Is there life in the village? The eternal question is whether there is life after death.

  • 14.10.2019
How life happened on earth Keller Boris Alexandrovich

Is there life in other worlds?

Is there life in other worlds?

There are a great many different worlds in the universe. Is it possible that among these worlds, only on our Earth alone did life arise? Of course, it's absolutely incredible. And there, at great distances from us, hundreds of millions of kilometers from the earth, there must be planets with living beings. But let us turn to those planets that belong to our solar system and are at a closer distance from us.

The closest planet to us is the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth. The surface of the moon, facing the earth, has been studied very well. There are even photographs of this surface in great detail. There are plains and mountains on the Moon. But there is no air and water on it. Thus, if life was ever on the Moon, now it has already disappeared there. Another thing is the planet Mars.

Mars has air and water. Only the air on Mars is much more rarefied compared to the Earth, and there is much less water there. On Mars, at its poles, white spots of snow are visible, which shrink in their area in summer, because the snow melts. The farthest distance of Mars from Earth is 375 million kilometers, and on August 23, 1924, Mars approached us at a distance of 55 and a half million kilometers and for some time was relatively close to Earth. This made it possible for astronomers to better see Mars and everything that happens on its surface. Snow was seen to melt around its south pole in spring. And where there was more moisture, the surface of Mars took on a greenish color. It is possible that this happened from the development of vegetation, that is, from the fact that trees and shrubs were dressed with leaves or grass grew.

There is none on Mars big sea like the mediterranean sea on earth. But it is possible that there are large and small lakes on Mars. They even tried to determine the temperature on the surface of Mars, and came to the conclusion that it could be about 18 degrees Celsius. Thus, there is every reason to believe that there are plants and animals inextricably linked with them on Mars. On Mars, they even saw the semblance of narrow straight channels. From this it was concluded that intelligent beings live on this planet, which distribute water on Mars through such channels. But in recent times, the existence of these channels has been questioned and controversial.

There is one more planet in the solar system, on which, one can assume, life already exists or should appear. This planet is Venus.

Mankind will follow the path of a new, unprecedented in scope and rapid flourishing of science and technology. The time will come when people will be able to fly to other planets of our solar system - to the Moon, Mars, Venus. And science will find out in detail what kind of life exists on Mars, whether there is life on Venus, whether there was ever life on the Moon.

Our outstanding Russian scientist K. Yu. Tsiolkovsky invented a rocket engine that can serve for such interplanetary travel.

And, in general, it can be assumed that in the vast universe, there are probably still planets on which there are plants, animals and intelligent beings like humans.

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November 28th, 2015

A project to search for intelligent life in space began in 1959, which launched NASA. This office is responsible for the study of outer space and reports to the Vice President of the United States. Information about space research is received by the national administration in the form of images and video materials with the help of powerful telescopes. A program that studies the search for the presence of civilization in outer space, was called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Since time immemorial, mankind has been looking for civilizations similar to itself. Since antiquity, scientists have been convinced that other worlds exist, in which there is intelligent life. But there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. One of the strong reasons was the fact that the Earth is one of the planets of the company on which there is life, which implies the presence of a living mind on other planets. In refutation of this theory, there is such a refutation as the rarity of the existence of life in the Galaxy. Many observers consider only the suitability of the Earth star for the existence of intelligence.

The combination of the words cosmic being causes awe when reviewing starry space. Stargazing, studying, and then encouraging humanity about another life in the space of the Galaxy, which was not marked by success. No other existence of mind has been found. Scientists, without losing hope, developed one strategy after another, looking for ways to solve this problem. So in 1961, Frank Drake at a conference on astronomy, presented his well-known form of Drake, which was not successful, as it had some inaccuracies and was applied to a narrow search. But, it is worth noting that on the basis of this formula, many provisions were developed that were more objective in their use.

The probability of finding a foreign civilization increases over time, since the development of space technologies that deal with this problem does not stand still, and each time the probability of success increases. One step can change the direction in a given area, which will be decisive for the existence of life. Finding another civilization has painful meaning for humanity. That is why attempts to establish contact with other inhabitants of the Universe do not stop.

Many professors come to the point of view that says that it is possible to establish contact with another civilization thanks to electromagnetic waves., as such a channel will be more natural and practical. The preference for this connection is due to its high distribution rate and low concentration in space. The main disadvantage of this direction is least force contact and the presence of strong interference at a great distance and space radiation.

In this regard, scientists came to the conclusion that the wavelength should be no more than 21 centimeters, which contributes to minimal energy loss, and the level of the message is higher.

Upon receipt, the response signal is modulated, that is, its power must change. At the beginning it should be less simple. After acceptance, two-way communication should be established, after which the exchange of information begins for more high level. The disadvantage is that the response can be delayed by several tens or even hundreds of years.

But the uniqueness of such communication compensates for the slowness of the process itself.

By 1960, a large radio observation was made under the conditions of the project OZMA which was carried out using a radio telescope. After that, they developed expensive projects to establish communication with space, which were not awarded funding, and therefore, only theories were created due to lack of practice.

Space radio communications has many advantages, but do not forget about other types of communication. It is impossible to say with accuracy which type will be more productive. These include optical communication (less used due to a weak radio signal), automatic umbrellas (less available in production, slow and difficult to manage). In this direction, theories about the development of extraterrestrial civilizations are also being developed. This is due to the fact that there is uncertainty regarding the reaction to the incoming signal.

Scientists are considering two scenarios for the development of the event: either the creatures will have low level development of the mind and the reaction to the radio signal will be negative, or civilization will have a higher mind. But this can only be guessed at.

Radio astronomer Sebastian von Horner holds the theory that civilization develops up to a certain point, and identified the reasons that limit the existence of life:

  • Elimination of living beings;
  • Elimination of highly developed beings;
  • Psychological or physiological degradation;
  • Regression in science and technology;
  • Lack of the required amount of nutrition for progress;
  • Unlimited amount of time to exist.

Horner also highlighted the fact that life on the planet will not cease to exist, and one civilization will be replaced by the next.

Along with American scientists, did not stand still and Soviet science . Such activities were developed by professors of astronomical institutes. In 1960, a project was founded on the basis of the Sternberg educational institution, which was aimed at detecting a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization. This program was developed by outstanding astrophysicists Ambartsumyan V.A., Zeldovich Ya.B., Kotelnikov V.A., Tamm I.E., Khaikin S.E. and gave the name Project Au».

During this period, the first space satellite was launched, conferences and symposia were held on the topic of space and other civilizations.

Alexander Zaitsev, who has a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences, believes that humanity is consumerist towards an unearthly civilization, since scientists do not send any signals, but only look for signs of existence. It is with this that the sending of three radio signals, which took place in 1999, 2001 and 2003, and will continue for more than 30 years, is connected.

In 1962 Soviet Union launched a signal into space that collided with an American message in 1974. Neither sign was successful.

Anatoly Cherepashchuk speaks of the likelihood that the extraterrestrial civilization is older and contacts in other ways, and it is worth considering such a type of communication as dark matter. It is precisely without information about this fact that it does not allow scientists to contact other creatures. It is thanks to dark matter that messages can be delivered instantly, and the level of communication will increase.

Academician N.S. Kardashev believes that there are three types of civilization in the Universe:

  • Similar to terrestrial civilization;
  • Master the ability of their planet;
  • They master the nutrition of the expanses of the Galaxy.

third civilization , according to the scientist, is able to form artificial tunnels in time and space and move instantly at the speed of light. Kardashev is also a supporter mirror world theories, which are created from elements that exactly the opposite repeat ordinary particles.

Yuri Gnedin, talks about the fact that there is no evidence of the existence of unearthly life within solar system . The plan to search for another civilization continues to exist based on the facts of radio surveillance. The search continues for signs of artificial origin, which are sent by another civilization.

Meanwhile, the task is not to understand the message, but to receive a signal confirming the existence of intelligent life.

An employee of the Department of the Institute of Astronomy K. Kholshevnikov believes that a star, which is equipped with a technological capability, can receive or transmit powerful radio emission. Frequent frequency of the signal is a sign of foreign origin. It is this signal that is absent and does not make it possible to detect alien life.

Another way to send a signal are ultraviolet waves and x-rays. This fact takes place in connection with the fundamental difference between alien creatures from human civilization and the way of communication between them.

It is worth remembering that the nearest planet Proxima Centauri, up to which the duration of the light flux reaches 5 years. In this regard, the establishment of contact may be delayed for several centuries. The galaxy is so large that it takes light 35 million years to traverse the entire plane. This fact may indicate that the message could have been sent but did not reach its destination.

Signals to the Universe are sent by scientists regularly, but are considered useless business. If we carry out calculations, taking as a unit of measurement 100 light years, it is at this distance that the nearest civilization is located, then the message will reach within 200 years.

The main problem of scientists is ignorance of the subject of the search. This indicates that the professors, receiving information on the radio telescope, do not know how to decipher it.

Let's philosophize a little with you and try to answer for ourselves the question that has been worrying mankind for hundreds of thousands of years - is there life in the Universe? Of course, the topic is a bit unusual, so I will ask you to focus, turn on your imagination and start your journey in the Universe together.

Of course, we can adhere to the opinion of most science fiction writers, and say with confidence that there is life on distant stars. But is it really so? Let's see what is needed for the emergence of life.

First, all living things known to us need oxygen.

This is perhaps one of the main criteria for the development of life. No oxygen, no life. Air is necessary for the development of nutrients, for respiration, for energy. This universal oxidizing agent is necessary for all living beings. However, there is one small "BUT". First of all, it has not been proven that distant stars do not have this very oxygen. Who knows what is a billion kilometers away from us? And suddenly, somewhere on a distant star there is still oxygen and living beings similar to us. And the second, which is very important, how do we know that life on other planets is similar to ours. If we somehow adapted to the conditions on our planet, why do we doubt that there are other life forms that do not need oxygen?! This issue is highly controversial.

Secondly, all known living beings need water.

Our science is merciless! She found out that life is simply impossible without water. It was in the water that proteins appeared, which are the basis of all living beings. There is even a theory that all living beings, including our distant ancestors, came out of the water. But again, let's argue with the luminaries of science. Agree, we still know very little about life, and what we know can always be questioned. ALL proteins KNOWN to us need water, but there may be proteins unknown to us that can find "substitutes" for water, depending on the environment of their development. It's also quite a controversial topic.

Thirdly, for the emergence of life, a special temperature is needed.

In my opinion, it is also one of the most controversial factors. Agree, we humans can adapt to everything: high pressure in the mountains, low temperatures in Antarctica, and heat in Africa. How do we know that there are no organisms that can be more adapted than we are. For example, the inhabitants of the Mariana Trench have adapted to the pressure at depth, the absence of light and low temperatures at the deepest point in the world. So, you can adapt to much, if not everything.

Of course, these are all just speculations on the verge of fantasy, and we cannot be sure that there is life in the Universe, for the simple reason that this has not been proven. But still, we can question some of the statements of the best minds of mankind for the simple reason that the absence of life on other planets has not been proven or confirmed. We believe that space is endless and there is no end to it. But if so, then the question of whether we are alone in this boundless space will always excite our minds.

Here's how to see. If we believe that we are alone in the Universe, then it will be so for us, and nothing will convince us. But if we believe that in the endless darkness of space there are living beings, even if they are not like us, then it will remain so until the end of our days. What do you think???

Find out if there is life in the universe other than Earth. Here you will find comments from other users, whether there is life in heaven, whether there is other life in the Galaxy, whether there are other forms of life.


Many religions teach us that life continues after death, only in heaven. Including Christianity. Whether there is life in the Universe is another question, which, however, interests people no less.

Throughout history, people have believed in the existence of God. This conclusion was reached by billions of inhabitants of our planet with different social status, in different emotional states, different mindsets. What is the chance that each of them could be wrong? Even anthropological research confirms that a universal belief in God existed even in the most primitive communities.

Is there life beyond our ordinary existence? This can be proved already by the complexity of the structure of our planet. It can be assumed that God not only created it, but also tries to maintain life. In addition to the Earth, it is still unknown what exactly he can be responsible for.

And only a mind that surpasses the human could create our own so complex and multifaceted. After all, in a second we are able to process information in huge quantities. So far, science has not yet found an exact explanation for everything that happens in our head.

Is there other life in space?

Surely every person, and more than once, asked himself the question, is there life on Venus and Saturn, on the Sun and Jupiter? Scientists have been conducting numerous studies for many years, trying to find signs of life, even small ones. Neighbors in the Sun are of interest to them first of all, as well as to us.

The greenhouse effect and powerful atmosphere led scientists to call Venus the sister of the Earth. Many astronomers are sure that there used to be seas and oceans here, although now the surface is rocky and deserted. Is there other life on this planet? Hopes are unlikely to come true, because the atmosphere itself is now not very suitable for living forms.

On Jupiter, according to scientists, intelligent life is also almost impossible. In many ways - due to the fact that the planet is practically devoid of a rocky surface, hurricanes constantly rage on it. But the satellites of this planet are of much greater interest. Because they are most similar to our native Earth.

But researchers do not exclude the presence of the simplest organisms on Saturn. Sedimentary organic matter and water ice prevail on its surface, but this does not force us to completely abandon the idea of ​​the development of living forms of life under such conditions.

Are there other forms of life?

People have always wondered if there are other forms of life in the Galaxy, Space, in addition to those that we encounter on our Earth. The search for evidence of this theory began from the very moment that research expeditions into space became available to us. Already after the first flights, we began to launch special devices in order to conduct research.

Many experts say that somewhere in the depths of the Universe, at least 9 more civilizations may exist. Three of them noticeably lag behind us in terms of development, three are approximately on the same level with us, and three more are superior.

Modern science is not yet ready to completely exclude the existence of other life forms, which, among other things, may be similar to us. Conclusions about the existence of other forms of life can be drawn, even based on the notion that our universe is infinite.

Representatives of a civilization that are on an identical branch of evolution may turn out to be similar to us.

Amino acids and hydrocarbons found in one of the meteorites studied by NASA specialists are considered irrefutable proof of organic life forms in space. It is believed that it is on these elements that all life in the Universe is generally based.

When a child first goes to (and then to school), this is a huge stress not only for himself, but also for his parents. I often have to deal with questions from mothers about how to avoid psychological trauma in a baby? How not just to leave and slam the door, leaving him screaming, but to make it as soft as possible? What are the tricks?

Indeed, there is such a problem. For everyone without exception. For some, it resolves itself, almost painlessly, for others, it turns into a protracted one for many years.

Where to begin

Try to answer this question for yourself right now. Memorize your answers. They will be useful to us, because your answers contain a rational grain, you intuitively think correctly. Believe in yourself, test yourself and build your behavior, relying not only on the advice of outsiders, but also on your own vision. It is important to understand that you are the main expert in resolving all issues related to your child. Only you know what is best for your family, only you know the methods that you can really apply.

And you need to start with yourself. Yes, do not be surprised, just from yourself. Have you already decided what your child will go to? The reason is not important, it can be any, we will not consider it now. All. Decision is made.

If you have no fear, and you are sure that everything will work out, skip the first chapter. If there is fear, you need to find within yourself the iron justification for this decision. Such that you don’t have to return to exhausting questions again and again: “Do I need to take my sweetie to?”, “Maybe we’ll get out somehow differently? Maybe to my grandmother? Maybe not go to work?”, “What I am for a mother?! I give him / her to , he will be beaten, strangled and tortured electric shock"and I'll paint my nails and calmly go about my business!".

The positive rationale for your decision is as follows: “Kindergarten is a developing stage. A person in general and him in particular. Without them it is impossible to successfully live in our society. There is still a lot to be mastered by my child, and I will help him with this. "let's start now. I'll try to make this process as easy as I can."

Take your time, find for yourself suitable option wording. Talk to other family members, listen carefully. You are in charge of this process and act accordingly. Plus what helps you, the rest - then.

How to prepare a child

If you go to the garden in a week, it's time to start. Start talking about the fact that there is such a thing - "", there are a lot of children in it, they play, eat, sleep together. It's fun and funny. Yes, my mother is not around, she is at work, she also has fun working there. Do not load the child for a long time, it is better for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. The main thing is that your voice does not tremble, and a tear does not flow out. Take a walk near your kindergarten, show, tell how he will play here with other good guys, etc. More positive - speak to the child in his language, answer all his questions in detail, even if you do not know the exact answer, turn on your brain! If you are confident and calm, your child will consider this and will perceive "this new toy -" normally.

How to help your own head

Self-hypnosis and psychological tricks alone are indispensable. You need to control the situation in which your child will be, otherwise everything will fall apart, and you will return to the thought - "why did I start all this ...". You need to quietly and calmly collect information that does not lie on the surface, but provides your inner comfort. In the new reality "" there are several positions that, firstly, you must know firmly, and secondly, take for yourself. These are educators, daily routine, food, other children. The more you know about this, the more comfortable you will be. And your calmness, as you already understood, is the main reference point for the success of your child's adaptation.


Educators. They are people, for the most part, good, loving children, tune in to it. You need to get to know them in advance. This is - perhaps, more than that - normal. Don't be lazy! Go and talk to the principal and caregivers, tell about your child, ask questions, see how they react, enter into a dialogue with them, feel that they understand you, take your time, come again and try from the beginning, if not happened the first time. If you establish contact with everyone with whom the child will have to communicate, you will make life easier for him. Then just keep in touch, without being obtrusive.

Daily regime. Yes, it will be different than before. Don't be scared. For a child, these differences will not be as catastrophic as they are for you. This is a feature of the child's psyche, if there is a request, we will talk about it separately and in detail. Remember the old joke, the ending of which: for the company and cranberries were eaten without sugar? That's right, it will be. But, if you have medical reasons that seriously violate the generally accepted order, talk about them. Just do not overdo it, first weigh everything so as not to make your child worse.

Bring things familiar to the child from home, toys, to smoothly incorporate the reality of the garden into his usual life. Find out in advance what you can and cannot do. If there is a new toy for each new day, take the old toys right away. Explain to your child why you are doing this.

Food. Highly important point which should not be neglected. Food at the municipal kindergarten served strictly according to the approved menu for the year. Cycle - 21 days. Look at this menu, take it home with you, adjust your food at home according to this menu. There is no way to change this menu (if I'm wrong, please let me know).

Other children. For their sake, you are taking your child to. They will be different, like the people around you - at work, in the store, in transport. Completely different. This difference will be the driving moment for your child to develop and acquire real skills in interacting with people around him. This is where your active help will be needed. This topic is very serious, we will return to it in future articles.

The child screams, cries when I leave. What to do?

We have reached the most important. And this is the first visible difficulty that most parents face. The reason for this is the child's lack of a working scheme of behavior for this situation. All our diverse life is possible because the main processes function according to schemes, we do not notice this. New reality - new scheme. A person who first went to (read "flew to another planet") does not have reference schemes.

Further so: he himself will figure it out without you and do everything, but you can help him to make it easier and faster in this situation. What did you decide to help or not? Both solutions are correct. The main thing is to be consistent in any decision. Now remember your answers to the question "Where to start?".

Good. Let's take a closer look at these two solutions next time. If you ask specific questions describing the situation, the answers will also be specific, as we agreed at the beginning. Always ready to help!