How many years do they pay the governor's scholarship. Governor's Scholarship

  • 01.10.2020

Encouraging talented youth is an important part of the educational process. One of the ways to financially support schoolchildren and students who have shown diligence and achieved success is the governor's scholarship. This is a regional payment, the main purpose of which is to stimulate the desire for knowledge and new achievements among the young generation of a region, region or republic.

Governor's scholarship and award - what are these payments?

Any regional payments, which include the Governor's Award and Scholarship, are governed by local law. Therefore, in different regions, the conditions for obtaining, size and other nuances may differ significantly from each other.

In general, the governor's scholarship is a regular payment intended for schoolchildren and students receiving vocational education who have achieved certain success and, in the opinion of the commission, deserve material support. The scholarship is assigned either separately (for schoolchildren), or as an addition to the usual academic (students) for 1 year.

This is a voluntary and optional payment for the governor: in some regions, governor's scholarships are not provided for by law. It is paid from the local budget without the participation of funds from Moscow.

The Governor's Award is a one-time payment, also appointed for certain merits.

The tasks that are designed to fulfill regional incentive payments to representatives of talented youth:

  1. Encouragement of the expended efforts and the desire for development. Scholarships and awards financially and morally support schoolchildren and students: they know that their work is not in vain, and knowledge and skills are in demand.
  2. Increasing the prestige of education in the region and achievements in various fields among young people. Examples of payments inspire other pupils and students, motivate them to have a positive attitude towards the learning process and extracurricular activities.
  3. Preservation of intellectual resources and talented young people in the region. Very often, promising teenagers enter the universities of the capital and other metropolitan areas (the most popular cities for studying are Moscow and St. Petersburg), believing that there are more opportunities there. And most of the graduates no longer return to their native village. The unofficial name for this phenomenon is “brain drain”. As a result, there is a shortage of qualified young professionals or athletes in the regions. Governor's scholarships and awards are designed to make studying in the region more attractive.

Governor's payments are beneficial to both parties: the region retains promising young people, and applicants receive financial support and recognition of their success.

Scholarship amount

The size of the governor's scholarship in different regions is different, as well as the conditions for receiving it. They are legally established by the head of the region (therefore, the payment is called the "governor's"), and each year the amount of money and the features of receipt may change. The standard period for paying a state scholarship is 1 year.

Data for some regions:

  1. In the Moscow Region, gubernatorial scholarships are paid to minor children and teenagers. To receive the additional monthly payment, two conditions must be met: the applicant is studying at a state or municipal educational institution and has outstanding achievements in the educational process, sports or the arts. Receipt of payment is confirmed by a personal certificate, and the amount in 2017 was 27,000 rubles, and it is paid as a one-time payment for the entire year, which makes the scholarship look like no award.
  2. In the Samara region, students receive a gubernatorial scholarship - 10,800 rubles per semester.
  3. In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, payments are made every month. Their size and duration depend on the field of activity in which the teenager has achieved success. For example, outstanding young athletes receive 500 rubles a month, but can receive no more than 20 such scholarships. The law is more beneficial for those who have shown differences in education and science: 1,000 rubles per month without limiting the number of payments.

Scholarship spending is not limited in any way: the child can choose how to spend the money received from the governor.

Who is to be paid

As with the issue of the size of the payment, the conditions for obtaining are controlled by local law. Each region has its own requirements for applicants. A special commission can assign a governor's scholarship to schoolchildren and students, but applicants must meet the basic requirements:

  1. They study full-time and on budgetary funds in a state or municipal educational institution (school, college, university, etc.).
  2. They do not have grades lower than "good" ("4") at intermediate assessments.
  3. They have achievements and are recognized as promising.

A student receiving a governor's scholarship must monitor his progress: if he receives a “three” in the midterm assessment or for the year, the payment will be stopped.

Applicants may be nominated for the Governor's Scholarship if they have distinguished themselves and achieved success in:

  • research activities (distinguished by extensive knowledge, take prizes at the Olympics, participate in research and innovative projects, have scientific publications and grants);
  • sports (outstanding performances and prizes);
  • creativity (participation in exhibitions and competitions);
  • social activities (they are members of youth associations or the government, participate in student self-government and take an active life position).

Compliance with three criteria - budgetary education, the absence of "triples" and outstanding achievements - allows you to count on receiving a payment.

How to get the

The procedure for obtaining a governor's scholarship is strictly regulated in a special Regulation. The payment is assigned to applicants on a competitive basis. Usually, the amount allocated from the local budget to encourage young talents is limited. Therefore, the more applicants, the more difficult it is to receive a payment.

Participants of the competition must be recommended in a special application. It is drawn up by the municipal educational organization or the educational institution itself, which determine the list of candidates. The application is supported by the submission or petition of the head of the school or university.

You will also need to collect a package of documents:

  • copy of the passport;
  • certificate of residence;
  • a characteristic with the personal characteristics of the candidate and his achievements signed by the head of the educational institution;
  • a document on state accreditation of an educational institution;
  • an application with data on the personal account to which the state scholarship will be transferred if the application is approved;
  • a copy of the record book (report card);
  • grants, certificates, diplomas confirming the achievements of the candidate;
  • other documents established by the regional Regulations (for example, a certificate of family composition).

An application and a package of documents are submitted to a specially created council that awards gubernatorial scholarships on time: usually before the start of the academic year. Council members will analyze the information and papers provided, review each application and make a decision, which will be communicated to the applicant.

Detailed information about the features of obtaining state scholarships in your region can be found by contacting the leadership of the educational institution and immediately to the department of education.

You can find up-to-date information on your own on the Internet. Official resources indicate who is entitled to a scholarship, how much it is and how to receive a payment.

Governor's scholarship - voluntary support of talented youth by the head of the region. Its size, frequency and conditions of receipt are regulated by a special Decree. If the application is approved, the student will receive a good payment, which he can spend at his own discretion.

What is the Governor's Scholarship in 2019?

The size of the governor's scholarships in 2019

The number of scholarship payments, the amount, the procedure for granting and the frequency of payment depend on the region or region in which it is assigned. In addition, the well-being of the subject of the federation and the availability of the necessary funds for the payment of benefits play an important role.

Consider characteristics of the governor's scholarship on the example of some districts:

  1. offers students a payment of 30000 rubles for each academic semester. The region has 108 nominal scholarships for those who won prizes at research conferences.
  2. AT Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug scholarship amount - 1,000 rubles monthly. Additional payments are made in the amount 1000 rubles for creative achievement or 2000 rubles for sports.
  3. 65 scholarships are awarded in the amount of 20 000 rubles per year for outstanding achievements in science, creativity or sports.

Getting a Governor's Scholarship

Despite the fact that the amount of encouragement in individual regions is presented in different amounts, and the number of payments is assigned by the relevant decree, the procedure for assigning and the requirements for students are relatively similar. Adolescents who:

  • are trained full-time and at the budget department;
  • have ratings of "4", "5" or only "excellent";
  • noted as students with outstanding achievements in the creative or educational process, as well as in sports;

To receive benefits, the child must be in list of applicants for reimbursement, which is compiled by the academic council or commission. The composition of the commission is approved by a special order in the educational institution. Nominations for scholarships are offered by educational authorities.

The completed register is sent to a higher authority, where it is subject to approval and the further appointment of a scholarship. Typically, this body is Department of Education. The process takes place before the start of the school year. Information about the availability of benefits in the region can be obtained from the educational department of the university or directly from the educational department.


As a result, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The Governor's Scholarship is a voluntary measure of support for students with outstanding academic performance or talent.
  2. The amount and frequency of payment of the allowance is determined by the regulation of the region where the scholarship is paid.
  3. Each region imposes certain requirements on the students for whom the payment is assigned, as well as on the appointment procedure.
  4. The Education Department compiles and approves the lists of students who have been awarded the Governor's scholarship.

Scholarships in schools are not as commonplace as they are in universities or colleges. Nevertheless, students of Russian secondary general educational institutions can also receive various types of material support. For what merit do scholarships in schools pay?


Schoolchildren do not receive regular payments, like student scholarships for good academic performance, from the state. Special monetary assistance is intended only for those children who have achieved special success and are seriously ahead of their peers in some area - study, creativity, sports. Candidates for her appointment are usually nominated by the teaching staff.

Scholarships are very rarely paid out of their own funds. For example, the directorate of secondary school No. 28 of the city of Kaliningrad every year encourages students in grades 1-11 with cash payments, who excelled in scientific, intellectual, sports, cultural events of various levels - from urban to international. But such cases are rather an exception to the rule. Usually scholarships are paid to schoolchildren from local budgets, funds of large enterprises and charitable organizations. To get them, you need to go through the established procedure for selecting applicants.

Governors, regional governments, local administrations

Such scholarships are classified as regional and are appointed according to the results of the competition, which is held annually. The number of payments is usually limited. The amount of the promotion is independently determined by the region in which it is paid.

A scholarship from the governor can be regular or one-time (as a reward for winning an event). In the lists of applicants, in addition to students, you can also see high school students who managed to collect a special “baggage of knowledge”, as well as children of preschool and school age who have shown creative talents or outstanding abilities in their studies. As a rule, children who:

  • completed the academic year with 4 and 5 (round honors students have higher chances);
  • won or became prize-winners of the regional stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad;
  • distinguished themselves in scientific activities (received a patent or a grant for the development of their invention);
  • scored certain points in the Unified State Examination (subject to admission to a university or college);
  • have bright creative or sports achievements (then candidates are nominated by local authorities of culture, sports);
  • actively participate in the public life of the region, region.

Governor's scholarship for schoolchildren in the regions

Region Payout amount Notes, Terms of Service
Moscow region 27,000 rubles/year Personal scholarships of the Governor of the Moscow region for children and teenagers (up to 18 years old) with outstanding abilities in science, art and sports
Kaliningrad region

2 000 rubles / month

8 000 rubles / month

To preschoolers and schoolchildren for achievements in the field of education and science, culture, sports, social and public activities

Magadan Region 2 500 rubles / month Encouragement of talented and gifted children who are successful in studies, science, various fields of culture and social activities
Krasnoyarsk region 1 800 rubles/month Gifted students of grades 5-11 who have achieved success in olympiads, reviews, competitions, competitions, programs from the regional to the international level
Sverdlovsk region 1 500 rubles/month For achievements in the field of science, art, sports
Perm region 5 000 rubles/month Graduates who scored 100 points in two or more USE subjects and entered a university or college
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

1,000 rubles/month

500 rubles/month

For outstanding academic achievement

For success in creativity and sports

In most regions of Russia, schoolchildren are also allowed to participate in the selection of candidates for scholarships from local (regional, city) governments. It goes in different directions. For example, the competition for incentive payments from the administration of Tomsk is held in eight nominations. Students participate in five:

  • "Olympic Hope" - for athletes aged 14-18, 2,000 rubles;
  • "Youth Leader" - for activists of youth public associations (from 16 years old), 2,500 rubles;
  • "Clever and clever" - for students in grades 8-9, 500 rubles;
  • "Excellent student of the year" - for students in grades 10-11, 500 rubles;
  • "Young Talents of Tomsk" - for those who attend various circles, 500 rubles. These are scholarships for the youngest (from 3 to 15 years old) children with outstanding abilities in the field of vocals, dances, music, folk crafts, dramaturgy, etc.

In addition, many regional and city administrations establish their own types of incentive payments - in honor of prominent figures. For example, in Smolensk, fifteen best students are awarded scholarships every year. Prince of Smolensky Roman Rostislavovich. Its size is 740 rubles.

Charitable foundations

How often a child, whose innate thirst for knowledge literally pushes him to discoveries and accomplishments, has to give up his undertakings! The reason is banal: there is simply no money for a computer, classes in a circle, with a tutor or the purchase of a musical instrument ... In this case, academically successful, talented children and adolescents from socially unprotected (low-income or large) families can apply for help from a charitable foundation (BF) . Such organizations provide financial support and promote the further development of the child's talents.

In Russia, there are several large charitable foundations (including international ones) that conduct scholarship programs in various areas - for achievements in education, sports, and creativity:

  • CF "Creation". His scholarship program is designed for schoolchildren aged 12-18 and has a telling name - "Five plus". Those who have only fives in the report card (as an exception - 1-2 fours) are allowed to participate in it, and sports achievements, successes in music or art are behind them. The monthly amount of payments from 2020 will be 5,000 rubles.
  • Charitable Foundation "Help.Org". Founder of the program "Excellent students from large families." It is aimed at supporting hard-working, purposeful children aged 12 and over who bring straight A's from school and participate in subject Olympiads. The annual amount of the scholarship is 30 thousand rubles.
  • International Charity Fund of Yuriy Rozum. Its task is the comprehensive support of young musicians (from 7 to 18 years old). Therefore, only guys studying at music schools in any specialty can apply for the foundation's scholarships. Preference is given to gifted children who have lost their parents, and children from families in a difficult financial situation. The amount of scholarships is 1,500-3,000 rubles per month.
  • Dmitry Shparo Scholarship Fund. Thanks to subsidies from the famous polar explorer, schoolchildren aged 10-15 can go on summer trips around Karelia and the Krasnodar Territory. The main objective of the scholarship program is to expand the circle of children who want to achieve something in life, love nature and value friendship, understand that trials make a person stronger, and traveling around their native country develop their horizons and intellect. The scholarship ranges from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, but is not paid, but covers the cost of a ticket to the children's camps "Big Adventure". Its appointment does not directly depend on academic performance, but when selecting candidates, the foundation pays attention to the academic and social achievements (participation in olympiads, contests, competitions) of applicants.

Usually, charitable organizations impose rather strict requirements on young scholarship applicants - in addition to the fact that you only need to study at school for five, you also need to regularly send letters to the foundation with a story about your life, creative and scientific successes.

Companies and enterprises

Factories and manufacturing plants need idea generators. Therefore, various kinds of industrialists willingly encourage children who are successful in innovative, scientific and technical creativity, as well as those who are seriously interested in the natural sciences, with scholarships. Here are some examples of active support for talented students by enterprises in various industries:

Company Scholarship amount, rub./month Nominations in which scholarships are awarded Candidate Selection Criteria
JSC "Omsk Research Institute of Instrumentation" (JSC ONIIP) 500

High results in the study:

  • physics
  • mathematics
  • informatics

High GPA

Participation and prizes in profile (subject) Olympiads

Availability of publications (scientific papers)

Personal results (participation in socially significant events)

JSC "PO Electrochemical Plant" (JSC PO Zelenogorsk) 4 000

High results in the field:

  • natural sciences (biology, chemistry, ecology)
  • physical and mathematical sciences (physics, mathematics, informatics)
  • technical creativity (aviation, auto-ship modeling, motorsport and design, karting, robotics, technical modeling

Excellent results of the quarter, half year, year in the relevant subjects

Victories, prizes in the field of natural, physical and mathematical sciences or technical creativity

Kalinin NPP 12,000 (one-time payment) The scholarship is awarded to the winners of the contest "Clever and clever Udomly", which takes place according to age categories and takes into account a variety of achievements

High academic performance

Success in studies, sports, creativity, social life

With the help of scholarships, enterprises not only stimulate interest in studies and creativity, but also attract the attention of children to their type of activity. For example, the directorate of the Zelenograd electrochemical plant (one of the structural subdivisions of Rosatom) conducts an excursion to nuclear production for its fellows. When you see with your own eyes how energy is “born”! After talking with the leading specialists of the plant, many people are interested in the professions of the nuclear industry. Those scholarship holders who want to get one of the "atomic" specialties after graduation can apply for a targeted direction for free education at the appropriate university. Therefore, scholarships from enterprises in schools are one of the most prestigious.

Presidential Prize and Government Grant

A special prize for schoolchildren was established by the President of the Russian Federation and is awarded to the winners of international Olympiads in general education subjects. Victory in intellectual competitions among the smartest, in addition to knowledge, requires many non-standard skills and certain personal qualities. Therefore, the amounts that the guys receive for the glorification of their country in the field of science are comparable to payments at sports Olympiads. So, since 2019, the presidential award for Russian schoolchildren is:

  • bronze medalists (III place) - 400 thousand rubles;
  • silver medalists (II place) - 500 thousand rubles;
  • gold medal (winners of the Olympics) - 1 million rubles.

In 2020, the Government of the Russian Federation also established a grant for schoolchildren who won all-Russian or international olympiads and competitions in mathematics, computer science and digital technologies. Its size is 125 thousand rubles, the money is transferred at a time through the public services portal. It is planned that by 2022 the number of grant recipients will be 13,500.

Grants - for research and study abroad

Grants are a one-time cash payment for a specific purpose. Grant programs for schoolchildren are most often aimed at research work and study abroad. They are established by various organizations and funds - Russian and foreign.

For example, Siemens annually holds a competition of scientific and innovative projects "Technologies of Modernization of Russia" for students in grades 9-11 and college students. Participants need to offer their projects for the development of various sectors of the Russian economy (energy, industry, production, transport, ecology, social sphere). Winners and prize-winners receive cash grants from 20 to 350 thousand rubles.

Most organizations provide grants for study abroad. The main criterion in the selection of applicants is high academic performance, social and creative activity.

So, schoolchildren aged 15-17 who study German and are not indifferent to the culture of Germany will be interested in the competition "Bridge of Cultures - Russia and Germany". It is held every year by the Interregional Foundation "Interculture" (AFS Russia) and the Goethe Institute in Moscow. The finalists receive scholarships and various opportunities for further study of the language, including an uninterrupted stay in Germany for 10.5 months.

11th grade students who plan to enter the universities of the Czech Republic can participate in the Step into the Future program and study the Czech language at the Czech Prestige Prague Language School. Natalia Gorbanevskaya.

The largest annual study abroad grant program is United World Colleges. Her committee in Russia provides grants for pre-university education in 17 countries of the world to choose from. Scholarships are also paid. Students in grades 9-11 who have reached the full age of 16 at the time of the start of training are allowed to participate in the program. Proficiency in English is highly desirable.

Schoolchildren who love to shoot videos can also receive a solid grant or other prize. There are many organizations that hold video contests on a wide variety of topics. And the winners are rewarded.

For example, the Breakthrough Prize Foundation hosts the annual Breakthrough Junior Challenge, an international short video competition for schoolchildren. To participate, you need to explain in simple language and with the help of a short video (up to 3 minutes) the concept of any theory of physics, mathematics, biology or medicine. Age limit: 13 to 18 years old. The grant to the winner is $250,000. It can only be used to study at any university in the world. Applications and video materials are accepted every year until June 15 on the organizer's website.

In general, you can get a scholarship at school. The main thing that is needed for this is to do very well in all subjects and actively participate in out-of-school (cultural, physical, creative) education, participate in olympiads and competitions. Although, perhaps, skeptics will say that the small amount of scholarships is not worth the costs that additional classes require, and this is a waste of time, effort and money. But for young geeks, this is the first recognition of their scientific merits and a kind of payment for school work.

Document's name:
Document Number: 191-PG
Document type:
Host body:
Status: current
Acceptance date: October 02, 2003
Effective start date: October 26, 2003
Revision date: August 01, 2019

About the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education full-time...



On the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education *

Document as amended by:
Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated January 18, 2007 N 7-PG(Daily news. Podmoskovye, N 15, 01/27/2007);
Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated July 16, 2007 N 113-PG(Daily news. Podmoskovye, N 135, 07/28/2007, Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region, N 8, 08/27/2007);
Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated May 14, 2008 N 42-PG(Daily news. Podmoskovye, N 105, 05/24/2008, Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region, N 6, 06/30/2008);
(Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 09.12.2016);
(Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 06/08/2017);
(Official website of the Government of the Moscow Region, 08/01/2019) (entered into force on September 1, 2019).


* Name as amended as of December 10, 2016 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated December 9, 2016 N 536-PG..

In accordance with Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996 "On Additional Guarantees for Social Support for Orphans and Children Left Without Parental Care" in order to realize the right to education of orphans and children left without parental care, including those under guardianship (guardianship) and in foster families, persons from their number,
(Preamble as amended from December 10, 2016 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated December 9, 2016 N 536-PG.

I decide:

1. Establish from September 1, 2019 scholarships of the Governor of the Moscow Region in the amount of 6,000 (six thousand) rubles monthly for the period of education for orphans and children left without parental care, including those under guardianship (guardianship) and in foster families, persons of them aged 18 to 23, studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education in basic professional educational programs and in professional training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees.
Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2019 N 345-PG.

2. Approve the attached Regulations on the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education in basic professional educational programs and in professional training programs by professions of workers, positions of employees.
Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated December 9, 2016 N 536-PG; as amended as of September 1, 2019 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2019 N 345-PG.

3. When drawing up the draft budget of the Moscow Region for the next financial year and planning period, the Ministry of Finance of the Moscow Region should provide funds for the payment of scholarships specified in paragraph 1 of this resolution to the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on December 10, 2016 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated December 9, 2016 N 536-PG.

4. The Ministry of Press and Information of the Moscow Region (Barkovsky A.V.) to ensure the official publication of this resolution in the media.

5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Minister of Education of the Moscow Region Zabralova O.S.
(Item as amended as of September 1, 2019 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2019 N 345-PG.

Moscow region

B.V. Gromov

Regulations on the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education for ...

Governor's order
Moscow region
dated October 2, 2003 N 191-PG
(As amended by
since December 10, 2016
Governor's order
Moscow region
dated December 9, 2016 N 536-PG
. -
Cm. the previous edition)

Regulations on the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education in basic professional educational programs and in vocational training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees *


* Name as amended as of September 1, 2019 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2019 N 345-PG..

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for assigning and paying scholarships of the Governor of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the scholarship) to orphans and children left without parental care, including those under guardianship (guardianship) and in foster families, to persons from among them aged from 18 to 23 years old, studying in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) in full-time education, regardless of the organizational and legal form of ownership and departmental subordination of educational organizations in basic professional educational programs and in professional training programs for the professions of workers , positions of employees.
(Item as amended as of September 1, 2019 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region of August 1, 2019 N 345-PG.

II. Procedure for appointment, payment and grounds for termination of scholarship payment

2. Scholarships are awarded to persons specified in clause 1 of these Regulations and registered with the structural subdivisions of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, exercising the powers of guardianship and guardianship in the territories of the municipalities of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the guardianship and guardianship bodies), and are paid during the entire period of study until they reach the age of 23.

3. For the appointment of a scholarship, a certificate of enrollment in an educational organization is submitted to the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

The scholarship is appointed within 30 days from the date of submission of the specified certificate and is paid from the month of enrollment for training of the person specified in paragraph 1 of these Regulations.

If a student acquires the status of an orphan child or a child left without parental care during the period of study, the scholarship is assigned within 30 days from the date of his registration with the guardianship and guardianship authorities and is paid from the month following the month of acquiring the specified status.

4. Appointment, suspension; and the termination of the scholarship payment is made on the basis of the administrative act of the guardianship and guardianship body.

5. Payment of the scholarship is carried out by the guardianship and guardianship authorities for the past month no later than the 17th day of the current month by transferring funds to the personal accounts of scholarship recipients opened with banks or other credit organizations.

6. In case of violation of the deadlines for the submission by the student or legal representative of a certificate confirming the continuation of education in an educational organization in full-time education, by an administrative act of the guardianship and guardianship authority, the payment of a scholarship to the student is suspended. A certificate from the educational organization (with the seal and signature of the head of the educational organization) must be submitted to the guardianship and guardianship authorities on time - before March 1, June 1, July 15, September 15, December 15 of the current year.

7. The grounds for terminating the payment of a scholarship are: expulsion of a student from an educational organization, academic leave, with the exception of academic leave for medical reasons and child care.

The persons specified in paragraph 1 of this Regulation, upon completion of academic leave (except for academic leave for medical reasons and child care), have the right to re-apply for a scholarship until they reach the age of 23 years.

III. Control and reporting

8. The clause became invalid from June 9, 2017 - Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated June 8, 2017 N 257-PG..

9. Responsibility for the misuse of funds from the budget of the Moscow Region, provided for by these Regulations, is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow Region.

10. Control over the targeted use of funds from the budget of the Moscow Region, provided for the implementation of these Regulations, is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and state financial control bodies.
(Item as amended as of June 9, 2017 Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated June 8, 2017 N 257-PG.

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education (as amended on August 1, 2019)

Document's name: On the scholarship of the Governor of the Moscow Region for orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them studying in professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education in full-time education (as amended on August 1, 2019)
Document Number: 191-PG
Document type: Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region
Host body: Governor of the Moscow Region
Status: current
Published: Daily News. Moscow region, N 192, 10/15/2003

Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region, N 11, 05.11.2003

Acceptance date: October 02, 2003
Effective start date: October 26, 2003
Revision date: August 01, 2019