Separating soft sign (b) - Knowledge Hypermarket. The use of b and b signs: rules, features and exercises

  • 25.09.2019

Spelling ъ and ь

A. The use of a separator b.

1. Dividing b spelled:

1) before letters e, yo, yu, i after a prefix ending in a consonant: arrival, rise, pre-anniversary, internuclear;

2) before letters e, yo, yu, i in foreign words, in which there is a prefix ending in a consonant (ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, counter, ob-, sub, trans-), or a component part of pan-: adjutant, injection, conjunctivitis, counter-Jacobin, object, subject, trans-Japanese, pan-European;

3) in compound words, the first part of which is formed by numerals two-, three-, four-: two-tier, four-lingual.

2. Dividing b not spelled:

1) in compound words before letters e, yo, yu, i : children;

2) before vowels uh uh uh : categorical, light, unexamine.

B. The use of dividing b.

Dividing b it is written:

1) before e, yo, i, yu, i inside words, not after prefixes: career, curious, sparrow, blizzard, monkey, clerk(from the word clerk, i.e. b fundamentally);

2) in some foreign words before about : broth, buddy, champignon.

B. The use of ь to indicate the softness of consonants in writing.

1. The letter b is written:

1) at the end of a word after any soft consonant: stallion, coal, lantern;

2) after a soft l, standing before any consonant (hard or soft): unhealthy, herring, boy, sawyer;

3) after a soft consonant before a hard consonant: Kuzma, less, fight;

4) between 2 soft consonants only in the event that when the word changes, the 2nd consonant becomes hard, and the 1st remains soft: in request(request), Kuzmich(Kuzma), about the fight(fight);

5) in numerals ending in -ten, -hundred, after the first root: 50, 500, eighty, eight hundred; in numbers ending in -twenty at the end of a word: fifteen, nineteen, 20.

2. The letter ь is not written:

1) inside combinations chk, ch, lf, nsch, rsh, rh : river, river, babysit, mason, lamplighter, spoiled;

2) between soft ll : illusion, illumination, illustration.

D. The use of ь to designate grammatical forms.

Note: hissing letters are w, w, w, h .

1. After hissing b is written:

1) in feminine nouns singular: speech, silence, rye(do not connect with clouds, groves, thousand, because these are genitive forms plural);

2) in imperative mood verbs: assign, cut, eat, assign, cut, eat;

3) in the indefinite form of verbs: protect, protect, protect, protect;

4) in the 2nd person singular of the verbs of the real and future tenses: you carry, you carry, you throw, you rush, you rush, you carry;

5) in adverbs: unbearably, entirely. Exceptions: already, married, unbearable;

6) in particles: vysh, bish, only, ish.

2. The use of ь in some other case and verb forms:

1) in the instrumental plural of some nouns and numerals: children, people, 4, also in other cases of the numeral eight: eight, eight and eight;

2) in the indefinite form of verbs: carry - mess around, shave - shave;

3) in the imperative mood: get ready, get ready, get ready. Exceptions: lie down, lie down.

Exercises on the topic "Spelling b and b"

Exercise 1. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. At this moment, there were p ... yanye clicks of the guests.
2. He himself ventured Chichikov] to compose fortresses, to write and rewrite, so as not to pay anything under ... yachim.

3. She sat down at the piano...yano and played a few lovers of his

4. The Servant is deceiving their manners, manners.

5. The tallest greenish storm ... yang grew in the place where the yard once was.

6. The upholstery on the armchairs of the first rows and on the bars ... of the boxes ... has long faded.

7. The angry river foamed and whipped the granite parapets of the embankment with waves.
8. Sometimes a group came out from ... examining high school students, talking amusingly about luck or anxiously about the ability to fail.

9. The cook gave them [the sailors] boiled broth ... meat.
10. In the middle of a large unsullied platform on the highest pedestal, a cast of the mighty figure of David towered.
11. Here we have another company ... it's for a picnic.
12. Not far, behind the trees, an immense azure expanse was revealed.

13. With the smallest of ... yan in a suit, with torn buttons, this suit must be handed over for repair, cleaning, etc.

14. Dad and I had dinner.

15. We retreated to the north, always hiding behind strong rearguards.

16. Andrey's letters have become an integral part of my life.

17. Aksinya with ... narrowed her eyes, moved ... with her dark eyebrows.

18. The day has come for the premiere, which had been prepared for more than six months.

19. We presented a number of demands to Fokin, and first of all, a salary increase.

Exercise 2. Rewrite, inserting missing letters where necessary.

1. Several infantry battalions were concentrated in the city.

2. At first, full-scale shooting was carried out, then the work was transferred to the pavilions of the film factory.

3. It is possible to find a guaranteed choice of gifts for the day of March 8 in the shops of the Chief Jeweler.

4. During the repair of the theater, the inter ... tiered ceilings were changed.
5. The newspaper contains an interview with the manager of a foreign delegation.

6. New ways of working have saved a lot of time and money.
7. An active counter...attack of the opponent put the young chess player in a difficult position.

8. The translator's work was facilitated by a recently published 3-language dictionary.

9. In such a ... southern night ... it was easy to go astray ... in unfamiliar places.

10. At night, frosts were not uncommon, and a leaf ... I was on trees ... with ... hedgehogs ... from the cold.

11. For sending urgent and fundamental documents, feld ... jaeger communication was used.
12. Farmers have rebelled more than once, stirrups... freed... from the heaviness under... the jugular life in the conditions of serfdom.

13. Taking ... for any work, you must objectively evaluate ... your abilities.
14. The currency signs of the old standard were removed ... from the appeal.

15. At the dawn of human life, almost ... any natural phenomenon seemed to people super ... natural and incomprehensible.

16. A chemist created experiments with some 4 ... elemental compounds.

17. Such theories as Pan...Turkism, Pan...Japanism are based not so much on religious, but on political goals.

18. A huge Soviet jet plane made a trans ... European flight in a few ... hours.

Exercise 3. Rewrite, inserting, where necessary, the missing letters.

1. My request is as follows.

2. The rain was sown all the chalk ... che and chalk ... che.

3. Frost fell on the ground ....

4. You are dressing ... near an open silt ... yuminator, into which you smell April ... freshness ....

5. He did not sit ....

6. He learns ... to ride horses.

7. A small winter ... day began to twilight ... sya.

8. With him all the nannies ... chilis ... .

9. Assistant ... nickname was diligent and sensible.
10. February ... on the seventeenth ... broke into the city with a wind, cold ... and in ... the south.

11. Nyan ... ka adored fiddling ... with children ... mi.

12. Linen ... heads turned white in t ... me.

13. I'm afraid ... seriously ... carried away.

14. And there is nothing to marvel at: how does a tree make friends with fire ...?

15. If you want ... - add ... eat ... sya.
16. Early ... on a summer day, go ... to the forest.

17. Take care of ... tes ... about food: take ... something with you.

18. Do not cry ... those, console ... tes ....

19. Intercede ... for the weak.

20. Throw ... those swear ... sya.


  • Chapter "Difficulties of Russian spelling and punctuation" in the manual Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section "Letters ъ and ь" in the "Russian language manual for applicants to universities" by Rosenthal D.E.
  • Additional to the site:

  • What are the spelling rules for I, S after C?
  • What are the rules for spelling E, Yo, O after hissing?
  • What are the rules for spelling H and HH in nouns?
  • What are the rules for spelling H and HH in adjectives formed from nouns and adjectives?
  • What are the spelling rules for H and HH in participles and verbal adjectives?
  • What are the spelling rules for pronouns?
  • What are the spelling rules for adverbs?
  • What are the spelling rules for prepositions?
  • What are the spelling rules for particles?
  • What are the rules for spelling unions?
  • The letter ъ is written only before e, u, i in the following cases:

    1. When combining a prefix ending in a consonant and a root, for example: entrance, volume, supernatural
    2. In compound words after numerals two-, three-, four-, for example: three-tiered.
    3. In foreign words, after foreign prefixes ab-, ad-, dis-, in-, inter-, con-, counter-, ob-, sub-, trans- and after the initial particle pan-, for example: adjutant, disjunction, injection, injection, conjuncture

    The letter b is written inside the word not after prefixes before the vowels e, u, i, for example: quarry, loach, weeds, clerk, family, gun, at night, rye, sparrow, curious, fox, fox, fox, whose, whose, whose, drink, sew

    Note. The letter b before about is written in foreign words, for example: battalion, broth, guillotine, pocket.

    The letter ь is written to indicate the softness of the consonant, except for h, u at the end of the word, for example: drink, darkness, horse, and in the middle of the word before a hard consonant, for example: threshing, request, nanny, less.

    To indicate the softness of a consonant before another soft consonant, ь is written in the following cases:

    Between two consonants, if the first of them is soft and the second is hard

    To denote softness l, for example: herring, flatter

    In all other cases, before soft consonants, including before h, u, the letter b is not written, for example: bones, early, nurse, tip, mason.

    Note. Between two soft ll n n n soft sign not put

    The letter b is also written in the following cases:

    In five, six, seven, eight, nine complex numbers formed from numerals, in which both parts decline, for example: fifty (fifty, fifty), sixty, seventy, eighty, nine hundred, but: fifteen (fifteen, fifteen), sixteen and etc.

    In creative forms. pad. plural h., for example: children, people, also four.

    In an indefinite form before -sya and in commands. inclination before -sya and -te, for example: drink - get drunk; fix - fix, fix

    The letter ь is not written:

    In adjectives with the suffix -sk-, formed from nouns in b, for example: Kazan (Kazan), Kemsky (Kem), Siberian (Siberia), beastly (beast), January (January).

    Note. Adjectives September, October, November, December, June, day (day-day) are written with ь; adjectives formed from Chinese names in -n are also written, for example: Yunnan (from Yunnan).

    2. In the genus. pad. plural hours from nouns to -nya with a preceding consonant or й and in those formed from them with the help of the suffix -to- diminutives, for example: cherry - cherries, cherry; slaughterhouse - slaughterhouse; reading room - reading room; but: bathhouse - bathhouse, bathhouse; apple tree - apple trees, apple tree; also village

    After hissing (w, h, w, u), the letter b is written only in the following cases:

    At the end of nouns female in them. and wine. pad. units hours, for example: rye, night, mouse.

    At the end of the 2nd person singular. hours of the present and future tense of the verb after the final w, for example: you carry - you are carried, you wear - you are worn,
    At the end of the verb in singular hours command. inclinations, and the letter ь is preserved before -sya, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide eat.
    In plural hours command. inclinations before - those, - these, for example: smear - smear; hide - hide.
    At the end of the verb in an indefinite form, and the letter ь is written before -sya, for example: cut, cut.
    In all adverbs after the final w and h, for example: completely, jump, away, wide open
    At the end of the particles: you see, that is, only, you see.
    EXCEPTIONS - really, married, unbearable.

    No matter how hard they try to convince students that the knowledge they received in their school years will be needed in the future, unfortunately, this is not the case. However, some things that are taught in school will actually come in handy in adult life. For example, the ability to write well. To master it, you need to know the basic grammatical laws of the Russian language. Among them are the rules governing the use of separators ъ and ь signs.

    Solid sign: history and its role in the word

    The twenty-eighth letter of the Russian alphabet, despite the fact that it does not denote sounds, performs an important function in words. Therefore, before consideringthe rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs are worthlearn a little about its history and role in the word.

    A solid sign existed in Slavic languages almost from the very moment of their formation. At first, it was a short vowel sound, until it became an unpronounceable letter used to divide a word into syllables, as well as replacing spaces.

    At the end of the XIX century. it was noted that the frequent use of ъ in texts (4% of the total volume) is inappropriate, especially in telegraphy, cursive writing and typography. In this regard, more than once they tried to limit the use of a solid mark.

    After the 1917 revolution, this letter was generally abolished for almost ten years. In those years, the apostrophe was used as a separator in words.However, in 1928 it was excluded from the Russian language (but preserved in Ukrainian and Belarusian), and its dividing function was taken over by a solid sign, which it still performs to this day.

    In what cases is put ъ in words

    As for the use of a solid sign, there are several rules for putting it before e, u, yo, i:

    • After prefixes that end in a consonant: connector, pre-anniversary.
    • In terms that came from other languages, with the prefixes ab-, ad-, diz-, in-, inter-, con-, ob- and sub-: adjuvant, disjunction.
    • After counter, pan, super, trans and feld: pan-Europeanism, superyacht.
    • In compound words starting with two-, three-, four-: two-core, three-tier, four-language.

    There are several exceptions when ъ is not at the junction of the prefix and the root, but inside the word itself. These nouns include: courier and flaw.

    When do not put

    In addition to the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth remembering the cases when they do not need to be put:

    • A solid sign is not put in words with a prefix ending in a consonant letter, when it is followed by vowels a, o, and, y, e, s: cloudless, secluded.
    • This sign is not put in complex abbreviated terms: foreign language, head of trade.
    • It is also not put in lexemes written with a hyphen: half a diocese, half an apple.

    Considering the rules governing the use of ъ and ь signs that perform a separating function in a word, it is worth remembering that the lexemes "interior" and "clerk" are written through a soft sign. Such a spelling is no exception, since in the word "interior" the inter is not a prefix, but part of the root. And in the "clerk" the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bnot under-, but po-, but -clerk is the root.

    What are the functions of a soft sign

    As for ь, in ancient times it meant a short vowel [and], but gradually, like ъ, it lost its sound.

    At the same time, he retained the ability [and] to give softness to the previous consonant sound.

    Unlike a solid word, it can perform 3 functions.

    • Dividing.
    • Informs about the softness of the preceding sound.
    • Used to denote certain grammatical forms.

    Rules for the use of a soft sign

    Studying the laws of the Russian languageregulating the use of ъ and ь signs, it is worth learning a few rules:

    • A soft sign that performs a dividing function is never placed after a prefix (this is the lot of a hard sign). Parts of words in which the separating b is written are the root, suffix and ending before e, e, u, i: monkey, interior. This rule applies to both Russian vocabulary and borrowed terms from other languages.
    • The separating b is placed in some words before the letter combination he: champignon, medallion, broth and million.

    In the case when b informs about the softness of the previous sound, and does not perform a separating function, its setting is determined by the following rules:

    • In the middle of a word, ь indicates the softness of the letter l if it precedes another consonant, except for l: finger, prayer. Also, a soft sign “does not wedge” into letter combinations: lf, nsh, nn, rsh, chk, ch, rch, schn ( drummer, candle).
    • In the middle of a word, this sign is placed between soft and hard consonants: please, very much.
    • In the middle of a word, ь can stand between two soft consonants. Provided that when the form of the word changes, the first remains soft, and the second becomes hard: a request is a request, a letter is a letter.
    • In some cases, this symbol is located at the end of a word after consonants. In doing so, it helps to set the value of the lexeme: linen(plant) - laziness(quality of character), con(place for bets in the game) - horse(animal).

    As a marker for individual grammatical forms, this sign is used in such cases:

    • In adjectives arising from the names of the months (except January): February, September.
    • At the end of numerals from 5 to 30, as well as in their middle, if they denote tens from 50 to 80 and hundreds from 500 to 900: six, seventy, eight hundred.
    • In the imperative mood of verbs (except lie down - lie down): take out - take out, throw - throw.
    • In the infinitive (the initial form of the verb): keep, grow.
    • In all cases, the words "eight" and in the instrumental plural. numbers of individual numerals and nouns: six, lashes.

    The use of b and b signs after hissing w, h, u, sh

    Following these soft sign letters is possible under the following conditions:

    • At the end of most adverbs and particles, except for: really, already, unbearable, married and in the preposition between.
    • In the infinitive: save, bake.
    • In the imperative mood of verbs: smear, soothe.
    • In the endings of the II person singular of the future and present tenses: sell, sell.
    • At the end of the nominative case of nouns f. kind, in the third declension: daughter, power. For comparison in the m. gender - call, broadsword.

    In some cases, ь is not used after these letters:

    • In nouns II declension: executioner, fake.
    • AT short forms adjectives: fresh, poignant.
    • In the genitive case of plural nouns: puddle, cloud

    A solid sign after w, w, h, u at the end of a word or root is not put, since its “place” is always after the prefix before e, e, y, i.

    Use of ь and ъ signs: exercises

    Having familiarized yourself with all the cases of setting soft and hard signs, it is worth moving on to the exercises. To avoid confusion, we have collected together most of the above rules governing the use of ь and ъ signs. The table below will serve as a hint for completing tasks.

    In this exercise, you need to choose which of the letters should be put in words.

    This task concerns the use of a soft sign following the hissing letters. It should open the brackets and, where necessary, put a soft sign.

    In the last exercise, you need to write out the proposed words in 2 columns. In the first - those that are used with ь, in the second - those that are without it.

    That both hard and soft signs are "silent" letters, they play an important role in the Russian language. You can make many mistakes in your writing if you do not know the laws of grammar that govern the use of ъ and ь signs. You will have to learn more than one rule so as not to confuse which of the signs should be put in a particular situation. However, it is worth it, especially in the case of a soft sign, since often only its presence helps to determine lexical meaning the words.