A complete description of Dikul's balm and its use in the treatment of joints. Dikul's ointment for joints and spine - types, composition, action, reviews Dikul's sports ointment

  • 17.08.2020

Dikul's balm is actively used for the treatment and prevention of diseases affecting the joints. The tool has a unique composition based on natural ingredients. The balm only has practically no contraindications and side effects.

Dikul's balm was created by the famous folk healer Valentin Dikul. There are several varieties of it, some of which are intended for the treatment and prevention of articular pathologies. The product has a unique natural composition. It must be used according to the instructions, taking into account contraindications and possible side effects.

Do you think that joint diseases can be cured without a visit to the doctor?



The attractiveness of Dikul's balm lies in its predominantly natural composition. It is represented by the following components:

  • silver ionized water;
  • D-panthenol;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • lanolin;
  • glycerol;
  • vitamin A;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitanol;
  • mummy;
  • bear bile;
  • beekeeping products - wax, bee venom, propolis;
  • chaga extract;
  • vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, tea tree;
  • oil extracts of wild rose, celandine, nettle, ginkgo biloba, chamomile, aloe;
  • preservatives.

The combination of all these components ensures the effectiveness of the balm. Each component plays a role:

  • silver-ionized water attracts with a disinfecting effect;
  • vegetable oils accelerate healing, reduce the risk of complications;
  • plant extracts eliminate spasm, have a calming effect on the skin, relieve inflammation and pain;
  • collagen, glycerin and D-panthenol improve cellular metabolism, skin elasticity, accelerate the regeneration of cartilage structures.

For the joints, one of the types of Dikul's balm is also intended - Tibetan. Its composition is represented by the following components:

  • bee venom;
  • mummy;
  • menthol;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • vitamin A;
  • tocopherol;
  • plant extracts of echinacea, plantain, sage, dandelion;
  • oil extracts of ginkgo biloba, pine, ginseng, aloe vera, fireweed, astragalus, ginger;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine hydrochloride;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol.

For articular pathologies, Dikul's massage balm is also used. Its composition is similar to the classic balm:

  • fats - bearish, badger;
  • bee products - wax, propolis;
  • mummy;
  • chaga extract;
  • D-panthenol;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, cedar, olive, linseed;
  • oil extracts of chamomile, cinquefoil, eucalyptus, golden root, St. John's wort, red pepper.

Varieties of Dikul's balms, their action

There are several types of Dikul's balm:

  • Forte for use in the spine and joints;
  • Tibetan (for deep impact);
  • Sports;
  • Radiculin;
  • massage balm;
  • Maral antlers;
  • Bearish.

Balm provides the following action:

  • acceleration of resorption of the focus of inflammation;
  • restoration of motor functions in case of joint injuries: bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures;
  • anesthesia;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • increased blood supply and lymph flow;
  • activation of material exchange;
  • promoting the production of synovial fluid;
  • removal of salt deposits;
  • activation of regenerative processes in cartilaginous structures;
  • prevention of diseases affecting the joints: sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

Different types of Dikul's balm have some differences in composition and are adapted to solve certain problems. The effects of the varieties of the healing agent are as follows:

  • Tibetan balm relieves muscle spasm and inflammation, locally activates blood circulation, and prevents the deposition of salts.
  • Radiculin is used in the treatment of radiculitis and for the prevention of its exacerbations. The tool reduces pain, relieves inflammation of the nerve roots, activates the blood supply and metabolism in the affected area, relaxes the muscles. The balm also stimulates local immunity and increases the level of antioxidant protection.
  • Balm Panta deer reduces pain, eliminates the inflammatory process and swelling of the nerve roots, relaxes muscles, enhances blood circulation and metabolic processes in the affected area, stimulates local immune defenses.
  • Bear balm relieves pain, activates metabolism and blood supply to the affected area, eliminates inflammation and swelling of the nerve roots, accelerates tissue renewal and slows down degenerative-dystrophic changes.
  • Massage balm is used during the massage. Its components penetrate into the tissues, enhancing the effectiveness of the procedures. Such a tool is actively used to recover from injuries, as well as for various articular pathologies.
  • Sports balm is used for sports or household injuries, if they are not accompanied by damage to the skin. The balm activates the regenerative process in the affected tissues, reduces pain, relieves swelling and inflammation, stimulates blood microcirculation and lymph flow, and improves metabolism.

Indications for use

Dikul's balm can be used for various joint diseases. The tool is effective for their treatment and prevention. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • neuralgic pains;
  • myositis;
  • injuries in the joints: bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures.

For preventive purposes, the balm is used for chronic joint diseases to prevent their exacerbation. This approach is necessary for certain risk factors: hypothermia, high workload, overstrain, various diseases, reduced immunity.

Instructions for use

Any Dikul balm should be used only externally. Features of the use of the medicinal composition depend on its purpose:

  • From arthritis, arthrosis or gout, the balm is used 2-3 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course can be 0.5-1.5 months. The agent must be applied with intense circular movements, rubbing into the affected areas for several minutes. After treating the skin with a balm, it is necessary to wrap it with a woolen cloth.
  • During periods of exacerbations of osteochondrosis, sciatica, with the appearance of pain of neuralgic origin, treatment of the affected areas with balm is also performed 2-3 times a day. The movements should be light and massaging - they should be done within two minutes. After treatment of the affected areas, it is necessary to cover them with a woolen cloth. The duration of the therapeutic course in such cases is at least a week and can take up to 1.5 months.
  • The balm is effectively used to prevent exacerbation of articular pathologies under the influence of certain factors. In this case, the treatment of skin areas at risk is carried out 2-3 times a day for 3 minutes. The duration of use in this case depends on the duration of the risk factors and the possibility of their elimination.

In case of various articular pathologies, it is necessary to consult a doctor. For the treatment or prevention of exacerbations of such diseases, an integrated approach is often required, which only a specialist can competently think through.

Massage cream can be used for medical procedures or rubbed into the affected areas at home. You need to do this twice a day. Application features depend on the disease:

  • Osteochondrosis, sciatica or neuralgic pain in case of exacerbation is treated within 1-3 weeks. The balm should be applied to the affected areas for 7 minutes, making light massage movements.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis or gout are treated within 0.5-1 month. The balm is applied by intensive rubbing into the affected areas for 10 minutes, making massage-type movements.
  • In any case, after applying the drug, the treated area should be wrapped with a woolen cloth.

Contraindications, side effects

An absolute contraindication for the use of Dikul's balm is individual intolerance to any of its components. Side effects on the background of the use of the drug have not been identified, but in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components, an allergic reaction is possible. It is usually manifested by local signs:

  • irritation;
  • skin redness;
  • local edema in the area of ​​application;
  • hives;
  • burning;
  • peeling.

Do not apply the balm to damaged areas of the skin. Some components of the product (especially red pepper in massage balm) can irritate even minor scratches.

If you experience an allergic reaction to the drug, you should stop taking it and consult your doctor. In case of individual intolerance to any component in the composition, another option for treatment should be selected.

Due to the risk of an allergic reaction, a trial test should be carried out before the first use of the balm. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied to the elbow bend and the reaction is observed during the day - if there are no negative consequences, then you can safely use the balm for its intended purpose.

Shelf life, storage conditions

The balm is allowed to be used within 2 years from the date of its manufacture. To preserve the healing properties of the product, it is important to store it under certain temperature conditions - the temperature range is 5-25 degrees.


You can buy Dikul's balm at any pharmacy, and you don't need a prescription to buy the product - it is available to absolutely everyone. The average cost of a 75 ml tube is 190 rubles. Tibetan joint balm can be purchased for about 220 rubles - the volume of the tube is 100 ml.

Valentina dikulya instructions for use medicinal product for medical use Valentina dikulya sports balm 100ml

Indications for use

  • In complex therapy:
    • Sports and domestic injuries:
      • bruises.
      • Sprains of ligaments and articular bags.
      • Hematomas.
      • Post-traumatic contractures.
    • During the rehabilitation period.
    • Musculoskeletal pain of various origins.
    • As an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine.
    • For the purpose of prevention with increased stress on the joints.
    • With muscle tension and fatigue.
    • Functional disorders after fracture and dislocations:
      • Joint stiffness.
      • Muscular changes.
      • Cicatricial adhesions of tissues.

Clinical pharmacology

Any injury requires serious attention. Untreated injuries often have long-term negative consequences and can lead to cosmetic defects, post-traumatic arthrosis, joint deformities up to the development of contractures, cause impaired mobility of the joints and spine, and worsen the quality of life.

Valentin Dikul's sports balm is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 received various injuries along with medals. Often people get injured in everyday life: on a walk, while cleaning the house, in the country, during outdoor activities. Due to slow tissue regeneration, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly.

Sports balm by Valentin Dikul has a patented system of long-acting active penetrating microcapsules, which serve as a protective shell and vehicle for the therapeutic components of the balm, so that they quickly and without loss enter the lesion and stay there longer than other creams and balms. This allows you to achieve the required concentration of active substances in the injured area and get the maximum effect from the effect of the balm.

The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balm is aimed at activating regenerative processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, and prevent the destructive action of free radicals, which are intensely formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic, as quickly as possible. The most common and frequently occurring injuries are bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, microtraumas of muscles and vertebrae, accompanied by pain, swelling and bruising.

  • This is a closed soft tissue injury with pain, swelling, hematoma (bruising). A sports balm containing extracts of badyagi, arnica and medical leeches will quickly relieve pain and accelerate the resorption of hematomas.
  • Sprain, rupture of ligaments or muscles

    It is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp restriction of movement. The therapeutic components of the balm will reduce pain, relieve swelling, activate the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

    Dislocations and fractures

    With dislocations and fractures, joint deformity occurs, a violation of the integrity of the articular or bone tissue. In these cases, as well as with microtrauma of the vertebrae, Sports Balm will provide effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerate healing, improve tissue nutrition, reduce swelling and pain.

    Muscle pain

    They occur during significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases, microtrauma of muscle fibers. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and a highly effective biostimulant vitanol contained in the balm counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and excretion of metabolic products, and accelerate healing processes.

  • Medicinal leech extract.

    It activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of the nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.

  • Mummy.

    One of the most powerful biostimulants, activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, reduces pain, is an effective synergist, several times enhancing the effect of medicinal plants.

  • Propolis and tea tree oil.

    They have pronounced antibacterial properties, stimulate immune defense, prevent infection and the development of purulent complications.

  • Sea buckthorn oil.

    Promotes skin regeneration without scarring.

  • Badyaga.

    Freshwater sponge, has a unique absorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes the rapid resolution of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.

  • Ginkgo biloba.

    It improves blood circulation (including capillary circulation), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and the reduction of edema.

  • extract complex.

    Significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.

  • Vitanol.

    Biostimulator of a new generation, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

  • Benefits of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balm
    • Contains only natural natural ingredients.
    • It has a complex effect on the injured area.
    • Promotes rapid recovery of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state.
    • Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components.
    • Well tolerated.
    • It can be used for a long time without negative consequences.
    • The effectiveness of the balm is confirmed by clinical practice.


  • Individual intolerance to the components.

Side effect

No side effects have been identified.

If allergic reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a physician.

Dosage and administration

Apply the balm in a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin for 3-5 minutes 3-4 times a day. In case of stretching, after applying the balm, apply a fixing bandage.

Storage conditions

  • Store at room temperature.

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Store at temperatures from +5 to +25°C.

Expiry date from date of manufacture

Product description

Valentin Dikul's sports balm is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 received various injuries along with medals. Often people get injured in everyday life: on a walk, while cleaning the house, in the country, during outdoor activities. Due to slow tissue regeneration, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly.
The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Balm is aimed at activating regenerative processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, and prevent the destructive action of free radicals, which are intensely formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic, as quickly as possible.
The most common and frequently occurring injuries are bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures, microtraumas of muscles and vertebrae, accompanied by pain, swelling and bruising.

pharmachologic effect

Medicinal leech extract - activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of the nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.
Mumiyo is one of the most powerful biostimulants, activates reparative processes in bone and joint tissues, reduces pain, is an effective synergist, enhancing the effect of medicinal plants several times.
Propolis and tea tree oil - have pronounced antibacterial properties, stimulate immune defense, prevent infection and the development of purulent complications.
Sea buckthorn oil - promotes skin regeneration without scarring.
Badyaga - a freshwater sponge, has a unique absorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes the rapid resolution of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.
Ginkgo biloba - improves blood circulation (including capillary), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and the reduction of edema.
A complex of extracts - significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.
Vitanol is a new generation biostimulant that activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

special instructions

If allergic reactions occur, discontinue use and consult a physician.

Dosage and administration

Apply the balm in a thin layer on the affected area of ​​the skin for 3-5 minutes 3-4 times a day. In case of stretching, after applying the balm, apply a fixing bandage.


Water, liposomal emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree essential oil, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).

Instructions for use


Valentin Dikul's sports balm is a highly effective remedy for external use for small closed (without skin damage) sports and household injuries, developed by academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul. According to the Sports Injury Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, out of 100 athletes who won prizes at major international tournaments, 90 received various injuries along with medals. Often people get injured in everyday life: on a walk, while cleaning the house, in the country, during outdoor activities. Due to slow tissue regeneration, injuries are especially dangerous for the elderly. The action of the balm is aimed at activating regenerative processes in damaged tissues. Reducing pain and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, and prevent the destructive action of free radicals, which are intensely formed at the site of injury. Sports balm, created by V. Dikul as a result of many years of practice, will help to get rid of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic, as quickly as possible.



Water, liposomal emulsion complex No. 3 (stearic acid, Neowax emulsion wax, glycerin, vegetable oil, anhydrous lanolin, propylene glycol, microcar IT, nimesulide, sodium hydroxide, antioxidant Grindox), sea buckthorn oil, tea tree essential oil, sage extract, extract chamomile, aloe extract, propolis extract, ginseng extract, elecampane extract, menthol, ginkgo biloba extract, mummy, piyavit, vitanol, badyaga, collagen hydrolyzate, D-panthenol, lanolin, DMP microcar, perfume composition).


water, isopropyl alcohol, carbomer, glyceryl stearate, ceteareth-20, ceteareth-12, cetearyl alcohol, cetyl palmitate, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil, menthol, chamomile oil extract, propylene glycol extracts of sage, ginseng, aloe, propolis, elecampane, ginkgo biloba , badyagi, sea buckthorn oil, D-panthenol, collagen hydrolyzate, mummy, piyavit / leech extract, withanol, sodium hydroxide, disodium EDTA, propylene glycol, methylparaben, propylparaben, diazolidinyl urea, methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone.


Valentin Dikul's sports gel-balm (Special balm in the area of ​​ligaments and joints) is an effective natural remedy for external use for minor sports and household injuries - bruises, sprains, microtraumas of the joints and vertebrae, muscle pain during physical overload.

The gel-balm was developed by Academician Valentin Ivanovich Dikul for the optimal rehabilitation of athletes - patients of medical centers V.I. Dikul, as well as for accelerated healing of domestic injuries.

The action of Valentin Dikul's Sports Gel Balm is aimed at activating regenerative processes in damaged tissues and preventing complications. The natural components of the balm stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, improve metabolism in the injured area, relieve inflammation and swelling, and prevent the destructive action of free radicals, which are intensely formed at the site of injury.

Sports gel-balm created by V.I. Dikul, as a result of many years of practice, will help to accelerate the elimination of the consequences of injuries, both sports and domestic.

Provides effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerates healing, improves tissue nutrition, reduces swelling and pain.

Muscle pain occurs with significant overload as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid), the action of free radicals, and in severe cases, microtrauma of muscle fibers.

Ginkgo biloba extracts and the newest biostimulant vitanol contained in DIKUL'S BALM counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and accelerate healing processes.

This is a closed soft tissue injury with pain, swelling, hematoma (bruising). Sports gel-balm will quickly relieve pain, accelerate the resorption of the hematoma.

Sprain, rupture of ligaments or muscles

It is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by swelling, hemorrhage, and a sharp restriction of movement. The therapeutic components of the gel-balm will reduce pain, relieve swelling, activate the restoration of the walls of blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

Microtrauma of the joints and vertebrae

Sports gel-balm will provide effective assistance in the rehabilitation period, accelerate healing, improve tissue nutrition, reduce swelling and pain.

Muscle pain

They occur during significant overloads as a result of the accumulation of under-oxidized metabolic products (lactic acid) in the muscles, the action of free radicals, and in severe cases, microtrauma of muscle fibers. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, ginseng and a highly effective biostimulant vitanol contained in the balm counteract oxidative processes and stimulate blood circulation, prevent the development of muscle ischemia, activate metabolism and excretion of metabolic products, and accelerate healing processes.

Action of components

A natural formation, complex in chemical structure, mined in the mountains, a unique natural biostimulant. It activates reparative processes in the tissues of bones and joints, accelerates the proliferation of connective tissue cells, has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, immunostimulating, tonic effects. Reduces pain, is an effective synergist, several times enhancing the effect of medicinal plants.

Freshwater sponge, has a unique absorbable and bactericidal effect, promotes the rapid resolution of bruises and bruises, accelerates the healing of bruises.


A perennial medicinal plant of the Araliaceae family, a unique adaptogen and biostimulant, promotes rapid tissue regeneration after injuries.

Medicinal leech extract.

It activates vascular blood flow, improves capillary tissue metabolism, has an angiospastic effect, relieves swelling of the nerve roots, improves tissue trophism, helps soften connective tissue growths and remove salt deposits.

Ginkgo biloba.

It improves blood circulation (including capillary circulation), actively promotes the resorption of hematomas and the reduction of edema.


Waste product of honey bees. They have pronounced antibacterial, regenerating properties, stimulate local immune defenses, and reduce pain.

Sea buckthorn oil.

The richest source of vitamins and other biologically active substances that accelerate the recovery and renewal of cells. It is widely used for the rapid healing of wounds, the acceleration of granulation and epithelialization of tissues, to reduce and stop pain during inflammatory processes.

extract complex.

Significantly accelerates regenerative processes, improves microcirculation at the site of application, stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and prevents the formation of cosmetic defects.


Biostimulator of a new generation, activates the healing processes of damaged tissues, increases the protective properties of the skin.

Valentin Dikul's sports gel-balm has a patented system of long-acting active penetrating microcapsules that serve as a vehicle for therapeutic components. Quickly and without loss entering the lesion, the active substances reach the required concentration in the injured area, providing high efficiency.


Contains effective natural ingredients.

It has a complex effect on the injured area.

Accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues and improvement of their functional state.

Does not contain hormonal and narcotic components.

It can be used for a long time without negative consequences.

Gel-balm of light consistency, transparent white color, menthol-herbal aroma. Absorbs quickly, leaves no stickiness or oiliness.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

It is not a medicinal product.

Precautionary measures

Untreated injuries often have long-term negative consequences and can lead to cosmetic defects, deformities of the joints and the development of contractures, impaired mobility of the joints and spine, can cause the termination of a sports career and a deterioration in the quality of life.


Special balm in the area of ​​ligaments and joints.

It is used in the complex therapy of sports and domestic injuries and during the rehabilitation period.

Musculoskeletal pain of various origins.

As an aid in post-traumatic diseases of the joints and spine.

For the purpose of prevention with increased stress on the joints and muscles.

Functional disorders after fracture and dislocations:

Joint stiffness.

Muscular changes.

Cicatricial adhesions of tissues.


Individual intolerance to the components.

The balm is applied externally and only if there is no extensive damage or violation of the integrity of the skin.