Penalty for not having a sign is a novice driver. Is it necessary to glue the sign "novice driver

  • 02.07.2020

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From April 4, 2017, the “Beginner Driver” sign must be affixed to the rear window of the vehicle if the driving experience of the person behind the wheel is less than 2 years. It is necessary to fix the badge on any vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles, scooters, self-propelled vehicles and agricultural machinery. Failure to comply with this rule is regarded as a violation of traffic rules, for which the traffic police officer may impose a fine.

Accidents often occur with the participation of cars, the experience of drivers of which does not exceed 2 years. It is this period that is enough for a person to acquire the necessary experience and a high reaction rate for quick recognition. emergencies. Some drivers do not want to advertise that they have recently been driving. As a result, other road users are not given the opportunity to know that a newcomer is nearby, you need to be more careful.

From April 4, 2017, every novice driver is required to stick a badge on the glass indicating little experience in driving. When this requirement is met, any road user, as well as a traffic police officer, will be able to understand that he is a novice driver.

If the inspector stops the car, finds out that the driving experience does not exceed 2 years, and does not find the corresponding badge, a fine of 500 rubles will be issued.

The size of the badge must be exactly 15x15 cm. The card has a yellow background and has a black exclamation point 11 cm high. This designation must be in the center of the square. Before leaving, you need to make sure that the image looks distinct, there are no blackouts or scuffs. The Beginning Driver sign can be placed anywhere on the rear window, but it is recommended that it be placed in the upper corner so that it does not obstruct the view.

Changes in legislation

Some novice drivers, especially men, used to decide not to install a novice sign. The refusal to use the badge is caused by many because novice drivers may be treated with disdain. It is advisable not to use vehicle without this sign, since in its absence the traffic police officer will regard this violation as driving a car that is not approved for operation. According to the Decree of March 24, 2017, the violator will receive a fine of 500 rubles.

Seeing the “Beginner Driver” sign will help other road users quickly find their bearings if the person behind the wheel makes a mistake. If necessary, they will quickly reduce the speed, help the beginner to avoid an emergency. If an accident occurs, short driving experience is considered a mitigating circumstance.

How to place correctly?

The sign must be on the rear window of the car in any situation when the vehicle is used. Without it, a trip even a short distance is unacceptable. There are two types of identification badges, which differ in the way they are attached. Some prefer the option equipped with a self-adhesive film. In this case, it can be installed outside. The paper version is cheaper, it is glued with inside, fixing with adhesive tape. To avoid a fine, you should place the sign on the rear window, as it serves as a warning to other drivers.

In some cases, drivers attach two identical signs at once. So they try to hint to other road users that they may not be able to manage. Often this is what girls do. Two "Beginner Driver" signs should not be used. You must carefully select the appropriate area for attaching the badge if other stickers are placed on the rear window. Cluttering the space with unnecessary information on the rear window of the car interferes with the driver's view, which is a violation.

Passing technical inspection

Some drivers do not comply with the requirement to have a beginner's sign on the rear window of a car. Sometimes vehicle owners attach this badge only before a trip to a service center for an inspection. Without a card with an exclamation mark on a yellow background, a service station employee has the opportunity to refuse to inspect the vehicle if the driving experience of the owner of the car is less than 2 years.

Until 04/04/2017, drivers could remove this sign with impunity, but now administrative liability is provided for driving without warning about the inexperience of the person driving. Due to the fact that drivers who are at risk due to their inexperience use a special mark, other road users will be able to focus correctly so as not to get into an accident.

Restrictions for inexperienced drivers

With an experience of less than 2 years, the driver must not only use the sticker with an exclamation mark, but also refuse to do the following:

  1. Towing other vehicles.
  2. Transportation dangerous goods, as well as elements with a large weight or size.
  3. Transportation of people on a motorcycle, scooter or similar vehicle. Drivers of such vehicles are not required to use the sticker, however, with less than 2 years of experience, they are not entitled to carry passengers.

The “Beginner Driver” sticker must be on the rear window of the car of people with less than 2 years of driving experience. Failure to comply with this order will result in a fine of 500 rubles. Using this sign, the driver not only avoids administrative responsibility and reduces the likelihood of stopping his vehicle, but also helps other road users to avoid accidents.

In this article, we will consider what is the fine for driving without a “novice driver” sign in 2018 and why such a sign should be installed for all novice drivers, regardless of legal requirements.

All road users in the Russian Federation are subject to the Rules of the Road, approved by the relevant Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation, enjoy equal rights and obligations during road traffic. The brand of car, driving experience or any other circumstances cannot be considered as a reason for violating the Rules of the road or obtaining preferences on the road. Thus, all drivers on the road are equal, both beginners and seasoned professionals.

At the same time, the Rules of the Road require drivers with less than 2 years of experience to identify themselves with a special sign - a novice driver. Such a sign allows other road users to better navigate in often heavy traffic, identifying an inexperienced driver in time.

The question of whether a driver is required to hang a "novice driver" sign on his car if his driving experience (since obtaining a license) is less than 2 years remains controversial. On the one hand, the Rules of the Road, since 2009, directly contain such a provision. According to paragraph No. 8 of the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles for Operation", the sign "Beginner Driver" must be installed on vehicles driven by a driver with a driving experience of less than 2 years.

What is the penalty for driving without a "novice driver" sign?

On the other hand, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which regulates, among other things, fines and penalties for drivers, does not contain any responsibility for the absence of such a sign from the driver. For a long time, traffic police officers tried to punish drivers under Part 1 of Art. 12.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (vehicle defects), however, the absence of such a sign is not a defect that impedes movement, so the courts recognized this practice as illegal. Thus, the actual responsibility for not placing such a mark does not arise.

There is no penalty for not having a “novice driver” sign. Can you drive without it

However, such a hole in the law does not mean that the “novice driver” sign should not be placed. And there are several reasons for placing such a sign. The first of them is to increase the safety of both the novice driver and other road users who are additionally insured when they see an inexperienced driver, which significantly reduces the risk of any undesirable accidents on the road. The second reason is the need for periodic inspections. The absence of such a sign can become a complication during the technical inspection of the vehicle. So during the inspection, the persons conducting the examination may consider the absence of such a sign as a defect in the vehicle. Finally, the third important reason for putting up such a sign can be driving a car abroad, since in many countries the absence of a “novice driver” sign is strictly punished by local law (for example, in Italy, lower speed limits are set for such a driver, and in the USA and in many other countries there are severe penalties for not having such a mark).

As you can see, although the law does not directly contain fines, the establishment of a “novice driver” sign is highly desirable.

On March 1, 2009, the “novice driver” sign officially began to operate on the territory of Russia. Most citizens believe that it is not necessary to stick it on the vehicle. There are those who replace it with a comic sticker "teapot" and those who do not pay attention to its existence.

Is the sign "Beginner to drive" and a fine for its absence mandatory?

In legislation Russian Federation nothing is said about where the “Beginner Driver” sign should be attached, and from what angle other car owners should see it. Only the installation order and visual appearance are provided.

Is there any penalty for missing an information sign? Recall that earlier drivers could optionally mount it on the car or refuse it. However, in 2017, innovations were installed. From April 4 to the present day, a fine of 500 rubles. already issued if this sign is missing. But this is not within the powers of traffic police officers.

In addition, in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 333 dated March 24, 2017, corrections were made to the traffic rules, on the basis of which a novice car owner driving a vehicle for less than 24 months:

  1. Cannot tow vehicles.
  2. Cannot transport citizens on two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycle or moped).

From the beginning of April 2017, on the cars of all car owners who have been driving vehicles for a total of less than two years, an informing sticker about a person’s inexperience must be present. There are also penalties for non-compliance with this rule.

Who should install an exclamation mark on a car?

In the eighth paragraph of the "Basic Provisions for the Admission of Motor Vehicles to Operation", it is indicated that the "Beginner Driver" sticker must be applied on a vehicle driven by a person who has acquired a VU ( driver's license) not so long ago (up to 24 months ago).

Reference! The law does not state that this sign must be applied to a two-wheeled vehicle, self-propelled machine or tractor.

Visually, the Novice Driver sticker looks like a square yellow color, with a black border around the edges and an exclamation point in the middle.

All signs made on self-adhesive paper must be attached to the outside of the vehicle. But the main thing is that it blocks the view of the driver himself.

Which places are allowed to install the sign "Beginner driver"

According to the SDA, it is required that the “Beginner Driver” sticker be applied to the rear or front of the vehicle. No more specifics are provided.

Therefore, the car owner can, at his discretion, choose a place for its placement:

  1. Back glass.
  2. Rear bumper.
  3. trunk lid.
  4. Trunk door.

At the same time, it is important that the entire review is also open to you.

How much to drive with an exclamation mark?

The period that a motorist must drive with an attached sign or sticker "Beginner Driver" is provided for by law - this is a full 24 months. If a person has not yet reached the required driving experience, then other road users must be informed that he has not yet gained experience in driving a car.

The countdown of these two years starts from the day when a person receives a driver's license after passing the exams. Real experience and frequency of driving a vehicle does not play a role. Even if the car owner has only driven once in 24 months, he has the right to remove the badge or sticker from the car. And if he does not do this after the expiration of the period prescribed by law, then nothing terrible will happen.

Towing rules for a novice driver

Paragraph 20.1 of the SDA of the Russian Federation states that a novice motorist cannot drive a towing vehicle, that is, a tractor driving ahead. But this rule applies exclusively to the towing of mechanical vehicles (there is nothing to do with trailers). Thus, a beginner can drive a car with a trailer if he has received the right for a suitable category.

At the same time, it is not forbidden for a beginner to drive a towed vehicle (a vehicle located behind).

This limitation applies to towing:

  1. Partial loading method (front of the car on a tow truck).
  2. On a rigid hitch (metal elements in the form of a triangle).
  3. On a flexible hitch (cable, rope, rope).

Where can I buy an exclamation point sticker?

Finding a warning sticker "Beginner driver" today is not difficult for Russians. It is possible to buy an exclamation mark in any automotive store or online market. The choice is huge and there are many options. When deciding on a purchase, it is only important to take into account the criteria established by law for color solution and symbol size.

In addition, it is not forbidden by law to make a sign with one's own hand, but only in accordance with the approved parameters and standards.

Download sign "Beginner driver" for printing

It is not at all difficult to make an informing sign "Beginner Driver" on your own.

Its parameters should be the following:

  1. Each side of the square is 15 cm.
  2. The height of the exclamation mark is 11 cm.
  3. The background color scheme is yellow.
  4. The color scheme of the exclamation point itself is black.

Important! The legislation provides for the exact dimensions of the information sign. If the car owner installs a sticker of the wrong format, then this will already be considered a violation. And it doesn’t matter in which direction the dimensions do not correspond: larger or smaller.

  • If you received a driver's license less than 24 months ago, we recommend that you download the finished sign from the link Download file:
  • If you do not have the opportunity to print immediately in color, you can download the black and white version from the link. Download file: and paint over the background yourself with a yellow marker, pencil, felt-tip pen or paints.

Let's summarize the article

  1. All persons whose driving experience has not yet reached 24 months must purchase and stick the “Beginner Driver” sticker on motor vehicles. It is believed that this particular period is enough for a person to confidently move along the roads. Of course, this statement is not unambiguous, but judging by the statistics, experienced motorists become participants in accidents 2% less often. Take this sign as a privilege.
  2. Outside the territory of Russia, this sign is actively used by car owners, which greatly helps them and law enforcement agencies.
  3. The sticker can be stuck on the rear window from the top or bottom, right or left.
  4. If your driving experience has not exceeded two years, and your car does not have a corresponding sticker, then you will be issued a fine of 500 rubles.
  5. Installation of the “Beginner Driver” sticker is currently mandatory on the territory of the Russian Federation. Psychologists advise to suppress the “beginner syndrome” in yourself and make it easier for other motorists to move on the roads.
  6. You can remove the sticker from the glass of the car after reaching the full 24 months of driving experience.


If a car owner who received a license less than 24 months ago did not stick or install the “Beginner Driver” sign on his car, then this will be perceived as a non-compliance with the legal requirements established when the car was admitted for further use. Without an exclamation mark, the inspection will not be passed and the diagnostic card will not be issued either.

  • If a motorist hung an informing sign on both the rear and front windows, then this will not be equated to a violation.
  • The sticker should be bright and noticeable even from afar.
  • If a comic sign “Heel” or “Teapot” is installed on the vehicle as a replacement, then this will already be equated with an offense.
  • After the issuance of a driver's license, all participants in the DD have the same rights and obligations. There are no concessions for beginners. For any neglect of the rules of traffic rules, the same penalty is set as for experienced motorists.

All citizens who have completed their training at a driving school go through the “teapot” stage. It is important to take it calmly, as a matter of course. If you really want to masterfully drive a car in the future, then you will succeed with time, the main thing is to be careful at first and not neglect the rules. Don't take other people's reactions to the sticker personally. Even having heard ridicule more than once, you should not give up and take it off. For a car owner, the “Beginner Driver” badge is the most reliable option without getting into an accident to learn the art of driving without risks for other motorists and, in particular, for yourself.

On expensive Russian cars, there are often cars on the back of which a plate with an exclamation mark is pasted. If someone does not know what the sign is "Beginner driver", then this is it. Many people call him "Inexperienced driver", which is not true, but this does not change the essence.

Purpose of the sign

The purpose of this sign is obvious: to make it clear to other road users that an inexperienced driver is driving, who has only recently received a license and got behind the wheel. Perhaps other drivers will keep a large distance from a car with this sign, or at least treat it with caution, because no one knows what a newcomer will do next on the road.

In fact, many drivers behave aggressively towards beginners. Having such a sign often gives others more confidence. They may honk a novice if he is moving at a speed that is slightly below the maximum allowed, some even cut the car.

But in any case, the essence of the sign is to make it clear to other drivers that a novice is driving. However, there are some questions:

  1. Is it allowed to drive without a "Beginner Driver" badge?
  2. Are there any requirements governing the format of the mark and its placement on the body of the machine?
  3. Who can be considered a novice driver?
  4. Is it even possible to get a fine for not having a "Beginner Driver" sign?

Let's try to understand all these nuances.

Novice driver and danger on the roads

Traffic accident statistics make it clear that a third of all accidents happen with the participation of beginners who have made a maneuver prohibited by the rules. This is not surprising, because only a student graduated from a driving school and received a license, as soon as he gets behind the wheel and becomes the culprit of an accident. And even though he was the best student at school and learned all the rules perfectly, the lack of experience affects immediately. Driving school pays attention practical training, but riding with and without an instructor is a completely different practice. There is also a congestion of Russian roads, where there are a lot of cars that create traffic jams and crowded traffic.


Few people know that according to the traffic rules, the "Beginner Driver" sign is mandatory. This requirement is clearly stated in the rules. In particular, it is specified that a yellow plate with an exclamation mark must be installed on the rear of the car. Citizens whose driving experience is not more than two years must drive with this sign. The length of service is taken as the time of possession of the rights. Even if a student, two years after registration of the rights, did not drive at all, and then suddenly bought a car for himself, then he may not glue the “Beginner Driver” sign for himself, since it is believed that he already has 2 years of driving experience.

But drivers with rights that were issued less than 2 years ago are required to stick this identification mark, otherwise they are violators of the law. And such a norm prescribed in the rules is completely logical.

What is dangerous newcomer on the road?

Other road users should understand that an inexperienced driver can, due to lack of experience on the road, do something wrong, which will lead to the likelihood of an accident. Therefore, you should keep your distance. Alternatively, such a driver can:

  1. Do not turn on the turn signal or indicate the turn incorrectly.
  2. stall.
  3. Slow down sharply.
  4. Roll back when starting up a hill.
  5. Fall into a stupor.
  6. Drive at very low speed.
  7. Change lanes abruptly without checking the side mirrors for other vehicles.

You can list the mistakes of beginners for a very long time, so you should pay attention to the yellow exclamation marks pasted on cars that are moving in front of you, behind you or to the sides.

The law requires that this sign be on the car for at least several years after receiving the VU. But in fact, it is advised to shoot it later - when the driver gains experience and feels confident on the road. For some it will take a lifetime.

Where does a novice driver stick a sign?

This is a fairly relevant question for beginners who want to comply with traffic rules. Note that the law does not provide for mandatory requirements, but only gives general information about the location of the icon. According to the rules, it should be located behind the car.

But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that you need to position it in such a way that it does not block the view when viewed through the rear-view mirror. The ideal place for it is the upper left corner of the rear window. It is believed that it is there that it is easiest to notice the driver who follows the car. However, there are no specially designated places where to stick the "Beginner Driver" sign, so it can be placed on the left or right side of the glass.

Penalties for violations

The issue of imposing a fine for the absence of the "Beginner Driver" sign was and is relevant. Only a few people know that there is actually a fine for this. According to the decree, novice drivers with less than two years of driving experience are required to stick this plate on the vehicle. Otherwise, they face a fine for not having a "Beginner Driver" sign, which is 500 rubles. In some cases, the inspector may issue a verbal warning if the driver confirms that he will affix the badge at the first opportunity.

However, a harmful inspector can also stop a newcomer, who will fundamentally punish the driver for the lack of a sign, because after April 4, 2017 he must be present according to the requirements. So we can conclude that the "Beginner Driver" sign is mandatory for use by all drivers who received their license less than two years ago. If not, then there is a chance of getting a fine. Let it be small, but it will spoil the mood.

Situation before 04/04/2017

Until that date, the "Beginner Driver" sign was mandatory, but there was no liability for such a violation, so beginners rarely installed these signs. This is logical, because there will be no punishment. The traffic police inspector could only recommend that the driver stick a sign. But since April 4, a fine has been provided for the lack of a “Beginner Driver” sign, which cannot but rejoice many experienced road users. Now the number of yellow plates on cars has become much larger, and it is easier to identify an inexperienced driver who can do anything on the road. Therefore, we advise you not only to use this sign yourself if necessary, but also to stay away from cars with this sign.

However, a fine for the lack of a "Beginner Driver" sign does not stop some. So far, inspectors are not particularly strict about such a violation, issuing only warnings to violators.


Finally, we can recommend that novice drivers spend 20 rubles and stick a badge on the rear window of the vehicle. It should not be neglected, because it is likely that such a trifle can prevent the occurrence of an accident, because the driver following behind will keep a large distance at the sight of this sign.

Now you know that according to the traffic rules, the "Beginner Driver" sign is mandatory, and its absence is fraught with a small fine. So buy it at the store and stick it on your car. You will have to spend only 20 rubles on it, but it is much cheaper than paying fines later, and more than once.