Dream Interpretation: why do dragons dream? What does it mean to see a dragon in a dream? Why does a woman dream of a real dragon.

  • 17.10.2019

Dreams at all times were embraced by mystery and mysteries, fantastic images added special mystery to them. One such image is the dragon.

This symbol, this fantastic animal in different cultures had different meaning. In some he was revered and considered their protector, in others they were afraid and expected destruction from him, in others they coaxed him, giving him the most beautiful girls. To this day, the image of the dragon excites the hearts and minds of people, it is not for nothing that so many films have been made and books have been written in which the dragon is the main character.

But it is important for us to understand and reveal the secret of what the dragon is dreaming of. General value such dreams are a collision with something unknown, with something new and powerful that goes beyond your understanding and imagination. Let's look into gypsy dream book, the dragon portends great success and victory over himself.

But for a proper analysis, you need to pay attention to the details:

  • Real or artificial.
  • Sizes and color.
  • Dragon behavior.
  • Where is.
  • How many heads has.
  • Your behavior towards the dragon.

What is he?

1. If the dragon is alive in a dream, then this is a very powerful symbol, which means that you have such moral strength that you did not even think about. This dream should help you turn to yourself and begin to show your strengths. Unique opportunities are open before you, you just need to approach and take.

In a dream, you saw a toy dragon, which means that your fire is just emerging from a small flame. It may also mean that you do not believe in yourself and treat all possibilities with skepticism. If a toy dragon was in a woman's dream, then soon she will have the opportunity to babysit someone's child.

If you dreamed of a Chinese carnival, and on it a huge dragon made of fabric, which is controlled by people, then this portends that other people will influence your progress, your success. Therefore, try to listen to the advice of people who are authoritative for you, although, I must say, a random passer-by can throw you good idea Be open to people around you.

2. The more dragon in your dream, the more strength you have for action. The size of the dragon is directly related to the size of your personality.

The little dragon, the cub, says that you are not yet ripe for great feats and you need training and education. If you have conceived a big deal, and you dreamed of such a dragon, then you should prepare more carefully and take into account all the possible risks of such an enterprise.

The more heads the dragon has, the more contradictions are collected in you. There are certain qualities in your character that prevent you from reaching your goal. It is important to understand what exactly is stopping you, and start working on it right now, most importantly, do not look for the cause of your failures outside, the reason is only in you.

  • The calmer the color - blue, green, brown, the more inner confidence and calmness you have.
  • The more saturated and flashy color - red, orange, yellow, the more passionate and hot nature you are.
  • White - speaks of the predominance of masculinity, valor and honor in you, of the presence of male energy in you.
  • Black is female energy, a penchant for mysticism and sacraments, as well as flexibility and suppleness.

What have you been doing?

To understand what the dragon is dreaming of, you need to remember how he was set up for you.

If you dreamed of a dragon that is calm and friendly to you, then everything will work out for you, you will encounter very few obstacles. It means that fate favors your plans and you should not be afraid of anything.

The snake is aggressive - most likely, in order to achieve your goal, you will need to overcome difficulties and show perseverance, and somewhere stubbornness. If you see that he is guarding, then this suggests that all your hardships and given strength will be duly rewarded. Suddenly, in a dream, you manage to get close to gold, this promises speedy success or an increase in health.

If a dragon helps you in a dream, then be sure that soon someone from the leadership will lend you a helping hand and you will receive a long-awaited promotion.

If the dragon is fire-breathing, then you need to learn to control your emotions, because they can take over you. Try to limit your stay in an atmosphere that infuriates you, try to meditate more.

  • If the dragon in a dream is in a cave, this is to overcome oneself. You will need to go through the taming of your fears in order to receive the coveted "prize".
  • If you dreamed of a dragon in the mountains - it means that a little more - and you will find yourself on the top, which you have been striving for so long, you need to make the last push, and victory will be in your pocket.
  • Dragon in - to achieve the goal, you should be flexible and adapt to the current situation.
  • In a dream, the dragon is at the gates of a large castle - this marks prosperity and success, soon everything you want will come true.

If you see a dragon in the sky, this is the acquisition of new unexpected knowledge, possibly mystical. The main thing is that this knowledge will help you make your life happier. Therefore, do not reject what you consider stupidity and nonsense, maybe this is exactly what you need.

your behavior

If you attack a monster, it means that there are contradictions inside you and you do not believe in yourself. Perhaps not so long ago you made some decision that you are not sure about, and this makes you uncomfortable. Try to change your decision or influence its implementation.

If in a dream you kill him, then you will overcome your fears or find out and expose the person who manipulated you for a long time, as a result of which he will be punished. Such dreams usually occur on the eve of important events, before an exam or negotiations.

You are on a dragon - you will be able to comprehend new knowledge not without the help of your relatives. Therefore, be sure to contact your relatives, perhaps they know how to help you. If you study the Chinese dream book, the dragon you are saddled portends the appearance of a person with whom you will reach incredible heights in life.

So, the dragon is a mystical and mysterious symbol. To see him in a dream means to face yourself, your character, your fears and your growth zones.

As you know, in a dream you will not see anything! Moreover, along with real and events, we may also dream of fabulous ones or We suggest today to find out what the dragon means in a dream. For this purpose, we turn to several of the most complete and accurate collections of interpretations.

What the dragon dreamed about: Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

The answer to the question of what dragons dream of, this dream book interprets as a reflection of the prevailing in your real life a situation in which you are so dominated by passions that you allow yourself not only unkind, but also threatening statements against your enemies and enemies. If this is true, then try to get your emotions under control in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

if a dragon dreamed

This winged fairy-tale monster is interpreted by the compilers of this collection of interpretations as a symbol that portends the acquisition of wealth in the foreseeable future.

Fairy-tale winged Modern dream book

Dragons are considered in this collection as a warning that because of your tendency to succumb to passions and emotions, you run the risk of being at the mercy of enemies very quickly. To avoid such a situation, you need to learn to control your feelings and carefully weigh each of your actions.

Children's dream book: dragon

This one promises success to little dreamers. Perhaps you will win some competition or earn the best marks in the class in one or another subject.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Islamic dream book

Dragons, according to the authors of this source, are the personification of a strong and dangerous enemy, the existence of which you did not suspect. Moreover, the more heads the fabulous serpent has, the more powerful and terrible it is. Why does the dragon dream in the form of a man? Such a vision promises the dreamer the opportunity to avoid mortal danger, which will extend his life. For seriously ill people, the image of a fabulous winged monster in a dream can mean a quick death.

Icelandic dream book: dragon

If you dreamed that you tamed a huge one, then in life you will enjoy all sorts of honors and respect and will be able to achieve great success.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: if you dreamed of a dragon

If the fabulous serpent in your dream looks calm and peaceful, then perhaps soon you will gain unexpected wealth in the form of a big lottery win or inheritance. If you see that the monster is spewing flames and preparing to attack, then thanks to your rash words and reckless actions in real life, you risk incurring the wrath of others. Therefore, this vision serves as a warning about the need to reconsider your behavior.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers: Dragon

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations, this creature seen in a dream warns of the need to carefully weigh own words, as you run the risk of greatly offending or hurting your lover or lover.

Dream Interpretation ABC: Dragon Vision

This fabulous creature can serve as a reflection of the fear you experience, the nature of which you cannot understand. If you are constantly in a state of anxiety and cannot overcome this feeling, it may make sense to seek professional help. psychological help to return to normal.

A dream in which a dragon has huge beautiful strong wings promises you gaining support from a very powerful person. If the monster tries to attack you and spews flames in your direction, then you, on the contrary, run the risk of being in the hands of a powerful and wealthy person.

Fairy-tale serpent with wings: American dream book

The authors who compiled this dream book consider dragons as a symbol life force and a harbinger of great opportunities opening before you. Do not miss your chance and use the gift of fate. To dream of a dragon releasing a flame in your direction - to internal purification. If you dreamed that you killed this monster, then you can overcome all your fears.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn: if you dreamed of a dragon

This fabulous monster is considered by the collection as a symbol of vitality and potency. Perhaps the time has come for the dreamer to enter the full flowering of his powers and, as they say, gain the power of the dragon. If you dreamed that you were able to kill a winged, flame-spewing monster, then in reality you can take control of all your fears and achieve amazing success.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Gypsy interpreter

How does this vision explain this dream book? Dragons here act as harbingers of some dangerous undertaking. Therefore, when you see a winged serpent in a dream, in reality you should be careful and carefully consider your every action. If you dreamed that you defeated this monster, then fate will give you every chance to achieve great success. Don't miss your opportunity!

Mythological dream book: dragon

This fabulous monster with the wings of a bird or bat and the body of a reptile is present in the mythology of many peoples of the world and is regarded as a symbol of wealth and power. Therefore, if in a dream you saw such a monster, then in real life you will be patronized by a very influential person, promoted and succeed in business.

Fairy Winged Serpent: Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

The dreaming dragon, according to the authors of this collection of interpretations, reflects your tendency to be overly emotional and unrestrained in relation to people who are unpleasant to you. Try to get your feelings under control, otherwise you risk making enemies and being judged by the people around you.

The newest about the dragon

This symbol can also be considered as a sign that damage, the evil eye, or even a curse has been imposed on the dreamer. To cleanse yourself of negativity, it is recommended to visit the church. In addition, such a vision can serve as a harbinger of a situation in which you will become a victim of gossip and intrigue.

If you dreamed of a dragon: Dream Interpretation for the whole family

If this fabulous creature was seen by a man on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, then it acts as a warning about impending danger. Why does the dragon dream from Saturday to Sunday? Such a vision is considered extremely favorable and speaks of the possibility of bringing any plans and ideas to life, as fate will favor you.

The three-headed dragon is seen as a sign of the need to make a difficult choice between feelings and deeds. As they say, sitting on two chairs will not work, so you can lose everything. A dream in which you saw a winged snake with many heads warns that you may become a victim of gossip and intrigue. If the dragon in your vision looks menacing and spits out flames, then be on the lookout - your enemies begin to activate and build insidious plans against you. To defeat a monster is to commit an act that you will later regret for a long time.

For the fairer sex, a dragon in a dream is a warning about the need, as they say, to watch your tongue. Since in an emotional outburst you are able to say too much to people unpleasant to you, which can make them your enemies.

For children, the vision of a fabulous snake spewing flames portends success in school.

Mythological dream book Why is the Dragon dreaming?

A dream to see about the Dragon - In the folklore of various peoples, a giant winged serpent with the body of a reptile and the wings of a bird or bat is a symbol of wealth and power. In this aspect, dreams of high patronage, promotion, knowledge of spiritual secrets. However, there is another aspect - see Add. Russian version of the dragon serpent gornych.

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why is the Dragon Dreaming:

Dragon - The strong dominance of an alien semantic field to the detriment of the subject, causing the impotence of the subject. The dragon is a symbol of an obstacle, block, destruction of the environment, environment.

Autumn dream book What does the Dragon dream about in a dream book:

Dragon - The dragon may dream of something unusual.

Summer dream book What does the Dragon dream about in a dream book:

Dragon - The dragon can dream of distorting the facts.

Children's dream book What does a dragon mean in a dream book?

Why the Dragon is dreaming - A resounding success awaits you, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book What is the dream of the Dragon in the dream book:

Dragon - A dragon in a dream is a sign that you are subject to passions, allowing yourself unkind statements about people that are unpleasant for you. This dream calls you to self-control in dealing with people.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Dragon dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see a Dragon in a dream - This dream portends danger and trouble if you dream on the night of Wednesday to Thursday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, this dream is favorable. You can implement any plans and ideas, fate is favorable to you. The three-headed dragon portends contradictions between feelings and deeds. You will have to choose one thing, otherwise you will lose everything. A dragon with many heads - be vigilant, gossip will begin to spread about you. The dragon is aggressive, spewing flames, indicating that your enemies are not asleep. Defeat the dragon - you will do an act that you will regret.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Dragon what does it mean

Dragon - See - wealth; messenger of fate; attacks - high patronage, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Dragon dreams:

Dragon - Wealth in the distant future.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Dreaming of a Dragon

Interpretation from the dream book: Dragon - portends the birth of a noble offspring.

Dragon - Sitting on a dragon, you plunge into the water. - You will take a high position, you will become noble.

Dragon sleeping in the water. - You will achieve what you strive for.

What is the dream of the Dragon standing in front of the gate. - Great happiness, prosperity.

The dragon is dying. - Foreshadows the appointment.

The arrived dragon rises up the mountain. - Whatever you wish will come true.

The dragon hides in the well. - You will suffer humiliation from an official.

The dragon is flying. - Your appointment will be made public.

Riding a dragon you enter the market. - portends a high appointment to a high position.

Why the dragon is dreaming - The dragon and the snake crawl through the door. - Portends wealth, profit.

A dragon or snake crawls into the hearth. - There will be an appointment.

The snake turns into a moving dragon. - Support of a noble person.

The wife sees the dragon. - Heralds the birth of a noble offspring.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the Dragon dreaming?

See in a dream

Dragon - The dragon you saw in a dream is a symbol of achieving a goal, appointment to a high position, a harbinger of gaining wealth. If the dragon guards something, the dream portends an improvement in your health. Why the dragon is dreaming - If the dragon is in a cave in a dream, it means that your goal is close, you just need to make the necessary efforts. If the dragon lies on a mountain, they are waiting for you very much. important events in life, the dragon flies - to amazing news.

Spring dream book What does the Dragon dream about in a dream book:

Dragon - To a meeting with a funny person who will threaten you, but you are not afraid of him.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis If the Dragon Dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Dragon - This is a symbol of space, one of the most important symbols. Why are countless living beings in the material world, seething and raging like a sea of ​​passions? What draws them here? - the desire to play god. Only here they can dull their nature so much that they can think of themselves as something that lives in complete independence from a single whole and abide in the illusion of the sole enjoyer.

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Dragon according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see a Dragon in a dream - Symbolizes fear, which is beyond understanding. A force to be reckoned with. A dragon with wings is a powerful support. The dragon shows that you will be subordinate to an imperious, powerful person.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why the Dragon is dreaming:

Dragon - Seeing a dragon in a dream means that you are subject to your passions and allow yourself unkind statements about your ill-wishers. This dream is a warning: control yourself in order to avoid conflicts in relationships with people.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a Dragon dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Dragon - Seeing in a dream portends the acquisition of wealth, the receipt of treasure and visits to noble persons and officials.

Dream book dragon

The powerful of this world prefer to deal with no less powerful, so if you had a dream that a dragon was attacking you, then you came into the view of an influential person. The dream interpretation predicts the further course of events: they will make you a tempting offer, however, requiring great responsibility on your part, or they will want to test your strength. But, not only in this way it is worth understanding why a fire-breathing creature is dreaming. There are many interpretations.

kill the dragon

Had a dream that you managed to kill a dragon? Yes, you can win without a doubt and will stop at nothing to achieve your great goal. Modern dream book convinced you are a strong personality.

Only this dream also wants to remind you that in the homeland of legends about dragons there is a proverb saying that by killing the enemy, you destroy a particle of yourself with him. Remember the mood that the dreamed plot left behind, and think about it: is this victory really so important for you?

skin color

The dream in which the red dragon appeared directly indicates that emotions are about to get out of control. The dream warns that irrepressible passions are like a fire. By the way, the dream book of Nostradamus interprets these night dreams literally believing that you or your home are really threatened by fire. If you dream that you managed to fight back the attacking red dragon, then in reality everything will end well.

For cultures where White color is mournful, the white skin of a creature means a warning, and danger can lie in wait not only outside, but also lurk in the dusty corners of one's own soul. The dream reminds that fear, despondency, lack of self-control or self-confidence is no less insidious dragon than external adverse factors. Aesop's dream book says that when you see this, you will certainly perk up.

You may not yet realize that you are in danger, however, the black dragon is already in a hurry to help. If you dreamed that he was circling in the sky above your city, then the whole city was under his protection. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers is encouraging that you will be able to avoid disaster. This is what a fire-breathing black reptile is dreaming of.

Little dragon

If a small dragon dreamed, this indicates a state of some kind of duality. A dream means that, on the one hand, you are driven by great ambitions, on the other hand, you are not sure that you have enough strength to carry out the plan. This is how you should understand the plot if you dream of an affectionate reptile.

The 21st Century Dream Interpretation is sure that the distrust of others prevents moving forward. Until the dragon has gained strength, you try not to let others in on your plans, fearing another ridicule. It is worth acting more decisively and not taking criticism to heart.

Caught in the water

From time immemorial, a dragon seen in a dream in water symbolized success in the implementation of the plan. The plot was considered a special success, in which it was lucky to be in the water along with a giant lizard.

True, the Modern Dream Book is not so optimistic and calls for an adjustment for the environmental situation. In his opinion, what he dreamed about could also be a warning about another impending catastrophe associated with environmental pollution.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that the dragon is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts, the true culprit of which should be sought in the mirror.

Purposefulness, of course, deserves all praise, only the dream once again reminds that gentleness and diplomacy are more effective tools for achieving goals than pressure and aggression.

What is the dream of the Dragon, the dream book of the Dragon to see in a dream, what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why is the Dragon dreaming in a dream?

According to the dream book, see the Dragon - In Eastern cultures, the dragon is a symbol of power and wealth. But for us, the appearance of a dragon in dreams is still associated with the stereotypes that are characteristic of our ethnic group, our fairy tales. The appearance in a dream of this formidable fairy-tale creature is an indication of the need to keep own thoughts and feelings under control. The dragon can come in dreams as a symbol of passions and indignation that overwhelm you, which is difficult to find an outlet in real life in socially acceptable forms.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why is the Dragon dreaming in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: The dragon is a big dictator; old serpent (Satan); strict man; the forces of evil; enemy; opposition to the truth; the power of darkness. To kill a dragon means to gain complete control over all animal instincts. The red dragon is a rebellious spirit; the flow of blood, according to the dream book - predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Dragon dream in a dream?

Seeing a Dragon in a dream means - Dragon - incontinence, emotionality will aggravate your relationship with ill-wishers.

Summer dream book

Why see the Dragon in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Dragon - The dragon may dream of distorting facts.

Three-headed - In the third generation, a person will be born from you who will be like two drops of water similar to you.

Autumn dream book

Why see a dragon in a dream?

Why the Dragon is dreaming - The Dragon can dream of something unusual, as the dream book says about this dream.

Three-headed - You will be given advice, but you should not use them, decide everything only with your head.

Psychological dream book

Why is the Dragon dreaming in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Dragon - Having seen such a dream, control your emotions and be extremely careful in their expression

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Dragon what does sleep mean:

Seeing a Dragon in a dream - I dreamed of a dragon - you are subject to your passions and allow yourself unkind statements about your ill-wishers. Try to control yourself to avoid conflicts.

Spring dream book

Why see the Dragon in a dream?

According to the dream book, Dragon, which means in a dream - Dragon - to a meeting with a funny person who will threaten you, but you are not afraid of him.

Three-headed creature (dragon, three-headed). You will make a very wise decision.

Worldly dream book

Dragon in the dream book:

The dragon has symbolized power, wealth, prosperity, and justice since ancient times. On the other hand, the dragon is an almost invincible force that is useless to fight.

Seeing a dragon sleeping peacefully in a dream suggests that you will soon achieve what you are striving for. If the dragon dies, it is quite possible that you will take the place of your boss in the near future. If a dragon flies in a dream, it means that you will emerge victorious from some delicate situation.

If a dragon attacks a living creature - a warning to you to restrain your feelings, emotions, otherwise you can hurt others with a careless word and suffer yourself. If a dragon is being hunted in a dream, it means that a conflict is brewing in your environment, and it is quite likely that you will play a major role in this conflict.

If you dreamed of a dragon sitting in a cave and guarding its gold, then big changes await you in the near future. And only from your actions (in the nearest period of time) it will depend on what kind of changes will rapidly burst into your life.

Seeing a drinking dragon in a dream means that very soon you will have to feel the attitude that you bestow on others. If you dream that the dragon is you, try to avoid disputes, scandals, keep neutrality, otherwise, you will be to blame.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Why is the Dragon dreaming in a dream book?

Seeing a Dragon in a dream - If you dreamed of a dragon, then unexpected wealth, winnings or a large inheritance await you.

See also: why the beast is dreaming, why is it dreaming big snake what the monster is dreaming of.

Pocket dream book

Why is the Dragon dreaming, what does it mean?

Interprets the dream book: Dragon - If you dreamed of a dragon, then you will be able to pull yourself together, since any of your tantrums will be used by your sworn enemies in their favor.

Dream Interpretation of A. Vasiliev

Seeing a dragon in a dream:

Dragon - If you dreamed of a dragon, then your pride knows no bounds. However, you can get great wealth.

You may also have a surprisingly ugly case, which, however, will bring you great benefit.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

If the Dragon is dreaming, what is it for?

Seeing a Dragon in a dream - If you dreamed of a calm dragon, then you will soon receive wealth in the form of a win or inheritance.

If the dragon in a dream is aggressive and opens its fire-breathing mouth, then you are subject to your passions and allow yourself unfavorable reviews about respected people. You need to work on yourself to avoid big problems.

Dream Interpretation: why the dragon is dreaming

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Dragon

A dreaming dragon matters only for boys and men.

A young man who sees in a dream that he is fighting a dragon will defeat all his enemies in reality and overcome all difficulties on the way to success in his work. If he dreams of a flying dragon - a dream foreshadows the betrayal of friends, if the dragon spews fire - the infidelity of his beloved. The drawing of a dragon (for example, on a banner or coat of arms) is a dream for a long, long journey.

A dragon in a man's dream is always a good omen. It doesn’t matter how the dragon behaves - a dream portends brilliant success in professional activities, the favor of superiors. A bathing, especially a diving dragon means that the spouse will soon show tenderness and attention to the man. The dragon that a young man dreamed of warns him: he must control his emotions, otherwise he risks offending his beloved with an unpleasant statement.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about a dragon mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a dragon in a dream in online dream book Miller.

What is the dream of the DRAGON from which you are running away ??? =)))


Olya Sokolova

The Dragon - good sign to the acquisition of wealth. You will be confident, strong, healthy

Everybody lies

I also dreamed of dragons ... (one was friendly, the second was evil, constantly hiding from him and his flames) in general, these are real people in life, but who inspire fear in you, strong, authoritative and powerful ... think about who in life you perceive in this way ...


Seeing a dragon in a dream means that you are subject to your passions and allow yourself unkind statements about your ill-wishers. This dream is a warning: control yourself in order to avoid conflicts in relationships with people.


it's the flu...
An infection that affects many people, especially those who are afraid of it ...
Your confidence that you are not subject to him will help to avoid infection ...

Why is the Dragon dreaming?


° ~...the ONLY...~ °

Dragons in a dream like to fly to those
who trusts himself and is pure in heart.
They open the way to ancient (intuitive) knowledge
and psychological resources of a person.
Try to find associations to the image of your friend and understand what hint the subconscious has offered you.
BUT! ... perhaps in your case the Dragon represents one
from your character traits or emotion,
to be accepted and conquered.
And for this you need accumulated experience, mind.
It seems to me that at the moment
You are looking for your guidelines in life and naturally
you experience some confusion, emptiness, which you strive to fill.
Perhaps you are cut off from your home and familiar circle,
maybe look for yourself in the profession or are not completely satisfied with it, maybe look for a strong relationship ...
Correct me in my assumptions :)

Yes, by the way, according to legend, dragons were born in Russia
in the black earth zone, and Belarus were found in the bolts of Pripyat.

according to the dream book of mythical animals

Universal and very complex symbol. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines snake and bird, spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters that carry the life of a snake, and the breath of life a bird. He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the blessed rains following thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and floods. In the East, the dragon, as a rule, is the Power of Heaven, bringing good, while in the West it becomes chthonic, destructive and evil. The dragon can be solar and lunar, male and female, good and evil. In the Far East, it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, power, hidden knowledge, the power of life-bearing waters. This is the emblem of the emperor as the Son of Heaven and, following him, a wise and noble person. Monotheistic religions depict the dragon evil force, with the exception of individual cases when he can personify the Logos, the spirit of life, or the omnipotent deity, the Pleroma. The dragon and the serpent are usually interchangeable in symbolism representing the implicit, the undifferentiated, the chaos, the latent, the unbridled nature, and the life force of water. When he spews thunder and lightning, there is a transition from the world of the unmanifested to the created world of form and matter. And here the dragon has a dual symbolism: he can act both as the god of rain and as his opponent, who does not let the rain fall. It is associated, on the one hand, with the sea and the depths of the sea, on the other hand, with mountain peaks, clouds and solar eastern regions. Acting as monsters, dragons are the autochthonous rulers of the earth, with whom heroes, conquerors and creators have to fight in order to capture or master the earth. They are the keepers of treasures and access to secret knowledge. The battle with the dragon symbolizes the difficulties that must be overcome in order to master the treasures of inner knowledge. The victory over the dragon personifies the resolution of the conflict between light and darkness, the destruction of the destructive forces of evil, or the victory over one's own dark nature and the achievement of self-control. Rescuing an immaculate maiden from the clutches of a dragon means freeing pure forces by crushing the evil ones. The dragon often confronts the dying god. In alchemy, the winged dragon personifies the "flying", and having lost its wings, it is "fixed", caught. In Chinese alchemy, the dragon is mercury, blood, and semen. The Celts have a symbol of supreme power, the master. The red dragon is the emblem of Wales. The dragon and the serpent in Chinese symbolism are inseparable. The dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, the divine power of change and transformation, the rhythms of nature, the law of becoming, supernatural wisdom, strength. He is the "Deer of Heaven", the Sun, light and life. Heaven, supreme power, male power jan. The cloudy dragon means, in addition, a thunderstorm and life-giving rain, deep waters and Spring. The Blue Dragon "moon" - the highest lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power. On earth, the blue dragon is a sign of delegated imperial power, a sign of the emperor. Among the imperial dragon, it is also called "harrier"; five claws, its head is directed to the South, and its tail is directed to the North. It represents the East and the life-giving rain. An ordinary dragon "mang" has four claws on its paws and represents temporary power. An earlier form of the Chinese dragon was the three-clawed dragon. Subsequently, this dragon form was adopted in Japan. The hornless dragon "li" lives in the sea and owns the depths of the sea, it also symbolizes the scientist. The dragon "chiyao" lives in the mountains or on the ground and personifies a statesman. According to Wang Fu, the dragon has "nine correspondences": "His horns are like those of a deer, his head is that of a camel, his eyes are like those of a demon, the neck of a snake, the belly of a snail, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, the soles of a tiger, and the ears of a cow." Two "fighting", competing dragons, looking at each other, represent the dualism of the yin-yang forces, all opposite and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth, usually between them they depict either the Sun or the "pearl of heaven", the Moon. The dragons turned back to each other represent the beginnings of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, this is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the yin-yang forces. Often the dragon is depicted with a "dragon ball" or "flaming pearl". Available various interpretations of these images: it is either thunder, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, decreases, it is swallowed by the dragon, and when it arrives, this is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is a “pearl that fulfills all desires”, a pearl of perfection, in other words, wisdom, a light and the spiritual essence of the universe. It may represent a Boddhisattva in the process of continuous enlightenment. The dragon, depicted together with the Phoenix, is a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, divine potentiality, containing all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double helix. The dragon, depicted with a tiger, can mean voluptuousness, while the tiger in this case will symbolize anger and hostility. In Christianity, the dragon is considered a serpent, "that old serpent", a force of evil, a devil, a tempter, an enemy of God. He also represents death, darkness, paganism and heresy. V Old Testament"the abode of dragons" is associated with the "shade of death", Psalms, 44:19 and the deeps of water. "Dragon's abode" was considered a place of desolation and death. Dragon slayers appear as victors over the forces of evil and heresy. A dragon with a tied tail represents evil defeated, since it was believed that the strength of the dragon was in its tail, like that of a scorpion. Archangel Michael, slaying the dragon, shows the victory of the sun god over darkness, which in Christianity was transformed into a version of the defeat of Satan. Dragons are attributes of Saints Kado, Clement of Metz, George, Kane, Margarita, Martha, Samson, Sylvester and the Apostle Philip. Among the Egyptians, the dragon is the emblem of Osiris, the god of the dead. Apep, the dragon of darkness and chaos, is cast down every morning by the Sun-God Ra. In Greco-Roman culture, this is an attribute of Hercules, the conqueror of monsters. Sometimes dragons are depicted harnessed to the chariot of Ceres. Among the Jews it is considered a symbol of desolation; desert dweller. In Hinduism, the dragon is a manifested power, a spoken word, an attribute of Soma and Varuna. Indra defeated the dragon. In Iranian culture, it is an attribute of Haoma. Among the Japanese, the dragon with three claws on its paws represents the Mikado, imperial and spiritual authority. In Sumero-Semitic mythology - "adversary", the power of evil.

Dragons dream book. Why does a dragon dream of a woman, a man

Dragon - what the dragon is dreaming of is a complex, controversial symbol in dreams. Since in ancient times Dragons were associated with emperors, kings and other powerful persons, in the near future the owner of the dream needs to control his words and deeds in order to prevent quarrels with influential people. But since the dragon is also a mythical creature, it symbolizes supernatural power and unbridled magical nature. If you dreamed of a dragon with whom a person is on good terms or commands them, then for a while the sleeping person gains the protection of secret forces. Such a dream promises success on the eve of very serious events and affairs.

Fighting a dragon in a dream - in reality reflects the desire to overcome difficulties on the path to success. This dream is especially important for men. To defeat the dragon means to destroy the destructive forces that prevent you from achieving what you want. If the dragon spews fire, then in reality there will be a hard struggle for their rights.

The winged dragon dream book portends brilliant success in professional activities. To ride such a dragon means to take a higher social position. But the attacking winged dragon is also an auspicious symbol. Heralds good luck, patronage of superiors, career prospects and patronage.

To cut off a dragon's head in a fight is literally to take someone's privileged place, for example, a prestigious position. For a dreamer who in reality has a rival in love, a dream means the elimination of an opponent (rival). It also makes it possible to "beat off" someone else's partner and take his place, taking possession of the heart of his beloved (beloved).

According to legend, the dragon, who is still a lover of women, periodically kidnaps "brides". So a meeting with a dragon in a dream for a woman can mean an upcoming acquaintance with a man who will court her quite persistently. He has a complex character, he is used to dominating relationships.

A beautiful dragon in a dream, bright unusual colors, - lucky symbol for people involved in creativity or intellectual development. This is a sign of the birth and promotion of ideas, their successful implementation into reality and, in general, getting deep satisfaction from their activities.

Everyone is familiar with the expression "kill the dragon within yourself." So they say, if a person needs to learn how to manage their emotions. If you managed to defeat a dragon in a dream, this means that a person has learned to control himself in reality. But if, as stated in the dream book, the dragon attacks the sleeping person, this indicates the opposite situation. A person should think and learn to manage himself. Anger and irritation are best left to the punching bag.

During sleep, it is worth taking a closer look at the snake itself and the environment. So, the red dragon symbolizes a very emotional, sometimes even aggressive, behavior in life. Such a dream should be taken very carefully, since the explosive nature can actually interfere with normal relations. But the white dragon is a symbol of wisdom and peace of mind in Eastern mythology. Therefore, such dreams indicate that a person managed to achieve harmony and prosperity in life.

Unlike him, according to the dream book, the black dragon has the exact opposite symbol. It may well be that the sleeper in real life was in the thick of things and could not cope with the overwhelmed him. negative emotions. Just as black color absorbs all light, so feelings take everything from a person. more energy. All problems should be resolved as quickly as possible, since prolonging the conflict will only worsen the state of affairs. Especially worth worrying if, in addition, the dragon is fire-breathing. Indeed, in this case, after a storm of passions, only a scorched field may well remain.

But not only the color is important, but also the size of the mythical creature. A small dragon, which fits easily in the palm of your hand, indicates that a person already understands his strength, but is still afraid to show it. Maybe you should trust your instinct. A huge dragon, on the contrary, symbolizes the power of the sleeper, but you should moderate your zeal a little. After all, it is so difficult for a large creature to see what is happening under its feet. There is a very high probability that big weight"in life can turn against its owner.

The most popular dream is the flying dragon. But what could this mean? And is it worth it to be afraid of such dreams? Since it is impossible to see a dragon in the sky in life, this indicates that the sleeper lives in illusions. It is worth abandoning fruitless attempts and setting more realistic goals. But if the sleeper felt that he could fly on a dragon, then, on the contrary, he was on the right track. He will be able not only to fulfill his plans, but also to exceed all the expectations of others.

Unlike a flying counterpart, a dragon in the water speaks of the availability of what is desired. In any case, this is a good sign, no matter how aggressively he behaves. On the contrary, the stronger the dragon protects its reservoir, the less effort will be needed to achieve the goal.

Understanding what a dragon is dreaming of for a woman or a man will help you better understand the meaning of what you see. The weak half of humanity sees a protector and patron in a mythical creature. But for strong men he is a rival, defeating whom he can get a treasure, a beautiful wife and his strength.

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