Lucky Numbers for Gemini c. Twins

  • 02.07.2020

Compatibility horoscope: Gemini zodiac sign numbers - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

It is believed that lucky numbers for Gemini, it's three and four. They have very strong astrological fluctuations for representatives of this sign and often bring success and good luck. There is also a very favorable influence on the future plans of this sign, as well as on their daily lives.

Gemini lucky numbers

3 and 4 - these numbers can make her more positive and happy. But this is only if a person knows about it and constantly tries to use the magic of numbers.

Although, it should be noted that the Gemini very rarely rely on it. They achieve success in their lives only with the help of perseverance in work, as well as their perseverance. Often there are obstacles and problems on their way.

Although Gemini tries to choose the easiest ways to solve them. Often, many admire the representatives of this zodiac sign. So many people know that lucky numbers for Gemini exist and can be used to make life a little easier.

Many experts believe that Wednesday is the lucky day for Gemini. It is at this time, according to astrologers, that you should start those things that you consider the most important. On this truly happy day, you will be on top.

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All your plans will be obtained without much effort. Many Gemini on this day begin building a house or major repairs in an apartment. After all, if you initially know that on this day luck comes to Gemini, then this can be deposited on a subconscious level. In this case, your actions will be more confident and coordinated.

Silver and gray colors can also bring good luck to Gemini. This should be taken into account by representatives of this sign if they want to decorate their interior or buy new things for their wardrobe.

Often only this color can bring good luck to those people who were born under the Gemini zodiac sign. However, in no case do not overdo it with this color scheme. After all, everything should be in moderation. Otherwise, this color scheme will begin to irritate you over time and stop bringing good luck.

In this case, she simply begins to be repelled by a person at a subconscious level. This is unacceptable, because after a while it will be very difficult to convince yourself that silver and gray colors will bring you good luck.

How to find out your lucky number

Not only the name and surname of a person, the date of his birth, the sign of the zodiac, but also the number determine his future fate. In fact, each person has his own number, which primarily reveals his character. At the same time, it will be considered happy for him.

There are different versions of how to find your lucky number from the set. No, this is not just a birthday number or a year, now we will look at the most popular technique for determining "one's" number.

So, for this you need to add up the numbers corresponding to the letters (they will be given later) of your full name and surname until you get a single digit. Here is a comparison of letters and numbers: A-2, B-2, C-6, D-3, E-5, F-2, Z-7, I-1, Y-1, K-2, L-2, M-2, N-5, O-7, P-8, R-2, S-3, T-4, U-6, F-8, X-5, C-3, Ch-7, Sh- 2, W-9, Y-1, L-1, E-6, Yu-7, Z-2.

For example, let's take the name of a non-existent person: Anastasia Tolmash.

ANASTASIA = 1+5+1+3+4+1+3+1+2= 21

TOLMASH = 4+7+2+2+1+2 = 18

21+18 = 39 = 3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

As we see, numerical value named after Anastasia Tolmash is the number 3. Next, we look for this number in the list of character types.

Lucky numbers and planets

Number 1 is the Sun. The beginning of all living things, the whole universe relies on it. If you belong to this number, then the main setting will be not to become isolated in yourself.

Number 2 - Moon. These people are especially open. They rarely take risks, as they have unsurpassed intuition, which helps to get around all adverse situations.

Number 3 - Jupiter. Jupiter people are optimists, they are positive about everything and everyone. They are sociable, maintaining close relationships with people they like. For happiness and harmony, they are like a magnet.

Number 4 - Uranus. These people are stubborn and wayward, they do not want to live by generally accepted rules and pave their own way everywhere. Often they are popular and loved, but there is no thriftiness in them at all.

Number 5 - Mercury. This planet endows a quirky, lively mind. They show initiative in everything, but quickly lose heart due to failures. Since this planet displays the zodiac sign Gemini numbers and are in special harmony. That is, if you are a Gemini and your numerical value of the name = 5, then you are incredibly lucky!

Number 6 - Venus. All people of this type, without exception, are loved. What else is needed for happiness?

Number 7 - Neptune. They are characterized by philosophical thinking, or religiosity. These are highly sensitive and subtle natures.

Number 8 - Saturn. These people often do not understand why they suffer. You can always rely on them.

Number 9 - Mars. They are real conquerors. They have strong will and courage. If they purposefully apply their efforts, they will conquer grandiose peaks.

In May, namely on the 22nd, the Gemini come into their own

You can believe or not believe in a horoscope, but the fact is that this knowledge is ancient, and our ancestors knew how to live in harmony with nature. They noted the cyclicality of all processes in the world around, as well as some similarity in the characters and destinies of people born in the same period. Very interesting, unusual people born under the sign Gemini. From what date their reign begins, probably everyone knows. In May, namely the 22nd, Gemini begins to rule, and Cancer replaces them on June 22nd.

Geminis are very fond of reasoning and philosophizing. They are very eloquent, besides they have excellent oratory skills. The twins truly own the word, so there are many writers, journalists, and critics among them. Possessing a brilliant education, they are very pleasant and interesting people in communication, interesting interlocutors. At the same time, they are not always loved by others, since the Gemini do not recognize conventions, do not play by someone else's rules, and often violate the boundaries of decency. Only with age comes an understanding of how to coexist with others without causing rejection. Born in early June, around the fifth, Geminis are the most pronounced personalities.

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Being a partner of a Gemini man is very difficult. He must not cease to amaze, as if to keep in a constant tone. For men born under the sign of Gemini, the intellectual level of a partner is extremely important. Thus, a woman in this union can never relax, which is a common reason for Gemini marriage failures. Gemini men are often married more than once. This does not mean that they do not know how to love. They just need a woman-muse, not a good hostess or mother for children. At the same time, the attractive appearance of a lady is far from being in the first place in the list of qualities of an ideal wife for a Gemini man.

The Gemini woman, on the contrary, is an ideal wife. She is accommodating, wise, romantic and inventive. She knows how to listen and hear, to guess desires, she is a wonderful lover. But it should be noted that all these qualities come to her not in her youth, but with age. In early youth, she is often windy and frivolous.

Gemini Career

Most often, Gemini earn a living by mental labor. These are talented writers and journalists, specialists in marketing and advertising, public relations, political technologists, publishers, artists. That is, Gemini is best suited for all those areas where it is important to influence consciousness with a word. They are very capable of languages. Many of them are polyglots. Thanks to their well-spoken tongue, they are also masterful negotiators, which helps a lot in entrepreneurial activities. A career as a diplomat or teacher can also be very successful. Due to the influence of Mercury, there are special numbers in the month. Gemini born on these dates have every chance of becoming adventurers, talented scammers.

Gemini horoscope for 2015

In 2015 Gemini will make big plans. This year will bring them great changes in all areas of life. Gemini is waiting for a lot of new acquaintances, a lot of communication with the most different people. Thus, influential friends and patrons will appear in life, thanks to which the career will go uphill. At the end of March, fateful numbers will come. Gemini in 2015 is very likely to fall in love and get married, and for this you will have to globally change your life: move, change jobs, learn a foreign language, change your lifestyle and social circle. It is love relationships that will be decisive for Gemini. In general, the favorites of fortune in 2015 are Gemini. By what number will they be successful? The stars say that throughout literally the whole year they will be lucky in love, and then in their careers.

What date does the Gemini zodiac sign start with?

The zodiac sign Gemini starts on May 21st and ends on June 20th., this is according to Western astrology.

Geminis are very sensitive and sociable. The character is soft. You can see a photo of the Gemini zodiac sign just below;

According to Western astrology, the sign of the Zodiac - Gemini - begins on the twenty-first of May and ends on the twentieth of June. The next sign of the Zodiac - Cancer - begins on the twenty-first of June.

Gemini's ruling planet: Mercury. Element: Air.

The main features of Gemini: developed intelligence, curiosity, nervousness, inconstancy, duplicity, sociability.

What are the numbers of the zodiac sign Gemini

The date of the beginning of the reign of the astrological sign of the zodiac Gemini is May 21. Representatives of this sign have a sharp, lively mind, think instantly, give birth to new ideas, they are characterized by frequent mood swings.

This is how the influence of fast Mercury is manifested, which, according to ancient myths, was not only a messenger of the will of the gods, but also the patron of negotiations.

Gemini zodiac sign - what numbers of the year are given to this horoscope

The sun stays in the constellation of Gemini from May 21 to June 20 - these are the dates of the first summer month, and people of the Gemini zodiac sign have a light summer character. Their weapon is the word, they are excellent debaters, real masters of controversy. Gemini are strong opponents, they are resourceful, they don’t go into their pocket for a word, they are versatile and have a ready answer for everything. It is not easy to defeat them in disputes.

Gemini - the third sign of the zodiac, is under the influence of the air element, the sign is changeable.

  • The astrological color of the zodiac sign Gemini is yellow.
  • The stone corresponding to it is agate and rock crystal.
  • Metal - mercury, the same mobile, corresponding to the nature of Gemini.
  • The lucky number is 5. In addition, numbers 3, 12 and 18 will bring good luck to Gemini.

Gemini zodiac sign - good and bad days and lucky numbers

The zodiac sign Gemini is an intellectual sign, its credo is: "I think." Lucky days of the zodiac sign Gemini when the heavenly bodies are favorable to them - Wednesday and Sunday. These days you can complete old cases, negotiate, resolve conflicts, both in business and in the personal sphere, start new projects.

Day, unfortunate for the zodiac sign Gemini- Thursday. On this day, luck avoids Gemini, and if possible, it is better for them to refuse trips and contacts, there is a high probability of losses and disappointments.


Gemini zodiac sign by birth period.

Gemini is a dual sign. He has a constant duality. Geminis are smart, have versatile interests, easily adapt to circumstances. In the representatives of this sign, there are always, as it were, two people. By nature, Geminis are a little irritable and nervous. They are prone to sudden changes in mood, clothing, work, place of residence, as well as their decisions and opinions.

Geminis love to talk, but they don't know how to listen. They hate conservatism: neither in people nor in ideas.

Geminis have a strong nervous energy, they are quick and graceful, easily get out of delicate situations. They are able to do several things at the same time. Monotony and punctuality are their enemies. They are often late because they are distracted by something else.

Gemini are excellent politicians: thanks to their mental abilities, they will convince others of anything, they will be able to change the opinion that has developed about them.

As a rule, Gemini has a lively pen, they are capable of learning foreign languages.

Gemini often come across as extremely careless people.

Whatever fantastic business the Gemini undertakes, they are lucky. These are the biggest improvers in the world. Their brain is in constant tension, so they need more sleep.

Gemini strive for ideals in any business, but they can’t define it in any way. Money, fame, love - everything is always not enough for them, they are always unsatisfied.

Among the representatives of this sign are the largest number of geniuses and talented people both in science and in literature and art.

Gemini zodiac sign by birth period

Jupiter had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are smart, they have an innate flair and a predisposition to the arts, they do not require anything in return. In the absence of both money and fame, this type of people often indulges in religious reflections for self-satisfaction.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

The greatest influence at birth on these people was Mars, as a result of which they sometimes have defiant hostility, a tendency to ridicule, unreasonable anxiety and excessive concern.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

The greatest influence at birth on these people was the Sun. They have an indomitable and domineering character, they are prone to irritation over every little thing, strive for fame, narcissism and verbosity.

Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

Zodiac signs.

Lucky numbers for Gemini

Each sign of the zodiac has its own talisman numbers and auspicious days of the year. What are they for Gemini - Stoloto will tell.

Characteristics of the sign

Gemini (from the Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Gemini from May 21 to June 21.

People born under this sign can tell you a lot about themselves. And all because they love to talk. And this is not just chatter - the driving force behind the Gemini's conversation is their mind.

Gemini is intellectually developed, prone to search interesting information. They love to listen and learn. Gemini's mood changes quickly, but this does not prevent them from being flexible and adapting to the environment.

The element associated with the zodiac sign Gemini is air. Air signs tend to represent thinking people. In professional activities, they can put forward logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes Gemini a good asset for any team. But these people are not inclined to take the lead.

When it comes to sports, Geminis naturally go for doubles, like table tennis.

The most famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Gemini: Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Paul Gauguin, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova.

Sign mythology

In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux are twin brothers, also known as the Dioscuri, children of Leda. Castor's father is Tyndoreus and Pollux's father is Zeus. Therefore, the first brother is mortal, and the second is immortal. Castor was killed in battle, but Pollux shared the gift of immortality with his brother. Since then, the Dioscuri were immortal one day, mortal another. The brothers were considered the patrons of sailors and were associated with the art of horsemanship.

What numbers bring good luck

Talisman numbers for Gemini: 4, 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50. Auspicious months: January, March, April, June, August, November. The shape of the numbers reflects their character. For example, 4 is a square, 5 is a symbol of dynamic movement.

In numerology, the number 14 represents independence, unity and justice. A great need in life for people of this number is to achieve balance, harmony and moderation. If they act with caution and foresight in money matters and business, then they will undoubtedly be lucky.

The number 23 is reduced to five. Representatives of this number consider practical experience the best teacher. 50 is the achievement of stability, symbolizes the principle of plurality and passion.

Number 23 is one of the most popular in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery: for the entire time of the game, it fell out 406 times (almost 14.4% of draws). Number 14 most often falls in the first round of the Russian Lotto (in about 12.5% ​​of draws). In the State Housing Lottery, the favorites of the first round are numbers 32 and 50. In the KENO-Sportloto lottery, statistics show that the numbers 5 and 41 more often fell out over the entire time of the draws.

Wednesday and Sunday are considered lucky for Gemini. It is on these days that it is recommended to make important meetings, sign contracts, etc. plan to buy lottery tickets.

When does the Gemini zodiac sign begin?

The period of the reign of Gemini, as a sign of the zodiac, traditionally begins at the end of May, and more specifically, on the 22nd. In this article we will tell you what behavior to expect from this representative of the air element. The astrological meaning behind the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini is duality and variability against the background harmonious combination two principles: male and female. It is generally accepted that the whole versatility of the nature of a person of this sign is revealed as positively as possible when the year of his birth in the interpretation of the eastern horoscope corresponds to the year of the Ox, Snake or Rooster. The cycle of Gemini begins on May 22nd and ends on June 21st. That is, all people whose name days are celebrated in this time period, according to traditional Western astrology, are Gemini. The native element of the sign is air. And this fact has its reflection in the destinies of individuals. So, let's say, lightness and inconstancy, personifying air environment, allow Gemini to find themselves in a variety of creative professions. And when they win victories, they almost never get hung up on them, do not live in present achievements, but strive to conquer new horizons and open up the future. However, the desire for change also has reverse side medals: stability often puts pressure on the consciousness of the twins and, as a result, prevents them from building a serious relationship with the opposite sex. So life on suitcases, depressing for many, is welcomed with a bang by most of them.

Among auspicious days Astrologers celebrate the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 12th of every month.

In addition, "positively charged" for Gemini are Sunday and Wednesday. But Thursday, the interpreters of the stars do not recommend using them as a day for making vital decisions. Gemini is still often presented as the "children" of Jupiter (05.21 - 05.31.), Mars (06.01. - 06.10.) and the Sun (06.11. - 06.21.). At the same time, each of the cosmic parents strives to endow their earthly son or daughter with certain qualities. So the inconsistency in the thinking and internal organization of people is often visible even within the sign itself. Stargazers call silver and gold amulets of Gemini, and beryl and topaz are noted among the most effective stones-talismans.

How to sign up for astrology training, consultation?


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Gemini is the most changeable sign of the Zodiac. People born under this constellation often have a literary gift, are intelligent, write easily and acquire a variety of skills and abilities. They are charming, easily win victories, love to flirt, but family life is a burden for them. The seeming contradictions of their nature are illusory, they simply cannot stand monotony.

Daisies, buttercups, jasmine, narcissus.

Temperament and character:

An intellectual, direct complex sign of artists, a sign of Air, changeable under the influence of Mercury, dual, ancient, talkative, courageous, humane, with an attractive appearance. Gemini is under the influence of Mercury alone. This means instinctive indifference, developing as defense mechanism against emotional impact on criticism, irony, any jokes. Born under the influence of Mercury, seeks to dispose of himself, protect and organize his life in accordance with his interests. They seek ease, but this often leads to neurasthenia. They have a taste for the game, they have a mobile mind. Lively, agile, inquisitive, sometimes failing due to fickleness and scatter. To a developed mind must be added a morbid sensitivity and a tendency to exaggerate trifles. They are unbalanced, inconsistent, do several things at the same time, but are practical, sensitive, selfish, and also petty. Bad luck and family worries make Gemini either enjoy wealth or live in poverty. Some failures are due to a lack of energy and a predisposition to let everything take its course. They are harmed by a tendency to fatalism and inconstancy. With effort and perseverance, Gemini can succeed. Geminis are light and changeable by nature. they are internal intelligences. They have a changeable mood, they easily grasp everything, they love disputes and fun, they have the ability to live a double life. Geminis are self-centered, often emotional, always fickle. Astronomers explain this by the fact that Mercury is a sexless planet, it affects Gemini and Virgo, who have no feelings. They are resourceful, daring, inventive. With the unfavorable position of Saturn, dishonorable and tactless people are born. Gemini are sweet, smart, easy, laid-back, accommodating, love meetings, travel, fleeting contacts and connections. Gemini women love to dress in colorful fabrics. The sign of Gemini governs the nervous system. Those born under it have a quick reaction time, often a literary gift. The negative quality of gifted Gemini is inconstancy. Their adaptability is enormous, as is their propensity for deceit and disorganization. Not very strong, they are afraid of fatigue, they quickly get tired, because liveliness exceeds their strength.

Love and marriage:

Loving a Gemini man is easy and pleasant, unless you give yourself to it with all your passion. He has a certain spiritual essence peculiar only to him, which he will not share with anyone. There is no need to complicate and dramatize relationships, it is necessary to take everything calmly and simply, not to bother him and try to awaken his imagination all the time. Do not protest against its changeability, but change with it. You need to be a lively, interesting conversationalist, because the most important thing for a twin is the intellectual level of a partner, he will give preference primarily not to outfits, but to a brilliantly honed mind. Twins, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later the marriage is concluded, the more likely it is to last for a long time, maybe forever. Gemini have the ability to read secret thoughts. A twin man in love brings with him a sense of security from outside world. Gemini is ready to help always and in everything. But almost every rule has an exception. Secret love affairs often end in failure. Their feelings are superficial. In early youth, a twin woman is absolutely unpredictable and love for her is just a game. But the older she gets, the more interesting it is to communicate with her. With the greatest force, she manifests herself in love, since it is love that is the area where the female essence, its richness and complexity of nature are best revealed. She is sentimental and romantic, charming and smart. No one can compete with her in ingenuity in love. You will never get bored with her. To be sure of the constancy of a woman - a twin, it is necessary to always be near her, to remind her of her presence. She does not know how to control her emotions and feelings, she is subject to frequent mood swings. In marriage, twins are ambitious. It is in this area that their lifelong goals are born, to which they then strive. They value particularly sensible support, solutions born from brainstorming. In marriage, all twins are a little philosophical, although in other areas it is difficult to expect a deep approach from them. They are attracted to Aquarius and Libra, rarely find mutual understanding with Taurus, seek Leo, Aries, Cancer, should avoid Pisces and Scorpio

Choice of profession:

Under the sign of twins, many people of mental labor are born. Gemini prefer this kind of work, which is associated with a continuous change of impressions and activities: advertising service agents, managers, television and radio operators. Gemini can be artists, journalists, publishers, secretaries, postal workers, accountants, small traders, scientists. There is a close relationship between belonging to the Gemini constellation and literary ability. Almost all of them have the gift of syllables and the ability to build phrases. They skillfully compose reports, reports, documents and textbooks, write books, most often these are novels, biographies or popular science literature. Very rarely do twins keep their own diary. Gemini is capable of languages, so among them there are often polyglots. Favorite language is usually French. The verbal abilities of twins are so great and varied that they can convince anyone and anything. In the mouth of the twin, the most absurd ideas sound reasonable, and lies seem to be true. A talent of this nature pushes some twins down a dishonest path, but this does not happen so often, because they are idealists at heart. And yet, it must be admitted that these abilities, along with incredible manual dexterity, can make him an unsurpassed master of criminal sciences. An area in which it is difficult to compete with the twins is entrepreneurship. Mercury can make a twin both a genius and an adventurer. Saturn has a positive influence on Mercury, and if it is in a favorable position for the twins, then people are born who are prone to philosophy, teaching and diplomacy.

Attitude towards money:

How they earn it is how they spend it. They do not know how to save money, often their accumulation in the case of twins is replaced by the accumulation of knowledge. They can become famous intellectuals. Often they make money with their mind.

Passions in comfort:

Often twins live on suitcases. For them, a cozy atmosphere that allows you to quickly get ready for the road. There are many little things in the atmosphere, each of which makes sense.

Life planning:

Gemini make plans spontaneously, so they often sin with ill-consideration. This leads them to take on more than they can handle.


This is not to say that the twins are insensitive, but the flow of their feelings often lags behind the movement of thought. In this regard, they like to sum up a logical basis for many phenomena.

They are very inquisitive, supporters of all kinds of new ideas and want to try everything in life, which they often get burned on. They love roses and lilies of the valley. In their view, paradise is a garden smelling of roses. Their active lifestyle suits fresh, especially citrus notes. Such a smell has a positive effect on their psyche and has an impact on composure. Aromas of spices and fresh herbs can stabilize them. nervous system. Give them an extravagant and at the same time mischievous bottle of light yellow or sky blue, which will give the twin great pleasure.

Days and numbers:

Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.

Lucky days: Wednesday, Sunday.

Unlucky day: Thursday.

Those born from May 21 to 31 - under the influence of Jupiter - are smart, have intuition, are prone to the arts, and are disinterested. They find satisfaction in religious contemplation for lack of fame and money. Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. The nature of those born from June 1 to 10 - under the influence of Mars - is aggressive. They are mocking and restless, preoccupied. Important years: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72. Born from June 11 to 21 - under the influence of the Sun - natures are unbridled, domineering, vain and talkative. Important years: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

The influence of Mercury can cause mental and speech disorders, apoplexy, lung diseases, pleurisy, asthma. The most common diseases are: allergies (from drugs and food), colds, nervousness. Large consumption of meat should be avoided. Geminis are often prone to insomnia, so they don't rest well at night. Despite all the objective reasons, they must be able to relax in order to prevent nervous tension and possible nervous breakdowns. To prevent illness, twins should monitor their health, visit more often fresh air and take air and sun baths. If the twins neglect such advice, this may adversely affect their fragile health. More often than others, they have accidents; they are subject to diseases of the lungs and intestines, as well as arthritis, rheumatism and headaches. Gemini gets sick mainly from overwork, but rather from boredom and loneliness. Chronic suspiciousness is an accurate diagnosis for twins. Almost without exception, the twins are always on the alert and exhaust themselves mentally. To an inexperienced observer, as well as to some astrologers, it seems that the twins are afraid of losing something. Outwardly, he wants to be in time everywhere, read all the books, discuss everything known to mankind, and moreover, as quickly as possible. However, there is more to this complex intelligence than the simple desire to "do it while it's being done." The flow of nervous energy and the ever-changing focus of attention is caused by a finely balanced sensitivity, which in Indian astrology is called "openness to knowledge." You can call this property an excellent sign of artistry. People with this position of the Sun tend to hear and see more than a common person. They are very impressionable and, with the help of Mercury, are able to fix impressions with refined devotion. A continuous state of over-awareness exhausts the nervous system. Therefore, the twin needs more sleep than the average person, as well as daily exercise in the air, which stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the lungs (one of the twins' potentially weak organs). Geminis are not very healthy. Exceptions are when there are some stimulating planets in the horoscope, favorably located on the ascending line and in the sixth house of the horoscope. Geminis are often indifferent to their health, which is why we find tuberculosis more often among twins than in any other sign of the zodiac. Thirty years of research has shown that in all patients with tuberculosis, the main planets of the horoscope were Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto. Mercury, the planet of Gemini, predominated in 96% of the horoscopes of persons suffering from nervous disorders. In addition, twins are inherent in: bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, neuritis, lethargy of the liver, abscesses in the lungs, skin diseases. Some authorities in medical astrology say that twins, being a two-body sign, expose their carriers to two diseases at the same time. Since health problems in twins arise from mental depression, when they are suppressed in the desire for intellectual self-expression or are subject to the monotonous daily routine, they should look for work with frequently changing events.

Geminis are rarely seen doing hard work that requires hard physical labor. They prefer activities that require a quick mind or dexterous skillful hands. Therefore, they need to follow the diet daily in order to nourish exhausted nerves, increase vitality and regulate the content of fibrin in the blood. The diet should be dominated by protein foods: lean meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts and soy. Calcium-rich foods are especially important, as it helps to calm nervous nerves. These are yogurt, milk, turnip leaves, cabbage. If it is not possible to get enough calcium from food, supplement the diet with bone food or calcium tablets. For better absorption of this substance, vitamin D should be taken. The main mineral salt of the twins is potassium chloride, abundantly contained in green peas, asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, corn, celery, apricots, peaches, plums and pineapples. Some of these vegetables and fruits should be on the twins' menu. The following herbs are useful: comfrey, verbena, red clover and licorice (licorice root).

Time between 10 and 12 o'clock; the place is the top of a hill or a well-ventilated room; duration 6 minutes. Sit comfortably and upright in a chair, close your eyes, relax and give free rein to your thoughts without directing them. Allow your consciousness to flow without tension, become, as it were, an observer of this flow. Sometimes it's very interesting; thoughts and images that arise in the depths of the subconscious, glide across the screen of consciousness. In the early days it is difficult to relax to such an extent, but over time calmness comes. Inhale gently on count 7, hold on count 1, exit on count 7. The cycle is repeated about 12 times. Then, closing the right nostril with the index finger, inhale through the left nostril for a count of 7. Delay for a count of 1. Then close the left nostril and exhale through the right. So continue this cycle, inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other. The purpose of this somewhat simplified "pranayama" is to cleanse the nerves. Continue for 3 minutes or more so as not to feel dizzy or delirious.

Gemini Man:

The Gemini man is a well-known intellectual who prefers to engage in cognitive activities. The main motive is the accumulation of information, its utilization and storage. Life paradigm - the more knowledge I have, the more prestigious I can look. They are doing research. Among them are good businessmen and stock market brokers. In general, twin men are attracted to areas of activity that require logical understanding of large amounts of information or statistics. Gemini men can often be found in the company of journalists. In general, excellent writers and poets come out of them. Their work is influenced by one or a whole series of events. Known to everyone from school, Pushkin, who was born when the Sun was within the zodiac constellation of twins. He created his best masterpieces during periods of another love. We can say that Gemini men lack emotional life, so they are either empty or dense. Their lack of emotional life is not due to the fact that there are few relevant events, but because Gemini men tend to control its course to a large extent. These tendencies are similar to the fact that the emotional life is dangerous for them. It consists only in the fact that it violates the logic of their worldview, because emotional life is not subject to logical comprehension. For this reason, Gemini men may feel flawed.

Gemini Woman:

The Gemini woman is a well-known collector of information. To do this, they study a lot or work in research institutes. Gemini women do not have careerism, but there are quite a few ambitions that are expressed more often not in specific actions, but in ordinary desires to achieve one position or another. In this regard, they may often resent that their rights are infringed. This is a "bearded" anecdote about them: ": well, let the one who asks buy at least one lottery ticket." I'm not saying that female twins are slackers, but it's possible that they are. life path will contain more words than specific actions. They can work as teachers in a school, raising other people's children. Their professional course lies far from risky male areas. But they can also work as excellent interviewers, TV presenters. In general, in those areas where a well-suspended language and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations are required. The profession of a translator deserves special attention. It was created as if for women of twins. They know how to creatively approach the translation of works. From under their pen, in the literal sense, new works-translations into mother tongue. Gemini women need to train attention, otherwise memory capabilities will be greatly reduced. Interest in a large number of the most diverse and insignificant events can greatly distract from the main activity.

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GEMINI May 22-June 21
In Greek mythology, the Gemini zodiac sign is associated with the myth of Castor and Pollux, twin demigods born to Leda from Jupiter, who descended from Mount Olympus in the guise of a swan. Actually, according to legend, only one of the brothers, Pollux (or Pollux), who possessed immortality, was originally a demigod; Castor was dead.

Gemini ruling planet: Mercury.
In childhood, the brothers were brought up by Mercury (by the way, the patron planet of this sign). Castor and Pollux accomplished many feats together: together with Jason they participated in the campaign for the Golden Fleece, defeated Theseus, the winner of the Minotaur. Finally, they fell in love with two beautiful princesses and, joining forces, stole them from their suitors. The ridiculed suitors pursued and overtook the brothers. As a result of a fierce battle, Castor died. Shocked, Pollux begs Jupiter to grant immortality to his unfortunate brother, and he shares eternal life for two equally: alternately living and dying, each of the brothers spends 6 months in the underworld and 6 - on Olympus. Therefore, they never appear together in the company of the gods - just as, of the two most important stars of the constellation Gemini, one disappears behind the horizon as soon as the other rises.


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure.

Sapphire - a stone of wisdom

Agate - a stimulant of spiritual awakening

Jasper - stone of life

Garnet is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship.

Rock crystal - a stone of clairvoyants

Beryl - a stone of peace of mind

Topaz - a stone of inner enlightenment

Amber - the magic resin of the ancient forest




It opens shortly after sunrise, for which it was nicknamed the "eye of the day." In Greek, daisy means pearl. The European knights regarded the bouquet of daisies sent to their beloved as consent to marriage. Louis IX ordered the flower to be depicted on the state flag and on the royal ring in honor of his wife Margarita. For many nations, the daisy is an image of kindness and restraint.

Where did it come from Russian name this flower is not known for certain. True, some beautiful varieties really look somewhat like the eye. According to others, pansies depict the face of an angry stepmother. Still others, seeing in them also a face, do not find anything evil in its expression, but only curiosity and say that it belongs to a woman who seemed to have been turned into this flower because, out of curiosity, she looked where she was forbidden. Tricolor pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of reviving nature: the snow has not yet melted, and they are already winking slyly from the flower beds. White color their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness. The Greeks considered pansies a sign of a love triangle, while the French and the British, on the contrary, presented their beloved with a simple bouquet, wanting to declare their love.

The first mention of fragrant jasmine was found in ancient Egyptian papyri. The Greeks believed that jasmine was given to people by the goddess of wisdom, Athena. In France, pipes and flutes were made from its trunks. Jasmine flowers are honey-bearing, and young leaves are a good seasoning for salads. Scientists have noticed that the jasmine smell tones and excites the functions of the brain.

The legend of the narcissist is probably known to everyone. The name of the flower comes from the Greek word "narkao" - intoxicating. A refined white-yellow daffodil has a sharp, really intoxicating smell.

The mountain nymph Echo fell in love with the young man Narcissus, who was predicted to live long if only he never saw his own face. The arrogant young man remained indifferent to the nymph, and the gods, seeing her torment, punished the proud man: wanting to drink from the stream, he leaned over the water and saw himself ... And after a while he withered from love for himself. But the gods took pity and turned it into a beautiful flower. “The creation of beauty, immeasurable delight,” said Cyrus the Great about him. In ancient times, triumphants returning home with victory were greeted with yellow daffodils. The Chinese have a narcissus - a New Year's flower.

Depending on the decade of birth, one can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.

May 22-31 - CHAMOMILE. There is a traditional character in the character: loves - does not love. It is difficult to understand her, although she beckons to herself. Despite her attractive appearance, she still tries to sit an opponent at work for the sake of a career or just sports interest.

June 1-11 - BELL. Conservative. Any change frightens, plunges into despair. Bluebell Rescue is a good family, a good house. Favorite means of transportation, if suddenly sent on a business trip, is a train. Fear of air travel.

June 12-21 - DAISY. Not distinguished by romanticism and courage. Quiet, homebody, reinsurer, observer. He participates in events most often as a collector of gossip. However, in life he will always achieve his goal.


ASH May 25-June 3
Ash is strong and beautiful, slender and elegant, his movements are free. He has a lively character and laughs at life's difficulties, because of which it may seem to others an irresponsible creature. However, in fact, one born at this time knows very well what he wants, and even better - what he does not want. Ash is proud and strives to ensure that those around him take care of him, think and live the way he likes best, prefers to do only what he wants.

Men. Their mind is based primarily on intuition, they have a special insight. This ability gives rise to the desire to predict the future. However, Ash always plays a little with fate, which, however, does not prevent him from being very lucky.

Women. Extremely selfish, but generously share everything they have. In pursuit of their own happiness, they are so energetic that they can trample on everything that gets in their way.

Love and marriage. Being capricious by nature, in love Ash is surprisingly prudent and constant. He rarely makes mistakes and makes a lot of efforts to establish a life together, which he succeeds. His marriage of love can be at the same time a marriage of convenience, but this does not mean that he will be unhappy.

GRAB June 4-June 13
Staten, in his youth even handsome, he eventually loses its former charm. As a true esthete, Grab treats the world around him with indulgence. His attention is drawn to the form rather than the content. He is ambitious, dreams of awards and honors, yearns for admiration from others. However, he likes to live in accordance with the established order of things, he rarely takes the initiative, and he is wary of new ideas.

Men. How great is their desire for discipline! They are very fond of obeying: existing order things, established norms, to the authorities, finally. However, they need "insignia".

Women. They do not like to deviate from accepted norms and rules and are rather reserved about different kind innovations. In love, take care of yourself more.

Love and marriage. In love, Grab is distinguished by decency, can be pleasant and sweet, but he can relate to feelings rationally: if life offers him a choice between love and duty, he, as a rule, chooses the latter.

FIG June 14-June 23
Figs are not always beautiful, but they have expressive features. He is impressionable, often suffers from an inferiority complex, does not feel good everywhere, does not tolerate difficulties well and needs a comfortable and warm living space. He needs stability, despite the fact that he himself is largely unstable. Distinctive character traits of Figs are emotionality and condescension.

Men. Active and enterprising realists, they are constantly busy with work, although by nature they are very lazy. They are impulsive and full of good intentions, but constantly forced to fight with their own weaknesses.

Women. Being attached to family and relatives, they need constant communication with them. Affectionate and emotional, they give others a good mood and a radiant smile.

Love and marriage. Fig appreciates simple feelings more than romantic fantasies, he needs to be understood and accepted as he is. He is very vulnerable, so with Figs you need to be gentle and attentive.


Sunny orange

pale yellow






LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 12, 18.

  • Planet patron: Mercury
  • Element: air
  • Mascot: beryl, topaz
  • Colour: orange
  • Chinese horoscope sign: horse
  • lucky day: Sunday
  • Difficult day: Thursday
  • Lucky number: 5 (5)

Zodiac sign Gemini: stones, talismans and colors

  • steward- Mercury manifests itself as Uranus, since it acts as the highest octave of Mercury and Mars.
  • Motto:"I think". "Revitalization".
  • Brief Description of Gemini: positive, double, masculine, sterile, beautiful, eloquent, flying, air sign. Governs trade, communications, publications, newspapers, books, the intellectual sphere, the press, transport, constant change, new experiences, assimilation.
  • Personality active, informative, sociable, spiritual, mobile with no conventions. disadvantages- duality and inconstancy, nervousness and restlessness, cunning, imitation, superficial mind, talkativeness, lack of feelings.
  • temperament mobile, sanguine.
  • Souland mind with the predominance of the energy of Mercury (thought, activity).
  • Spiritand mind with the predominance of the energy of Jupiter (sociality, morality).
  • The basis of the worldview- mathematics.
  • In Esoteric Christianity the sign Gemini corresponds to the apostle James. The stage of the alchemical process embodied by Gemini is fixation. The feat of Hercules is the extermination of the Stymphalian birds.
  • Colors: purple, grey, light yellow, grey-blue, orange ( green color- unsuccessful).
  • Metals: gold, amalgam, silver.
  • Plants: daisies, poppies, buttercups, jasmine, narcissus.
  • Mascot: snake, mask.
  • Lucky numbers: 3, 5 and all numbers divisible by 5, 12, 18.
  • Lucky days: Wednesday, Sunday. Unlucky day: Thursday.
  • Common diseases: disorders and damage to the respiratory tract, especially the bronchi, as well as the vocal cords. There may be intercostal pain, damage and wounds in the palms, arms and shoulder girdle.
  • Gemini Stones: topaz, beryl, all colored stones.
  • Stones of the zodiac sign opposite Gemini(Sagittarius stones), being in dissonance with their nature, can destroy well-being and life: hyacinth, pomegranate, turquoise, zircon, all red and green stones.
  • by the most happy talisman for Gemini in March and April there will be jasper, in October - beryl, in November - topaz and beryl, in December - topaz.

Gemini: description of the zodiac sign, full characteristics

(Professional astrologer, expert numerologist)

Passing through the sign of Gemini, the Sun illuminates the plant world, promotes the growth of plants, leaves, trees. Gemini people are characterized by the duality of nature, the result of which is the desire for plurality and diversity. The influence of Gemini is manifested in extraordinary lightness, intellectual livability and adaptation. Internal duality makes them somewhat fickle, changeable and indecisive, which, however, does not prevent them from spontaneously manifesting their will. Gemini people are very fond of learning.

They are engaged in many things at the same time and alternately, show a special interest in literature, journalism and books in general. They quickly grasp and assimilate the material, have excellent oratorical talent. Often this Sign is found in the horoscopes of speakers, publicists, publishers, artists, as well as business people and secretaries (advertising bureaus, transport services).

The description of the nature of the zodiac sign Gemini says that sensitivity and susceptibility gives their character youthful features that persist until old age. Geminis are easily addicted, they have a lively mind and exceptional intellectual abilities. True, their knowledge is most often superficial.

Strengths- intelligence, versatility, dexterity, flexibility

Weak sides- impatience, inconsistency, indecision, windiness

The excess or lack of these qualities is often expressed in excessive frivolity and superficiality. According to the description of Gemini, women are especially prone to this quality. The ability of Gemini to combine intellectually sometimes takes on a negative character when communicating with other people. Gemini can deceive someone else's trust and influence the views and opinions of other people, inclining them in their favor.

Gemini "break a comedy" in everyday life, but often these cunning people hide under the guise of good nature and are difficult to recognize. Duplicity and superficiality are the negative qualities of Gemini. In conjunction with their rare gift of persuasion, this can lead to actions contrary to the laws and norms of humane behavior. People of this captivating, mysterious Sign confuse everyone, including astrologers, with their wavering, fickle personality.

Gemini are mood people bad mood they often do stupid, unwise things that they later regret. Full description Gemini zodiac sign is a great confirmation of this. Diversity is their main feature, but they should learn to focus on one thing and not scatter over trifles.

Mercury plants a pattern of curiosity in the Gemini brain, forcing them to analyze everything, separate, reconnect, and then rebuild for the next task.

From the characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini, we can conclude that no sign attaches such importance to the impressions of youth, which then influence the rest of life. If they were laid in them from childhood moral standards, they will develop, strengthen them, turning them into a philosophy of productivity and satisfaction. If in their youth they did not develop the proper norms of behavior, then, at a more mature age, the Gemini will rebel against conventions; they will break the family ties that bind them, deny power and society.

According to the description of the zodiac sign, it will not be easy for a Gemini man who grew up in such conditions to build a long-term relationship. Some Gemini, aware of their extraordinary mental abilities, become smug and stiff, begin to feel superior to others, indulge their desires, which mostly ends in intellectual exhaustion and fatigue.

Money, career and best professions for Gemini

Professions of the sign Gemini: the sign is characterized by two extremes - a rich amateur who received a large inheritance, or a carefree, ruined artist (poet) who gives away the treasures of his intellect.

What professions are suitable for Gemini? They have a high capacity for intellectual adaptation, which opens up a wide field of action for them. Quite often, the fate of these people develop in steps. There are at least two of these steps, they differ from each other and are pronounced, which is the main characteristic of this dual sign. The only way to overcome duality for Gemini is to do two kinds of work at the same time, at the same time giving greater value one. A profession suitable for Gemini should be chosen based on these qualities.

Gemini in love and social relationships

Some coldness is inherent in twins, which they themselves and the people around them often take for high feelings. This is especially true of communication with a Gemini man. But they are far from being as emotional as they seem, and a quick change in their mood is just a deceptive depth of feelings.

Gemini should make an effort and become more empathetic towards their friends, loved ones and relatives. Slowness annoys Gemini, but they must understand that other people are not as fast and agile as the children of Mercury. They should learn patience and moderation in everything - this will help make communication with Gemini more enjoyable.

A more detailed characterization of the personality and the secrets of communication with Gemini can be obtained by studying the position of the Sun in the decanate (1/3 part), or in the 10-degree sector of the zodiac sign.

Symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini: what does the image of Gemini mean

The symbol of Gemini ♊ means the possibility of connecting the incompatible - the growing moon and the aging moon, the moon that perceives the moisture of the Cosmos and the Earth, the past and the future, young and old, developed and backward, active and passive, evolutionary and involutionary, life and death. At the same time, this symbol contains 4 main spirals, 4 elements, thanks to which there is a connection with the Macrocosm.

People born under the sign of Gemini have extraordinary intermediary, communication and compilation abilities. Belonging to the element of Air allows them, like Aquarius, to bring knowledge into the world in a rational, logical form. The ruler of Gemini - Mercury - acts as the principle of a concrete mind, without high abstractions, a flight of thought, higher knowledge.

However, some Gemini are distinguished by the ability to concentrate their thoughts and high efficiency, which allows them to generate brilliant ideas and bring them to perfection. By this they expand the consciousness of Mankind, destroy the limitations in time and space. Therefore, one of the designations of the Gemini principle is an expanding square - the expansion of the boundaries of inert matter.

Gemini is able to shift old knowledge to new modern language. To do this, they need luck and activity. Helping Gemini is the exalted Ascending Lunar Node, associated with Fortune, and (in esoteric astrology) Mars, the patron of all active manifestations. Gemini are tireless travelers, scientists, journalists, poets, able to operate with information, word, thought. They have a clear speech, a quick and agile intellect, an irrepressible craving for everything new.

Celebrity Twins

State and political leaders: N. Bauman, N. Bakunin, Kamo, Victoria, P. Marat, D. Kennedy, I. Tito.

Public and religious figures: D. Krishnamurti.

Scientists: A. Leonov, A. Karpov, K. Linnaeus.

Artists: K. Savrasov, V. Khodasevich, M. Voloshin, M. Sholokhov, A. Arbuzov, G. Chukhrai, R. Wagner, I. Albenis, K. Doyle, A. Duncan, L. Olivier.

State and political leaders: Peter I, N. Shchors, Y. Sverdlov, J. Marchais.

Scientists: K. Timiryazev, N. Burdenko, I. Kozhedub, A. Smith.

Artists: A. Pushkin, P. Chaadaev, I. Kramskoy, M. Glinka, E. Mravinsky, L. Sobinov, A. Khachaturian, P. Corneille, R. Schumann, T. Mann, P. Gauguin.

State and political leaders: A. Nevsky, Yu. Andropov, G. Dimitrov, Che Guevara.

Scientists: L. Magnitsky, T. Petrosyan, B. Pascal.

Artists: I. Goncharov, V. Belinsky, I. Stravinsky, A. Nezhdanova, I. Moskvin, V. Soloukhin, A. Tvardovsky, R. Rozhdestvensky, S. Gounod, R. Strauss, J. Offenbach.

Categories: ,// dated 12/12/2015

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini.

Gemini's Happiness Secrets

"Twins" are widely known for the multitude of their hobbies, affections and even marriages. You need a more stable foundation, and you should also understand that at its core, marriage is not a fun contest or game, but a very serious responsibility.

You are at your best in situations of light flirting that gives joy, but also breaks hearts. You are a classic example of a person with a wandering eye, not too eager to limit his freedom by tying himself in some kind of bondage. Lasting attachments will come only with a revision of this attitude to life. Marriage also means care, a home, children, a stable income and routine, and not just fun and games. You may be against it, but finding family happiness requires a rethinking of your attitude to life.

Family life can oppress you, although you love your family, take care of them, get along well with your spouse and even relatives from his side. You can simply lose interest in these people, so take the trouble to find the right partner - someone who can really get along with you. Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and even Aries and Leo are great.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini

Symbol: two twins.

Ruling planet of Gemini: Mercury.

Characteristics of the sign Gemini: air - changeable - positive.

Sign of the inventor, artist.

The character of a typical "twin": curious, inquisitive and inquisitive, restless, artistic, fickle and controversial, witty, versatile, cheerful and quite noisy.

Positive qualities of Gemini: wit, courtesy, versatility, the ability to make a great impression on people, enthusiasm, tact and diplomacy, friendliness and cheerfulness.

Negative Qualities of Gemini: indecision, inaccuracy, self-centeredness, carelessness, indifference and rudeness, lack of restraint.

Your identity

Your sign is an "air" sign and, in particular, it is a sign of self-expression, an "open" sign that allows you to easily and spontaneously connect with people. Your amazing versatility and curiosity spring from the extraordinary vivacity of your mind. There is an overabundance of mental energy. You are ruled by the planet Mercury.

The sign of Gemini is not very easy to interpret, which is due to the duality of its nature; in life, "twins" are inherent in both fidelity and inconstancy, sincere affection and a tendency to flirt. You meet a change of scenery with constant joy, never ceasing to think about new projects. Your ideas are unusual and unique, not just original, but brilliant and sophisticated.

Your planet - Mercury - is known as the messenger of the gods. It gives you the qualities of speed, refinement and directness, makes you very easy to climb; however, you have a lack of endurance. You quickly start the race, but fall exhausted at the finish line.

Travel and entertainment bring you relaxation, just like trips to the mountains. In communication and transmission of messages you see the meaning of life. You were never made for solitude and loneliness. You are equally able to enjoy the excitement of the game. You are not stingy, but you do not always play by the rules. Often you are driven by the desire to quickly get money, and sometimes at the same time you are capable of amazing ingenuity and practicality. However, at the same time, you are very (or at least can be very) resourceful and unrestrained in your search for a pleasant pastime. You are able to consciously develop perseverance and firmness of will.

You may suffer from excessive suspiciousness - a consequence of fluctuations in your mood. You eat rationally and with taste.

Gemini as friend

"Gemini" respond with love to love and blossom from the slightest positive assessment; for the most part they are kind and charming friends. However, at times you may feel communication difficulties and lack of care from other people. You are always young at heart, the soul and heart of many companies.

Gemini as a father

Your outlook on life can be successfully passed on to your children. I didn't see the "twin" having much trouble because of the "problem of fathers and sons". You try to keep up with the times, especially with regard to the development and future life of your offspring. However, you may have a tendency to be overly critical and suppressive of your children. You may even come across as obsessive, so keep an eye out for these trends. Don't be too proud and be able to accept that you are getting older and may need to modestly step back into the background.

Gemini as mother

You are one of the few women who can successfully combine the needs of work, home and young children, performing feats of amazing dexterity and luck. Such a woman needs a special goal, she will not be satisfied with the simple role of a mother, although she is a wonderful mother. Its main drawback may seem to be a certain lack of tenderness. However, she fully compensates for it with her inherent caring, love of life and selfless activity.

A look at the decades

The division into decades will help to more accurately describe the characteristics of a person, capable of significant fluctuations even within the period of Gemini (May 22 - June 21).

If you were born between May 22 and 31 (the first decade), then your ruling planet is Mercury, and often such people have an unusual brilliance of mind. You are also very hospitable and reliable, and have in your character some traits corresponding to the sign of Taurus. You are a good friend, a generator of ideas, but a very practical person. You excel in good deeds, as well as in the art of drawing.

If your date of birth falls between June 1 and 10 (second decan), then Venus is the ruling planet, and more refined qualities come to the fore. You love to make people happy; and wildlife and human beings are a source of great charm to you. You love beauty and harmony, but sometimes other people can use this softness of your character for their own purposes.

If you were born between June 11 and 21 (third decade), then you are ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus, which entails a certain intractability, however, with an undoubted ability to be creative. You are capable of grandiose achievements and at the same time share a very common outlook on life. A suitable direction could be psychiatry, although, in general, this is the decade of the inventor. The inherent duality of the "twins" reaps special dividends in this decade. About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between May 19-22, then your date of birth fell at the time of the Taurus/Gemini sign transition.

Incredibly exciting people. However, it is also true that at times you can be very stubborn, inflexible and intractable - this is the difficulty. Caustic wit, devilish temper, the will of a demon, the cunning of a diplomat, both art and science are your friends, indicates the Indian patron god of knowledge Ganesh. Your real name is versatility. You will easily earn as well as spend money. This is truly wonderful. Good friend. But please don't expect complete fidelity in return for your own. Accept people for who they really are - complex, moody, changeable. Health hazards are diseases of the lungs, throat, limbs, chest, sinuses, genitals and tonsils, as well as colds, gout, arthritis and bronchitis.

The most important years are 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87.

Extraordinary people. Possess psychic abilities, witty, easily amenable to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases, a wonderful interaction of mind and heart is possible, and, unfortunately, confusion when one falls under the power of the other - in others; however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own own world. They are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and this is their specialty, their distinguishing feature. If only they would understand this and make a sustained, sincere, focused, and sustained effort! Diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, skin diseases can pose a threat to health.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101.

Know what's good for you:

- Lucky number of Gemini: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50 (series of fives).

- Lucky colors for Gemini: orange, lemon, yellow and tan.

- Lucky day for Gemini: Wednesday.

- Lucky flowers and herbs for Gemini: celery, myrtle, fern, lavender.

lucky stone for Gemini: topaz, agate, emerald.

The period of the reign of Gemini, as a sign of the zodiac, traditionally begins at the end of May, and more specifically, on the 22nd. In this article we will tell you what behavior to expect from this representative of the air element.

The astrological meaning behind the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini is duality and changeability against the background of a harmonious combination of two principles: male and female. It is generally accepted that the whole versatility of the nature of a person of this sign is revealed as positively as possible when the year of his birth in the interpretation of the eastern horoscope corresponds to the year of the Ox, Snake or Rooster.

The cycle of Gemini begins on May 22nd and ends on June 21st. That is, all people born in this time period, according to traditional Western astrology, are Gemini.

The native element of the sign is air. And this fact has its reflection in the fate of people born under the sign of Gemini. So, let's say, lightness and inconstancy, personifying the air environment, allow Gemini to find themselves in a variety of creative professions. And when they win victories, they almost never get hung up on them, do not live in present achievements, but strive to conquer new horizons and open up the future.

However, their craving for change is also the other side of the coin: stability often puts pressure on the consciousness of the twins and, as a result, prevents them from building serious relationships with the opposite sex. So life on suitcases, depressing for many, is welcomed with a bang by most of them.

Among the favorable days for Gemini, astrologers note the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 12th of each month.

As for the days of the week, "positively charged" for Gemini are Sunday and Wednesday. But Thursday, the interpreters of the stars do not recommend using them as a day for making vital decisions. Gemini is still often presented as the "children" of Jupiter (05.21 - 05.31.), Mars (06.01. - 06.10.) and the Sun (06.11. - 06.21.). At the same time, each of the cosmic parents strives to endow their earthly son or daughter with certain qualities. So the inconsistency in the thinking and internal organization of people is often visible even within the sign itself.

Gemini's amulets are silver and gold, among the most effective talisman stones are beryl and topaz.