The meaning of the name yasmin for a girl in islam. Different languages

  • 23.09.2019

Yasmina is one of the forms of the Muslim name Jasmine (Jasmine), translated from Persian, meaning "jasmine", "jasmine branch", "jasmine flower".

The name Yasmin is widespread not only in the East, but also in Europe. So in Asian countries, most often, the name Jasmine is used, although among the Tajiks you can hear the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of Jasmine and Yasmina. In England, the girl will be called Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Jazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine (Jasmine), in Italy - Gelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmie, Zhesmil, Jasmine, in Hungary - Yazmine, in Bulgaria - Jasmine, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

The diminutive address Mina is also an independent name. There is also male name Yasmin.

Yasmina has a strong will, a lot of courage and ambition. She can often be short-tempered, especially when she has a strong intrinsic motivation or she is very passionate about some business that she would not want to break away from. Yasmina has a certain magnetism, it is believed that she original woman, which emphasizes appearance, the situation in the house, hobbies.

Yasmina appreciates material wealth, money, and can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. She has a great intuition, so it is not so easy to abuse it. Yasmina has exceptional energy, and when she is infected with an idea, she becomes even more, and in passion she can even become aggressive. This girl knows very well what she wants to get. For other people, she will be an authority.

Yasmina has many virtues that will perfectly prepare her for the realities of life. Having met such a girl once in a lifetime, you will not forget her for a long time. One of negative traits that the owner of this name has is irritability, intolerance towards others, great susceptibility. Yasmine should instill respect for others from childhood, teach her to appreciate those people who are around her.

Yasmina loves to please others, charm, conquer. She appreciates the safety of her home, because this is the place where she is comfortable and cozy. Yasmina is often very demanding in finding a life partner. It is important for her that he be rich, attractive, bright personality, educated and appreciate her independence.

Yasmina chooses a profession that will constantly keep her interested. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere, you can often meet the owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanitarian fields (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

  • short form named after Yasmin. Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Gelsa, Gelsina.
  • Synonyms for the name Yasmin. Yasmine, Yazmine, Jasmine, Jasmine, Gelsomina, Jasmine, Jesmine, Hasmine, Yasmine, Yasmine, Yasmine, Yosuman, Esuman.
  • origin of the name Yasmin The name Yasmin is Muslim.

The most beautiful name of Yasmin has recently become increasingly popular not only in the East, but also in European countries. The meaning of this name is interpreted in different ways. The fact is that in translation from Persian Yasmin means “jasmine flower” or “jasmine branch”. It is also often identified with the name Jasmine. However, on the other hand, experts say that the name Jasmine is in no way related to Yasmine, which actually translates as "flower of paradise." So, several interpretations are possible here.

Depending on the culture and language, the name Yasmina can take on a different shade of pronunciation and meaning. For example, in English it is written like this - Jasmina, but pronounced like Jasmine.

As for the abbreviated version of the name, the following are most often used here:

  • Yasminka;
  • Mine;
  • Yasma;
  • Minka;
  • Gelsa.


The owners of this name are pretty strong and ambitious girls.

Young Yasmina is likely to stand out among her peers with her love of life and calm disposition. The girl is quite diligent and obedient, does not cause trouble to her parents and is well brought up. However, behind the outer calmness there is an immeasurable strength. In no case should you underestimate her and consider her just quiet. Yasmina knows how to stand up for herself, knows how to defend her point of view. Diplomatic talent is well developed. Already at a young age, Yasmina is the owner of a strong-willed character, which is hidden behind a veil of calm.

The girl is very capable in her studies, she is especially good at the humanities. There is also creativity in her: Yasmina is interested in music, art, dancing, and, quite possibly, can try all kinds of activities before finding her own.

With age, the calmness and prudence of Yasmina grows stronger, and the spirit is tempered even more. She is endowed with powerful charisma, which, like a magnet, attracts people to her. She has excellent manners and a sense of humor, which is mixed with natural coquetry. All this helps the girl achieve her goals. However, Yasmina strives not so much for material well-being as for the idealization of her life, which often turns out to be her minus - natural perfectionism sometimes becomes an obstacle.


To understand the fate of the name Yasmin, one should turn to numerology. Fate is led by a deuce, which means that there will be many sharp turns in the fate of Yasmina. By nature, the girl is contented with windiness, which causes her emotional instability. Yasmina needs to learn restraint and chastity, try not to enter into serious disputes and not succumb to provocation. She needs to learn to accept people for who they are, with all their advantages and disadvantages.

Name characteristics

The name Yasmin has the following set of characteristics:

  1. Planet - Moon;
  2. Name color - White;
  3. Stone - pomegranate;
  4. Tree - Lily;
  5. Plant - Jasmine;
  6. The patron animal is the seahorse.

Day Angel

The name Yasmin is not included in the list of the Orthodox or Catholic calendar, so name days are not celebrated.


Due to her ardent disposition and strong-willed nature, Yasmina most often chooses creative or public speaking professions.

Often, the owners of this name also succeed in business.


Girls with the name Yasmina are quite scrupulous in choosing a life partner. As a rule, elegant in themselves, Yasmins want to see a respectable, intelligent man next to them.

Creating her family, Yasmina carefully approaches the issues of comfort and harmony in it, becomes an excellent hostess and caring wife.


Yasmina has fairly good health, but she is prone to mental illness: nervous breakdowns, psychosis. She needs to constantly strengthen her nerves and protect herself from irritating factors.

Compatibility with other names

The most favorable and fruitful relationships are formed with men - carriers of the following names:

  • Fedor;


The list of the most prominent bearers of the name Yasmin is not numerous, but no less significant. It includes:

  1. Yasmina Reza is a famous Frenchwoman - theater and film actress, playwright. Her plays are popular in theaters in Europe and America.
  2. Jasmina Mihajlović is a Serbian-born writer and literary critic who is also a popular literary critic.
  3. Yasmina Gauri - "Black Swan" or "Rose of the East" - Canadian top model.
  4. Yasmina Bleeth is an American, former actress and fashion model.
  5. Jasmina Ver is a famous German tennis player.

The owners of the name Yasmin are fragile and tender, but at the same time passionate and domineering natures, able to harmoniously combine external coquetry with internal strength.

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When deciding how to name a girl, future parents are trying to choose an option that would combine beauty and grace, and also be combined with a middle name. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the name largely determines the character and fate of the child. In recent decades, the female name Yasmina, which was previously common only in the East, has gained popularity in European countries and Russia, the meaning of which will be revealed in this article.

History of the origin of the female name Yasmin

There are several versions of the origin of the name Yasmin.

  • According to the first, it appeared in Persia and is a variation of the more common variant of Jasmine in this country. Translated from Persian, it means "jasmine flower" or "jasmine branch". This name is associated with a beautiful and sad legend about a girl who fell in love with the sun god, but was rejected by him. Out of desperation, she committed suicide, and the saddened lover turned her into a sprawling bush strewn with white fragrant flowers. According to legend, this is why the jasmine blooms only at night: at this time, the soul of the girl is freed without disturbing the peace of the Sun God.
  • Another version says that this name is of Arabic origin and is derived from the male Yasin. In Muslim countries, such variants of it as Yasmin and Yasman are common, and among Tajiks - Yesuman.

Having gained popularity in other countries, the name has undergone some changes. The British transformed it into Jasmine and Jesmine, the Spaniards into Hasmine, the Portuguese into Jazmine, the Hungarians into Yazmine, and the Finns into Jasmine.

Did you know? Among the Greeks, the name for the girl Yasmina has nothing to do with the flower at all. The descendants of the inhabitants of Hellas consider him the female form of the name Jason. This is the hero of the myth who obtained the golden fleece. In Greek, the name means "healing".

The meaning of the name Yasmina for a girl

The name Yasmin will endow the girl with such qualities as ambition and a sharp mind, strong will and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Little Yasmina is an obedient child, but at the same time she will lack perseverance. A girl with that name is fascinated by everything that surrounds her, and the passion for knowledge will not allow the baby to concentrate on any one activity for a long time.

At school, Yasmina will do well in all subjects and will be able to easily win not only the love of teachers, but also the respect of her classmates. She will attend various circles and diversify, revealing a craving for music, dance, fine or theatrical art.

Possessing a sharp mind and ingenuity, as well as incredible intuition and the ability to charm others, the girl is easily able to "sit on the head" of her parents. It is important for mom and dad to find golden mean in education, taking into account the opinion of the wayward daughter, but not allowing her to rule.

What does the name mean in Islam

The Muslim name Yasmina is translated from Arabic as "flower of paradise". There are other options for "a girl who will be in paradise" or "a gift from God."

Adherents of Islam consider women bearing this name to be tender and sophisticated, like a flower. They endow them with such qualities as kindness and love for all living things, reverence for parents and devotion to a life partner.

However, Muslims are sure that these qualities are inherent in girls who have received a strict upbringing. If the mother and father show excessive softness and indulge the whims of their daughter, she will grow up selfish and arrogant, which does not paint an oriental woman at all.

Character and fate associated with the name

The character of the adult Yasmina is very contradictory. On the one hand, there is an iron will and perseverance in achieving the goal, and on the other, sensuality and romance.

Women with this name are strong and persistent, not shying away from difficulties. At the same time, they are kind and decent and never follow the principle "the end justifies the means."

Thanks to her sharp mind and creativity, Yasmina is able to make a brilliant career in her chosen field, ambitions simply will not allow her to remain “average”. She will always be a little annoyed by people who are not as energetic as she is.

In love, a girl with this name is passionate and romantic. But she takes the choice of a partner seriously, throwing herself into the pool with her head and making spontaneous decisions is not for her. He treats his life partner with respect, and brings up children in strictness, but always takes into account their opinion and needs.

Yasmina's health is excellent, and if an illness occurs, she easily copes with it. Often, women with this name retain their youthfulness and attractiveness until old age.

Compatibility of the name Yasmin with patronymics

A patronymic of eastern origin is suitable for this name, such a combination will allow the best qualities to be fully revealed.

And also men with such names can call their daughter Yasmina:

  • Alexander;
  • Victor;
  • Kirill;
  • Nicholas;
  • Edward;
  • Michael.

And to strengthen best qualities Jasmina will help the name of Greek origin Constantine. Literally translated, it means "permanent" and will somewhat balance the girl's controversial disposition.

What male names will reveal the secret of family life

Family and good relations with her husband are very important for Yasmina. She chooses a life partner for a long time and carefully, giving preference to successful, but at the same time kind and caring men.

strong and happy marriage possible with Alexei, Vladislav or Fedor. It is possible that Boris will become a good husband for Yasmina, because their interests and character are in many ways similar. And it is also possible to create a family with Andrey, since friendly disposition and sympathy are born literally from the first minutes of acquaintance.

Romantic relationships may arise with Alexander, Dmitry, Kirill and Sergey, but it is unlikely that they will end in a wedding.

Relations with Jan will be stormy, but short-lived, and when Yasmina meets a man named Eugene, strong mutual hostility often appears.

Influence of the season

The time of the year when a person was born also affects the formation of his character and future fate.

  • Winter Yasmins are quite often very talented. From childhood, they discover remarkable abilities in one area or another, and parents need to support the child in all endeavors. Subsequently, the girl will be able to reach unprecedented heights in the business to which she devoted her life, since she is endowed with unprecedented diligence.
  • Yasmina, who was born in the spring, has a bright charisma and charm. Such a girl copes well with emotions and knows how to show her best side. She is beautiful and likes men, skillfully maintaining their interest in her person.
  • Summer Yasmins are cheerful and cheerful, love new acquaintances and are always surrounded by girlfriends and fans. Such a girl, as if jokingly, achieves her goals, and everything comes easy to her. At the same time, she is a little windy, but having met her love, she will remain devoted to her man.
  • Girls with the name Yasmina, who were born in the fall, are more serious, but they never avoid cheerful companies. They are capable of painstaking and monotonous work, but since they still remain creative natures they should not choose such activities. The outstanding intelligence of the autumn Yasmina allows her to solve the tasks, even if they are very difficult.

Yasmina, who curbed her character, knew how to control emotions and got the opportunity to realize her abilities, has every chance of becoming a happy and successful woman.

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Meaning: Jasmine flower. See Jasmine

The meaning of the name Yasmin - interpretation

Yasmin is a beautiful female name with Persian roots. In Muslim countries, it has gained popularity in the form of an interpretation of Jasmine. Translated from Arabic, the name translates as "jasmine flower", "paradise flower" or "a girl who will be in paradise."

In Islamic culture, this name is associated with an exquisite woman, whose beauty resembles a magical flower.

Despite the fact that the name Yasmin is widespread in Persian, Muslim and Arab cultures, girls in Europe and Russia are increasingly being called this way.

Years later

As a child, Yasmin is unpredictable and fun-loving. Parents often don't know what to expect from their baby. A girl can be affectionate and gentle, and in a minute she turns into an irritated imp. You should not immediately run to a neurologist and look for problems in a child - this is a character trait that will even out at a more mature age.

She is playful and picks up new information quickly, but can become stubborn if something doesn't interest her. Yasmin is developing rapidly, not lagging behind, and sometimes even ahead of her peers, but due to her emotionality, she can be overly capricious.

Parents who decide to name their daughter Yasmin should take into account that she will definitely not grow up quiet. The baby is always cheerful and cheerful. Sometimes restless and hyperactive, which is offset by an infectious laugh and a radiant smile, which in the future will drive men crazy.

From early childhood, the girl knows how to defend her rights and defend herself. Despite the fact that she listens to her parents, she can easily ignore her peers. She easily communicates with other children, but only when she herself wants it, and only with those with whom she is interested.

In her youth, Yasmin has to restrain her temper, but passions blaze in her soul. Authority, romance and sophistication often struggle in a girl. She wants to win recognition among her peers and adults, but not everything always turns out exactly as she would like, which may cause unforeseen changes in behavior and relationships with others. Yasmin always chooses the best. If she sets a goal for herself, she will certainly be able to achieve it. It reveals hidden reserves and energy.

Sometimes emotions cause a large number complexes. It is very important that Yasmin learns not to worry about trifles and not to worry about what she is not able to change. You should also try to avoid conflicts and disputes, be able to accept some circumstances of life as they are.

Often a girl gets angry and falls into tantrums when she loses control over something, which is especially pronounced in adolescence. For the sake of achieving goals, he will never sacrifice his moral principles.

Adult Yasmin is ambitious and strong-willed. The woman named nice name, - courageous and quick-tempered. If she has a powerful internal motivation for a certain business, then it is almost impossible to tear her away from work. Yasmin has a subtle charm and magnetism. She is very original, which is expressed in appearance, her sayings, hobbies and home environment.

She knows how to charm men, but does not use them, but only enjoys attention, maintaining self-esteem. Yasmin cannot be a leader, and she is not recommended to be trusted with responsible work that must be done on her own. But, together with a partner, co-author, companion Yasmin, on the contrary, is able to achieve brilliant results in the performance of any task. She can also become a good adviser, designer. It is worth saying that Yasmin has a well-developed intuition, and therefore, she is well versed in people.

Character Yasmin

Women, named after the refined name of the princess from the famous cartoon, love to conquer and charm. They like to "bathe" in the rays of recognition and love.

Yasmin highly appreciates cosiness, comfort, safety and is able to create them in her home. It is important for her that the relatives take care of the improvement of housing. Wants to be loved and independent at the same time.

Among the negative traits that are characteristic of Yasmin, authoritativeness can be noted. She is capricious and too obsessed with her desires.

The desire to do everything in accordance with one's own whims is rarely justified. He does not always choose acceptable ways to achieve his goals, especially if he wants to gain the respect of others and material wealth.

Fate Yasmin

Yasmin's fate is often determined by numerology. In this sphere, the deuce rules the name. This indicates a variety of changes in the life of the owner of such a beautiful dialect. By nature, a woman is windy, which leads to emotional anxiety and nervous shocks. Sometimes this causes the appearance of all kinds of complexes.

Yasmin needs to learn restraint. Everything in her life will turn out well if she learns to avoid disputes and conflicts. She will have to accept people with their strengths and weaknesses. But don't be too generous, especially to people who don't deserve it.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

When choosing a profession, Yasmin is guided by the ability to shine and show off in public. Often chooses the artistic field, is able to achieve success in the field of a film actress or singer.

The owners of the name, who were born under the sign of Gemini, succeed in business. Some women named by this name become good astrologers, psychologists, teachers.

Marriage and family

Ladies named with this exquisite name are demanding in choosing their future spouse. Yasmin rarely marries a random person. She needs an educated, respectable, kind and caring man who will become not only a good lover, but also a real ally.

Family in Yasmin's scale of values ​​is very high. A happy marriage becomes her measure of success. By choosing good husband, appears as great hostess. He likes to keep order in the house and take care of his wife.

After the birth of children, her femininity and attractiveness are revealed with renewed vigor. A successful marriage can be created with the owners of the names Eugene, Alexander, Oleg, Yaroslav, Leonid, George.

Sex and love

Yasmin chooses men not with her heart, but with her mind. Able to masterfully flirt and is known as a real flirt. Knows what many members of the opposite sex like. Therefore, the choice of a partner is very demanding and scrupulous.

Falling in love rarely. If this happens, a bright, extraordinary personality becomes her chosen one. A man should be handsome, charismatic and financially wealthy.

In love, Yasmin appreciates independence. You can't hold her. She can not stand the pressure from the chosen one. It turns the woman off.

Yasmin has artistic talents. She has a well-developed plasticity and good musical abilities. Often fond of ballet, dancing, shaping.

Shows a genuine interest in the game musical instruments, vocals, choral singing and acting. Often, sewing and fashion design fall into the sphere of Yasmin's hobbies.

Thanks to her innate sense of style, she manages to create exquisite outfits for herself and her friends.

Forms of the name Yasmin

Synonyms for the name Yasmin. Yasmin, Yazmin, Gelsomina, Jasmin, Jesmin, Hasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina, Yasmein, Yosuman, Yesuman. Short form of the name Yasmin. Yasminka, Minitsa, Minka, Mina, Yasma, Gelsa, Gelsina.

Yasmin's name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 亞斯米娜 (Yà sī mǐ nà). Japanese: ジャスミナ (Jasumina). Yiddish: דזשאַסמינא (Dzşʼasmynʼa). Ukrainian: Yasmina. Thai: จัสมิน่า (Cạs̄ miǹā). English: Jasmina (Jasmina).

Origin of the name Yasmin

The name Yasmin is one of the forms of Jasmine (), translated from Persian, meaning “jasmine”, “jasmine branch”, “jasmine flower”.

The name Yasmin is widespread in the East, but also in Europe. So in Asian countries, most often, they use the name Jasmine, although among the Tajiks you can hear the name Yosuman (Yesuman), which is an analogue of Jasmine and Yasmina. In England, the girl will be called Jasmine, Jesmine, in Spain - Hasmine, in Portugal - Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine (Jasmine), in Italy - Gelsomina, Jesmi, Jesmie, Zhesmil, Jasmine, in Hungary - Yazmine, in Bulgaria - Jasmine, Jasmine , Yasmina, Yasmin, in the Netherlands - Yasmein, Yasmin, in Finland - Yasmin, Yasmin, Yasmiina.

The diminutive address Mina is also an independent name. There is also a male name Yasmin.

Character of Yasmina

Yasmina has a strong will, a lot of courage and ambition. She can often be short-tempered, especially when she has a strong intrinsic motivation or she is very passionate about some business from which she would not want to leave. Yasmina has a certain magnetism, it is believed that she is an original woman, which is emphasized by her appearance, home decor, and hobbies.

Yasmina appreciates material wealth, money, and can turn out to be an excellent businesswoman. She has a great intuition, so it is not so easy to abuse it. Yasmina has exceptional energy, and when she is infected with an idea, she becomes even more, and in passion she can even become aggressive. This girl knows very well what she wants to get. For other people, she will be an authority.

Numerology Of The Name Yasmin

Owners of the name number 9 are dreamy, romantic and impulsive. They are cheerful, love big noisy companies, they tend to make grand gestures, they love to help people. However, the "nines" are prone to inflated conceit and often flirt, and turn into arrogant egocentrists. "Nines" are cheerful, amorous and romantic. However, their feelings are far from always constant, which is often expressed in "frivolity" in personal life. "Nines" are quite selfish. Only a very strong personality can build a strong family with a "nine".


Planet: Neptune.
Element: Water, cold-humidity.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Aquamarine, marine green.
Day: Thursday Friday.
Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
Beasts: Deep sea fish, whale, seagull, albatross, dolphin.

The name Yasmin as a phrase

I (YA = A) Az
C Word
M Think
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
N Our (Our, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Yasmin

I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve respect and love of the environment and the ability to receive them.
C - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."

The meaning of the name Yasmin in history

Yasmina Reza is a French film and theater actress, novelist and playwright. Her plays "Art", "God of Carnage" have been staged in many American and European theaters.

Jasmina Mihajlovic is a writer of Serbian origin, literary critic and literary critic, whose works have been translated into Ukrainian, Slovak, Greek, English language. The novels "Three Tables", "Passenger Kiss" can be read in Russian.

Yasmina Khadra is the pseudonym of Algerian-born writer Mohammed Mulesoul, which was taken to protect him from military censorship.

Jasmine Wöhr is a German tennis player who played doubles.

Yasmine Lafitte is a pornographic actress of Moroccan origin who worked in France. Yasmine Wagner is an actress, singer, model, TV presenter.

Yasmine Levy is an Israeli singer.

Yasmine Gauri is a top model of Canadian origin who started her career at the age of 17.

Yasmine Bleeth is an American model and actress best known for the TV series Baywatch and Detective Nash Bridges.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

Characteristics of the name Yasmin

If you forget about this, you will be overcome by timidity, discouragement, indecision, fear of failure and complete dependence on the opinions of others.

You are very demanding in terms of cleanliness, order, quality of food and clothing. If you are too strict with yourself, you may develop a complex due to some kind of defect in appearance (real or imaginary). And this threatens discord in love and married life.

It is important for you to learn to be brave and self-confident. Remember: you have a strong character, and the desire to help others is not at all a sign of weakness! You can be compared to a "cosmic mother" who intelligently and lovingly endows her children with self-confidence and the ability to find a better path in life. In a world of struggle and fierce competition, there is always a need for someone who can calm and cheer up. Your benevolence, desire to please and great patience are as valuable as any other talent.

Sometimes, you are characterized by extremes - some desire or business can captivate you so much that you will not hear reasonable arguments "against". Moreover, you may have such strong likes and dislikes that it will lead to conflicts with your environment. Without outside help, it will not be easy for you to return to more useful things.

Characteristics of the name Yasmin according to B. Khigir

Yasmina has many virtues that will perfectly prepare her for the realities of life. Having met such a girl once in a lifetime, you will not forget her for a long time. One of the negative features that the owner of this name has is irritability, intolerance towards others, great susceptibility. Yasmine should instill respect for others from childhood, teach her to appreciate those people who are around her.

Yasmina loves to please others, charm, conquer. She appreciates the safety of her home, because this is the place where she is comfortable and cozy. Yasmina is often very demanding in finding a life partner. It is important for her that he be rich, attractive, bright personality, educated and appreciate her independence.

Yasmina chooses a profession that will constantly keep her interested. These can be areas of the artistic or aesthetic sphere, you can often meet the owners of this name among doctors. Yasmina is not averse to trying herself in the humanitarian fields (psychology, astrology, graphology, pedagogy). Yasmina prefers a family business or a job where she will receive not only pleasure from work, but also profit from her activities (business, finance, management).

What does the name Yasmina mean in love?

The girl named so will have more than enough fans, because she loves and knows how to flirt, she presents herself perfectly, and not every man can resist her charm, and certainly will never forget a slightly impudent and a little arrogant girl. And she will make special demands on her future spouse, and if he does not fit at least one of the criteria, then he will not be with his beloved Yasminochka.

In men, Yasmina appreciates self-sufficiency very much, the position of the prospective partner in society, his financial self-sufficiency and generosity are important for her. And by the way, she will not hide her slightly selfish intentions, external gloss and brilliance, the ability to afford excesses are very important requirements for her future life partner.

What does the name Yasmin mean in the family

In family life, Yasya will be the head, even if the spouse opposes this with all his might. She is very domineering, and even smart, so it will not be difficult for her to permanently bind her chosen one to her, even if he is not particularly pleased with the constant pressure from his wife.

But, the characteristic of the name Yasmin is such that if she gets really strong, sincerely loving man who can keep his wife’s indefatigable will to freedom and power, then in the end one can expect significant changes in the girl’s position in the family - she will become affectionate, obedient, loving, and even when the kids appear, you can call her an ideal mother.

What does the name Yasmin mean in business (career)

The meaning of the name Yasmin for business and career includes such qualities as assertiveness, the ability to set a goal, and successfully achieve it. As well as love for material goods, coupled with developed intuition they can make an excellent business woman out of a woman, who will be quite difficult for anyone to deceive.

Another important plus for career development is a very strong energy, great activity, which, in the case of Yasmin's real passion for the idea and goal, even turns into aggressiveness and the ability to go into open conflict.

For her subordinates, the owner of this unusual name will be an indisputable authority, although often a slight whisper of discontent will pass behind her back, as she is very demanding, and wants strict obedience, and exact fulfillment of the requirements from workers.

Notable people named Yasmina

Yasmina Reza ((born 1959) a famous French theater and film actress, playwright and prose writer, whose plays (“God of Massacre”, “Art”) were staged in many theaters in Europe and America)
Jasmina Mikhailovich ((born 1960) Serbian writer, literary critic and literary critic. From 1989 to 1991 she was an employee of the Institute of Literature and a participant in the Serbian Book Criticism project. She wrote columns in the magazines Lisa, Grad, Jasmin, "Fame". The works of Mikhailovich have been translated into English, Slovak, Ukrainian and Greek. The novels "The Parisian Kiss", "Three Tables" have been translated into Russian.)
Yasmina Khadra ((born 1955) pseudonym of the Algerian writer Mohammed Mulesoul. In 1997, he began writing, taking a female pseudonym for himself to avoid military censorship. Despite the publication of many novels in Algeria, Mulesoul showed his true identity only in 2001 after leaving the army, he was about to leave the country and seek solitude in France. the only way for him to survive and avoid censorship during the Algerian civil war. His novel about Afghanistan under the Taliban, The Swallows of Kabul, was nominated for the International Dublin Literary Prize in 2006, as was The Attack in 2008. L`Attentat won the 2006 Prix des libraires, an award given on behalf of five thousand bookstores in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada.)
Jasmine Wöhr ((born 1980) German tennis player, best known for her performances in doubles. Winner of 4 WTA tournaments in pairs. Winner of 1 Junior Grand Slam tournament in doubles (Australian Open-1997).)
Yasmin Lafitte ((born 1973) French pornographic actress of Moroccan origin, acting under the pseudonym Yasmin)
Yasmin Wagner ((born 1980) multi-platinum singer, actress, model and TV presenter, better known as Blümchen (from German - "flower"), as a singer in the fusion of the genres of happy hardcore, pop, eurodance, trance. Yasmin Wagner starred in small roles in several films, of which the most famous is the film "Driven" with Sylvester Stallone in the title role (he is also one of the producers of this film). At the age of four, she starred as a model for the Otto children's clothing catalog. From the age of 14, she began her career She became the host of the Disney Filmparade program in 2000. Since 2003, she has been a regular participant in various charity projects to protect animals, fight cancer, and so on. In 2004, she took part in a fundraising campaign for victims of the tsunami.)
Yasmin Levy ((born 1975) Israeli singer, known for performing traditional Sephardic songs in Ladino and her own compositions in Spanish, using flamenco elements with acoustic accompaniment of folk and modern instruments. Yasmin Levy's debut album "Romance and Yasmin" (2004) was nominated for the fRoots Magazine and BBC Radio 3 World Music Award (Best Debut) in 2005. In addition to folk songs from collections published by her father, Yasmine Levy performs songs of her own composition in Spanish, Greek songs, compositions based on poems translated from Hebrew into Spanish, including duets with Natasha Atlas and Amir Shahsar (Mano Suave, 2007), as well as contemporary songs in Hebrew.)
Yasmine Gauri ((born 1971) Canadian top model. She began her modeling career at the age of 17. She worked on the catwalk for Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Chanel, Christian Lacroix, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Jean Paul Gaultier, Lanvin , Valentino, Armani, Prada, Gianfranco Ferrè, Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein and Victoria`s Secret Yasmin has been the face of such brands as Christian Dior, Chanel, Emmanuel Ungaro, Escada , Gianfranco Ferrè, Versace, Hermès, Lanvin, Oscar de la Renta, Ralph Lauren, Revlon, Sonia Rykiel and Valentino Appeared on the covers of magazines such as Cleo, Marie Claire (Australia, France, Italy, Spain, UK ), "Shape", "Photo Life", "Flare", "ELLE" (France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Singapore, UK, USA), "Vogue" (Germany, Spain and Italy) and "Cosmopolitan" (USA ).)
Yasmine Bleeth ((born 1968) American actress, fashion model. She became most famous after filming the TV series Baywatch, Detective Nash Bridges and Titans, as well as in the movie BASEketball.)
Romina Yazmin Sosa (Canadian TV presenter Naked News)
Yazmin Karlin (English swimmer)
Yasmin Tatyana Annette Valentin, performing as Yasmin ((born 1976) Finnish singer, Roma by origin. Participant in the Eurovision Song Contest 1996.)