Interactive learning - modern methods of obtaining knowledge. Interactive teaching methods in preschool

  • 30.09.2019

Interactivity inter - between active from act - act, action Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, with a computer) or someone (a person). Therefore, interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of the learner with the learning environment, the learning environment that serves as an area of ​​learning experience.

The main tasks of training and education - Development of children's initiative, independence, cognitive motivation; - Formation of the ability to learn and independently obtain information; -Integrated content of work with children; -Partnership between children and adults; -Active involvement of the child in society, etc.

The advantages of interactive learning - solves the information problem, since it provides children with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities; - develops general learning skills and abilities (analysis, synthesis, setting goals, etc., that is, provides a solution to learning problems; - provides an educational task, because it teaches you to work in a team, listen to other people's opinions; - relaxation, relieve nervous stress, switch attention , changing forms of activity, etc.

Developmental learning technologies - problem-based learning technologies, project activities - case technologies - TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) - multi-level learning technologies - game technologies - integrated lesson - ICT technologies - environment variability, the presence of different spaces, ensuring the free choice of children and others Interactive technologies - a tool for the professional activity of a teacher

The results of interactive learning activate the individual intellectual activity of each preschooler; increased interest and desire to participate in the work; the ability to express one's opinion and defend it; interpersonal relationships develop, children learn to overcome communication barriers in communication (stiffness, uncertainty, a situation of success is created); conditions are formed for self-education, self-development of the personality of each child.

"Cluster" Cluster translated from English (cluster) means bunch, brush. A cluster is a method to help you think freely and openly about a topic. This is a non-linear form of thinking. Clustering is very simple. 1. Write a keyword or sentence in the center of the sheet. 2. Start writing down words and sentences that come to mind in connection with this topic. 3. As ideas come up, start making connections. 4. Write down as many ideas as you can think of in the allotted time. Clustering is a flexible structure, it can be carried out both in a group and individually, depending on the purpose of the lesson.

"Cluster" A picture with an image is posted on the board keyword and the children are invited to name the words related to this word. This method can be used both in a group and individually with each child who is offered several pictures and find the connection between them. WINTER tree ice rink New Year ski holiday Santa Claus snowman sled gifts

Sinkwine Line 1: The topic in one word (usually a noun) Line 2: Description of the topic in two words (two adjectives) Line 3: Description of the action within the framework of this topic (three verbs or gerunds) Line 4: Attitude to the topic, feelings, emotions (phrase of four words) Line 5: Repetition of the essence of the topic in one word (synonym for the topic) MOTHER Kind, beloved Cares, loves, feeds I love my mother! KINDNESS translated from French- 5 lines. Cinquain is a white (non-rhyming) verse that helps to synthesize information.

Basket-method Basket- (basket) method of teaching based on imitation of situations.basket Basket-method allows you to assess the child's ability to work with information and the ability to make decisions based on the available information. The basket method evaluates and develops the ability to analyze, systematize and select the most important factors and their classification, taking into account the importance and urgency, to the formulation of ways to solve various problems.

Brownian movement Purpose: development of skills to transform and enter into an unusual role. Purpose: development of skills to transform and enter into an unusual role. All participants, at the command of the leader, begin to move in a chaotic manner, imitating animals (elephant, monkey, hare, etc.) All participants, at the command of the leader, begin to move in a chaotic manner, imitating animals (elephant, monkey, hare, etc.) .)

Analysis of practical situations method of teaching decision-making skills; its goal is to teach children to analyze information, identify key problems, create alternative solutions, evaluate them, choose the best solution and form action programs.

Interactive whiteboard An interactive whiteboard significantly expands the possibilities of presenting information, allows you to increase the child's motivation. Ways to use an interactive whiteboard in the joint activities of a teacher with children in kindergarten can only be limited by the imagination. Using an interactive whiteboard to teach children preschool age becomes more attractive and exciting.

Interactive table Touch interactive development table helps to attract the attention and interest of the child to the learning process, develops motor skills, introduces the child to computer technology. You can use the children's touch table both for a group of children and individually. The table technology allows multiple users to interact with the sensor at the same time, which creates an atmosphere for teamwork.

Projectors Using a projector allows you to take full advantage of your computer's capabilities. The image on the projector screen compares favorably with traditional forms visibility: it is large, bright and can be perceived by a large number of people at the same time. An interactive sandbox is a sand box equipped with a computer, special sensors, a projector, with developed software. A depth sensor connected to a computer measures the distance to the sand, a special program processes the data received from the sensor and instructs the projector on what color to highlight a particular section of the sandbox. Real textures of water objects, mountains and other surfaces are projected onto the sand. Playing with sand is one of the natural activities of a child. The interactive sandbox allows children to show imagination, create, create own world. Children are happy to "draw" in the sand in a special mode. It has been proven that playing with sand has a positive effect on the emotional state of children, helps to get rid of psychological trauma, develops imagination, and facilitates the functioning of the psyche. Playing with sand allows the child to express himself and at the same time be himself. They can be used both as a method of corrective action in the presence of emotional disorders of a neurotic nature, and as an auxiliary method to help reduce tension and develop sensorimotor skills.

LEGO constructors. Robotics. Mastering the skills of work-construction of preschoolers occurs in several stages: 1. acquaintance with the designer and assembly instructions, studying the technology of connecting parts. 2. At the second stage, we learn to assemble simple designs according to the model. 3. Assembling complex models and connecting them to motors.

"Interactive technologies in preschool education"

The introduction of interactive pedagogical technologies into the educational process is aimed at the formation of the integrative qualities of preschoolers, their mastery of constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them in accordance with the tasks set by modern federal educational state standards

What is interactive learning technology?

The definition itself is associated with the concept of "interactive". Interactivity means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person).

Interactive, according to B.Ts. Badmaev, is such training, which is based on the psychology of human relationships and interactions.

Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive


The essence of interactive learning is that almost all children are involved in the learning process.

Interactive technology is aimed at developing new qualities and skills in preschoolers:

The individual intellectual activity of each preschooler is activated;

Interpersonal relationships develop, children learn to overcome communication barriers in communication (stiffness, uncertainty), a situation of success is created;

Conditions are formed for self-education and self-development of the personality of each child

The introduction of interactive technologies in work with children is carried out gradually, taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.

II junior group- work in pairs, round dance;

The middle group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;

Senior group - work in pairs, a round dance, a chain, a carousel, interviews, work in small groups (triples), an aquarium;

Preparatory group for school - work in pairs, a round dance, a chain, a carousel, interviews, work in small groups (triples), an aquarium, a large circle, a tree of knowledge.

Let's describe each technology.

"Pair work"

Children learn to interact with each other, pairing up at will. Working in pairs, children improve their ability to negotiate, consistently, and work together. Interactive learning in pairs helps to develop the skills of cooperation in a situation of chamber communication.

"Round dance"

At the initial stage, the adult is the leader, because. children cannot complete the task on their own. The teacher, with the help of the subject, teaches children to perform the task in turn, thereby educating them in such qualities as the ability to listen to answers and not interrupt each other.

Interactive technology "Round dance" contributes to the formation of initial skills of voluntary behavior in preschool children.


The interactive technology "Chain" helps the beginning of the formation of the ability to work in a team in preschool children.

The basis of this technology is the consistent solution of one problem by each participant. The presence of a common goal, one common result creates an atmosphere of empathy and mutual assistance, makes you communicate with each other, offer options for solving the task.


This technology is being introduced to organize work in pairs. It is the dynamic couple that has great communicative potential, and this

stimulates communication between children.

Interactive technology "Carousel" forms in the child such moral and volitional qualities as mutual assistance, cooperation skills.


At the stage of consolidating or generalizing knowledge, summing up the results of the work, the interactive technology "Interview" is used.

Thanks to the use of this technology, children actively develop dialogic speech, which encourages them to interact "adult-

child", "child-child".

"Work in small groups" (triples)

In the interactive learning mode, preference is given to groups of preschoolers of three people. The use of group work technology "in triplets" makes it possible for all children to work in class.

The guys learn to evaluate their work, the work of a friend, to communicate, to help each other. The principle of cooperation in the learning process becomes the leading one.


"Aquarium" - a form of dialogue when the guys are invited to discuss the problem "in the face of the public." The Aquarium interactive technology consists in the fact that several children act out the situation in a circle, while the rest observe and analyze.

What gives this reception to preschoolers?

The opportunity to see your peers from the outside, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else's thought, how they settle a brewing conflict, how they argue their own thought.

"Great Circle"

Big circle technology is a technology that allows everyone

the child to speak out and develop communication skills, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions from the information received and solve the problem.

The use of interactive technologies in direct educational activities relieves the nervous load of preschoolers, makes it possible to change their forms of activity, switch attention to the issues of the topic of classes.

Thus, interactive learning is undoubtedly an interesting, creative, and promising area of ​​pedagogy. It helps to realize all the possibilities of preschool children, taking into account their psychological capabilities. The use of interactive technology makes it possible to enrich children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them, about relationships with peers and adults, encourages children to actively interact in the system social relations. L.A. Popova. "Interactive forms of work with children of preschool age

Children's interactive games

The choice of this method in working with preschoolers is debatable. In our opinion, the possibility of its use in kindergarten depends on the preparedness of the teacher, primarily on the possession of the features of this technique. Of course, in a small article it is impossible to analyze all aspects of the problem. The author's task is to expand the educator's ideas about the specifics of using the interactive game method in working with preschoolers.

Let's start with a short digression into the history of the issue. The concept of "interactive" came to us from the English language (interactive: inter - between, between; active from act - act, action). It means the ability to interact, to have a conversation, a dialogue with someone. Unlike active methods, interactive methods are focused on a wider interaction of preschoolers not only with the teacher, but also with each other and on the dominance of the activity of preschoolers in the learning process.

The role of the educator in the interactive game is practically reduced to the direction of the children's activities to achieve the set goals and to the development of a lesson plan.

The main thing in organizing an interactive game with preschoolers is to create conditions for gaining meaningful experience of social behavior for them. Under the interactive game, we mean not just the interaction of preschoolers with each other and the teacher, but a jointly organized cognitive activity of a social orientation. In such a game, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand themselves and others, gain their own experience.

There are many options for interactive games, but the way they are played is quite universal and is based on the following algorithm:

  1. Selection by the teacher of tasks and exercises for a group of children. (It is possible to conduct a preparatory session.)
  2. Preschoolers are introduced to a problem to be solved, with a goal to be achieved. The problem and purpose of the task should be clearly and easily formulated by the teacher so that the children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and uselessness of what they are going to do. Children are informed about the rules of the game, they are given clear instructions.
  3. During the game, children interact with each other to achieve the goal. If any stages cause difficulty, the teacher corrects the actions of preschoolers.
  4. At the end of the game (after a short pause, designed to relieve tension), the results are analyzed and the results are summed up. The analysis consists of focusing on the emotional aspect - on the feelings that preschoolers experienced, and discussing the content aspect (what did you like, what caused difficulty, how the situation developed, what actions the participants took, what was the result).

It is important that children enjoy the game by trying themselves in a new situation. Interactive play should not be confused with role play and business play. Role-playing game essentially resembles a theater: in it, the solution to the problem is not the main one; most importantly, there are those who play roles and observers. In the process of a business game, professional skills are formed on the basis of acquired experience and personal qualities.

We bring to your attention several options for interactive games for children of middle and older groups.

Option 1. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Turnip"
Before the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which children get acquainted with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they have read.

Issues for discussion

  1. What is a turnip? (The turnip is a vegetable grown in the garden.)
  2. Why couldn't grandfather pull the turnip out of the ground alone? (The turnip grew very large, and one person was unable to pull it out of the ground.)
  3. Who helped grandfather? (Grandma, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat and mouse helped grandfather.)
  4. What does a fairy tale teach? (Only together can even a very difficult task be done.)

The teacher invites the children to color the illustrations for the fairy tale.

To conduct the game, it is necessary to form two or three teams of six to seven children, prepare in advance several identical sets of cards with the image of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip", pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine.

The teacher clearly formulates the task. In the next room, there is a painted (sculpted from plasticine or clay) or a real turnip on the table. Each child in turn goes into the next room and remembers the story; then they all work together to compile the mosaic, placing the characters as they acted in the fairy tale. (Teams are given a set of cards with the image of heroes. Each player chooses one hero and places it on the table, depending on how he acted in the fairy tale.)

The teacher warns children about the need to comply with the following conditions:

  • work no longer than 10 minutes;
  • You can communicate only with facial expressions and gestures (non-verbally).

After completing the task, the teacher suggests moving on to the next stage of the game: each player must “create” an object that is in the next room (draw, mold a turnip).
At the end of the game, preschoolers, together with the teacher, analyze the results of the work (they talk about what happened, what didn’t, whether everyone coped with the task, who found it difficult, why).

Option 2. Interactive game based on the Russian folk tale "Teremok" (the game algorithm is the same)
Before the start of the game, we conduct a preparatory lesson in which children remember (or get acquainted) with the text of a Russian folk tale, discuss what they have read.
Issues for discussion

  1. Where was the teremok? (In field.)
  2. Who was the first to live in a tower? (Mouse-norushka.)
  3. Which of the animals lived in the tower? (Louse mouse, frog frog, runaway bunny, sister fox, spinning top - gray barrel.)
  4. Why did the bear climb onto the roof? (The bear could not fit into the teremok, as it is very large.)

Then the children are offered to color the illustrations for the fairy tale (the selection of illustrations for coloring is carried out by the teacher)

Then they proceed to the next stage of the interactive game "Teremok" (see option 1).
After completing the task, the teacher invites the children to build their own teremok (the material is prepared in advance by the teacher himself or the children bring it). At the end of the game, as in option 1, analyze the results.

Using interactive games in teaching preschoolers, the teacher is faced with the problems of motivating participants (the interest of the preschooler, "falling out" of the game, etc.), developing and using this method in the education and upbringing of preschoolers (game development, methodological literature, teacher qualifications, etc.).

Option 3. Interactive game "Pet"
As usual, before the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which children are introduced to the chosen animal (in our case, a chicken) through various types of art, they are offered to solve riddles, name Russian folk tales, recall cartoons, poems, ditties, tongue twisters, the main character which is a chicken.

Appeared in a yellow coat.
Farewell, two shells! (Chick.)
White round lay for a long time,
Suddenly it crackled ... (Egg and chicken.)
There was a white house
wonderful house,
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so fluffy
And golden. (Egg and chicken.)
I wake everyone up on time
I don't wind up the clock though. (Rooster.)
Gets up first of all
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" - sings. (Rooster.)

The teacher reads a poem by K. Chukovsky "Chicken", asks what chicken is described in the poem.

A beautiful chicken lived with me.
Ah, what a smart chicken she was!
She sewed me caftans, sewed boots,

Sweet, ruddy baked pies for me.
And when he manages, he will sit at the gate -
Tell a story, sing a song.

Russian is read to children folk tale“Ryaba Hen,” they ask what she is talking about. Then the children are introduced to the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Chicken". They offer to answer the questions: “How did the chicken behave? Why? Who consoled him?"
“There was a chicken in the world. He was small. Here's one.
But he thought he was very big, and lifted his head importantly. Like this.
And he had a mother. Mom loved him very much. Mom was like this.
Mom fed him worms. And there were these worms like this.
Once, a Black Cat ran into my mother and drove her away from the yard. And there was a Black Cat like this.
The chicken was left alone at the fence. Suddenly he sees: flew up on the fence beautiful big cock, stretched his neck like this. And shouted at the top of his voice: "Crow!". And he looked around importantly: “Am I not a daredevil? Am I not good at it?" The chicken liked it very much. He craned his neck too. Like this. And with all his strength he squeaked: “Pee-pee-pee! I'm a nerd too! I'm great too!" But he stumbled and fell into a puddle. Like this.
A frog was sitting in a puddle. She saw him and laughed, “Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! You are far from the rooster! And there was a frog like this.
Then the mother ran up to the chicken. She took pity and caressed him. Like this".

Then the teacher proceeds to the next stage of the interactive game, the purpose of which is to diversify children's ideas about a pet, to teach them to see a living being in different aspects. Children (half a group) are placed near the table, on which are colored and white paper, scissors, glue, plasticine, designer parts.

The task is to jointly create an image of a chicken. Children should not communicate with each other verbally. Depending on the preparedness of the children, the teacher can make changes to the game. If preschoolers find it difficult to complete the task, they are offered to determine who wants to create what part of the bird and from what material (make paws from plasticine, cut out wings from paper, assemble the head and body from the details of the designer). The task of the teacher is not to invent anything for the children, but only to direct their imagination in a creative direction.

After the end of the work, the children share their impressions, evaluate the results of their work. The second group of preschoolers must guess what was created by the children of the first group.
Option 4. Interactive game "Forest animal"

Before the start of the game, a preparatory lesson is held, in which preschoolers are introduced to the selected animal (in this case, a squirrel), they are invited to solve riddles, listen to a fragment of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." A.S. Pushkin and L.N.

Tolstoy "Squirrel and Wolf".
Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel.)
I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts. (Squirrel.)
We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *

Next, the children are read a fairy tale by L.N. Tolstoy "The Squirrel and the Wolf" and offer to answer the questions: "What did you learn about squirrels from this fairy tale? How did the squirrel behave when faced with the wolf?
“The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell right on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:
- Let me in.

Wolf said:
- All right, I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so cheerful. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you're all playing and jumping up there.
Belka said:
“Let me go up the tree first, I’ll tell you from there, otherwise I’m afraid of you.”
The wolf let go, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:
"You're bored because you're angry." Anger burns your heart. And we are cheerful because we are kind and do no harm to anyone.

In conclusion, the teacher reads a poem about a squirrel written by an unknown author especially for children; asks what qualities squirrels stand out from other forest animals.

Who plays there in the burners?
These are red squirrels:
golden coats,
Tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, rascals

Cones are dragged into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hosts.

In this case, the interactive game acts as a tool that allows you to significantly diversify the form of cognition of the surrounding reality. Who from the tall dark pines
Threw a bump at the kids
And into the bushes through the stump
Flashed like a flame? (Squirrel.)

I wear a fluffy coat
I live in a dense forest
In a hollow on an old oak
I chew nuts. (Squirrel.)
We recognized the animal with you
According to two such signs:
He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,
And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

* * *
Know that this is not a trifle: a spruce in the forest, under a spruce squirrel,

The squirrel sings songs and gnaws all the nuts,

And the nuts are not simple, all the shells are golden,
The nuclei are pure emerald... A.S. Pushkin

Who plays there in the burners?
These are red squirrels:
golden coats,
Tails are fluffy.
Jumping up and down the branches

And they hide nuts in the hollow.

Fidgets, rascals

Cones are dragged into their house,
Lots of berries and mushrooms
Until the winter cold.
These squirrels are not lazy,
Very kind hosts

Moshkova Svetlana Vladimirovna,


MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 9" of the city of Yalutorovsk

and education technology is God”

V.P. Tikhomirov

Target: consideration of modern methods of using interactive technologies in the educational activities of a teacher;


  • to motivate teachers to introduce and use interactive forms and teaching methods in the classroom;
  • to promote an increase in the level of development of professional competence among teachers through interactive techniques and methods.

Equipment: laptop, multimedia equipment, tables, easel;

Workshop progress:

slide number 1(name of workshop)

1. Greetings. Creating a favorable emotional environment. Game "Impulse", Game "Wishes".

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome you all to the workshop as part of the internship site. Now I suggest that you stand in a circle, take each other's hands and transfer the impulse in a circle with your shake. Well, in order to keep the received energy and strengthen it, let's give each other compliments with good wishes.

2. Introduction. The theme of our workshop is "Playing, we learn the world!" (use of interactive technologies in the educational process)

slide number 2

Lucky chance brought us together

Here in these walls, in this hall.

Interactive learning technologies

Will not let you get bored and discouraged

They start a merry, noisy dispute,

They will help you learn new things.

At present, the concept of “interactive” has become widely accepted in our lives. We have the opportunity to participate in all kinds of interactive tours, projects, games, programs. We are offered to become not just listeners or contemplators, but the most active participants in what is happening. This approach is very effective in the course of the educational process. Preschool education is undoubtedly fertile ground for the development of interactive learning.

Slide number 3

3. Theory

Let's define the concepts.

Interactive- inter (mutual), act (act) - means the ability to interact or be in a dialogue mode.

Interactive learning- this is, first of all, interactive learning, during which the interaction of the teacher and the child, pupils with each other is carried out.

slide number 4

Interactive technologies used in the work
with children 3-7 years old.

  • II junior group - work in pairs, round dance;
  • middle group - work in pairs, round dance, chain, carousel;
  • senior group - work in pairs, a round dance, a chain, a carousel, interviews, work in small groups (triples), an aquarium;
  • a preparatory group for school - work in pairs, a round dance, a chain, a carousel, interviews, work in small groups (triples), an aquarium, a large circle, a tree of knowledge.

4. Practical part

Form of carrying out: travel e to the country of Knowledge. Number of 12 people.

Demo material:

1. Tray, bundle of straw, bast shoes, balloon;
2. Scheme of a train with three cars;
3. Model of the river (basin filled with water)
4. A plate with peeled garlic cloves;
5. Tree;
6. Children's microphone;


1. Symbols on the chest - balloons: 2 red, 2 blue, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 orange, 2 purple with an exclamation mark and a question mark;
2. Pictures depicting vehicles moving with the help of air and with the help of air and gasoline;
3. Red flag for Vozdushnaya station
4. Flat balloons: red - 12 pieces, green - 12 pieces, blue - 12 pieces

Subjects for experiments:

1. Tubes for cocktails - 12 pieces;
2. Transparent disposable cups - 12 pieces;
3. Balloons - 12 pieces;
4. Plastic bags - 12 pieces;
5. Ships - a wooden chip with a paper sail);
6. 6 basins with water;
7. Half sheet of paper;

And now, dear colleagues, I invite you to play the role of children and take part in a journey to the Land of Knowledge on the topic “He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him”, where some interactive technologies will be used in working with children, presented on the slide


1 part. Entry into the topic. Distribution of symbols(wishing 12 people)

Gaming technology

Educator: Pay attention to the scheme (a steam locomotive with trailer cars rides on an easel). I suggest you take a trip on this train here, but first we must decorate our train, which we will find out later.

  1. Game motivation

Educator: look at the items lying on the tray on the table (a bundle of straw, bast shoes, a balloon), guess which fairy tale these items are related to. (children's answers)

Information and communication technology

Educator: Now look at the screen, let's check the correctness of your answers. (the characters of the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Khavroshechka”, “The Bubble, the Straw and the Lapot” are shown on the screen) Children name the heroes of fairy tales and choose the right one, explaining why.

Educator: Who will remember what happened to them in a fairy tale?

Children: One day they went to the forest to cut firewood. We have reached the river and do not know how to cross the river. Lapot said to Bubble: "Bubble, let's swim across on you!" - “No, Lapot! Better let the straw stretch from the shore to the other shore. The bast shoe went along the straw, it broke, and he fell into the water, and the Bubble laughed, laughed, and burst.

slide number 5

Educator:the teacher acts as a correspondent, interviews children in a chain (with a bright toy microphone)

What was the Bubble like?

What do you think was inside him?

What could have happened if Bubbles had agreed to transport Straw and Bast Shoes?

Why did the bubble burst?

Generalization: The bubble disappeared because all the air came out of it.

  1. Game exercise "Riding by train to the land of Knowledge"

Educator: I said at the beginning of our journey that we need to decorate our train. You have already guessed that today we will talk about air and its properties.

Who knows how to prove that air exists? ( through experience)

Take balloons and label:

Red balloons - confidence in their knowledge;

Green - their hesitation, doubts about the ability to conduct experiments.

2 part. Experimental activities

1. A series of experiments

Interactive technology "Work in pairs"

slide number 6

Educator: I suggest that you split into pairs so that the pair consists of balls of the same color, but different sign (sit down at the table in pairs)

We say air, air! Where is this air? Show and tell about it?

Children: the air is around us, the air surrounds us everywhere, we do not see it.

Educator: can we see this "invisible"? Maybe one of you has already met him?

Children: bubbles on the surface of the water, etc.

caregiver: how can you detect air?

Children: couples put forward a hypothesis - with the help of experiments.

Generalization: air can be detected through experiments that require various objects.

TASK 1. Create an air flow near the face

Experience #1 - take a piece of paper, make a fan and wave it near the face

Question: what do you feel? (light breeze, coolness - answers in pairs). What can be the conclusion? - answers in pairs

Conclusion: we do not see the air, but we feel (feel)

TASK 2. See the air we exhale

Experience #2 - take a straw for cocktails and blow through it into a glass of water

Experience #3 - inflate a balloon (2-3 breaths)

Question: What do you see? Why did the ball start to grow? Remember the structure of a person, where the air is located, how a person breathes. What conclusion can be drawn answers in pairs

Conclusion: air is inside the body in the lungs, its volume can be measured

TASK 3. Prove that the air is transparent

Experience No. 4- take a transparent plastic bag, open it, “take in” air and twist the edges

Question: Is it possible to see everything that is around us through the invisible air? What can be concluded - answers in pairs

Conclusion: the air is transparent, invisible, through it you can see everything that surrounds us

2. Game exercises

Interactive technology "Round dance"

slide number 7

Educator: let's stand in a circle and I will throw the ball to you, and you will answer the question asked.

Do humans and animals need air? ( Without air, they can't breathe and therefore can't live.

- What do you think they breathe Marine life? If you buy fish for an aquarium in a store, put them in a jar that is tightly closed with a lid, what can happen? (there is air in the water that all the inhabitants of rivers, seas, lakes breathe)

Can a person stay underwater for a long time without a diving mask? Why? (no, it can’t, because it doesn’t have enough air) Try closing your nose and mouth and not breathing. What did you feel?

Educator: we found out that the nose is needed for breathing and not only. What else can define the nose? (identify odors)

Health saving technology. Game exercise "Guess the smell?"

Educator: close your eyes, hold your nose (at this time, a plate with cloves of freshly chopped garlic is carried in front of the children)

Breathe in the air, what does it smell like? How did you know it was the smell of garlic? What can be the conclusion?

Conclusion: Odors travel through the air, which is why we smell them when we breathe it in.

3 part. Physical culture pause

Educator: I invite you to the seashore, it is always fresh here, the wind often blows. What do you think the sea smells like?

(recording of sea noise is turned on, children represent waves of fish swimming in the water. The game “Sea figure - freeze in place”)

4 part. "Air and Transport"

Interactive technology "Knowledge Tree", game "Pick the right picture"

slide number 8

Educator: Is it possible to call air a helper of man? (answers)

Children are divided into 2 groups according to the principle: 1 group - balloons with exclamation points, the second group - with interrogative.

Educator: I will now give you pictures of transport in envelopes

Group 1 (with question marks) - select the pictures of vehicles moving with the help of air and in the air and place them on the tree with a blue symbol.

Group 2 (with exclamation marks) - with the help of gasoline and also place on the tree with the brown symbol.

Educator: look closely to see if everything is done right choice. Explain why you didn't choose the rest of the transport pictures. ? (answers in groups)

5 part. Problem learning technology. Problem situation "Crossing"

Educator: and now we will work again in pairs according to the color of the balloons on the chest. Today we talked about the fairy tale "Lapot, Straw and Bubble" and learned that the fairy-tale heroes could not cross to the other side of the river. How can we help them get over ? (children's answers)

What do you think, what can you make a boat, a sail from? (children's answers)

1. Experience "Air can move objects"

caregiver You need to launch boats with a sail into a basin of water, blow on the sail, creating an air flow.

(children work in pairs, blow on the sail in turn, agreeing on joint actions, so that the boat moves faster, you need to blow in one direction)

caregiver: explain why the boat is sailing? What can be the conclusion? (answers in pairs).

Conclusion: air flow helps objects move.

Technology Case»

slide number 9

Stage 1:

Educator: listen to the proverb "Without labor, you cannot catch a fish from a pond." What does this proverb mean? (children's answers)

Conclusion: In any case, hard work is required.

Educator: listen, I'll tell you a story.

Children at a labor lesson at school made origami boats. All of them got a neat job. Only the teacher could not present Vovin's boat at the exhibition.

Educator: explain why? (children's answers)

Stage 2:

Educator: think and tell me what Vova had to do so that his boat was taken to the exhibition? (children's answers)

Stage 3: Let's choose the correct answer. (make a boat of the same color as all the other children, do not cut off the edges, but cut with scissors, bend carefully, do not wrinkle, etc.)

Stage 4: remember the proverb and draw a conclusion: that remembering this proverb, children will work hard and do their job only well.

6 part. Elaboration of the content of the topic.

Interactive technology "Interview"

Educator: I will ask questions, and you answer with a full answer.

Tell our guests - fairy-tale heroes - Bast, Straw and Bubble, what did you learn new about the air?

Look at our train diagram, what do you see? Let's flag the first stop in the Land of Knowledge.

What did you learn at this stop? (air is invisible, light, it is everywhere around us and in water, air is necessary for humans, animals, fish, air helps transport move)

- How can you call a stop in the land of Knowledge? (air)

- Let's designate the Vozdushnaya station with a red flag.

7 part. Reflection of children's activities

Educator: I want to thank you for your active participation, curiosity, resourcefulness in solving problem situations.

Educator: Do you think you have made new discoveries about air today? If so, decorate the wagons with blue balloons. Whoever was able to independently conduct an experiment, talk about the properties of air, attach blue balls to the cars. See how many blue balloons there are. Our journey to the Land of Knowledge turned out to be interesting, exciting and informative. Thank you


  1. Journal "Methodist of preschool education", issue 16, p.61
  2. Dietrich A., Yurmin G., Koshurnikova R. Encyclopedia "Why". M., 1997
  3. Game technology for the formation of a focus on the world of the family in older preschoolers: Study guide / Ed. O.V. Dybina. M., 2014

We invite teachers of preschool education of the Tyumen region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

One of the most important activities for preschool age is communication. It is a necessary condition for the development of personality. Therefore, the task of the teacher and educator is to specifically organize this activity, creating within it an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual trust - children with each other, children and adults. The solution to the problem is the use of interactive methods by the teacher and educator.



Interactive forms and methods of working with preschool children

Essence and basic concepts of interactive learning

One of the most important activities for preschool age is communication. It is a necessary condition for the development of personality. Therefore, the task of the teacher and educator is to specifically organize this activity, creating within it an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual trust - children with each other, children and adults. The solution to the problem is the use of interactive methods by the teacher and educator. The meaning of the concept of "interactive methods" consists of the concepts of "method" and "interactive". The method is a method of purposeful interaction between the teacher and participants to solve pedagogical problems. In the concept of “interaction”, two terms can be distinguished: “inter” - between, “action” - enhanced activity between someone.

Thus, interactive methods are enhanced pedagogical interaction, mutual influence of participants in the pedagogical process.

Interactive - means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person). Therefore, interactive learning is, first of all, interactive learning, built on the interaction of children with the learning environment, the educational environment, which serves as an area of ​​mastered experience, during which the interaction between the teacher and the pupil is carried out.

The essence of interactive methods is that learning takes place in the interaction of all children, including the teacher. These methods are most consistent with a student-centered approach to learning. They involve co-education, and the child, and the teacher, and the educator are subjects educational process. At the same time, the educator often acts only as the organizer of the learning process, the leader of the group, and the creator of the conditions for the initiative of preschoolers.

The educational process, which is based on interactive learning, is organized in such a way that almost all children are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Joint activity of preschoolers in the process of cognition, development educational material means that everyone makes his own special individual contribution, there is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, methods of activity. Moreover, this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to receive new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation.

One of the goals of interactive learning is to create comfortable conditions learning, in which the student feels his success, his intellectual viability, which makes the entire learning process productive and effective. Interactive activity involves the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to a joint decision and adoption of the most common, but significant tasks for each participant.

Features of interactive learning

What are the features of interactive learning?

Firstly, interactive pedagogical interaction is characterized by a high degree of intensity of communication of its participants, their communication, exchange of activities, change and diversity of their types, forms and techniques.

Secondly, interactive learning is based on the direct interaction of children with their own experience and the experience of their friends, since most interactive exercises refer to the experience of the child himself. New knowledge and skills are formed on the basis of and in connection with such experience.

Thirdly, tasks often do not require one correct answer, the dominance of both one speaker and one opinion is excluded. And then the process of finding a solution is important, which is always based on the experience of the child.

Fourth, interactive learning is characterized by purposeful reflection by the participants of their activities and the interaction that took place.

Fifthly, interactive learning is aimed at changing, improving the behavior and activities of participants in the educational process.

Sixth, in the course of interactive learning, children learn to formulate their own opinion, express their thoughts correctly, build evidence for their point of view, lead a discussion, listen to another person, and respect an alternative opinion.

Seventh, in the course of dialogue communication, the participants develop the ability to think critically, reason, and solve controversial problems based on the analysis of the information heard and circumstances, they learn to weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions. With such an organization of work, the child can not only express his opinion, opinion, give an assessment, but also, having heard the convincing arguments of his “colleagues”, abandon his point of view or significantly change it.

Forms of organizing interactive interaction:

1) Individual (each participant performs the task independently);

2) Steam room (the task is performed in pairs);

3) Group (the task is performed in subgroups);

4) Collective or frontal (all participants perform the task at the same time);

5) Planetary (a group of participants receives a common task, for example, to develop a project; it is divided into subgroups, each of which develops its own project, then announces its version of the project; after that, they choose best ideas that make up the overall project).

Interactive learning methods

What are interactive teaching methods? Currently, methodologists and practicing teachers have developed many forms and methods of group work for learning. The most famous of them:

Case-study (analysis of specific, practical situations);

Interactive and role-playing games:

- "brainstorm";

Discussions and debates;

Method of projects;

association method.

These forms/methods are effective if the lesson discusses any problem in general, about which the children have initial ideas received earlier in the classroom or in life experience. In addition, the topics discussed should not be closed or very narrow.

The characteristic features of interactive methods are:

1. The presence of participants whose interests largely overlap or coincide.

2. The presence of clearly defined rules (each technique has its own rules).

3. Having a clear, specific goal.

4. Interaction of participants to the extent and in the manner that they themselves determine.

5. Group reflection.

6. Summing up.

For preschoolers, games are a more suitable learning method. A characteristic feature of a role-playing game is the conventionality of actions, which makes communication lively and exciting. The purpose of the game is to develop skills and attitudes, not to deepen knowledge. Role-playing techniques help develop skills critical thinking, problem solving, working out various options for behavior in problem situations, cultivating understanding of other people. Through play, participants can better understand their own actions in real life get rid of the fear of the consequences of your mistakes.

The main thing in organizing an interactive game with preschoolers is to create conditions for gaining meaningful experience of social behavior for them. An interactive game is understood not just as the interaction of preschoolers with each other and with the teacher, but as a jointly organized cognitive activity of a social orientation. In such a game, children not only learn new things, but also learn to understand themselves and others, gain their own experience.. There are many options for interactive games, but the way they are played is quite universal and is based on the following algorithm:

Selection by the teacher of tasks and exercises for a group of children. (It is possible to conduct a preparatory session.)

Preschoolers are introduced to a problem to be solved, with a goal to be achieved. The problem and purpose of the task should be clearly and easily formulated by the educator so that the children do not have a feeling of incomprehensibility and uselessness of what they are going to do.

Children are informed about the rules of the game, they are given clear instructions.

During the game, children interact with each other to achieve the goal. If any stages cause difficulty, the teacher corrects the actions of preschoolers.

At the end of the game (after a short pause, designed to relieve tension), the results are analyzed and the results are summed up. The analysis consists of focusing on the emotional aspect - on the feelings that preschoolers experienced, and discussing the content aspect (what was pleasant, what caused difficulty, how the situation developed, what actions the participants took, what was the result).

It is important that children enjoy the game by trying themselves in a new situation. Interactive play should not be confused with role play and business play. The role-playing game is essentially like the theater: in it, the solution to the problem is not the main one; most importantly, there are those who play roles and observers. In the process of a business game, professional skills are formed on the basis of acquired experience and personal qualities.

Formation of a culture of speech communication

Human speech activity is the most common and most complex, it is always included in a wider system of activity as a necessary component. According to researchers, two-thirds of human activity consists of speech. The success of any professional activity depends on how skillfully speech activity is carried out. Speech activity has social character. In the process of speech interaction of subjects, their thinking, will, emotions, knowledge, memory participate. Speech activity is characterized by purposefulness and consists of several successive phases: orientation, planning, implementation and control. In accordance with these phases, each individual speech action is carried out. One of the components of communication is the culture of speech communication. Researches of scientists have established that the education of a culture of speech communication determines:

Formation in children of knowledge of the norms and rules of communication;

Ability to communicate with others;

The desire of the child to make contact;

Prevents inhuman display of emotions.

Particular attention should be paid to:

Conversations with children;

The use of the artistic word;

Compliments, as one of the types of encouragement;

Playing game problem situations and exercises;

Dramatization of individual works.

We are working on this at the children's councils.

In addition, our kindergarten uses such interactive forms interactions as: intergroup interaction - when pupils of different groups prepare various activities for children of other groups: theatrical performances, dramatization games, fairs, various actions. This form allows you to go beyond your group, show what you have learned to other groups, hear the assessment of your actions. Feel satisfaction from what they do in kindergarten.

Another form is club hours. In our institution there are 6 clubs of different directions, which are attended by children. In order for the child to choose an activity of interest, we arrange a club hour, during which the child can visit any club and become an active participant and subsequently determine what is closer to him and which club he will choose.