Suffixes. elementary School

  • 25.09.2019
How to parse a word by composition + SUFFIX TABLE

To disassemble a word by composition means to make itmorphemic analysis , or indicate what morphemes the word consists of.Morphemeis the smallest meaningful part of a word.
Recall what parts a word can be divided into:


the main meaningful part of a word that related words have.

In Russian there are words that consist of one root:mushroom, Metro, lane O, Island, weather a.
Also, there are words consisting of two roots:warm O move, waters O pad, myself O var.
From three roots: waters O dirt e to lay down fucker.
From four roots:electr O light O waters O to lay down ion.


significant part of the word, which comes after the root and is intended for the formation of new words.

Some words may have two suffixes: podberezovik - suffixes - ov - and - ik - .


this is the significant part of the word, which is located before the root and is intended for the formation of new words.


it is a changeable part of a word, it serves to connect words in a sentence.

So, in order to parse the word by composition, you need to find the ending in the word, for which you need to change the word.

For example, in the wordTrip.

Changing the word: trip Oh , or trip at , then you can see - the variable part -a . Let's frame it,ending.

Next, we find the root, for this we select a single-root word -on rides , pen rides . Comparing these words, we see that part of the word does not changerides . That's what it is root.

Then we find prefix, for this you need to again pick up single-root words -on rides, under ride. It can be seen that the prefix is ​​in front of the root, i.e. in our case, it is part of the wordon .

And finally we findsuffix, which comes after the root and is intended to form a word, in our case it is part of the wordTo .

We made it:

Now consider the most common noun suffixes:




lep To a, paws To a


Ray ik, package ik


hair OK, snow OK


years chik, forge chik


rut box, ban box


fur Nick, yard Nick


handkerchief ek, crown ek


cool yok, paren yok


House ishq oh the coat ishq O


fri yshk oh per yshk O


spring eyelet and, bab eyelet a


mountains yushk oh the floor yushk O


lamps points ah, dud points a


sieve echk oh sem echk a


apple onc a, girl onc a


ruch enk uh, knife enk a


hut seek a, ruch seek a


teach Tel, build Tel


dachshunds ist, programs ist


hare onok, wolch onok


fox yonok, Tiger yonok


gallch at ah wolf at a


fox yat ah, tiger yat a

The most common adjective suffixes are:




Saturdays n uh, famous n th


sample ov th, canvas ov th


rings ev oh, every day ev ny


poor ovate oh, small ovate th


well done evat oh, blue evat th


max onc oh, lay down onc uy


ser enk oy, white enk uy


Belarusian sk y, mongolian sk uy


happy Liv oh, bragging Liv th


holes chat ooh, smoke chat th

Suffixes for verbs:




jump a th, jerk a be

I am

se I am t, ve I am be


hard e th, look e be


smooth and th, driving and be


they say O th, count O be


jump l a, soya l and

Sample word parsing:


1. Highlight the ending, look for the same root words: schoolomu, schoolchildren. Endingth.

2. Find the root: school -schools a, school Nick. Root school

3. We are looking for a suffix: coldn oh, youth ny - adj. Suffix in the word schooln th - n.

4. Now the prefix:at estate, atmaritime. That is, an attachmentat.


1. End, change the word: boletus, boletusam, boletus ov. Ending and .

2. Root: boletus -aspens a, aspens Nick. Root aspens .

3. Suffix: walnut ov oh, donkey ov ouch, - ov -. And the suffix ik -: boletus ik, mokhov ik.

4. Prefix: under blanket, underbirch. Prefixunder .

Suffix- a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new word forms.

The suffix is ​​not an obligatory part of the word. A word may not have a suffix, there may be one or more suffixes:

friend, friend OK, ram- och(a).

Formative (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them), which serve to form new word forms, are called shaping(inflectional). At morphemic analysis these suffixes are not included in the stem of the word.

For instance,

  • suffix –th (-ti ) forms the indefinite form of the verb: sit- be, non- ti
  • suffix -l- - past tense form of verbs: read- l, thought- l .

Suffixes –th (-ti ), -l- do not form part of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix can come after : let's go to)- those, go (eat) - those.

Reflexive verb suffix –sya/-sya was once a pronoun myself:

hairstyle(s) camping= hairstyle(s) myself.

Return suffixes -sya, -sya are part of the word and often stand behind :

Closing (et)sya, washing (y)sya

For more details, see Inflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

  • inflection is education formsone and the samec fishing.
  • word formationis educationnew words.

Derivational suffixes

Via derivational suffixes words are formed different parts speech, but most often nouns and adjectives are formed.
For example, one of the most active noun-forming suffixes -Nick- :

Forest -Nick ,school -Nick , study -Nick, troech -Nick, sput -Nick, resort -Nick, benefits -Nick, Saturday -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix -sk- :

rural sk(s), village- sk(s), mor -sk(oh), Moscow- sk(s) etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings. the same part of speech .
For example, the suffix -Nick -, —from — . —OK — (mushroom-nick, red- from(a), friend- OK ) serve to form only nouns; -sk- (fleet- sk(s) ) - for the formation of adjectives only; — yva -,-willow — (thought- yva-th) is for verbs only. Therefore, we are talking about suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of word formation using various suffixes:

  • from the root good-: good (o), good-from (a), good-yak, good-from-n (th), good-e-t;
  • from raspberry-: raspberries (a), raspberries-k (a), raspberries-nick (), raspberries-ovk (a), raspberries (th), raspberries-n (th);
  • from time-: time (I), time-echk (o), time-yank (a), time-en-n (th), time-en-n-o, time-en-schik.

If the root contains the main lexical meaning(meaning) words, then suffixes (like ) complement this meaning, refine it. For instance:

  • the suffix introduces a diminutive meaning: daughter - daughter To(a) - daughter enk(a), house - house- ik;
  • magnifying value: hand - hand- seek(a);
  • the suffix is ​​used to form words-names of baby animals: elephant- yonok, ut- yonok ;
  • to designate males by profession, place of residence, by nationality: teach- Tel, tractor- ist, Moscow- ich, Siberian yak, academic ik, cargo- in, Caucasian- ec etc;
  • to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, by nationality: selling- shchits(a), master- itz(a), paramedic- itz(a), oset-in- To(a), machine-ist- To(a) a writer prostrate(a) etc
  • facial expression: cunning south ah, thirsty south a, small turnout ah, goat turnout a, linen tai, saliva tai .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes, you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns and gender. For example, the suffix Tel at the end of the word - a masculine noun ( teacher, builder, driver),
suffix - from - - noun female (good-from (a), deaf-from (a), beautiful-from (a));
suffix - sk - - adjective ( Hungarian-sk(y), rus-sk(y)).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

The suffix or part of the suffix may be hidden, that is, not explicitly represented in writing by letters. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after b, b letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th '] (or is often indicated). It is this sound that can be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is ​​allocated using transcription.
For instance:

liar - [liar '/ y'/ a], emigration - emigrant, two - dv, fox [l'is '/ y'/ willow], fox [l'is '/ y'/iy'].

The procedure for selecting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old:

  1. Select the root and ending by changing the form of the word and selecting related words using different suffixes:old (th), old-awn, old (s) - old-inn (th) ⇒ root old-, ending th;
  2. Can -inn- be a suffix? We sort through related words that may contain a part -inn-. Finding a word old- in(a), in which -in- - suffix, select it: old- in- n(th).
  3. Considering the rest -n-. The adjective old-n(y) is formed from the noun old(a) with the suffix -n-
  4. Let us prove the correctness of the choice of the morpheme -n- , picking up words with a different root, but with the same suffix (of the same part of speech as the original word, because suffixes are “associated” with parts of speech): garden -n(th) (from the kitchen garden), mod- n(th) (from trendy), autumn- n(s) (from autumn). This proves the correctness of the allocation of the morpheme.
  5. Conclusion: old- in-n(th).

You can check the correctness of the parsing in the word-formation dictionary.

For more details, see Selecting a suffix in a word.

In order to identify suffixes, it is useful to know the most commonly used ones.

Suffixes Their work
form nouns
fish - fish To a
key - key ik
castle - castle ek
friend - friend OK
hand - hand enk a
fox - fox onc a
Vanya - Van echk a
needle - needle points a
grandfather - grandfather eyelet a
field - floor yushk O
Give words a diminutive or endearing connotation
forest - forest Nick
carry - carry chik
drum - drum box
teach - teach Tel
teach - teacher prostrate a
radio operator - radio operator To a
Form words that name people by their occupation
form adjectives
rock - rocks ist th
city ​​- city sk Oh
peas - peas ov th
shawl - shawl ev th
summer - years n uy
form verbs
sound - sound a be
wound - wound and be
white - white e be
winter - winter ova be
ring - rings Eve be
rock - rock willow be
open - open yva be
-sya-(-s-) teach - teach sya - I teach camping
treat - treat Xia- I'm flying camping
Forms verbs with reflexive meaning. May be located after graduation. Enter the base of the word.
Formative suffixes
chita be
carried ti
Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb. Not included in the base word.
-l- read - read l;
say - speak l
Forms the past tense of the verb. Not included in the base word.

For verbs ending in -whose , part of the word - whose is part of the root: burn, bake.

You can clarify suffixes in word-building and morphemic dictionaries (Potikha Z.A. School vocabulary structure of Russian words. M., 1987. , Tikhonov A. N. Word-building dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Explanatory dictionary of word-building units of the Russian language. M., 1996. , Baranov M.T. School dictionary of the formation of words of the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Analysis of the word by composition, M., 2011, etc.).

- (lat. suffixum, add from suffigere). A syllable added in the middle of a word and giving it the meaning of one or another part of speech, or some other etymological. forms, in contrast to the inflections of the endings of declensions and conjugations. Dictionary of foreign words, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

suffix- a, m. suffixe m. lat. suffix attached. Part of the word between the root and the ending, giving the word a different meaning compared to other words with the same root. magnifying suffix. ALS 1. The Russian language, with its extraordinary plasticity, ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

SUFFIX- [suffix] and (colloquial) SUFFIX, suffix, male. (from lat. suffixus substituted) (ling.). A word-forming element is a part of a word that is between the root and the ending (inflection) and gives a certain meaning to the word in comparison with others ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

suffix- morpheme, affix Dictionary of Russian synonyms. suffix noun, number of synonyms: 2 affix (9) morpheme ... Synonym dictionary

Suffix- SUFFIX. The affix (see) after the base: water, you lead, old man, small, etc. In Indo-European languages, the formation of words with the help of S. is one of the most frequent ways word formation. There can be several S in one word. (See ... Dictionary of literary terms

suffix- and the obsolete suffix... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

SUFFIX- (lat. suffixus attached) a kind of affix, a morpheme following the root (in Russian, house ik) or stem (in Russian latitudes ny) and preceding the ending ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SUFFIX- SUFFIX, a, husband. In grammar: a morpheme between a root and an ending. Derivational s. (e.g. read a y, arrow to a, loud k y). Inflectional s. (e.g. read la, reading, fast). | adj. suffix, oh, oh. Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

suffix- (from lat. suffixus nailed, nailed). An auxiliary morpheme that is located after the root (directly or after another suffix) and serves to form new words or their non-syntactic forms. Suffix derivational (word-forming) ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

suffix- one of the affixes, a morpheme following the root and expressing grammatical (infinitive suffix - ь) or word-building meanings (personal suffixes - ist, -tel, -chik, -schik). There are more than 500 suffixes in Russian. Literature and language. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia


  • Workbook 1 in Russian. Word composition. 5-9 grade. View VIII, Galunchikova N.G.. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about building material from which the words of our language are made. Everything in the world consists of something: a forest - from trees, ... Buy for 441 UAH (only Ukraine)
  • Russian language. Workbook 1. The composition of the word. Grades 5-9 (for students with intellectual disabilities). GEF HVD, Galunchikova N.G. Think, my friend, what will be discussed in this book. Of course, about the “building material” from which the words of our language are created. Everything in the world consists of something: the forest is made of trees, ...

Suffixes play a very important role in Russian. With their help, not only new words are formed, but also grammatical forms, and they also serve to convey the emotional component of speech. That is why it is simply necessary to know what suffixes are and what they are used for.

What is a suffix?

A suffix is ​​a morpheme behind a root. Sometimes there are cases when the suffix is ​​behind the ending. In this case, it is called "postfix". First of all, this concerns the morpheme -sya-/-ss-: they wash themselves (ending -yut, postfix -sya-), going, flaunting and others.

The main function of the suffix is ​​the formation of new words, however, there are cases when this morpheme plays a formative role. There are many suffixes of expressive and emotional coloring in the language.

So numerous that it begins to be studied at school from the primary grades. What are the suffixes in Russian, grade 2 takes place already in the middle of the year.

By this morpheme it is easy to find out what part of speech is in front of us. So, thanks to the specific -usch / -yushch and -ashch- / -yashch-, we understand that we have a participle in front of us, and -v- unambiguously says that the word in question is a gerund. Let us first consider these morphemes from the point of view of purpose, and then we will talk about belonging to any part of speech.

A word can exist without a suffix, but it is this suffix that gives the lexeme a special meaning. The opposite cases are also not uncommon, when there are two or even three suffixes. So in the word teaching there are two of them: -tel- and -stv-, and in the word "teaching" three: the verb -ova- was added to the previous two.

What are the functions?

Consider what suffixes are in terms of their functionality.

Hues of meaning

Also, suffixes can be subdivided depending on what shade of meaning they convey. It is no secret that the main semantic load is carried by the root. The suffix only clarifies, makes the word more expressive. Let's analyze what suffixes are from this point of view and the meanings they convey:

  • Diminutive: table-table; lamb; handsome - handsome; child is a child.
  • Magnifying: boots, hands, fist, giantess.
  • Baby animals: duckling, calf, kitten, elephant.
  • Designation of belonging to any profession: saleswoman, crane operator, barmaid; also localities: Siberian, Petersburger, Muscovite, southerner; nationalities: Ukrainian, Georgian, German, Finn.
  • Subjective attitude to an object or person: thief, little kid, cunning, greedy, laughter.

Noun suffixes

In secondary school, they begin to study morphology in detail, therefore, for each part of speech, they determine what suffixes are in Russian (grade 5). Let's analyze this morpheme from this point of view.

We will cite as an example only the most characteristic suffixes, by which one can unambiguously say about their morphological affiliation.

Noun suffixes:


  • Belonging to a certain circle, nationality: highlander, Caucasian, encircled.
  • Ability: Wrestler, Trader, Tightrope Walker.
  • Male animal: male, swimmer, stallion (-ets-) or female (-its-): bear, lioness, sloth.
  • Estimated value: brother, borscht, bread, tooth (in colloquial speech and vernacular).
  • Diminutive meaning: knife, table.
  • Name of sciences, subjects: mathematics, mechanics, stylistics
  • Name of berries: blackberry, blueberry.
  • Subject: textbook, fin, wallet.
  • Way of activity: colonel, submariner, rider.
  • Territorial object: greenhouse, dressing room, sennik.


Diminutives: sparrow, wing, hut, snake.


Occupation: loader, parquet floorer, estimator, furniture maker.

Adjective suffixes

Now let's talk about the suffixes of adjectives.

This is perhaps the richest part of speech for these morphemes.


Quality acquired under the influence of something (time, location, etc.): stale, tired.

Indicate the material from which the object is made. They are always written with one "n" (exceptions: glass, tin, wood): clay, sand, leather.

It can also indicate the purpose of the item (wardrobe) or the way it works (wind, peat).

Indicates an expressive sign: enlarged parts of the body (lipped, tailed) or another quality (shaggy, bespectacled)

Ev-/-ov-, -in-

With the help of these suffixes, grandfathers, fathers are formed.

It also indicates what the object is prepared or made of: pear, anise.


Property (military, morning, cranberry, slow)


Inclination, any quality, possession of something: rainy, lazy, beautiful

East-, -chat-

Similarity: silvery, oily.

Tendency, similarity: sweeping, impetuous, onion (similar to a turnip).

Performing an action or capable of it, having a connection: observant, surprising, selective.

Object of action, its purpose: swimming; desirable.

Verb suffixes

What are the suffixes of verbs in Russian? Most often shaping (we wrote about them earlier). However, there are those who are endowed with certain meanings. So -ova- / -yva- will tell us that the action has not ended, but is in the process (plan, fantasize, care) - these are all imperfective verbs.

The suffixes -sya- / -s-, although they form a reflexive verb, are not inflectional. They are included as a whole.

Pronoun suffixes

The last thing left to talk about is what pronoun suffixes are. There are only three of them: -something, -either, -something. All of them are written with a hyphen and participate in the formation of someone, someone, something.

We have all been in school for a long time and have forgotten a lot. But sometimes it is useful to recall school knowledge, especially from the field of the Russian language. In this article, we will recall what a word suffix is.

The suffix is ​​the modified part of the word that is located after the root. The suffix is ​​marked with a ^. The zero suffix is ​​allocated 0 (zero). What is the suffix for? Suffixes are used to form new words and various forms the words.

What are the suffixes

Types of suffixes:

  • Suffixes -ek and –ik. If the vowel "e" falls out during the declension of the word, you need to write the suffix -ek. If words retain the sound "and" when declension, then you need to write the suffix -ik. Examples: son -ek; kalach -ik.
  • The letters "h" and "u" in the suffixes -chik and -schik. If these suffixes are after the letters "d", "t", "z", "s" and "g", you need to write the letter "h". In all other cases, "u" is written. Examples: storyteller, driller.
  • Letters "o" and "e" after q and hissing adverbs, nouns and adjectives in suffixes. If the suffix of a noun, adjective and adverb is under stress, you need to write the letter "u", without stress - write "e". Examples: mesh-ok; bag-ek. There is an exception to this rule - the word "cheap".
  • One and two letters "n" in those adjectives that are formed from nouns.

Two letters "n" will be written in adjectives that are formed from the following words:

  1. From nouns whose stem ends in "n".
  2. From a noun with the suffixes -onn and -enn.

There is an exception to this rule - this is the word "windy".

One letter "n" is written:

  1. In suffixes -an and -yang in adjectives that are formed from nouns. There are exceptions, these are the words tin, glass, wood.
  2. V short adjectives except for masculine forms.

Suffixes -sk and -k in adjectives. If adjectives have a short form or are formed from nouns whose stem ends with "h", "k", "c", you need to write the suffix -k. In other cases -

How to find a suffix in a word

Knowing that the suffix is ​​located between the ending and the root of the word, we can easily find it.

    • First you need to select these morphemes.
    • In order to determine the ending, the word must be conjugated or declined. The modified part at the end of the word will be its ending. It needs to be squared.
    • Next, you need to choose the same-root words for the word. This will make it possible to determine the root. They will be an unchanging part and a common part for all cognate words. The root is denoted by an arc.
    • The part that remains between the root and the ending is the suffix. It is indicated by a triangle - ^. A word can have more than one suffix.

Typical mistakes when highlighting suffixes

  • The final letters of a suffix are often confused with the ending.
  • The suffix can also include part of the root or part of the previous suffix.
  • They may not distinguish between individual suffixes and the sum of suffixes, for example, "literacy-n-ost".
  • With a missing suffix, a part of the root of the word can be separated into a suffix.

We remembered what a suffix is ​​and how to find it.