Restoration of the biofield and the whole organism. Strong prayer for the return of human energy

  • 20.09.2019

Photos from open sources

The aura or biofield is our protective field shell, a natural protection against subtle-material influences, therefore, when it is disturbed, a person gets sick and has a bunch of problems, from health to psychological ones.

Violation of the integrity of this field shell, radiates with the aggressive external influence of others. In such cases, they often talk about the evil eye. But this is also possible with psychological problems. Both affect health, vitality, and luck.

A breakdown in the aura is not necessarily created by some evil witches who look a lot like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale or a horror movie character ... Any person with strong energy, for example, your relative, a neighbor's grandmother at the entrance or a work colleague, is quite capable of providing it.

An attack on the biofield is a strong release of negatively charged emotional energy. The boss at work “got out of control”, the husband / wife shouted, or they quarreled in the transport (substitute the right one). All this can lead to a breakdown of the biofield.

The most dangerous attack of this kind is when your aura takes on a strong flow of negativity from a mentally abnormal, crazy person, for example, who has escaped from a dormice. There may not even be screams and insults, just hatred in the eyes and the release of a portion of energy.

A glance can kill. Even in works of art and historians have repeatedly described such facts.

Signs of breakdown of the aura or biofield

Loss of strength, general malaise, sometimes a slight chill, unwillingness to live, unreasonable fear, and sometimes panic attacks. If you have the whole package at once, and especially - there is just an unreasonable fear, then most likely this is not a banal acute respiratory disease, but a breakdown of the aura or, in a popular way, the evil eye. It is being treated. Run around looking for grandmothers-healers and graduates according to the most “I can’t” traditional healers, most often it is not necessary. Most of them are just honestly cheating fellow citizens, taking advantage of their complete illiteracy in this area.

Most often, in a relatively healthy person, it goes away on its own, in a couple of days. The aura is restored if you or others do not aggravate the situation. If nothing has passed in a week, and chronic bad luck and unwillingness to live are added, then perhaps this is not the evil eye, but damage. Pumping energy, which some healers offer, in the presence of a hole in the aura, is not very effective. It makes no sense to fill a leaky bucket, the energy will still go away. So the holes need to be covered first...

Aura restoration in practice

1. Stand up, bend your legs slightly, calm your breathing. Give yourself the installation that now you will restore your field and health. Smile.

2. Turn off thoughts, the estimating factor interferes.

3. Stretch your relaxed arms forward, to the sides, up, try to feel the elastic border of the cocoon shell. Most likely, the border will be able to feel the first time. Imagine it as a package of light. It has a spindle shape, like a cocoon of butterflies.

4. Try to spin the cocoon around its axis without moving the body. Just imagine it. At first it will go tight and it will seem that nothing is happening. Don't think about it. Just do it. Thoughts and mind are the enemies of this practice. Pay no attention to them. Inhale - half a turn of the cocoon, exhale - the second half turn. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise.

5. Walk around the room, try not to think about anything. Repeat the previous paragraph, but now imagine that the cocoon has holes, and the shell itself has become sticky and viscous, like honey, it sticks to itself ... When turning around the body, the holes swim and are smeared with this sticky shell and tighten the holes. Make 10 turns counterclockwise and 10 clockwise. After mastering this practice, the previous paragraph is not needed.

6. Now you don't have any holes, everything is overgrown and sealed. You have a whole and elastic aura, which has the correct shape and is able to repel any attacks ... Fix this picture in your mind ...

7. Immediately engage in work that requires maximum attention. This will force the mind to switch from "sticking the spokes in the wheels" to the process of restoring the aura to the new task. The result will automatically fix the subconscious.

After some time of practice, the restoration of the aura will take only a few minutes. The main keys of this practice are visualization, turning off thoughts and intention.

I deliberately did not write in this post about prayers and turning to "specialists", a religious egregore or other muddy external forces for help. A person is quite capable of performing the restoration of the aura on his own, without any dubious and paid assistance.

Not everyone knows how to restore their aura on their own, and many turn to psychics and magicians. In order to restore and strengthen the energy field, there are proven methods, using which everyone will feel a surge of vitality, an expansion of the worldview and their affairs will improve.

What is the aura made of?

The human aura consists of 7 subtle bodies, they have a direct connection with the chakras, which receive and process the energy of the cosmos. Chakras play an important role in the human body, they contribute to energy exchange with the outside world and increase the incoming cosmic energy into the human body. There are 7 types of chakras:

  1. Muladkara- is located in the area of ​​the falcon. Responsible for cell regeneration, immunity and the release of toxic substances from the body.
  2. Svodhisthana- located on the spine, 2 cun down from the navel, in the area where the genitals are located. Tsunem in China, the sages call the distance equal to the middle phalanx of the middle finger on the right hand. This chakra is responsible for human emotions.
  3. Manipura- located 2 cun above the navel in the solar plexus area and is responsible for self-awareness.
  4. Anahata- is located in the region of the heart and bears full responsibility for its work.
  5. Vishuddha- located on the spine in the region of the thyroid gland. Responsible for the self-realization of a person and his social communication.
  6. Ajna- located in the center of the brain. Experts call it the "third eye", thanks to this chakra people become clairvoyant.
  7. Sahasrara- this is the main of the chakras, it is located at the crown and is responsible for the communication channel with the cosmos.

Restoring the aura and chakras is the most important task, because the entire physical condition of a person depends on their normal work.

Reasons for the weakening of the aura

All feelings, such as anger, hatred, hostility, resentment and similar negative emotions have a negative effect on a person's aura and do not contribute to its strengthening. They destroy the shell of subtle bodies, and as a result, a person begins to feel a breakdown, he develops diseases, and he feels discomfort.

The damage or evil eye that "energy vampires" induce also destroys the aura very much, they literally make holes in the thin energy field of a person. Any evil energy directed towards a specific person, first of all, has a destructive effect on his aura, and after that, visible consequences appear.

The consequences of the weakening of the biofield

After energy attacks, the subtle field of a person is weak, and this is expressed as follows:

  • for unknown reasons, the child is teased at school, the teacher is scolded, and on a subconscious level, without realizing it, he tries to defend himself and starts skipping classes;
  • troubles begin at work, the authorities exploit, deprive of a promotion, scold;
  • out of the blue, there are difficulties in communicating with other people in the office, accounting at the checkpoint;
  • accidents happen, the will of a person is suppressed, and he as a person disappears;
  • diseases progress, and recovery is significantly delayed.

This is only a small part of everything that can happen to a person with a weakened aura, be cured of it. traditional methods will not work. So, how to restore the damaged aura and biofield on your own? This can be done through prayer, mantras, meditations and certain healing methods.

Ways to restore the aura

There are a lot of ways to heal the aura, but let's focus on simple, effective and accessible to everyone, with which you can clean energy field and protect yourself from the evil eye.

earth cleansing

The Earth is able not only to strengthen the aura, but also to cleanse the physical body of bad energy. To do this, there must be contact between the earth and the body. At home, this method cannot be applied. In summer or late spring, you can lie down on the ground and focus all your thoughts on getting rid of black, negative energy and all diseases. It is necessary to lie down only in natural clothes, you should not do this in synthetic clothes, since contact with the soil at the energy level will not occur. It helps to get rid of bad energy by digging into the sand or taking mud baths. In the cold season, you can do a simple procedure: touch the earth with a giving, and not with a taking hand with thoughts of cleansing from negativity. For a left-hander, this is the right hand, and for a right-hander, it is the left.

Cleansing with water

How to restore the human aura on your own with the help of water? Without fail, the source of water must be only natural - the sea, river or lake. While swimming, you need to fully focus on getting rid of the negative, and if there is no opportunity to swim, then you can simply draw water from the tap. Next, it must be left under open sky for 24 hours, the water during this time will absorb the energy of the sun, stars and moon. Arriving at the apartment, it must be added to the bath and bathed with the thought of cleansing from the negative, this will improve the effect.

Cleansing by fire

Fire is able to absorb any negative energy. It is necessary to spend only 1-2 hours by the fire and the negative energy will be removed by hand, only during this period you should get in touch with fire element and ask for the removal of bad energy. When weather conditions outside make it impossible to build a fire, you can clean the aura with ordinary candles indoors. To do this, you need to take 12 candles and make an impromptu circle out of them, then lie down in it and stay in this position until the flame of the candles goes out. In the interval, while the fire is burning, you need to ask him with all your thoughts to take away all the negative energy.

Air cleaning

Air is a very strong element and it is able to rid a person of any negativity and improve his condition. Being on outdoors when a light wind blows, you need to cleanse yourself in smoke, as our ancestors often practiced. Juniper branches are perfect for this, their smoke helps to restore the aura, as well as herbs such as wormwood, St. John's wort, sage and, of course, needles. Essential aromas perfectly condense the energy of the aura.

Grasses and twigs need to be fairly dry to produce high intensity smoke. In the event that there is nowhere to get the material at hand, incense is well suited for cleansing the aura. You will need to set fire to the grains of incense, sit down and read a prayer in its smoke for 30 minutes, it’s not bad if there is a recording of the bell ringing, listening to it in the smoke of incense has a beneficial effect on the aura.

Salt cleansing

Salt relieves a large accumulation of negative energy, our ancestors used it, many ancient scriptures can be found about this substance. Washing with saline solution is the simplest, accessible to everyone way of cleansing the aura. To do this, take a glass of salt and add some water to it. You need to wash yourself starting from the head, where the main Sahasrara chakra, which receives cosmic energy, is located. This enhances her performance. Gradually, you need to wash the whole body and finish the procedure with the washing of the feet.

Cleansing the Aura with Reiki

This method helps to even out the structure and thicken the aura, but the session should be conducted by an experienced healer. He stands to the left of the patient facing him and puts his left hand in his heart, and right hand he draws an ellipse around it, starting from the outside of the head, gradually moving to the legs.

After that, the healer draws the same figure, only starting from the legs and ending with the head. Such an ellipse is drawn continuously 3 times. The hand does not touch the patient, but is located 20 centimeters from him. Reika contribute to the healing of holes in the patient's aura and the healer, conducting a session, wishes love, kindness and healing. With the help of the Reiki method, even seriously ill patients can be healed.

Methods and ways of cleansing and enhancing the aura may be different, but they are all designed to bring good to the victim of the influence. negative energy to a person. They can be carried out independently and the main thing is to find harmony with your subtle bodies and clean the aura in a timely manner, contribute to its strengthening, because health cannot be returned.

The human aura protects against exposure negative emotions the surrounding world. Biofield - vital currents emitted by a person. Often these two concepts are combined into one. The difference between them is subtle. Meeting with energy vampire can significantly undermine the state of the biofield, pollute the aura. As a result, problems and constant stress pile up. People with weak energy cocoons are more likely to get sick and sink into depression. They are afraid to turn to psychics - there is a risk of running into scammers. How to restore the aura and biofield on your own? Esotericists know a number of ways that strengthen.

The consequences of the weakening of the biofield

  1. The child is teased at school and kindergarten. Teachers are scolded more often than other children. He does not want to study and skips classes, saving energy from the negative impact.
  2. At work, colleagues and superiors are biased towards a person. He is provoked into scandals, not given a vacation, exploited in every possible way.
  3. Difficulties arise in relationships with other people. Problems appear in personal life. The “holes” in the biofield have a particularly noticeable effect on the relationship of the spouses. The husband and wife have a common field, and both will suffer if one of them has weakened the energy protection. After all, he will restore the loss at the expense of the second half, even if unwittingly.
  4. Accidents happen more often than in a person with a strong aura.
  5. Becomes a tasty victim for energy vampires.
  6. Diseases accumulate, and recovery is delayed for a long time.

Cleansing the aura and restoring vitality

  1. Meditative practices will help restore integrity.
  • Sit in comfortable posture and relax your muscles. Close your eyes and even out your breath.
  • Imagine a colored energy cocoon around your body. The biofield will be pale and cloudy. Aura ordinary person extends almost a meter around the figure, but from depression and contact with vampires, it becomes thinner.
  • Visualize a ray of sunlight descending from the sky and entering the parietal region of the head. This is where the crown chakra is located.
  • Energize your biofield. The aura begins to pulsate and increase in size with each breath. The heavenly stream passes through the whole body in a spiral.
  • Talk to your subconscious and forgive yourself. Give him the command to renew the body's energy.

2. Purification of the aura is achieved through prayer. If you do not adhere to a particular religion, then try to turn to the Universe and Higher Powers in your own words. The main thing is that the appeal should be from the heart.

3.Watch more thrillers and horror movies. The biofield will prepare for the meeting with danger and harden to resist real negative flows. If you could not avoid meeting an unpleasant person, try the following action to restore your aura. Raise your hands, palms up, and take a slow, deep breath in, then exhale. Imagine how the energy of Nature permeates you through and through. Feel like an integral part of the universe.

4. The spiritual body is directly interconnected with the physical. Normalize your diet, give up fast food. Eat more fruits and vegetables, getting energy directly from the Earth.

5. Perform simple Tibetan gymnastics "Six Rituals" every morning, combining energy and material warm-up. You should start with three repetitions, weekly increasing by one time up to 21.

6. Suitable for aura renewal Chinese gymnastics taijiquan. The smooth movements of the exercises are suitable even for the elderly.

7. Praise yourself in front of a mirror. Think of the virtues and forgive the flaws. You should not exaggerate your pluses too much: keep the measure in everything and the biofield will be more durable.

8. Purification of the aura and restoration of vitality will not take much time if a person was initially set up for a positive perception of the world around him. Every morning, greet the Sun with a smile, even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds.

A person is accustomed to take care of food, appearance and housing. However, the energy cocoon, which is a natural barrier against negative biocurrents, also needs care and nourishment. Devoting an hour each day to health and recovery procedures, you will make your aura stronger and more reliable. Over time, it will become noticeable that the character of a person has become more confident. Such people achieve success much more often than those who do not care about the health of the energy body.

How to restore the aura and biofield on their own, a person chooses based on their preferences. The main thing is that these exercises should be aimed at replenishing the energy reserve.

Many years ago, our ancestors argued that a person has more than one material and visible body that can be felt. Each of us has a bioenergetic body that is still invisible to the ordinary eye, which is also called a biofield. Science, however, a few decades ago, denied the existence of such an intangible phenomenon. but modern research showed that the biofield really exists and carries information about the characteristics of the health and lifestyle of the individual. According to experts, each person, if desired, can influence the state of the intangible body on their own.

A physically and mentally healthy person has a harmonious flow of energy, due to which the shape of his biofield resembles an egg. However, in certain cases, against the background stressful situations, overwork, wrong way of life and different kind violations in the activity of the organism, in an intangible body, “twists” can be seen and even “holes” appear. Energy gradually leaks through such holes, which negatively affects the overall well-being. However, there are different methods to restore the integrity and harmony of the biofield. That is why we are talking about how to restore the human biofield on our own.


The strongest and most effective remedy for the wounded immaterial body is prayer. When listening or reading prayers, various micro-discharge processes take place inside our body, releasing additional energy and connecting the energy of the biofield with the unique divine energy of the quantum type. Due to this, the expansion and compaction of the non-material body occurs, it is effectively cleansed and restored.

As the researchers found, regardless of a person's religion, all prayers can have an approximately equal effect on an individual. Accordingly, for the restoration of the biofield by prayers, religion plays absolutely no role.

To cleanse and effectively restore the intangible body, it is recommended to resort to prayers at least three times a day. At the same time, in order to achieve a noticeable positive effect, it is strongly recommended to read the main prayer of your religion seven times. The text repeated seven times will help to saturate and purify the intangible body as much as possible.

In the event that you are not a follower of any religion, and are sure that God is one, you are recommended to read the seven canonical prayers for various religions. To enhance the effect of this practice, it is recommended to light a candle.

It is worth ending such a ritual with a prayer of gratitude, since in modern world a person rarely thanks the Universe for his existence.

Biofield harmonization

To restore a slightly damaged intangible body, you can also simply act on it, smoothing and leveling its structure. This method is great for applying to another person. He should lie on his back, and you should position yourself on the left side, facing him. Just smooth the aura with your right hand, as if drawing an ellipse from the side of the head to the feet, and then reverse side. The arm should move at intervals of twenty to thirty centimeters from the body. Such movements should be repeated three times.

You may well feel a slight resistance while touching the aura. However, even if you have not encountered such a feeling, the effect of manipulation will not decrease.

The same method can be used when the person is positioned on their stomach.

great way normalize the state of the non-material body and even cure it - learn several meditation techniques and practice them at least several times a day.

Also, a positive and fairly stable effect is exerted by the use of essential oils. For the treatment of the biofield, it is best to turn your attention to the oils of frankincense and lavender, as well as bergamot, rose and orange.

On sale you can find unique special additives that cleanse and restore the intangible body. This effect is observed when using cordyceps extract, which can have a beneficial effect on the activity of the whole organism. Even Tibetan monks actively used this supplement, combining it with reading prayers and meditation.

To restore the aura, you can use the method of positive affirmations, which consists in reading and pronouncing certain “I settings”, for example, “I am strong”, “I am healthy”, “I am beautiful”.

Listening to classical music has an excellent effect in restoring and maintaining the biofield in a normal state. Choose those songs that you like at the moment. As practice shows, such minutes of exposure help to eliminate even serious violations of the integrity of the intangible body.

Among other things, to maintain and treat the biofield, you need to try to slightly change your everyday life- avoid stress, quarrels and scandals, refuse bad habits and learn to love yourself. Minutes of unity with nature will benefit - leaving the city, etc.

There is another way to strengthen the human biofield - treatment using the exercise of Tibetan monks. It is the simplest. You need to stand up straight, spin around its axis clockwise as many times as you are old. Initially, you can reduce the number of turns to the minimum possible at which you will not fall from dizziness. Perform one or two approaches 3 hours before lunch and 3 after it.

Of course, you need to remember that only specialists can heal serious violations of the integrity and quality of the biofield. On his own, a person can cope only with minor problems in the state of the non-material body.

Tell me, can a candle restore an aura? Maybe you know how to restore the biofield yourself? Andrey

Good day, Andrey.

To begin with, so that there is no substitution of concepts, it is necessary to clearly define the difference between the aura and the biofield. The biofield is the cosmic energy of a person. It is also located in physical body, and goes beyond its limits, reaching the boundaries of the Universe. Therefore, it can be treated, exactly as it can be violated, while being far from the subject.

Aura is a concept of a less global scale. This is the energetic part of our physiology, which follows the contours of the body. It has not yet been sufficiently studied, but has already been recognized even by many practicing physicians. The aura is like an invisible shell for a person, covering the influence of bad energy during direct physical contact with other people.

It is not for nothing that, for example, Filipino healers, before starting manipulations with human body, first remove this energy shell. A damaged aura, just like a biofield, attracts many diseases, so monitoring the quality of these two substances is just as important as monitoring the state of your heart, liver, and kidneys.

Restoring an aura is easier than a biofield. Aggravating factors in this case are injuries, traces of operations, numerous moles. These are energy cuts to a certain extent. In this case, you can not do without professionals. But if you are not burdened by these problems, then a candle can help.

How to restore the aura with a candle

It is better to take a church candle. For safety, do not forget to put a jug with clean water. Sit on your knees in front of a mirror, light a candle. Look at the fire for a long time, shaking your body from side to side, until a state of some kind of trance sets in. Then go to the mirror, taking a candle in your left hand, and circle your image with it. Pray, read the prayer, "Our Father!", and go to bed.

Perhaps the flame will behave restlessly, which indicates a high degree of depravity of the aura. If after seven sessions the candle will also “worry”, you need to contact professional healers. And if she behaves calmly, then three such procedures are enough.

Restoring the biofield is a long process, but a pleasant one, because it is associated with the purification of the soul. Prayers, temples, meditation, essential herbs: frankincense, mint, lavender, bergamot, classical (Mozart is better). This is just part of the recipe. Try to do at least one good deed for strangers every day and not ask for gratitude for it. Remember how the poet said: “The soul must work both day and night!”