The cat is a mystical animal. Mystical properties of cats

  • 29.06.2020

02.06.2014 - 18:29

A cat is one of the few (if not the only) domestic creature that can survive without a person. Why? Because the cat has never been "domesticated". In a house or apartment, she behaves as if she lives in the wild, surrounded on all sides by predators. She is always on the alert, she hunts, gets food and rests as if her instincts were not touched by the past centuries and the conquest of civilization.

On the one hand, on the other...

The mystical properties of cats in all ages have been recognized by all peoples of the world. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the cat is one of the incarnations of the almighty god Ra. If a domestic cat died, the Egyptians wore mourning for it, as for a close relative, and if the death of a cat was violent, then the culprit faced a terrible execution.

The Japanese feared and respected cats. On the one hand, these animals were considered representatives of the dark forces, prone to vampirism, on the other hand, they patronized trade. By the way, figurines of clay piggy banks (similar to those sold by the “stupid” Nikulin at the market in the film “Operation Y”) came to us precisely from Japan. There, such cats were a mandatory attribute of any trading shop.

Cats were often under Japanese emperors and enjoyed all the privileges of true courtiers.

The Indians have a parable about how, at the funeral of the Buddha, one impudent rat began to lick oil from a sacred lamp. No one knew what to do in this situation, and only the cat reacted - it took and ate the rat. Then everyone thought: on the one hand, the cat “saved” the sacred oil, on the other hand, it violated the covenant of the Buddha, who ordered all living beings to love each other.

This “duality” of the furry predator has not yet been resolved by Buddhists. In India, this is still considered so: on the one hand, a cat is a correct and good animal, but on the other ... who knows who she makes friends with when she hangs around somewhere at night?

Hey! Kotofey!

The Slavs also treated cats ambiguously. They could stroke, or they could drive with a broom. Our ancestors easily gave human names to cats: “Kot Kotofeich” or “Kotofey Ivanovich”. But as soon as the matter smelled of even the slightest devilry, they immediately sent the cat to sort it out. Like in that scary belief, remember? “Whoever enters the house first will die first,” and therefore, when moving, the owners, before crossing the threshold themselves, always started new house cat,

But why not a chicken or some other animal? There was another belief in that. It was believed that the cat has a direct connection with the other world, and therefore it is easiest for her to “negotiate” with the disembodied inhabitants of the dwelling about peaceful coexistence with the new owners of the house.

It was also believed that the cat knows how to choose the “right” places to sleep. It was only on this point that people disagreed. Some put their beds in the place that the purr chose for herself. Others, on the contrary, being sure that the cat feeds on negative energy and therefore perfectly calculates the location of geopathogenic zones, stayed away from the places of the cat's overnight stays.

tailed doctor

But no one seems to doubt that cats are able to treat many diseases. How do they do it? With the help of mysterious communication with the other worlds, or in what other ways - no one really knows. However, the doctors themselves say that people who have a cat in the house turn to them (doctors) for help five times less often than those who do not have a pet.

Until now, there is no explanation for this phenomenon, but you can’t argue with the facts. Cats really successfully treat stress, illness nervous system and diseases internal organs. They have the opportunity (and most importantly, the desire) to save you from osteochondrosis, arthrosis, sciatica, hypertension, bronchitis, pneumonia, stomach ulcers, gastritis and many other diseases.

Interestingly, the ability to treat depends not only on gender (cats are somewhat worse off with medical abilities than cats), but also on breed. For example, long-haired cats (Angoras, Persians, Siberians) will easily overcome your irritability, depression and insomnia. In particular, Persians still treat joint pain. Shorthaired - "specialists" in diseases of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract. Siamese women are somehow able to regularly disinfect the apartment, kill pathogenic microbes, and therefore the owners of Siamese women are less likely to get sick, say, with the flu or a cold, than those who have purrs of a different breed. Cats of medium fluffiness (British and others) are real experts in cardiology problems.

And according to some cat owners, their pets even contribute to the accelerated healing of wounds, fractures and other serious injuries.

Let's say more, there is a whole science - feline therapy - which, in fact, deals with the treatment of people with the help of cats.

There are hundreds of millions!

At first glance, domestic cats live almost everywhere. And once, for the sake of boredom, French scientists decided to confirm or refute such an opinion by calculating how many domestic cats live on Earth. It turned out that the total number of wayward furry pets is about 400 million individuals. Most of them live in the USA. And every year, Americans spend about four billion dollars on cat food, which is exactly one billion more than it is spent (ibid., in the USA) on feeding infants!

However, in terms of population density (measured in “cat / people”), Australia ranks first, where there are nine cats per ten inhabitants, that is, almost everyone has their own little tailed friend. In Asia, Indonesia leads in the number of cats (30 million individuals), and in Europe - France (98 million cats). But, however, there are countries where it is not easy to meet a domestic cat, for example, Peru and Gabon.


Broad chest and powerful paws, expressive amber eyes... Dense plush fur and small ears, causing tenderness in everyone who had a chance to get acquainted with this miracle - I look at my cat and understand that he is too perfect for our planet.

Cats ... Graceful, masterful, but the most beloved. Having set out to conduct a mini-survey on the topic "What is your favorite pet" among friends and relatives, I received a large number of different answers - hamsters, fish, dogs, decorative rabbits and guinea pigs, but still the largest percentage was the answer "cats ”, namely, a little more than 80%. No wonder - small representatives of the cat family have been next to humans for many centuries, even millennia.

For more than 5,000 years, people have changed their attitude towards cats - they loved them, elevated them to the rank of divine creatures, considered cats to be the devil's creation and an attribute of witches. In Egypt, cats were considered a sacred animal and were the incarnation of the cat goddess Bastet. The reverent attitude towards these mysterious animals is confirmed by the fact that in the event of the death of a pet, it was mummified and buried in a special tomb decorated with precious stones, and put several mice there so that afterlife their pet did not have to starve. Another was the attitude towards the cat in medieval Europe. These animals were considered companions of sorcerers and witches. It was believed that cats are, and therefore they were subjected to the Inquisition.

Why is there so much love and hatred for an ordinary animal? Where did such an ambiguous attitude towards these cute pets come from? Let us turn to Her Majesty Science for an answer to these questions.

Another interesting fact concerns feline language - the way these animals communicate with each other and with humans. Despite the minimal amount of sounds made by these animals, and the seeming primitiveness of a cat's conversation, these cute creatures are skillful manipulators - their "meow" affects our subconscious, and makes us feed, clean up the tray after them, scratch behind the ear and fulfill any of their desires. This fact was confirmed by Nicastro's research, in which he proved that domestic cats clearly differentiate between sounds expressing satisfaction, contentment with life, and sounds of aggression, anxiety, fear. On the contrary, the sounds of wild, undomesticated cats are sharper, and absolutely incomprehensible to people.

Man is warm-blooded cat furniture

The feline nature is such that this animal does not get used to the owner, but to the environment in which it lives. The cat, during its coexistence next to a person, has chosen a completely reasonable tactic - not just to adapt to a person, but to learn how to manipulate him, and received a comfortable and safe life as a reward for this. If you look closely at the cat, you can see how it wipes furniture, household items, corners in the apartment, and ... human legs with its tail, for example, when it asks for food. For us, this is a gesture of recognition and love, but for them? Maybe they just mark their territory, leaving us with an elusive smell of pheromones?

It also has the right to exist and the opinion that cats are ordinary animals that, by nature, must hunt mice and other rodents, and only some of them were lucky enough to settle in a house with all the amenities. But why then do we become so attached to them, keep them close to us, care and love?

There is no clear answer to who cats are. Alien guests, endowed with the gift to monitor and manipulate people, or ordinary domesticated animals? We can definitely say that cats have the ability to influence us. So they are definitely not dumber than humans, even smarter. And therefore, they can pose a danger to all mankind.

For people who are going to use magical properties this animal, you need to know how to choose the right cat or cat for yourself, in which cases you need to get a black cat, and in which a red cat.
Black color: sorcery, occult powers, protection, deep magic! Despite all the superstitions, animals of this color take away negative energy, take trouble away from households, bestow wisdom and insight!!! In Britain, a black cat is considered a good omen.

Red (red) cats and cats: classic companion of sorceresses, full of male power, the power of the Sun, the energy of Yang. Whatever their gender, representatives of this color carry the magic of wealth, money, hearth, "house is a full bowl"

Blue (grey, smoky grey): cats of this color, dedicated to Freya, silent and secret! Until now, in Thailand, it is customary to give cats of this color to brides! Cats of this shade bring love, happiness, good luck, as well as emotional stability and sensual peace!

White: magic cats, create moon magic, have a powerful healing power! They give people a sense of beauty and admiration, relieve stress, charging with cleansing energy of health! In America, they are considered a good omen.

Colorpoint (Siamese color), royal color! Cats with this color were bred in Siamese temples, jealously guarding the purity of this color. Cats of this color bring fame and success, longevity, help in solar magic, Yang energy!

Calico (tricolor)- the cat of the supreme goddess. The classic tricolor colors combine white (girlish), red (parental: mother and father), black - the color of deep magic! This color is associated with the three-faced goddess. Calico cats bring good luck both on land and at sea, keep the house and family from harm, bring happiness and prosperity!

Bicolor (black and white, orange and white, gray and white): Bicolor cats are said to be the best mousers and very friendly. They give energy of wisdom, understanding and common sense!

Tortoise color: female magic, since the breed genes of this color are inherited only by females. Children's, pure magic, giving clairvoyance, healing. Golden, golden brown (like an Abyssinian cat): revered temple cat, playful, wise, regal, which bestows grace, helps to master age-old wisdom, solar magic.

Tabby color (striped): a smiling Cheshire cat, a madcap, a hooligan, who is laughed at by sorceresses with relatives and friends and who gives good luck, a light, cheerful attitude to situations, energizes with humor and enthusiasm!

Cats have been living side by side with humans for thousands of years, but their main secrets have not yet been unraveled. Since ancient times, many peoples have associated them with the other world and witchcraft, it was believed that they could rid the home of any negative energy and dark forces, as well as protect all the inhabitants of the house from evil spirits. We don't know where they came from amazing abilities, but more and more we are convinced that all the legends and signs with cats have a basis.

Ancient Egypt

The cat was one of the many animals worshiped in ancient Egypt. Presumably, the domestication of the cat in Egypt took place during the III millennium BC and before becoming a pet, this graceful and carefree animal, first of all, became a protective animal.

Hunting small rodents, cats guarded the barns where the Egyptians kept their provisions (primarily wheat), which was vital for this agricultural people. By hunting rats, cats eliminated the source of such serious diseases as the plague. Finally, by hunting snakes (usually horned vipers), they made the surrounding area safer.

Each temple that had its own cats was assigned its own "guardian of cats" - an important position, passed down through generations. Cats, like other sacred animals, had a special status in Egyptian society.

It was forbidden to kill or even cause the slightest harm to cats, and terrible punishment awaited violators, up to death penalty(the punishment, of course, was comparable to the importance of a cat).
The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus described a scene he saw that took place in 60 BC, when a Roman wagon accidentally ran over an Egyptian cat and an Egyptian soldier killed the driver.

One Roman killed a cat, and a crowd fled to the house of the guilty, but neither those sent by the king to persuade the authorities, nor the general fear inspired by Rome, could free a person from revenge, although he did this by accident.

Ra in the form of a cat killing the serpent Apophis /

with felines in Egyptian mythology associated with a large number of deities. Sekhmet, Tefnut, Mafdet and the Nubian Shesemtet were identified with lionesses. In the 17th chapter of the Book of the Dead, one of the most important gods Egyptian pantheon, the sun god Ra, appears in the form of a red cat, daily throwing the serpent Apep. Bast, the goddess with the head of a cat, was originally considered a protective, warlike lioness. Her image changed over time and she began to be identified with tamed cats, loyal but wild.

Temple of the goddess Bast. Cats and Priestesses - Vera, Lucia, Emerim

Since the time when cats began to be identified with Bast, they began to be mummified. The honors they received posthumously reflected what they embodied during each day of their lives. The Greek historian Herodotus described how the Egyptians rushed into burning houses to make sure that not a single cat was inside. Herodotus also wrote that after the death of a cat, the family was in mourning and shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of grief. Mourning lasted seventy days - the time of the entire mummification of both a person and a cat.

Mummy cat. Louvre / Photo: Greudin

Sometimes the cat accompanied its owner to the afterlife under the guise of a figurine or a carved design on coffins. Images of a cat can also be found on numerous vases, jewelry and dishes, as well as in drawings (under the place of a woman, as a protective symbol).

In 1888, an Egyptian fellah came across a large tomb containing a huge number (about 80,000) of mummified cats. It belonged to the necropolis of Beni Hassan, a city built during the XII and XIII dynasties of the Middle Kingdom.


Cats also occupy a special, revered position in Japan, where they appeared along with the Buddhist teachings in the 6th century AD and served as the highest award that the emperor could give to his entourage.

But 200 years later, cats were declared demons. An old Japanese legend tells that the tail of a cat was considered akin to a snake. And in connection with this, all cats were cut off their tails. Cats that did not have their tails cut off and cats over 10 years old were considered the most dangerous devils. In the delightful Japanese drawings of that time, almost all cats are depicted with shortened tails. Only in 1602 were cats fully rehabilitated by an imperial decree.

The first cats brought from China and Korea were white, some were black, and there were very few tricolors. Subsequent crossing gave the Japanese "tricolor" cat mi-ke, which is respected even in our time. Tricolor cats are especially revered by fishermen, who believe that they have the ability to anticipate the approach of a storm. Cats are taken on fishing trips to ensure safety and a good catch. It is also believed that black cats bring happiness and cure various diseases. White cats, which are more common, are loved for their beauty.

In the city of Kagoshima, there is a Temple of Cats, built not in honor of a sacred cat, but in memory of very specific cats. History says that back in 1600, a certain commander took 7 cats with him to the war, which served the soldiers for hours: the Japanese determined the time by expanding or contracting cat pupils.

Countries of Europe

In medieval Europe, the attitude towards cats was different. For the Vikings, the cat was a sacred animal, the personification of the goddess of love and fertility, Freya, who traveled in a chariot drawn by two cats.

In the Catholic countries of Europe, the cat was considered a companion of witches and the personification of evil spirits. Because of this, cats, especially black ones, were burned alive at the stake or thrown from bell towers. The destruction of cats in the Middle Ages indirectly caused plague epidemics, since there was almost no one to exterminate rats and other rodent carriers.

V Orthodox countries Europe's attitude towards cats was the opposite. The cat is the only animal that can visit Orthodox church except for the altar. In Russia, a domestic cat was expensive and could serve as a valuable gift, since it guaranteed the protection of the crop from rodents. She was also a symbol of peace and prosperity in the house, protecting the house from evil spirits. It was also believed that cats could penetrate the other world and communicate with spirits.

In Russian folklore, an extensive layer is made up of folk tales, proverbs and beliefs associated with cats and cats. Vladimir Gilyarovsky says that until the 20th century, the custom was preserved among merchants to compete, whose cat is fatter and fatter.

Russian monarchs also valued cats, cats always lived in the royal palace. The father of Peter I, Alexei Mikhailovich, had a beloved cat, whose portrait is depicted on the engraving. And already Peter the Great issued a decree, according to which in every household it was necessary "to have cats at the barns, to protect them, and intimidate mice and rats."

Peter himself was also often satirically portrayed as a cat, as evidenced by the numerous popular prints with inscriptions that have survived to this day: “Kazan cat, Astrakhan mind, Siberian mind.”

Customs and beliefs

People have always believed in the magical powers of cats. There are many customs and beliefs associated with them that seem ridiculous and ridiculous to us today, but perhaps somewhere in these beliefs a grain of common sense is hidden. For example, in Britain and Australia, black cats are believed to bring happiness. In many countries of Europe and the USA, on the contrary, a black cat portends misfortune, and in Russia it protects the house from thieves. In England, tortoiseshell cats bring happiness to their owners, and in Russia - blue ones.

In the old days, there was a belief among sailors that a black cat that settled on a ship was very happy sign. Kicking out the cat was tantamount to kicking out happiness. Particularly lucky were the ships on which a completely black cat lived, without white marks. At the same time, they avoided pronouncing the word “cat” in the sea - this could invite trouble! A cat that fell overboard meant the immediate approach of a storm. The sailors could not even think of leaving the cat on a sinking ship, trying to the last opportunity to save her from a shipwreck. In Yorkshire, it was believed that if a black cat lives on the shore of a wife, then nothing threatens her husband at sea. This sometimes even led to the theft of cats.

Everyone knows the old Russian sign, according to which the cat was the first to enter the new house in order to establish contact with the brownies and thereby help their owners. They say that if a cat sneezes near the bride on her wedding day, then the marriage will be happy. In some countries, it is believed that a cat, frightened by an oncoming person and running away or simply turning in the opposite direction from its original direction, portends failure to this person.

Cat hair and bones were often included in amulets, and were also designed to enhance the effect of many spells. Stroking the tail of a black cat, for example, has been used to treat stye, and the tail of a tortoiseshell cat has been used to treat warts.

Each cat was given two names: one real, the second - to confuse the devil. Then, in general, it was believed that knowing the real name helps dark forces gain power over a person (or cat). Giving the cat two names, one well-known, and the second - real, never pronounced in front of strangers, people tried to protect the cat that went out into the street from the machinations of evil forces.

Medieval writings have survived that claim that witches were able to make an ointment from the eyes of cats, with which one could gain the ability to see demons. Until now, many believe that cats are able not only to see ghosts (in the Russian tradition - brownies), but can even be friends with them and play with them.

The ability of cats to anticipate danger has not surprised anyone for a long time. In the cities and villages on the slopes of Vesuvius on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Naples, there is no family where cats do not live. Over the centuries, life has taught people whose houses are built on the slopes of an active volcano to rely on the instincts of furry pets more than on the forecasts of scientists.

Medal-winning cat Simon

During the Second World War, cats often saved their owners. This ability of cats turned out to be so valuable that a special medal was established in Europe with the words engraved on it: "We also serve the motherland." The medal was awarded to cats who saved the largest number human lives.

As you know, many mysterious creatures live on earth. These are amazing insects with the appearance of Hollywood monsters, and mysterious inhabitants sea ​​depths, deprived of eyes and capable of not eating for years, and the Loch Ness monster, and Bigfoot ...

But it turns out that very close to us live creatures that are as mysterious as they are familiar to us. It's about cats. Many modern researchers say with confidence that cats are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations and they are no more stupid than you and me.

Cats do not feel the need for people and at the same time always live next to them. Why do they need it? They will be able to feed themselves on their own, they do not need communication, like dogs. It is almost impossible to train a cat: the famous artist Yuri Kuklachev claims that it is impossible to force this animal to do anything either by affection, or punishment, or feeding. If cats do something on stage, it is solely because they themselves want it.

It is rather strange that the first mention of these creatures appeared only after the biblical Great Flood. Some legends say that the gods created cats - by crossing a monkey and a lion, or that a cat from nowhere came to people by itself.

Scientists attribute the appearance of cats to the times ancient egypt. There, these animals were not just kept in houses, but deified: temples were built for them, after death they were embalmed and mummies were made. What is the reason for such reverence?

As it turned out, the Egyptians knew many secrets about cats. In particular, they knew that these creatures were of extraterrestrial origin and came to us with the gods from Sirius. Hence, they were also deities. Some of the Egyptian priests were generally convinced of the existence of an entire cosmic civilization of intelligent cat-like creatures. This civilization lived not far from Sirius, its representatives were highly organized entities and possessed high spirituality. They had semi-dense bodies, the shape of which could change: they could change from cat to human form and vice versa. It is no coincidence that the ancient Egyptian goddess Bast was depicted with a human body and a cat's head.

Of course, the ancient Egyptians knew the amazing abilities of these creatures, thanks to which cats had the right to enter temples and pyramids in places where even the priests were closed. This is confirmed by the small doors discovered by archaeologists during excavations, which are clearly not intended for humans. Cats could penetrate special structures where time slowed down, they also had the ability to find themselves in parallel dimensions or in the past, when gods from the star Sirius lived on our planet: cats transmitted people's requests to them.

By the way, even now cats are never driven out of temples (unlike dogs that wandered there). And for some reason, the cats themselves love to lie near the icons - is it not surprising?

Cats are negativity collectors

Cats also have other remarkable abilities, including clairvoyance: they can see the energy of people, objects, and the surrounding space in general. Somehow, cats sense geopathic zones; there they lay down, as if nourished negative energy, and thus clear the space around. By the way, none of the animals do this anymore. Everyone knows the custom according to which a cat is first launched into an empty house: you can’t put a bed in the place where it lies.

There is a legend that this feature appeared in animals thanks to the Atlanteans: through genetic engineering, they forced cats to accumulate negativity with their bodies. Since then, cats have become collectors of negative energy. Apparently, they suffer from this, and their life has been drastically reduced: if before cats almost lived up to a century, now few of them live up to twenty years.

Cats are intuitive and psychic

For a long time, mankind had no idea how complex the activity of the cat's senses. It was believed that the world cats perceive primarily with their eyes: in the dark, their eyes glow, and their vision is 6 times better than human. In addition to vision and acute hearing, cats have another advantage - vibrissae, that is, "whiskers" and "eyebrows", as well as small hairs on the front paws. Vibrissae help cats navigate even in absolute darkness and complete silence. By the way, earlier scientists considered these hairs to be a simple rudiment. It is also known that after a fall, cats always land on their paws.

These animals have a very expressive look and are distinguished by extrasensory abilities: they easily read the thoughts of their owners, feel the danger that threatens them. There are many cases when cats saved people by waking them up at night shortly before some kind of cataclysm. They often play the role of healers, relieving the owners of headaches, sciatica and arthritis, relieve heart attacks, lower blood pressure. Cats feel what place a person hurts, and lie down on him.

Cats are aliens

According to the beliefs of many peoples, a cat that itself came into the house cannot be driven away: it appeared to avert trouble from the residents. And it can appear from a world unknown to us, from another time and from another space ...

As we can see, cats are amazingly wise creatures that have a connection with the cosmic mind. It can be said that they are secret agents of extraterrestrial civilizations who perform a particularly important mission on our planet - they are fighting evil in all its manifestations...

And finally, according to statistics, the cat theme is the most popular on the Internet. Why don’t they write about cats, what photos and videos about them just don’t post on the Web. And at the same time, few people know that a cat is practically an alien, and everyone who imagines himself to be its "owner", "friend", "benefactor" is actually just a contactee...