“It is not the business of the living to know the fate of the dead. Russian scientists have revealed the secret of the underworld

  • 16.10.2019

The theories of popular psychics about life after death are different, but all mediums agree in one opinion: the soul of a person does not disappear after death. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga and the winner of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" Swami Dashi claim that the astral exists. This is a world in which there are no physical bodies, but only human souls that can be contacted by having certain psychic abilities.

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    Vanga's opinion about the afterlife

    The clairvoyant believed that the human soul lives forever and can return to earth several times, taking on new physical forms. The human personality does not disappear, the soul gains experience and wisdom, thanks to many reincarnations. In the underworld subtle matter has the same tastes, preferences and affections as the deceased. Human nature is born in the womb a few weeks before the birth of a baby. If for some reason this did not happen, the child is born dead. The Bulgarian seer claimed that through a silver thread the soul passes into physical body person. When this thread breaks, death occurs.

      Silver thread proponents: Charles Webster Lebdieter and Carlos Casteneda. Reincarnation does not happen to all souls. Evil and greedy, selfish and cruel, deceitful and sinful and remain toiling between heaven and earth. They are doomed to eternal torment and the inability to find their refuge.

      Notable psychics

      Swami Dashi explains what happens to a person after physical death: the relocation of the soul to the astral world. The psychic says that there is no need to be afraid of death, this is only the end of earthly life, but not spiritual.

      Ilona Novoselova argued that the soul consists of three main parts:

      • Biomass is a physical body.
      • Ethereal shells (ghost or phantom). They store information about the appearance and character of the human person.
      • The divine body is a soul that moves after death into a new physical body.

      The phantom does not disappear, but remains forever in parallel worlds and exists there as an eternal memory of a certain person.

Many people want to know what psychics have to say about life after death, the afterlife, and the journey of the soul. Psychics make various assumptions about what happens after the death of a person. Unfortunately, today it is very difficult to understand which of them is right.

Many people talk about the afterlife and the journey of the soul after the death of the physical body. These are ordinary people, scientists and, of course, famous clairvoyants. Each person has his own idea of ​​whether there is life after death or not.

In most cases, such an idea is influenced by the religious worldview of a person. However, different religions give very different answers. Therefore, it is difficult to believe in such information.

So what do mediums say about life after death? Today, clairvoyants from the show "The Battle of Psychics" are very popular and well-known. Season after season, viewers learn about new, strong and talented mediums, tarot readers, clairvoyants who are trying to give answers to exciting questions. Including shed light on the mysteries regarding the world of the dead.

For example, Fatima Khadueva adheres to the theory that there is a subtle world - the astral. If there are physical bodies in our world, then souls pass into the astral world after the death of a person. Almost any soul that lives in this astral world can be contacted. However, for this you need to have certain abilities.

Khayal Alekperov did not reveal the secrets of the other world, but said that souls from the other world can really make contact. For this, it is very important to use images of deceased people. When working with photographs, you can really get in touch with the soul, which is already in the other world.

However, how many people, so many opinions. Describing the other world in which they were, some psychics say that its inhabitants do not look like people at all, but look like some kind of substance. But, despite this, other clairvoyants assure that the souls of the dead retain their human appearance.

In fact, it is very difficult to say what happens to a person after death. Most people believe that the human soul enters another world or experiences reincarnation. However, psychics are inclined to believe that human souls are able to move after the death of the body to another world, the astral one, which really exists.

Otherwise, how to explain the fact that various mediums regularly use the services of souls, turn to them to receive the necessary information. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to verify the authenticity of similar stories, because not every person can enter the astral plane and see everything with their own eyes.

Despite the fact that all psychics see the afterlife in their own way, they agree that human death is not the end point. This is just another stage in a person's life. The human soul actually exists, and it continues its journey. Someone is sure that she falls into the astral plane, others - that she is reborn, others - that she goes to Heaven or Hell.

However, today we are still not given the exact confidence to say which of these theories is the only correct one and reflects real events. Perhaps one of the psychics is right, and perhaps some of the skeptics, and in fact this whole afterlife that clairvoyants draw for us is nothing more than a human fantasy.

About people's attempts to understand what will be beyond death, the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami correctly says:

I decided not to think about such things ... No matter how much you think about it, you still won’t find out the truth, and if you find out, you won’t check it in any way. You'll just be wasting your time.

Edgard Cayce on life after death

On our site you could get acquainted with the life of Edgar Cayce and his views. Today he is one of the most famous psychics and clairvoyants. He was sure that the human world can be imagined as a shaky structure that is constantly moving in search of support.

Although Casey is a Christian, he argued about the possibility of the reincarnation of the soul. According to the prophet, not far off is the time when death will no longer be perceived by society as a tragedy, its mechanisms will be studied thoroughly. Death is the end of the body and a new beginning for the soul. The clairvoyant believed that one day the day would come when death would no longer be something secret for people. Casey was convinced that people would learn to understand its essence. In addition, the clairvoyant believed that true immortality really awaits a person. However, this will be immortality not for the body, but for the soul.

If we talk about the life of the soul after death, then Edgar was sure that the death of the physical body is just an opportunity to go to another life. And in fact, such incidents should not be a tragedy, because a person simply moves to the next stage of development.

The medium assured that when insight comes to most people, it will be much easier for them to realize that such a transition is actually joyful and it is not worth grieving. Also, according to Edgar, one can keep in touch with the soul of a deceased person, get in touch with it.

The famous American seer was sure that, while living life, a person can rise, or he can fall. The clairvoyant believed that some souls have a very large experience of earthly life, while others have very little.

What did Vanga say about life after death?

Wang was often asked about what happens after death, whether there is an afterlife and what is the future path of the human soul. These questions have always bothered people. Therefore, it would be unreasonable not to ask a well-known clairvoyant about this.

Vanga said that death overtakes only the physical body and the human spirit continues its life in eternity. It is possible that this soul returns to earth again and again, where it reincarnates in new forms.

Thanks to the experience of several lives on earth, the soul can become older, smarter, gain new knowledge and move on to the so-called " new level". The more times the soul was reborn and the more better life he lived, the higher the level she occupies.

The Soul and the Cosmos are connected by a thin silver thread, along which it will return back after the physical death of the temporary shell. It is interesting that the same mechanism of connection between the Universe and man is described by Castaneda and Leadbeater, who did not read the predictions of the Bulgarian blind seer. In the human body, the soul appears from outer space. Vanga believed that, like a ray of the sun, she enters the fetus that is in the womb of a woman. The clairvoyant said that the birth of the soul occurs 3 weeks before the birth of a child. If this does not happen, then the baby is born dead. Vanga believed that the soul could descend along the silver cord into human body. When this cord breaks, the person dies.

Such a silver thread is described not only by this clairvoyant. Carlos Castaneda and Charles Lebdieter spoke about her. If we talk about rebirth, then Vanga assured that this does not happen with all souls. Especially evil and hateful spirits can neither reincarnate nor go to heaven.

Vanga also noted that after a physical death, the personality is preserved, and the strongest connection between people is spiritual, not related. This suggests that most likely the deceased will make contact with the person who was close to him in spirit, and it doesn’t matter if they were blood relatives or not.

Not only ordinary people, but also psychics are trying to find answers to eternal questions- Is there life after death, what awaits us in the afterlife. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give clear answers at present. However, it is likely that as humanity develops, we will be able to find answers to such questions that interest us.

Arthur Ford phenomenon

Countless mediums after the First World War tried to convince the grieving planet of the existence of subtle worlds and life after death. Most of them turned out to be simple charlatans, profiting from the grief of a family that had lost one of its members. But the phenomenon of Arthur Ford made skeptics wince: thousands of viewers watched his communication sessions with the other world live.

Arthur Ford realized that he had psychic powers while serving in the military. In the battles of the First World War, dozens of fellow soldiers died daily. Then Arthur realized that he knew the order of death of his comrades and the names already a few days before his death. Since then, he has developed and perfected the gift of the medium. Arthur began by reading the notes without opening the envelopes: a huge audience was going to watch these performances. During one of the sessions, he fell into a trance against his will and spoke on behalf of a deceased person - a relative of one of the spectators. The communication channel did not break, and Ford transmitted news from the other world to the living all his life.

Ford won a posthumous Harry Houdini Award for delivering a coded message from a famous magician to his wife. The message says: "Rosabella, believe!" And she believed, and the whole world followed her.

In books, he persistently convinces the reader of the reality of the afterlife. And not just wandering, but full life outside the body. The whole life of this man illustrates the contents of the book: the afterlife is real, nothing will end after death.

Leslie Flint conversations

Scientists began to cooperate with mediums on issues of thanatology and the afterlife already in the 20th century, largely due to the active work of the English psychic Leslie Flint. Already in childhood, the boy realized that he was not like the others: the souls of the dead regularly contacted him. Developing his natural data, Flint soon began to gather thousands of people at sessions of otherworldly communication.

The great popularity of the medium was not limited to ordinary people: it was tested by endless scientists and psychiatrists, psychologists and computer scientists, parapsychologists and technical specialists. Flint has never been caught cheating: he passed all the tests of pundits with honor and dignity.
Enlisting the support of George Woods and Betty Green, Flint began to record the voices of the deceased visitors on tape, copies of which were distributed around the world and were available to anyone. The spirits did not resist contact with the real world, on the contrary, they were supportive and ordered the living to strengthen the communication channel and use it more often.

Over the years of practice, Flint contacted ordinary people and celebrities: Chopin and Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and Mahatma Gandhi got in touch with him. It is curious that all of them did not leave the work of life even after the end of earthly existence: Chopin continued to write music, and Shakespeare - sonnets and plays.

The medium's conversation with Chopin was captured on film:

Until his death in 1994, Flint continued to receive the suffering. And everyone came out enlightened: the deceased relatives assured that they lead a meaningful existence, are in good mood and remain themselves.

Mediums are unanimous in their opinion: death is not the end. Darkness and emptiness do not wait on the other side. Numerous communication sessions with the deceased, people's memories of past lives only prove this fact, giving hope that one day the fear of death will disappear forever.

What awaits a person after he dies? Is there life after death? What happens to the soul of the deceased? What is astral travel? People have been looking for answers to these questions for a long time. There is still no reliable evidence for the existence of an afterlife.

Mediums and psychics agree in one opinion - after death, a person does not cease to exist. His soul does not disappear, it is nearby and, having some skills, you can turn to it.

Life in the afterlife, the opinion of mediums: connection with religion

People's ideas about whether there is life after death, to a greater extent determine religious views. For the most part, religions say that after the death of a person, his soul continues to live on in the new world. Usually this world is divided into good and evil, that is, hell and heaven. In this world, they distribute where the soul will go, depending on the actions of people during their lifetime.

There is a very old belief that says that the body is just a shell, and the soul lives forever. When the body dies, the soul goes into new cycle rebirth, after which he is reborn on earth. Some believe that the worlds exist in an infinite number and the soul can travel from one to another. There are even adherents of the theory that if the soul really wants to live, it moves into someone else's body, displacing the soul of the previous owner. In other words, the soul does not leave, but moves.

Life in the afterlife opinion of mediums: various theories

The opinions of mediums and psychics about where the human soul goes after death are very different. But, despite the differences, they unanimously assure that the soul of a deceased person can cause harm, even against their will, that is, without malicious intent. It happens that the soul of the deceased suddenly begins to feed on the energy of a living person, thereby taking away his strength.

But there is a separate group of mediums who have a different opinion about the world of man after death. They believe that nothing can disappear into nowhere. People, after death, still remain in the physical world until they physical energy does not disappear. But in this state, they are deprived of the opportunity to influence the world of the living.

Some believe that if a person is good in life, then his spirit will be strong, and vice versa, the spirit of an evil and vengeful person will be weak. People can also be active and passive, just as there is a passive goodness that is worse than evil. This is determined by the fact that a person does not do bad things, but does not help either, passively watching the evil that is happening. These are shadow people, incapable of action. Their spirit will not be strong, because the soul has not developed.

Life in the afterlife is the opinion of mediums: what is astral travel

There is an opinion about the possibility of astral travel. Robert Monroe founded the Monroe Institute and invented a method that allows you to learn how to travel the astral within six days. In his travels, Monroe visited many places, most of which caused him discomfort. According to him, after death, a person enters the Garden, where he can communicate with the souls of loved ones. After that, all souls continue to develop together.

Astral travel is the ability to separate the soul from the body and fly in the universe.

Life in the afterlife is the opinion of mediums: how to learn to enter the astral

People flying in a dream have a predisposition to astral travel. Psychics and mediums make similar journeys throughout outer space.

If a person who does not fly even in a dream wants to develop this ability in himself, he needs to train hard, mentally creating a feeling of walking and falling. Such walks should be done several times a day.

Then proceed to the next exercise. A person lies down and closes his eyes, relaxes and imagines how he looks and sees himself and the situation around. Next, you should expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmovement, traveling around the apartment, then along the street, etc. These exercises will teach you to make astral travel, that is, to move the soul separately from the body.

After it becomes easy to leave the body, you can proceed to exit into the astral plane. To do this, lie down comfortably, close your eyes and ears, concentrating only on yourself. Feel the tension in the muscles of your body for three seconds, then relax and experience the feeling of falling into the abyss. Do not be afraid when you see yourself lying down. It should be remembered that astral travel is not safe and can frighten an inexperienced beginner, and he will not be able to return back.

Many religions on our earth are aware that after death the human soul enters a new ideal world, where there is a clear distribution of the dead, depending on their deeds, into two categories - “righteous” and “sinners”. The former, as most often mentioned, go to heaven, and the latter go to hell.

In India, they are of the opinion that after death the soul, having gone through all the circles of hell, becomes better and again falls into our world. There are various interpretations of scientists, philosophers, different categories of the population, in particular psychics, on this occasion. What do psychics say about life after death?

Psychics about death and the afterlife

Extrasensory perception is a special form of perception of the world that goes beyond the generally accepted feelings of people, that is, an anomaly, as a gift of clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis. Since professional psychics are able to see the aura of the living and dead man, their capabilities are in great demand in modern society.

Naturally, this type of activity brings considerable income, and many charlatans take advantage of this. Unprofessional work brings misinterpretation of life after death, misleading many people. But a professional psychic view of these things brings the truth that many of the dead are in our world for a long time and can harm the living.

Psychics say that the dead after death enter the astral world, which exists parallel to the real world, and see living people sometimes affect the living biofield. Psychics call such entities - energy substances. Mediums see and feel these bundles of energy and are able to influence them.

Features of the work of the medium

The work of a psychic medium is to penetrate into the astral plane and see the aura of a deceased person. There are approximately 7 main ways to enter this world, namely:

  1. Creation of an astral double. The essence of the method is to create a copy of your double, which will "travel". A copy is created by accumulating its energy and directing it to the astral plane.
  2. muscle way. The psychic lies down on the bed, relaxes and tries to “get out” of his body and, as it were, fall into the abyss.
  3. Meditation. One of the most popular methods involves complete relaxation and turning off the mind until vibration processes appear.
  4. Webster technique. It involves entering the astral plane by focusing attention on one point, such as the foot. A person mentally imagines how the energy flows smoothly from the fingers and moves throughout the body, capturing more and more areas, and goes into the astral plane.
  5. visualization method. The practice is based on the reproduction of feelings and experiences when moving from one place to another. For example, comfortable armchair in the house and the same comfortable corner in the yard.
  6. Vortex method of exit to the astral plane. It involves cleansing the body with the help of a diet for some time, and then creating an exit situation, using an imaginary epicenter of a vortex that takes it to the desired zone.
  7. Okoya technique. Very ancient. During the performance, the words “Tor ma leyo roz Okoya” are used after sitting with crossed legs, a person draws 12 lines with his ring finger at chest level, which in his thoughts will acquire a dark red hue. In conclusion, the spoken words “shi oh” lead to the astral plane.

As a rule, the aura of dead people in the astral world is light and dark, and has a positive or negative character. When the psychic contacts negative entity he experiences pain, light spirit evokes a pleasant feeling. Touching his energy to the astral spirit, the psychic experiences how something runs through the whole body, the hair on the back of the head rises, weakness appears, or vice versa, excitement. During the dialogue, the entity chooses for "communication" that part of the person on which it can influence. Most often it is a hand that involuntarily writes down what the spirit conveys.

Questions and answers

People who go to psychics often ask the same questions. For example, is it possible to wear things after a deceased person, to live near a cemetery, where the soul of a cat and the soul of a dog go after death?

From the point of view of psychics, it is impossible to put on the things of a deceased person, even after 40 days and consecration in the church. If the deceased wore his clothes for a long time, his energy remains in them and often negative, especially if a person died hard or died under tragic circumstances. Psychics say that things can strive to the world of the dead to their owner, which is fraught with bad consequences for a living person. They must be burned.

It is best to burn things after a deceased person. They should not be worn either after consecration in the church, or after 40 days, or in other cases.

It is also undesirable to live near a cemetery, more precisely, you cannot build residential areas near it, so as not to disturb the dead and not incur the negative of the dead.

The opinion of psychics about the death of animals is very interesting, bearing a more positive character. Clairvoyants say that a cat and a dog are God's creatures, which also have a soul, and it enters the astral animal world. Throughout their lives, cats and dogs help a person: the first (cats) purify the energy with gentle touches, the second (dogs) guard the house, are devoted to their owner until the end of their days. Therefore, even after death, they try to help: to clear the mind during sleep, to give some hints in various life situations.

Premature euthanasia of an animal is an incredible sin for people, but for the soul dead cat or dogs - irreparable harm.

Attentive and experienced people, especially those living in villages and private settlements, note the following story. Some time after the death of a person, a cat or a dog comes to the owner and follows him “on the heels”. Psychics note that this most often occurs after the death of a person who does not have children. or one whose soul has no one to inhabit in its kind. And the soul chooses to incarnate in the body of an animal, next to loved ones and in familiar territory. Such an incarnation can occur after 10 years or later), but more often after 1-7 years).

Vanga's views on human death

The world-famous seer Vanga had her own view of human death. Throughout her life, she has been in contact with dead people and therefore recognized the immortal soul and the astral world in which it exists. She confirmed that after death the physical body dies, and the soul remains to live, retaining its personality. The dead see us but cannot speak.

With all her deeds, she proved that there is a kind of portal for transporting living energy to the other world. Pass through this "corridor" only the elect, connected - mediums, psychics, through their subconscious.

It is very important for the development of our society that Vanga once answered the question asked: “What is the strongest connection between a living and a dead person - blood or spiritual?”. She said, "The strongest thing is the spiritual connection."

Scientists have long argued about Is there life after death. Many believe in the existence of the soul, others deny it. But recently, even electronic evidence of the existence of the afterlife has appeared. These are the so-called electronic voices.

But let's go back a little to the past. Everyone knows the famous illusionist and magician Harry Houdini. In ancient times, he amazed the crowd by the fact that he was freed from the shackles in a matter of minutes. No one could understand the secret of his tricks, some magicians still cannot repeat some tests.

But in addition to tricks, Houdini was fond of magic and mysticism. At that time, it was popular to visit the so-called. spiritualistic clubs in which seances were held.

It was at that time that Harry Houdini agreed with his wife, Beth, to contact him some time after his death using a special code phrase. Only Houdini and his wife knew this code phrase, and no one else. And after the death of the magician, the wife went to numerous magicians and, with the help of séances, tried to establish contact with the soul of Harry Houdini. Only a few years later, with the help of a psychic, she managed to do this. As a result, she received an answer from the other world, she was told the code phrase. It was the phrase: "Beth, believe me." It turns out that there really is life after death.

British scientist Vladislav Gushchin, together with his fellow scientists, is trying to investigate such a phenomenon as the phenomenon of electronic voice. This voice appears during radio recording, while watching TV, with any operating electronic device. Perhaps many people will think that all this is nonsense, but when analyzing the recording, one can single out whole words and a message from the other world.

Electronic voices are a special phenomenon that really defies any logical explanation. Electronic voices are suddenly heard through the electronic interference. Voices of persons who were not present in the room at the time of this very recording may appear on the recording. At first, it is difficult to make out what these voices are saying, but with careful processing, whole words and phrases can be distinguished.

If we recognize the phenomenon of electronic voices as real, then the question arises - who is their source? Scientists say that this is the so-called technical connection with the other world. That is, with the help of engineering means, you can contact the other world.

Researchers receive hundreds and thousands of such appeals from ordinary citizens who hear otherworldly voices from their dead relatives.

A resident of America, Martha, lost her daughter Catherine, who was 21 years old, in a car accident. Katherine and her friend were driving down the road when, for no reason at all, another car crashed into their car in the opposite direction. Both girls died. But six months later, the deceased Katherine contacted her mother Martha via a computer.

The girl said hello to her mother and even the dog from the other world. She did not want her loved ones to mourn her. On the electronic recording, you can hear the words: "I'm still here."

Thomas Edison tried throughout his life to create such an apparatus that would serve as a means for communication between the living and the dead. He created a voice recorder, but could not improve his device to the extent that he could communicate with the world of the dead.

People still ask themselves - is there life after death? Every person was tormented by the question, what is there after death? Scientists cannot accept the fact that the soul is eternal. But real examples miraculous return to life even after death exist. For example, such a case occurred in Barnaul in February 1964. Forty-year-old Claudia Ustyuzhanova was resurrected in the city hospital. The woman was hospitalized with a terrible diagnosis - cancer. When the doctors started the operation, they were horrified, as metastases covered all organs and practically ate Claudia's body. It was clear that this man would not survive. Claudia Ustyuzhanova's heart really stopped. Doctors have confirmed death...

However, three days later, in the morgue, Klavdia Ustyuzhanova opened her eyes and everyone who was present there was simply horrified. An intensive care unit was urgently called, and the doctors were perplexed - Claudia was alive. She began to tell that she had been in the next world. When the woman's heart stopped, she hovered over her body and heard the doctors' voices and everything they said. Then she began to rise up and this happened for some time until a strange voice appeared and told her that her life program had not yet been completed, she had not yet experienced such and such. Claudia was brought back to life. But what was the surprise of the doctors when they discovered that cancer tumor Claudia disappeared, and she was completely cured.

The doctors were shocked, they could not explain this phenomenon in any way and quickly hurried to discharge the already healthy woman from the hospital. It was a real miracle.

What is a soul?

Alexey Pokhabov talks about the concept of the soul as a kind of energy shell or entity. Every person has a soul, but soul and consciousness are not the same thing. Consciousness is what a person has in this particular life. But consciousness cannot understand the soul. The soul is something that defies explanation. Alexey Pokhabov says that life after death exists, in reality only the body dies.

There is real evidence that, in the distant past, Hitler did not come to power by accident. The fact is that he was categorically unlucky, but in the 32nd year he made a deal with the devil, where the signature was made with blood. This document is real. It was after this that he began to get very carried away. However, under the terms of the agreement, after 13 years, Hitler had to give his soul to the devil.

It is known that suicide occurred, and thus Hitler passed away.

Many psychics and mediums say that the soul looks special. It is a kind of bundle of energy, a kind of field. This field contains a huge amount of information. Alexander Litvin talks about the wave theory, that the soul is a light or a wave.

Scientists became interested in whether there is life after death and decided to personally verify by experience that the soul really exists. To do this, they conducted a series of experiments when a dying person parted with his life. It was at the time of the death of a person that scientists recorded this on a camera and the results shocked them. In all photographs, at the moment of death of a person, some balls of light are visible that come out of the chest area and rush upwards. A lot of these photographs were installed, scientists concluded that some kind of information field leaves the body when a person dies.

Scientists also wanted to measure the soul, its weight. To do this, they measured the weight before death and after. The result shocked them. After the death of a person, his weight invariably became less by a few grams. Scientists even managed to determine the exact figure for the weight of the soul - it is about 50 grams.

In order to test this version in experience, scientists decided to invite a person who can consciously leave his body. This is the so-called astral exit, when a person's soul leaves his body, but then returns. It turned out that at the moment the soul leaves the body, the weight of the body decreases by 49 g.

Cases of the exit of the soul from the body

The question of whether there is life after death has disappeared from the well-known writer Arseny Tarkovsky. In January 1944 Arseniy was dying from blood loss, from gangrene in a military hospital. There was no switch in the ward, in order to turn the light on or off, it was necessary to unscrew the light bulb from the base. Once Tarkovsky was so weak that he felt his soul leaving his body. He became interested in what would happen next. The soul slowly floated into the next room and had already begun to pass through the wall. But suddenly a terrible thought came to Tarkovsky, what if he loses contact with the body. It was at that moment that the soul quickly returned to the body and Arseniy Tarkovsky came to life.

There is a belief that the soul is attached to the body with a special silver thread. At the moment of death of a person, this thread breaks and the soul leaves the body forever. But the soul can leave the body simply on an astral journey and then return back to a living physical body. At the same time, a person lives on and on and does not die.

There are many cases when a person was buried ahead of time and soon he came to life. There are many cases when a dead person suddenly came to life in a morgue. It turns out that for some reason the person was in lethargy, in a special state, when the body seemed to freeze, but the soul did not leave him. The silver thread was not broken, the soul was attached to the body.

There is a practice that three days a person cannot be buried. There were cases when a person was buried, but he did not die. In the coffin, he came to life, but then he died physically, from lack of air. Psychics sometimes see during a funeral that a person is actually alive, as his silver thread is attached to the soul.

After the death of the physical body, its soul moves to subtle bodies, the astral body is simply one of our bodies. Scientists have found that nurses reported that people in a state of clinical death saw angels, the beauty of nature, and even their loved ones. Entities they didn't see in ordinary life suddenly appeared before them. People saw their body from the side, felt the flight outside their own body.

The famous artist Vysotsky twice visited the next world. He experienced two clinical deaths. Not every person is given this in life - to experience clinical death and then go back. But after the death of Vysotsky, many people started talking about the fact that sometimes his spirit is him. There are testimonies of climbers who claim that a dark ghost can appear in the mountains. It appears when people are in danger. Before snow avalanches, which in one second can take the lives of many people, and such a ghost appears.

It turns out that many people know that life after death does exist. So Alexander Bogodaiko many times felt that someone was looking at him. Once he even felt the touch of hands, as if someone had put their hands on his shoulders from behind. Alexander tells that he did not have time to say goodbye to his grandmother, who was dying at that time. Perhaps it was the grandmother who came to Alexander's house.

To the question whether there is life after the death of Alexander, he can now give an exact answer - it really is. So one day his grandfather was dying, he said that his grandmother was standing nearby. He saw her in the same way as Alexander, but Alexander did not notice anything. It was very strange and amazing at the same time.

Where does the soul go after death?

There is an opinion that after death the soul can go to any parallel worlds. There can be a huge number of such worlds, the soul can forever travel through these labyrinths. But the physical entrance to such a parallel world is possible in the mines. There are a lot of researchers who said that underground is the entrance to a parallel world. But there is a law that only the soul can enter this world, and all living things are forbidden to enter here. This is a special law that is never violated. However, there was one case in a mine in Gelendzhik, when a young guy disappeared for a week in this mine. When the guy was found, everyone was horrified and shocked - in front of them was a decrepit old man. It turns out that anomalies with a smooth passage of time are possible in this mine.

One day, the medium Dana Forsyth spoke of finding a door to a parallel world. Now she has no doubt that life after death exists. There was such a case when children entered the attraction with crooked mirrors. But some of them didn't come back. At first, several people disappeared, and after a while it happened again. The police were off their feet, thinking about the kidnapping, but there were no factors that spoke of the kidnapping. It turns out that crooked mirrors could become the door to the parallel world that attracted these guys.

Nastya has repeatedly seen in the mirror image the faces of people, ghostly figures, shadows, female faces. One day she saw the face of her long-dead grandfather.

It turns out that Nastya's grandmother had psychic abilities. She was a witch, and this gift was passed on to her granddaughter.

There are people who have seen a ghost with their own eyes. Sergei Demidov says that the door to a parallel world can be absolutely anywhere. One day he saw a real ghost that appeared to him for unknown reasons. Sergei was very frightened at first, but then he overcame himself and managed to look at the ghost. It was the floating woman in his room.

But after Sergey felt strange phenomenon. He managed to rise above his body and fly around the room. Sergei clearly saw his physical body on the bed, as if from the side. He remembered all this forever, but the strangest thing was that it never happened again.

Famous parapsychologists say that in a dream a person can communicate with the world of the dead. There is a kind of dialogue between the soul of a living and a dead person. Sometimes the souls of long-dead relatives and people who knew us come before any danger. They do this in order to soften the future blow and then the person becomes a little easier.

Perhaps immortal souls live somewhere there, in parallel world, different space. This is a big secret and it is not possible to capture or record, photograph a trip to a parallel world.