How many heroes of the Soviet Union from Buryatia. Buryat heroes of our time - what are they? Who are they: heroes of the ussr and heroes of russia

  • 07.07.2020

This year, a brave native of the Republic of Buryatia, a hero-border guard, a man with outstanding military abilities, Garmaev Garmazhap Ayurovich, could celebrate his centenary.

Back in 1916, in a family of cattle breeders from the village of Verkhniy Torey, Dzhidinsky district of the Republic of Buryatia, the boy Garmazhap was born, who was destined to be tested by two wars: the Winter (Soviet-Finnish) and the Great Patriotic War.

At the age of 21, the future Hero was called up for military service in the workers' and peasants' Red Army, in the 12th Cavalry Regiment of the Buryat Red Banner 50th Cavalry Brigade. In May and June 1938, over 400 fighters of the brigade, including Garmaev G.A., were redeployed to the Leningrad Military District, where they later took part in the war with Finland from November 1939 to March 1940.

From the first days of the war Garmaev G.A. was at the forefront, participated in the breakthrough of the Mannerheim Line.

Oreshkin V.F., the commander of the platoon in which Garmaev G.A. fought, recalled the events of one of the winter days of 1940: “Garmazhap with the squad was given the task of reconnoitering the positions of the enemy. Not having time to move away from our forces for a considerable distance, a detachment of fighters came under fire from the Finnish machine-gun crew. Garmaev personally covered the retreat of his comrades. Only when the last of the fighters was safe did Garmazhap leave the position. At the same time, our platoon was attacked by superior enemy forces. In the ensuing firefight, I was badly wounded by one of the attackers. Garmaev, despite the persuasion, refused to leave me on the battlefield and carried me all the way through the frosty night, either on his back or in his arms, to the location of the regiment.

In the future, on the fronts of the bloody Soviet- Finnish war Garmaev G.A. saved more than one life. Along with this, there were successful captures of important "languages", and the capture of artillery crews, and the blowing up of Finnish armories, and other military heroic deeds.

Soon the whole front started talking about the brave Buryat warrior. And on one of the warm April days of 1940, the village of Verkhny Torey received a telegram from the Military Council of the Leningrad Military District congratulating relatives and fellow villagers on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev. Garmaev himself learned about such an important event in his life while being treated at the Leningrad hospital.

After the end of the fighting at the end of 1940, foreman Garmaev G.A. returned to his small homeland and, on the recommendation of party organs, entered the service in the Dzhidinsky district police department.

When the Great Patriotic War began, Garmazhap Ayurovich repeatedly and in vain applied with requests to send him to the front. And only on February 19, 1942, thanks to the intervention of the Chairman of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR Kalinina M.I., Dzhida district military registration and enlistment office Garmaev G.A. drafted into the Army and sent to the Nizhneudinsk cavalry military school.

After graduating from college, the border biography of Garmaev G.A. began. With the rank of lieutenant, he arrived to serve in the Kyakhta border detachment, and then was sent to the front.

In May-June 1944, Garmazhap Ayurovich led a checkpoint located on the Soviet-Polish border on the Moscow-Warsaw highway, near the legendary Brest Fortress.

In battles with detachments of Belarusian nationalists, he was seriously wounded. On July 16, 1945, at the age of only 29, he died in a hospital and was buried near the walls of the legendary Brest Fortress.

The bright memory of the hero of the Soviet Union Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev is cherished and honored in different places. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated October 22, 1970, the Kyakhta frontier outpost was named after the Hero. In the name of G.A. Garmaev named Border outposts in the city of Kyakhta and Brest.

Classroom hour"Heroes of the Soviet Union from Buryatia"


educational - acquaintance with the life and exploits of heroes, the formation of moral qualities - the education of patriotism, a sense of duty, devotion, pride in the country, responsibility, courage and courage in the younger generation;

developing - knowledge of the history of the Motherland, the history of the war of 1941 - 1945, the ability to find information, create computer presentations, identify the main, development of speech, speaking skills in front of an audience.

The project was prepared by students of grade 7 A of the MAOU secondary school No. 19 in Ulan-Ude and is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Class teacher Ayusheeva Darima Radnaevna.

Slides for class

  1. Presentation by class reciters


In the spring of victorious warmed,
May spring rejoices,
And gymnast color -
Grass… Earth is alive!
Can you hear
How does the battlefield breathe peacefully?
The damned war is gone.
Daisies, poppies, cornflowers -
Then thousands of boys rise ...


Vasily, Novels, Bears -
Rise up to the sky in full growth ...
Let there be peace - without respite,
We have enough for the medals of the stars!


The whole sky is given to heroes.
For an unknown fighter -
Not by order - but with love
A star descends from the Father.


And the stars fall to the ground
Combat guy award.
They go from that countdown of spring -
With victorious, eternal spring.


What a terrible word war
How hard it was to bear.
And what happened there is not forgotten,
We remember, mourn and keep in our hearts...

Those who fell there for freedom,
He gave his life for the best years.
They were cold, didn't sleep, didn't eat...
They made their way through the evil blizzards.


How many steps were taken...
. How many lands have been covered...
How much blood has been shed...
How many people are buried...

How many of us were killed there ...
Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge,
It's been 70 years since then...
We are grateful to grandfathers for every sunrise!

  1. Introduction.

Classroom teacher.Heroism... The main content of this word is the ability of a person to perform actions that are outstanding in their social significance, requiring from him personal courage, steadfastness, readiness for self-sacrifice.

Many beautiful works of literature and art are devoted to heroism, images of heroesimprinted in granite and bronze monuments.

At our class hour I would like toto show the heroic contribution of the best sons of Buryatia to the common cause of the defeat of fascism.

Presenter 1. (Vika) During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, 77,580 families of the republic sent more than 120,000 of their sons and daughters to the front. In bloody battles, they defended Moscow and Stalingrad, smashed the enemy near Kursk and Ukraine, on all fronts from the Black Sea to the Barents Sea.

Presenter 2. (Valeria)The fighters of a separate destroyer anti-tank artillery brigade under the command of Colonel V. B. Borsoev, who fought as part of the 1st Ukrainian Front, covered themselves with unfading glory. 109th Guards Rifle Division, Major General I. V. Baldynov.

Lead 1. In the Berlin operation, heroism, skill and resourcefulness in the construction of crossings were shown by Darma Zhanaev, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Our class hour is dedicated to all of them.

Lead 2. The story of only 36 heroes of Buryatia is not an end in itself and not at all an attempt to separate them from the rest of the glorious sons and daughters of the republic, they personify the feat of the entire people of the republic, including home front workers, of whom over 83 thousand were awarded orders and medals.

  1. class project.

Classroom teacher.Let's talk about each of the heroes, find material about them, how they lived, where they served, fought, what a feat they accomplished, how they received the high title of Hero, how their memory is immortalized. You have the whole list in front of you.Heroes of the Soviet Union fromBuryatia .

List of Heroes of the Soviet Union fromBuryatia

  1. Tales about heroes - 1 group of students (Anya, Nadia, Chimita)

Hero of the Soviet Union Chertenkov Ivan Matveyevich.

  • Was born Ivan Matveevich Chertenkovin the Kursk region. As a young man, he came to Buryatia and began to work on the construction of a pedagogical institute. Later he worked for railway station and railway station in Ulan-Ude.
    In January 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army and sent to the Amur Flotilla. But soon Ivan Chertenkov changed his pea jacket and peakless cap for a gray soldier's overcoat. The sailor's request to be sent to the front was granted.
    In the battles for Kharkov, as part of the legendary platoon of Shironin, Ivan Chertenkov, a private of the 8th rifle company of the 78th rifle regiment of the 25th Guards Order of the Red Banner Rifle Division, participated.
    This happened in March 1943. Twenty-five guards went into battle against an enemy column of 25 tanks and 15 armored vehicles. Three and a half hours lasted an unequal duel. The attacks of the Nazis followed one after another. In the third attack, the Germans sent twenty tanks. The fight at the crossing was especially brutal. Everyone who could only hold a weapon stood up in the ranks. Guardsmen stood to death. The German attack was repulsed.
  • In this unequal battle, Ivan Chertenkov died a hero's death. The courageous feat of the guards inspired the Soviet and Czechoslovak soldiers, who fought hand in hand in the Kharkov region.By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 18, 1943, I.M. Chertenkov was posthumously awardedtitle of Hero of the Soviet Union . One of the streets of the city of Ulan-Ude is named after him.

2 group of students (Sonya, Nastya, Alina) Hero of the Soviet Union Rinchino Bazar Rinchinovich

  • Rinchino Bazar Rinchinovic was born into a large family.
    There were four brothers. They all went to defend their homeland. But the fate of the youngest, Bazaar, was different. Working as a teacher at Zutkuleyskaya elementary school, at the beginning of 1943 he
    volunteer went to the front.
    There were heavy fierce battles for the liberation of Soviet Ukraine from the Nazi invaders. It was here that the Rinchino Bazar came to fight. He received his first baptism of fire not far from Kyiv. The offensive of the Soviet troops was being prepared. It was required to get "language". Rinchino went on a combat mission with Private Fedorov. But it so happened that two were against fifty, and this is where the courage and resourcefulness of Soviet intelligence officers showed up. One after another, grenades flew into the thick of the Germans. It was so unexpected that 23 of them who remained alive raised their hands.
  • By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 10, 1944, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown by Rinchino, Bazar Rinchinovich was awarded the titleHero of the Soviet Union.

5. Watching a video - the years of the war. (4 minutes).Children's performances are discussions about the war, about inhumanity, about their great-grandfathers or great-grandmothers.


Each student in the class receives a task - to prepare a presentation about one Hero.

MY GRANDFATHER IS A GUARD LIEUTENANT OF THE GREAT VICTORY “The hero is the one who died smartly and bravely, bringing the hour of Victory closer. But twice the hero is the one who managed to defeat the enemy and remained alive. Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, Marshal of the Great Patriotic War, twice Hero of the Soviet Union As you know (this is an eternal axiom!), the memory of the Great Patriotic War has become our moral memory, returning us to the heroism and courage of the valiant Soviet people. It is she who does not allow us to fall below the moral mark that marked those bitter and heroic years. This memory continues to live sacredly and relentlessly in our hearts. After all, witnesses and participants Great Victory are our relatives. Every Soviet family (both Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.) has its own little history of the war. I also reverently keep the front-line family chronicle. And I say with pride: my own grandfathers made a worthy contribution to the defeat of fascism. My essay (like hundreds of thousands of similar stories) is a link between generations. We urgently need such a sacred thread so that we all know, remember and be proud of our ancestors - Defenders of the Fatherland, Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. It is a pity that almost all of them have already passed away. My heroic grandfathers are also in heaven... My paternal grandfather, Honorary Railway Worker of the USSR Pavel Mikhailovich Butov, a descendant of the Kuban Cossacks, lived and worked all his life at the Darkokh railway station near the town of Beslan in the North Ossetian Autonomous Republic. During the war years, Pavel Mikhailovich delivered LEND-LISA military cargo (American military assistance) from the port of Murmansk to the front-line regions by rail. Grandfather said that their railway train was repeatedly bombed. And one transit railway station in 1942 was captured by the German advance detachment. Soviet railroad workers fought their way through the fascist chain - at full speed, firing back from small arms. Telling this story in the 1980s, the grandfather in a cold sweat whispered: "Thank God, we slipped through ...". It is probably significant that military service in 1988 - 1990. I was in the Railway Troops - as if continuing family traditions. I even wanted to become a railway officer, but did not pass the medical examination. My maternal grandfather is Ivan Kondratievich Petrenko, a Ukrainian, originally from the village of Semyanovka, in the Dubovyazovsky district of the Sumy region. Ukrainian lieutenant Ivan Petrenko, being a lieutenant of the Red Army, bravely fought against the fascist invaders; died (according to the official document - went missing) in the summer of 1942 somewhere on the Don, that is, in my native Cossack lands. I know almost nothing about my grandfather Ivan Kondratievich Petrenko... Hundreds of thousands of Soviet soldiers died in the Rostov region in May-August 1942, when the Nazis advanced on Stalingrad. How many fraternal graveyards on the Don - without names and without dates! In one of these graves lie the remains of my grandfather, Ukrainian Ivan Kondratievich Petrenko. He, like other fallen soldiers, at the cost of his life contributed to the weakening of the incredible fascist power. And this "dark force" was defeated near Stalingrad. The younger brother of Ivan Petrenko, Nikolai Kondratievich, also went to the front in the first days of the war. Competent, ideologically consistent Dubovyazovsky Komsomolets, born in 1914, after accelerated artillery courses, received the rank of lieutenant, fought in the guards artillery regiments. Guard Lieutenant Nikolai Petrenko survived the fiery crucibles of the war. He returned to his native Ukraine - all in medals and orders. Nikolai Kondratievich helped his niece (my mother) Maria to get on her feet. He was proud when my mother graduated from the Kharkov Coal Preparation Institute and began working in the mines of the Rostov Donbass. Grandfather often came to visit his grandchildren - Vladimir (that is, to me) and Juliet (my sister). Nikolai Kondratievich, like all front-line soldiers, spoke sparingly about the war. He only mentioned the names of the fronts on which he fought. In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, we communicated less frequently. My grandfather lived in independent Ukraine, I lived in the Rostov region. Then, much belatedly, bitter news came: my grandfather had died ... A quarter of a century had passed since then. I accidentally discovered in the “open spaces” of the Internet the “Electronic Document Bank “The Feat of the People in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1942.” - the site "The feat of the people." This electronic resource of the Ministry of Defense of Russia published, among other things, the award lists of the Ukrainian Guard Lieutenant Nikolai Petrenko. My valiant grandfather ... So, I read the profile of the guards artillery officer Nikolai Kondratievich Petrenko; this document in the electronic bank of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has the corresponding code: TsAMO Archive (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense), fund 33, inventory 686196, storage unit 644, record number: 22905075. The questionnaire says that Nikolai Petrenko was drafted into the Red Army on July 7, 1941. A technically literate twenty-seven-year-old Komsomol member almost immediately became a lieutenant; in the position of commander of an artillery park, he was enlisted in the artillery regiment of the 40th Army of the Southwestern Front. In modern warfare, artillery is a military god. The harder the fights and the longer war, the more the infantry, and indeed the entire army, relies on gunners. If the "gunners" did a good job, then it will be easier for the infantrymen to go on the offensive and there are chances to stay alive. Artillery crushes, infantry occupies. Nikolai Kondratievich commanded the artillery park. This is a unit engaged in the transport and storage of ammunition. In the summer - autumn of 1941, Nikolai Petrenko participated in the most difficult battles on the territory of his native Ukraine, defending the left bank of the Dnieper River. Then there were defensive battles in the Kursk and Voronezh regions. On December 20, 1941, during the Kursk-Oboyan offensive operation of the 40th Guards Army, Lieutenant Petrenko received a shrapnel wound near the village of Tim (Kursk Region). He was treated for a short time - already in January 1942, Nikolai Kondratievich returned to combat formation. Meanwhile, the 40th Army became part of the Bryansk Front. During 1942, my grandfather fought on the Oboyan-Kursk-Voronezh line. At these frontiers Soviet troops stopped the fascist hordes. In July 1942, the 40th Army became the strike force of the Voronezh Front. At the beginning of 1943, the Kharkov offensive. Nikolai Petrenko at this time receives the most honorable front-line award - the Order of the Red Star. The name itself testifies that this award is intended to crown military exploits, for the Red Star is the hallmark of Soviet soldiers. The corresponding award sheet has been published on the website "Feat of the People": TsAMO Archive, fund 33, inventory 682526, storage unit 1627, record number - 17851248. I am quoting the text of the award sheet (in acceptable minor literary processing without distorting archival material). “In January-February 1943, in battles with the German invaders, the lieutenant of the 76th Guards Artillery Regiment of the 40th Army, Nikolai Kondratievich Petrenko, showed courage and courage. During the offensive Comrade Petrenko continuously supplied his regiment with ammunition. Despite the difficult winter conditions , the non-stop movement of the artillery regiment behind the advancing infantry, the lack of an artillery fleet of five vehicles, the absence of trailers, the regiment never lacked ammunition. Comrade Petrenko showed resourcefulness, making his way along a snow-covered road behind a tractor column. So, using tractors, the artillery regiment continuously advanced. On January 31, 1943, the artillerymen took advantageous combat positions south of the Gorshechnoye railway station (Kursk region). The enemy fiercely attacked this strategically important settlement, bombarded the southern part of the railway station (where Soviet troops were located) and did not allow any of our vehicles to pass. By evening, the Germans managed to push back units of the 25th Guards Rifle Division. The gunners urgently needed to replenish the depleted supply of ammunition - otherwise the infantry would not be able to advance. Comrade Petrenko, despite the heavy bombardment, brought three vehicles with artillery shells to the firing positions of the 76th regiment - moreover, without loss. Having familiarized himself with the combat situation, comrade Petrenko did not wait for darkness and again left for ammunition. At the risk of his life, he again delivered shells to his comrades, which allowed the artillery regiment to suppress enemy positions with fire. In this battle (near the Gorshechnoye station), the 76th Guards Artillery Regiment destroyed 2 German infantry battalions, 2 mortar batteries, 4 heavy machine guns, 1 enemy artillery battery. The artillery regiment continued the offensive, providing fire cover for the 40th Army. In the battle near Kharkov on February 16, 1943, enemy bombers incessantly bombed the village of Russkaya Lozovaya, where the firing positions of the 76th artillery regiment were located. The Messerschmitts controlled the Kharkov-Belgorod road. In such difficult front-line conditions, Comrade Petrenko provided our batteries with ammunition in a timely manner. With fire support from the artillery of the 76th regiment, the Pyatikhatka station, the northern gate of the city of Kharkov, was occupied. Guard Lieutenant Petrenko is a brave, energetic commander. For the courage and courage shown, he is worthy of the Government award - the Order of the Red Star. Order of the Military Council of the 40th Army of the Voronezh Front No. 14 / N of August 8, 1943 read: “On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the Command on the front of the struggle against the German invaders and the valor and courage shown at the same time, award Order of the Red Star - Guards Lieutenant Petrenko Nikolai Kondratievich, commander of art. Park of the 76th Guards Army Artillery Regiment. After the battle for Kharkov, my grandfather, as part of the 40th Army of the Voronezh Front, liberated the “Ridnaya” Ukraine from the Nazis. The battles for Kyiv were especially fierce in the autumn of 1943. The Voronezh Front was renamed the 1st Ukrainian; it was headed by the legendary commanders of the Great Patriotic War: General of the Army N.F. Vatutin, Marshal of Victory G.K. Zhukov. And from May 1944 until the end of the war, the front was commanded by Marshal I.S. Konev. The 40th Army was directly led by a talented commander, Lieutenant General F.F. Zhmachenko. After the Korsun-Shevchenkovsky operation of 1944, as a result of which more than 10 enemy divisions were surrounded and destroyed, Guards Lieutenant Nikolai Petrenko received a kind of encouragement for selfless military work: he was accepted into the ranks Communist Party VKP-b. For veterans, this was the highest honor! At the end of 1944, units of the 1st Ukrainian Front reached the State Border of the USSR and began to liberate Poland. Oh, and the Ukrainian Petrenko fought on Polish soil! My grandfather showed incredible valor, freeing the Pole brothers from fascist slavery (it’s a pity that now the Polish “brothers” have forgotten the feat of the Soviet Liberator Warrior). Fought N.K. Petrenko in foreign regions as part of the 245th Mortar Proskurovsky Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky Regiment of the 22nd Brigade of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Evidence of the heroism of Nikolai Kondratievich is the TsAMO Archive, fund 33, inventory 686196, storage unit 644, record number 22905075. Under this code, in the archive box of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the “Award sheet for the guards of lieutenant of the 245th mortar regiment Nikolai Kondratievich Petrenko” is stored. This document is posted on the Internet resource "Feat of the People". I will give the text of the Award list (in an acceptable minor literary processing without distorting the archival material). “Guards lieutenant of the 245th mortar regiment of the 22nd brigade Petrenko Nikolay Kondratievich in battles from 01/12/1945 to 01/22/1945 in the area of ​​​​the city of Pinchuv, Kielce province (Southern Poland, Swietokrzyskie voivodeship), being the commander of an artillery park, showed courage and courage in the delivery of ammunition to the firing positions of the unit. On the night of January 12, 1945, Comrade Petrenko delivered artillery shells under heavy enemy fire. The front line of the Germans is only 800 meters away. Despite the extremely difficult front-line conditions, all 35 vehicles with ammunition arrived without loss to the regimental artillerymen, which contributed to the successful breakthrough of the enemy defenses. During the battles for the city of Pinchuv, comrade Petrenko continued to deliver ammunition to firing positions in a timely manner - following the advancing regiment. On January 22, 1945, the enemy lingered in Pinchuv, furiously counterattacking our units. Despite the targeted shelling, comrade Petrenko delivered shells to the artillery regiment in one car, thereby our artillery suppressed the enemy’s fire crews. The fight was won. Politically literate, devoted to the cause of the Lenin-Stalin Party. He enjoys prestige among his subordinates. Worthy of the Government award - the Order of the Patriotic War II degree. The command of the 22nd brigade of the 1st Ukrainian Front, however, decided to re-award Lieutenant Petrenko's guards with the Order of the Red Star - Order of the 22nd brigade No. 03 / N of February 6, 1945. "Order of the Patriotic War", moreover, I degree, Nikolai Kondratievich will receive 40 years later - in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 11, 1985. Award document No. 79, date of the award document - 04/06/1985, entry No. 1516898702 (the relevant information is posted on the website "Feat of the People"). After the liberation of Poland, N.K. Petrenko, as part of the 22nd Mortar Brigade of the 1st Ukrainian Front, participated in the crossing of the Oder River and the Battle of Berlin. He was awarded the medal "For the Capture of Berlin". Twice Commander of the Order of the Red Star, Guards Lieutenant Petrenko, fought all four years of the Second World War, met the Great Victory in the German capital - in the defeated lair of the Nazi beast. On June 10, 1945, the 1st Ukrainian Front was disbanded. The soldiers returned to their homeland. Nikolai Kondratievich also arrived in the "ridy" regions. He was greeted with incredible joy by his sister Anna, niece Maria (my mother) and numerous other relatives and fellow villagers. Valiant veteran of the Great Patriotic War N.K. Petrenko participated in the restoration of the Ukrainian economy, for many years he worked hard at the Palmyra Sugar Factory - the village of Voznesenskoye, Zolotonoshsky District, Cherkasy Region, Ukrainian SSR. Orders and medals for creative work were added to the front-line awards. Nikolai Kondratievich took an active part in the public life of the Zolotonosha region, in the patriotic education of the younger generation. As I have already said, my grandfather was a great help to my mother, Maria Ivanovna, helped her to get higher education. In 1985, Nikolai Kondratievich came to visit us - in the mining town of Gukovo, Rostov Region. He gave me golden Wrist Watch"Rocket", which I wore a quarter of a century. I will always keep the memory of my heroic grandfather, Lieutenant of the Great Victory Nikolai Kondratievich Petrenko. And my children, and future grandchildren, will never forget their veteran. It is a pity that for political reasons it is difficult (which is impossible to hide!) to come to the grave of my grandfather: Ukraine and Russia have temporarily quarreled. The graveyard of the heroic guard lieutenant is located in the village of Palmyra (the former name is the village of Voznesenskoe) in the Zolotonoshsky district of the Cherkasy region of the Republic of Ukraine. Eternal glory to the guards officer of the Great Patriotic War Nikolai Kondratievich Petrenko! REMEMBER! WE'RE PROUD! Butov Vladimir, member of the Union of Writers of the Don.

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Presentation on the topic: Heroes of the Soviet Union from Buryatia

slide number 1

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Hero of the Soviet Union Chertenkov Ivan Matveyevich Ivan Matveyevich Chertenkov was born in the Kursk region. As a young man, he came to Buryatia and began to work on the construction of a pedagogical institute. Later he worked at the railway station and train station in Ulan-Ude. In January 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army and sent to the Amur Flotilla. But soon Ivan Chertenkov changed his pea jacket and peakless cap for a gray soldier's overcoat. The sailor's request to be sent to the front was granted.

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The feat of a soldier In the battles for Kharkov, Ivan Chertenkov, a private of the 8th rifle company of the 78th rifle regiment of the 25th Guards Order of the Red Banner of the rifle division, participated in the legendary platoon of Shironin. This happened in March 1943. Twenty-five guards went into battle against an enemy column of 25 tanks and 15 armored vehicles. Three and a half hours lasted an unequal duel. The attacks of the Nazis followed one after another. In the third attack, the Germans sent twenty tanks. The fight at the crossing was especially brutal. Everyone who could only hold a weapon stood up in the ranks. Guardsmen stood to death. The German attack was repulsed / In this unequal battle, Ivan Chertenkov died with the death of a hero. The courageous feat of the guards inspired the Soviet and Czechoslovak soldiers, who fought hand in hand in the Kharkov region. Chertenkov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the streets of the city of Ulan-Ude is named after him.

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Izot Antonovich Vakarin Izot Antonovich Vakarin was born in 1911 in the village of Peski, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district, Chita region. In 1936, Vakarin arrived in Ulan-Ude and went to work as a blacksmith at a locomotive-carriage plant. Izot Vakarin's combat biography began in 1942. After graduating from the command staff courses, he was assigned to the Kalinin Front.

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The hero's glorious path… ..Fierce were the battles for the city of Demidov. After artillery preparation, Senior Lieutenant Vakarin and his fighters were the first to break into the outskirts of the city. A hand-to-hand fight ensued, in which the fearless commander personally destroyed 9 Nazis, and the entire company exterminated up to 60 Nazis. Accompanied by a soldier, he climbs the bell tower - and the Soviet flag flies high above his head. Beginning of June 1944. There are battles for the liberation of Soviet Belarus. A company under the command of senior lieutenant Vakarin is fighting fierce battles for the liberation of the villages of Khozhan, Zuboki, Saptsy. The battle on the southwestern peak of Saptsa was especially difficult. Having withstood the stubborn onslaught of the enemy, Vakarin's company destroyed about 200 fascists in this battle with heavy fire. The commander was seriously wounded, but he completed the combat mission to the end. For the courage and courage shown in the battles with the German invaders, I. A. Vakarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Guard Major Vakarin died from wounds in 1945 as commandant of the city of Smolensk, but the grateful memory of him will live in the hearts of people for a long time to come

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Hero of the Soviet Union Klypin Nikolai Yakimovich Nikolai Yakimovich Klypin was born in 1908 in the city of Verkhneudinsk (Ulan-Ude). In 1932, Nikolai Klypin became a student at the Ulyanovsk Tank School .... 1939. Klypin participates in the liberation of Western Ukraine.

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Hero of the Finnish War. ...1940. Restless on the Finnish border, and Klypin is again at the forefront. Being in a tank in front of the advancing troops, he destroyed two anti-tank guns with well-aimed fire, blew up a machine-gun pillbox, smashed an observation post, destroyed three houses, from which the White Finns fired artillery. When his tank was hit, the crew, leaving the burning car and taking with them a machine gun and hand grenades, continued to smash the enemy until our troops approached. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

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Tank Brigade Commander. The Great Patriotic War found Klypin on the western border. Commanding a tank brigade, he participated in the battle near Moscow against the tank army of General Guderian. In one of the battles on the eve of the new 1942, Colonel Klypin was seriously wounded. After treatment, he was appointed head of the 2nd Saratov Tank School. But a severe wound does not pass without a trace for the hero. In March 1943, Colonel N. Ya Klypin died. The memory of him will live in the hearts of people for a long time to come. A street in Ulan-Ude was named after the Hero.

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Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Timofeevich Kharitonov From his boyhood, Pyotr Timofeevich Kharitonov dreamed of becoming a pilot. Therefore, while working on the construction of a meat processing plant, then as a teacher at school No. 12 in the city of Ulan-Ude, he constantly worked at the flying club. On a ticket from the Komsomol, he was sent to a flight school, after which he arrived at the unit where he improved his flying skills.

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The exploits of the pilot. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he immediately opened his combat account. He rammed the first enemy plane on the fifth day of the war. In the harsh days of the blockade of Leningrad, P.T. Kharitonov, together with his fighting friends, guarded the Leningrad sky, always showing courage and high flying skills. In air battles, he boldly approached the enemy, using cunning, ingenuity, and skillful maneuver in the air. Only in battles on the Leningrad Front as part of the 158th Fighter Regiment, he shot down 4 enemy aircraft. On July 8, 1941, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. For the second ram, he was awarded the second Order of Lenin. In total, during the war years, P.T. Kharitonov made 180 sorties. After the Great Patriotic War, the brave pilot graduated from the Air Force Academy and was appointed commander of an aviation regiment. In 1958, Lieutenant Colonel Kharitonov retired for health reasons.

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Hero of the Soviet Union Bystrykh Boris Stepanovich Boris Stepanovich Bystrykh was born in 1916 at the Mysovaya station in the family of a railway worker. From the first days of the war, the Bystrykh brothers took part in the fighting. During the war, Boris Bystrykh made 220 sorties, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War, 2 Orders of Lenin and the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. ... It was the sixth day of the Great Patriotic War. In the battle, the Bystrykh plane was damaged, but it went on a second bombing strike, which completed the rout of the enemy column. So, at the very beginning of the war, Boris Stepanovich Bystrykh showed himself to be a brave and courageous pilot and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of War ..

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Courage and heroism On July 28, 1942, Boris Stepanovich Bystrykh was given the task of conducting reconnaissance at the Kalach-Tsimlyansk sector. Suddenly, the bomber was attacked by three Nazi fighters. The right engine caught fire. But the crew, not wanting to be captured by the enemy, pulled the burning aircraft for almost 40 km to the front line. The crew ejected, but the parachutes did not have time to open due to the low altitude. Navigator captain I.I. Markevich died. Gunner-radio operator Pavel Shevel and Boris Stepanovich Bystrykh received heavy bruises upon landing. On November 5, 1942, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR for courage and heroism shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, Senior Lieutenant Boris Stepanovich Bystrykh was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. June 3, 1943 of the year when performing the next combat mission Bystrykh B.S. died heroically. The crashed plane was found in 1975, the remains of the crew were reburied in the village of Revny, Navlynsky district, Bryansk region.

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Hero of the Soviet UnionGarmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev - machine gunner of the 257th Infantry Regiment (7th Infantry Division, 7th Army, North-Western Front), private. Born on June 5, 1916 in the village of Verkhniy Torey, now Dzhidinsky District of Buryatia, in a family peasant. Buryat. Member of the CPSU (6) since 1941. Primary education. He worked on a collective farm. He was drafted into the Red Army in 1937. Participated in the campaign of Soviet troops in Western Ukraine in 1939. Member of the Soviet-Finnish war in 1939-40.

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Hero of the Finnish War In the winter of 1940, during the Soviet-Finnish war, being surrounded, he fired well-aimed machine-gun fire. After inflicting damage on the enemy, he escaped from the encirclement. Carried out a seriously wounded commander. In January 1940, covertly; got close to the enemy gun, destroyed the calculation, opening fire from the gun, supported the offensive of the rifle battalion. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union No.

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Hero of the Hero City of Brest In 1940 he was demobilized. He worked as an instructor in the Dzhidinsky district party committee. In 1942 he graduated from officer courses and was assigned to the Kyakhta border detachment. Since April 1944, he served on the western border in the 86th border detachment (Brest) as assistant chief of staff of the 3rd border commandant's office (Brest Red Banner Border Detachment named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky); Died July 16, 1945. Buried in the city of Brest. Awarded the Order of Lenin, medals. The border outposts in the city of Kyakhta and in the city of Brest are named after the Hero. There are also monuments to the hero.

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Hero of the Soviet Union Rinchino Bazar Rinchinovich Rinchino Bazar Rinchinovich was born into a large family. There were four brothers. They all went to defend their homeland. But the fate of the youngest, Bazaar, was different. Working as a teacher at the Zutkulei elementary school, in early 1943 he volunteered for the front.

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The exploits of the warrior-liberator. There were heavy fierce battles for the liberation of Soviet Ukraine from the Nazi invaders. It was here that the Rinchino Bazar came to fight. He received his first baptism of fire not far from Kyiv. The offensive of the Soviet troops was being prepared. It was required to get "language". Rinchino went on a combat mission with Private Fedorov. But it so happened that two were against fifty, and it was then that the courage and resourcefulness of Soviet intelligence officers manifested themselves. One after another, grenades flew into the thick of the Germans. It was so unexpected that 23 of the survivors raised their hands. Here is another episode from the front-line life of the hero. In the Zhytomyr region, strong battles began. Rinchino received a combat mission: together with a subdivision of anti-tank rifles, repel the attack and hold out until the main forces of the brigade approached. In this battle Bazaar Rinchino knocked out 3 enemy tanks and was killed in an unequal battle. But the enemy did not pass, and the task set by the command was completed.

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By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 10, 1944, Rinchino Bazar Rinchinovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the exemplary performance of the combat missions of the command on the front against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time.

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Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Buzinaevich Borsoev Vladimir Buzinaevich Borsoev was born in 1906 in the Kholbot ulus (now Kyrma) of the Bayandaevsky district of the Irkutsk region. At the age of six, he was left an orphan and was forced to work as a laborer for wealthy peasants. In the 30s, a wave of collectivization passed through the country, across Siberia, and 24-year-old Borsoev became one of the active participants in the collective farm movement. A young communist (he joined the party in 1930) is elected chairman of the commune in the Tukhum ulus. Then he was sent to study at the Bursovpartshkol, after which he worked as an instructor in the Ekhirit-Bulagat district committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

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A cadet of the Leningrad Artillery School To strengthen the country's defense power, new reinforcements are being called into the army. Many Buryat youths express a desire to enter military schools. Among them was V.B. Borsoev. In 1932 he became a cadet of the Leningrad Artillery School. Red October, which successfully ends in 1934. He begins his service in the 193rd motorized rifle regiment. And from that day on, the life of V.B. Borsoeva will be connected to the end with artillery. Three years later, as a promising commander, he was sent to the combined arms Academy. M.V. Frunze. In one of the letters to his brother, Vladimir Buzinaevich wrote: “Today I proudly swore allegiance to the Workers 'and Peasants' Government, to my Motherland. He swore an oath before the people and sealed it forever with his signature. And his oath V.B. Borsoev held back.

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In the battles near the Donbass In the spring of 1941, he graduated from the Academy. The Great Patriotic War found him in the village of Yermolovka, near Grozny. And already at the beginning of July 1941, Captain Borsoev, as commander of an artillery division, repelled the attacks of the Nazi troops in the battles near the cities of Fastov across the Dnieper and Krasny Luch in the Donbass. In the battle near Fastov, Borsoev was seriously wounded, but did not leave the battlefield and continued to lead his division. Only after graduation he was sent to the hospital. After recovering, he returned to the unit, where he was appointed chief of staff of the 966th artillery regiment of the emerging 383rd Donbass division. He is engaged in the selection of the command staff of the regiment, trains former miners in artillery, instilling military ingenuity and courage in the fighters. And in the battles during the defense of the Red Beam, the miners-artillerymen did not disgrace their military honor, they beat the enemy in a Borsoev way.

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In the Voronezh direction ... In June 1942, V.B. Borsoev is appointed commander of the artillery regiment of the 8th Fighter Brigade. In the summer of the same year, his regiment, having arrived at the Voronezh Front, along with other units, heroically repels the Nazi offensive on the southern part of Voronezh. In November 1942, Borsoev was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. In January 1943, the offensive of our troops began in the Voronezh direction. The artillery of the regiment hit the Nazis with direct fire, repulsed the attacks of the infantry and tanks of the enemy. In fierce battles, breaking the resistance of the enemy, Soviet troops liberated their native land. The Borsoev regiment made a fighting transition from Voronezh to the Ukrainian city of Sumy. In July 1943, the Borsoev regiment received an order from the command to take up defense in the Tomarovka area and prevent the passage of enemy tank units. The Borsoyevites fought heroically, knocked out and burned the German "Tigers", "Panthers" and "Ferdinands".

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The exploits of brigade commander Borsoev After the defeat of the Nazis near Kursk, Borsoev's regiment continues the offensive in the Sumy direction. For this successful operation, V.B. Borsoev is awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In August 1943, the anti-tank regiment of Borsoev, after a short rest, was again promoted to the front line. And he was immediately attacked by enemy tanks and infantry. Enemy artillery fired hurricane. Attack followed attack. But the Borsoevites fought to the death, repelling the onslaught of the enemy. And their example was the personal courage of the regiment commander, his skillful actions on the battlefield. Having exhausted the enemy, repelling his attacks, the regiment went on the offensive and, under heavy enemy fire, crossed the Dnieper, captured the bridgehead and held it until the main forces approached. Together with other units and connections Soviet army Borsoev's regiment participated in the liberation of Kyiv and Fastov. In May 1944, Colonel V.B. Borsoev was appointed commander of the 11th Guards Order of Lenin anti-tank artillery brigade of the reserve of the High Command and took part in the battles to encircle and destroy the enemy in the Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya area. Among the first, his brigade entered the city of Proskurov (now Khmelnitsky) and was given the name Proskurovskaya. It was at the post of brigade commander that the organizational talent of the young commander was revealed. More than once, Moscow saluted the brigade for military successes, and the personnel were noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

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The Kursk Bulge, the Voronezh and First Ukrainian Fronts, heavy battles for the liberation of the Right-Bank Ukraine and the Carpathians, the capture of the Sandomierz bridgehead on the left bank of the Vistula, the liberation of Krakow and a number of Polish cities, the crossing of the Oder and the assault on Ratibor - these are the stages of the military path of our countryman. And everywhere guards Colonel V.B. Borsoev showed examples of courage and personal courage. He was wounded three times, but each time he returned to duty. On the morning of March 8, 1945, when attacking from the Oder bridgehead, V.B. Borsoev was mortally wounded. At his request, the soldiers buried their military commander in Lvov. For military merit, V.B. Borsoev was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of Lenin, the American Order of the Legion of Honored Officers. In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 6, 1965, Vladimir Buzinaevich Borsoev was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The feat of an artilleryman On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since 1942. He fought on the Voronezh and 1st Ukrainian fronts as a gun commander of the artillery battalion of the 70th Mechanized Proskurov Red Banner Order of the Suvorov Brigade. Shpi last days of the war. It was during these days that junior sergeant Khantaev distinguished himself in street battles for Berlin. From his direct fire gun, he destroyed 2 locomotives, on which there were firing positions, 6 German snipers. A little later, he defeated the German column with well-aimed artillery fire, including 4 armored personnel carriers with manpower, 9 vehicles with ammunition, 7 motorcycles. In total, he destroyed over three companies of enemy soldiers and officers and captured 49 Nazis. The command highly appreciated the feat of the artilleryman. For exceptional courage, dedication and excellent performance of combat missions, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

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Biography of locksmith Sergei Oreshkov Sergei Oreshkov was born in 1916 in the northern village of Chuprino. The family was large, there were many eaters, but little bread. And Sergei, from the age of eight, began to help his father with the housework. He studied at school, finished the seven-year plan, and in September 1931, he entered the Arkhangelsk factory training school (now GPTU No. 9). Sergey studied diligently. He especially liked workshops, which took place at the Krasnaya Kuznitsa plant. In August 1933, Oreshkov entered the plant's metalwork and assembly shop no longer as an intern, but as a full-fledged worker. He repaired ships, adopted the experience of senior comrades. He wanted to quickly learn all the subtleties of his favorite specialty. “This guy will make a smart locksmith,” the elderly workers said, watching how diligently Sergey worked. Soon, due to his mother’s illness, he had to leave Arkhangelsk. He began working at the Vologda locomotive repair plant, closer to his native village. Here he worked for a short time, but managed to establish himself as a knowledgeable and skilled locksmith. When the plant received a request to send an experienced locksmith to Buryatia to a new locomotive repair plant, the choice was made on Oreshkovo. By this time, his mother recovered, and Sergei left for Ulan-Ude. Here he worked from May 1935, from here in February 1942, with the rank of junior lieutenant, commander of a rifle platoon, he went to the front.

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The ancient Ukrainian village of Vasishchevo. In the spring of 1943, bloody battles were going on in his area. Particularly fierce were the fights near the settlements of Lebyazhye and Chuguevo, located on the outskirts of Kharkov. The rifle platoon of the 124th Guards Regiment of the 41st Guards Rifle Division, commanded by S. Oreshkov, participated in these battles. On the evening of August 15, 1943, the commander of the guard regiment, Major Matveev, gathered platoon commanders in his dugout. - Tomorrow - the decisive battle for the village of Vasishchevo, - he said. - Our regiment was ordered to drive the fascists out of this village and hold it until the arrival of the neighboring regiment. Three platoons will enter the battle. The platoon of the guards, junior lieutenant Oreshkov, will begin the offensive. He was recently accepted as a candidate member of the party ... Sergei returned to the location of the platoon, gathered the squad leaders, and spoke about the task assigned to the platoon. Then he checked the presence of weapons, ammunition, talked with the newcomers. The morning of August 16 turned out to be sunny. The positions of the enemy were in full view. Pillboxes stood out clearly from all types of fortifications. Sergei counted again and checked their location on the map. He warned the squad commanders about readiness for the upcoming battle: - Our platoon goes first. The success of the operation depends on how we act... And here is a signal rocket. - Comrades, attack! - Sergei commanded and was the first to jump over the parapet of the trench. Having run from fifty meters, the platoon lay down - a machine gun fired from the fascist pillbox on the right. Sergei looked around, several of his fighters were killed. And the machine gun of the enemy watered everything and poured fire on the ground. Suddenly he stopped talking. And having caught this moment, Sergey jumped up: - Follow me! For the Motherland! Forward! The soldiers followed their commander in short dashes. Again, a fountain of fire hit from the fascist pillbox. Sergei threw a grenade into the embrasure, but it did not fly. Not noticing that he was wounded, he rushed alone to the enemy pillbox. He threw the grenade again. This time it exploded at the pillbox itself. For a second, the machine gun choked, but then again, sowing death, it spoke. "How to silence this fascist reptile?! The grenades ran out. The platoon behind, lay down. And the machine gun scribbles and scribbles, as if its tape is endless ... No, you're lying, Fritz, you can't trick me..." Sergey waited until the machine-gun fire moved away from him. He easily got up and with wide jumps rushed to the embrasure of the bunker ... Sergey did not feel pain. A loud "hurrah" managed to reach consciousness. It was the soldiers of his platoon who went on the offensive.

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The history of mankind has always been a history of wars, at all times, in all epochs. And in all eras there are people who leave a mark on history, whose names are burned on its tablets. These people are called heroes. The first Hero of the Soviet Union from Buryatia Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev was born in 1916 in the village of. Upper Torey in a poor peasant family, his parents were cattle breeders, from an early age he helped them with the housework. After graduating from the Verkhnetorei primary school, Garmazhap began his working career at his native collective farm. Before the army, he worked as a shepherd, herdsman, plowman, mower, he knew the brunt of peasant labor. In 1937 he was drafted into the workers' and peasants' Red Army, served in the 12th Cavalry Regiment of the Buryat Red Banner 50th Cavalry Brigade. After the disbandment of the 5th Separate Trans-Baikal Cavalry Brigade and the transition to the extraterritorial principle of formation in May and June 1938, over 400 fighters and brigade commanders were sent for further service to the Leningrad Military District, many of whom participated in the war with Finland from November 1939. to March 1940. Among them was our countryman Garmazhap Ayurovich. After graduating from the courses of the junior commanding staff, he became the commander of the department. During the fighting from February 11 to February 28, 1940, the famous Mannerheim Line was broken through. For courage and heroism, about 50 thousand soldiers were awarded government awards, and 400 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them were our countrymen Nikolai Yakovlevich Kyaptin, lieutenant, commander of a tank company, Red Army soldier Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev, a veteran of the 12th cavalry regiment. Machine gunner of the 257th Infantry Regiment of the 78th Infantry Division of the 7th Army of the North-Western Front. Garmaev G.A., appointed to the reconnaissance section commander, discovered that the White Finns had set up an ambush near the road and decided to destroy the group with the squad. But on the way of the Red Army there was a forest blockage. And the Finns opened fire on Soviet intelligence officers. The soldiers began to retreat, and Garmazhap Ayurovich decided to cover them. The White Finns, seeing one fighter, decided to take him prisoner, but Garmaev boldly entered into battle with an enemy platoon. Under the fire of Garmaev's light machine gun, the enemy soldiers lay down. There are very few cartridges left in the disk. Throwing the last grenade at the enemy soldiers, Garmaev began to retreat to the forest. Sitting down to rest in the forest, he heard a familiar voice. It was a seriously wounded platoon commander, Lieutenant Vasily Fedorovich Oreshkov. “Go, don’t linger, I don’t care to die,” Vasily Fedorovich said in a dull voice. But how could Garmazhap leave his wounded commander in trouble? Carefully, like a child, he carried him. He carried it on his back, on his arms ... Garmaev made a difficult path on this predawn morning. For minutes it seemed that the hands and body no longer obey the mind. But the jaws of this courageous man tightened more and more, and he crawled on. At dawn, the fighters of one of the units detained unidentified Red Army soldiers. And soon the regiment commander shook hands with Garmazhap Garmaev and thanked him for his heroism. Our countryman at the front was always ready to fulfill any task of the commander. More than once he made desperate bold sorties behind enemy lines and brought "language". Once Garmaev tracked down an enemy artillery crew, secretly crawled up to him and finished off all the Finns in hand-to-hand combat. Turning the muzzle of the gun towards the enemy, he opened fire. The ingenuity and courage of the fighter decided the success of the battalion's offensive. His ingenuity and energy knew no bounds. The brave, physically hardened, disciplined fighter Garmaev in the war with Finland honorably justified the high rank of a soldier of the Red Army. More than once, Garmazhap Garmaev obtained important information about the enemy, saved his comrades from certain death. The whole front spoke about the brave Buryat warrior. For the exemplary performance of combat missions and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 11, 1940, Garmaev Garmazhap Ayurovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union - the first of the Buryats. This event was greeted with great enthusiasm by fellow countrymen. Garmazhap Ayurovich became famous person not only in the region, but also in the republic. He went to Moscow to receive the award. The Order of Lenin and the medal "Gold Star" with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union were presented to him by the All-Union Headman Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin. The award coincided with the stay of Buryat artists on the occasion of the Decade of Art of the Buryat-Mongolian people in Moscow. The government of the USSR arranged a solemn reception on this occasion. It was attended by I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, M.I. Kalinin, K.E. Voroshilov and other leaders of the party and government. Later, Garmazhap Ayurovich liked to talk about the meeting with the leaders of the country. The fights are over. And at the end of 1940, foreman Garmaev returned to his native collective farm "Pyatiletka" in the village. Upper Torey. But he did not have long to engage in peaceful labor. On the recommendation of party organs, Garmazhap Ayurovich went to work in the Dzhidinsky district police department, for some time he worked as an instructor in the Dzhidinsky district party committee. At the initiative of Garmaev in 1941, saber and machine-gun platoons and squadrons of conscripts were created in each village council. So in the region there were 20 equestrian circles, in which 284 pre-conscripts and 52 women were trained in military affairs. When the Great Patriotic War began, Garmaev repeatedly asked to be sent to the front. However, he was not drafted into the army. Then he turned to M.I. Kalinin with a letter. On February 19, 1942, the Dzhida district military commissariat drafted Garmazhap Ayurovich into the army. Garmaev was sent to the Nizhneudinsk Cavalry Military School, after which he was awarded the rank of "lieutenant" and he was sent to serve in the Kyakhtinsky Border Detachment of the Trans-Baikal Border District, was an interpreter, then the commander of a border platoon. In April 1944, at his personal request, he was transferred to the western border, to the city of Brest. In the rank of senior lieutenant, he served as assistant chief of staff of the 3rd border commandant's office. In battles with gangs of nationalists, Garmazhap Ayurovich was seriously wounded and died on July 16, 1945. The brave son of the Buryat people, Hero of the Soviet Union, is buried near the walls of the legendary Brest Fortress. In the name of G.A. Garmaev named Border outposts in the city of Kyakhta and the city of Brest, monuments to the hero were erected there. His name is a collective farm in his small homeland and one of the streets in the village of Petropavlovka. Every year, one conscript serves at the outpost named after Garmaev in the Kyakhta border detachment. Each person leaves his mark on the earth. A bright, exemplary mark was left by our glorious countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union Garmazhap Ayurovich Garmaev. Grateful descendants will never forget the warrior-hero. The bright memory of Garmazhap Ayurovich lives not only in the names of streets, poems, songs, but also in the hearts of fellow countrymen.

I. Poddelsky, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Dzhidinsky district.