How were the mesas formed? Tepui mesas, south america

  • 29.06.2020

Table Mountain (Vladikavkaz, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Table Mountain is depicted on the coat of arms of Vladikavkaz and is perfectly visible from the city. It is also present on the coat of arms of the Republic of Ingushetia, as it stands on its border with North Ossetia-Alania. This is one of the largest peaks of the Rocky Range of the Caucasus Mountains, its height is about 3000 m.

Table mountains or tabletop mountains are considered the oldest geological formations. Their peculiarity is a flat top and steep slopes, this form really resembles a table.

The Caucasian Table Mountain has always been revered by local residents, it was an analogue of the Greek Olympus, that is, it was considered the place of residence of the gods. The ruins of many sanctuaries, mainly from the 10th-18th centuries, have been preserved on the mountain. The oldest of them, Myat-Seli, dates back to the 4th-8th centuries.

Hiking trails are laid on the mountain, climbing them takes several hours, but does not require special physical training and equipment. The most convenient of them starts from the side of Ingushetia and is called the “path of the ancestors”, mass ascents of up to 300 people are organized along it at the same time.

Practical Information

Address: Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Prigorodny district. GPS coordinates: 42.868331; 44.703331.

The most convenient way to get to Table Mountain is by car, the road from Vladikavkaz will take about 40 minutes. You need to go along the A-161 highway (Georgian Military Highway), then turn onto R-109 and move to the village of Beini, where the road ends.

On the way, you will meet several checkpoints where only a Russian passport is checked.

On the Guiana Plateau of Latin America - in Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, there are rocks with flat peaks, named in the local dialect of the indigenous peoples - Tepui, which means "house of the gods." The Tepui rock formations are composed of sheer blocks of Precambrian quartz sandstone. Separated from the surrounding landscape, hanging in the form of islands 1-3 thousand meters high above, tepui are the owners of endemic flora and fauna. Rare flowers grow on the high plateaus - orchids and, due to rocky soils that are poor in nutrients and unsuitable for other plant species.

At one time, science adhered to the hypothesis that the biodiversity of the rocky hills of South America is relict, which has not passed the stage of mixing of species. However, recent studies by scientists prove that tepui were not as rigidly isolated from the environment as previously thought - for example, the endemic Tepuihyla got to the top of Latin American tepui after the mountain range had formed. Total in this region there are about 60 flat-topped formations.

The most famous mesas-tepui mountains in South America:

1. Roraima (Mount Roraima, 2810 m), peak area 31 km2. Inspired by Robert Schomburk's report on the rock mass of Latin America, which was presented to the Royal Geographical Society in 1844, Conan Doyle wrote his story "The Lost World" - it was Roraima who became the prototype of a mysterious mountainous country inhabited by outlandish prehistoric animals.

Roraima Tepui, South America

2. Auantepui. This table mountain is the owner of the highest waterfall in the world - Angel (979 m), falling into a lake with a depth of 807 m. In the language of the indigenous population - Pemon, the waterfall was called Kerepakupai Vena until recently. The current name is Angel, he received in honor of the American pilot Jimmy Angel, whose monoplane made an emergency landing at the top of the plateau in 1937. It took the angel and his three companions 11 days to descend the mountain and return back to the civilized world. Only 33 years later, the legendary aircraft was raised from the top of the mountain, restored in the Aviation Museum and hoisted at the entrance to Ciudad Bolivar Airport.

Auan Tepui, Angel Falls, Venezuela

3. Kukenan or Matavi Tepui (Matawi Tepui), 2680 m), 3 km long. The local population, the Pemon Indians, consider the lonely standing table mountain to be the country of the dead, and the Kukenan River originates here.

Kukenan Tepui, Venezuela, South America

4. Ptari (Ptari-Tepui, 2700 m). The classic version of the table mountain of South America - with a perfectly cut top and absolutely vertical slopes.

Ptari tepui, Venezuela, Latin America

Carnivorous Heliamphora flower on Ptari Tepui

5. Autana Tepui, 1300 m. This plateau is notable for the fact that a horizontally oriented cave passes through its thickness, penetrating the rock through and through.

Tepui Autana, South America

6. Sarisarinam (Sarisarinama). The study of the mountain plateau began in 1961, when pilot Harry Gibson noticed unique natural holes on its flat top. Vertical cave-wells go deep into the rock - the longest of them has a length of 1.35 km.

Tepui Sarisarinama, Venezuela

Table mountain Tucumcari (Tucumcari Mountain) in Mexico is not much different from the tepui of the Guiana massif - at 1517 meters it rises above the South American savannah. Opened in 1793, the hermit peak caused a lot of controversy on the sidelines of scientists on the subject of age: at first it was assumed that the table mountain was formed during the Jurassic period, then it turned out that the rocky formation was younger and belongs to the Cretaceous period.

Tucumcari, Mexico

Nature has not bypassed Argentina either - there are also lonely mountains with horizontal ends on its territory - the duet of peaks of the Sierra Negra massif is located near the city of Zapala, famous for its coffee plantations. In addition to coffee, this region of South America is rich in precious metal deposits. In the depths of the mountain range there are gold mines, which have recently been run by the Canadian company Goldcorp - according to experts, about 0.5 million ounces of gold per year will be produced at the mine over the next 9 years, in July 2014, the first 100 kg were withdrawn from the stone depths.

Sierra Negra, Argentina

Table mountains of North America

Canyonlands National Park national park) in the state of Utah, near the city of Moab - a vivid example of eroded lands with multiple canyons, hills and mesas, between which the Colorado River and the Green River flow. The park is conditionally divided into three zones: Island in the Sky, Needles and Maze, each of which is remarkable in its own way. "Island in the Sky" is an extended plateau 366 m high, indented by the Colorado channel 305 m deep, with highest point White Rim, The Needles Zone is famous for its well-preserved mud dwellings and the "stone newspaper" - Newspaper Rock - with petroglyphs carved into the rocks. In the Maze zone is the Barrier Canyon, the most inaccessible part of the plateau, where rock paintings and pictograms of ancient hunter-gatherers dating back to 2000 BC have been found.

Canyon Land, Utah, USA

On the border between Utah and Arizona lies the Monument Valley with solitary flat-topped peaks sometimes reaching 300 meters. The local Navajo Indians call this area, which belongs to the Colorado Plateau, the Valley of the Stones. Terracotta color mountains are caused by the presence of iron oxide in the rock, and the darker, gray-orange hue of some rocks is caused by manganese oxide. In the 1950s, uranium, vanadium and copper were mined in Monument Valley.

Monument Valley, Utah, USA

In the state of Colorado, on the green plateau of Mesa Verde, is located national park- This is the country of Montezuma - ancient city, built by the Pueblo people (Anasazi Indians) many centuries ago. Over 600 rock dwellings were erected between 400 and 1200 AD. at the foot of the emerald table mountains and in their thickness, but after a 25-year drought, people were forced to leave their inhabited place.

City of Montezuma, Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA

Glass Mountains or Gloss Hills - mesas in the western region of Oklahoma (USA), rise above ground level from 46 to 61 meters. The array of hills with flat tops got its name back in 1820 from the first explorers of America due to sparkling inclusions of selenite.

Table Mountains Glass, Oklahoma, USA

In Oklahoma, on the Great Plains, there is another similar natural formation - the Black Mesa Plateau (Black Mesa, 1516 m) with a length of 270 km - on the top of this table mountain, native Indians have set up their camps for centuries.

Black Mesa, Oklahoma, USA

Over the coast of Cuba, in the province of Guantanamo, hangs the high plateau of El Yunque (El Yunque, 575 m), resembling a blacksmith's table in outline - this feature of the mountain served as the impetus for choosing its name: "yunque" is translated from Spanish as an anvil.

El Yunque, Cuba

Table mountains in Africa

Mountain fortress or Amba - the so-called table mountains in Africa - rocky plateaus in northern Ethiopia, composed of sandstone. There are three ambas in the Amhara region at once: Amba Geshen or Amara, Wehni and Debre Damo. The Amba Mountains are known as a place of imprisonment for brothers and male relatives of the king of Ethiopia, including sons. The unfortunate fell into a high-altitude dungeon immediately after the coronation of the heir to the throne and left it only after his death. When the sad tradition was annulled, in a remote mountainous area - in temples on the tops of rocks, they kept the treasures of the royal dynasty. Mount Geshen is famous for its Orthodox Church Lalibela in the form of a cross carved into the rock, and the table mountain Debre Damo (2216 m) is a Christian monastery of the 6th century.

Table mountain in Africa Debre Damo, Ethiopia

Orthodox monastery Lalibela on the table mountain Geshen, Ethiopia, Africa

African mesas in northern Ethiopia

On the territory of Ethiopia, many rocks with vertical slopes and a flat top are scattered: Amba Aradam (2756 m), Amba Alagi (3438 m), Kundudo (3000 m). In 2008, a lost stalagmite cave with ancient rock paintings was discovered on Mount Kundudo. Here is the habitat of the only population of wild horses preserved in the world.

Ammonites on Kundudo Mesa, Ethiopia

Coral stalagmites in a cave on Mount Kundudo, Ethiopia, Africa

The most famous African plateau in the world is the Table Mountain (1084 m) of Cape Town (South Africa) with a length of 3 km. It is also the symbol of the city, featured on its flag. A striking feature of the African mountain plateau - orographic clouds, almost constantly enveloping its top, form, as it were, a tablecloth on a flat tabletop. Local natives attribute unusual cloudiness to the devil lighting his pipe in the company of the pirate Van Hunky - this is an ancient legend associated with Table Mountain. The age of the South African Table Mountain, built of hard gray quartz sandstone, is about 500 million years. The 2,200 species of plants growing on the high plateau are endemic and found nowhere else in the world. The symbol of the country of South Africa is , unique species which are represented in Table Mountain National Park.

On the territory of Namibia, there are also several well-known rocky hills with a cut end: Etjo (500 m) with a length of 10 km, Grutberg (1840 m), Waterberg and Gamsberg. The table mountains of Namibia received their strange names in the Aryan way from the first German explorers.

Table Mountain Etjo, Namibia, Africa

Table mountain Gamsberg, Africa

Table Mountain Waterberg, Africa

Table mountains of Western Europe

An unusually beautiful rocky formation with a flat end in Ireland (County Sligo) - table mountain Ben Bulbin - is part of the array of green Darty mountains. The name comes from the Irish word Binn, which means "peak", and Ghulbain, "jaw". Table mountain Ben Balben was formed about 320 million years ago due to the movement of ice from the northeast to the southwest of the island, during the Ice Age. Once upon a time, a high-altitude plateau was under the thickness of an ancient sea, as evidenced by fossilized marine organisms - shells and found by scientists in all layers of the rock. Ben Bulben is composed mainly of limestone and mudstone, a fine-grained sedimentary rock composed of petrified mud and clay.

Table Mountain Ben Bulben, Ireland, Europe

Table mountain Monte Santo (Monte Santo, 733 m), adjacent to the flat-topped rock of San Antonio in the Siligo region, is a landmark of the island of Sardinia (Italy).

Table mountain Monte Santo Sardinia island, Italy

Australian table mountains

Terracotta rock Uluru (Ayers Rock, 348 m) is considered the "heart". Aborigines of the Anangu tribe settled in this area 10 thousand years ago, after a spring was discovered, beating directly from the top of a stone hill. Sacred to the natives, the table mountain of Uluru is shrouded in an ominous haze - it is believed that it brings bad luck to those who try to climb it or take a piece of stone with them.

northern mesas

In the northern latitudes, dining or table-top mountains have their own name - thuya (tuya). Tui are rock formations with a flat top, formed as a result of a volcanic eruption under the ice, as a result of which the lava came to the surface and transformed into solid basaltic rocks after cooling.

Thuja Brown Bluff, about a million years old and about 1.5 km long, is located on the northern tip of Antarctica. Red-brown tuff at the foot of the table mountain smoothly turns into an ash-gray top, cut by erosion. Brown Bluff is a World Bird Sanctuary, home to an extensive bird colony of 20,000 pairs of Adélie penguins and 550 pairs of gentoos penguins.

Table Mountain Brown Bluff, Antarctica

On the territory of Canada, mainly in British Columbia, there are whole groups of high mountain plateaus. One of them is the 2021-meter table mountain Table Mountain, standing in the middle of Lake Garibaldi.

Table Mountain The Table, Canada

In the northern regions of the United States, you can find mesas-tuyas, formed on the site of stratovolcanoes and as a result of the descent of glaciers. In Oregon, there is the Hayrick Butte Plateau (1683 m) - this is a type of subglacial volcano with absolutely vertical slopes. At a distance of 3 km from it is another thuja volcano - Hogg Rock (Hogg Rock, 1548 m). Unlike other table formations, Hogg Rock has one gentle slope, along which a road is laid to the top of the plateau.

Table Mountain Hayrick Butte in Oregon, USA

Diomede Islands in the Coastal Strait

The unusual Diomedes Islands, the smaller of which belongs to the United States, and the larger of which belongs to Russia, are subglacial dormant thuja volcanoes in the Bering Strait with a flat top. During the Cold War between the USSR and the USA, Diomedes, between which the state border passes, were symbolically called the "ice curtain".

In contact with

Ireland is a country of legends, green hills and various extraordinary beauties of nature. And one such strange but beautiful wonder is Mount Ben Bulben.

Mount Ben Bulben is located in County Sligo, in the far north-west of Ireland, 10 kilometers north of the city of Sligo. The height of the mountain is 527 meters. Ben Bulben towers over the entire county of Sligo and is its symbol. Along with Knocknary and Croag Patrick, Ben Bulben is one of the 3 most famous mountains in Ireland.

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According to Irish legends, the monstrous boar from Ben Bulben lived on this mountain, which Diarmuid killed and buried in the hill of Lech-on-muik, near Drumcliff. In Drumcliffe, at the foot of Ben Bulben, according to his desire, the great Irish poet W. B. Yeats is buried.

It is believed that today the mountain looks exactly like this during the last ice age. It is known that initially it had a high "hump", which was cut off by a creeping glacier. Ben Bulben is composed almost entirely of limestone rocks.

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Mount Ben Balben belongs to mesas. table mountain(German Tafelberg, Spanish mesa- in lane. table) - a mountain with a truncated, flat top. As a rule, table mountains are composed of sedimentary rocks. The slopes of such mountains are usually steep, almost sheer. In the section, this type of geological formations has an elongated shape, that is, in one of the directions, the plateau at the top of the mountain is elongated. Table mountains owe their shape, truncated in the upper part, to the processes of denudation - erosion and weathering. One of the varieties of table mountains are those mountains in which their flat top is not composed of sedimentary rocks, but is covered with a hardened volcanic crust of lava.

AT Ireland, since the thirteenth century, there has been a highly developed and popular genre of place poetry. The description of mountains, valleys and lakes in a nostalgic and romantic way, often combined with the lamentations of an exile, is a typical feature of Celtic bardic poetry. One of the poems of this genre is Oisin's praise of Mount Ben Bulben (its original, "real" name is Benn Gulbain), whose powerful silhouette dominates the city of Sligo in the west of Ireland - in that region that is often called the "country of Yeats".

The poem refers to the so-called Finn cycle:

Benn Gulbain is not the same now
gloomy and gloomy, like death,
and, it happened, from those heights
it was amazing to see!

Leap of deer through the bushes,
the wheezing of dogs and the cry of catching -
you knew many strong
O mountain of great battles!

Herons groan in the evenings,
wind noise in the night branches;
it was amazing in the morning
listen to the singing of the first birds.

See the young warriors
brave Fenians of the forests,
and on their leashes -
fighting ferocious dogs.

Feel the chill of the night dew
that lay on the side of the mountain,
hear the fox yelp,
the lonely cry of an eagle.

Or sitting on a stump
listen to the thrush pipe ...
Patrick! a century has passed, what a day,
it was wonderful to live then.

But even if Ben Bulben were an ordinary mountain, it still remained no less attractive for travelers - the beauty of its slopes will captivate the heart at first sight. The gently sloping slopes are overgrown with dense green grass, and at around 300 meters in height, the mountain begins to rise sharply, almost vertically - this is the phenomenon of Ben Bulben. Travelers say that the mountain is especially beautiful at dawn - but it's better to see once than hear a hundred times!

Tepui mountains are one of the most famous and mysterious mesas in South America. They are located on Guiana Highlands. The age of these mountains is approximately 200 million years. They consist of a single block of quartz or Precambrian sandstone.

What are table mountains?

The name "Tepui" was coined many years ago by a tribe of Indians and means "house of the gods". The height of the mountains can reach 2000 meters. They rise dramatically above the jungle vegetation and have steep rocky slopes and a flat top. It is these mountains that are called mesas.

Table mountains tepui located partly within the Canaima National Park in Venezuela. Together with the park itself, they are included in the UNESCO list. The reason for this was the presence of unique flora and fauna of the mountains. Being a place where no man has gone before, tepui preserved unique ancient species of extraordinary plants. The most beautiful of them are the oldest orchid plants, as well as unique carnivorous plants that eat small representatives of the animal world.

Climate on the surface and slopes Tepui Mountains in South America varies depending on the season and time of year. Sometimes there is a drought in the mountains, or on the contrary, heavy rains pour. The average air temperature ranges from 5 to 20 degrees. On the tops of the highest mountains of Tepui, the temperature at night can drop to 0 degrees. The air temperature depends on the measurement height.

The highest mountains of Tepui.

The highest are located Tepui there where the borders of Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana converge. The Pico de Neblina mountain reaches its maximum height. Its height is over 3000 meters. Unusual can be called a few more famous mountains. For example, on one of the mountains of Tepui is the highest Angel Falls in the world. The name of this table mountain is Auyantepui.

Tepui called Autana is not huge, its height is only 1300 meters. Main Feature This mountain is a cave that runs through the entire interior of the mountain. But this is not all the features of the Tepui mesas, which are fraught with mysterious South America.

Thanks to its unusual flora tepui are the most famous in the world mesas. One of the brightest representatives of the most ancient vegetation is the Sarisarinyama tepui. On the surface of this mountain there are quite deep funnels of a round shape. At the bottom of these funnels, unique and mysterious species of representatives of the plant world have found shelter.

With all the advantages of the tepui mesas, it is better to see them once than to hear about them many times. Their majesty and perfection is what every tourist visiting South America needs to see. Tepuy Table Mountains is a miracle of nature that must be imprinted in your memory forever.

To begin with, let us recall that for our ancestors, large-scale work with stone was not difficult:

In South America, entire layers of mountains were cut and/or sanded to build landing strips (as we now understand them):

So, let's begin.

We pay special attention to polished surfaces.

Time takes its toll, so the majority will not be as obvious as we have seen, but the essence of this does not change and it is difficult to call them purely "natural" (read, without the participation of the mind, as our science implies) formations.

For comparison, a marble quarry:

The principle of stepped plantations is mainly used in Asia for rice, but there is something similar in other places. For example, for salt in Peru:

Can you imagine the scale of such work with a pick and shovel? This is how much land you need to carefully cut to get this?

From the satellite, these steps are poorly visible, but there are such comrades:

In general, the entire south of China is full of traces of terraforming, and there are enough such examples all over the planet. we'll talk about them separately

Fast forward to South America, Machu Picchu

Here the meaning is slightly different, but the essence is the same

North America, Grand Canyon. The scale is different, but the essence is the same

"natural" steps and polished wall in one bottle

Again Asia:

For comparison:

Q: How were these steps formed?

A: Lots of information, there were different types and purposes everywhere. Somewhere, the spirits of nature work together with the population, shamans negotiate with them, they help to equip and maintain water bodies, so that it is easier to catch fish or something else. You can also come here to communicate with the spirits, so as not to disturb them in the forest and so that they themselves do not disturb you in the house, it turns out, like a temple on outdoors. If you do not come to an understanding with the elements, all these terraces will quickly collapse, you need to tame flows. The keepers of the area must give the go-ahead, otherwise it won't last long. It is a process of mutual learning for all. People enter into an agreement with the area, spirits, animals, plants, minerals, the Earth, equip their small world, everyone gets a piece of experience, because the space is also alive.

Somewhere by agreement with the locals, their gods, the creators helped them, taught agriculture. Settled here, trained, left. Some terraces were used as beacons to make the reflection of the waters easier to see from above.

In other places, times and branches, after cataclysms or, leaving wars, the remnants of civilization with the remnants of tools made themselves such heavenly corners. In some, it even goes like a 3D printer did. Moreover, somewhere they immediately created a mountain along with steps, that is, the rock was initially built up in layers, and somewhere they made steps in an already finished mountain. Different civilizations had different relationships with stone and space, but the majority did not just negotiate with them, for them it is part of the learning process, wise teachers, guides, mentors. In places and without the participation of people, there were no physical treatment, so to speak. But this does not mean that there was no Intention, it is in everything.

There are places where there were quarries, they were later adapted. In our time, people hardly make these mountains, they mainly repair what is left ... Previously, on each step they grew their own specific product, not even necessarily a plant, they could also grow crystals, some materials they needed for construction ... each deity could be responsible for its step and its product. The specificity of agriculture is such that on different floors it allows different plants to get along better, to conduct currents through the roots, without interfering with each other, but complementing each other and the local microclimate. Now this knowledge has been lost, many plants no longer exist, so rice is mainly grown.

Q: Why are there so many such mountains in Asia?
A: The specifics of civilization. There is a connection with the nests... a connection with the dragons... it seems to be their technology.

This passage talks about another planet, but the essence of this does not change:

Q. Let's look at the ether densification technology, how do they do it?
A. I see many huge funnels reaching into the sky, like ice cream cones, hanging vertically to the ground with a long and narrow end. Aether from the atmosphere is sucked into the wide neck by a spiral vortex, scrolls and exits from the narrow end of the already dense energy that lines the surface layer of the planet. In this layer, it is already possible to cultivate the bioworld, these are the various embryos, seeds that are being prepared in the laboratory.

Tornado - one of the types of ethereal whirlwind that works with the elements

Q. What about water, where does it come from?

A. Water is ether, just another state of aggregation. And air is all different states of ether.
Q. That is, all elements, and stones, everything is formed from the ether?
Oh yeah.
Q. What dominant consciousness is supposed to be on the planet? Here we have this man, and there?
A. Until this issue is resolved, those who have lost their planets will be offered to settle there. Therefore, apparently, there will be several consciousnesses, but first it must be equipped. Here is what we are doing.
Q. But these funnels - how are they projected? Are these mental constructs or machines? Who puts them up anyway? You?
A. No, these are not machines, This is Will. It’s not ours who set it up, other civilizations are engaged in funnels.
Q. Do you see them? Can you chat with them?
Oh no. They are very far away. They also send their performers, just like we send our laboratory assistants. They have a supervising center that sends its emissaries to set up funnels. They are not humanoid in shape, they are such dark balls that release rays of will and form these funnels. These balls do not have an individualized consciousness, there is no personal aspect, they do not know how to communicate personally with someone, or do not want to. I feel like they're made of dark matter. Such is their work, service - compactors of matter. They are from another world, from another space, there is nothing similar in our twelve dimensions. They were not on earth. ... in a balloon, I am very comfortable, I just rise high above the planet. Something very bright shines on me. Obviously, this is the Sun of this planet. It is her parent, she is his offspring.

Q. How did it create it? Can we say that it has allocated matter for it?
A. No, it did not single out, it attracted from the Primary Source a clot of primary matter, from which you can form your own planet. Here it warms it, as it were, fills it with its emanations, splashes, grows it, in general, then a solid surface is formed, inside it it forms a liquid crystal core and programs it, then it fills the near-space, this all takes a very long time) The atmosphere is like a layer around the planet, there is, but it has no clear boundaries, it smoothly passes into space with a different quality, but they do not mix, like colors in a rainbow - they smoothly pass. There are no lattices, domes, cocoons. Since it is not entirely clear what entities will inhabit the planet, this atmosphere does not yet have strict adaptation parameters for a specific group or civilization. After all, each civilization has its own requirements for external conditions on the planet. It will be hot for someone, dry for someone, etc. Therefore, for now, in general, as a sketch, it turns out, with basic parameters that can be subsequently adjusted. There are different services for this. For example, we work everywhere with biomass, with DNA, and on the ground too.

Q. What about planetary technology? Are they different, are there many? Can individual entities, civilizations, humanoids create planets?
A. Well, in general, we can say that the principle is the same. It's just that in this case the Sun is like a civilization with a highly organized collective consciousness and a huge energy potential, perhaps other groups of consciousnesses can also do this. I'm not sure I understand this correctly. It seems to me, all the same, from scratch - no.
Q. But they say that stars explode, collapse, what is it?
A. Yes, these are just events from a series of changes in evolutionary states. They also have birth, evolution and rebirth.
Q. And when a star explodes, can it harm the surrounding space?
A. First of all, you need some good reason for a star to explode, they don't just explode. The reason comes from the Primary Source, the causal field controls the processes. The Sun says that this is such a high hierarchy that the motivation of the Source is not discussed. So he decided to reform part of the galaxy, and this decision is irrevocable. Another thing is that He is the Supermind and the Law of expediency. Nothing is done to the detriment of someone, it cannot be such that in the liquidation of any celestial body all consequences have not been calculated. What may seem like harm to you is not at the macro level.
Q. Well, what could be the hypothetical reason? Could this be the elimination of any civilization?
Oh no. The main reason is a violation of the energy balance in some space. I feel such a grandiose scale of this Creation that I cannot even understand and explain - these are inhuman paradigms)
Q. The last question for him: Pyramids - do they relate to the densification of the ether?
A. He says that there were such technologies, but they are outdated. No longer used, the pyramids can no longer work in that original mode, they cannot be activated, resumed. After all, everything evolves, everything together, not only consciousness and technology, but the very quality of life-giving fire, life force. Therefore, as they say - New wine is not poured into old skins.

In the comments, they once wrote that there are similar terraces in Spain. And the inhabitants of the surrounding villages have no idea where they came from.
If you live near these terraces, ask the locals when and how they appeared.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because