Spelling of feminine nouns. Spelling of nouns

  • 21.09.2019

66. Spelling of nouns.

Spelling of endings in nouns:

  1. in masculine and neuter nouns, in which a vowel is written before the case ending and, in an unstressed position in P.p. the ending -i is written; for feminine nouns, this rule applies to D.l. and P.p.; I.p. militia, genius, blade R.p. militia, genius, blade D.P. militia, genius, blade V.p. militia, genius, blade etc. militia, genius, P.P. blade about the police, about the genius, about the blade
  2. in neuter nouns ending in -e in P.p. e is written without stress, and under stress - and: about happiness, in oblivion;
  3. in nouns ending in -ni with a preceding consonant or and in Gen.p. plural b ( soft sign) at the end is not written: bedroom - bedrooms; exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawks, kitchens.
  4. in nouns with -ov, -ev, -ev, yn, in, denoting Russian surnames, in Tv.p. in the singular, the ending -im is written, and in nouns na-ov, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -end-om: Ivanov, but Darwin.
  5. nouns in -ov, -ev, -ii, yn, -ovo, -ino, ыно, denoting the names of residential POINTS, have in T.p. ending -om: near Lvov, behind Khotkovo;
  6. if the noun with the suffix -isch- is masculine or neuter, then the ending -e is written, if it is feminine - -a: a swamp is a swamp, but a hand is a hand;
  7. animate nouns with suffixes - ushk-, -yushk-, -im-, -ishk- masculine and feminine nouns with the same suffixes in I.l. have an ending-a: dolyushka, grandfather; inanimate masculine nouns and all neuter nouns with these suffixes end in -o: bread, house;
  8. in neuter nouns, after the suffix -a-, the letter o is written: chisel, and in animate masculine and neuter nouns - a: chisel.

Spelling of noun suffixes:

1. If the suffix -ik- (-chik-) is written in a noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix -ek- (-check-) is written, then in indirect cases e alternates with zero sound (cf .: piece - piece, finger - finger);
2. In masculine nouns, the suffix -ets- is written, in feminine nouns - the suffix -its-, and in neuter nouns -ets- is written if the stress falls on the ending and -its- if the stress falls on the syllable before the suffix ( cf .: handsome man (m.r.) - beauty (zh.r.) - letter "(cf.r.) - dress" tie;
3. The diminutive suffix -ink- is written in nouns formed from feminine nouns ending in -ina (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); BUT in words denoting females (for example, a refugee, a Frenchwoman), the combination -eik- is written (there is no diminutive meaning);
4. The combination -enk- is also written in words formed from nouns ending in -na or -nya, and not having ь (soft sign) at the end of the word in the genitive plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

note: if nouns in -na, -nya have the plural at the end of ь (soft sign) in the genitive case, then the combination -enk- (kitchen - kitchen - kitchenette) is written;

5. In affectionate suffixes -one- (written after hard consonants) and -enk- (written after soft consonants, less often after hard ones) after n is written b (soft sign) (for example, kitty, Nadenka),

note: in modern Russian there are no suffixes -ynye-, -other-, -ank-, words with such suffixes are found only in works of art up to the 19th century inclusive and in folklore (for example, lolosynka, Nadinka; cf. modern striped, Nadenka ), Exceptions: good-bye, hare, good-bye (suffix -other-);

6. The suffix -yshk is written in neuter nouns (sun-sun, feather-feather); the suffix -ushk- is written in masculine and feminine nouns (neighbor - neighbor, head - little head); the suffix-yushk-is written in nouns of all genders, formed from nouns pine into a soft consonant (field - field, uncle - uncle); some masculine nouns are formed with the help of suffixes -yshek-, eshek-, ears- (wedges, peg, spools, pimples, sparrows; pebble, edge; the words sparrow, pebble are used in folk, colloquial speech);
7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activity, the suffix -chik- is written before the consonants d, t, a, s, f (translator, lbtchik, defector, etc.), and in all other cases the suffix -chik- is written (compositor, typesetter);

note 1: in some words of foreign origin, after t, the suffix -shchik- (flute player, asphalt worker) is written,

note 2: ь (soft sign) is written before the suffix -shchik- only after the consonant l (roofer),

note 3: if the stem ends with the consonants k, c, h, then before the suffix -chik- they are replaced by the consonant t (distribution - distributor);

8. In many female patronymics, [ishna] is heard, but it is written -ichna (Ilyinichna, Fominichna).

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of nouns."

  • Spelling of noun suffixes - Noun Grade 5

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 7 Tests: 1

  • Genitive case of nouns - Noun Grade 3

66. Spelling of nouns.

Spelling of endings in nouns:

  1. in masculine and neuter nouns, in which a vowel is written before the case ending and, in an unstressed position in P.p. the ending -i is written; for feminine nouns, this rule applies to D.l. and P.p.; I.p. militia, genius, blade R.p. militia, genius, blade D.P. militia, genius, blade V.p. militia, genius, blade etc. militia, genius, P.P. blade about the police, about the genius, about the blade
  2. in neuter nouns ending in -e in P.p. e is written without stress, and under stress - and: about happiness, in oblivion;
  3. in nouns ending in -ni with a preceding consonant or and in Gen.p. plural ь (soft sign) is not written at the end: bedroom - bedrooms; exceptions: young ladies, villages, hawks, kitchens.
  4. in nouns with -ov, -ev, -ev, yn, in, denoting Russian surnames, in Tv.p. in the singular, the ending -im is written, and in nouns na-ov, -in, denoting foreign surnames. -end-om: Ivanov, but Darwin.
  5. nouns in -ov, -ev, -ii, yn, -ovo, -ino, ыно, denoting the names of residential POINTS, have in T.p. ending -om: near Lvov, behind Khotkovo;
  6. if the noun with the suffix -isch- is masculine or neuter, then the ending -e is written, if it is feminine - -a: a swamp is a swamp, but a hand is a hand;
  7. animate nouns with suffixes - ushk-, -yushk-, -im-, -ishk- masculine and feminine nouns with the same suffixes in I.l. have an ending-a: dolyushka, grandfather; inanimate masculine nouns and all neuter nouns with these suffixes end in -o: bread, house;
  8. in neuter nouns, after the suffix -a-, the letter o is written: chisel, and in animate masculine and neuter nouns - a: chisel.

Spelling of noun suffixes:

1. If the suffix -ik- (-chik-) is written in a noun, then it is also preserved in indirect cases, and if the suffix -ek- (-check-) is written, then in indirect cases e alternates with zero sound (cf .: piece - piece, finger - finger);
2. In masculine nouns, the suffix -ets- is written, in feminine nouns - the suffix -its-, and in neuter nouns -ets- is written if the stress falls on the ending and -its- if the stress falls on the syllable before the suffix ( cf .: handsome man (m.r.) - beauty (zh.r.) - letter "(cf.r.) - dress" tie;
3. The diminutive suffix -ink- is written in nouns formed from feminine nouns ending in -ina (scratch - scratch, straw - straw); BUT in words denoting females (for example, a refugee, a Frenchwoman), the combination -eik- is written (there is no diminutive meaning);
4. The combination -enk- is also written in words formed from nouns ending in -na or -nya, and not having ь (soft sign) at the end of the word in the genitive plural (cherry - cherries - cherry);

note: if nouns in -na, -nya have the plural at the end of ь (soft sign) in the genitive case, then the combination -enk- (kitchen - kitchen - kitchenette) is written;

5. In affectionate suffixes -one- (written after hard consonants) and -enk- (written after soft consonants, less often after hard ones) after n is written b (soft sign) (for example, kitty, Nadenka),

note: in modern Russian there are no suffixes -ynye-, -other-, -ank-, words with such suffixes are found only in works of art up to the 19th century inclusive and in folklore (for example, lolosynka, Nadinka; cf. modern striped, Nadenka ), Exceptions: good-bye, hare, good-bye (suffix -other-);

6. The suffix -yshk is written in neuter nouns (sun-sun, feather-feather); the suffix -ushk- is written in masculine and feminine nouns (neighbor - neighbor, head - little head); the suffix-yushk-is written in nouns of all genders, formed from nouns pine into a soft consonant (field - field, uncle - uncle); some masculine nouns are formed with the help of suffixes -yshek-, eshek-, ears- (wedges, peg, spools, pimples, sparrows; pebble, edge; the words sparrow, pebble are used in folk, colloquial speech);
7. With nouns denoting people by the nature of their activity, the suffix -chik- is written before the consonants d, t, a, s, f (translator, lbtchik, defector, etc.), and in all other cases the suffix -chik- is written (compositor, typesetter);

note 1: in some words of foreign origin, after t, the suffix -shchik- (flute player, asphalt worker) is written,

note 2: ь (soft sign) is written before the suffix -shchik- only after the consonant l (roofer),

note 3: if the stem ends with the consonants k, c, h, then before the suffix -chik- they are replaced by the consonant t (distribution - distributor);

8. In many female patronymics, [ishna] is heard, but it is written -ichna (Ilyinichna, Fominichna).

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of nouns."

  • Spelling of noun suffixes - Noun Grade 5

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 7 Tests: 1

  • Genitive case of nouns - Noun Grade 3

In nouns denoting people by the nature of their occupations or actions, after consonants d , t , h , with , well suffix is ​​written -chik , after other consonants - suffix -schik , For example: speaker, pilot, loader, subscriber, defector, bricklayer.

Letter b written before the suffix -schik only after l , For example: grinder.

Some suffixes of nouns serve to express shades of diminutiveness, caressing, magnifying, etc.:

Suffixes EK, IK, CHIK

Should be written -ek , if the vowel drops out during declension, if it doesn’t drop out - -ik and -chik , For example: nut e to (nut), ladle and to (bucket), box e k (drawer), key and to (key), sofa and k, pattern and to;

Suffixes EC, IC-a

In masculine words it is written -ets , in feminine words -its-a, For example: bread ec, broom itz a;

Suffixes EC-o, ITs-e.

If the stress falls on the ending, it is written -ets-about, if the stress is on the basis - it is written -its-e, For example: letters eso, building ice ;

Suffixes ONK, ENK

spelled with a letter b (they have an endearing meaning), for example: birches onc ah, Liz onc a, speech enk a, Volod enk a(exceptions: bunny, bunny).
Words with suffix -one to, -enko must be distinguished:

  • from words to -ink-a -to- from nouns to -in-a, For example: crackle inc a (crack in a) calves inc a (calves in a) straw inc a (straw in a);
  • from words to -enk-a formed with the suffix -to- from the genitive plural forms of nouns to -nya , For example: pash enk a (pash nya, pash en), dog enk a (dog en, dog nya) ;

Suffix ECK

It is written after soft consonants and hissing, for example: sem echk oh bowl echk a. Words with suffix -echk must be distinguished from words -IC formed from nouns with -its with a suffix -to- , For example: st ichc a (st itz a) resn ichc a (resn itz a);

Suffixes UShK, YUShK, YSHK, ISHK

In neuter words it is written -yshk- , in masculine and feminine words - -ears- , For example: grains yshk about, but: godfather eyelet a neighbor eyelet a. Suffixes -yushk- and -ishk- are used in nouns of all three genders, for example: uncle yushk a, wolf yushk a, floor yushk about; naughty ishk a, overcoat ishk a, coat ishk about.

After these suffixes, at the end of the nominative singular, we write about :

  • in neuter nouns
  • in masculine inanimate nouns ( piece of glass about, small town about );

Is written a :

  • in feminine nouns;
  • in animate masculine nouns ( winter a, hostess a; grandfathers a, uncle a, son a ).

Suffix ISCH

Used in nouns of all three genders. After this suffix in the nominative singular form -e in masculine and neuter nouns, it is written -a - in feminine nouns, for example: bass e, human e, monsters e; hands a .

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Spelling of noun endings

In order to correctly write unstressed noun endings, in most cases (except for words ending in -IYA, -IE, -IJ), it is enough to determine which declension the word belongs to and see how words with stressed endings from the same declension are written in the same form.

When checking for the first declension, it is convenient to use the words GRASS, EARTH, for the second - WINDOW, ELEPHANT, for the third - STEPPE, CHAIN. In these words, all endings are stressed.

For example, we doubt what to write at the end of the phrase "BLOTS IN THE NOTEBOOK_". The word NOTEBOOK of the third declension. We substitute the test word "IN THE STEPPE". Therefore, it is necessary to write "BLOTS IN THE NOTEBOOK", with the letter AND at the end.

For feminine nouns ending in -Я, the ending -И is written in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases (ARMY - from ARMY, to ARMY, about ARMY; NATALIA - from NATALIA, to NATALIA, about NATALIA), for masculine nouns on -II and neuter in -IE in the prepositional case, the ending -I is written (SANATORIUM - about the HEALTH, CONSTELLATION - about the CONSTELLATION).


1. After the suffixes -УШК-, -УШК-, -ЫШК-, -ИШК- for feminine nouns and for animate masculine nouns, the ending -A is written, for example: ZIMUSHKA, PASSISTISHKA, KUPCHISCHKA, TRUSISHKA. For neuter nouns and inanimate nouns masculine after these suffixes, the ending -O is written, for example: GORYUSHKO, GOLOSISHKO, MOLOCHISHKO, RUBLISHKO.

2. After the suffix -ISCH- for masculine and neuter nouns in the singular, the ending -E is written, and for feminine nouns - the ending -A. In plural after the suffix -ISCH- for masculine and feminine nouns, the ending -AND is written, and for neuter nouns - the ending -A.

3. One-syllable nouns VIY and KIY have the ending -E in the prepositional case.

4. In personal names and surnames of Eastern origin, ending in -Я and having an accent on the last syllable, the ending E is written in the dative and prepositional case: letter Zulfiya, dream of Aliya (named after - Zulfiya, Aliya).

An exercise

Have you heard beyond the grove the voice of the night singer of love, the singer of your sorrows_? (A. Pushkin)

"Hey, shepherds, run here, beat me, beat me!" Shepherds with a cudgel on a wolf, a wolf - from them. The shepherds are running, wondering. The wolf went crazy_, he runs and shouts himself: “Catch up!”. (Chingiz Aitmatov, White ship)

Again I am on the big road_, poems_ free - a citizen, again in a nomadic lair_ I think I am alone. (P. Vyazemsky)

No pity_ for my deep longing. (E. Baratynsky).

In my memory there were no girlfriends of the old days. (E. Baratynsky)

He slowly climbed the stairs_, slowly entered the room among the respectfully parted audience_ and, greeting his acquaintances, looked around the room inquiringly with his eyes. (I. Bunin)

“The servant of God Victor is betrothed to the servant of God Natalie_,” Father Vasily proclaimed even louder, almost singing, and, removing the rings from their hands and crossing them, put on each his own. (Sergey Babayan, Lord officers)

Happy is the one in whom the color of life will not be destroyed by the cold of life. (I. Klyushnikov)

The view of the earth is still sad, but the air is already breathing in spring, and the half-dead stalk sways, and stirs the branches with oil. (F. Tyutchev)

It’s impossible, dear sir, - we’re picking little by little, collecting pennies, maybe we’ll embroider the kids for milk, - said Filat Nikitich. (F. Reshetnikov, Between people)

Temperament, curiosity, strength - everything in his powerful nature prevents him from settling on the lands he has discovered, he gives them to others, and he himself hurries on. (Daniil Granin, Bison)

A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff; in the morning she rushed off on her way early, playing merrily across the azure. (M. Lermontov).

Sof_ Ivanovna really wanted to go, and we decided to entrust our fate to a nervous driver. (N. Taffy, Mountains)

Vasily Dimitrievich was married to Vitovt's daughter Sophie_: throughout his reign, he had to observe family relations and at the same time was on his guard against the attempts of his father-in-law. (N. Kostomarov, Russian history in the biographies of its main figures)

Whether you are in verse_ stormy, then gloomy, then bright. (F. Tyutchev).

In this excitement_, in this radiance_, all, as in a dream, I am lost standing; Oh, how willingly I would drown my whole soul in their charm. (F. Tyutchev).

And the tax farmer Mamontov was selling the same filthy wine as it was ten years ago, under Vasily Aleksandrovich Kokorev. (N. Leskov, Life of a Woman)

I'm bored, maidens, all alone in the room, sewing patterns with silver. (K. Aksakov)

In the house and in the neighborhood_, everything, from the yard girl_ to the yard dog_, ran away, seeing him (N. Gogol)

Fires flashed, rumpled bushes, black, still smoking ruins. (Yu. Dombrovsky, Monkey comes for his skull)

And the tired traveler grumbled at God: he languished thirsty and hungry, wandering in the desert for three days and three nights ... (A. Pushkin).

Behind the church, across the driveway, a concrete building was spread out, all in glass and aluminium. (Yu. Druzhnikov, Visa the day before yesterday)

I noticed, strengthened myself, and then suddenly, to my misfortune (or maybe fortunately!), As if out of the blue, the repairman galloped onto our little town_. (F. Dostoevsky, Polzunkov)

In thoughtfulness and in some senseless reasoning about the strangeness of his position, he began to pour tea (N. Gogol).

In fact, it was Skvorushk_, very young, yellow-mouthed: he did not even know that they did not eat such caterpillars, and was very proud of his prey. (Boris Zakhoder, Tales for people)