Year of the water monkey. Monkey in the elements

  • 23.09.2019

1980 - the year of which animal? This question is of particular concern to those who were born in the specified year and are passionate about horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to the presented topic.

1980 - the year of which animal?

According to 1980, this is the year of the White Metal Monkey. It starts on February 16 and ends on the 5th of the same month, but only next year.

The nature of the representatives

Born in 1980 (the horoscope will be discussed in detail in the presented article) are distinguished by their thirst for new knowledge and great ingenuity. Such people are well versed in technology, and also easily cope with any difficulties that are associated with technical innovations and devices. In addition, representatives of the Monkey sign have unbridled adventurism (in good sense the words). After all, they always strive to achieve their goals, and no obstacles will stop them in this.

Features of Monkeys

1980 - the year of which animal? Metal White Monkey. Such representatives never sit idle, as they are great workers. Before physical and difficult work they do not give up, and do not expect help from other people.

To be successful, the Monkey can work long and hard. She will never waste time. That is why such people with a little eagerness take up small business. Monkeys are smart enough, persistent and executive. He loves holidays and other entertainment events, but he never throws money down the drain.

Representatives of such a sign are very proud, always feel and show their superiority over others, in connection with which they are often lonely. Despite this negative quality, Monkeys are always kind to the people around them.

Personal life

It is not for nothing that many people are interested in the Chinese horoscope. 1980 gave our world a lot of different people... However, they are all united by one eastern symbol.

In the life of the Monkeys, more than one can happen marriage... After all, they are prone to love affairs and romantic excitement in all their manifestations. This is due to the fact that such representatives are extremely emotional and sensual.

Love relationship

Having found out, 1980 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that Monkeys, whether man or woman, attract the opposite sex with their openness, good manners and good mood... Of course, there are situations when it is quite difficult with these people. After all, it is problematic to create an honest and binding relationship with them for a long period. Although sooner or later the Monkeys are saturated with their riotous behavior, they calm down and quite rarely deviate from their spouse.

What problems can arise in a relationship?

If your partner is a Monkey, then you are probably interested in his eastern horoscope. 1980 is a period when unpredictable people were born. At the very beginning of a love relationship, when they have not yet been formed in the proper way, even a small mistake can quite scare the representatives of this sign. Often, minor oversights on the part of their other half are perceived by the Monkeys as a personal insult. That is why, in order not to lose a loved one, at the initial stage, maximum care should be shown to such people.

One cannot ignore the fact that all Monkeys are subject to a sharp change in mood. Quite often this happens for no apparent reason. However, this period does not last very long.

After the love relationship becomes stronger and more permanent, all disagreements and misunderstandings will be smoothed out and settled. In this case, the Monkey will become a reliable and supportive partner. It is also worth noting that people of this type literally stick to their soul mates. As a result, after the breakup, they are unable to create new relationships.

Monkey tendencies

1980 - the year of whom according to the horoscope? We answered this question a little higher. Now I want to tell you about what the representatives of the Monkey sign are inclined to.

Such people are quite energetic. This quality makes them suitable for any existing profession. Monkeys have imaginative planning abilities. They are considered cunning and real virtuosos, especially when it comes to bypassing enemies or competitors. They are smart and see through any situation. If the Monkeys set a goal for themselves, then nothing can stop them from achieving it. It is generally difficult for such people to imagine that they can fail.

It is important to remember that there are certain areas of activity and skills that they should especially focus on. In addition, it should be understood that the Monkeys have a limit in luck. They are advised to avoid gambling, including for money, as well as philosophical reflections.

It's no secret that most of these representatives have amazing ability correctly assess the risks. In addition, they have a keen sense of finance. The Monkeys have a feature that helps them accurately understand problems, accept new challenges and delve into details until the correct solution is found.

Usually such people are endowed with good organizational skills. Among other things, they work will do, which implies various studies with immediate results.

Positive features

Year of birth - 1980. The horoscope of such people is quite interesting. After all, Monkeys are very temperamental, emotional and sensual. In addition, such representatives are intelligent, loyal, sincere, inventive and intellectually developed.

Negative traits

Due to its emotionality, the Monkey can easily offend a person with a word. In addition, she is capricious, careless, cunning, boastful, arrogant, sometimes too petty and loves to indulge her own desires.

Suitable professions

Such people most often choose the work of a consultant, doctor and stockbroker. By the way, there are quite a few Monkeys among architects and literary figures.

Love horoscope

1980 - the year of which animal? An exhaustive answer to this question was presented to your attention at the very beginning of the article. In the same section, we will tell you in detail about which signs the Monkey can have an alliance with, and with which it cannot.

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • 1992 February 4 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • 2016 February 8 - element of the year fire

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more headstrong character than its other brethren. These people have great ability to deal with very difficult situations. In addition, they are thrifty, pragmatic, they know when and where they can profitably invest their money. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent personalities, but they have some drawbacks: they are so focused on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around, which is why they are often not trustworthy. These Monkeys are the most cordial and express their feelings more vividly than others.

The metal monkey is sure that she was born to shine in society and never spares her strength to prove it. And since her artistry is on top, she has every chance to become a famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive and of all its brethren, moreover, it is still very touchy. Her understanding and discernment help her adapt well to any environment. She has a talent for crawling through the eye of a needle and making use of it. But deep down in my soul it is good man, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily open her plans.

This person is witty and unusual. Eccentric and empathetic, she is able to easily destroy any obstacles with just her personal charm. Among her shortcomings, there may be only indecision, and the inability to choose the right direction.

The Wood Monkey is very organized, rational, pedantic. She does everything well and wants others to follow her example. And since she is prone to command, she will impose her criteria wherever she can.

Hungry for fame, this Monkey will spare no effort to rise high. She has a developed intuition that allows her to predict some events, which she does with great benefit for herself. She is interested in everything new and progressive. However, very rarely the Wood Monkey is happy. She cares too much about the visible side, missing the point.

The Wood Monkey has an excellent sense of good opportunities... She can turn out to be a brilliant orator, a great politician, deep down she wants to do good deeds and receive gratitude for it.

Fire Monkey Sign

A bright cheerleader with the energy of a thermo power plant, this sign can turn out to be courageous, rushing headlong into the abyss and relying solely on his intuition. He has a strong competitive spirit: he always wants to be the first, open new paths and prove that his initiatives are the best. In this sense, he is an indisputable leader. Since he is very stubborn, he easily gets involved in an argument, especially if he is objected. First of all, those close to him suffer from his irritability.

Determined, quite sincere for the Monkey and very emotional, the Fire Monkey loves to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, having no idea of ​​fidelity. This is a great heartthrob who uses his eloquence and charm to conquer the opposite sex. But he is usually unable to maintain a long and lasting relationship.

The Earth Monkey has a calmer and more balanced character. She usually gathers around her a close circle of people she likes and does not seek to win the recognition of the crowd. This monkey is much more trustworthy than the rest of her sisters, because she has strong relationships with loved ones.

Since the Earth, among other things, represents matter, it is logical to assume that the Monkey, ruled by this element, is largely interested in earthly values. The Earth Monkey is very pedantic, in addition, it can be given to work like few.

Years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040

People, born in the year of the Monkey possess developed imagination and curiosity. It is these qualities that help them to always be aware of all events, and even if they don’t know something, they will always think of it. Monkeys have an unusual mindset - they constantly strive for independence, but, at the same time, expect help from others. They are happy to give advice, even when they are not asked for it, but they themselves react quite negatively when they have to follow the judgments of others. It is these people who most often ignore the instructions, trying to figure everything out on their own, which often causes problems.

In people born in year of the Monkey according to the eastern horoscope, a huge thirst for learning - as a rule, they have several formations or improve existing ones. They happily attend additional courses, read a lot of literature, which gives them the opportunity to hone their skills and knowledge. Monkeys are well-read, they have an excellent memory and it is always interesting to talk to them. They are well versed in literature, art and painting, as well as in the exact sciences, therefore in any society they are mistaken for their own.

According to the Chinese calendar, the people of the Year of the Monkey are distinguished by their scrupulousness in choosing their clothes - they are always elegant and sophisticated. Even when going to work in the country, they carefully choose their wardrobe so that it is both practical and attractive. Plus they are always neat. And this applies not only appearance, but also order in the house: everything lies in its place, the dust is wiped three times a day, and wet cleaning- literally every other day. By the way, they also prefer order in their life - they always think over every step, and plan every action.

Monkeys are naturally optimistic and have a well-developed intuition. In any, even difficult situation, they will always find a way out, and maybe several. They simply need this quality in a life full of adventures and adventures.

As the eastern horoscope says, people born under the auspices of the Monkey are born orators. They love to participate in various discussions and disputes, skillfully and unobtrusively convincing opponents that they are right. They are friendly and helpful, so they have many friends and supporters. They easily find a language with any person, even if they do not like him much. They are surrounded by many acquaintances who value their friendly relations, but with whom the Monkeys communicate only out of necessity. People born in the year of the Monkey quite often put themselves above others, but thanks to their friendliness, no one realizes this.

For those who were born during the reign of the Monkey, benefit is very important. For her sake, they are ready for anything - even deception and betrayal. Moreover, they will not be tormented by pangs of conscience. Moreover, everything is forgiven to such attractive persons, and their lies are perceived for the good.

People of the Year of the Monkey in everyday life. Monkeys strive for a beautiful lifestyle - they must have an expensive car, clothing and interior. To do this, they do not need to have a stable income, because there are loyal friends, loving relatives and people who are simply in love with the charming Monkey, who will lend and forget about it, make an expensive gift, or simply fulfill the dream of a sweet and friendly Monkey just like that. Those born this year without a twinge of conscience will use the benefits offered to them, delighting those around them with their love and attention.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Monkey. What cannot be taken away from the Monkeys is their ability to unite others for the sake of a set goal, therefore they make excellent leaders who are not only appreciated, but loved with all their hearts. For the sake of such a boss, subordinates are ready to go to any scams.

Those born in the year of the Monkey are quirky and very smart. Thanks to these qualities, their business always thrives. The only thing that can prevent this is the vanity of the Monkey. At the top, they immediately change the mask of friendliness for arrogance. And of course, someone, for example, a more influential person, may not like it. A disastrous result is also possible. But this is rare, as Monkeys are usually very careful.

Love of those born in the year of the Monkey. Falling in love with a Monkey is quite easy, because they know how to show themselves in all their glory - attractive appearance, demeanor, stylish clothes and intelligence. Usually, both men and women born in the year of the Monkey according to the eastern horoscope have a lot of fans, to whom they always give hope.

They are wonderful lovers, therefore, even having a family, they have connections on the side. But the surprising thing is that their betrayals are forgiven, and the reason for this is one - no one wants to lose them. Although most often few people know about their campaigns to the left, since they know how to love each of their partners as if they are the only one.

Family of people born in the year of the Monkey. For the Monkeys, the family has always occupied a dominant place in their life. For the sake of parents and children, they are ready to part with all their blessings. It is the Monkeys who will sell an expensive car and apartment in order to perform a vital operation for their close relative, it is they who will abandon their beloved woman, if an accidental relationship on the side causes pregnancy and childbirth, it is they who will fall under the surgeon's knife to donate a kidney or blood to a loved one man.

Monkeys make wonderful heads of families (regardless of their gender), who can provide their loved ones with everything they need and even more. Spouses idolize their soul mate, born in the year of the Monkey, and children adore, because they know that their mom or dad will do anything for them, no matter what they ask. However, even the most staunch Monkeys sometimes give up their position as an ideal family man - they can show aggression even over a trifle. The reason for this behavior is fatigue, so the Monkeys at least sometimes need to spend time outside the family and, better, alone.

Health of those born in the year of the Monkey. People born in the year of the Monkey are usually in poor health. From an early age, they are in hospitals with complications of childhood diseases, fractures and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But as they grow up, their immunity gets stronger, but they are reckless about their body, conducting tests on it - they choose risky sports, like to drink and smoke, and also spend a lot of time without sleep. As a result - exhaustion and a new blow to the body. In old age, Monkeys are usually obese, as they cannot deny themselves sweets.

Features of the character of the Water Monkey

People born in the year of the Water Monkey are reserved and wary. They do not tolerate criticism, if they offend them, they can smash everything in their path. They do not tolerate advice, therefore, among their entourage there are many listeners who admire the stories of the Water Monkey with admiration.

These people always think before doing something. They clearly act according to the planned plan, which they keep secret even from close people. Water Monkeys they are secretive in everything, including in the expression of their feelings: it is difficult to understand what they really think about their interlocutor, since they are usually nice and courteous in communication. At work, they are appreciated as excellent employees and excellent colleagues - they are executive and know how to keep their mouths shut.

Character traits of the Wood Monkey

People born in the year of the Monkey, elements of the Wood, dreamers. Thanks to their desire to learn something new and unknown, they can realize even the most incredible ideas. They are quite impatient, they are constantly active. If they do not succeed in their plans, they may drop the case halfway through.

Wood Monkeys- faithful friends, they will never leave in difficult times, even to the detriment of the interests of the family. It is this quality that usually becomes an obstacle to quiet family happiness, which the Wood Monkeys so strive for.

Features of the character of the Fire Monkey

People born in the year of the Fire Element Monkey are smart, energetic and respected in society. They are always aware of all the events happening around them. They can become a participant in a scam that they do not need either for pleasure or for profit.

Fire Monkeys do not tolerate those who are smarter and more persistent next to them, as they can ruin all their ideas. People born in the year of the Fire Monkey are very interesting, prominent and sociable. They are passionate lovers, so they often have romances on the side, but they stay with their life partners for life. If, of course, the other half is ready to endure the Monkey's betrayal.

Character features of the Earth Monkey

People born in the Year of the Earth Element Monkey are principled and educated. It is very interesting to communicate with them, as they will always listen and give correct and unobtrusive advice. Earth Monkeys they strive for knowledge all their lives, so they make excellent doctors, financiers and teachers. They prefer to set high goals for themselves, which will bring big money in the future, they do it gradually, but calmly and confidently, going to the top.

There are many rich people among them, since, unlike other Monkeys, they are not wasteful. However, they cannot be called stingy - they like to do charity work. They are respected and appreciated both as a fair leader and as a noble business partner. The family loves them and does not realize that the Earth Monkeys are capable of romance on the side.

Features of the character of the Metal Monkey

People born in the year of the Monkey of the element Metal, workers. They never waste time in vain, even during their holidays they try to make as many acquaintances as possible, so that later, if necessary, turn to them for help.

For Metal Monkeys it is very important to have financial independence, for which they are ready to work day and night, communicating nicely even with those who they do not like, but who have influence in society. These people do not like to throw money down the drain, but if the question is before a choice - entertainment and financial investment into it, or sitting at home and saving what they have earned, then the first option will be a priority - they cannot deny themselves the joy of having fun. By the way, it is this character trait that can cause discord in the family.

You can find out online which year it corresponds to which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element can be found on the page.

Eastern and Western traditions of perception and attitude towards monkeys are very different.

Europeans do not take monkeys seriously - they seem to them a parody of man, and in European mythology and art, monkeys personify the most evil human inclinations and vices. In the East, the attitude to the monkey is completely different. She belongs to the number of Divine beasts and is associated with such traits as agility, ingenuity, intelligence and cunning. In the year of the Monkey, initiative and smart people who become respected members of society. Years corresponding to the year of the Monkey in the Eastern horoscope: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The nature of people born in the year of the Monkey

The monkey is restless. She has beautiful intellectual abilities and an unbalanced, complex character. She is very intelligent, observant and endowed with excellent flair. And inner anxiety does not allow her to rest on her laurels. It is thanks to the imbalance that the Monkey is in motion all the time instead of living in peace, although the first serious achievements she already have in her youth and for many people they would be enough for the rest of their lives. The monkey does not go forward alone. A clear mind, charm and fortitude attract like-minded people and friends to her. Outwardly, the Monkey is affable and friendly. She rarely reveals her flaws in the open. And she has a lot of them: she is envious, not too honest and can change the rules in the course of the game. When people discover this, they most often forgive the Monkey: the good deeds that she did for others fall on the other side of the scale, and there are many of them. The monkey is faithful, reliable, knows how to keep secrets and is ready to actively help those nearby. Frequent mood swings and an invariably bright mind, observant and sometimes sarcastic, make the Monkey an extraordinary and interesting person.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility in love

The monkey is at one stage or another of the next romance every minute of his life. She is temperamental and in love. And she likes the same initiative and easy people. It is easy for her to find an object for love, and her strong bright character helps her to win the chosen one. True, these novels do not end happily, because in his choice the Monkey is guided by feelings and passion, completely oblivious to the nature of the partner and compatibility with him. After parting, she is not sad for long and soon gets involved in a new love adventure. There is always love in her life, only the person next to her changes. But she's not frivolous. Each time she hopes that now she will be lucky and she will find her “soul mate”. Monkeys are afraid of loneliness and dream of a family. To keep a partner, they are ready to make concessions and do a lot for him. Relationships are usually not broken off on their initiative. But in the next novel, the Monkey does not become more circumspect.

And another Monkey.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility in friendship

There are always many initiative and energetic people next to the Monkey. She is united with friends not by common secrets and sincere conversations, but by common plans and deeds. The monkey strives for something new and always easily finds "fellow travelers". She is loyal to friends and incredibly reliable. She easily pushes aside morality with strangers, but none of her friends can complain about her: she is not treacherous, not deceitful, obligatory, reliable and knows how to keep secrets. Friends trust her. The monkey takes to heart everything that happens with friends, is ready to advise, help, support and help them out. If she has any luck, she will not forget to share it with her friends. Friendship breaks only if a friend lets the Monkey down, acts meanly. The monkey is vindictive, she will delete the offender from among her friends and will take revenge for a long time and inventively. If you are honest with the Monkey, she will remain a faithful friend for life. The monkey is compatible in friendship with everyone except and.

People born in the year of the Monkey: compatibility at work

A keen mind and good learning ability make the Monkey successful in any job. She reaches the top in many professions and may not even suspect that her true talents are hidden in completely different areas. Early failures labor activity are perceived by the Monkey as a challenge and stimulate it to new achievements. Therefore, it is not so important what natural talents she has. She will be good everywhere: in art, politics, law, science, business, administrative work. It is better for her to work in a team or to lead - people willingly follow her. Working alone will not be so interesting for her.

With the help of energy channels, I will attract cash flow into your life and remove all kinds of blocks that interfere with your material well-being. The result of the work will be noticeable within a week.

, Fire Monkey, Earth Monkey, Metal Monkey, Water Monkey.

The Water Monkey is very restrained and wary, does not like other people's advice, painfully perceives criticism. She is a good strategist: before taking on any business, she will think it over well, and will clearly adhere to the planned action plan, in which she does not initiate anyone in advance. She does not trust anyone with her secrets, but she can easily unravel plans that she can use for her own purposes. This Monkey is attentive, sensitive, always goes to improve relations, which can ruin because of any trifle.

This is a materialistic Monkey who lives according to the principle "you - me, I - you". Likes to turn up his nose. Kind, but secretive. She will not act too bluntly or reveal her intentions. He knows how to patiently achieve his goal. Water gives the Monkey a strong sense of purpose. The Water Monkey is able to beautifully compromise and bypass barriers instead of wasting time and energy trying to overcome them.

The Water Monkey is original and distinctive; she gently motivates herself and others, and her ideas meet almost no resistance thanks to how skillfully and dexterously she presents them. She knows how to present everything in the most favorable light. Deeply understands how human relationships work and uses this knowledge to achieve his goals. V bad mood The Water Monkey becomes indecisive and absent-minded. But if she does not close herself from people, she will be able to get out of all the troubles with honor.

Water Monkey Chinese Horoscope

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive and of all its brethren, moreover, it is still very touchy. Her understanding and discernment help her adapt well to any environment. She has a talent for crawling through the eye of a needle and making use of it. But deep down in his soul, he is a good person, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily open her plans.

This person is witty and unusual. Eccentric and empathetic, she is able to easily destroy any obstacles with just her personal charm. Among her shortcomings, there may be only indecision, and the inability to choose the right direction.

Water Monkey Man

The whole life of a man of this sign is subject to strict rules. It seems that he is a little away from society, is in constant thought. Although he is a benevolent person, he feels free among a huge crowd of people. Do not hesitate to speak in front of a wide audience, and will also achieve loud applause. But still, the Water Monkey is a calm man, he likes to spend time alone. He enjoys thinking, reflecting, making hypotheses. Not distinguished by decisiveness, careful in judgments. But he will carry out the task entrusted with brilliance, because he will think through all his steps in advance. This responsible man is in good standing with the management.

The Water Monkey is a rather timid man, but proud. It is difficult for him to take the first step, he is too afraid to hear a refusal. But having made a choice, he will remain faithful to him until the end of his days. The chosen one can count on a calm family life without betrayal and lies. This is an amazingly loyal person, ready to devote himself to his family. True, one should not expect complete frankness from him, even with his beloved wife and children, he will not share his experiences. But he is always ready to listen, you can turn to him with any request. A man of this sign cannot be called a tyrant, but he will not allow himself to be pushed around. I am ready to compromise, will try to achieve peace and understanding between all family members.

Water Monkey Woman

This sweet woman seems defenseless and timid, she behaves so restrained. The truth will never miss its benefits, will find a way to defend its own interests. He will not swear, sort things out, but simply develop the correct strategy of behavior. Ambitious enough, it is important for her to prove her superiority. The Water Monkey is a woman not entirely decisive, this feature of her character prevents her from achieving success. Sometimes it is easier for her to cheat than to prove her case for a long time and persistently. This real woman who knows how to manage the feelings and emotions of other people, especially men. She has good intuition, hard work, therefore, most often she turns out to be a winner.

V love relationship The Water Monkey seeks understanding, she does not need a narcissistic egoist. A man should help her in solving problems, but do it as tactfully as possible. Most of all he values ​​reliability in people, but excessive talkativeness, obsessive behavior can push her away forever. He prefers to experience his failures alone with himself, can only open up to a limited circle of people. She will be happy with a man who is ready to compromise, cannot stand quarrels and scandals. A stormy showdown is too tiring for a woman of this sign. She likes a quiet, calm life, in which there is no room for jealousy and suspicion. Water Monkey for a strong marriage without parting and divorce.