Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac Gemini woman. Lucky Gemini Stones

  • 16.10.2019

Geminis are bright extroverts. They cannot do without society and active contacts with the world. Representatives of the sign are easy-going, always aimed at change. They are repelled by inertia, routine, monotony.

"Air" individuals are generously endowed with intellect, but do not differ in perseverance and patience. In their style - not to complete all their undertakings. Superficiality is a serious obstacle to success.

The attitude of others towards Gemini is ambiguous. People like their eloquence, ease of communication. But such qualities as excessive fussiness and optionality cause irritation. In complex life conflicts, Gemini often show pettiness, greed, selfishness.

Charm stones will help to improve character, protect from troubles, and improve health.

Talismans for all Gemini

Astrological sign, whose forces are revealed during the period of summer flowering and light, pompous, gloomy stones are alien. His amulets should be warm and cheerful.


21.05. – 31.05 (Jupiter)

In the Gemini of the first decade, both intuitive and analytical thinking are equally developed. enhances thought processes. Yellow and red form a fair self-assessment.

06/01 – 06/10 (Mars)

For those born in the second decade, it is important to mitigate the influence of an aggressive planet, to weaken such qualities as selfishness, irascibility, excessive perseverance. as well as white, pink, yellow shades calm the nervous system, bring peace of mind.

It is useful for restless natures striving for change and renewal to wear chrysoprase.

11.06 – 21.06 (Sun)

The chosen ones radiate optimism. They love children very much. Better than other Geminis, they manage their feelings, but they also have outbursts of anger. (except black) drive away hatred and rage. The same function is performed pink and are symbols of wisdom and justice. Emerald and pearl In addition, they attract money. yellow topaz turns a woman into a beauty, and a man into a sage.

Additional list of stones for Gemini :

  • almandine- "stone of joy" (a variety of raspberry and pink pomegranate);
  • uvarovite- an assistant to generous people, a talisman against thieves and envious people (green pomegranate);
  • rhodonite- a pink ornamental stone, useful for awakening talents;
  • - a stone of the air element, an amulet of travelers and athletes; protector from dark influences.

dangerous stones

Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about unsuitable stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to the weak one. List of stones that Gemini should take a closer look at:

, blood red garnet, milky white cacholong, (blood man), labrador,

As a sign leading an active lifestyle, Gemini needs a stone to match. The amulet should support their natural eloquence and give strength (both spiritual and physical) and courage in all activities. Since many representatives of the sign show a passion for travel, protection from all sorts of troubles on the road will also be a useful quality for them. Pompous, gloomy stones are alien to the astrological sign, whose powers are revealed during the period of summer flowering and light. His amulets should be warm and cheerful. Charm stones will help to improve character, protect from troubles, and improve health.

The magical properties of black agate will help Gemini of any gender, avoid the intrigues of enemies and influence negative impact. This is especially true for those who are overly sensitive. This sign of the zodiac serves as a reason to wear agate jewelry not only for the purpose of a talisman, but also in order to remove the "split" personality. This sign, the black color of the crystal, fits perfectly.

Aquamarine is a very dual stone for Gemini. On the one hand, it expands the vision of the world, and on the other hand, it increases the tendency to talk, discuss and interfere with the ability to concentrate on really important purposes. But aquamarine helps the representatives of this air sign to find the fine line between the necessary and the desired, between what is worth doing and what is so irresistibly desirable at the moment. Aquamarine will endow the Gemini man with positive and success, and the stone will also teach prudence and the ability to save money for some kind of dream. The Gemini woman will achieve the desired attention with the help of aquamarine. At the same time, love will come.

The fickle and changeable Gemini usually finds mutual understanding with alexandrite better than other signs. This stone will help them eliminate the restlessness of their nature and find the balance necessary for success. Alexandrite, protecting the house or serving as jewelry for Gemini, has healing properties: it cleanses the blood, normalizes the work of the heart. Strengthening the spiritual component, alexandrite can bring into the life of people of this sign those emotions that they have lacked for so long, and also enhance their observation, attention to detail, which, under certain circumstances, can become fatal.


Geminis have many thoughts, plans and ideas, but due to their frequent mood swings, in the end, not a single thing is brought to a full completion. Ammolite worn on right hand, will give strength and patience to do everything completely and even more. Ammolite also "trains" Gemini in spirituality and makes them more welcoming.

Andalusite by its nature is an ideal mineral for Gemini, it only strengthens them. positive traits. As for the compatibility of andalusite and Gemini, andalusite helps Gemini to expand their own horizons, but does not allow them to concentrate on a specific goal. Nevertheless, he is a great assistant in choosing, Gemini, thanks to the stone, find a clear line between what they want and what they need.

Gemini is an active and constantly moving sign, whose representatives are not unambiguous. For them, beryl will become a talisman stone that helps them achieve their goals, fulfill their desires (which are constantly updated) and run faster and faster. Also, Gemini very often lacks patience, which is why they give up a lot of things halfway, and this can significantly affect their success in society - the popular and pleasant Gemini can have very modest results in work. Beryl will help Gemini to achieve their goal without leaving things unfinished, to solve even the most difficult problems and find a way out of any situation.

The mineral viridin is ideal for Gemini, whom the stone helps not only to maintain the power of the spirit, but also to achieve their goals, as well as keep their mood on track and prevent it from changing so often. Any talisman from this stone for them will be an ideal protector from foreign influence. Viridin helps Gemini to gain the much-needed mental stability, promotes the development of high-quality relationships in society, helps to establish social life. Thanks to the mineral, happiness and joy begin to enter the life of representatives of this sign.

Gemini often change moods, can become depressed and do not always know what is the right decision. Heliodor will be able to give confidence to this zodiac sign and give good mood and joy every day. The Heliodor stone helps this sign to gain life wisdom, inspires scientific or creative research, gives optimism, and prevents nervous exhaustion.

Those born under the sign of Gemini will feel the influence of the mineral of the color of heavenly heights. The liveliness, lightness of their character is often associated with anxiety and unnecessary waste of nerves. Pale blue agates will help calm this storm inside Gemini, bring peace to their lives. This stone helps to strengthen love relationship, unique properties of this mineral allow you to balance the energy of not only one person, but also the family as a whole, so it will contribute to family well-being and will help to establish the turnover of cash flows in the family budget.

Rhinestone is suitable for Gemini. The stone will become an assistant in love affairs. Also, the crystal helps to maintain and further develop such Gemini qualities as sociability and flexibility in solving various problems. Geminis wearing rhinestone find it easier to choose one among the abundance of choice. Gemini will no longer oscillate from one extreme to the other.

As a talisman, the demantoid is well suited to Gemini. It will help representatives of this zodiac sign do good career. For men, a mineral as a gift will present success in the financial sector and not only. An irresponsible and absent-minded person who cannot cope with laziness and lies, the crystal will help to take the right path, overcome negative sides, cultivate self-discipline, the ability to concentrate, correctly calculate time and money.

Pearls protect Gemini from committing rash acts dictated by their active and fussy temperament. Also, pearls drive away the bad influence, envy and revenge that others may experience towards the obsessive and sociable Gemini. Pearl helps female twins with career choices on life path, in making important decisions and gives unambiguity to this contradictory sign.

For the horoscope sign of Gemini, the emerald is a source of wisdom and composure, which this sign lacks for making the right decision. The stone can soften and reduce all the nervousness, irritability, restlessness that are typical of Gemini. At the same time, it strengthens their memory, which is very important when they are talkative and useful when communicating with a large number of people. So that the owners of this sign, according to the horoscope, do not suffer from emotional experiences and miss everyone with their whining - this stone will help get rid of all this.

Kyanite is ideal for representatives of this sign, it will help to concentrate, protect from evil thoughts, and show the right path. For Gemini, kyanite will be the perfect talisman. He will give them success, help to establish relationships with others and make the necessary connections. It will help improve well-being and improve health.

Air is considered the element of Gemini, representatives of this sign are highly emotional, they need communication and often become depressed in the absence of attention. Cordierite will help them calm down a bit, make up for the lack of communication and help the representatives of this sign not to lose heart. Cordierite will help such people find the right decision, will relieve doubts and self-doubt.

Flint can be worn as an amulet for Gemini. The gem will save them from evil addictions and strengthen willpower. Thanks to the stone, the Gemini will become more eloquent and will be able to capture the attention of a large audience. The strongest amulet will always avert misfortune and misfortune, and medicinal properties stones will support the physical health of the wearer.

Morganite is suitable as a mascot for Gemini. He gives them strength to overcome difficulties. In addition, the stone will bring them good luck and peace. Morganite gives its owner success and good luck in all endeavors, peace of mind, and protects against possible violence. He will give them stability and creative inspiration.

Gemini stone will help to gain confidence and focus not only on reflection, but also get down to business. Representatives of this sign are recommended to wear a gem in a copper frame, thus getting the maximum effect. Moss agate will help twins to better find mutual language with other people, to shift their focus from internal reflections to interaction with others, will help them develop their communication skills.

Obsidian will give Gemini confidence, relieve indecision and help change their lives for the better. Obsidian is suitable for this sign as an amulet for constant wear. The Gemini sign gives this mineral the energy and strength of the volcano. But at the same time, it will not allow aggression to break free. It will help to cope with vices and shortcomings. Able to keep from committing rash acts. To skillfully control your thoughts, astrologers recommend wearing a pendant with obsidian.

People born under the sign of Libra become confident, principled, strong in spirit. Gemini will feel the power of foresight, intuition, memorization becomes stronger and faster. New knowledge and experience will be acquired faster, mastering the sciences will be easy, but strong. Astrology warns that one should limit the time of wearing jewelry. Then the stone will give what is expected of it.

The gem is also favorable to Gemini, which is expressed in the help of knowing oneself and one's capabilities. The mineral is able to teach you to go towards your goal and not look back to the past. For Gemini, a pink stone amulet will help you understand the meaning of life, understand yourself, and prioritize goals and desires. Gemini can easily understand people, they will not fall into a situation of losing friends, betrayal and loneliness. The stone will help to find inner harmony, saturate the body with energy and positive emotions.

The stone is suitable for representatives of all signs of the zodiac, however, it is believed that it is more favorable to Gemini. In the event that representatives of these zodiac signs experience loneliness and dream of a device personal life, daily wearing of the mineral will help eliminate this problem in the near future. It allows representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign to reveal their inner potential and realize their talents.

Carnelian helps Gemini to sharpen the mind, increases the ability to concentrate. Carnelian decoration on the hand awakens eloquence and the gift of persuasion. A person using it as a talisman becomes more resilient and efficient. In addition, it will increase the efficiency and endurance of the representatives of this zodiac sign. The stone will help to find your love and give happiness to a couple in love.

With the help of this mineral, frivolous and short-sighted Gemini will learn to look at many things in a new way. life situations, develop intuition and hidden talents. This stone will give success to Gemini working in the social sphere. Male twins can always deal with enemies, not let themselves and others be offended, so they need a talisman that will protect him from intrigue and gossip. For Gemini, the tiger's eye opens their eyes to many incomprehensible situations.

Those born under the sign of Gemini are incredibly inquisitive, mobile and creative people, so this stone will help you gain enlightenment and make restless twins enjoy life even more. Gemini should wear clear or light golden topaz jewelry. An amulet made from this mineral will help the twins gain golden mean between crazy ideas and sound thoughts. Blue topaz is also suitable for those who are Gemini by zodiac sign. In this case, its properties will contribute to perseverance and concentration.

Fluorite is perfect for Gemini. There is an immediate understanding between them. The stone gives protection to the representatives of this zodiac sign from any danger that threatens them. In addition, the mineral will help them in any undertaking, give them a charge of positive energy and vitality to overcome all obstacles. In addition, fluorite will strengthen the health of Gemini and protect against the occurrence of ailments.

Gemini, this stone gives balance. In addition, chalcedony will help the representatives of this zodiac sign to focus on one thing and not waste money on trifles. For sociable, but somewhat superficial Gemini, chalcedony can become a kind of “organizing factor”: it will help them focus, identify their main tasks and solve them. This mineral suits them perfectly. Putting on a chalcedony jewelry, and not parting with it for some time, they will notice that they got rid of health problems, things went much better, negative emotions somewhere miraculously disappeared.

For this stone, Gemini is considered the ideal zodiac sign. Only they can get all its possibilities from citrine to the maximum. Gemini often lacks emotional uplift, a charge of vivacity and easy recklessness, and the mineral compensates for all this. For a Gemini woman, a stone gives the ability to understand people and improves her inner intuition. A Gemini man can become successful in financial matters.

Zoisite is the best suited for people born under zodiac constellation Gemini. Zoisite forces Gemini to enter into a serious confrontation with idleness and to put things in order in goals and desires. The magical powers of the stone protect the Gemini sign from troubles and misfortunes.

Gemini suits this stone. He gives them peace and tranquility. The stone is most suitable for a woman. The mineral will help her find harmony within herself. Gemini will become more balanced. All their actions will be accompanied by luck. The magical properties of black agate for Gemini are best manifested with constant wear.

Emotional and restless Gemini often needs help. For certain reasons, they fall into all serious troubles, while representatives of this zodiac sign need communication and understanding. Gray shungite is ideal for representatives of this zodiac sign, it will help Gemini to pacify their temperament and cope with the desire to have fun again. The mineral will help overcome the propensity for adventure and relieve lack of attention.

Gemini Lucky Stones

This sign is mobility itself. The twins are able to take on several things at once, but not the fact that they will bring them to mind. They do not stand the routine, they easily adapt to the new. However, the positive for Gemini ends with force majeure. They become petty, mercantile egoists. Gemini stones are called to solve the problems of the sign.

What should be stones for Gemini

Gemini belongs to the element of Air. Its stones are energetically contraindicated in proximity to water minerals: vibrations that are unpleasant for sensitive natures will be created.

Universal stones for Gemini: emerald, sapphire, beryl, agate. Yellow, golden, green minerals are suitable in color.

They are classified by date of birth or depending on the Eastern horoscope.

Selection by date of birth (decade)

The main curator of Gemini is Mercury. His protégés are born businessmen, merchants or communicators.

Each decade also has its own planet. Astrologers suggest choosing a stone by date of birth.

Gemini stones by date of birth

May 21–31

The first decade is ruled by Jupiter. He has in favor strong-willed, strong, indulgent people to the shortcomings of their neighbors. Intuitions and logic rolled into one.

Their lucky stones are rock crystal, obsidian, jade, moonstone, agate, amazonite.

June 1–10

The character traits of Gemini in the middle segment of the constellation are determined by Mars. The planet endows its wards with militancy, perseverance, narcissism. For them, career is often the most important thing.

Their magic stones are opal, chalcedony, pearls, chrysoprase, citrine, charoite, jade. They soften temperament, add peacefulness.

June 11–21

The final decade is ruled by the Sun. These are bright people, striving, like a luminary, to warm everyone. Intellectuals, but with an excess of vanity, stubborn, talkative. Often irritated for no reason (especially ladies). The need to obey causes uncontrollable rage.

Their stones according to the sign of the Zodiac are alexandrite, tourmaline, sapphire, topaz.

Depending on the year of birth

Adherents of Eastern teachings choose gems for amulets or amulets not by date of birth, but by focusing on the Chinese horoscope:

  • The stone of Gemini born in the years of the Mouse, Horse, Pig or Snake is alexandrite. He will find a couple, smooth out the roughness of character.
  • The stones that bring good luck to the Tiger and the Rooster prone to spontaneity or aggression are beryl, selenite or pearls.
  • Beryl suits well for Rabbits and Bulls. He will make projects complete on time.
  • Changeability of judgments, sudden mood swings, instability of the Monkey and Dragon will eliminate agate.
  • Stones for the Gemini of the year of the Goat and the Dog are pearls and emeralds. They are able to overcome the subconscious anxiety of the owner.

Minerals exhibit magical properties in jewelry, items or crystals.

Women Gemini Stones

The ladies of this sign are sociable, windy, assertive. They need a special approach. Gemini women are suitable for the following stones:

  • Emerald. It is famous not only for its beauty. This is the number one lady's stone for Gemini. Especially useful for people suffering from lack of communication. It will pacify passions, help the hostess maintain royal serenity in a skirmish. Necessary for a lady who takes problems to heart: the stone will calm mental anxieties.

  • Selenite. Moonstone will easily relieve stress, attract good luck, soften mood swings. Shows you how to reach your goal. Frivolous persons will add a modicum of seriousness. An attribute of motherhood, a charm for a woman during pregnancy and an unborn child.

    Pendant with selenite

  • Pearl. For Gemini, it is well suited as a powerful amulet from the evil eye, envy, or similar negativity. Bring good luck to love sphere, will redirect the seething energy in a peaceful direction. It will smooth out the pain in case of treachery of a loved one or close friend. The properties of the stone are especially valuable for those seeking to get married.

  • Jasper. The best love stone. Suitable for Gemini of all ages. Learn how to return a soul mate or meet a new love.

  • Tourmaline. Useful for a girl looking for her soul mate. It cements marital and family relationships, protects from scandals. Puts a shield to dangers or intrigues of enemies. A scarlet or pink pebble will give inner peace, awaken inspiration.

  • Beryl. With family ladies, he revives a home idyll, for an unmarried lady, she organizes a fateful meeting.

  • Agate. The white variety is better suited for strong self-sufficient women. Give them success and wealth.

    Moss stone set - pendant and earrings

  • Chrysoprase. Success marker. Eliminates unjustified expenses or material losses. Makes love romantic, refreshes sensuality. It will settle the personal problems of more mature married ladies, make their family nest richer, and protect them from problems.

Women use stones for Gemini in jewelry or lay them out on a work or dressing table.

Gemini men stones

Astrominerologists have identified best mascots Gemini men:

Alexandrite is the best ally of Gemini men.

Individual talismans and amulets

Stones are talismans or amulets suitable for wards of the Gemini constellation of both sexes:

  • Turquoise. An ally for Gemini on business trips or travel. The mineral will keep it away from home, add strength, cheer up. The owner of the stone rarely gets into conflicts, but their turquoise quickly extinguishes them.


  • Nephritis. The magical properties of the stone make the owner a long-liver.

  • Tiger's Eye. The ring as a talisman will protect the Gemini from slander or fits of jealousy. If the decoration becomes heavier, touches a suit or dress, this means that the owner is in trouble.

    cat tiger eye

  • Pomegranate. A suitable option for people prone to conflict: the stone smooths out this quality. Brings out the best character traits, helping to gain allies. Charges with optimism, cheerfulness, creating internal balance. A person fusses less, does not find fault with relatives and colleagues. But it is suitable only for people with strong energy: the weak-willed with the mineral will become even weaker.

  • Citrine. Attribute of business people and public figures. It will protect you from impulsive actions, help you speak confidently in front of an audience, and make you clairvoyant. Facilitates putting things in order in thoughts and deeds (especially finances). It will protect against dishonest partners or unprofitable deals. Contributes to the development of an entrepreneurial vein and the success of start-up businessmen.

  • Obsidian. A gem worn in a ring or ring is able to curb aggression. It will open your eyes to the flaws of your own character. It will make it prudent in words and deeds, a law-abiding citizen, protecting it from crime or other troubles.

    Black obsidian pendant

  • Aventurine. It has a special meaning for the sign. It will bring peace of mind, joy, help to sort out love feelings. However, it exacerbates emotions of any kind, which is important to consider when choosing a stone in a particular situation.

  • Rhinestone. Helps at work. An ideal protector against unpleasant, comical or absurd situations. Sharpens thinking, strengthens memory. Allows you to assess the situation as if from the outside and make a sober judgment about it. In faceted form, the number one amulet from the evil eye and damage.

  • Amethyst. Mineral of good luck for a business person: will help you find friends in higher spheres, adjust profitable connections. It will make the owner insightful: the plans of enemies will be an open book for him. This will give strength, cheer up, get rid of mundane thoughts and unnecessary movements. A green pebble is necessary for everyone who is unlucky with love.

  • Opal should be worn by people with a problematic character. The stone neutralizes spontaneous anger, calms the nerves, softens the temperament.

  • Agate. A stone that protects the eccentric Gemini. They become smarter and more responsible. In this respect, he is a valuable helper for a teenage girl. The red color mineral will help creative people in the implementation of ambitious projects.

  • Alexandrite. Universal talisman for Gemini. The changing color of the stone fits perfectly into the mobile worldview, harmonizes with the changeable mood of the sign. Easily extinguishes disputes, conflicts, neutralizes the encroachments of competitors or opponents. It will help develop personal will and firmness.

A silver ring with alexandrite is an ideal amulet and ally for Gemini men.

Any natural mineral that is useful for adult Gemini will also work for little twins. Agate, chrysoprase, beryl are especially useful for a child as a guard against the evil eye and other dark influences.

Healing Minerals of Gemini

The health of Gemini can suffer due to frivolity and disregard for the advice of specialists. But nature took care, endowing their minerals with healing properties:

  • alexandrite - calms the nerves, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • jade - improves the quality of sleep;
  • tourmaline - protects women's health;
  • beryl - treats colds, shattered nerves, female ailments;
  • chrysoprase - normalizes the work of the central nervous system, body tone, makes the skeleton stronger;
  • rhinestone - without any problems harmonizes with the owner's biofield, removes migraines, neutralizes the effects of stress, normalizes body temperature.

The most healthy stone is semi-precious agate. It strengthens the immune system, a bracelet of yellow gems on the left hand will help Gemini get rid of any disease.

Connection with chakras, metals, trees, names

The symbol of Gemini is associated with the fifth chakra Vishuddha (Throat). Her color is blue. Among the main stones are turquoise and chalcedony. They are used in chakra manipulation.

The magic and jewelry metal of the constellation is silver. Gems framed with platinum or gold, semi-precious natural gems - with gilded silver or cupronickel.

According to the horoscope of the Druids, the end of May - the beginning of June corresponds to a certain tree:

  • chestnut: May 21–24;
  • ash: May 25 - June 3;
  • hornbeam: June 4–13;
  • figs: June 14–21.

Talisman stones can be selected by name. That is, stones are distinguished from the general list according to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, for Andrei, consonant minerals are amber, andalusite, citrine and amethyst. The last two correspond to the Gemini constellation, so the choice is made between them based on personal preferences or financial capabilities.

What stones can not be worn sign

Gemini, mobile by nature, rejects solid or massive stones: diamond, ruby, aquamarine, black onyx. They are able to make people who easily perceive life gloomy slow-witted, weaken physically, deprive them of their creative abilities.

Features of using stones

Jewelry works more efficiently with proper use of stones:

  • women cannot wear alexandrite solo, only in pairs; the best combination- a gold ring plus a necklace or earrings;
  • a pearl bracelet nullifies the effects of stress;
  • amethyst - as a strong attribute is used in silver;
  • agate - a ring or bracelet on the left hand or earrings (white);
  • beryl - a pendant to restore peace in the family or find love; a golden ring will help to catch luck;
  • turquoise - Russian (from the Urals) is framed with gold, originally from Ireland - with silver;
  • rock crystal - pendant or pendant;
  • sapphire - ring, ring or bracelet;
  • tiger eye - strong in suspension; couples put on jewelry so that the relationship is strong and cloudless;
  • citrine - as a magnet for money, a ring made of any metal is recommended to be worn on the ring right finger; in public speaking, a pendant is used;
  • chrysoprase - a pendant on an elegant chain made of high-grade silver or a necklace.

Some stones suitable for the Gemini zodiac sign cannot be used constantly: jade attracts loneliness, pomegranate does not allow you to relax. Alexandrite is removed at the time of sleep in order to avoid energy depletion.

Gems are suitable only for strong personalities, but they are not recommended to wear jewelry around the clock.

It is desirable for changeable Gemini to collect a lot of precious gems in a box and natural stones easier to choose suitable option depends on the mood. Many mascot gems of this constellation should be chosen by Sagittarius.

Which stone is suitable for Gemini: this air sign is very versatile, and it is very difficult to single out one particular stone that will suit all representatives of this sign. Therefore, from the whole variety of talismans that favorably wag on this sign, choose the ones that you like the most.

In the article:

Which stone is suitable for twins

Patronizes the twins Mercury, but the entire time of his reign can be divided into 3 sections, the representatives of which differ from each other in character and style of behavior.
Those born between May 21 and May 31 patronize Jupiter. These people are very smart and selfish. They achieve great success in art and really do not like to be underestimated. These representatives of the sign are suitable:

  • sapphire;
  • citrine;
  • amber;
  • Tiger's Eye.

Those born between June 1st and 10th are protected Mars. People born in these numbers are easily excitable, have good feeling humor, but aggressive. They fit:

  • cat's eye;
  • amber;
  • pearl;
  • cornelian;
  • Moonstone.

The sun protects those who were born from 11 to 21 June. These people are self-confident, talkative, nice to people close and pleasant to them, absolutely uncontrollable, authoritarian, quick-tempered, but quick-tempered. Suitable for these twins:

  • citrine;
  • coral;
  • aventurine;
  • alexandrite;
  • belomorite.

Gems for the zodiac sign Gemini

If you want to adjust your character, moderate your ardor and become more assiduous, then you need to opt for yellow and green shades in jewelry.

Red and black colors will contribute to the development of a passionate nature, loving when they listen only to her opinion and implicitly fulfill all whims. To cool violent nature, use white and blue.

Citrine for good luck in all endeavors

Citrine is a stone that can attract good luck in any endeavor. If Gemini feels insecure in public or is afraid to speak in front of an audience, then before going out to the audience, take a small piece of this stone and put it in your pocket.

Citrine will significantly increase stamina. Therefore, athletes are advised to buy a figurine made of this stone and always keep it with them. People of art are advised to wear citrine on a chain so that it is always on the chest. This will save from envious, evil thoughts. If a woman wears a stone, then he will develop her intuition. If a man, then he will give prosperity.

Carnelian for creative people

Almost all twins are people of art. This is quite justified, since people of this sign are very gifted and know how to achieve their goal at any cost. But at the same time, the twins tend to stop halfway and give up.

To prevent this from happening, Gemini should always have a carnelian product with him. This stone will bring creativity into the life of this sign, fill it with ideas and will always inspire feats.

For single Gemini, it is important to wear carnelian. This stone is activated by being encased in silver. Carnelian is able to attract love, strengthen family relationships and restore the former tenderness in marriage.

Carnelian will not let you lose the joy of motherhood. The stone can bring success in business and trade. A ring with a stone was bought for the waning moon, and it is worn only on the ring finger.

Cat's and tiger's eye for those who do not mix well with people

If you feel that it is difficult to communicate with people or you have to be in a team where everyone is annoying, try to always wear a decoration made of cat or tiger eye. These stones are able to endow with patience and indulgence even the most fickle representative of the air element. In addition, the cat's eye is reliable, damage and envy.

Moonstone Talisman

The moonstone is used to purify the twin. This stone is almost not suitable for anyone to such an extent. The strength of the moonstone is that it is able to cool the ardor of a bright and passionate representative of this sign. It is best to wear necklaces made from this stone. The power of this jewelry can greatly improve life.


This stone is finicky and fickle, however, like the Gemini themselves. It is impossible to wear jewelry with such a stone all the time. It is best to use it only if there are health problems. In this case, aventurine is worn on the arm or around the neck. With the help of this stone, Gemini can be cured of almost all diseases. It is advised to keep a figure of aventurine in the house creative people, since he is the "muse" of all creative people.

Belomorit - understanding important issues

If you can't make an important decision, take a piece of white stone jewelry and focus. The stone is able to awaken the inner instinct, and you will definitely find the right solution and answer to the question. It is best if this jewelry is a ring. You need to wear it on the little finger, then you will achieve the greatest result.

Remember that in order for the stone to work and cooperate with you, you must maintain absolute cleanliness in the house. Belomorit does not tolerate disorder, and if its owner carelessly treats everything that surrounds him, you can not wait for help.

Sapphire - harmony and refinement

This stone is able to bring peace, tranquility, chastity into the life of Gemini. Although for some reason the sapphire is not considered a Gemini talisman, it is he who can teach this sign to get out of difficult situations and will help to avoid conflicts, win disputes.

If you wear jewelry with sapphire, then life will become more measured and calm. If you are looking for a way to slow down the turbulent flow of life, then this is the perfect way. It is best to wear jewelry with sapphire for those who are engaged in oratory.

Magic stone-assistants for the Gemini sign

Amber - the stone of Gemini men

Amber is a stone that gives wisdom and peace. It is he who can make the restless B male twin think about your actions right decisions and be responsible for your actions. Amber can be used by magicians, mediums and psychics during rituals. It is he who is able to establish a connection between parallel worlds.

Alexandrite - look into the future

If you want to see the future, interpret it and not make mistakes, you need alexandrite. This stone is endowed with many magical properties which are easily passed on to their owner.

Alexandrite is able to warn a person that trouble will happen to him. In this case, the previously cold talisman begins to heat up sharply. This makes it possible to understand that the wrong action is being taken, and you need to think everything over again in order not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Alexandrite is a stone that really has character. He is looking for his own owner. Weak, weak-willed, cowardly Gemini will not be able to wear it. The stone puts every person to the test.

If you are not ready to pass the test or have broken, then all that is to be expected from alexandrite is a sea of ​​​​failures. Or if you managed to get out of this abyss of misfortune, then you can be sure that alexandrite will protect you from any negative impact and will very actively attract only happiness into your life.

If you decide that this stone is what you need, get yourself either 2 rings with this stone, or a set (earrings and bracelet, ring and pendant). Jewelry is worn only in pairs. It is advisable not to refuse such an accessory to the military, sailors, actors and speakers.

Pearls - powerful protection from any influence

Pearls are rarely recognized magic stone and forget about what power he actually has. In the hands of Gemini, pearls become a powerful tool of protection. This is one of the most powerful talismans, with which you can protect yourself from black sorcerers, spirits, demons, vampires of any other evil spirits.

This talisman not only protects its owner from any troubles, but also teaches them to be more cold-blooded and restrained, not to take all hardships to heart.

magic coral

This is a powerful talisman, but the most powerful protective functions are activated when the decoration is worn on a child. It is for the little Gemini that coral helps to foresee danger, to feel the approach of trouble and helps to protect themselves from negative impacts. Only boys can wear red coral. Girls are allowed to wear white. The choice must be approached with great care.

Gemini - unusual stones talismans for representatives of the air element

Emerald and ruby ​​are not considered ideal stones for Gemini. However, jewelry with these stones can greatly affect the life of representatives of this sign.

Emerald - wisdom and prudence

The influence of the emerald on the representatives of this sign is rather weak. Yes, if a person himself chose this accessory, he was attracted to it, and the emerald recognized the owner in it, then the stone will become a person's best friend. He will be able to reduce the nervousness of Gemini, improve memory and add wisdom.

When choosing a stone for Gemini, you need to consider the date of his birth. Suitable for different decades different stones, so it is important to ensure that you get the most out of it and avoid negative effects.

First decade: May 22 to 31. The twins of this decade are ruled by Jupiter, they have well developed both logical and intuitive thinking. Astrologers believe that moonstone, malachite, rock crystal, agate, obsidian, jade and amazonite are best suited for those born during this period.

Second decade: June 1st to 10th. Gemini born during this time period are influenced by Mars, so they are characterized by aggression, selfishness and assertiveness. Strong stones for them are: amber, citrine, jade, chalcedony, pearls, onyx, chrysoprase, opal and cat's eye.

Third decade: from 11 to 21 June. Those who were born during this period are protected by the Sun itself - they brightly illuminate everything around and warm with their warmth. It is useful for them to have products with emerald, sapphire, topaz, tourmaline and alexandrite.

Gemini Charm Stones


Alexandrite is the best protector, a talisman for all Gemini. The stone helps to monitor health: in some periods of time it changes its color, shade. Thus, he, as it were, warns you of a possible illness or a difficult period in life. For example, you should be very careful if the stone suddenly darkened. Alexandrite has a good effect on material well-being, brings finances and harmonious relationships to the house.


Very often Gemini doesn't know what decision to make. They constantly rush between two opposites. Moonstone will help get rid of the duality of character. He struggles with indecision and fear of making a mistake and helps to gather energy to move towards one goal. Very good at developing creativity. Protects from the breakup of the family: protects from momentary temptations and impulses. Therefore, the moonstone is mandatory for all "family" Gemini to wear.

Amber, citrine, cat's eye

Stones of sunny shades have a good effect on the energy of Gemini: amber, citrine, cat's eye. They protect you in matters of work and business, help in business negotiations and at large public performances, they are protected from rash acts. Very well limit the ardor of overly gambling Gemini.


Onyx, especially with the image of two or more straight stripes, helps to become more serious and collected. Gemini by nature is characterized by some laxity. Onyx will help to collect your best qualities and show what you are really capable of. Very well suited for frivolous people.


Agate is very good for weak, painful Gemini. This stone fills a person with a lot of vital energy, helps to become active and healthy. Makes the character more direct, removes the excessive desire to soar in the clouds. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve great success in your creative or just business ideas. Your character will become more adult and responsible, you will be able to show the result not only on paper, but also in practice. Agate is also a guardian of love affairs. It helps the Gemini to decide on the choice of the second half. At the same time, the marriage is strong and reliable. It helps to remove the Gemini's indecision, which very often interferes with their life. Agate also supports the work of internal organs and protects against negative magical effects.


Jade has a good effect on the health of Gemini. It stabilizes the work nervous system improves the quality of sleep. Has a positive effect on life expectancy. Helps to recover damaged internal organs. However, with all these advantages, the stone also has a drawback - it attracts loneliness, which Gemini simply cannot stand. Therefore, try to wear jade as needed, refrain from wearing it all the time.


If your life is full of travel and adventure, then you can save yourself from failure with the help of turquoise. This stone helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts, saves from accidents. If you are in any danger, you will feel it. Also, turquoise is a guarantor of financial stability - your wallet is not afraid of emptiness.


Citrine is another stone that is good for Gemini's health. It slightly dulls the conductivity and sensitivity of the Gemini nervous system, which helps protect against stress. Thus, it protects health, internal organs and immunity. It is especially good for the heart. Try to constantly wear citrine during cold periods, periods of the height of epidemics infectious diseases. So you protect yourself from unwanted illness.

Tiger's Eye

The tiger's eye protects the Gemini from themselves, or rather from the negative manifestations of their character. It suppresses suspiciousness, jealousy, anxiety, aggressiveness, suspicion. Helps to improve the financial situation, progressive movement up the career ladder. Also, at times when various kinds of troubles are likely to appear, the stone seems to become heavier, thereby warning its owner.


Chrysoprase is a powerful amulet for twins. It protects against financial losses, so it is very good if your work involves interacting with a large amount of money. In the family, chrysoprase takes away the manifestations of negativity and leaves only positive. Protects in travel, on the road. Helps in risky, adventurous affairs.

dangerous stones

Geminis are very positive people, they often have a very easy, simple nature. Therefore, try not to wear too heavy stones - they do not suit you. Do not wear diamonds, rubies, aquamarine - they suck your vitality, bring health problems, can bring bad luck.