Indoor plants magical properties. The magic of indoor plants

  • 03.03.2020

Magic indoor plants

Indoor plants are one of the ways to gently influence the energy of a home, bringing a little love or money energy there, enhancing protection or bestowing peace and harmony.

It should be noted that since these plants are alive and continue to live and develop in the process of "use", their strength can be very great. Please note that if your plants “do not live”, they die, despite careful care, this may indicate a very unfavorable energy in an apartment or house - it means that the plants simply cannot cope with it, they are destroyed, as the dry talismans that have completed their work deteriorate herbs.

The Uzambara violet is energetically associated with the planet Venus. However, passionate love or new love this plant will not bring into your life - but it will preserve existing relationships, effectively cope with constant strife in the family. In addition, violet has protective properties.

Dracaena or dragon tree is another plant that perfectly cleanses the atmosphere of the house from scandals and quarrels. In addition, dracaena in the bedroom helps to revitalize the sexual life, and it has a particularly good effect on men.

Geranium with red or pink flowers it is recommended to grow it at home to protect it from evil forces. White geranium is useful if you are planning to have offspring - it promotes childbearing. All varieties of geranium, without exception, have a beneficial effect on married life, bringing peace and harmony to it. If you collect geranium flowers and dry, then you will get an excellent amulet that attracts love into your life.

indoor rose- universal "attractor" of love. Get this plant if your life lacks romance and new feelings. Naturally, you need to put it in the bedroom.

A Christmas rose or poinsettia is a plant worth putting in your living room. It enlivens the atmosphere of the house, making it lighter and more welcoming. If you want the doors of your home to be always open for guests, and for the guests to be comfortable and fun with this, be sure to purchase this plant!

Next to the poinsettia, you can put aloe vera - a plant that protects the house from uninvited guests, and at the same time from accidents and failures. At the same time, aloe brings good luck to all the inhabitants of the house.

Cactus is the most famous protector of the house. Cacti literally "eat" the negative in the apartment, in addition, they are very useful for computer scientists: these plants absorb electromagnetic radiation, somewhat neutralizing the harmful effect of the proximity of these complex mechanisms. Keep in mind that a cactus placed in the bedroom can slow down your personal life a little - it is believed that the cactus in the bedroom will protect your chastity.

Ivy and other indoor climbing plants are also protectors, and their properties are mainly directed locally. Therefore, in the office, put a pot of liana or ivy next to your desk, at home - in the bedroom, at the head.

Cyclamen put in the bedroom to protect you during sleep. Red cyclamen is especially effective for this. Interestingly, it is believed that cyclamen protects not only from negativity and evil in general, but also from weather disasters. And the flowers of this plant, dried and wrapped in white or purple fabric, will become a talisman that helps to cope with the consequences of parting or unhappy love.

The orange tree brings happiness and love to the house for all its inhabitants. And succulent plants and dwarf myrtle are in abundance. The lemon tree is the protector of the house, purifying the atmosphere.

Araucaria protects from evil and hunger. In general, all types of domestic palms are plants that protect prosperity in the house, bringing "male", projective, solar energy.

edited news .:velvet:. - 10-01-2013, 19:43

From this article you will learn:

    What magical energy do plants carry

    How to choose magical plants for the home so that they are beneficial

    What plants carry the energy of wealth

    What magical plants will protect from the evil eye and damage

    What plants will help to reveal magical abilities

    What plants can not be grown at home

Since ancient times, man has learned to use magical properties plants to achieve their goals. Certain flowers and herbs have been observed to help achieve success, heal from disease, or protect against exposure. negative energy. The energy of correctly collected magical plants is very powerful. Magical plants are able to restore the strength of a person and return to him the joy of life.

How to choose magical plants for your home

Of great importance for creating an atmosphere of comfort in the house is the energy of indoor flowers. Many of them carry positive energy, but some also carry negative energy.

There are female and male plants, and the balance of their ratio in the house is very important. If these are approximately equal, then the general atmosphere in the house and the relationship between the owners will be harmonious.

It is best to grow flowers with rounded leaves, because this form smoothes and eliminates any negativity.

The energy of domestic plants can affect the following aspects of life:

    The general atmosphere in the house. Magical plants absorb negativity and all negative influences. As a result, the atmosphere of the home is purified.

    For the health of the household. Flowers help cure many diseases.

    To attract various benefits and success.

    For love. There are plants that have magical properties to attract the second half and strengthen relationships between people.

    For protection from theft, from disease, from evil forces, from witchcraft.

magical indoor plants that bring good luck

  • Spathiphyllum.

This flower is popularly called "Women's Happiness" for its ability to improve the climate in the family and maintain well-being. It is suitable for growing single women and those who, already married, often quarrel with their spouse.

  • Violet.

Violet is the flower of the world. In the family where they like to grow these plants, quarrels and conflict situations between households are very rare. In addition, the violet is considered a symbol of fidelity. If you want to get rid of mental suffering, then plant White flower. In any case, if a black streak has come in your life, violet will help you overcome it.

  • Chinese rose (hibiscus).

The Chinese rose is depicted on the emblem of Hawaii, and it is also a symbol of Malaysia. In addition, her ability to establish peace in the family was noticed. It can also increase passion.

  • Wax ivy, hoya.

In many countries, this flower is used as a living "valentine", because the presentation of this magical plant symbolizes a declaration of love. If you want to grow hoya in your apartment, it is best to place it in the bedroom.

  • Myrtle.

The magical properties of this houseplant allow you to achieve mutual understanding and peace in the house. It will be an irreplaceable gift in case of any family celebration.

  • Aichrizon.

This is a very unusual magical plant to grow in your home. Among its properties is the ability to attract love and happiness in family relationships.

  • Calathea.

This plant has become widely known for its ability to positively influence an extreme family situation. If the couple is on the verge of breaking up and marital happiness is in jeopardy, give them a calathea. And then people will significantly increase the chances of maintaining relationships.

  • Chlorophytum.

Outwardly unpresentable chlorophytum is known for its ability to purify the air. By placing this flower in a room after renovation, you will quickly get rid of all unpleasant odors. It is equally effective in removing harmful substances, emitted into the atmosphere by low-quality furniture.

In addition, its properties in maintaining peace in the family were noticed. Even in office space chlorophytum is able to maintain a friendly atmosphere, preventing quarrels.

  • Oxalis (sour).

  • Anthurium.

The people call anthurium " Male happiness"due to its ability to restore and maintain the potency of the male representatives. It is advisable to place this magical plant in the bedroom.

  • Akalifa.

The flower is able to make men more persistent and courageous. For women, he can give softness and femininity.

  • Cyclamen.

It is known that this flower is able to protect its owner from nightmares at night.

Magic plants to attract money

Indoor plants that bring financial well-being and attract other earthly benefits must contain the energy of the sun. Only sunny days are suitable for their collection, and the first half of the day.

In no case do not go for cash flowers after dinner or after sunset, in the dark. The collection of rhizomes is carried out on a waning moon, and the upper part, on the contrary, on a growing one.

Magical herbs and plants should be stored in bags made from natural fabrics. Try not to show your flowers to anyone to attract money: the fewer eyes see them, the better.

To increase income, some of the most effective magical plants are distinguished:

  1. Elecampane.

It can not only directly increase income, but also give strength for this. This magical plant heals and gives energy. In runic magic, elecampane is a symbol of the Soulu rune, which is a symbol of the high point and the forces of the sun.

In elecampane, rhizomes are used. They are harvested on a dry day, and you need to dig them with the help of a magic knife, after bringing gifts to the owner of the forest. The ground peeled rhizomes should be poured into a sachet or a witch's bottle.

  1. Calendula.

In the people, calendula is called marigolds or flowers of the sun. It is believed that the simplest varieties of this plant in appearance contribute to the appearance of money in the family.

In addition, calendula attracts well-being in family life and helps to build relationships with children. Usually only the aerial part of the plant is used, collecting leaves, flowers and stems. It is necessary to dry them and store them in a magic bag or burn them in an incense burner. The exception is seeds that are not used.

  1. The Rose.

The rose flower has always stood in the first place for poets and romantics, being a symbol of love. In addition, it can contribute not only to personal but also financial well-being.

For any magical actions, buds and individual rose petals are usually used. Whole shoots (including leaves, flowers and thorns) can perform a protective function in terms of saving money. Buds bring good luck and wealth, thorns protect against offenders, and carved leaves mask what needs to be hidden.

  1. Apple tree.

Since ancient times, the apple tree has been considered a symbol family well-being. She was associated with a woman - the keeper of the hearth. The magical power of the plant made it possible to improve the financial well-being of the family. For this, leaves, wood, and fruits were used. Pieces dried apples and flower petals were put into bottles and magic sachets. The wood was used in runic magic, and the room was fumigated with stems and leaves.

The ritual itself can be performed both with a wild apple tree and with a cultivated tree.

Magic Plants You Shouldn't Keep at Home

Negative moods that gradually fill the atmosphere at home can accumulate and lead not only to constant dissatisfaction of all family members, but even to the failure of electrical appliances. Scandals are becoming more frequent, and getting rid of this is not so easy. Indoor flowers will be ideal helpers in cleansing the energy of your home.

By placing them in your apartment, you will significantly improve the atmosphere in the house. For these purposes, it is important to use the most suitable specimens, bearing in mind that each magical plant has its own specific properties. Some flowers, on the contrary, feed on human energy, causing an increase in the level of aggression.

The magical properties of indoor plants are unique. Some attract financial stability, others attract happiness or love to your home. But there are also flowers that can carry destructive energy, negatively affecting others. Such “pests” are especially strong for young children and the elderly.

There are several varieties of dangerous domestic plants that you need to know in person:

    Vampire flowers that literally suck out energy, making you lethargic, withdrawn and weak-willed puppets of a negative mood.

    Plants with negative energy. According to feng shui, most of them have pointed edges.

    Blockers that do not allow you to attract the desired luck in your life in search of a loved one.

    Plants whose energy does not coincide with the people living in a particular room.

Of course, in almost every home and office there are always green flowers decorating the interior. By the appearance of the plant and its condition, one can judge the owner. So, in an apartment where there is a sick person, very often there are instances with yellow leaves. Sluggish foliage indicates that too much negative energy has accumulated in the house or that positive power is leaking from this dwelling.

In addition, it is important to remember that even the arrangement of magical plants in the apartment itself must be carefully thought out. For example, some flowers cannot be grown in the bedroom, as they cause an increase in human activity.

Here are additional examples of the negative impact of magical plants on people:

  • Flowers of separation and loneliness.

Lonely people should not start a violet on their windowsill. She only fits family people when the union has already taken place. And if a person is lonely, the plant will only prevent the fire of romance from arising in his soul.

A similar action is typical for the camellia, which is popularly called “the flower of loneliness”. Her ability to block the penetration of sexual energy into a person's home is completely unsuitable for single people and is even dangerous for them.

But for those families whose union has already been established, these flowers will help strengthen it and maintain well-being.

  • Vampire Plants.

One of the most dangerous indoor flowers are curly specimens. Such plants are good to grow outside the house. Then they will not only attract attention with their beautiful appearance, but also to block the flow of negative energy from the outside. Inside the dwelling, they only occupy free space, without bringing any positive effect.

The most widespread are the following types of vampire plants:

Growing magical plants in your home must be approached very competently so as not to confuse assistants with real pests.

The same camellia, which we talked about above, despite the danger for lonely people, can help in the fight against their complexes and unlock their creative potential.

The cactus has interesting properties. It can be useful to two categories of citizens:

    Young girls, for whom the abundance of gentlemen has already become a problem that requires immediate resolution. In this case prickly cactus will assist in the expulsion of objectionable "suitors".

    Calm people who need additional energy supply and constant encouragement. Cactus needles quite cope with this function.

It is undesirable to use this flower for citizens with an explosive temperament or choleric people, since a prickly creature can only aggravate the situation.

Citrus plants can have a bright negative impact, while they directly affect the physical condition of a person. They pose a danger to people with high blood pressure and brain disorders. It is also better not to keep them in the children's bedroom, but in the living room a small orange or lemon tree will look great.

16 magical plants that protect against evil spirits and negativity

There are such types of magical plants that can improve your well-being and protect against various troubles and misfortunes.

  1. Periwinkle.

This small flower is a symbol of love and bright feelings. In Russia, young girls always wove a periwinkle into a wreath on the night of Ivan Kupala. He is able to resist any love spell, protect from curses and strengthen the bonds of marriage.

  1. Acacia.

Acacia is a donor capable of sharing positive power. If you want to get a boost of powerful energy, put a bouquet at your head. In addition, acacia is able to cure male and female infertility.

  1. Kalina.

Previously, viburnum could be found at every hut in the village. It has long been considered a symbol of strong female friendship and an ideal plant for all brides. Viburnum infusion was used to sprinkle the path of a loved one. It was believed that this would help support his passionate feelings for his other half. Also, viburnum is able to protect against damage, the evil eye and other witchcraft influence on a person.

  1. Fern.

Among forest plants, fern is the undisputed magical leader. He can fulfill any desire of a person if he finds a flower on the night of Ivan Kupala. Every year there are many who want to find the treasured plant, but so far no one has succeeded. In general, botanists say that the fern does not bloom. But in any case, if you want to protect yourself from the evil eye, improve your health or move up the career ladder, you can constantly carry a leaf of a dried crushed plant with you.

  1. Hop.

Symbolizing fertility and wealth, hops have become an indispensable attribute of any wedding. Before the ceremony begins, the mother of the bride should sprinkle the young with hop cones. This procedure will increase the well-being of the future family and will contribute to the emergence of strong and healthy heirs.

  1. Oak.

Oak gives strength and power, but this effect applies only to fair and honest people. If a person turns out to be unworthy in his thoughts or actions, the influence of this magical plant will be negative. Knowing about the properties of oak, the pagans forbade cutting down its groves. To protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, you can constantly carry an acorn or a piece of oak bark with you.

  1. Birch.

This beautiful tree supports a person's optimism and carries a charge of positive energy. White birch symbolizes femininity, tenderness and beauty. She is able to help sick and weakened people. The positive properties of wood have led to the fact that earlier cradles for newborns were made only from birch.

  1. Dill.

Possesses the strongest protective properties. To protect your home from negative impact bad people, in the old days they took dill, dried it, crushed it and put it in a bag, which they hung about front door. As a result, those who would wish harm to the owners could no longer cross the threshold of the house. Caring mothers sewed dill into the lining of their clothes for their children, providing this reliable protection from the evil eye.

  1. Mint.

Mint is able to protect housing from the penetration of evil spirits. To do this, her bouquets are placed throughout the house. Among the magical herbs and plants for wealth, mint has also become widely known, as it helps to attract financial well-being and success. It is often rubbed on the walls of hiding places, and when dried, they are carried in a wallet. Many rituals of white magic involve this invaluable component.

  1. St. John's wort.

The magical properties of this plant allow you to provide protection from enemies. It is also used to attract love in special magical rites. If a young girl wants to get married as soon as possible, she needs to constantly carry a small piece of St. John's wort root with her.

  1. Onion.

It has long been used to protect against witchcraft spells. Onion decoction neutralizes the negative energy coming from envious people. If the plant is cut and spread out in all corners of the house, then your home will be cleared of bad power overnight. It is important to discard this onion in the morning, collecting it with gloves. In Russia, caring housewives never threw away the husk, because it was believed that then luck and health would leave the house. Previously, it was simply burned in the oven.

  1. Garlic.

It is a powerful talisman for the home. No wonder you can often find garlic woven into bundles and hung in the kitchen. Not a single evil person will enter a house with such magical decorations. Before the wedding, the brides wove garlic feathers into their hair, and the grooms put a clove in their pocket. This contributed to attracting happiness and wealth to the future family.

  1. Nettle.

To protect your home from thieves and various ill-wishers, you can use nettles. For this purpose, leaves and stems are scattered around the dwelling. In the folk calendar, there was even such a day as a nettle spell, celebrated on July 11th. On this date, the magical properties of nettles especially increase. It can be made from protective amulets and amulets. When making them, you need to be very careful and cut or pluck the nettle without tearing the root out of the ground. If the root of the plant is torn out, then it loses its magical abilities, since the sacred connection with the area is broken.

  1. Poppy.

Poppy is a powerful amulet against magicians, sorcerers, witches, vampires and evil people. You can protect the house from their penetration by pouring some poppy seeds under the rug at the front door. A plant planted around the house also works well. It protects the territory from the penetration of any evil spirits. It is generally accepted that until the evil spirits count all the poppy seeds in the inflorescence box, they cannot begin to do something else. Therefore, self-sowing was especially respected by the people and never dug up.

  1. Clover.

Clover is widely known for its healing abilities. It can save a person from many diseases, including mental illness. With it, you can maintain youth and longevity, as well as preserve beauty for many years. To feel the power of its influence, it is necessary to dry the clover leaves, wrap them in a handkerchief and carry them with you. And if on the day summer solstice light a fire with clover leaves, you can soon meet your other half.

  1. Thistle.

The most powerful magical plant to fight against evil spirits is a thistle. Its very name suggests that it was created to destroy the devils. Apparently, it is for these purposes that he has so many sharp spines and such vitality.

In Russia, thistles were always placed in the house near the front door, so that evil spirits could not cross the threshold. In cemeteries, it was specially planted on the graves of black witches and sorcerers. It was believed that this magical plant is able to detain evil spirits, being a kind of analogue of a thorny fence. Thistle gains maximum strength during flowering.

To protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, you can pick a flower, dry it and carry it in your pocket. There are even recipes for special thistle potions designed to fight evil spirits.

5 plants that help develop magical abilities

For those who want to master the art of magic, knowledge about the most powerful magical plants and their properties will come in handy. Each direction has its own set of herbs and flowers. Some of them help develop clairvoyant abilities, others help to concentrate during rituals. Let's get acquainted with the five most powerful magical plants that will help even a weak or novice sorcerer to achieve the desired result.

    Mandrake officinalis (including autumn mandrake, spring mandrake and Turkmen mandrake) significantly increases the ability of the sorcerer, if you inhale the smoke of the burnt root. It should be remembered that the plant is saturated with dangerous alkaloids and atropine. Therefore, you can use it inside only in microdoses or not at all.

Violation of the structure of the mandrake root can significantly affect its magical power. Any damage can lead to a disastrous result, so if you need root shavings for some ritual, you should mentally ask the plant for permission to use it. Only after receiving a positive response, you can burn it or inhale it. If a clear denial forms in your head, you should not start working with the root.

The burning procedure is carried out using a small candle or the plant is set on fire on paper. This is due to the fact that it burns very poorly even when dried. Before burning the mandrake root, it is advisable not to eat meat and eat a light diet. Before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to invoke protective forces. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to quickly go to bed, which contributes to the development of dreams.

    Datura vulgaris is a very strong magical plant, so there are significant limitations when working with it. In no case should you turn to dope while intoxicated. Any abuse of alcohol even on the eve of the ceremony can lead to negative consequences. If you even drank a little, it is better to give up magical actions with dope for today.

With regard to ingestion, the restrictions here are similar to the mandrake root. This magical plant also contains poisons that adversely affect the functioning of the brain, so it is advisable not to eat dope. Just burn the seeds, seed pods, dried stems and roots.

    Ledum marsh- also contains alkaloids that are dangerous to human health, so you need to use it with caution. Its other name is "marsh myrtle". It was customary to add it to beer in order to increase the intoxicating effect. Also in Russia rosemary was burned to scare away mosquitoes.

Because of the toxic substances in the composition, the plant is practically not consumed inside, but very often they burn and fumigate the room with it. Another interesting property of wild rosemary is the ability to indicate the location of the treasure and cure serious ailments. But for use in this direction, a rich magical experience is needed.

    Sagebrush- This is a whole genus of plants, many of which are used in magical rituals. With the help of these specimens rich in natural alkaloids, you can significantly expand your clairvoyant abilities.

Usually wormwood is brewed and drunk or burned by inhaling the smoke. But do not abuse the frequency of these procedures. If you want to exorcise hostile forces and find your true self, then wormwood can help you with this.

    Sage officinalis and California white sage- the two most harmless plants on our list. The content of alkaloids in them is small, and they do not pose a threat to health at a moderate dosage.

Sage has a valuable property: it helps to tune in to work, sharpen your attention and sweep away unnecessary thoughts. Soothsayer sage is endowed with completely different properties, showing a pronounced intoxicating effect, but its distribution is prohibited by law.

In general, representatives of this genus can be used as plants that soften the effect of the above-mentioned poisonous counterparts.

Where to buy everything you need for rituals with magical plants

There are countless magical plants in the world. Any herb, tree, or bush has its own unique power, but because of this, they are rarely interchangeable. Some herbs can be bought at a pharmacy, others you can collect yourself, but what if you need a foreign ingredient or desired flower failed to prepare in advance?

Check out Witch's Happiness: we have plants from all over the world and familiar herbs suitable for witchcraft and medicinal purposes.

You have problems? There is no happiness in personal life? Problems with children? Does your husband drink? Are you chronically short of money? Or maybe not career development Or just can't find a decent job?

Take a look at your colors. Maybe the flowers in the house need to be rearranged or transplanted. It may be necessary to purchase new flowers, and some will have to be disposed of.

And all this because flowers have mystical properties, and knowledge of these amazing properties flowers can make your life happy and harmonious. Below we will look at what flowers to keep at home and describe the main ones.

Let's review your colors in the house.

Probably, you have been growing for a long time fat woman or " Money Tree» . Remember, they gave it to you with the wish that money would flow and it was a long time ago. She has a lot of branches, but the leaves are tiny. Here is the answer - as there was no money, and no, only a trifle rings.

It's time to transplant it. They say that you need to take a red pot, put coins on the bottom and transplant the fat girl. If the fat woman is fine, she will grow large leaves, then expect wealth.

Well, if you don't want to wait a long time, go to flower shop and buy more plentranius . Together, it will be easier for them to solve all your financial problems.

And here it is on the windowsill uzambara violet and, if not for her amazingly beautiful flowers, no one would have noticed her - that's good, do not touch her.

This flower, if it stands correctly - away from prying eyes, preserves your family happiness, the happiness of your children and takes care of your health.

Nearby is a wonderful geranium. Talk to her, because she knows how to listen. They say that such communication with geraniums is better than going to a psychotherapist, because you don’t have to pay money.

And she will listen, and give strength, and relieve me of the blues. You will grow wings and with new strength you will rise above the hustle and bustle of life.

Here is the beloved oxalis . No wonder they say that it is a flower of love. As soon as he appears in the house, the problems of his personal life go away, a beloved man appears on the horizon.

It has the same remarkable property hibiscus or "Chinese rose" . And if you don't have hibiscus yet, try to get it, it will give your love relationship sea ​​of ​​passion.

Well, if, suddenly, the problems of your intimate relationships are associated with excessive shyness, buy an avocado, plant its seed and sexual problems will go away from you.

And here is ficus - a flower with a very strong positive energy. This noble flower is said to create a good atmosphere, well-being and tranquility in the family.

If the ficus is in your kitchen, thank him for your comfortable and well-fed life. And if you want to give birth to a baby, put a ficus in the bedroom and it is better if it is a small-leaved ficus.

Well, if for some reason you don’t like ficus, because it takes up a lot of space, then calm and happy life will provide you chlorophytum .

People call this flower "family happiness" or "spray of champagne."

It will not interfere in your house and this tree with bright sunny fruits - lemon . By folk beliefs it is believed that the cultivation of lemon and all citrus fruits will thank you with good luck and prosperity.

Your priority is work, career, then it’s clear why you have on your desktop bamboo . After all, bamboo has long been considered a powerful symbol of financial wealth and good luck. If bamboo feels comfortable with you, then your life will be truly comfortable.

Next to the computer on the desktop is located Cactus . And rightly so, cacti absorb harmful computer radiation. But you need to know that cacti also have such properties that can lead to undesirable consequences for you.

A prickly miracle in your home can lead to alcoholism in loved ones or problems with the marriage of a young girl.

We continue our review

You love ivy ? Be careful. This is quite a dangerous plant. Ivy is considered a vampire plant, and is sometimes even referred to as "husband".

There is an opinion that ivy dares a man out of the house. In addition, if conflicts often arise in the family, relations between spouses have gone wrong, ivy may be to blame.

TO energy vampires, and very powerful, applies to monstera . First of all, children and the elderly can suffer from monsters.

And it is better not to put the monstera in the bedroom next to the bed, or in extreme cases, put it away from the headboard.

But monstera has one wonderful property that migraine sufferers should be aware of. If you have a headache, sit next to the monstera and the pain will subside. It probably makes sense to think about whether you need such a vampire in your house?

Endowed with magical properties ferns . And if there is already a fern in your house, then, according to popular belief, your house is protected from the evil eye and damage. You will never know what a poltergeist is.

Watch your flower closely. And if suddenly the fern withered, do not be upset. The fern averted damage from you, which means that you did not acquire it in vain and looked after it.

In every house, there is probably such an easy-to-care and cute plant as tradescantia . Its long branches clean and humidify the air well. People call Tradescantia "baby gossip" . This is probably why, according to popular belief, if you want to protect yourself from gossip, you must have Tradescantia.

As an energy indicator of the premises, it is recommended to have in the house dracaena . If the dracaena feels good, then everything is in order with the tenants.

Also, if you are a gambler or like to buy lottery tickets in the hope of winning, get a dracaena and it will bring you good luck.

No matter how you feel about this information, love your flowers, take care of them and they will certainly thank you with their healthy appearance and flowering. Buy only the flowers you like. If you were given a flower that you do not like, it is better to give it to good hands. This will be better for both you and the flower.

Chat with flowers morning hours, because during the day the plants accumulate energy, and at night they are released from the negative. Choose the right place where your flower will grow. Now you know which flowers should be kept at home and which flowers should not be kept at home.

Incredible Facts

Everyone knows witches love herbs.

Many of us grow something at home, without even knowing that the plants have amazing ability establish a magical connection with the other world.

Therefore, always remember that every plant has a soul, so witches protect, protect and grow their plants as real living allies.

magical plants

The following 7 plants, without exaggeration, can be called magical. They grow easily and provide amazing magical energy in their owner's home.

1. Basil

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

This amazing herb not only provides the dish with a delicate and refined flavor, but also brings positive energy to where it grows.

Basil is considered one of the most powerful and blessed herbs imaginable. If basil grows in the house, then its owner will certainly be accompanied by success, good luck and prosperity.

And, of course, the witches know about it.

The benefits of bay leaf

2. Bay leaf

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

Another great herb that not only improves the taste of some dishes, but also brings magical waves into the house.

The energy that laurel radiates is extremely positive. This plant has the ability to turn darkness into light. Laurel is associated with Apollo, the god of Light and beauty. Therefore, the laurel leaf is considered blessed.

With enough light and moisture, its seeds germinate fairly quickly.

P.S. When burning laurel, be sure to pay attention to safety measures.

3. Dandelion

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

Dandelions are associated with Hermes - Mercury and the magical elements of Air.

Dandelion is used to perform various spells, including making wishes.

Dandelions are often considered a common weed. However, those who think so are very much mistaken. This plant is indeed endowed with unusual power and is considered a witch.

Dandelion can withstand just about anything.

With this plant, you can do the following simple but very effective ritual: on Wednesday, take one dandelion and blow on it. It is believed that dandelion seeds, through the air, will carry your desire to the spirits, which will surely fulfill this desire.

Please note that the ritual must be done on Wednesday, and not on any other day of the week.

What plants to keep at home

4. Lavender

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

Lavender is one of the favorites of most women. The presence of this delicate flower in the house not only pleases the eye, but also drives away insects and all kinds of evil from the things of its owner.

Lavender is considered a magical plant as it brings peace, security and love. Growing lavender at home is quite simple. In addition, you should know that lavender helps to attract good things in life.

For example, in order to meet new love, fill your house with pots of lavender and be sure to use lavender essential oil to purify the air.

Do the ritual with essential oil on Wednesdays on the growing moon. And be sure to say your desire out loud.

5. Violets

Are they easy to grow? Not good…

Violet is considered one of the most magical and sacred flowers. She attracts people not only with her beauty, but also with magic.

Violets radiate beauty and magic. However, growing them is not as easy as previous plants. Growing flowers at home requires certain knowledge, such as soil pH, moisture content, etc.

To bring happiness and good luck to the house, you need to do the following ritual:

On Friday afternoons, put homemade cakes and a glass of milk in the window. Write a small note with wishes, put it next to you. Then burn the fallen violet petals.

The benefits of chamomile

6. Chamomile

Is it easy to grow? Yes…

It is the plant of the Sun, associated with all its blessings. Chamomile is the flower of the Witch, Sun and Fire.

The nice thing about this plant is that chamomile is easy to grow at home and can be used to make herbal teas or added to herbal blends.

To get rid of nightmares and bring good luck into your life, do the following ritual: put dried chamomile under your pillow on Sunday night and go to bed.

Love for plants is a wonderful feeling inherent in people all over the world. Surrounding yourself with representatives of the flora, quite often the energy of these living beings is not taken into account. We should not forget about the forces of nature capable of influencing a person. The magical properties of indoor plants have been known since ancient times.

Mistakes when choosing indoor plants

It is difficult to imagine a home without plants. But how to choose plants that are placed in apartments and offices. Quite often they prefer bright and beautiful flowering plants. And sometimes they pay more attention to the planter in which the plant grows than characteristics that it possesses. It would be erroneous to treat a living representative of the flora as a decorative component of the room.

First of all, we should not forget that any plant has its own special energy, capable of influencing others. And before you start gardening the rooms, you need to clearly understand that indoor flowers can have a strong impact on the well-being of the house, on the relationships and health of the household. How to choose plants for living space

Representatives of the flora of the whole world can settle in a house or apartment. The decorative component of the apartment will purify the air and have a beneficial effect on the human biofield, provided that the plants are selected correctly. Better than others, plants with a rounded leaf shape are suitable. They will not repel good luck like those with pointed flowers and leaves. Therefore, geraniums and saintpaulias became frequent inhabitants of apartment windows. It is undesirable to grow all kinds of vines - messengers of loneliness. Plants with upturned foliage will help fill the house with positive energy.

How to achieve energy balance?

When choosing flowers for living quarters in which the family lives, you should know that, among other things, all plants can be divided into those that have male and male energy. For home comfort, prosperity and tranquility of such plants should be equally. Plants with female energy include: saintpaulias, begonias, fat women and cyclomenes. And it is possible to balance them with plants with male energy: lemon, asparagus, dracaena, chlorophytum. To maintain the energy balance, the flower collection should have a mixed composition.

The energy of the house can be accurately determined by the state of green pets. A positive atmosphere can be accurately identified by beautiful healthy vegetation, carefully placed in all rooms of the dwelling. Rooms filled with negativity can destroy plants. And if suddenly beautiful and blooming flowers suddenly begin to dry out, it is worth paying attention to. This, first of all, means a change in energy, which may be the first bell of impending problems.

Keepers of family happiness

The leader in the list of plants that have a beneficial effect on family relationships considered a spathiphyllum. The people called him " female happiness". An unpretentious perennial plant will not only decorate the interior, but also help in solving family issues. The houses in which he grows up will be filled with love and mutual understanding. The beautiful saintpaulia will help to avoid quarrels. She is a little naughty. But if these flowers grow on the windows of the apartment, which will delight you with bright colorful flowers, love will settle in the dwelling.

Donors and Vampires

Plants can have both positive and negative effects. Begonias, ficuses, Kalanchoe, Spathiphyllum, Saintpaulias, etc. have a positive energy effect. Monstera, fern and ivy may have an undesirable effect.

Indoor plants carry a piece of their homeland. They can be unpretentious or capricious. For them, it is necessary to create certain conditions for growth. And each of them is endowed with certain capabilities. Correct use indoor plants will help balance home energy.