Instructions for the transportation of oversized. Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation

  • 16.06.2019

Ministry of transportation Russian Federation

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia

for the transportation of oversized and
heavy cargo
by car on the roads
Russian Federation

Moscow 1996 .

Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation

1. General Provisions

1.5. Oversized and heavy loads must be transported subject to the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090, the rules for the carriage of goods and additional requirements set forth in this Instruction, as well as the requirements specified in shipping permit.

2. Procedure for applying for permits

3. Procedure for considering applications and issuing permits

4. Organization of the movement of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo

4.2. When agreeing on a permit for the transportation of goods, the State traffic inspectorate determines the need and type of escort. Accompanying can be carried out:

cover car and (or) tractor;

patrol car of the traffic police.

4.3. Escort by a cover vehicle is mandatory in all cases when:

the width of the vehicle with a load exceeds 3.5 m;

the length of the road train is more than 24 m;

in other cases, when in the permit in the column "Special traffic conditions" it is written that traffic through any artificial structure is allowed in a single order, or other conditions are indicated that require a prompt change in the organization of traffic on the route of cargo transportation.

Cover car(s), as well as tractors (depending on the cargo being transported and road conditions) are allocated by the cargo carrier or consignor.

4.4. Participation in the escort of a traffic police patrol car is necessary if:

vehicle width exceeds 4.0 m;

the length of the road train exceeds 30.0 m;

the vehicle, when moving, is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;

in the process of transportation, it is assumed that it is necessary to quickly change the organization of traffic in order to ensure the safety of travel;

the cargo belongs to category 2.

In other cases, the need for escort is determined by the State traffic inspectorate based on road conditions, traffic intensity and the composition of the traffic flow.

Escort by a patrol car of the traffic police is carried out on a contractual basis.

4.5. The cover vehicle is a vehicle with an orange or yellow color.

The cover vehicle must move in front at a distance of 10 - 20 m with a ledge on the left side in relation to the escorted vehicle carrying bulky and heavy cargo, i.e. in such a way that its dimension in width protrudes beyond the dimension of the escorted vehicle. When passing through bridge structures, the movement of the cover vehicle (distance, position on the bridge, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

4.6. The speed of movement during the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo is established by the State traffic inspectorate, taking into account the requirements of other organizations that have agreed on the transportation.

The speed of movement should not exceed 60 km/h on roads, and 15 km/h on bridge structures. In this case, the permitted mode of movement may be of a variable nature on different sections of the route.

4.7. During the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

deviate from the established route;

exceed the speed specified in the permit;

to carry out movement during ice, as well as with meteorological visibility of less than 100 m;

move along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;

stop outside specially marked parking lots located off the road;

continue transportation in the event of a technical malfunction of the vehicle threatening traffic safety;

travel on a flight without a permit, with an expired or incorrectly issued permit for transportation, in the absence of signatures of the officials indicated in it;

make additional entries in the permit for the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo.

4.8. If during the movement circumstances arise that require a change in the route, the carrier must obtain permission to move along the new route in the manner prescribed by this Instruction.

5. Additional requirements for the technical condition, equipment of vehicles and cargo designation

5.1. The technical condition of vehicles used for transportation must meet the requirements of the Rules of the Road. The main provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090, Rules technical operation rolling stock of road transport, approved by the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR on December 9, 1970, instructions from manufacturers and this Instruction.

5.2. It is forbidden to use wheeled tractors on federal roads as tractors for transportation of oversized and heavy loads, and caterpillar tractors on all highways with improved surface.

5.3. It is not allowed to transport heavy loads by a vehicle (tractor) when the mass of the towed trailer (semi-trailer) with the load exceeds the technical standards established by the manufacturer.

5.4. The braking system of the road train must operate from the brake pedal of the tractor vehicle and ensure such a distribution of braking forces between its links so that during braking the possibility of “folding” the road train is excluded.

5.5. Towing vehicles designed to work with trailers must be equipped with a device that allows, in the event of a rupture of the connecting lines between the tractor and its trailer (semi-trailer), to brake the vehicle with a service or emergency brake.

5.6. Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with a parking brake that ensures the retention of a loaded trailer (semi-trailer) disconnected from the vehicle on a slope of at least 16% with a service brake acting on all wheels, and a device that provides automatic stop in case of a break in the connecting lines with the towing vehicle.

5.7. When transporting heavy loads, it is necessary to have at least two wheel chocks for each link of the road train in the chains of additional fixation of the wheels in case of a forced stop on a slope.

5.8. The vehicle cab must be equipped with at least two outside rear-view mirrors on both sides, which must provide the driver with sufficient visibility, both in straight and curved traffic, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo carried.

5.9. Vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo must be equipped with identification signs "Road train", "Large-sized cargo" and "Long-sized vehicle" in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety and Rules of the road.

5.10. Vehicles carrying bulky goods must be equipped with special light signals (flashing beacons) of orange and yellow.

5.11. With a vehicle height of more than 4.0 m, the carrier is obliged to carry out a control measurement of the height under overpasses and other artificial structures and communications on the transportation route.

6. Monitoring compliance with the permissible weight parameters and dimensions of vehicles

7. Duties and responsibilities of the authorities issuing and approving permits

8. Obligations and liability of carriers of heavy and oversized cargo

Annex 1

Parameters of vehicles of category 1 and 2

Appendix 2

Resolution No.
for the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo on public roads of the Russian Federation

Excluded according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2012 No.258 .

Annex 3

List of authorities issuing permits for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo

Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation

1. General Provisions

1.1. Instructions for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo road transport on the roads of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) was developed on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 1995 No. 962 “On the collection of fees from owners or users of road transport carrying heavy loads when traveling on roads common use and regulates the order transportation by car oversized and/or heavy cargo on public roads, as well as on the streets of cities and towns (hereinafter referred to as the roads).

1.2. For the purposes of this Instruction, the following terms and definitions are used:

- heavy cargo- a vehicle whose mass with or without cargo and (or) axle mass exceeds at least one of the parameters given in Section I of Annex 1;

· bulky cargo— a vehicle whose dimensions, laden or unladen, in height, width or length exceed at least one of the values ​​specified in Section I;

· international transportation- transportation, the route of which crosses the State Border of the Russian Federation;

· interregional transportation- transportation, the route of which crosses the administrative boundaries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· local transportation- transportation, the route of which passes within the administrative boundaries of the subject of the Russian Federation;

· cargo carrier (shipper)- a legal or natural person carrying out the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo. They can be organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, and citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons, as well as international organizations, foreign legal entities and citizens who have the appropriate license and certified rolling stock;

· organization that coordinated the transportationentity, which is the owner or balance holder of artificial structures or communications (bridges, viaducts, railway crossings, metro lines, underground pipelines and cables, air lines power supply and communications, etc.) on the route of transportation of bulky or heavy cargo, as well as the State Automobile Inspectorate (hereinafter referred to as the State Traffic Inspectorate, GAI);

· cover car- a car allocated by the cargo carrier or consignor to escort bulky and heavy cargo;

· police patrol car- a traffic police car accompanying large-sized and heavy cargo in order to ensure traffic safety on the transportation route.

1.3. Oversized and heavy cargo, the passage of which is allowed on the roads, based on bearing capacity pavement and structures, depending on the mass and size are divided into two categories:

Category 1- a vehicle whose mass with or without cargo and (or) axle weight on each axle, as well as dimensions in height, width or length exceed the values ​​established in section I of Appendix 1 of the Instruction, but does not belong to category 2;

1.4. Shipping on the roads oversized and heavy cargo can be carried out only on the basis of special permits (hereinafter referred to as permits) issued in the manner prescribed in this Instruction, in the form given in Appendix 2. It is not required to obtain permits for large and heavy buses and trolleybuses moving along established routes.

1.5. Oversized and heavy cargoes must be transported taking into account the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090, the rules for the carriage of goods and additional requirements set forth in this Instruction, as well as the requirements specified in shipping permit.

1.6. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1995 No. 962, owners or users of road transport, including foreign ones, carrying heavy and bulky goods on the Russian road network, are charged for damage caused to roads and road structures by transport means. The above fee does not include the costs associated with the provision of services to the carrier for the inspection and strengthening of structures, escorting vehicles, issuing permits, passes, etc.

1.7. Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road, approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 53 of February 24, 1977, with the introduction of this Instruction, are not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Procedure for applying for permits

2.1. Applications for permits for transportation of bulky or heavy cargo, depending on the type of intended transportation(international, interregional or local), categories oversized and heavy cargo and the location of the carrier's vehicle are submitted to the relevant road authorities, from the territory of service of which the route of the vehicle begins, the list of which is given in Appendix 3 to this Instruction.

2.2. Applications for obtaining permits for international transportation of bulky and heavy cargo of all categories are submitted to the Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia or to a body authorized by this service.

2.3. Applications for obtaining permits for interregional and local transportation along a route passing entirely or partially along federal roads, for bulky and heavy cargo of all categories, are submitted to the federal highway management authority closest to the point from which the transportation route begins.

2.4. Applications for obtaining permits for the implementation of interregional and local transportation of bulky and heavy cargo of all categories along the route, passing entirely along the roads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, are submitted to the territorial authorities of highways at the location of the carrier's vehicle.

2.5. Application for permission to transportation of bulky or heavy cargo filed in the name of the body authorized in accordance with these Instructions to issue the appropriate permits. The information provided in the application is certified by the signature of the head or deputy head and the seal of the organization or signature individual carrying out transportation.

2.6. An application for the carriage of goods is submitted in the form specified in Appendix 4 to this Instruction. It must contain all required by organizations coordinating the transportation, information about the nature and category of cargo, the parameters of the mass and dimensions of the vehicle, the estimated time of transportation, the route of movement and other information. The application must indicate the type of permit (one-time or for a period) that the applicant wishes to receive.

2.7. Depending on the category of transported goods, the type and nature of transportation, owners or users of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo can obtain one-time permits or permits for a certain (specific) period. One-time permits are issued for one transportation of cargo along a certain (specific) route within the time periods specified in the permit. Permits for a fixed period are issued only for the carriage of goods of category 1 for a period of 1 to 3 months or for a certain amount of this type of transportation during the time specified in the application, but not more than 3 months.

2.8. Together with the application for a permit for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo category 2, a scheme of a road train is presented with an image on it of all vehicles participating in the transportation, the number of axles and wheels on them, the relative position of the wheels and axles, the distribution of the load along the axles and on individual wheels, taking into account the possible uneven distribution of the load along the length of the axle. Examples of the image of the scheme of the road train are given in Appendix 5 to this Instruction.

3. Procedure for considering applications and issuing permits

3.1. Bodies authorized in accordance with this Instruction to issue permits for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo on the roads, upon receipt of the application, they must register it in a special journal, check the correctness of filling out the application, compliance specifications tractor and trailer, the possibility of carrying out this type of transportation and the sufficiency of the submitted data for making a decision on issuing the appropriate permit. In cases where the application contains errors or the information is not presented in full, it must be additionally requested from the applicant.

3.2. If, when considering an application for this type of transportation, it is established that the body that received this application is not authorized in accordance with these Instructions to make a decision on issuing permission to carry out the type of transportation required by the applicant, then it must forward this application within 5 days for consideration to the authorized this to the authority with the appropriate notice of this to the applicant.

3.3. When choosing a route transportation of bulky or heavy cargo the carrying capacity and dimensions of engineering structures on the proposed route should be assessed in order to ensure the safety of transportation and the safety of the highway and engineering structures, the need to take other measures to ensure traffic safety on the transportation route should be assessed. Where necessary, the possibility transportation of bulky and heavyweight cargo category 2 on roads can be determined by a special project that provides for the implementation of special measures to strengthen engineering structures and ensure transportation safety measures.

3.4. To assess the carrying capacity, bearing capacity of engineering and other structures along the route of oversized and heavy cargo, methods established by current standards, an automated database on the condition of roads and artificial structures, as well as materials from additional surveys of structures are used.

3.5. In the event that it is established that the transportation of this cargo is not possible along the route proposed by the applicant, or such transportation requires the preparation of a special project or a survey, the body considering the application is obliged to notify the applicant about this and offer him another route or development special project.

3.6. If the applicant disagrees with the decision of the body considering the application for changing the route of movement or refusing to issue a permit, these decisions can be appealed against:

To the Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia;

To the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

3.7. Coordination of all transportation of bulky and heavy cargo along the entire route of movement with the authorities of highways, balance-holders of artificial structures and communications, railway departments (bridges, overpasses, railway crossings, metro lines, underground pipelines and cables, overhead power supply and communication lines, etc.), services authorized bodies of the subject of the Russian Federation or local governments to manage the road network of cities and other settlements, is carried out by the road management body that issues the permit. When performing international transportation, with the consent of foreign carriers, work on collecting, processing applications, obtaining approvals, permits and transferring them to the carrier may be carried out by a body or organization authorized by the Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia. Coordination of the route of transportation of goods of category 1 must be carried out within 7 days, and category 2 - up to 20 days.

3.8. After obtaining a permit, the carrier coordinates this transportation with the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Main Department of Internal Affairs, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the service area of ​​which the transportation route begins (Appendix 6). Upon agreement, special requirements for the procedure for transporting goods are determined, based on the conditions for ensuring road safety, and a special pass is issued (Appendix 7), which gives the right to drive a vehicle. Approval is made within 5 days. For international transportation, a pass is issued by the Main Directorate of the GAI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Pass forms are printed in a typographical way with special protection against forgery. Issued passes are registered in a special journal containing the following information: N p / p, N passes, date of issue, full name of the person who received the pass, signature on receipt. The pass is placed in the lower right corner windshield vehicle.

3.9. When passing the route of cargo transportation through railway crossings, railway bridges, overpasses or road overpasses that are on the balance sheet railway, coordination is made with the head of the distance of the railway track, if: the width of the vehicle with or without cargo is 5 m or more and the height from the road surface is 4.5 m or more; the length of the vehicle with one trailer exceeds 20 m or the road train has two or more trailers; the vehicle belongs to category 2; the speed of the vehicle is less than 8 km/h.

On electrified sections, coordination of the passage of cargo through a railway crossing with an excess of only a height clearance of 4.5 m is carried out by the head of the power supply distance.

3.10. Permits for the implementation of international transportation of bulky and heavy cargo issued by the Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia.

3.11 . Permissions for the implementation of interregional and local transportation of bulky and heavy cargo issued by federal highway authorities or territorial road authorities in accordance with paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of this Instruction.

3.12. Permission to exercise transportation of bulky and heavy cargo category 1 for a certain period gives the right to carry out multiple transportation of cargo during the period specified in the permit along the route indicated in it, taking into account clause 2.7 of this Instruction. A one-time permit gives the right to perform one transportation along the route specified in it during the period specified in the permit.

3.13. Permission to carry out international and interregional transportation of bulky and heavy cargo category 2 allows one carriage only on the route specified in the permit.

3.14. Permit for local transportation of bulky and heavy cargo gives the right to carry out these transportations on the public roads indicated in the route within the administrative boundaries of the subject of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which this permit was obtained.

3.15. Permissions for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo category 1 are issued within 10 days, and for category 2 cargo - up to 30 days from the date of registration of the application, subject to the applicant presenting a copy of the payment order confirming payment for damage caused to roads and road structures by vehicles.

3.16. Permit forms are produced in a typographical way with special protection against forgery. All applications received and permits issued are recorded in a special journal containing the information specified in Appendix 8 to this Instruction.

3.17. Applications for the emergency passage of oversized and heavy cargo sent by decision of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to eliminate the consequences emergencies, major accidents, etc., are dealt with promptly.

4. Organization of the movement of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo

4.1. Transportation of oversized and heavy cargo Category 2 in built-up areas is carried out during the period of least traffic intensity, and outside built-up areas - during daylight hours. At night, on roads outside settlements, as well as during heavy traffic during daylight hours, transportation is allowed only if the cargo is accompanied.

4.2. When agreeing on a permit for the transportation of goods, the State traffic inspectorate determines the need and type of escort. Escort can be carried out by: a cover car and (or) a tractor; patrol car of the traffic police.

4.3. Escort by a cover vehicle is mandatory in all cases when:

The width of the vehicle with a load exceeds 3.5 m;

The length of the road train is more than 24 m;

In other cases, when in the permit in the column "Special traffic conditions" it is written that traffic through any artificial structure is allowed in a single order, or other conditions are indicated that require a prompt change in the organization of traffic on the route of cargo transportation. Cover car(s), as well as tractors (depending on the cargo being transported and road conditions) are allocated by the cargo carrier or consignor.

4.4. Participation in the escort of a traffic police patrol car is necessary if:

The width of the vehicle exceeds 4.0 m;

The length of the road train exceeds 30.0 m;

When driving, the vehicle is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;

In the process of transportation, it is assumed that it is necessary to quickly change the organization of traffic in order to ensure the safety of travel; the cargo belongs to category 2.

In other cases, the need for escort is determined by the State traffic inspectorate based on road conditions, traffic intensity and the composition of the traffic flow. Escort by a patrol car of the traffic police is carried out on a contractual basis.

4.5. A car with an orange or yellow flashing beacon is used as a cover vehicle. The cover car must move ahead at a distance of 10-20 m with a ledge on the left side in relation to the escorted vehicle carrying bulky and heavy cargo, i.e. in such a way that its width dimension protrudes beyond the escorted vehicle. When passing through bridge structures, the movement of the cover vehicle (distance, position on the bridge, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

4.6. Movement speed during transportation of bulky and heavy cargo is established by the State traffic inspectorate, taking into account the requirements of other organizations that have agreed on the transportation. The speed of movement should not exceed 60 km/h on roads, and 15 km/h on bridge structures. In this case, the permitted mode of movement may be of a variable nature on different sections of the route.

4.7 . During transportation of bulky and heavyweight cargo prohibited:

deviate from the established route;

Exceed the speed specified in the permit;

carry out movement during icy conditions, as well as when meteorological visibility is less than 100 m;

move along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;

stop outside specially marked parking lots located off the road;

continue transportation if there is technical failure a vehicle that threatens traffic safety;

travel on a flight without a permit, with an expired or incorrectly issued permit for transportation, in the absence of signatures of the officials indicated in it;

· make additional entries in the permit for the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo.

4.8. If during the movement circumstances arise that require a change in the route, the carrier must obtain permission to move along the new route in the manner prescribed by this Instruction.

5. Additional requirements to the technical condition, equipment of vehicles and designation of cargo

5.1. The technical condition of vehicles used for transportation must meet the requirements of the Rules of the Road, the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993. No. 1090, Rules for the technical operation of rolling stock of road transport, approved by the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR on December 9, 1970, instructions from manufacturers and this Instruction.

5.2. For transportation of bulky and heavy cargo It is forbidden to use wheeled tractors as tractors on federal roads, and caterpillar tractors on all highways with improved surface.

5.3. It is not allowed to transport heavy loads by a vehicle (tractor) when the mass of the towed trailer (semi-trailer) with the load exceeds the technical standards established by the manufacturer.

5.4. The braking system of the road train must operate from the brake pedal of the vehicle-tractor and ensure such a distribution of braking forces between its links so that during braking the possibility of "folding" is excluded; road trains.

5.5. Vehicles - tractors designed to work with trailers must be equipped with a device that allows, in the event of a rupture of the connecting lines between the tractor and its trailer (semi-trailer), to brake the vehicle with a service or emergency brake.

5.6. Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with a parking brake that ensures the retention of a loaded trailer (semi-trailer) disconnected from the vehicle on a slope of at least 16% with a service brake acting on all wheels, and a device that provides automatic stop in the event of a break in the connecting lines with the vehicle-tractor.

5.7. When transporting heavy loads, it is necessary to have at least two wheel chocks for each link of the road train in order to additionally fix the wheels in the event of a forced stop on a slope.

5.8. The vehicle cab must be equipped with at least two outside rear-view mirrors on both sides, which must provide the driver with sufficient visibility, both in straight and curved traffic, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo carried.

5.9. Vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo must be equipped with identification signs "Road train", "Oversized cargo" and "Long-sized vehicle" in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety and traffic rules.

5.10. Vehicles carrying oversized and heavy loads must be equipped with special light signals (flashing beacons) of orange or yellow color.

5.11. With a vehicle height of more than 4.0 m, the carrier is obliged to carry out a control measurement of the height under overpasses and other artificial structures and communications on the transportation route.

6. Monitoring compliance with the permissible weight parameters and dimensions of vehicles

6.1. Control over compliance with the permissible weight parameters and dimensions of vehicles is carried out by road authorities, bodies of the Russian Transport Inspectorate and the State Automobile Inspectorate.

6.2. Employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate are obliged to control the drivers of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo, the availability of transportation permits and passes issued in the prescribed manner, licenses for passenger and freight transportation by road (for foreign drivers - permits) and compliance by drivers with the rules for transporting goods, including the fulfillment of the requirements for the carriage of goods set forth in the permits, compliance with the specified route of movement and the timing of the carriage.

6.3. When violations of the rules are found transportation of bulky and heavy cargo the traffic police officer takes action in accordance with applicable law.

6.4. If the driver does not have permission to transportation of bulky or heavy cargo, the vehicle is delayed to draw up a protocol, which is signed by officials who control the transportation and compliance with the weight parameters and dimensions of vehicles, as well as the driver.

6.5. Officials who, in accordance with these Instructions, carry out weight control or control over transportation on the roads oversized and heavy cargo who have committed dishonest actions or inaction in the performance of their duties, resulting in damage as a result of damage to roads, road structures, cargo, the occurrence emergencies are liable in the prescribed manner.

7. Duties and responsibilities of the authorities issuing and approving permits

7.1. transportation heavy and oversized cargo, are required to:

a) be guided by this Instruction and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation regulating the safety and organization of transportation by road;

b) issue permits for the transportation of goods within the established time limits;

c) comply with the procedure established by the Instruction for coordinating traffic routes with interested organizations;

d) control the correctness of registration of applications for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo and determine the cost of compensation for damage in the prescribed manner;

e) keep records of issued permits and accounting of funds received for their issuance;

f) inform carriers of bulky and heavy cargoes about the rules and procedure for the transportation of such cargoes and the procedure for determining the amount of damage caused to roads;

g) require applicants to provide information necessary for the issuance of transport permits and passes.

7.2. Authorities issuing permits for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, and their officials, in accordance with the procedure established by law, are responsible for the safety of the proposed route, the correctness of the issuance of permits, determining the amount of fees for them, the timely implementation of the necessary measures to prepare and arrange routes for the passage of such goods.

7.3. Owners (balance holders) of engineering structures and communications who coordinated the movement of bulky and heavy cargo along this route, organizations that conducted surveys of these structures and prepared conclusions on their carrying capacity, as well as officials of the organizations listed above, are liable in the manner prescribed by law.

8. Obligations and liability of carriers of heavy and oversized cargo

8.1. Carriers of bulky and heavy cargo are required to:

a) comply with the requirements set forth in this Instruction;

b) provide, at the request of the traffic police inspector, vehicles for weight control;

c) present, at the request of the regulatory authorities specified in Section 6 of these Instructions, permits for transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, licenses and other documents provided for in clause 2.1, and those participating in international traffic - in clause 2.2 of the Rules of the Road;

d) strictly follow the additional requirements and the route of movement specified in the permit;

e) prevent damage to road and other engineering structures along the route;

f) comply with the requirements of the authorities exercising control over the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo by road, within the powers of these authorities, established by the Instruction and current legislation.

8.2. Drivers and officials, owners or users of vehicles are liable, in accordance with applicable law, for violation of the rules for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes set forth in this Instruction and the rules for operating vehicles established by manufacturers.

8.3. In case of detention of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo in violation of the requirements of this Instruction, payment for the stay of the vehicle in a paid parking lot is carried out by the carrier.

8.4. In the event that a violation of the established procedure transportation of bulky and heavyweight cargo led to damage to roads, road structures and communications along the route of the cargo, the owners or users of vehicles are obliged, at the request of the road authorities or owners (balance holders) of structures and communications, to compensate them for losses in established by law okay.

8.5. Drivers, owners or users of vehicles can appeal the illegal actions of officials who control the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo in the prescribed manner.


Document's name:
Type of document:
Host body: Ministry of Transport of Russia
Status: Inactive
Acceptance date: May 27, 1996
Effective start date: September 02, 1996
Expiration date: 01 July 2014
Revision date: November 12, 2012

Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation


for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation

(as amended on November 12, 2012)
(Version valid from February 15, 2013)

Repealed from July 1, 2014 on the basis of
order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 15, 2014 N 7

Document as amended by:
by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2004 N 8 ( Russian newspaper, N 19, 04.02.2004);
(Rossiyskaya gazeta, N 189, 26.08.2011) (entered into force on February 18, 2011 (from the date of entry into force of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2011 N GKPI10-1618));
by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 (Rossiyskaya gazeta, N 265, 11/16/2012 (without Appendix 3 to the Order)).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Item deprecated as of February 15, 2013 - ..

1.2. The item was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

1.3. The item was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

1.4. The item was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

1.5. Oversized and heavy cargoes must be transported taking into account the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved, the rules for the carriage of goods and the additional requirements set forth in this Instruction, as well as the requirements specified in the permit for the carriage of goods.

1.6. The item was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

1.7. Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road, approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of February 24, 1977 N 53, with the entry into force of this Instruction, are not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. Procedure for applying for permits

2.1-2.8. Items are excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

3. Procedure for considering applications and issuing permits

3.1-.3.17. Items are excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

4. Organization of the movement of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo

4.1. The item was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258 ..

4.2. When agreeing on a permit for the transportation of goods, the State traffic inspectorate determines the need and type of escort. Accompanying can be carried out:

cover car and (or) tractor;

patrol car of the traffic police.

4.3. Escort by a cover vehicle is mandatory in all cases when:

the width of the vehicle with a load exceeds 3.5 m;

the length of the road train is more than 24 m;

in other cases, when in the permit in the column "Special traffic conditions" it is written that traffic through any artificial structure is allowed in a single order, or other conditions are indicated that require a prompt change in the organization of traffic on the route of cargo transportation.

Cover car(s), as well as tractors (depending on the cargo being transported and road conditions) are allocated by the cargo carrier or consignor.

4.4. Participation in the escort of a traffic police patrol car is necessary if:

vehicle width exceeds 4.0 m;

the length of the road train exceeds 30.0 m;

the vehicle, when moving, is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;

in the process of transportation, it is assumed that it is necessary to quickly change the organization of traffic in order to ensure the safety of travel;

In other cases, the need for escort is determined by the State traffic inspectorate based on road conditions, traffic intensity and the composition of the traffic flow.

Escort by a patrol car of the traffic police is carried out on a contractual basis.

4.5. A car with an orange or yellow flashing beacon is used as a cover vehicle.

The cover car must move in front at a distance of 10-20 m with a ledge on the left side in relation to the escorted vehicle carrying large and heavy cargo, i.e. in such a way that its dimension in width protrudes beyond the dimension of the escorted vehicle. When passing through bridge structures, the movement of the cover vehicle (distance, position on the bridge, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

4.6. The speed of movement during the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo is established by the State traffic inspectorate, taking into account the requirements of other organizations that have agreed on the transportation.

The speed of movement should not exceed 60 km/h on roads, and 15 km/h on bridge structures. In this case, the permitted mode of movement may be of a variable nature on different sections of the route.

4.7. During the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

deviate from the established route;

exceed the speed specified in the permit;

to carry out movement during ice, as well as with meteorological visibility of less than 100 m;

move along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;

stop outside specially marked parking lots located off the road;

continue transportation in the event of a technical malfunction of the vehicle that threatens traffic safety;

travel on a flight without a permit, with an expired or incorrectly issued permit for transportation, in the absence of signatures of the officials indicated in it;

make additional entries in the permit for the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo.

4.8. If during the movement circumstances arise that require a change in the route, the carrier must obtain permission to move along the new route in the manner prescribed by this Instruction.

5. Additional requirements for the technical condition, equipment of vehicles and cargo designation

5.1. The technical condition of vehicles used for transportation must comply with the requirements of the Rules of the Road, the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, Rules for the technical operation of rolling stock of road transport, approved by the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR on December 9, 1970, instructions from manufacturers and this Instruction.

5.2. It is forbidden to use wheeled tractors on federal roads as tractors for transportation of oversized and heavy loads, and caterpillar tractors on all highways with improved surface.

5.3. It is not allowed to transport heavy loads by a vehicle (tractor) when the mass of the towed trailer (semi-trailer) with the load exceeds the technical standards established by the manufacturer.

5.4. The braking system of the road train must operate from the brake pedal of the tractor vehicle and ensure such a distribution of braking forces between its links so that during braking the possibility of "folding" the road train is excluded.

5.5. Towing vehicles designed to work with trailers must be equipped with a device that allows, in the event of a rupture of the connecting lines between the tractor and its trailer (semi-trailer), to brake the vehicle with a service or emergency brake.

5.6. Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with a parking brake that ensures the retention of a loaded trailer (semi-trailer) disconnected from the vehicle on a slope of at least 16% with a service brake acting on all wheels, and a device that provides automatic stop in case of a break in the connecting lines with the towing vehicle.

5.7. When transporting heavy loads, it is necessary to have at least two wheel chocks for each link of the road train in order to additionally fix the wheels in the event of a forced stop on a slope.

5.8. The vehicle cab must be equipped with at least two outside rear-view mirrors on both sides, which must provide the driver with sufficient visibility, both in straight and curved traffic, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo carried.

5.9. Vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo must be equipped with identification signs "Road train", "Oversized cargo" and "Long-sized vehicle" in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety and Rules of the road.

5.10. Vehicles carrying bulky goods must be equipped with special light signals (flashing beacons) of orange or yellow color (paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 18, 2011 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 21, 2011 N 191.

5.11. With a vehicle height of more than 4.0 m, the carrier is obliged to carry out a control measurement of the height under overpasses and other artificial structures and communications on the transportation route.

6. Control over compliance with the permissible weight parameters and dimensions of vehicles

order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258.

7. Duties and responsibilities of the authorities issuing and approving permits

(The chapter was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258.

8. Obligations and liability of carriers of heavy and oversized cargo

(The chapter was excluded from February 15, 2013 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258.

Deputy Minister of the Interior
Russian Federation
L.M. Latyshev

Deputy Director
Federal Automobile and Road
Russian service
O.V. Skvortsov

Head of GUGAI
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
V.A. Fedorov

First Deputy General
Director of the Federal
road department
O.V. Skvortsov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
August 8, 1996
Registration N 1146

Appendix 1. Parameters of vehicles of categories 1 and 2 I. Parameters of a vehicle, if exceeded, it belongs to category 1

Annex 1

Excluded as of February 15, 2013 -
order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258. -
See previous edition


Annex 2. Permit for the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo on public roads of the Russian Federation

Appendix 2

for the transportation of oversized and (or) heavy
cargo on public roads
Russian Federation

Deleted as of February 15, 2013 -
order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258. -
See previous edition


Annex 3. List of authorities issuing permits for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia (issues permits for international transportation of goods)

Annex 3

Appendix 9

Annex 9

Deleted since February 15, 2013 -
order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated July 24, 2012 N 258. -
See previous edition


Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
CJSC "Kodeks"

Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation (as amended on November 12, 2012) (version effective from February 15, 2013)

Document's name: Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation (as amended on November 12, 2012) (version effective from February 15, 2013)
Type of document: Instruction of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
Host body: Ministry of Transport of Russia
Status: Inactive
Published: Russian news N 157, 22.08.96

Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies, N 6, September, 1996

Acceptance date: May 27, 1996
Effective start date: September 02, 1996
Expiration date: 01 July 2014
Revision date: November 12, 2012

1.1. Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods by road on the roads of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) were developed on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1995 N 962 "On the collection of fees from owners or users of road transport carrying heavy goods, when driving on public roads" and regulates the procedure for the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy goods by road on public roads, as well as on the streets of cities and towns (hereinafter - on the roads).

Heavy load - a vehicle, the weight of which with or without load and (or) axle weight exceeds at least one of the parameters given in section I of Appendix 1;

Large-sized cargo - a vehicle, the dimensions of which, with or without cargo, in height, width or length exceed at least one of the values ​​\u200b\u200bestablished in Section I of Appendix 1;

Carrier of cargo (freight carrier) - a legal or natural person carrying out the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo. They can be organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, and citizens of the Russian Federation, stateless persons, as well as international organizations, foreign legal entities and citizens who have the appropriate license and certified rolling stock;

The organization that agreed on the transportation is a legal entity that is the owner or balance holder of artificial structures or communications (bridges, overpasses, railway crossings, metro lines, underground pipelines and cables, overhead power supply and communication lines, etc.) on the route of transportation of a large or heavy cargo, as well as the State Automobile Inspectorate (hereinafter referred to as the State Traffic Inspectorate, GAI);

Cover car - a car allocated by a cargo carrier or consignor to accompany oversized and heavy cargo;

A traffic police patrol car is a traffic police car that accompanies bulky and heavy cargo in order to ensure traffic safety on the transportation route.

1.3. Oversized and heavy cargo, the passage of which is allowed on the roads, based on the bearing capacity of road pavement and structures, depending on the mass and size, are divided into two categories:

Category 1 - a vehicle whose mass with or without cargo and (or) axle weight on each axle, as well as dimensions in height, width or length exceed the values ​​specified in section I of Appendix 1 of the Instruction, but does not belong to category 2;

1.4. Transportation by road of bulky and heavy cargo can be carried out only on the basis of special permits (hereinafter referred to as permits) issued in the manner prescribed in this Instruction, in the form given in Appendix 2.

1.5. Oversized and heavy loads must be transported subject to the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, the rules for the carriage of goods and additional requirements set forth in this Instruction, as well as the requirements specified in shipping permit.

1.6. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 1995 N 962, owners or users of road transport, including foreign ones, transporting heavy loads along the road network of the Russian Federation, are charged for damage caused to roads and road structures by vehicles.

The above fee does not include the costs associated with the provision of services to the carrier for the inspection and strengthening of structures, escorting vehicles, issuing permits, passes, etc.

1.7. Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods by road, approved by Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs of February 24, 1977 N 53, with the introduction of this Instruction, are not applied on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.1. Applications for obtaining permits for the transportation of oversized or heavy cargo, depending on the type of intended transportation (international, interregional or local), the category of oversized and heavy cargo and the location of the carrier's vehicle, are submitted to the relevant road authorities, from the territory of service of which the route of movement begins vehicle, the list of which is given in Appendix 3 to this Instruction.

2.2. Applications for obtaining permits for international transportation of bulky and heavy cargo of all categories are submitted to the Federal Automobile and Road Service of Russia or to a body authorized by this service.

2.3. Applications for obtaining permits for interregional and local transportation along a route passing entirely or partially along federal roads, for bulky and heavy cargo of all categories, are submitted to the federal highway management authority closest to the point from which the transportation route begins.

2.4. Applications for obtaining permits for interregional and local transportation of bulky and heavy cargo of all categories along a route passing entirely along the roads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are submitted to the territorial authorities of highways at the location of the carrier's vehicle.

2.5. An application for obtaining a permit for the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo is submitted to the name of the body authorized in accordance with this Instruction to issue the appropriate permits.

The information provided in the application is certified by the signature of the head or deputy head and the seal of the organization or the signature of the individual carrying out the transportation.

2.6. An application for the carriage of goods is submitted in the form specified in Appendix 4 to this Instruction. It must contain all the information necessary for the organizations coordinating the transportation, about the nature and category of cargo, the parameters of the mass and dimensions of the vehicle, the estimated time of transportation, the route of movement and other information.

2.7. Depending on the category of transported goods, the type and nature of transportation, owners or users of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo can obtain one-time permits or permits for a certain (specific) period.

Permits for a fixed period are issued only for the carriage of goods of category 1 for a period of 1 to 3 months or for a certain amount of this type of transportation during the time specified in the application, but not more than 3 months.

2.8. Together with an application for a permit for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes of category 2, a scheme of a road train is submitted with an image on it of all vehicles participating in the transportation, the number of axles and wheels on them, the relative position of the wheels and axles, the distribution of the load along the axles and on individual wheels with taking into account the possible uneven distribution of the load along the length of the axle.

    Appendix 1. Parameters of motor vehicles of categories 1 and 2 (deleted) Appendix 2. Permit for the transportation of bulky and (or) heavy cargo on public roads of the Russian Federation (deleted) Appendix 3. List of authorities issuing permits for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo ( (deleted) Appendix 4. Application for a permit for the transportation of oversized and (or) heavy cargo (deleted) Appendix 5. Examples of the image of the scheme of the road train (deleted) Sample pass of the traffic police (excluded) Appendix 8. Information contained in the log of registration of applications and issuance of permits for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes (excluded) Appendix 9. List of regulatory legal acts, the requirements of which were taken into account when developing the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes road transport on the roads of the Russian Federation (excluded)

for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation
(approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on May 27, 1996)
(agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Automobile and Road Service of the Russian Federation)

With changes and additions from:

1. General Provisions

1.5. Oversized and heavy loads must be transported subject to the requirements of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090, the rules for the carriage of goods and additional requirements set forth in this Instruction, as well as the requirements specified in shipping permit.

4. Organization of the movement of vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo

4.2. When agreeing on a permit for the transportation of goods, the State traffic inspectorate determines the need and type of escort. Accompanying can be carried out:

cover car and (or) tractor;

patrol car of the traffic police.

4.3. Escort by a cover vehicle is mandatory in all cases when:

the width of the vehicle with a load exceeds 3.5 m;

the length of the road train is more than 24 m;

in other cases, when in the permit in the column "Special traffic conditions" it is written that traffic through any artificial structure is allowed in a single order, or other conditions are indicated that require a prompt change in the organization of traffic on the route of cargo transportation.

Cover car(s), as well as tractors (depending on the cargo being transported and road conditions) are allocated by the cargo carrier or consignor.

4.4. Participation in the escort of a traffic police patrol car is necessary if:

vehicle width exceeds 4.0 m;

the length of the road train exceeds 30.0 m;

the vehicle, when moving, is forced to at least partially occupy the lane of oncoming traffic;

in the process of transportation, it is assumed that it is necessary to quickly change the organization of traffic in order to ensure the safety of travel;

In other cases, the need for escort is determined by the State traffic inspectorate based on road conditions, traffic intensity and the composition of the traffic flow.

Escort by a patrol car of the traffic police is carried out on a contractual basis.

4.5. A car with an orange or yellow flashing beacon is used as a cover vehicle.

The cover vehicle must move in front at a distance of 10 - 20 m with a ledge on the left side in relation to the escorted vehicle carrying bulky and heavy cargo, i.e. in such a way that its dimension in width protrudes beyond the dimension of the escorted vehicle. When passing through bridge structures, the movement of the cover vehicle (distance, position on the bridge, etc.) is carried out in accordance with the agreed scheme.

The speed of movement during the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo is established by the State traffic inspectorate, taking into account the requirements of other organizations that have coordinated the transportation.

The speed of movement should not exceed 60 km/h on roads, and 15 km/h on bridge structures. In this case, the permitted mode of movement may be of a variable nature on different sections of the route.

4.7. During the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo, it is prohibited:

deviate from the established route;

exceed the speed specified in the permit;

to carry out movement during ice, as well as with meteorological visibility of less than 100 m;

move along the side of the road, if such an order is not determined by the conditions of carriage;

stop outside specially marked parking lots located off the road;

continue transportation in the event of a technical malfunction of the vehicle that threatens traffic safety;

travel on a flight without a permit, with an expired or incorrectly issued permit for transportation, in the absence of signatures of the officials indicated in it;

make additional entries in the permit for the transportation of bulky or heavy cargo.

4.8. If during the movement circumstances arise that require a change in the route, the carrier must obtain permission to move along the new route in the manner prescribed by this Instruction.

5. Additional requirements for technical condition, equipment
vehicles and cargo designation

5.1. The technical condition of vehicles used for transportation must comply with the requirements of the Rules of the Road, the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993. N 1090, Rules for the technical operation of rolling stock of road transport, approved by the Ministry of Autotransport of the RSFSR on December 9, 1970, instructions from manufacturers and this Instruction.

5.2. It is forbidden to use wheeled tractors on federal roads and caterpillar tractors on all highways with improved surface for transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes.

5.3. It is not allowed to transport heavy loads by a vehicle (tractor) when the mass of the towed trailer (semi-trailer) with the load exceeds the technical standards established by the manufacturer.

5.4. The braking system of the road train must operate from the brake pedal of the tractor vehicle and ensure such a distribution of braking forces between its links so that during braking the possibility of "folding" the road train is excluded.

5.5. Towing vehicles designed to work with trailers must be equipped with a device that allows, in the event of a rupture of the connecting lines between the tractor and its trailer (semi-trailer), to brake the vehicle with a service or emergency brake.

5.6. Trailers (semi-trailers) must be equipped with a parking brake that ensures the retention of a loaded trailer (semi-trailer) disconnected from the vehicle on a slope of at least 16% with a service brake acting on all wheels, and a device that provides automatic stop in case of a break in the connecting lines with the towing vehicle.

5.7. When transporting heavy loads, it is necessary to have at least two wheel chocks for each link of the road train in order to additionally fix the wheels in the event of a forced stop on a slope.

5.8. The vehicle cab must be equipped with at least two outside rear-view mirrors on both sides, which must provide the driver with sufficient visibility, both in straight and curved traffic, taking into account the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo carried.

5.9. Vehicles carrying bulky and heavy cargo must be equipped with identification signs "Road train", "Oversized cargo" and "Long-sized vehicle" in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety and Rules of the road.

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