Detailed map of the Kostroma reservoir with depths. Banking and trade

  • 07.08.2020

The Kostroma reservoir, which the local population calls the “sea” out of respect, arose in 1955-56, Kostroma was blocked by a dam near Kunikovo, forming the Kostroma reservoir. The area of ​​the new reservoir was 175 square kilometers, the length was more than 25 km, and the width was about 15. Most of the reservoir is quite shallow, with average depths of 4 to 6 meters. Several rivers flow into the reservoir from the north - Kast, Sot, Kostroma, Meza, Prost, feeding the freshwater "sea" with their waters. In the vastness of the reservoir there are a large number of large and small islands. The river is navigable from the mouth to the town of Bui.

The mouth of the Kast and Vopsha rivers is a shallow bay of the Kostroma reservoir with prevailing depths of up to three meters. There is no pronounced channel, but mounds and pits are present. A lot of large perch and pike up to one and a half kilograms. Travel by personal transport to the village of Bukhalovo. Further - on rowing boats along the Kast River.

On one of my summer vacations, I was lucky enough to spend two weeks in a pleasant company on one of the many islands of the Kostroma reservoir. There were three of us: cousin Kolya, work colleague Boris and me. Here we not only completely took our fishing soul, but also experienced many different adventures. Fully experienced the ferocious, unbridled temper of this huge reservoir during a storm. And most importantly - they almost drowned ... But about everything - in order.


It all started with the fact that my former classmate at the Ryazan Higher Airborne School, Boris Chudinov, came to visit me from Kostroma. As expected, they celebrated the meeting, remembered the cadet years. By that time, Boris served in the Kostroma parachute regiment, and I served in the editorial office of the newspaper of the Moscow military district "Red Warrior".

I took my guest on a fishing trip to Shatura, where he really liked it. And although he is clearly not a fisherman, he nevertheless caught several scavengers from the boat. That's when he said:

- Here, of course, it's good, but in Kostroma it's better. And on the Volga you can go fishing, and on the Kostroma Sea.

Under the "sea" he meant the Kostroma reservoir. Boris said that the inhabitants of Kostroma respectfully call this body of water only the sea. At first I did not attach any importance to his words. Meanwhile he continued:

- Come, fish from the heart, you will not regret it. I will provide you with a motorboat.

And the more he talked about the delights of fishing on the Kostroma Sea, the more I was carried away by this unexpected proposal. And at home, seeing off my guest, I firmly promised him that I would definitely come to Kostroma on my next vacation. I did not want to go alone, and I began to look for companions.

And then suddenly my cousin Nikolai called me from Leningrad (as our northern capital was then called). From a conversation with him it turned out that he also had a vacation and he had not yet decided where to go. I colorfully drew him the prospect of outdoor recreation, about the upcoming fishing on the Kostroma reservoir. He was especially fascinated by the opportunity to ride a motor boat. In short, I persuaded Kolya and he agreed.

I managed to find a third fellow traveler, to my joy, in my own editorial office. Boris Kiselev, an employee of the secretariat, also went on vacation. He immediately agreed to my proposal to go to Kostroma.


After some coordination and clarification of time, the three of us finally left for Kostroma. With backpacks, with a tent, with fishing rods. I also took my gun with me. What for? Of course, I was not going to hunt, it was not the season. Although he was in a society of military hunters. Three packs of cartridges with shot were also with them. I took the gun just like that, just in case.

We boarded the train late in the evening, and in the morning we were in Kostroma.

And first of all - to Boris Chudinov. After all, he promised us a motor boat. But here the first disappointment awaited us. When I reminded Boris of the “motorboat” he had promised, he sighed and in some guilty tone began to explain that, unfortunately, there would be no motorboat. From his words it followed that his acquaintances, who promised a boat, let him down.

Kolya was the most upset. He was the youngest in our company and so dreamed of riding a motorboat! And now it remains to be content with an ordinary rowing boat.

After dinner, Boris took us in a gas truck to a pond. An enchanting beauty opened up before us. On the right is a virgin forest, close to the sea. To the left and in front, as far as the eye could see, there was an immense expanse of water, on which in some places one could see dark stripes of islands, bordered by green vegetation. The opposite side is not visible. And indeed, the sea.

We found a local fishing base, where I ordered a boat. It was already getting dark when we finally fully equipped the boat, put our backpacks, tent, fishing rods into it. The question became: to sail at night looking or spend the night on the shore, so as not to tempt fate and start traveling at dawn? We decided not to waste time and sail now, especially since the weather was calm and windless. And we swam. Where? We didn't know this for sure. They simply decided to sail away to the northern part of the "sea", where the rivers Kostroma and Meza flow into it. It is there, as we were told at the fishing base, that fishing is more successful. They swam, keeping to the right of the forest shore. Meanwhile, it was getting dark fast. The moon rose, making the night water landscape even more beautiful. The moon was reflected on the water in a solid silvery, shimmering path. Our obviously overloaded boat slowly moved along this lunar "path".

This night beauty, silence and emptiness seemed to enchant us. From time to time, some kind of shadow began to slowly grow in our path. Gradually, it took on its shape, and we sailed past the island, overgrown with coastal reeds. In the silence of the night, some splashes were clearly heard: either the fish was walking near the reeds, or the muskrat was hunting. Nobody wanted to sleep.

The shore on the right began to sharply move away from us, giving way to the sea. It became clear that we were passing by a large, wide bay. Only at dawn we moored to one of the islands. It attracted us by the fact that it stood quite high above the water, and one of its banks was not overgrown with reeds, it was clean and accessible. We decided to stop here at least temporarily, to try fishing.


We pulled up a tent, began to settle in our island. We liked him. It was about 200 meters long and about 50 meters wide. The place turned out to be pretty good. On one side, the shore was overgrown with reeds, behind which the depth was shallow, about two meters. Even from the shore, behind this reed wall, roach and perch pecked well. There was also a scoundrel. And on the other side of the shore lay the flooded bed of the Kostroma River, and the depth here reached six meters.

We fished both from the shore of the island and from a boat. Caught mainly roach, bream, perch. Sometimes I quite successfully fished with a winter rod from the side of the boat over the flooded bed of the Kostroma River. He planted a worm on a large mormyshka and lowered it to the bottom. And then he began to gently lift, playing with a nod. This is where the bite followed. There were zanders of 400-600 grams, perches, bershi.

We liked the place, and therefore abandoned plans to sail further, to the confluence of the Mesa River. Moreover, it would be too far to swim.

They ate mainly fish and fish soup. At first it was very appetizing, they ate it with pleasure. But gradually the fish became so fed up that I didn’t even want to look at it. Once again I was convinced that everything should be in moderation in nutrition. And then the bread ran out, I had to have dinner without bread in the evening. Therefore, in the morning of the next day, my fellow travelers wished to stretch themselves - to sail on a boat to the nearest village to the store for bread, cereals, salt. The village is about six kilometers by water. This flight took almost half a day.

We tried to cook fish for future use in dried form. Boris especially wanted to bring home dried fish. Caught scavengers and large roaches were gutted, rubbed and sprinkled with salt. Then they put it in plastic bags so that the fish is better saturated with salt. They hung salted fish on a cord stretched between trees. However, this venture failed. Either the fish was not salted enough, or the local flies did not care about salt, but after a few hours we noticed white heaps of testicles on the fish. And after some time, the testicles turned into larvae, which quickly spread throughout the carcass. The fish had to be thrown away and they no longer tried to dry.

I believe that the reason for this failure is that the fish did not salt out. Indeed, at home, I salt the fish in an enameled pan, laying it in even rows and adding salt every time. Then be sure to put oppression on top with a load. The fish seasoned in this way soon emits a brine, in which it remains for two to three days (depending on the size of the fish). Only after that I wash the fish in cold water from the brine and usually hang it on the balcony on stretched thick nylon threads.

And there, on the island, we did not have pots.


Here, on the Kostroma Sea, I caught the biggest pike so far in my entire fishing practice on a spinning rod. And it was like that. One evening we were sitting by the fire, over which hung a pot of fish. The ear was boiled. Suddenly there was a rumble of a motorboat, and after a while we saw that a "motorboat" was approaching our island. At first they thought it was a fishmonger. We prepared for the meeting, although we did not have anything poaching.

Meanwhile, the “motorboat” slowed down and, with the engine turned off, touched the shore by inertia. A man in rubber boots stepped out of it, pulled the bow of the boat higher to the shore. Then he pulled out a basket with some contents from the boat, lowered it into the water for some reason. After that, he climbed to the island, headed in our direction. We realized that this was not a fish inspector, but just a fisherman.

- Guys, can I join you for a light? he turned to us. One is bored.

- Of course, please, - we were delighted with the unexpected guest.

He came up to us, settled down by the fire. We met and talked. It turned out that our new acquaintance, Kostroma, is retired, but he does not want to sit at home. He is an avid angler, he goes out on his motorboat for several days at once, until he catches a full basket of fish. He will take her home, and there, according to him, "a woman will sell it in the market." So he trades with a fish, combining the useful with the pleasant. And now in his basket there were solid pikes, zanders. And he only catches on spinning.

I wanted to know what kind of spinners he was fishing with. I told him that I also tried to catch on spinning, but to no avail.

“Show me your baubles,” the Kostroma immediately became interested.

I ran to the tent, brought a box of spinners. There were both spinning and oscillating baubles, nickel-plated and matte.

“You can throw these toys away, you won’t catch anything on them,” our friend said in a tone that brooked no objections.

- How to throw it away? What to catch? I ask him.

He took out a huge lure from his storerooms, equipped with the same huge tee. The spinner was oscillating, bronze in color, thick, heavy. handed me:

- Take it, I give it.

In exchange, I offered to choose any of my spinners: but Kostromich refused. To be honest, I then had a doubt that some fish would covet such a rough bait. But he didn’t show it, thanked for the gift.

In the morning, as usual, I got up at about four o'clock. Boris and Kolya were still sleeping. I got on a boat and went fishing. I was impatient to try out the lure donated by Kostroma. I tied it to the spinning line and began to fish the area along the reed strip. It was here, as I noticed, that large circles of waves formed every now and then - the predator was hunting for fry. Made several casts - to no avail.

In one place, not far from the boat, a splash was heard again, circles formed on the water. For these circles, he cast the lure, began to vigorously reel in the line, at the same time twitching the tip of the rod so that the lure “played” better, attracting a predator.

“I got hooked on something,” I thought in my hearts with disappointment, when the smooth movement of the spinner suddenly stalled. But suddenly this “something” came to life, I felt powerful jerks, and then a pull. Almost holding his breath, he began to rotate the coil, pulling the prey towards him. Until now, I can not forget those exciting moments of combat with a toothy predator. The closer he brought the pike to the boat, the more violently it resisted, rushing from side to side. It was only on the third try that she got it.

I can’t say exactly how much that pike weighed. I can say one thing without any exaggeration: the cut pieces of fish barely fit into the five-liter pot. Even the head had to be thrown away. It turns out that she weighed at least four kilograms.

On that rough lure - a gift from Kostroma - I then caught two more pikes, smaller in size. And then she caught on some snag and I could not pull her out. Broke off. Very sorry about it. And I couldn’t understand why the local pikes preferred such a rough yellow bait, completely ignoring the elegant, beautiful silver lures that I then stocked up. Try to guess what the local fish like.


Meanwhile, the time of our “Robinsonism” was coming to an end. The day came when we rolled up the tent, put our backpacks and gear in the boat. And who would have thought that it was on this last, farewell day that such a seemingly kind and friendly "sea" would show its cool temper, give us a terrible test.

We were about to set off when the sky began to darken to leeward, the wind picked up and it began to rain.

- Can we wait? Kolya suggested somewhat hesitantly.

“What are you waiting for?” I protested. - The main thing is to have time to overcome a large bay, and then we will sail along the coast, it’s not scary.

The Big Bay is about three kilometers of open water. Anyone who has sailed on large bodies of water knows that even with an average wind, huge waves form on them, and swimming on them in such weather is not always safe. Especially on an overloaded boat. I took another look at the water. Waves were already walking along it, but they seemed not so big as to give in to them.

"Let's not waste any time," I concluded. “It might be worse for lunch.

And we swam. Against the wind and waves, towards the forest shore shrouded in a distant foggy haze. The farther they sailed from their island, the stronger the wind, the more terrible the waves became. It seemed that nature itself was against us that day. No longer just waves, but huge waves of water with a white crest rushed towards our boat, which barely cut through them with its bow. I leaned on the oars with all my might, trying in no case to allow the boat to be turned around by the wind, so as not to expose the side to the wave. Otherwise...

In my heart I already scolded myself for such recklessness and carelessness. He continued to lean on the oars with all his might, his hands buzzing and aching from exertion. But even in my thoughts I could not allow someone to replace me, to entrust the oars to anyone. He reassured himself: well, even if the boat capsizes, we won’t drown. Let us be left without clothes, without gear, but we will hold on to the boat in the water, because it is wooden, it will not sink. Let's hold on. But another voice suggested: you won’t last long on such a wave. And then I remembered the words of Kostroma, who said that evening by the fire that more than twenty people drown in this reservoir every summer. And fishermen too.

Gritting his teeth, he continued rowing. I look back - the shore is still far away. And the boat seems to be standing still, although I resist with all my strength. But no, we are still moving forward, the outlines of the desired coast are becoming more and more distinct.

This went on for more than an hour, during which at every second we could be covered by another wave of water. And when at last the boat sank into the sandbank, it was simply impossible to convey our inner state. We got out of the boat, dragged her higher to the shore. And only now I felt how dead tired I was. Hands just could not be raised.

Looking at me, Boris also understood this. He silently unbuttoned his backpack, took out a stocked bottle of vodka, poured out an almost full glass and handed it to me just as silently. For the first time in my life, I drank a glass of vodka in one gulp without feeling its strength.

I pulled out an officer's cape from my backpack, and the three of us covered ourselves with it from the rain. So they stood, pressed against each other, not saying a word. And we rejoiced that under us such a solid, reliable land.

About an hour later, the rain stopped, the clouds cleared, and the sun came out. The raging wind also stopped, the sea calmed down. It seemed to be inviting, calling us back to itself, not wanting to let us go. And it seemed to say to us reproachfully: “Here I taught you a lesson for your carelessness, for your frivolity and carelessness. From now on you will know how to joke with me.

Indeed, we will know. We said goodbye to the sea in a kind way, despite its severe farewell whim. And they promised to return someday. I have not yet kept this promise. But there is still time ahead.

According to scientists, bream, roach, ram, rudd, crucian carp, silver bream, bleak, dace, minnow, khramulya, barbel, grass carp, silver carp, marinka, verkhovka and some others are susceptible to the disease. In the Kostroma reservoir, bream die in masses - near shallows, marinas, moorings. Stagnant, low-flowing water only contributes to this disease. Affected fish accumulate in shallow water, in the coastal zone, where it is easier for it to get food. Stays in the surface layer of water. Floats on its side or belly up. Some fish, such as whitefish, peled, zander, are immune to this disease. Stocking them with natural water bodies reduces the infection of fish with ligulosis.

True, it is not worth talking about an ecological catastrophe, local fishermen say. If the fish is thoroughly boiled, fried or salted, it will be safe. The main thing in the fight against tapeworm is heat treatment. But the reservoir to get rid of it is almost impossible. It is passed from fish to fish.

And the process itself is still too early to call it irreversible. According to the same fishermen, quite healthy fish are found off the coast of the surviving village of Spas.

The inhabitants of Spas, as well as the flooded nearby villages of Vederka and Zharka, have long been known as noble fishermen. Maybe that's why nature here does not want to "get sick"? Especially nimble and frisky in these places are scavengers, for whom even Muscovites come.

Like the people of Yaroslavl, and of course I mean our entire region, the people of Kostroma also have their own sea. Kostroma reservoir or flood (bay) of the Gorky reservoir. Kostromichi call it the sea. A lake-type reservoir with a complex shore and many islands. If you are interested in seeing the map, please click here.
Despite the fact that this is a neighboring water body, but the shore is ours! Therefore, I include these places in a series of small reviews of Nekrasov places. By the way, dobriy_vasya , you somehow asked the people in one of your posts to show local reservoirs :) Here, keep the beginning.

The history of the spills is as ambiguous as the Rybinsk one. Well, maybe not on such a large scale, but still a vast lowland rich in lakes and rivers was flooded. More than 20 rural settlements were resettled. Some of them numbered from 250 to 500 households! The area of ​​spills turned out according to different data from 176 to 260 km2.

Perhaps because of the population and the abundance of lakes and rivers, the islands of the reservoir were not left without names. Read and listen to how the names of islands, rivers, former villages and lakes sing: Kast, Sot, Vopsha, Idolomka and Idolomskoye, Forgiveness, Vonga, Glushitsa, Meza, Zharki, Buckets, Vezha, Shoda, Baran, Belkina Griva, Hare :) Finno -Ugrians did their best in our area, leaving such a legacy.
On the northwestern shores (on our Yaroslavl) reservoirs there is the Yaroslavsky federal zoological reserve, which now belongs to the Pleshcheyevo Lake national park.

But let's get back to the photos. The Indian summer last autumn was a success and in my free time I tried to visit the Nekrasov lakes more often in order to photograph them and search for places for various types of photo hunting for subsequent seasons. And on one of the warm September evenings, the gently sloping shore let us go straight to the water. And while the evening light was already quite low, it was necessary to have time to fly.


The Volga actually flows near the horizon, and I was on the shore of a small bay.

These aerial photographs show just a tiny fraction of the spills. Lake Sogozhskoye is visible on the left near the horizon, to which in a straight line from the shooting site is about 5 km.

Having landed the battery at Vova, I walked along the shore.







The flatness of the grass along the edges of the islands is interesting. Why did it happen? Storm or tide? In photographs from the air, it looks especially unusual.

Church in one of the Kostroma villages.




The sun went down on one side, and on the other side the moon climbed into the sky.












The evening dawn flashed for a moment and it became quite twilight. We had to make our way back.

The camp of fishermen quietly waited for their owners.

Well, we'll be back here, no doubt.

  • 25.09.2015.

PS. I take this opportunity to congratulate

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Trokhachi jetty water 14 km.