5 sentences with indicative verbs. Verb mood: imperative, indicative, conditional

  • 29.07.2020

That's why it's so important. This part of speech is necessary in order to correctly name and describe the action. Like other parts of speech, it has its own morphological features, which can be permanent and non-permanent. So, permanent morphological features include person, gender, time, number. Let's deal with such a concept as the inclination of a verb in Russian. How to define it? All these questions can be answered in this article.

In contact with

What is inclination?

This is a grammatical feature of the verb, which helps to change the word. This category is required for express process relation, which just calls this word, to reality.

Important! The verb forms are indicative, imperative and conditional.


Depending on how words express their attitude to those processes that actually occur, verbs have moods:

  • direct;
  • indirect.

By direct is meant the indicative mood, which allows you to objectively convey the action. Example: We watched a movie yesterday.

Indirect is an imperative or imperative mood. It serves to express those processes that do not coincide with reality. For example: I would read this novel tomorrow, but I will go to visit.

Thinking about the definition of a verb


The classification is based on the features and peculiarities of the lexical meaning of verbs.

In modern times, there are three types:

  1. Indicative.
  2. Conditional.
  3. Imperative.

The first type usually denotes the action that actually going on and could happen in the past, can happen in the present, and can happen in the future. For example: I will do my homework on Thursday.

The second type denotes an act that will be performed in the future, but already under a certain condition. For example: I would do my homework on Thursday, but I'm going to the theatre.

The third type is either an order to do something or a request. For example: Be sure to learn your lessons tomorrow.

Three types of verb mood

How to determine the mood of a verb

In order to determine this, it is necessary to understand how the action occurs and what grammatical characteristics it has. So, verbs in the indicative show a real act, so this word will change from time to time.

If the verb is in the imperative form, then it is the action will be performed by some other person. Such words usually encourage some kind of activity.

Therefore, the action will not be actually performed, but required. Most often, to get the imperative verb form, they use a specific tense, for example, the future or present, to which the suffix -i must be added. But it is possible without it. For example, catch, scream, die. If it is used in the plural, then the ending te is added respectfully to the ending of such a word. For example, catch, scream, die.

The conditional mood refers to those actions that could happen if all the necessary conditions were present. By the way, the conditional is also called the subjunctive. This form is easy to determine in the text, since it usually always has a particle would or b. For example, I would jump into the river if I had a swimsuit.

Important! Any verbal word form can be used in oral and written speech not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively. Usually, the figurative meaning completely changes the meaning of the word, so this category also changes.


The most common verbal word form in Russian is considered to be indicative, since it allows us to say that what actually happens to a person, object, or person. Only the indicative time can be determined, and how this action is performed will depend on what it is: in reality or it will be in the future.

Another feature of this form is the change in persons and numbers. If the verb is perfective, then it can change over time:

  1. The present.
  2. Future.
  3. Past.

Every time here is formed in its own way. So, the future tense is formed with the help of the word "to be", which is added to the verb in the indefinite form. But this is a complex form of the future tense, and a simple form is. For example: I clean my apartment all day long. (present time). I cleaned my apartment all day long. (past time). I'll be cleaning the apartment all day long. (bud. vr.).

The indicative mood can be found in various types of speech, and therefore in many speech situations these verb forms are the most common.


Words that are used in a conditional form indicate those actions that can occur, but some conditions are necessary for this. For example: I would pass this test if they helped me. To form such forms, you just need to put the verb in the past tense and attach the particle would or b. The particle can be placed anywhere in the sentence. It is necessary in order to highlight the word you need, which can be any part of speech.

The subjunctive, or conditional, has its own peculiarities of use. It allows not only to express some kind of action that could occur if special facilities were created for this, but also helps to express desires and dreams, doubts and fears.

The subjunctive mood in Russian helps to express the shades of the action condition. Examples: I would like to go to the sea if my job didn't keep me going. There would be no trouble!


Imperative verbs induce the listener to do something. Such words, diverse in emotional and grammatical design, can be both polite when they contain some kind of request, and an order. For example: Please bring a book. Bring a book!

Imperative verb

Attention! If such a word is preceded by a particle not, then the imperative form will indicate that it is undesirable to perform the action. For example: Do not tear snowdrops!

The formation of this form also has its own characteristics:

  1. Often, introductory words are used to express a request, which are separated by commas in the letter.
  2. If it is necessary to address politely, then the word is put in the plural.
  3. The suffix -i is often used.
  4. It can be formed both from the verbal stems of the perfect and imperfect form.
  5. Sometimes they use the words let and let.

verb mood


Various moods are easy to learn, so they do not require memorizing the rules, the table of verb forms will help with this. Each verb, depending on the speech situation, can be used in any form. Therefore, this category is always defined only in the sentence.

In Russian, there are three types of mood of verbs: indicative, imperative and conditional. The latter is also called the subjunctive. This is a very important classification, because each listed form helps to determine how the sentence mentioned is related to reality. The chosen mood of the verb may imply a request or command that the action has happened, is happening or will happen in reality, and also that it is only desired or will take place if some conditions necessary for this are met.

The first type is indicative, which is also called "indicative". This form means that the action has happened, is happening or will actually happen. Verbs in the indicative mood change with tenses. Moreover, for imperfective verbs, all three tenses take place: past, present and complex future (for example: I thought - I think - I will think, I did - I do - I will do, I searched - I search - I will search), and for the perfect form - only two: the past and the simple future (for example: figured out - figured out I did - I will do, I found - I will find). In the future and present tenses, the vowel at the end of the stem of the infinitive disappears in some cases (for example: hear - hear, see - see).

The second type is conditional or subjunctive mood, which is also called the "subjunctive". This form means that the action did not actually happen, but only is desired, planned in the future, unrealizable, or will be carried out if some necessary conditions are met. (For example: I would fly into space to study distant stars. In a year I would like to go to the sea. I would read other people's minds. I would go for a walk if the rain stops.) Verbs in the present and future tense are not used to form the conditional mood. It is composed exclusively with the help of the past tense verb (that is, the base of the infinitive, adding the suffix “-l-” to it), as well as the particle “by” or “b”. These particles can be both before the verb and after it, and also be separated from it by other words. (For example: I would go to the museum. I would love to go to the museum). Verbs in the conditional mood change by number, and in the singular also by gender, but never change by person and, as already mentioned, by tense. (For example: I would look, I would look, I would look).

The third type is imperative mood, which is also called "imperative". This form means a request, advice, order, or a call to action. Imperative verbs are most often used in the 2nd person. In this case, they have the zero ending in the singular and the ending "-te" in the plural. They also don't change over time. The imperative mood is formed with the help of the stem of the verb in the present or simple future tense, to which the suffix "-and-" is added, or in some cases a zero suffix. (For example: Remember, you must do it! Stop doing nonsense! Watch this movie!)

The use of the 1st person plural forms is also possible. It is used to encourage joint action, in which the speaker will also participate. Then the imperative mood is formed using the infinitive of the imperfective verb or the perfective verb in the future tense, before which the following words are placed: come on, come on. (For example: Let's go to the cinema. Let's make breakfast. Let's try this dish.)

Forms of the 3rd person singular and plural are used to form the imperative mood when it is necessary to express the motivation for action of people who are not participating in the dialogue. In this case, it is formed using a verb in the form of the present or simple future tense and the following particles: yes, let, let. (For example: Let him buy bread. Let them come to me. Long live the king!)

From time to time, to soften the order, the particle "-ka" is added to the verbs of the imperative mood (for example: Go to the store. Show me the diary. Bring me a book.)

In some cases, there are exceptions when mood forms are used in a figurative sense, namely in a meaning that is usually characteristic of another mood.

So a verb in the form of the imperative mood can take on the meaning of the conditional mood (for example: Without his will, nothing would have happened. If he had not noticed the loss in time, trouble would have happened.) or the indicative mood (for example: And she suddenly once and say that she had already seen this man. And he take it and do it your way!)

A verb in the indicative mood can take on the meaning of an imperative. (For example: Get up quickly, you'll be late! Let's go dig potatoes.)

The verb in the conditional mood can also take on the meaning of the imperative. (For example: I'd say it like it is. Would you help your friend in need.)

All for study » Russian language » Mood of the verb: imperative, indicative, conditional

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Mood forms

1) Verbs in the indicative mood denote an action that is happening, has happened and will happen. From the very name - "indicative" - ​​it follows that the action takes place in reality, in reality.

A verb in the indicative mood can change over tenses: for example, I play, I played, I will play.

2) Verbs in the conditional mood denote an action that could occur under certain conditions.

The conditional mood is formed using the particle "would", as well as the form of the past tense: learn, read.

3) Verbs in the imperative mood denote an action that someone asks or orders to perform.

Such verbs in most cases are used in the form of the second person (sit down, stand up), as well as with the particle "-ka" (read-ka, run-ka). Imperative verbs are often accompanied by an exclamation point.

Rules: indicative mood

To determine what mood the verb is, you need to look at the sentence in which it is used, pay attention to the presence of the particle "would" or the fact of a request, an order.

Most often there are verbs of the indicative mood - this is the form that we use in everyday life.

Indicative verbs can be seen in narrative, descriptive and reasoning texts, since this form is almost universal.

Verbs in the indicative mood can be in any tense - past, present or future. This is due to the fact that the indicative mood does not carry almost any emotional coloring (unlike, for example, the imperative, which is possible only in the future tense).

Also, the verb in the indicative mood can change according to the category of the person, as well as the category of the aspect - to be perfect or imperfective.

It must be remembered that in some cases, verbs of the indicative mood can be used in the meaning of the imperative mood: "Go, go!", "And bring me kvass" - as a rule, such a choice is made so that the appeal sounds polite, and not like an order.

An indicative verb can contain an interrogative intonation. But the reverse connection is also possible: the use of the imperative mood in the meaning of the indicative - "Someone and whisper in my ear ..." - to create the effect of description.

This choice, as a rule, is explained by the desire of the author to give his text a brighter stylistic coloring. In neutral speech, such techniques are usually not used.

What is the indicative mood of verbs and how to define it? This article provides a detailed description of this type of verbs, as well as their inherent grammatical categories. A handy table provides illustrative examples of determining the indicative mood of verbs by their conjugated forms.

What is the indicative mood of a verb?

Indicative mood of the verb- this is a series of conjugated forms of verbs denoting a real action (process, state) that is happening, has happened or will happen in reality. Verbal forms in the indicative mood have grammatical categories of number, tense, person and gender.

Examples of the indicative moodverbs:

The man was going fishing, prepared tackle and a fishing rod.

Do you listen to classical music?

Locksmiths finish their work and go to drink tea.

In some cases, the verb forms of the indicative mood are used in the meaning of the subjunctive or imperative mood.

For example: Tell me this story(imperative). There is no need to hesitate for a long time - he took it and did the job(subjunctive).

How to determine the indicative mood of a verb?

The main distinguishing feature of verb forms in the indicative mood is their change in tenses. (mastered - master - I will master)- the forms of the imperative and subjunctive do not change over time. Verbs NSV in the indicative mood have all conjugated forms, CB - only the forms of the future and past tense.

To better understand how to determine the indicative mood of verbs by their conjugated forms, look at the examples in the table.

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

Future present tense Past tense
Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number Unit number Mn. number
1st person I will grow;
I'll drink
Let's grow;
Let's drink
grow up growing up Husband. genus Ros;
2nd person You will grow;
Have a drink
You will grow;
You are drinking
Grow up Grow up Female genus grew;
3rd person Will grow;
Will drink
will grow;
Will drink
growing grow up Wed genus Roslo;

Sections: Russian language

Class: 5

Lesson Objectives:

a) extract, process and transform information from one form to another (into a table, keywords);

b) recognize verbs in the indicative mood, form the forms of the present, future and past tense of verbs in the indicative mood.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Greetings. Identification of absentees.

Our bell is ringing
And the lesson starts.
Do you hear a ringing voice -
It's time for us to start the lesson.

II. Psychological preparation. Mobilizing moment.

Guys, today we continue to study the verb, the homework was to repeat the rules in Russian related to the verb. In order for me to check my homework, I give tasks for expert groups . I remind you that the time for preparing the answer is 2 minutes.

III. Group work of expert groups.

In the knowledge sheets, put yourself a grade for completing 1 task.

IV. Introduction to the topic. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Writing on the board.

Read the words:

What phrase can be called all these concepts?

(Morphological features of the Verb)

Which of the signs are not familiar to you yet?

(Inclination. Is it a constant sign or inconsistent? What are the moods of verbs?)

What question do you have?

Write down the topic of the lesson - "Inclination of the verb."

V. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Work on the textbook § 74 after the heading “Defining the problem of the lesson”.

Read the poem (Ex. 596, p. 140). Write out the underlined verbs.

Observation of the meaning of the verbs used in the text of the poem.

a) Work on assignments for the exercise.

Which of the verbs denote a real action that happened in the past or is happening in the present?

What is the action of the verb don't eat? (request, demand)

b) Read the definition of inclination in the textbook box (page 140).

Comparison of observation results with the definition in the box (p. 140).

What question did you answer in this definition? (What is inclination, what is this sign: constant or inconstant, what are inclinations.)

Complete the phrases:

Inclination - fickle morphological feature of the verb.

The inclination expresses the attitude action to reality.

The action may be real And unreal.

Finish the diagram:

Mutual control. Check the work of your neighbor and put a + sign on the knowledge sheets for completing 2 tasks, a - sign if you could not complete the work.

Teacher's word.

Expert Group No. 4 was issued creative homework: Solve the riddle.

What morphological feature of a noun and a verb has the same root? A word to the experts of the 4th group.

– What can its name tell us about the indicative mood? Expert Group No. 5 was issued creative homework: highlight the root in the word and look up in the dictionary what it means. A word to the experts of the 5th group.

This word has an ancient root I'm in, which in the modern language is found in other cognates. ( I'm in b - reality I'm in ny - visible, obvious; yavl enie - an event, a case.)

Thus, verbs in the indicative mood denote actions reality(as if in reality), which happening, happened or will happen

2. Work on the textbook after the heading “Discovering new knowledge”.

Read the 1st text in the box (page 141).

Name the key words in this definition. (Indicative mood, real actions, past, present, future tense)

3. -Create a table in your notebook based on the text in the box (p. 141).

Verbs in the indicative mood change according to times; in the present and future tenses - by persons and numbers; in the past tense - by numbers and in the singular by gender.

Changing verbs in the indicative mood

Physical education minute

VI. Primary consolidation, development of educational language and spelling skills.

1. Mutual control. Task number 3

- What is the difference? (Prefix, view.)

- Form the form of the 1st l in the present and future tenses of these verbs. plural, and in the past - the form of m. unit

- Complete the table with examples.

indefinite form present tense Future Past tense
read (non-sov.v.) read we will read read
read (sov.v.) - let's read read
draw (non-sov.v.) draw we will draw drew
draw (sov.v.) - let's draw painted

– What did you notice? (There is no present tense form of the verb draw.)

- Make a general conclusion after working in groups: how many forms of tense can perfective verbs have, and how many - imperfective verbs in the indicative mood? ( Two forms of perfective verbs , three - for imperfective verbs.)

Check your work and put a + sign in the knowledge sheets for completing task 3, a - sign if you could not complete task 3.

2. Reflection.

Task number 4. Self-control

A) Choose the correct statements (write down their number in your notebook).

  1. Mood is a constant morphological feature of the verb.
  2. Verbs have three moods: indicative, conditional and imperative.
  3. Verbs in the indicative mood denote actions that actually happened in the past, are happening in the present, or will happen in the future.
  4. Verbs in the indicative mood do not change.

Write their number down in your notebooks.

B) Determine in which row the verbs are located in the form of the indicative mood.

  1. I would have prepared, I would have done, I would have.
  2. Read, fry, smile, long live, let it be.
    He thinks, he looked, they bring, they came, you notice

VII. Summary of the lesson.

- What were the key words in the lesson. (Mood, indicative mood, real action, non-permanent morphological feature, present, past tense, future tense)

Have all the goals set at the beginning of the lesson been achieved?

By what criteria will you evaluate yourself?

VIII. Homework.

1. Learn the definitions within the framework of pages 140, 141.