metal wedges are unacceptable as they can damage the chainsaw). Also prepare a sledgehammer, cable and quality protection: plastic goggles, hard hat, construction headphones and gloves. For especially large and old trees, a chain may be needed - the trunk is shackled with it to protect it from premature splitting.

The technique for cutting down trees may differ depending on the size of the tree, its distance from buildings or other plantings, the shape and degree of rottenness of the trunk.

Chainsaw work

Previously, trees were felled using an ordinary ax or a hand saw, but these tools are long gone and are only suitable for chopping firewood and filing thin branches. A chainsaw should be on the farm even if you do not have trees on the site to cut down. With its help, you can quickly cut branches and prepare kindling material.

How to handle a chainsaw:

  1. When working with the tool, be sure to use protective equipment: goggles, hard hat, earmuffs, gloves. Earplugs will work instead of headphones.
  2. Before turning on the saw, check the sharpness and tension of the chain. If the tension is good, the guide teeth will stay in the groove as the chain is pulled away from the top of the bar.
  3. When pouring fuel, always check the degree of chain tension.
  4. Do not use a chainsaw in windy weather.

In order for a falling object not to harm neighboring plantings or buildings during emergency cutting of trees, it is necessary to determine in advance the place of its fall and calculate the trajectory. To do this, it is necessary to study the shape of the tree, the degree of its dryness and the number of large branches. If there are a lot of large branches and twigs, they must first be cut down. Otherwise, they may affect the trajectory of the fall of the barrel.

The fall zone of the tree should be 2 times larger than its crown and have unimpeded escape routes. If there are other trees nearby, cut down the trunk so that the crown does not get stuck in the branches of these trees. It is already becoming clear that an ignorant person will not always be able to cope with such work on his own. Tree felling services are relatively inexpensive, but will help to avoid accidents in especially difficult situations(too big, forked or dry tree).

Sawing technology

You can cut down trees at certain times of the year. The time depends on the purpose for which you will use the wood. For example, if she goes for firewood, then it is better to cut down the tree around the middle of autumn, when the juices inside it “calm down”. If you cut down such a tree in the spring, when nature wakes up, the wood will be oversaturated with moisture and will not be suitable for heating. But when it comes to an emergency, the time of year doesn't matter.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw:

Helpful Hint: To prevent the bar from jamming inside the trunk, insert a wooden or plastic wedge into the control cut before the tree falls. Keep the saw at the maximum number of revolutions and in the process, watch where the barrel will roll. In this case, you will have time to take action if you see that the tree does not fall along the specified path.

Experts recommend cutting down the tree in the direction where there are most branches and branches, and if the trunk is flattened and even, in the direction where it has a smaller diameter. We have prepared two videos about cutting down trees, which show in detail all the specifics of the work.

tree uprooting

Cutting down a tree does not always solve the problem, because it leaves a stump after it. If your task is to free up space for subsequent development, landscaping or other needs, the tree will have to be uprooted. In order for the work to go as quickly as possible and without unpleasant surprises, it must be carried out in stages and in accordance with the plan.

The development of a plan for the removal of large old plants should be carried out in accordance with the law and under the supervision of experienced professionals. A tree felling permit only needs to be issued if the tree is outside your property. For example, if a huge poplar tree grows right behind the fence, which destroys the fence and your house behind it with its roots, then permission is needed to eliminate it. If the tree is on a privatized site, you can do whatever you want with it. The planned cutting of trees in the city in this case is aimed specifically at preventing emergencies due to the oversized trees. Then almost all large branches are removed from the plants, leaving only the trunk, and in the spring thin young branches appear from it.

So, a tree removal plan must take into account a lot of factors: tree species, age, size, soil characteristics, etc. All this helps to assess the degree of development of the root system of the plant and, as a result, the complexity of uprooting.

Tree dimensions

Any work with trees must begin with an assessment of their appearance. There are special rules that allow you to choose the right tool for uprooting a tree, depending on its size. So, if the trunk diameter does not exceed 10 cm, you can get by with an ordinary garden shovel or pitchfork. If the plant has a trunk diameter of 10-20 cm, one shovel will obviously not be enough here, and you will need to dig a deep hole.

In the case of especially large trees, the trunk diameter of which exceeds 20 cm, you should act according to the situation. If the tree is still healthy and strong, do not rush to cut and uproot - it took the plant a lot of years to reach such sizes. Consider transplanting it to a more suitable location. This service is called transplantation of large-sized plants and is very popular. If the tree is old, diseased, dry, then special equipment will be needed to eliminate it: a chainsaw, crane, crushing machine, etc. In this case, it is recommended to call specialists.

Uprooting technologies

The method of uprooting a tree also depends on its size. If the plant is small, and you can get by with a shovel, the essence of the work comes down to sticking the shovel in a circle under the root, then pressing the foot into the ground and pressing the handle. If at the same time you hear the sound of tearing roots, this is a good sign. If no reaction followed, and the tree does not give in, it is better not to put much pressure on the shovel, otherwise there is a risk of breaking it. Try sticking it on the other side of the tree and at a different angle.

If you still broke a shovel or all attempts to tear the roots of a tree from different angles were in vain, you will have to dig a hole. So you can see the roots and chop them with a shovel or an ax. You can also use a secateurs to cut the main and most powerful root. It is he who does not allow the tree to fall, but in order to get close to the central root, the plant must be dug from all sides. The trench should be about 2-3 times wider than the tree trunk. If it is necessary to remove all the roots, the width of the pit must be increased. If in the process of digging you stumble upon a hard root (and this will definitely happen), chop it with a point or cut it with pruning shears on both sides.

As you deepen, it will become inconvenient to wield a large shovel. Replace it with a sapper shovel or remove the earth with your hands. Be sure to wear gardening gloves. If this method also did not bring the desired results, or there is too little space around to dig a trench, more significant measures must be taken.

Uprooting difficult trees

To uproot a particularly large tree or a plant with very deep and tenacious roots, you will need to use special equipment: a hammer, sledgehammer, chainsaw or any other tool that can split a stump (it is easier to remove it when split).

You need to cut the stump into 2 or 4 parts, and then try to pry and remove each of the parts separately. A wedge used as a lever is very effective in this regard. The longer the wedge, the more powerful the effect it can have (the height of human growth is quite enough). Do not drive it too deep into the ground, so that the weight of the soil does not add to the weight and resistance of the roots.

If you nevertheless drove the wedge too deep and cannot get it back, if the fragments of the split stump do not give in and there are no positive changes in work, do not lose heart. There is another way, based on the fact that the root system of the miserable stump is already somewhat weakened and a rope can be inserted under it. For example, you cut off the central root, but the plant is kept in the ground with powerful side branches.

To implement the plan, you will need at least one assistant - he will pull the stump in the opposite direction, while you cut its roots, thereby weakening the grip.

Chemical removal

You can resort to this method if, after all the efforts made, the stump did not succumb, or you are not in a hurry to remove the stump and do not want to apply extra effort. Despite technological progress, such a "grandfather" method is still relevant to this day.

How to remove the stump chemically:

When the fire goes out, in place of the old stump there will be only a pit with numerous tunnels in which the roots were located. This method is good not only for its simplicity and cheapness, but also because at the place of the "fire" you can break a flower bed or a garden, and the land there will be very fertile.

As you can see, cutting down dead trees on the site may not be as easy as most beginners see it. The most important thing is to be able to give a sober assessment of the condition and size of the tree, and then either get to work on your own, or call a team of specialists.