Class hour "fate and homeland are one." Class hour "fate and homeland are one" The expression fate and homeland are one

  • 29.07.2020

SCENARIO Thematic class hour dedicated to the Day of the October Revolution "Fate and Motherland are one." Purpose: to give a general idea of ​​the history of the holiday and the events associated with 1917 .; educate interest in the study of the history of their country. Before the start of the concert, songs on the theme of October, the Motherland are heard. Leading. “There is no better companion than memory. Our heart is at one with her. She will find with her true eyes that it was so long ago. Good afternoon! Ved1. November 7, our country celebrates the 99th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. We are moving further and further away from this historical milestone. Great October is called the event of the past century. Ved2. However, as time passes, we understand more and more clearly that this was a conscious choice of generations. Vedas 1. On November 7, a memorable date is celebrated in Russia. The Day of the October Revolution On November 7 (October 25, old style), 1917, an armed uprising took place in Petrograd that ended with the capture of the Winter Palace, the arrest of members of the Provisional Government and the proclamation of the power of the Soviets, which lasted seventy years in our country extra years. Celebrating November 7 began immediately; This day was celebrated in the USSR as the main holiday of the country - the Day of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Under Stalin, the festive canon also finally took shape: a demonstration of workers, the appearance of leaders on the podium of the Mausoleum, and, finally, a military parade on Red Square, for which special

the entrances to the main square of the capital were reconstructed. This canon was strictly observed, and even on November 7, 1941, when the Germans were advancing on Moscow, it was no exception: the regiments that passed through Red Square went straight to the front. The parade of 1941, in terms of its impact on the course of events, is equated to the most important military operation. Our grandfathers and fathers entered life in different years. Some matured in the first days of the revolution, others mowed down the Whites with fire, flying on winged carts in the smoke of the civil war, erected the first power plants, built collective farms, others went through the flames and cold of the Great Patriotic War. Vedas 2. The history of the country has both light and dark pages. Remembering this event is not an attempt to save the past. This is evidence that the past should not be forgotten. Vedas 1. After the collapse of the Soviet state, new books and films appeared. The legendary footage of the capture of the Winter Palace has faded, historians are still arguing about that distant time - what is true in it and what is myth. Vedas 2. In modern Russia, the holiday was first renamed the Day of Accord and Reconciliation (with a hint of the necessary reconciliation of supporters of different ideological views) Vedas 1. Again and again we make a long journey To where this date burns. And excitement squeezes our chest Like a machine-gun belt once. Ved.2. There is no better companion than memory.

Our heart is at one with her. She will find with her true eyes that it was so long ago” Song “March of Labor Russia” Vedas 1. Many people ask the question: why is the October Revolution celebrated in November? The answer to this question is quite simple: the revolution of 1917 took place on the night of November 7-8 according to the new style, and according to the old style - from October 25 to October 26 .. Vedas 2. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the president of a new country - Russia - Boris Yeltsin On March 13, 1995, he signed the federal law "On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia", in which November 7 was named the Day of the Liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish interventionists (1612). Vedas 1. By his decree of November 7, 1996, Boris Yeltsin gave the holiday a new name, the Day of Accord and Reconciliation. The text of the decree, in particular, stated: "The October Revolution of 1917 radically influenced the fate of our country. In an effort to continue to prevent confrontation, in order to unite and consolidate Russian society, I decide: .Declare 1997 - the year of the 80th anniversary of the October Revolution - the Year of Accord and Reconciliation." Vedas 2. Do not forget to congratulate on this great, significant holiday for every Russian, your grandparents, parents and all relatives, who were citizens of the Soviet Union for most of their lives. November 7 has a special meaning for them, because the fire that has been kindled for many years has not yet died out.

back and don't forget about it. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account all the mistakes of the past and prevent tragedies in the future. Goodbye! See you soon! Song Armored Train Proletarian


Goal: Raising patriotism, a sense of pride in their homeland, region, their peers who have accomplished a feat in the name of life. Formation of an active life position, one's attitude to events.

Russia... Motherland... Fatherland... - we hear these words for the first time in childhood, and throughout our life they are filled with a special, reverent meaning. The motherland is also a great country with a great history, it is also a place on earth where a person was born and grew up, where the graves of his ancestors are located, where he knew the first joys and failures. After all, it is no coincidence that in difficult critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born. Where did you spend your childhood?

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call her motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned the language like a mother. Protects and protects us. A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland. Our oldest legends, chronicles, songs, epics have preserved the memory of those who, by word and deed, affirmed in the minds of the people the enduring wisdom - the covenant: "Die from your native land - do not leave."

Today we will talk about people belonging to different generations, but there are similar pages in their destinies. In different periods of time, they stood up for the defense of the Fatherland. Their destinies are connected with the Motherland - they are united!

For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. Love for the Motherland and defense of the Motherland have always been inseparable concepts.

My fatherland! Russia!

The spirit of antiquity lives in you.

And not one more element

Your people have not won.

From the darkness of centuries you rose

And she got stronger and stronger.

great land,

beloved land,

Where we were born and live

We are the motherland of light,

We are the motherland of light,

We call our Motherland!

Love for one's Motherland, for one's Fatherland raised people to exploits. There are many brave and strong people, and every nation knows its heroes by name, keeps the memory of them for centuries. Such are the defenders of the Russian land. They are pure in heart and thoughts, selfless and do not live for themselves. With their deeds they glorify their native land, protect it from enemies.

We will now take a short tour of the historical timeline and recall the events that are associated with the defenders of our Motherland.

What was he like - a Russian hero? All the heroes who lived in different eras had their own character, their own history, but their fate is united with their homeland. Their names will never be forgotten. epic heroes are remembered. And images of the heroes of Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Three Heroes" rise before my eyes. Their names are preserved in the memory of the people. Name them.

Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Time passed and the name of Alexander Nevsky was recorded in the history of Ancient Russia.

The great commander-Alexander Nevsky, who, in a difficult time for Russia, was able to unite the people around him and prevent European knights from conquering our Russia. The battle was called the Battle of the Ice. This was in the 13th century.

At the time of the formation of the Moscow state, there were heroes ...

The great commander Dmitry Donskoy in 1380 with his troops defeated the Horde yoke on the Kulikovo field, across the Don River, and his great-grandson, the Great Sovereign Ivan III, united most of the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow and delivered them from the Horde dependence. This was in the 14th century.

Commander Dmitry Pozharsky and the city headman of Nizhny Novgorod Kozma Minin in 1612 created a people's militia, i.e. an army of ordinary people, townspeople and peasants, and expelled the Polish invaders. This battle is associated with the holiday on November 4 - National Unity Day.

Centuries passed and the state of the Russian Empire appeared on the map. And the borders of our state were under reliable protection.

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov - began his service as a soldier and rose to the highest military rank - generalissimo. He never lost a single battle in his entire life. Suvorov said: "We win not with the mind, but with the ability." His soldiers, who were called miraculous heroes, stormed the impregnable Turkish fortress of Izmail, defeated the French in Italy, and won many other victories. He also led his army out of encirclement, breaking through the passes of the Alps. This was during the 18th century.

The great commander - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov became famous in the Great Patriotic War of 1812. All the soldiers loved him, all of Russia hoped for him. It was he who chose the Battle of Borodino for the decisive battle with Napoleon's army and won it. This was during the 19th century.

In the 20th century, to all these names, the name of the great commander of the Great Patriotic War, G.K. Zhukov, was added. During the four-year period of the struggle against German aggression, more than one battle took place in which he showed his ingenuity and ingenuity in order to defeat the enemy.

Children and war... What could be worse than the combination of these two words? Childhood - the most seemingly carefree, joyful time in the life of every person for children of the war years ended on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany suddenly and treacherously attacked our country. A terrible scale war began, which claimed more than 26 million lives of Soviet people, many of them and children killed during the bombing, exhausted in concentration camps, burned alive in crematorium ovens, died of hunger, cold. Many have lost their parents, homes, families. The hour has come - they showed how huge a small child's heart can become when a sacred love for the Motherland and hatred for its enemies flare up in it.

Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the weight of adversity, disasters, grief of the war years. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more enduring. Little heroes of the big war. They fought next to their elders, fathers, brothers, next to the communists and Komsomol members. Fought everywhere.

Having learned that the war had begun, many of your peers, despite their young age, went to the front, to partisan detachments. Those who remained were active in the rear. They mastered machine tools in factories, equipment in the fields, were on duty on the roofs during the bombing, collected things for the army for our soldiers. A difficult duty fell on the shoulders of the children - to master the work of adults to provide the army with food and the necessary equipment.

Many young guys who have not yet known life were taken away by the war, but they gave their lives for our future, and how they could bring the Victory Day closer with their exploits.

We live in a beautiful country, our destinies are inextricably linked with our homeland. Growing up, each of you will one way or another be inextricably one with your homeland. Some will be just workers, some will become great scientists, but you will never forget your homeland, which raised, educated, nurtured you.

And I want to end our class hour with these words


A. Prokofiev.

There is no sweeter home in the world,

Where other azure skies

The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all,

Where groves and forests are encouraging;

Where in the rivers are swift waters

Blue like turquoise

Where, when the weather comes,

All the people come out like a thunderstorm!

There is no dearer Motherland in the world.

We must do everything for her,

So that the day that we live

Made her happy every time.

Everywhere everything in its expanses is ours.

Let's give her thoughts and deeds

And around we will gird ourselves with gardens,

So that the Motherland forever blooms


Our destiny and Motherland are one


informing staff

Topic:"Destiny and Motherland are one."

Informing progress:

Even a brief review of reports from domestic and foreign news agencies and television reports confirms that on this day there was no news in the world more important than our Victory 60 years ago. But, despite the huge number of foreign delegations, official and not so official events, the main thing was not lost behind them - the feat of our soldier in that war. Moreover, it was they, the veterans, who became the main participants in all events. It was them who were welcomed by the heads of foreign states. Addressing them and the heirs of their military glory, the President of Russia, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation V. Putin said: “61 states and almost 80% of the world's population were involved in the fiery orbit of World War II. The fiery tornado swept not only over Europe, but also over the countries of Asia and Africa, reached the shores of Novaya Zemlya and Alaska, the borders of Egypt and Australia.

But the most cruel and decisive events that determined both the drama and the outcome of this inhuman war unfolded on the territory of the Soviet Union. The Nazis wanted to enslave our people with lightning speed, to actually destroy the country.

Their plans failed. The Soviet army first stopped the Nazis near Moscow, and then for three years not only held back the onslaught, but was able to drive the enemy back to his own lair.

The results of the battles near Moscow and Stalingrad, the courage of the besieged Leningrad, the successes on the Kursk Bulge and the Dnieper predetermined the results of the Second World War. And with the liberation of Europe and the battle for Berlin, the Red Army put a victorious end to the war.

We have never divided the Victory into our own and someone else's. And we will always remember the help of the allies: the USA, Great Britain, France and other states of the anti-Hitler coalition, German and Italian anti-fascists. Today we pay tribute to the courage of all Europeans who resisted fascism.

The Soviet Union lost millions of its citizens during the war years, grief came to every home, every family. And therefore, May 9 is a sacred date for all countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. We have a common sorrow with them, a common memory and a common duty to future generations. And we are all obliged to pass on to our descendants this spirit of our historical kinship, common thoughts and hopes.

For our country, May 9 was and remains a sacred day, a holiday that not only inspires us all, but also elevates us. This day fills our hearts with the most complex feelings - both joy, and sorrow, and compassion, and nobility.

He appeals to the highest moral deeds, gives an opportunity to once again bow to those who gave us freedom - the freedom to live, work, rejoice, create and understand each other.

The Victory Day is the dearest, most sincere and national holiday in our country.

For the peoples of the former Union, it will forever remain a day of great national feat, and for the states of the entire planet - a day of saving the world.

Our grandfathers and fathers did not spare their lives for the honor and freedom of the country. They were united and defended their Motherland.

And today I bow low to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War, I wish them a long life and well-being.

Glory to the victorious soldiers of the Great Patriotic and World War II!

Happy Victory Day!

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Meeting of generations

Target: contribute to the upbringing of the younger generation on the example of the courage and steadfastness of their fathers, grandfathers and brothers.

The melody of the song "I see a wonderful freedom ..."

1st host: I sing about Russia again

About my indescribable beauty,

About birch trees whose feet are bare

Drowned in the cold dew.

Song: What could be better than Russia. Derbenev.

Krylatov. Performed by a vocal group of high school students.

Leading: Good afternoon! We are glad to everyone. Today we are visiting: veterans of the Great Patriotic War - and, a warrior - an internationalist - guys who fought in Chechnya - Sergey Zygolov and Evgeny Shevchenko.

Leader (teacher): Russia... Motherland... Fatherland... - we hear these words for the first time in childhood, and throughout our life they are filled with a special, reverent meaning. The motherland is also a great country with a great history, it is also a place on earth where a person was born and grew up, where the graves of his ancestors are located, where he knew the first joys and failures. After all, it is no coincidence that in difficult critical moments of their lives, people remember the place where they were born. Where did you spend your childhood?

We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call her motherland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because she fed us with her bread, made us drink with her waters, learned the language like a mother. Protects and protects us. A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland. Our oldest legends, chronicles, songs, epics have preserved the memory of those who, by word and deed, affirmed in the minds of the people the enduring wisdom - the covenant: "Die from your native land - do not leave."

Today we will talk about people belonging to different generations, but there are similar pages in their destinies. In different periods of time, they stood up for the defense of the Fatherland. Their destinies are connected with the Motherland - they are united!

2nd leader: Slowly the story is turning

Chronicle becomes heavier syllable.

Everything is getting old.

Motherland does not age

Does not let old age on the threshold.

We have passed centuries with Russia

From the plow to the star wing.

And look - everything is the same blue sky,

And over the Volga the same shadow of an eagle.

3rd leader: And there's still a lot to go

Kohl is called to the future path.

But brighter and purer than the feelings of the Motherland

People will never get.

With this feeling a person is born,

Lives with him and dies with him.

All will pass,

And the motherland will remain

If we keep that feeling.

4th leader: Motherland! Land of fathers and grandfathers!

We fell in love with these clovers

Having tasted spring freshness

From the edge of a clinking bucket.

It will hardly be forgotten -

And forever remain holy ...

The land that was called the Motherland,

If necessary, we will protect with our hearts.

1st host: For many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom and independence of their Motherland more than once. Love for the Motherland and defense of the Motherland have always been inseparable concepts.

2nd leader: Don't go to Russia! -

Monomakh turned to the neighbors,

Who will come to us with a sword,

He will die by the sword! - said

Brave Prince Alexander

And in everlasting victory

The truth of your words

Proved with a just sword.

How many plowmen

You lost, Russia

How many best sons

Have you given to the bloody centuries?

Don't go to Russia! -

One thing you asked

Didn't talk to friends

But only to enemies.

Don't go to Russia!

But the enemies attacked bloodily ...

And then our native country handed us

Together with a formidable weapon -

Fields of our glory

Our great ancestors

Holy names for us.

3rd leader: From the top of history, the wise Minin, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Peresvet and Oslyabey, who were the first to fall in the Battle of Kulikovo, are looking at us. With what courage they served the Motherland! And whenever they went abroad, they bowed at the waist to their native land, and the wormwood dust of its roads was sweeter than honey.

4th leader: And a handful of native land was carried away to a foreign land. And no matter where the Russian people turned out to be the dictates of history, her heart, like the arrows of a compass, was steadily directed in one cherished direction - towards Russia. And they put on clean shirts before a mortal feat, going to military suffering, as to a bright holiday. That was what made the Russian land strong, that was how it stood for centuries. It has been calculated: there were almost 15 thousand wars on the planet - small and large, great. Millions of killed, tortured and died from wounds, soldiers fell asleep in the earth in eternal sleep. And another terrible war shook the world in the 20th century, the beginning of the Great Patriotic War was announced.

The song "Holy War" sounds.

1st host: How to tell about your courage, about your greatest feat, beloved Motherland. How to tell about the thousands, millions of deeds that your sons and daughters accomplished in 1418 days and nights. Brest Fortress! Defense of Sevastopol, Odessa, Kiev. Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad. Great victory near Moscow, defense of the Caucasus. These and thousands of big and small battles, and in each of your sons were worthy of you, Motherland!

2nd leader: Towards the peals

roaring thunder

We went up to fight

light and harsh.

On our banners

written word:

Victory! Victory!

In the name of the Motherland - Victory!

In the name of the living - Victory!

In the name of the future - Victory!

The song "Cranes" sounds.

3rd leader: The war broke out

Your bloody harvest.

How many years have passed

How many new worries experienced!

Time rushes forward

Time to new frontiers hurries.

But no one is forgotten!

And nothing is forgotten forever!

4th leader: Memory, memory call for yourself

In those distant days gone by.

You revive my departed friends,

And return youth to living friends.

1st host: Memory... Memory!

You can, you must

For a moment, turn these arrows,

I don't just want to remember the names,

I want to look my friends in the eyes.

2nd leader: Stop, time! Freeze and look back. Look back at those who look at us in stone from the height of their monuments, look back at those whose names are carved at the foot of the obelisks, at those who for you and me gave the most precious thing they had - spring and the first kiss, happiness and life which has only just begun.

3rd leader: I am standing in front of photographs of the Velichayevsky Young Guards. I look at their faces...

What were you? What were you interested in? What would you become? Take a close look at these portraits. Do you remember them? (lists names).

4th leader: They were the most common. They ran away from lessons, chased pigeons, disappeared late at the dance.

1st host: They played football and sat for hours at the stadiums, passionately rooting for their favorite team. The elders nodded sadly: “And what kind of youth went? We were not like that…” But it was these guys who, for the sake of the happiness of their country, were ready for anything, even for death.

A story about A. Skokov.

2nd leader: On the monument to the Velichayevsky Young Guards, the words are engraved: "The brave have only immortality, the brave have no death."

3rd leader: Where did you come from, blue?

Spread hot wings

And in a painful effort

My head swirled.

You fly faster, blue

From Kayala, Nepryadva and Volga -

To the land where I saw the sun in fragments,

Where the green grass withers.

You carry your radiant phial

Abroad - where he was and where he was not,

To raise clear skies

Over the mountains where I died.

Leader (teacher): Fighting children of fathers who did not fight - so often they say about soldiers - internationalists. After all, for the first time after the forty-fifth, it was precisely our “Afghans” who had to make sure how fragile our world is.

The dramatic events of the past war were covered by the first, as yet thin veil of time separating the present from history. And we are waiting tensely for what Time will say, what History will answer. For now there are no other impartial judges for those who went through Afghanistan.

But they are judged, moreover, they are often condemned. They condemn, however, as a rule, with one caveat: those who fought are not responsible for those who sent them to war. Thus, our "Afghans" are in the ambiguous position of the executors of an unjust sentence. So far, they are being praised for their courage, for having worthily endured the trials that have befallen them. But it is difficult to predict what will happen tomorrow. The wounds of soldiers, the unhealed wounds of mothers are salted, because everything that happened in Afghanistan is often presented as a "senseless massacre". Already now the winged answer is heard in their address: "We did not send you there." And they answer: “I did not reproach anyone for anything when we swallowed Afghan dust.” They did not reproach and do not reproach because the most intimate feeling of every "Afghan" is a sharp naked feeling of the Motherland, careful love for the native land. After all, for many of those who were torn away by fate from home without any guarantees of return, the Motherland was the only hope, consolation and salvation.

2nd leader: Russian land!

Native land!

Give me the strength to stand up

Embrace me with leaves

Heal me with grass

Give me one life

Give me one death

Give me silence...

3rd leader: 15 thousand killed, 37 thousand maimed - this is the tragic result of the Afghan war. Before you is a photograph of our fellow countryman who died on Afghan soil, Chernyshov Vladimir Vasilyevich.

Story about

In our school he graduated from 8 classes. Vladimir dreamed of becoming a builder, but everything turned out so that before serving in the army, he received the profession of a gas welder at Georgievsky vocational school No. 23.

November 2, 1979 was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army. The service took place in Afghanistan. Two years of a long series of fierce fights with DUSHMANS, constant tension were drawing to a close...

4th leader: You won’t return their lives, it hurts, it’s hard,

Everyone understands what's wrong.

Dear boys in vests

They will never return to their home.

The song "Raspberry Ring" sounds.

Leader (teacher): There is charm in the Russian officer.

See you - and you're ready for him

For the biggest test

Go through the storm, through the fire and smoke...

From time immemorial, service to the state was considered a matter of honor, valor, a sign of manhood. In the Russian army they always fought, counting not on money, but on the good memory of their descendants.

Today it is difficult for our army. Scolding her has become too obvious a fashion. But what is the army's fault? Even Napoleon said: “If the people do not want to feed their own army, they will feed someone else's. The weak are despised, but only the strong are respected; honored and able to defend themselves."

No matter what they write or talk about today, no matter what criticism our Armed Forces are subjected to, you and I must admit that we still cannot imagine our life without our army, more precisely, without those people who protect us, who for our sake each day ready for a feat.

The song of O. Gazmanov "Officers" sounds.

1st host: On February 15, 1989, soldiers and officers of a limited contingent of Soviet troops crossed the conditional line of the State Border of the USSR, passing along the bridge across the Amu Darya. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge during this time - the distant Afghan war, which many knew by hearsay, crossed the Hindu Kush ridge and settled already within Russian borders.

Thousands of irretrievable losses in Afghanistan have been supplemented by thousands more who died in "hot spots".

Then it was thought that we were leaving the war forever. It turned out we were just getting closer. And the mothers who see off their sons to the army again weep doomedly.

The Chechen war... Although officially it has been stopped, our boys are dying and dying in the foothills of the Caucasus, during the shelling of outposts and posts by "stray" militants, when they commit terrorist acts...

In fact, this is the kind of war that is easier to start than to end. The task looked simple from the Kremlin heights. They really wanted to hastily "restore constitutional order." We got a very big and bloody war.

More than 60 children from our village walked the roads of the Chechen war. Two of them did not return. These are Sergey Bortnikov and Nikolai Goryagin.

The floor is given to Sergey Zygolov .

2nd leader: Again, a stingy tear guards the silence.

You dreamed about life, leaving for the war.

How many young guys did not come back

Not having lived, not having finished singing, they lie under granite.

Looking into the Eternal Flame - a quiet sorrow radiance

We will honor all the dead with a moment of silence.

The beat of a metronome. A moment of silence.

Leader (teacher): And this war will remain in our history - after all, today will pass and become the past. And you never know what will be replaced, understandable and comprehended some time later.

I think that you and I are not ashamed to express our sympathy and respect for our soldiers and officers who are doing their hard work in Chechnya.

The lot of Russian people fell to many difficult trials. The truth must be told about each of them, in the interests of the future, bitter lessons from the past must be learned. But it is important to realize one more truth: today we need to be, first of all, Russian people who love their Fatherland immensely and believe in its strength.

Russia must resurrect on the basis of an ardent and boundless feeling of patriotism - a feeling of awareness of the need to recreate - and in a better arrangement - our great homeland - remembering that for a thousand years our ancestors created it through grief, suffering and innumerable victims.

3rd leader: Homeland, harsh and sweet,

Remembers all the fierce battles ...

Groves grow on graves,

Nightingales glorify life in the groves.

That thunderstorms are an iron melody,

Joy or bitter need?

Everything passes.

The motherland remains

The one that will never change.

The song "Live, country" sounds.

Class teacher grade 5b-