Top, middle and lower managers: core competencies and specifics of activities. What is management and why is it necessary in an organization

  • 12.10.2019

This article - detailed analysis the concept of "management", with definitions and expert opinions, videos, as well as the best advice on effective management from the most influential leader of Russia. Description existing species management, its principles and tasks.

What is management in simple words + expert definitions

The concept of "management" comes from the English word "management", which means "management" or "administration". You can find other translations of this word. However, the two given, accurately reflect the essence of the concept, which should be understood as managing people.

That is, management is an activity that is carried out by the heads of companies, enterprises or people among whom management positions are distributed.

The most accurate definition of management, meaning management, was given by A. Orlov in his textbook "Management".

"Management is a set of coordinated activities aimed at achieving the goals."

He also cites the definition of W. Siegert as an example.

“Management is such a direction of people and such use of means that allows the tasks to be carried out in a humane, economical and rational way.”

8 authoritative definitions of the concept of "management"

So, management is;

  1. science to find best solution in a specific situation, using several options for interacting with others (V. A. Abchuk);
  2. organization and implementation of targeted impacts (R. Buttrick);
  3. activity that turns an unorganized crowd into an effective productive group (P. F. Duiker);
  4. a set of methods of interaction between the elements of the production system, based on its goals and the unity of functions (A. V. Karpov);
  5. a continuous process of influencing the control object to achieve the desired results when minimal cost resources and time (W. Knorring);
  6. informational and purposeful process of influencing groups of people ... (S. N. Knyazev);
  7. the process of planning, motivation and control to achieve goals (M. Albert, M. Meskon, F. Hedouri);
  8. personnel administration function aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization (A. Fayol).

Summarizing the above definitions, we can say that management is the use of various management techniques to achieve set goals and improve specific results, whether it is an increase in the company's profits, strengthening its position in the market or detuning from competitors.

Principles and tasks of management with an example + video

The task of management is to organize the coordinated work of the team within the company or enterprise. So that not only internal, but also external elements function as efficiently as possible, minimizing temporary and financial expenses for certain activities and processes.

To understand the tasks of this type of management, it is worth considering a small example.

There is a warehouse building materials. The arrival of the car for loading is expected. The manager directs the movers to pack and palletize the materials, then take them to the ramp and place them in the order in which they will be loaded.

Upon arrival of the car, it is promptly loaded. That is, the time of loading and idle time of the car is minimized as much as possible. Namely, the speed and quality of services in the modern logistics market is most valued.

That is, the goal of management is proper organization labor to improve the quality and speed of services.

The whole essence of management is well revealed by the video below.

Auxiliary tasks

In addition to the main tasks that are solved by management, there are additional ones:

  • Constant monitoring of the efficiency of the company or enterprise.
  • Determination of the most optimal conditions for the successful existence of a business.
  • Predicting or quickly eliminating possible risks.
  • Guaranteed achievement of the set goals and the desired level of profit of the organization.
  • Adoption effective measures to maintain a niche and a leading position in the market.
  • Expanding the scope or influence of the company.

Types of management and their description


Development of a strategy for achieving goals and implementing business development paths. The goals may be to increase profits, expand activities, improve the quality of services or products. That is, the main task here is the development of a company or enterprise.


Efficient organization of production in order to increase the competitiveness of products, goods or services. Includes production control labor resources, optimization of output volumes, elimination and prevention of conflicts within the enterprise, production process management.


Financial management of a company, organization, enterprise. This includes budget management, as well as constant analysis of the company's profit, its solvency and capital, cost optimization and minimization of financial risks.

Risk management

Analysis and minimization of risks associated with possible losses, production decline and other adverse business consequences. This includes the development and implementation of a risk strategy, as well as its ongoing evaluation and adjustment, if necessary.


Management of enterprise investments, attraction of new investors and work with old ones.


Working with clients, their expectations, communicating with them, as well as disseminating relevant information and working with documents and office work.


Organization and implementation of measures for environmental protection, regulated by law.

And with the development of Internet marketing, another direction appeared, content management - posting up-to-date information and articles on the company's website and blog.

Who is engaged in management and where to learn it

Theoretically, any entrepreneur or leader can engage in management. But in practice, specially trained managers are hired for these purposes.

Management is now taught in large private and public universities CIS and Europe. There are also various online courses that allow you to study remotely. Therefore, for people who want to study management, there are no barriers.

A manager is a person who must control, coordinate some processes in an enterprise. In other words, this is a manager, a leader who is responsible for efficient work certain line of business.

It depends on the manager's strategy how long the enterprise will stay afloat. Production efficiency and profit indicators speak about the work of the manager and his team better than any words. If no one coordinated the activities of all links in the enterprise, then the working day would turn into chaos: lack of incentive to work and improper functioning of the elements of one structure.

From electronic training course Gennady Rekunovich

Secrets of successful management from V. Putin

Nobody knows better effective methods management, as successful and influential people, which include Vladimir Putin. His management methods are used by many businessmen. And they are as follows:

  • Each employee of the company needs to be protected and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. It is the psychological factor that largely affects the productivity of each subordinate.
  • There must be order and systematization in everything: on the desktop, in the place, in the head and thoughts of the leader and subordinates.
  • Timely encouragement of employees for success in work is the norm of motivation, which also increases the productivity of people and, accordingly, helps the company achieve its goals faster.
  • If the employee did not complete the tasks, it is necessary to point out the mistakes made and deal with the reasons. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out such events with one subordinate separately from the whole team.
  • The manager and subordinates should use the already existing experience, successful cases, combining them with current trends and market requirements.

You should not doubt such recommendations, since they are used daily by a person who manages one of the most major countries in the world. And it will not be difficult to introduce them into any company. And positive results will not be long in coming.

Management (English management - management, administration, organization) is the management of production or commerce; a set of principles, methods, means and forms of management developed and applied in order to increase production efficiency and increase profits.

Modern management includes two integral parts:

leadership theory;

practical methods of effective management, or the art of management.

The concept of “management” has firmly entered our everyday life and has become familiar to business life. However, it must be borne in mind that we are talking about a new philosophy, where other systems of values ​​and priorities operate.

In this regard, it is necessary to elaborate on the meaning of the term "management". Russian word"management" and English word"management" are considered synonyms, but in reality their true content is very different. Using the term "management", we follow the established in international practice tradition, according to which it means a very specific range of phenomena and processes. In fact, the term "management" is not a satisfactory substitute for the term "management" because in the latter case we are talking about only one of the forms of management, namely the management of socio-economic processes through and within the framework of entrepreneurial structure, joint stock company. Moreover, an adequate economic basis for management is a market type of management, carried out on the basis of an industrial organization of production or commerce.

Thus, the term "management" is used in relation to the management of economic activities, while other terms are used for other purposes.

In our conditions, the terms “organization”, “management” and “administration” should be used. However, government, public and other organizations must also use the principles and methods of management if they want to achieve their goals at a minimum cost.

Management is the management of people working in the same organization with a common end goal. But management is not just the management of people, an organization, but its special form, it is management in a market, market economy, i.e. in conditions of constant change, risk. Therefore, management is aimed at creating favorable conditions (technical, economic, psychological, etc.) for the functioning of the organization, to achieve its success.

The main components of success are:

the survival of the organization in the long run;



From these positions, management appears as a complex system of data from the science of management, the experience of the best managers in the world and the art of management.

As a system of scientific data, management is a set of philosophies, models, strategies, principles, methods and styles of managing an organization, production and personnel in order to increase its efficiency and increase profits.

Management (management) - the impact of one person or a group of persons (managers) on other persons to induce actions corresponding to the achievement of the set goals when managers assume responsibility for the effectiveness of the impact (Fig. 1.1).


Management includes three aspects:

"who" governs "whom" (institutional aspect);

"how" management is carried out and "how" it affects the managed (functional aspect);

"what" is controlled (instrumental aspect).

Perhaps the central point of the manager's role in management is his understanding of his general competence. It is clear that the general competence of a manager cannot be a simple sum of the individual competences of employees. However, these competencies are certainly related to each other. The manager must have the amount of knowledge from particular competencies that allows him to make operational and strategic decisions, i.e. know the basics of the interdependence of private competencies, their importance in the business process, key resource constraints and the risks associated with them.

In the activities of any enterprise, goals and limitations should be distinguished that perform the following main tasks in management:

comparison of the existing state with the desired one ("Where are we?" and "Where are we going?");

formation of guiding requirements for actions ("What needs to be done?");

decision criteria ("Which way is the best?");

control tools ("Where did we really come from and what follows from this?" (Fig. 1.2).


Resources needed to manage organizations.

Resources needed to manage organizations include:

material resources (land, buildings, premises, equipment, office equipment, transport, communications), etc.;

financial resources (bank accounts, cash, securities, loans, etc.);

human resources (personnel);

informational resources;

temporary resources.

Management as a special kind of activity, its specificity.

Management is a specific type labor activity. It stood out as a special kind of labor together with cooperation and division of labor. In terms of cooperation, each manufacturer performs only part of the overall work, therefore, to achieve a common result, efforts are required to connect, coordinate the activities of all participants in the joint labor process. Management establishes coherence between individual works and performs general functions arising from the movement of the organization as a whole. In this capacity, management establishes a common connection and unity of action for all participants in the joint production process to achieve the overall goals of the organization. This is the essence of the management process.

It is difficult to give a complete definition of management, since it is a very complex, multifaceted phenomenon. There are over 300 definitions of management. Lee Iacocca believes that management is nothing more than "getting people to work."

Akio Morita writes that the quality of a manager can be judged by how well he can organize big number people and how effectively it can achieve the best results from each of them, merging their work into a single whole.

Peter Drucker defines management as a special kind of activity that turns an unorganized crowd into a focused, effective and efficient group.

Werner Siegert emphasizes that to manage means to lead to the success of others.

Michael Mescon believes that management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through other people.

You can give the following definition: management is the preparation, adoption and implementation of decisions in all areas of the organization's activities aimed at achieving the planned goals.

All the given definitions of management have something in common - it is the influence of the subject of management on the object of management with a specific purpose.

Management as a special kind of labor differs from labor that creates material goods and services. It does not take a direct part in the creation of wealth, but is, as it were, next to this process, directs it.

Management specifics are:

the object of labor, which is the labor of other people;

means of labor - organizational and computer technology, information, a system for its collection, processing and transmission;

the object of labor, which is a team of people within a certain cooperation;

a product of labor, which is a managerial decision;

the results of labor, expressed in the final results of the activities of the team.

Organization as an object of management:

components, levels, basic processes.

An organization is a relatively autonomous group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal. It is a planned system of cumulative (cooperative) efforts, in which each participant has his own, clearly defined role, tasks or responsibilities that must be fulfilled.

These responsibilities are distributed among the participants in the name of achieving the goals that the organization sets for itself, and not in the name of satisfying individual wishes, even if the two often coincide. The organization has certain boundaries, which are determined by the types of activities, the number of employees, capital, production area, territory, material resources, etc. Usually they are fixed, fixed in such documents as the charter, memorandum of association, regulation.

Organizations are private and state firms, state institutions, public associations, cultural and educational institutions, etc. Any organization consists of three main elements. These are the people included in this organization, the goals and objectives for which it is created, and the management that forms and mobilizes the organization's potential to solve the challenges.

Any organization is open system, built into the external environment with which the organization is in a state of constant exchange. At the input, it receives resources from the external environment; at the output, it gives the created product to the external environment. Therefore, the life of the organization consists of three main processes:

1) obtaining resources from the external environment;

2) transformation of resources into a finished product;

3) transfer of the produced product to the external environment.

At the same time, the management process plays a key role, which maintains the correspondence between these processes, and also mobilizes the resources of the organization for the implementation of these processes.

AT modern organization the main ones are the processes carried out at the inputs and outputs that ensure the correspondence between the organization and its environment. Implementation of internal processes, production function subordinated to ensuring the long-term readiness of the organization to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Elements of the management process.

Management is a single process, which is represented by different managerial employees or bodies. The purpose of their interaction is to develop a single control action on the control object. Management personnel include managers (managers), specialists and employees (technical performers). The central place in management is occupied by the manager. He leads a certain team, he owns the right to make and control management decisions, it is he who bears full responsibility for the results of the work of the team.

Manager - a leader, a professional manager, who holds a permanent position and is empowered to make decisions on specific activities of the organization. Specialists are employees who perform certain management functions. They analyze the information and prepare solutions for the managers at the appropriate level. The work of these workers is served by technical performers: secretaries, referents, technicians, etc.

So, the management process includes the following elements: a control system (management subject), a controlled system (management object), a control action in the form of a management decision, an end result, a common goal and feedback, which is the transfer of information about the results of the control action from the control object to its subject.

Management as a single process that ensures the consistency of the joint labor process is carried out in different forms, through different control functions. They represent a form of achieving connection and unity of the joint labor process and are implemented through certain types of activities. Allocation of individual functions in management is an objective process. It is generated by the complexity of production and management. The composition of the control functions should ensure an effective response of the control system to any change in the controlled system and the external environment.

Direct control action on the control object is the interaction of three functions: planning, organization and motivation. Feedback performs the function of control. These are the main management functions, they take place in any, even a small enterprise. In addition to the main ones, there are specific or specific management functions. Their set and content depend on the specifics of the managed object. These functions are associated with the management of a specific area, area of ​​the organization. These include: main production management, auxiliary production management, human resource management, financial management, marketing management, innovation management, etc.

In real economic life, the functions of the management process are manifested in the functions of the governing bodies, and the latter in the functions of their employees. Therefore, management functions act as purposeful types of labor, and self-government - as their totality. The work of specific managerial employees is actions, operations related to the preparation, adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. It embodies the impact of the subject of control on the managed object.

Since management is a specific type of work, a special profession, there must be General characteristics in the content of managers. They are brevity, diversity and fragmentation.

Management is the ability to achieve goals, using work,

intelligence, motives of behavior of other people. Management- this is a type of professional activity aimed at optimizing human, material and financial resources to achieve the goals of the organization. Management is a system scientific knowledge, recommendations based on practice

management. Management is science + experience multiplied by managerial art.

Methodological foundations of management.

General principles of methodology management are 1) dialectical approach, allowing to consider management problems in their constant relationship, movement and development; 2) abstraction, principles: unity of theory and practice, certainty, concreteness, knowability, objectivity, causality, development, historicism.

The specific foundations of the management methodology are:

- economic sciences: economic theory, institutional economics, finance and credit, accounting, marketing, economic statistics, world economy and many others;

- systems approach, which is the methodology of general systems theory. The system approach is based on the concept of "system", which is understood as a set of related elements combined into a single whole to achieve a specific goal;

- cybernetic approach, which is the methodology of the general theory of control (cybernetics) and representing the study of the system based on the principles of cybernetics, in particular by representing control as a process of collecting, transmitting and transforming information about the control object and the external environment; identifying direct links (through which input command information from the control system is transmitted to the control object) and feedback (through which information about the state of the control object is transmitted to the control system): studying control processes, considering system elements as some kind of "black boxes" (systems, which, due to their extreme complexity, cannot receive a specific definition; their behavior is studied by identifying the logical and statistical relationships that exist between the input and output information available to the researcher, and the internal structure may not be known);

- situational approach. The central point of the situational approach is the situation - a specific set of circumstances that significantly affect the organization. The results of the same managerial actions in different situations can be very different from each other, so managers must proceed from the situation in which they act;

- operations research is a methodology for applying mathematical quantitative methods to justify solutions to problems in all areas of purposeful human activity. Methods and models of operations research allow you to get solutions that best meet the goals of the organization. The optimal decision (control) according to the research of operations is such a set of values ​​of variables, at which the optimal (maximum or minimum) value of the efficiency criterion (objective function) of the operation is achieved and the given restrictions are observed;

- forecasting- the science of the laws and methods for developing forecasts of dynamic systems. Various types of forecasts include: determination of future values ​​of quantities based on available data, determination of various scenarios for the development of the situation, determination of development trends in any areas of human activity, goal setting, i.e. determination of the desired future states of the organization, planning the activities of the organization to achieve the goals, etc.;

- decision theory explores how a person or group of people make decisions and develops decision-making methods that help justify the choice of alternatives from several possible ones under various situations of uncertainty and risk;

- organization theory, which answers the questions: why organizations are needed, what they are and how they are created, function, change; studies the impact that individuals and groups of people have on the functioning of the organization, on the changes taking place in it, on ensuring effective purposeful activities and obtaining the necessary results;

- psychology, which studies the laws, mechanisms and facts of a person's mental life: education, training, motivation, personality realization, perception of the world around, job satisfaction, assessment of actions, attitude to work, forms of behavior;

- sociology, which studies society as an integral social organism; social communities and relationships between them; social processes, social organizations; interaction between the individual and society; patterns of social behavior of people; group dynamics; norms, roles, issues of status and power, conflicts, bureaucracy, organizational culture, socialization, etc.;

- social Psychology- a branch of psychology that studies the patterns of: human behavior in a social organization; relationships between people in the process of joint activities; development of the moral and psychological climate in the team; the emergence and development of collective and personal attitudes, motives, motivations; emergence and resolution of interpersonal conflicts; leadership and individual style of activity; behavior and socio-psychological adaptation of people in stressful situations etc.;

- anthropology, which explores: the origin and evolution of man as a special sociobiological species; the formation of human races; normal variations in the physical structure of a person within these races, including in connection with the peculiarities of the environment surrounding people; ethnic characteristics, comparative values, norms, etc.,

- legal science, for example, economic and financial law;

In the system of methodology, the central place is occupied by the subsystem of research methods. Methods are methods, techniques for obtaining new and checking the truth of old knowledge. Management methods are a system of rules and procedures for solving various management problems in order to ensure the effective development of an organization. Management methods make it possible to reduce the intuitive nature of management, introduce orderliness, validity and effective organization into the construction and functioning of management systems in an enterprise.

The main general methods of conducting research in management are: 1) experiment; 2) testing, questioning and interviewing and other methods of obtaining expert information; 3) studying the documentation of the organization; 4) modeling.

Basic concepts of management.

Management methodology is based on the definition of the following concepts or

The main goal of management- ensuring the profitability and profitability of the company

through the rational organization of the production process, efficient

use of human resources, application of new technologies. Profitability

is provided by maximizing income from the sale of products/services, other operations and minimizing costs.

The implementation of the organization's goal is ensured by the following management tasks: assessment of the state of the control object; determination of specific goals for the development of the organization and their priority; development of an organization development strategy; determination of the necessary resources and sources of their provision; distribution and coordination of powers and responsibilities; improving the structure of the organization; determining the priority and sequence of decision-making; development of a system of measures in time; selection, training of personnel, stimulation of their work; establishment of accounting and control in solving tasks.

The object of management (what management is aimed at) is the organization -

a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve common goals. The nature and properties, formal structure and behavioral aspects of the control object depend on the type, hierarchical level and functional area of ​​activity.

The subject of management(one who manages) are managers,

the whole management team organizations. Managers are leaders, i.e. employees of the organization who have employees directly subordinate to them, they occupy a permanent position in the organization, are empowered in the field of decision-making in certain areas of the organization's activities.

Management levels. The content, forms and methods of management depend on its

hierarchical level: top, middle or bottom. Every organization is a pyramid based on a vertical and horizontal division of labor. The horizontal division of labor occurs according to the principle of specialization, focusing on the performance of a specific function in the organization (the functional area of ​​the enterprise), the division of management into levels is based on the vertical division of labor according to the principle of power, subordination and division of powers.

The tasks of management determine its functions. Management functions are a stable composition of types of management activities.

4 main control functions: planning, organization, motivation and control. In addition, two more functions are distinguished, calling them connecting processes that occur continuously in the organization and link all types of management activities: communication and decision-making.

Planning- determination of the goals of the activity, the funds necessary for this,

development of methods for achieving goals, forecasting the future development of the organization.

Organization- formation of the structure of the organization, providing it with resources: material, financial, labor.

Motivation- activating employees, encouraging them to work effectively for the sake of

achieving the goals of the organization with the help of economic and moral stimulation and creating conditions for the development of the creative potential of employees.

The control– quantitative and qualitative evaluation and accounting of the results of work,

adjustment of plans, norms, decisions.

Coordination– achieving consistency in the work of all parts of the system by

establishing rational connections between them.

Making decisions- choose from a variety of alternatives.

Communication The process of exchanging information between two or more people.

Types of management– special areas of management activity related to

with the solution of certain control problems. On the basis of the object of management, general and functional management are distinguished. The general one is to manage the activities of the organization as a whole, the functional one is associated with the management of certain areas of the organization's activities: personnel management, financial, production, innovation, international management, etc. In any organization, general and functional management exists in an organic unity, constituting an integral management system.

Based on content management distinguish strategic and operational

management. Strategic management involves the development and implementation of the organization's mission, its entrepreneurial policy, determining the company's competitive position in the market, developing a set of strategies, their distribution over time, building the organization's success potential and ensuring strategic control over their implementation. Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the organization's development strategies.

Principles of effective management- general patterns and sustainable requirements, under which the effective development of the organization is ensured. Management principles include:

- management integrity- a comprehensive view of the activities of the organization as a whole, considering the organization as an integral socio-economic system;

- hierarchical ordering management processes in the organization and the principle of unity of command;

- target orientation of management- orientation of subordinates to achieve the goals of the organization;

- scientific validity and management optimization- usage scientific methods when making managerial decisions, finding the best ways to achieve goals;

- combination of centralization and decentralization of management- rational division of managerial labor based on the delegation of authority and the definition of responsibility of managers;

- democratization- productive cooperation between objects and subjects of management, the use of the whole range of methods for stimulating labor.

The term "management" has become widespread not only in the economy, but also in the sphere of social and political relations. The word "management" management) is derived from English Manage"manage". In turn, the latter got its root from the Latin word Manus which means "hand". With the development of civilization, the content of the concept of management has been transformed and combined all the variety of requirements for management as the art of doing business and the style of work.

Control- this is a function of biological, social, technical and organizational systems, which ensures the preservation of their structure, supports a certain mode of activity.

Allocate control:

  • social system;
  • machine control;
  • technical management;
  • management of production and technological processes;
  • organizational management.

Management is at the same time the sphere of human knowledge, and the sphere of managerial decision-making, and the category of people (social stratum) united in an economic, competitive management system in modern society.

It can be viewed from three points of view:

  1. as a synonym for the term "organization management" regardless of its size and activities;
  2. as an equivalent of the expression "management of the national economy in the highest echelons of administration": in the state, sectoral and regional sections of economic activity;
  3. as an analogue of the term "team leadership".

We understand management at the micro level of management as leadership common activities in such socio-economic systems as enterprises and their divisions, firms, banks and other organizations.

In a simplified sense, management is the ability to achieve goals, use labor, intellect, motives for the behavior of other people.

Management is a function, a type of activity for managing people in various organizations. This is also the area human knowledge to help implement this feature. Management as a collective of managers is a certain category of people, a social stratum of those who carry out management work.

The task of management is the creation of conditions under which it is most likely and favorable to achieve the goals of the organization.

The object of management are individual entrepreneurs and labor collectives, which have the form of enterprises, associations, associations, joint-stock companies etc.

Management subject— the structure of organizational, managerial and interpersonal relations.

Management approaches

In the process of development of management as a science, there were several approaches to management.

Approach in terms of identifying different schools and teachings considers management as an evolution of managerial thought.

Process approach considers management as a process, that is, work to achieve goals with the help of others. It is a series of continuous interrelated actions, each of which is a process in itself. They are called managerial functions, each of which is also a process, because it consists of a series of interrelated actions. The control process is the total sum of all functions.

A. Fayol believed that there are 5 initial functions:

  1. anticipate and plan;
  2. organize;
  3. dispose;
  4. coordinate;
  5. control.

Systems approach suggests that managers should view the organization as a set of interrelated elements such as people, structure, tasks and technology that are oriented towards achieving different goals in a changing external environment.

situational approach assumes that the suitability of different management methods is determined by the situation. Therefore, the central moment - the situation - a specific set of circumstances that strongly affect the organization at a given time. Since there is a large number of factors both within the organization and environment, there is no single better way organization management. The most effective in this situation is a method that identifies and takes into account the main internal and external factors that affect the functioning of the organization.

Target approach assumes that the object of orientation - the goal - is a criterion for the effectiveness of the management system. In the process of organizing work, a system of goals is formed in the control object. The main goal is singled out (associated with the conditions of consumption of any product, the existing orientation of needs). The system of subgoals - the activity of the control object is divided into areas: commercial, industrial, economic, financial, social, managerial activities.

Program-targeted approach assumes that the goal is transformed by management into a program (a list of activities with specific performers). The main activity of the control object is the implementation of the program, and the subject - in its coordination.

Results Approach- defining freedom of creativity, high level responsibility. Built on the same philosophy of the company (quality-result). At the heart of it is the transformation of a goal into a result.

Personal approach considers a person as an object of orientation. It is important to know the person, the team, to reckon with the opinion of the team. The theory of motivation is used. The problem of social responsibility of the administrative apparatus is of great importance.

Coordination approach. The main task is to bring into unity the complex production system. , balance of goals, results, resources and interests.

A complex approach— synthesis of all approaches.

Since the development of management as a science and art continues, the number of approaches is constantly increasing.

Types of management

Depending on the field of activity, there are different kinds management: general (administrative) management, sectoral, organizational, functional, entrepreneurial, international and others. In particular, we can talk about marketing management, financial, personnel, production, transport, operational and strategic.

General management- management, which is carried out by all managers who are responsible for setting goals and formulating policies, for issues related to planning and organization, control and management of the enterprise. In this case, such terms as "top management", "administration" are often used. The role performed by him is the overall management of the organization.

- contains such activities as: determining the financial structure of the company, its needs for financial resources, identifying all alternative sources financing and their evaluation. Its tasks also include the practical receipt of financial resources from selected sources of financing and the effective use of seized funds. Money.

- management activities of managers associated with the formation of the mission of the enterprise, including the definition of its goals, philosophy and long-term strategies, attitudes and orientation of development, the formation of an image that will meet the requirements of the external environment and internal needs enterprises.

Industrial management covers all spheres of the economy: production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. The subject of study is the management systems at the enterprise, management mechanisms for influencing production. The field of study is industrial production.

Operations management- managerial activity, primarily of lower-level managers (foreman, foreman), which consists in direct management of the work of employees in accordance with the strategy of the enterprise by developing tactical measures, implementing operational plans, production schedules, etc.

One can also talk about business management, construction management, art management, trade management or others. However, despite certain differences, common to all types is that managers have to deal with the same resources: personnel, financial, raw materials and labor resources.

Management of the organization is the creation of the business model of the enterprise and its maximum. The main task of management is to create such conditions at the enterprise that would allow to receive the maximum possible profit.

For this, a whole range of measures is being taken. such as rational implementation innovative technologies, efficient use of personnel, cost minimization, automation of accounting and management processes, and much more.

Organization management is a complex and multi-level process. In this regard, its separate types were distinguished. The main ones include: strategic, financial, production (operational), innovative, marketing and personnel.

Management includes several basic functions. organization, control, regulation and motivation.

Planning is the launching pad for the development of the enterprise. After all, it defines the mission, in the form of quantitative and qualitative indicators. assigns long-term tasks of the organization, and the budget - current. In the future, on the basis of plans, control and regulation of activities are carried out. The function of the organization in management is aimed at forming the structure of the enterprise and providing it with all the necessary resources. The function of motivation is focused on the creation of a certain system for encouraging the work of personnel, which financially and morally stimulates the personnel to perform production tasks and achieve their goals. Also important: the development of their creative potential, the formation of an integral team. Control includes three aspects. The first is the definition of goals and deadlines for the implementation of tasks, the second is the comparison of the results achieved, and the third is the adjustment of actions and plans.

The formed strategic, budgetary and other plans are a kind of standards, based on the deviations of the performance indicators of which control is carried out. The coordination function ensures the consistency of the actions of all structural units of the enterprise.

The most complex processes that include the management of an organization are decision-making. There are a number of methods that allow you to effectively carry out this process. These include: system analysis, modeling of management processes, expert analysis, idea generation ("brainstorming").

The effectiveness of the organization's management depends on the observance of its principles, which are the integrity of management, hierarchical orderliness, target orientation, a combination of centralization and decentralization, optimization and scientific validity of management and democratization.

Organization management is a holistic system for managing resources, finances, personnel, information, costs, production processes and a number of other aspects in order to make a profit and ensure the development of the enterprise.