The oldest empire in the world. The largest countries in the world

  • 15.10.2019

The territory of our planet is divided into countries. Each state has its own history, language, traditions, territory ... The borders of countries are clearly defined. Borders are both land and sea. There are also neutral territories. If you look into history, you can see how modern countries were created, alliances were formed, and now non-existing states, cities, peoples went into oblivion. There are currently 251 countries on our planet.

The territory occupied by the country is of great importance for its development, cultural characteristics and economic opportunities. Of great importance is the location, climate, the presence of natural resources, and much more, including the size of the territory occupied by one country.

As you know, the largest country in the world is Russia. The territory of Russia is about 17,098,242 km2. The capital of Russia is Moscow. In second place is Canada. Canada is already much smaller at 9,976,139 km2. Capital of Canada: Ottawa. In third place is the United States, not so far gone third place from second. The United States covers an area of ​​9,826,675 km2. The capital of the USA is Washington.

Place of the country in the ranking Country name Capital Continent Area in sq. km.
1 Russia Moscow Europe 17 098 242
2 Canada Ottawa North America 9 984 670
3 United States of America Washington North America 9 826 675
4 China Beijing Asia 9 596 961
5 Brazil Brazil South America 8 514 877
6 Australia Canberra Oceania 7 741 220
7 India New Delhi Asia 3 287 263
8 Argentina Buenos Aires South America 2 780 400
9 Kazakhstan Astana Asia 2 724 900
10 Algeria Algeria Africa 2 381 741

Land accounts for 29.2% of the planet's surface. This entire area is occupied by about two hundred countries. Half of the land area of ​​the Earth is divided between the ten largest states, and in two countries - China and India, more than 35% of the total population of the planet lives.

The largest countries in the world by area

We present you with a list and short description ten largest countries in the world in ascending order of area.

10. Algiers

The area of ​​the country is 2,381,741 km². The state is located in the northern part, the capital is the city of Algiers. The bulk of the population are Arabs. Berbers, the oldest African ethnic group, inhabit the foothills of the Atlas and a significant part of the Sahara regions. Most of the people are Muslim. Algeria is adjacent to the territory of six countries and the lands of Western Sahara. Neighbors are Mali, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger. The northern part goes to the Mediterranean Sea. In Algeria, there is a unique Ink Lake, the ink from which is used to make ink and pen paste.

9. Kazakhstan

The area of ​​the country is 2,724,902 km². Kazakhstan is located in Asia, the capital is the city of Astana. The ethnic composition is represented by Kazakhs, Russians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Ukrainians. Representatives of other nationalities are few in number. Kazakhstan washes the Caspian and, which are inland. Neighboring states include Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is in Kazakhstan that the world's largest cosmodrome "Baikonur" is located.

8. Argentina

3. PRC

The largest Asian state, with an area of ​​9,597,000 km². Beijing is the cultural center and capital of China. 56 nationalities live on the territory of the country, the population is distributed unevenly. China is washed by 4 seas of the Pacific Ocean. It borders on fourteen states, including Russia. Shanghai and Beijing are the largest cities in the world in terms of population density. The country is rich in architectural and natural attractions. Tourists are recommended to visit the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven and Ancient city Pingyao.

2. Canada

The area of ​​Canada is 9,984,670 km². The capital is the city of Ottawa. The state is located in North America. The population is represented by Anglo-Canadians, French-Canadians and small ethnic groups. The shores of the country are washed by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. In the south and northwest (with Alaska), Canada is adjacent to the United States. Their land border is the longest in the world. Most of the lands that fall on and mountainous areas are not developed by man. Natural complexes border on large cities. The population of the country is doing everything possible to preserve it in its original form. In Canada organized set national parks. are the natural wealth of the country. Notable natural monuments include the Montmorency Falls, the Bay of Fundy, the Rocky Mountains and Slave Lake.

1. Russia

Russia, with an area of ​​about 17,100,000 km², is undeniably the largest country on earth. There are more than one hundred and sixty nationalities living in the Russian Federation. 12 seas belonging to the basins of the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The land border of Russia extends over 22,000 km. It neighbors with fourteen states, including China, North Korea, Norway and Finland. The country is unique in every way. Due to its great length, nature is striking in its diversity. IN different corners you can see glaciers and alpine meadows. The territory of the Russian Federation is covered with a dense river network and countless lakes. Each region has its own unique natural monuments: Lake Baikal, the Altai Mountains, the Valley of Geysers, the Lena Pillars, the Putorana Plateau, etc.

Largest countries in the world by population

If we take into account the population as of 2018, then the list of the largest countries on the planet will look like this:

  1. China - more than 1.39 billion people;
  2. India - more than 1.35 billion people;
  3. USA - more than 325 million people;
  4. Indonesia - more than 267 million people;
  5. Pakistan - more than 211 million people;
  6. Brazil - more than 209 million people;
  7. Nigeria - more than 196 million people;
  8. Bangladesh - more than 166 million people;
  9. Russia - more than 146 million people;
  10. Japan - more than 126 million people.

There are more than two hundred countries and individual territories on the planet, which are located on 148,940,000 square kilometers of land. The set of the largest countries occupies more than fifty percent of the land area, and some occupy a rather insignificant part.

Scientists periodically compile lists of the territories of the world, distributing them by area or population. Defining the largest and smallest world states, they use a certain classification.

Classification by the size of the occupied area

Dwarf countries include twenty-four countries, which are mainly located on the territory of Oceania. There are also eight small, fifty-six medium and small states. There are twenty-one large and significant countries each, and there are only seven giant states on the planet.

The largest states in Europe

Although Europe is one of the smallest parts of the world, the European population is ten percent of the world's. There are quite a few large states on the territory of Europe, some of them are also on the list of the largest areas on the world map. The list of the three largest European states by area includes, such as Russia, Ukraine, France.

Russia occupies the largest area in Europe. This is a huge area stretching from Eastern Europe to Northern Asia. The borders of the Russian Federation are in contact with eighteen other countries. The division into the European and Asian parts occurs with the help of the Ural mountains and the Kumo-Manych depression. The area of ​​Russia is 17,125,191 square kilometers.

Ukraine is the second largest in Europe. Its borders are entirely in the eastern part of Europe. Ukraine borders on seven states and is washed by two seas. The area of ​​Ukraine, excluding the territory of Crimea, is 576,604 square kilometers. It occupies five and a half percent of the entire territory of Europe..

France is the third largest European state. The territory of France includes overseas regions and the main part Western Europe. The area is bordered by many European countries and is washed by vast sea areas. France occupies one fifth of the territory of the European Union and has an exclusive maritime economic zone extending over eleven million square kilometers. The area of ​​France is 547,030, and taking into account overseas possessions - 674,685 square kilometers.

Rating of the five largest countries in the world

The largest part of the land on the planet is occupied by giant states. The list of the five largest countries in the world by area includes:

  • Brazil;
  • China;
  • Canada;
  • Russia.

Brazil is the largest country South America and ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest countries in the world by area. The borders of the state are in contact with the borders of all countries of the continent of South America. On the east side, Brazil is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The largest city State - the capital of Brasilia. The area of ​​Brazil is 8,514,877 square kilometers. About two hundred million citizens are registered in the country.

The next place in the ranking is occupied by the United States of America. This large state is located on the mainland of North America. The country is the fourth in the world in terms of area and the third in terms of population. The United States borders on three states - Russia, Canada and Mexico, and is washed by the waters of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The USA is divided into fifty states and one federal district. The area of ​​the USA is 9,519,431 square kilometers.

China is third on the list. The People's Republic of China not only occupies a large scale of territory, but also has the largest number population of all countries in the world. China occupies the territory of Eurasia, borders on fourteen countries. The shores of the state are washed by the seas and the Pacific Ocean. China covers an area of ​​9,598,962 square kilometers. The population of the state is more than one billion people. The state is composed of thirty-one territorial entities, four cities under central control, five autonomous regions and twenty-two provinces.

Canada is the second largest state in the world. It is located on the territory of North America and is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic oceans. Canada borders with France, Denmark and the United States. Canada is divided into ten provinces and three territories. Canada is conditionally divided into four parts: the Appalachians, the Great Plains, the Canadian Shield and the Cordillera. On the territory of the state there are the largest lakes - Upper (the largest freshwater in the world) and Bear Lake (one of the ten largest on the planet). Canada occupies 9,984,670 square kilometers of land, where more than thirty-four million people live.

What is the most big country in the world? The largest one is the Russian Federation . It occupies a third of the Eurasian continent, borders on nineteen states - seventeen by land and two by sea. Highest point Russia - Mount Elbrus, scattered throughout the country more than two million reservoirs with fresh and salt water. Hundreds of rivers over ten kilometers long flow through the Russian Federation. Russia is divided into forty-six regions, twenty-two republics and seventeen subjects - territories, federal cities and autonomous regions. On the vast area of ​​Russia, which is 17,125,407 square kilometers, more than one hundred and forty-six million inhabitants live.

The largest countries in the world are advanced economies, interesting culture, traditions and customs. All of them have ancient interesting story cooperate with many countries in the world.


The total area of ​​planet Earth is 510 million km2, while the area of ​​all continents is only 149 million km2 (30% of the total area). About 50% of this territory belongs to only ten countries, which will be discussed in our rating - These are the top 10 largest countries in the world. By the way, in total There are 206 countries on the planet, of which 194 are independent states.

10. Algiers

Territory: 2,381,740 km2 Population: 37 million people Capital: Algeria

Opens ten largest countries in the world the only representative of the African continent, the Algerian People's Democratic Republic, or simply Algeria, is the northernmost and largest independent African state. Most of Algeria is in the Sahara desert. The country's main source of income is the gas and oil industry. In terms of oil and gas reserves, the country occupies one of the leading positions in the world. Despite this, more than 17% of the population lives below the poverty line. Although the country is not in the top ten,. A familiar picture.

9. Kazakhstan

Territory: 2,724,900 km2 Population: 17 million people Capital: Astana

The post-Soviet country with a rich historical and cultural past - Kazakhstan is located in 9th place. Like Russia, Kazakhstan is a Eurasian state, most of which is located in Asia. Like Algeria, Kazakhstan can be classified as a gas and oil tycoon.

8. Argentina

Territory: 2,766,890 km2 Population: 41 million people Capital: Buenos Aires

One of the two Latin American countries in our ranking- Argentina. The birthplace of two past and present, Maradona and Messi, is named after the precious metal - silver, which later turned out to be not much there. Interesting fact- in the capital of Argentina, you can walk along the longest street in the world - on the street, the numbering of houses goes off scale for 20,000.

7. India

Territory: 3,287,590 km2 Population: 1 223 million people Capital: New Delhi

One of the two world leaders in terms of population, India, also has a huge area, more than 3 million, and the seventh largest country in the world. The country's economy is trying to keep up with the excellent indicators of population and area. Potentially, the Indian economy is one of the world's leading economies in the future. Homeland of Hinduism and Buddhism and, of course, tea.

6. Australia

Territory: 7,686,850 km2 Population: 23 million people Capital: Canberra

The only mainland country in the ranking is Australia, a mainland in which the opposite is true - hot and summer in winter, and cold and winter in summer. Despite the vast territories in the possessions of Australia, not all of them are available for life. On the territory of Australia and in its coastal waters there are many unique and very, and the population of the country, on the contrary, is not very numerous. Despite this, Australia's human development index is the second in the world, and the GDP is 12th. Interesting fact: search the search engine with the query "how do Australians see the world?" and you will be pleasantly surprised. Perhaps even something inside you will turn over.

5. Brazil

Territory: 8,511,965 km2 Population: 197 million people Capital: Brasilia

The second and last Latin American country on this list the biggest countries is the largest country in South America. The birthplace of carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and of course the most football country in the world. For any person interested in sports, Brazil in the first place is 5-time world champions in football and the birthplace of Pele, the king of football. The capital of Brazil - the city of Brasilia was built in just 3.5 years.

4. China

Territory: 9,640,821 km2 Population: 1 347 million people Capital: Beijing

Every sixth inhabitant of the planet is Chinese. Almost 1.5 billion people of the country received in the course of history the 4th largest territory of the state in the world (6% of the total land area on the planet). It is difficult to talk about China, because it is the first in almost everything. Take a look at the country of manufacture of 10 household appliances in your home and you are guaranteed to find something from China. There is no need to talk about the achievements of Chinese athletes. USA on Olympic Games Now there is someone to compete with.

3. USA

Territory: 9,826,675 km2 Population: 314 million people Capital: Washington

The United States of America, with , won in this ranking, the biggest countries an unusual bronze award. The most "democratic" country in the world, well, at least they say so - has all the prerequisites for this: the first GDP in the world, the vast territory in the center of North America. It is washed on both sides by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The population of the country, as well as the area, is the third largest among all countries. One thing is bad - tornadoes and cyclones with violent force and enviable regularity set the bashing of the inhabitants of the United States.

2. Canada

Territory: 9,976,139 km2 Population: 34 million people Capital: Ottawa

The northern neighbor of the United States, which bypassed the competitor in terms of occupied territory by only 3 France or Spain. That's just not the whole territory of Canada is also suitable for life, and the country's population compared to the occupied territory is ridiculous - only 34 million people, which is why the population density is one of the lowest in the world. Despite all this, Canada, with its ecology and nature, for many remains the "promised land" and the dream of a lifetime. Interesting fact: the northernmost settlement in the world is in Canada, and the length of the borders is a record. All this is due to the large number of people in the eastern part of the country.

1. Russia

Territory: 17,075,400 km2 Population: 143 million people Capital: Moscow

Far ahead of pursuers and competitors - Russian Federation the biggest country in the world. A Eurasian state, most of which is located in Asia and in lands unsuitable for human life. The richest country in the world in terms of reserves of raw materials and fuel resources. It is also the longest country in the world - when people go to bed in the European part of the country, in the other part they can already lazily stretch and wake up. The most "neighboring" country - borders on 18 countries.

In the last article we talked about, in this publication we will learn about the largest countries. The largest country in terms of area is the Russian Federation, occupying 17,126,122 km². The largest country in terms of population is China with 1,368,779,000 people. More information on this subject can be found below.

Largest country by:

Owners of wide open spaces

To begin with, consider the TOP of the largest territories of countries and their occupied area:
  1. Russia - 17,126,122 km?;
  2. Canada - 9,976,140 km?;
  3. China - 9,598,077 km?;
  4. USA - 9,518,900 km?;
  5. Brazil - 8,511,965 km?;
  6. Australia - 7,686,850 km?;
  7. India - 3,287,590 km?;
  8. Argentina - 2,766,890 km?;
  9. Kazakhstan - 2,724,902 km?;
  10. The rest - 80 646 216 km?.
In the diagram below, you can clearly see these indicators in percentage terms.

As we can see, Russia occupies 11% of the land area of ​​the planet, Canada - 7%, China - 6%. Thus, these three countries occupy about 24% of the world's land mass. Now let's study the leading countries in more detail.

the Russian Federation

The largest country in terms of area is Russia, its area is 17,126,122 km².

Russia is the largest country in terms of territory, with a federal structure. Until 2014, the territory of Russia was 17,125,187 km², after Crimea was annexed in March 2014, the area of ​​the state increased to this figure.

Due to such a huge territory, Russia borders on 18 countries, which is the most record figure in the whole world.

The territory of the Russian state includes 85 subjects of the federation, of which:
  • 46 regions;

  • 22 republics;

  • 9 edges;

  • 4 autonomous regions;

  • 3 federal cities;

  • 1 autonomous region.

Russia occupies 1/8 of the land and is comparable not just with countries, but even with the continents.


The second largest country in the world is Canada, its area is 9,984,670 km².

Canada yields to Russia in terms of territory by almost 2 times. Like Russia, Canada is a state with a federal structure.

The territory of Canada includes:

  • 10 provinces;

  • 3 territories.

Canada is the largest state of the American islands, surpassing even the size of its neighbor on the mainland, the United States.


The third territory on the planet is owned by China, which occupies 9,640,821 km².

The area of ​​China is not too far away from Canada, when compared with Russia.

China includes:

  • 22 provinces (some sources indicate 23 provinces, including Taiwan);

  • 5 autonomous regions;

  • 4 municipalities;

  • 2 special administrative regions.

Despite its large area, most of the territory of China is occupied by mountains, about 67%.

"People's" countries

Consider the overall ranking of the most populated countries:
  1. China - 1,368,779,000 people;
  2. India - 1,261,779,000 people;
  3. USA - 318,613,000 people;
  4. Indonesia - 252 812 245 people;
  5. Brazil - 203,260,131 people;
  6. Pakistan - 187,878,027 people;
  7. Nigeria - 178,516,904 people;
  8. Bangladesh - 156,951,230 people;
  9. Russia - 146,200,000 people;
  10. The rest - 2,911,254,980 people.

As you can see from the table, the top three countries have a population equal to all those countries that are not included in the top nine. Now let's look at the top three in more detail.


The most populous country is China, which is home to about 1,368,779,000 people.

China's population is growing by 12 million every year. Since 1979, the state has switched to a policy of birth control, but having reached average rates, over time, the birth rate is gradually growing again from year to year.


The second country in terms of population is India, the country is home to 1,261,779,000 people.

Oddly enough, but almost 70% of Indians live in countryside. The state does not pursue any policy of birth control. Annual growth The population of India is about 14 million people.

Closes the top three countries in terms of population - the United States, they are home to 320,194,478 people.

The US population growth is about 8 million people a year. A fairly significant part of this number are migrants from other countries. The United States, exactly like other countries, will be very difficult to catch up with China and India in terms of population, and in conditions modern life- unreal.