Future scheme. How to make a personal life plan for the year

  • 29.06.2020

And now we will look at examples of the basics of making simple sentences to express the past, present and future tense.

Building sentences in the Simple group

affirmative sentences

Let's start with Present Simple. All affirmative sentences are built according to the following scheme:

  1. "I" in this example is the subject. Do not confuse it with the object, since the subject performs the action, and it is performed on the object. Moreover, in Russian, the order of words is not important to us, because it is already clear who performs the action. We can freely say: "I eat the cake." But in English, it’s not possible to build a sentence like this, because the one who performs the action must be in the first place, otherwise they will simply laugh at you when you say: “The cake eats me.” Even through the passive voice, such a phrase will sound very strange.
  2. In second place should be the predicate, which expresses the action itself. In Russian, there are often sentences with an incomplete grammatical basis, where there is no subject or predicate, or both are absent. In the latter case, we are dealing with an impersonal sentence: "Dark." In English, there must always be a subject and a verb. So, if there is no verb in the Russian sentence, then in English it will definitely appear. Let's take for example a one-part sentence in which there is no predicate: "The phone is on the table." To translate it correctly, we need to use the verb "to be", which will connect the subject with the predicate. As a result, the phrase will literally be translated as: "The phone is on the table."
  3. In third place, the secondary members of the sentence lined up according to a certain rule: first there is a direct object (answers the question “who?”, “What?”, “Who?”), then indirect (answers the same questions, but with the prepositions “with whom ?”, “to whom?”, etc.). This rule is not always observed and is not strict.

As in Russian, English verbs change depending on the person. The main changes occur in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), where the suffix "s" or "es" is added to the predicate. As a result, we get the sentence: "He goes to school."

Negative sentences

In addition to the affirmation, there is also a negation, the scheme of which is as follows:

In this scheme, all the same components are found, except for the linking verb "do" and the particle "not", which is equivalent to the negative particle "not" in Russian. What is an auxiliary verb and why is it needed? Unlike Russian, where we simply put the “not” particle before the verb, in English, the “not” particle must be preceded by an auxiliary verb. It is different for each tense, and in the case of Present Simple, it will take the form of either “do” or “does”, depending on the number and person of the subject. Example: "She does not go to school".

Interrogative sentences

So, we have considered the affirmation, negation, and we are left with a question, the formation of which also requires an auxiliary verb:

So, we have analyzed with you the basic principles for constructing various types of sentences in Present Simple. Past Simple and Future Simple are built in a similar way, the main differences will be in the form of the auxiliary verb.

Building sentences in the Future Simple


The scheme for constructing a statement in a simple future tense (Future Simple) is as follows:

The auxiliary verb will indicates that the action takes place in the future tense, and the phrase would be translated as: "I will go to school."


Negation is built using the particle "not" already known to us and the auxiliary verb "will".


Any question begins with an auxiliary verb, so when building a question, simply put will in first place.

past simple


When constructing a statement in the past tense of the Simple group, there is a small feature: the suffix "ed" is added to the verb.

I deliberately omitted the school example because it uses an irregular verb. Most verbs form the simple past tense by adding the suffix "ed" to the stem (cook - cooked), but there are about 470 verbs, according to the Oxford dictionary, that form the past tense according to their canons. Our verb “go” also falls into their number, which will change the form to “went”: “I went to school”.


The negative in the simple past tense is constructed similarly to the Present Simple, with the only difference being that the form of the auxiliary verb "do" acquires the past "did".


The question is also built by analogy with Present Simple. We only change the form of the auxiliary verb to the past.

So we studied the construction of sentences in the entire Simple group. The main thing is to remember the schemes for all three types (statement, denial and question), do not forget about how the word forms of verbs in the 3rd person singular change and memorize the main irregular verbs in order to achieve automatism in speech.

Building sentences in the Continuous group

In the Continuous group, there is always an auxiliary verb “to be”, a change in the form of which will tell us when the action is happening: yesterday, now or tomorrow. In this group, there is also always a participle I, similar to the real participle in Russian. The participle itself is built by adding the suffix "ing" to the verb (go - going).


We will not deviate from the structure and consider the formation of time in the Present Continuous.

The forms of the verb "to be" video change depending on the person, and here the matter is not limited to changes only in the 3rd person singular. Forms are easy to remember.

In the past tense, the auxiliary verb changes its form to "was" or were "depending on the person and number.

The scheme for constructing a sentence in the Past Continuous will be as follows:

The future tense in this group is formed without any changes, just put the future tense verb “will” before the auxiliary “to be”:

Denial and question

The construction of the negation and the question occurs according to the general scheme for constructing sentences: when negating, we put “not” after the auxiliary verb, and when we ask, we put the auxiliary verb in the first place.

To build the past form, you need to change the form of the auxiliary verb to "had".

To build the future form, we additionally put “will”.

Denial and question

Negation and the question are built in the classical way: the particle not after had (when negating), had in the first place (when asked).

Denial and question

Negation Question
I have not been going. Have I been going to school?

These sentences are given only for the sake of an example, in practice you will hardly find yourself in a situation where you will need to express yourself in Perfect Continuous. It will be much easier and faster to build a phrase from the Simple and Continuous groups.

Simplified table of formation of all types of sentences in all tenses

For those who are new to tenses, this article may seem a little chaotic, so as a result, I offer you a ready-made table with the formation of sentences in all tenses, so that it is easier for you to see the whole picture. You can use it as a cheat sheet in the initial stages of studying temporary structures. The table is taken from the Peekaboo resource.

Reading time 6 minutes

In this article, you will learn how to make a life plan and what is it for? How to do it right?

Life planning will allow you to take control of your life, stop going with the flow or living according to other people's plan. Making a plan for life does not guarantee that all the events you have planned will take place or happen. But in any case, with a plan for life, you can achieve much more, realize your goals and act more efficiently.

life planning- building a clear plan for a year, for 3, 5 and even 10 years. In it you enter the highest and most inspiring goals for life. Where do you want to see yourself in a year, 5, 10 years?

Very few people have a clear written plan for life. That is why the percentage of successful people is so critically low in our society. Most people live without specific goals, just dreams, fantasies and thoughts of “if” yes “someday”.

Your future depends on whether you have a clear plan for life, what it will be, and what you will become. Life planning is necessary for those people who take life responsibly and want to have time to do a lot and achieve a lot in life.

You need to build a plan for life so that the results please you. It is necessary to develop all 8 main areas of your life: career, finances, family, environment, health, recreation, spirituality, creativity.

Benefits of a planned life

  1. Life according to the plan includes more interesting events. Life with a plan becomes more interesting and varied. You will never have time to just lie on the couch and watch TV.
  2. A life plan contributes to a faster personal development of a person.
  3. Plans give creative freedom. When you are clear about what you want to achieve, you begin to use your creative thinking to the maximum in order to get the desired result as best and as quickly as possible.
  4. With a life plan, you will enjoy the present. You will never dwell on the traumas of the past or worry about the future. With a plan, you will learn to constantly be in the “here and now” state, since all your affairs will be clearly planned in time for each day.

It is very important to learn how to plan well. Properly making a plan for life means not losing sight of any of the areas of life. Living according to a plan does not mean constantly only working, but also finding the right time for hobbies, leisure, spending time with relatives and friends. A person who lives without a plan is often too lazy to even go for a walk. A person with a plan who cares about his health, the right environment, will always have time and energy not only to work, but also to have a good rest.

How to create a life plan for the year?

In the life of every person there are 8 main areas that need to be developed. Moreover, they are so interconnected with each other that the exclusion of one sphere leads to failure in all the others. Here are the main areas:

  • work (career)
  • family (personal relationships)
  • society (your role in society, attitude towards people)
  • health
  • relaxation
  • training (development)
  • spirituality
  • financial sphere (earnings and expenses).

Consider at what stage of development each of these areas. Think about why you achieved a certain level of success in some of them, and completely forgot about others. What was more important for you in life, what did you pay more attention to in life? And what areas of life you did not care about and now do not feel fully happy and successful.

Most importantly, be honest with yourself.

  1. To write a plan for the year, take a piece of paper and draw a circle.. Divide it into 8 sectors and sign the names of the main areas. Now, in front of each area, rate the degree of satisfaction with one or another part of life from 0 to 10. Zero will be in the center of the circle, and 10 on the edge. Connect these dots and look at the Wheel of your life. Where are the biggest depressions? What did you not pay attention to and did not find time to do it?
  2. Opposite each of the spheres, to begin with, write your most cherished desires..

Consider examples from all areas of life

1. In the field of health, you want to lose weight

Write down how many kilograms and how you plan to achieve this. Perhaps it will be the gym several times a week or jogging in the morning, dancing classes or a special diet. Be clear about what you will be doing.

2. In the field of leisure, you dream of traveling

Write where exactly you want to go, in what month and where will you get the money for this? Describe in detail all the possible ways to implement your plans.

3. In finance, write clearly how much you want to earn per year

Calculate how much you need to earn per hour to reach this amount. Now write down all possible ways how this can be achieved. Perhaps you are planning to change jobs, find additional sources of income, or aim for a new position. What do I need to do?

4. In the field of career, first consider whether your work brings you satisfaction

Maybe you want to change careers. Then think about what you need to do, what courses and seminars to attend in order to increase your efficiency in the same place. Or what you need to know, be able to open your own business or start a new business. Write it down in great detail.

Can they be called successful? You have to understand that your environment influences you a lot, and eventually you become the same as your buddies. If you want to be successful, look for new acquaintances, communicate with interesting promising people who will motivate and push you. Think about how to change your social circle and where you can find new friends? Perhaps you should sign up for business courses or attend interesting exhibitions, presentations. Plan yourself such events and supplement this list throughout the year.

6. In the area of ​​the family, think about whether you devote enough time to your family, children, parents

Plan to visit your parents once a week, for example. Or a trip with your soulmate to the theater, museum, etc. Plan a vacation with your children, where you will take them, what you want to show interesting things.

Perhaps you don’t have a soulmate yet, because, for example, you were fixated only on your career. In this case, take care of yourself and think about where you should go, where to rest in order to meet and interest the person you want to see next to you. To meet a worthy person, you need to clearly understand what qualities he must possess.

7. In the realm of spirituality, define for yourself what it means to you.

Perhaps you attend church, or maybe you are passionate about studying esotericism and meditating. In any case, this area should not be forgotten. Any human activity begins with an idea that is born in the spiritual world and only then is realized in the material world. Write down what you want to achieve this year and how you will do it. It is possible to attend spiritual development courses, learn to meditate on the Internet or read spiritual literature.

8. Don't Forget About Personal Growth

This includes the overall development of man. Plan to learn a new language, read books, new hobbies and hobbies, visit museums, exhibitions, theaters. To be interesting to others, you need to be comprehensively developed.

All these areas are interconnected. Judge for yourself, when there is no health, it is impossible to think about anything, dream and plan anything at all. When there is only work in life, there is not enough time for family, rest and entertainment. When you don’t rest properly, your efficiency and productivity at work drops. Therefore, when making a plan for the year, you should write down everything that can improve the quality of your life in all areas.

When you have written all this down, put the paper down and imagine yourself the way you want to see yourself in a year.

  1. Think about whether all the actions that you described will lead you to the desired result.. You should also ask yourself what will happen if you fail to implement some of the points of the plan. How will this affect your life? Will you be upset? If the answer is no, then this is not your goal. It is imposed by friends, society, advertising, fashion. Avoid such goals. When drawing up a plan for life, it is very important to be guided by personal values ​​and priorities. Otherwise, having reached the imposed goal, you will not experience joy.
  2. Of course, in your plan, you should prioritize areas which you will focus on this year. Since it is possible to embrace the immensity, but it is very difficult.
  3. Be specific about them after you select the priority goals you want to achieve in a year.
  4. Now split your goals by month. For example, in the field of health, in January you go to the doctor and get examined, in February you start a course of treatment, and in June you plan a trip to a sanatorium.
  5. Your plan must be constantly in front of you.. Write it down in your diary, make a copy on your computer, make plans on your mobile, put stickers on the refrigerator. You must always remember what you are striving for and what you must do in order to become the way you want to see yourself in a year.

If the plan for the year is well thought out, all tasks are set clearly and described in detail, you set deadlines for achieving goals, then your desires will certainly be realized. Of course, life is unpredictable and sometimes makes its own adjustments. There are circumstances that we cannot influence. Take it easy. Perhaps the Universe knows best what you need and when to give it to you. It happens when something doesn’t work out, everything eventually turns out for the better and we understand that we didn’t need it at all. Never give up, never give up. Life is very wise. If you work on yourself, your life, you will definitely achieve everything you want.

Plans and dreams are an important part of every person's life. But do people always reach their goals? What's stopping them? Of course, each individual person has a lot of reasons why this or that dream did not come true. However, the root of most of them lies in one simple word - planning. As many managers argue, it is without this process that the achievement of goals most often ends in failure. In this article, we will learn how to make a plan for the year and stick to it.

Why is it necessary

One Italian aphorism says:

Only dead fish, go with the flow.

If you have a question not “how to make a plan for the year”, but “why is this necessary?”, It means that you have simply gone with the flow all your adult life. On the one hand, it's not so bad. But when uncontrollable situations arise, a person begins to realize that he is not the “owner of his life”, but other people or some circumstances. Planning is an important and very responsible process that not only allows you to structure your dreams and desires, but also helps you find solutions to achieve your goals. It's time to take the reins of government into your own hands. Then you can confidently say that you are in complete control of your life.

When to Plan

Of course, the most suitable time for this is the end of the year and the beginning of the next. It is during this period that it is useful to analyze past mistakes and think about what you really want. If the question “how to make a plan for the year” became relevant in the middle of summer, then this is also not a problem. In this case, it would be best to make a list of goals before the end of this year. And then make a new one, already for all 365 days. In fact, planning should be done exactly when you are really ready for it. The main thing is not to put off this matter, because because of the fuss you can forget about your goals and intentions.

Analysis of the past

Before you start drawing up a plan, you need to remember the previous year. It is very important to have a pen and paper handy at this time. You can write for yourself:

  • What goals did you set for the past year?
  • What has been achieved? Why?
  • What didn't work out? Why?

Carefully analyze for yourself all the questions. Were these goals really important to you? Was the effort worth the result? Only after a clear picture of the past year forms in your head, you can proceed to the next item.

Work on bugs

Do you remember how at school everyone was forced to do “work on the mistakes”? Now let's remember this time a little. The data obtained from the last paragraph must be usefully applied for future purposes. How to make a plan for the year, taking into account past mistakes? On a piece of paper, you need to make the following diagram:

On the left side, you need to indicate all the goals that have been achieved, on the right side, the plans that could not be achieved. Under each item, briefly indicate why this happened. Now, with this diagram, it will be very easy to answer the question: “how to plan for the year, taking into account past mistakes?” Particular attention should be paid to the right column. Analyze the need for these goals. If their significance has not decreased, then they need to be rewritten next year. However, to such a goal, one of the sub-points will be the task of achieving it. So, for example, in the scheme above, the girl did not manage to buy a new car, as she could not save money and raise the necessary finances. To such a goal, the task will be as follows: set aside n-amount of money every month.

How to formulate

The way goals are written matters a lot. The wording should be short and accurately reflect the task. In addition, it is desirable that the goals that you will write be tied to certain images. So, it will be easier for you not to forget about them. Some people even make collage plans. They display not only the target, but also its image.

How to make a work plan for the year if there are no specific goals? Sometimes it really happens that a person himself does not know what he wants. Many management experts argue that the plan should be designed depending on the areas of life. For each, you need to choose one important goal and paint tasks for it.

Spheres of life

So, there are 6 main goals, but there can be many more:

  • self-development,
  • finance,
  • health,
  • family,
  • Job.

For each of the areas of life, you need to choose a goal that is the highest priority for you. Moreover, in order to make it much easier to complete the goals, they are divided into tasks by months or even by weeks. For example, if the goal in the field of "self-development" is to learn English, then the tasks may be as follows:

  1. Sign up for English courses.
  2. Get a study notebook.
  3. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 60 minutes.
  4. Learn the verse in English.
  5. Write a story about yourself.

Before making a plan, you need to ask yourself in turn: what do I want to achieve in the field of work, health, and so on? The answers that come to mind, you should consider whether you really need it. So, step by step, a plan of goals will be formed.

How to properly structure goals and objectives

In order to make dreams come true as simply as possible, the formulated goals should be placed in the correct order. First, such a plan will be much easier to read. In addition, most likely, you will remember it well and will follow it. There are many ways to make a plan. Each person should do as he pleases. It is especially important that you like the plan.

For example, you can often find collage plans. In them, each goal is supported by a vivid illustration. For those who like a strict style, a plan in the form of a table is suitable. In a word, we can say that in this case the flight of fancy is limitless. It is only important that all targets are clearly visible on the plan, and they do not have to be searched for a long time with the eyes.

Separate item

In the plan, you can create another important and very necessary item. We are talking about things or things that you constantly put off indefinitely. In the life of every person there are such tasks that he does not want to perform and constantly transfers them to later. It is in the plan for the year that they should take pride of place. Unresolved cases affect all areas of a person's life. They, like dirty garbage, litter the head and take away energy. Agree that from time to time you remember them, you start to get nervous that you won’t do it in any way, tell yourself: “Well, that’s it, I’ll definitely do it next Monday” and forget again. The situation repeats itself with regular cyclicality, but is not solved in any way. Be sure to write down all “things like this” in your plan for the year. Allocate a specific month or day for them and do as planned.

This paragraph should also include what you have wanted to get rid of for so long. These are things that no longer bring income or people who strain with their communication. Always and in everything set priorities, then it will be easier for you to navigate: what needs to be thrown out, and what to pay attention to.

Also, very often people have plans and goals that they dream about for years, but do nothing about it. How to make a life plan for a year if there is no clear understanding of the importance of a particular dream.

In this case, it is also very important to determine whether you really need it? If the answer is no, then cross it out, forget it, and never remember it. Don't waste your time and energy on things that will never come true. If the answer is yes, be sure to write it down in the plan and implement your plan.

Monitoring progress

We have already learned how to make a plan for the year to change your life for the better. But how to check its effectiveness? Of course, in order to achieve all the goals, all this must be constantly monitored. There are two ways to do this.

So, on a general plan for a year, you can celebrate all the successes and defeats. In particular, it is important to mark what has already been achieved. Then, around the middle of the year, when the fuse becomes smaller and the thought “yes, maybe this plan will creep into your head”, you will take it and see how much you have already achieved. This will be a kind of motivation that will not allow you to take a step back.

If the plan turned out to be so beautiful that there is no desire to write anything on it, then additional ones can be drawn up. For example, one of the goals was to make purchases. So, you roughly painted what and how much you need to buy. Now take another sheet. How to make a purchasing plan for the year? Everything is very simple! Divide it into 12 months and in each write down how much and what you will need to buy. Now, when you look at the main plan and see the goal "make purchases" there, you will open the additional one and see all the details. So they don't need to be kept in mind.

Other types of plans

Planning is an amazing and fascinating thing. Any event or goal can be described to the smallest detail - this is called an algorithm. This is exactly how computers work. Interestingly, some people make plans for several years. Most often this is done by entrepreneurs and businessmen. For them, it is vital.

Making a plan for 3 years or 5 years is not difficult at all. All you need to do is to define the main goals and write tasks for them. The most difficult thing is to stick to such a plan rigorously.

It is very important that the goals in the plan correlate with the capabilities of the person. Do not confuse an unattainable dream with clearly set goals. If you are not sure that you can achieve a certain task yourself, then you should not write it down. On the sample “how to make a plan for the year”, presented above, you can see that all goals should depend only on the person himself, his desires and abilities. They have no place for other people or random events. You should always rely only on yourself.

To sum up, it can be said that it is not difficult to make a plan. To do this, you need to carefully analyze your life, draw the necessary conclusions and write them down in the form of a table or list.

Reading time 11 minutes

Plans for the new year- this is a tradition, everyone dreams of waking up on January 1st and radically changing their lives, fulfilling their cherished dreams - learning to sing, dance, drive a car, play sports, succeed in business. How to make a plan and move towards your goals so that dreams become reality?

In the article, we will consider the rules for building a self-development plan for a year, the main points, how to correctly achieve goals, make fundamental changes in life?

So, a little more and the new 2018 will begin, wonderful holidays, gifts, New Year's dreams and plans await everyone, we will again strive to change everything and live consciously, achieving success. The development plan for the next year will help structure thoughts, fantasies, set priorities in all areas of life, because harmony is needed for happiness.

To begin with, it is worth considering what plans for the new year, what is going well in life, and what areas you need to pay special attention to, write general wishes for your own life, and later structure ideas into areas:

  • Development of the spiritual component- work on character, the ability to live with gratitude to people and life, to believe in the best. show love and kindness to others. To improve life - you need to be a worthy person - happiness and love, success.
  • Personal development- you need to decide on your own purpose, goals, mission, what motivates, makes you want to move forward, what results have been achieved, what you need to strive for for further growth. Determine the points of the program for study, implementation in life - time management, search for ways of self-motivation.
  • Health promotion- the state of health affects the effectiveness of a person in life - aspirations, desires, achievements. Without a good state of mind and body, it is impossible to live to the fullest, enjoy and get joy from life, it is difficult to overcome, to move towards goals. This is an important point of the program - to treat chronic diseases, strengthen the overall tone - go to training, start doing exercises.

Plans for the new year must necessarily include the sphere of health as a fundamental and priority one.

  • Love and personal relationships- it is difficult for a person to feel happiness without a loving partner, harmonious and warm relationships. A self-sufficient person can be alone for a long time and feel comfortable, but nature is designed to create couples, families. It is worth considering your personal life - is everything okay, what to work on, how to improve relationships?
  • Realization in a career, business- any person realizes his own potential in work, creativity, business. Is the field of activity suitable, everything suits you, what would you like to do, how to achieve the desired result? There is an expression: "If you don't like the place, change it."

The difficulty lies elsewhere - it is difficult for people to decide on changes. While we are writing down wishes, a letter to Santa Claus, without logical analysis. All dreams have the right to be voiced. Everything in life is possible in what we believe.

Plans for the new year - a list of internal desires.

And the fulfillment of desires is determined by the person himself - determination, aspiration, perseverance.

  • Financial questions- we analyze situations with financial support, income, expenses, we determine whether there is satisfaction, what to work on. It is important to understand what is the reason for the expenses - it may be worth reviewing the expense items, and then thinking about increasing income. It can be helpful to learn how to save, reduce your credit card usage, or close your debts. Set specific goals, prescribing amounts and deadlines. Next, we consider ways to implement the tasks.
  • Adding bright colors- it would be nice to find hobbies, hobbies that stimulate development, give strength for life, inspire new achievements. Think about what you have always dreamed of - playing the guitar, singing, dancing oriental dances, doing yoga.

Now there are a lot of opportunities for realizing the potential, discovering new abilities. The main thing is to realize: everything can be learned at any age. The main thing is the presence of desire!

Plans for the new year are like a flower - a seven-flower, which we draw on our own, and then embody. All components, petals are important, without one part - there will be no beauty and harmony of life. All seven spheres of life are necessary for a person equally.

What plans do you set for the next year, what you have been dreaming about for a long time, but did not dare to realize, perhaps it's time to act more decisively, take responsibility for life in your own hands, attract fortune? She tends to help active and determined individuals.

It is convenient to write down the tasks of the new year in 7 sections, adding under each micro-goals, aspirations, intentions for the next year. It is convenient to structure goals for the new year in the form of a table, place sections, areas of life at the top, 12 months on the side, distribute tasks by deadlines throughout the year, what needs to be done first, what is acceptable later.

How to set goals for the new year correctly and effectively?

We offer basic rules for setting goals:

  1. The goal must be important to the person who plans to embody it, and not come from relatives, friends, otherwise the consciousness will resist, slow down the embodiment of the idea.
  2. The goal must be formulated in specific units of measurement: earn the next amount ..., lose weight by ... a kilogram.
  3. Goals should be realistic, it is possible to gradually increase volumes, increase sales or profitability, increase by about 50% is quite achievable, 2 times - perhaps 10 - is unlikely if the inheritance does not help.
  4. Goals must be written down and constantly reread., adjust as needed.
  5. Goals must be achieved consistently, starting with the most important, key, on which the embodiment of the rest depends, often it is finances or health.
  6. Having defined the sequence, looking for ways to achieve the goal, write down all possible ways, means, choose the most suitable ones, take action, control the results every week, or better, draw up an action plan for every day and sum up the results in the evening.
  7. Finding motivation is important. why it is necessary to realize the goal, what prospects will open up, benefits, opportunities, interest yourself as much as possible. A person has the opportunity to become the master of his own life or go with the flow all the time. What do you choose?

Goals before the new year help set the course, turn on the internal autopilot, and adjust the flight path of life. A person determines his own life, it is useful to accept this truth for new achievements in life.

It is not difficult to make a plan for the next year, there are several ways - a table, a circle of life, divided into sectors, you can determine the names yourself, write the main tasks for each item next to it, then determine the priority, the order of execution.

It is important to think over plans for the next year to the smallest detail - vacation time, where to relax, how much money to raise, key events, activities, goals.

Achievement of the set objectives depends on attention to the following aspects:

  • understanding of the importance, priority of tasks;
  • setting time limits for each item;
  • do you plan to carry out the tasks yourself or you will need assistants, associates, mentors;
  • what knowledge is needed to carry out tasks, how to obtain the necessary information?
  • Are there any possible obstacles on the way, how to neutralize them?
  • how to make the plan as realistic and effective as possible?
  • How to keep motivated throughout the year? Set intermediate tasks, small rewards for yourself, try to encourage and praise yourself for every action that brings you closer to your goals;
  • believe in your own strength, everything is in the hands of a person, so you can never lower them. Gradually, even a daring and complex plan can be realized, the main thing is faith and aspiration.

It helps to realize the goals in the new year and the visual representation of achievements, it is useful to use visualization every day to tune the subconscious to the desired wave, to make a person’s assistant.

Plans for the new year are not a fairy tale for adults, but a clear picture of life that is created by one's own efforts, one should not rely on fortune, it is better to realize goals and strive towards dreams, luck always helps those who go. A person who is aware of his needs and aspirations is more likely to take advantage of the chance of fate than one who does not think about the prospects of life.

Goals before the new year are a natural process, we are summing up, we are thinking about the future, can we take life under control, change its course in the new year, what has been achieved, and what is worth working on? How to make the plan work in our favor? How to implement it correctly?

From dream to goal, how to make changes in life?

Often we promise to change everything, start a new life next year, and what happens next? A month passes, enthusiasm fades, what is the reason? People are afraid to make changes in their lives, they are used to the usual way of life - work, relationships, way of life. Not everything is good, but a titmouse in the hands is better ... Yes, habitual thinking, but life goes on, dreams remain unrealizable.

And if we believe - dreams can come true, everything is possible in life, and the main magician is the man himself! It is only necessary to take an important action - set a goal and say: this is not a dream, but the meaning of life! The main rule is from small to complex, it is important to start acting, take a step towards fate, then it will be easier.

So, the new year is the beginning of a new life, let's consider the basic rules for achieving the goal in the new year:

  1. Don't be afraid of difficulties- Often in the process of achieving goals, you have to communicate with people, receive refusals (hiring, sales). We understand the truth: quantity develops into quality, experience comes with time, high results are also the result of hard work.
  2. Build confidence- it is important to understand the reasons why you deserve to improve the situation - a new position, an increase in salary, income, cost of services, to realize the main advantages over other applicants, competitors.
  3. Divide and rule- it is worth splitting complex tasks into small, probable and achievable with less effort. It is easier to get the final result by overcoming small obstacles, stages, climbing higher.
  4. Keep Motivated- it is worth remembering the benefits of achieving the goal, the benefits, writing down, re-reading daily, mentally praising for actions in the right direction, placing pictures of the future life in the "wish album" to maintain enthusiasm, striving forward.
  5. The presence of purposefulness- is largely determined by the motivation and support of others, it is useful to communicate with positive people, learn from their example, study the history of successful people, learn from life experience. Enthusiasm is transmitted along with pessimism, be careful in choosing close people, in the absence of understanding, it is easier to implement plans on your own, and seek help and support from specialists in the right areas of activity.

Plans for the new year will become real life, thanks to the aspirations and desire to achieve the goal

We considered the main points that contribute to moving forward - to overcome fear, to find faith and a burning desire to achieve what you want. Persistence helps plants to grow even through asphalt, and helps a person to do the incredible. And what goals for the new year to set, have you already decided?

Life can be changed only gradually, building a bridge to dreams, now to goals.

New Year, the goal and tasks of each person are different, united by the desire for the best, for a happy and eventful life. Changes are possible - gray everyday life will be filled with bright colors, if there is a desire and faith.

Human possibilities are endless, only we limit our own potential, all people are unique - they have special abilities, talents. It is useful to develop them, to look for new facets of personality. There is an important understanding - a person independently creates his own destiny, and not circumstances, politics, economics, and so on. Complaining is the destiny of the weak, strong people live and succeed in any situation, they always look for a way out and find it.

To achieve your goals, it is useful to develop the psychology of the winner. It all starts with a thought, an inner conviction. Say "I can do it" - learn to play the guitar, sing, write books, take pictures, be a businessman, etc. Or maybe. have already mastered many skills, you just need to learn how to use the ability and succeed!

Draw a picture of your own life - set goals and make your most incredible dreams come true!

So, down the course there will be a list born in torment and suffering) This list is my first-born, my first such a large-scale list of plans and goals in my life.

To be honest, I don't think I made it right. I read that to make a list, you need to take the time to sit down and listen to yourself, and in the process of this ritual, answers to the questions "what do I really want?" and "What do I really want to do?" Of course, things went the other way.)

I compiled it because I set myself the goal of "come up with a list of goals" (). Of course, I want almost everything from this list (well, except for the water park))), but how much more I want, ooh, you would know! And how many things I want, about which I myself don’t know yet ... And something was written there, so to speak, for extras. In general, I think that this list is far from final and over time it will change: items may be added, or may be replaced by others - for example, I will not go to Italy, but to Spain and this will be considered legal)

Let's move on to the second part - there are many goals, and time, as is often the case, is limited. Initially, the idea was this: to implement all this within a year, i.e. until 07/15/2015, except for the list of improbability (see the last section), but you need to face the truth - I will strive very hard, of course, but it’s not a fact that I will mentally, physically and financially master it all in such a short period of time. Of course, I could create a list of plans not for a year, but in general, but I believe that one of the conditions for translating a goal into reality is the presence of a time frame, albeit approximate. On this occasion, I decided this - everything that does not submit to me in a year will be transferred to the next list.

Actually, here he is, the hero of the occasion:

A life

  1. Get an annual Schengen
  2. Get a UK visa
  3. Pass on rights
  4. Get tanned :)
  5. Compliment strangers
  6. Walk more -
  7. Become feminine
  8. Achieve balance in all areas of life
  9. Write down your new goals, dreams and ideas and add them to this list


  1. Travel - abroad at least 1 time in 3 months, in Ukraine - 1 time per month
  2. Travel to London for a week to choose a language school
  3. Go skiing in Zakopane
  4. Surf school in Portugal
  5. Visit all regional centers of Ukraine
  6. Visit Moscow and St. Petersburg
  7. Travel to Greece
  8. Travel to Istanbul
  9. Journey to Italy
  10. NEW-
  11. NEW - Complete a collection of 100 Starbucks traveler cups

Work and Finance

  1. Earn $3000 per month
  2. Make a wp framework for Themeforest
  3. Find a designer(s) to collaborate with
  4. Earn $10000 on Themeforest
  5. Explore Themeforest Alternatives
  6. Work in a way that allows you to travel
  7. Think about what else I would like to do, look for alternative sources of income
  8. Set aside 10% of every income for a brighter future
  9. Don't work weekends
  10. pay off debts

Professional development

  1. Explore Design
  2. Learn JavaScript
  3. Learn Canvas
  4. Learn PHP
  5. Learn to make mobile apps
  6. Upgrade your layout skills,
  7. Upgrade your layout skills, learn sass
  8. Upgrade Your WordPress Skills
  9. Periodically attend specialized conferences
  10. Write and defend a dissertation


  1. Free English
  2. A month of language courses in London
  3. English courses for groups
  4. Continue private English lessons
  5. Start learning Italian
  6. Start learning French
  7. Summer language courses Spanish/French/Italian
  8. Start learning Portuguese
  9. Portuguese language courses in Porto

family and home

  1. Dedicate an apartment
  2. Support parents financially
  3. Every week, prepare a new dish - and
  4. Invite your parents to dinner at a restaurant at least once a month
  5. Invite friends over more often
  6. Buy a cottage
  7. Make repairs at the place of registration
  8. Grow some exotic plant in a cup
  9. Inspire your man
  10. Get rid of all unnecessary things


  1. Learn to take professional photos
  2. Find some other lists of recommended books and read them
  3. from these lists
  4. Draw
  5. Learn how to make macaroons
  6. Read and listen to uplifting literature
  7. - e.g. leaf skeletonization
  8. Learn how to massage

Sports, health and beauty

  1. Do stretching exercises
  2. To take dance classes
  3. Normalize the daily routine
  4. Healthy food -
  5. Start running -


  1. Spend more time with friends - meet at least once a week
  2. Go to the cinema at least once a month
  3. Go to a new restaurant/cafe at least once a month
  4. Study the events that take place in our city and attend at least one a month
  5. Go to a nightclub, shake the old days)
  6. Go to the water park (although this is stressful for me, not fun)
  7. Love a board game and play it occasionally
  8. contemplate the stars
  9. Go to the zoo - haven't been in 100 years
  10. Stay at the aquarium
  11. NEW - Ride on a yacht

Tell the world about yourself touch all the oceans

  • Cruise to Antarctica
  • Travel all over Mexico
  • Stay in Japan
  • Visit all countries of the world -
  • Participate in a marathon
  • learn to surf
  • Learn to fly an airplane
  • Buy property in Europe
  • Trip around the world
  • Arrive at the airport and buy a ticket no one knows where
  • NEW - Travel all over South America -
  • Now about the problems - to be honest, I have not yet decided how it would be more convenient to outline my achievements in this regard. Throwing it all away is not an option. Conducting all the goals at once separately is also not an option, it seems to me that in this case, the description of the process will take more time than the process itself.

    So far I've decided to do this:

    • select one global and create a separate goal for it;
    • highlight several smaller goals (1-2-3) and regularly write a report on your achievements on them in this goal, say, once a week;
    • once a month write a report on the entire list of goals.

    those. there will be no stages for all items on the list yet, I will add stages gradually.

    Let's start on that positive note.)