A personal plan for self-development is a guarantee of a happy and fulfilling life. A detailed plan for human self-development at four levels of life

  • 11.10.2019


self-development of a person ready for self-improvement

The program is the organizational basis for the activities of the boarding school. Personal self-development is a purposeful and systematic training of pupils in the basics of personal self-improvement, i.e., a focus on self-education and self-improvement. This program defines the concept of the development of the educational system of the school, based on increasing the educational potential of the educational process, guaranteeing the educational process, focused on the values ​​of a democratic society, universal, moral priorities, the harmonious development of the child's personality.

According to the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the content of education should be focused on "ensuring the self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization"; the formation of a person and a citizen prepared to enter the contemporary society and aimed at improving this society. These tasks are provided by the organization of pedagogical conditions, influences, but at the same time, internal processes of self-development are going on in the child's psyche: self-knowledge, self-education, self-determination, self-affirmation, self-actualization. The boarding school is specific to a group of children. Children gathered from different places, schools, in a word, from different groups live in it. In the boarding school, more than anywhere else, the guys feel like members of a children's organization. A.S. Makarenko said that the upbringing of children goes in every square meter their places of life. It is necessary to closely examine these "square meters", because. and the building and the area around, there is a social space of education. So everything is important here. There are no trifles in education.

A good educator is an open, sincere, frank person, devoid of falsehood, secrecy, secrecy, suspicion, suspiciousness, i.e. everything that is sometimes presented as the complexity and significance of the individual and interferes with interaction with children. The ability to understand the state of the child's soul, to inspire the child, to be sociable, increases with the intensity of contacts in the boarding school.

To be a teacher means to be a very convinced person yourself, not so much to preach as to profess your pedagogical faith, to convince and educate by personal example, the guys are not against the fact that we educate them, but against the fact that we educatively patronize and whip. In the boarding school, there are guys who miss home very much. Public loneliness is not uncommon in children's team. Often no one wants to be friends with such guys, and they feel their uselessness especially painfully. Such people should be kept close to you, loaded with simple assignments, given small roles in ongoing affairs. The main thing in working with children is not events, but relationships. With intensive contacts in the boarding school, the guys especially do not tolerate eternal pulling, the eternal “no”. Of course, walking if you wish is also not an option. It is necessary to give up coercion, inducement - no.
In the context of the transition to a post-industrial, information society, a creative self-developing personality is increasingly in demand.

School age the most receptive for emotional and value, spiritual and moral development, civic education, the lack of which is difficult to make up for in subsequent years. It is during this period that the formation of social needs and abilities, the implementation of life choices (activities, professions, partners, values, etc.), the discovery of one's inner world takes place.

The most important goal modern education and one of the priority tasks of society and the state is the education of a moral, responsible, enterprising and competent citizen of Russia. The process of education is understood not only as a process of mastering knowledge, skills and competencies that make up the instrumental basis learning activities student, but also as a process of personal development, acceptance of spiritual, moral, social, family and other values.

Today in education it is designated whole line problems:

Weakly expressed motivation for creative self-development, self-management, self-education, independence in solving educational problems;

The results of diagnosing the level of upbringing indicate that adolescents have an insufficiently formed civic position, in the system of value orientations, material values ​​prevail over spiritual ones, which largely depends on the media that promote an idle lifestyle, violence, drug addiction, sex;

Not high level communicative culture.

Normative base:

1. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia "On increasing the educational potential of the educational process in a general education institution" dated April 2, 2002 No. 13 - 51 - 28/13

4. Charter GBOU KK SHISP

The main idea of ​​the program.

At present, there is a need for high-quality preparation of school graduates for an independent life that meets modern requirements. In order for a graduate to be able to realize himself in the current conditions of competition, he must continuously work on himself, have a pronounced motivation for self-education and self-development.

The educator must form in each pupil the need for self-development, continuous improvement. Of course, in order to realize this idea, it is necessary to move from a self-improving educator to a creatively self-developing personality of a student. When raising children, you need to see yourself, be demanding of yourself. Learn to be critical of yourself. It is necessary to improve professional knowledge in the field of psychology. You need to work hard on yourself so that the child believes in you, so that he feels that you are interested in him. The process of education, especially for a high school student, is aimed at encouraging him to self-development, especially self-education.

It is very difficult to influence a person's behavior, to force him to change the stereotype for this or that action. The goal of self-education is to achieve maximum success for yourself in minimal cost. It is difficult to instill in the children your own system of values, since the world is changing faster than us, and the age gaps between the “educator and the educated person” are increasing all the time. expect that you deserve the right to influence another and your advice can make a person think about changing himself, i.e. encourage self-education. To educate children and help them educate themselves, you just need to love them. When implementing educational work with students, it must be remembered that “the main task of education is to encourage students to self-education” (Sukhomlinsky V.)

Relevance of the program is determined by the acuteness of the social and pedagogical problems of modern Russian society, generated as fundamental changes that have occurred within our country (revaluation of values, destruction traditional forms work with students, the withering away of the old social institutions, structural changes in all subsystems of society), and those changes that have occurred in the world as a whole. Under the present conditions, it is necessary to build the educational system of the school, on the one hand, reviving the positive experience of the Soviet school, on the other hand, reevaluating this experience from modern positions, enriching it with achievements in the field of educating foreign schools and domestic teachers - innovators.

Fundamental concepts of the program.

Under the creative self-development of the individual, we mean the activity of the student, contributing to his positive personal growth, based on the processes of "self": self-knowledge, self-determination, self-management, self-education, self-realization, self-improvement.

It is possible to induce a person to self-development only with close spiritual contact. With the most problematic guys, this contact occurs infrequently. It is necessary to help not so much by conversation as by action. The impetus for self-development may not be specially organized events, but communication with people whose opinion you value.

Self-education is a tricky word. Education is a conscious action on someone with the aim of instilling certain qualities in him. Everyone brings up: parents, educators, teachers, friends and everything around. It would seem that a person is what education, educators have made of him. This is not true. Guys, and even more so high school students, do not always follow everything that the elders advise them, solve the problems that have arisen in their own way, without listening to anyone's advice. And most importantly, any recommendations can be implemented if a person wants it himself, makes a decision himself, and he himself will achieve something. The most important result of education is the motivation of a person for self-development.

The social order of society to the school dictates the need to rethink the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for innovative forms of work that meet the needs of the time.

Program goal:

Development of a socially active personality capable of adapting in society;

To promote the formation of the skills of analysis, introspection and collective analysis in schoolchildren;

To draw the attention of teachers to the problem of pedagogical guidance of self-education, to reveal its significance;

To promote the development of students' creative abilities, civic responsibility, legal self-awareness, initiative, independence.

Program objectives:

    The exit of the educational activities of the school to a new, higher quality level of development, focused on the creative self-development of the educator and pupil.

    Providing psychological and pedagogical conditions for the versatile development of the individual, stimulating the need for creative self-development of the educator and pupil.

    The use of new educational technologies aimed at self-development and self-education of the individual.

    To provide teachers with certain knowledge and forms of work on the problem.

Basic principles of program implementation

The principle of humanization is aimed at "humanizing" education through the implementation of a personal approach to the organization of the educational process. Without relying on humanism, it is impossible to educate a spiritually-moral, free person. Only a child is valuable in itself, the rest is a means of his development as a person. Freedom is very important - activities according to interests and choice. The work of the soul is mutual understanding, empathy, the ability to put oneself in the place of another;

Dialogic principle(collaboration, co-creation of educators and pupils). This principle is based on the fact that a person is inherently dialogical, he can express himself and can be understood only through dialogue. “Truth is a spiritual conquest. Truth is known in freedom and through freedom,” wrote the philosopher N. Berdyaev. The methodology of collective creative activity relies only on the expansion, affirmation and respect for human freedoms. A free person outside freedom is a "cog", a convict. In contrast to the pedagogical influence - the main mechanism of official pedagogy (persuasion, coercion, accustoming, demanding, punishing, encouraging), this technique offers animation of the relationship between children and mentors. Animation is inspiration for fellowship, interaction. Animation is contraindicated violence against the personality of the child. Cooperation is a voluntarily chosen road to the true goal of education. Collaborative relationships are the joint work of children and adults. And only in the joint work of equal partners who hear each other, the process of mutually enriching influence is possible, ensuring the effectiveness of education;

The principle of social interaction. Personality socialization

provides for the expansion of the sphere of communication of pupils, the formation of skills social adaptation;

The principle of success. For a child, not only the psychological and pedagogical climate of the educational institution is important, but also their own success in their activities. Self-confidence is based on self-esteem, if you set difficult, but at the same time feasible tasks, then, having achieved success, the student feels more competent. His self-esteem is strengthened. The principle - "success - increases self-esteem." Achievements support positive self-esteem if it is also supported by the assessments of others. The importance of conscious self-control, which we must teach children, is important. What is important is a more progressive attitude for self-education: to believe that effort, good study skills and self-discipline can make a difference.

Success not only helps to reveal the potential, but also opens up new opportunities for self-development of the individual;

The principle of creative self-development of the individual pupil

involves the inclusion in the educational process of programs on self-knowledge, self-determination, self-government, creative self-realization and self-improvement of the individual, development of creative abilities. Joint work is physical labor - the creation of things, material values, self-service. Organizational work as a collective organizational work - collective planning, collective organization of affairs, collective analyzes and assessments, self-government, co-management and management. Creativity of joint work as the organization and conduct of joint affairs, situations of collective communication not according to a template, not according to a given scenario, but with fiction, improvisation. "Do everything creatively - otherwise why?". Creativity is not an absolute novelty or the creation of something unique. Rather, it is a deviation from the typical, uniform. This is new in old experience, old in new business, this is subjective creativity - an invention and discovery made for the first time by one child or a group of children. This will allow the graduate of an educational institution to successfully adapt to the constantly changing conditions of society;

The principle of pedagogical support of individuality.

Support is based on the subject - subject relations of the educator and the pupil, on the recognition by the educator of the individuality of the student, his free will in choosing the ways and means of self-determination. Pedagogical support is seen as a process of joint student determination of his own interests, aspirations, opportunities and, at the same time, as an aid to him in mastering the skills of introspection, self-knowledge, self-determination and self-improvement.

The principle of natural conformity, ecologization is based on a scientific understanding of natural and social processes, on the formation of the ecological consciousness of schoolchildren in the process of education and upbringing;

The principle of a competency-based approach in education assumes that a person manifests himself and develops in various activities. .In the process of cognitive, creative, communicative activity, the pupil masters certain competencies. This approach is becoming a priority in the system of modernization of education.

Key competencies are based on personality traits and are manifested in certain behaviors that are based on the psychological functions of a person.

Key competencies:

- autonomization - the ability of the individual to self-construction, creative self-development;

Moral - readiness, ability and need to live according to universal moral laws;

Communicative - the ability to enter into communication in order to be understood, possession of communication skills;

Information - knowledge of information technology, the ability to work with all types of information;

Social - the ability to live and work together with other people, in a team;

Productive - the ability to work, the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them.

To move to the level of self-development, autonomization competence is a priority. Its content implies:

The need for self-respect and self-realization;

Ability to self-education, independent search for solutions to problems;

Possession of self-diagnosis skills;

The ability to plan their activities, set goals, find ways to achieve their goals;

Ability to professional self-determination;

The ability to control one's emotions, the ability to self-regulate behavior;

Ability to self-improvement, self-determination of value orientations;

The presence of self-installation for a healthy lifestyle;

The ability to adequate self-esteem.

The main areas of work are:

Diagnostics and monitoring;

Approbation and implementation of technologies for creative self-development and self-education of the individual;

Conducting seminars, discussions on the education of a creative self-developing personality.

Self-development causes the need for self-improvement. It doesn't go away spontaneously. It begins with understanding oneself and one's place in the surrounding world, attitude to the world and the values ​​accepted in it, finding discrepancies between these values ​​and the inherent properties and qualities of the individual. Self-improvement (or work on oneself) is a necessary condition for human development. The mechanisms for the implementation of self-improvement are internal (of course - natural needs, drives, desires, etc.) and external (social - the desire for happiness, comprehension of truth, freedom, etc.) incentives.

Expected Result:

Updating the content and learning technologies;

Creation of opportunities for self-realization of educators and pupils;

Team work in development mode;

Mastering various forms and methods of work, practical skills, organizational skills;

Formation of a sense of psychological comfort;

Improving the physical, spiritual, moral state of health;

Positive dynamics of development of interpersonal relations;
- dynamics of the degree of school adaptation;

Dynamics of the degree of satisfaction with the boarding school.

Action plan for the implementation of the program of self-development of a person ready for self-improvement

Direction of activity




Self-development of the educator

Purpose: conscious transition of the educator to work in new conditions, improvement of pedagogical skills,

search for new approaches in education and self-development

personality of the child, participation in innovative activities, creative self-realization of the educator

1. Diagnosis of the readiness of the educator for educational activities in the new conditions.

2. Development and holding of training seminars on the methodology of educating a competitive personality.

3. Participation of educators in creative competitions.

4. Create a creative group of educators who are ready to participate in the development of innovative projects, programs, etc.

5. Develop a system of rewards that stimulate

creative activity of the educator.

5. Organization of the exchange of experience of the work of educators within the framework

programs, discussions.

2015 – 2016

Increasing the level of professional and

personal culture of the educator, mastering

new technologies,

methodology of education creatively


personality, expressed motivation for self-development, self-improvement, creative self-realization.

Proficiency in ICT.

Transition to the subject -


relationship with

pupils on the basis of humanistic

principles of education.

Psychological and pedagogical

support for individuality

Purpose: creation of a "field of success" in the realization of personal potential

pupils, stimulating the development of "self" processes.

1. Conducting psychological trainings

and seminars:

Definition of self-esteem;

Creation of I-concept

creative self-development.

2. The use of pedagogical diagnostics

in building an individual trajectory

personal development:

Studying the interests of pupils;

The study of personality orientation;

Determination of the ability to lead;

Identification of life meanings and values.

3. Use in work

educators of thematic

educational hours to stimulate the "self", taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils.

4. Stimulating the creative achievements of pupils.

At the boarding school and in the classrooms, an atmosphere of comfort has been created, conditions for the manifestation and disclosure of the individuality of the individual, it is noted.

personal growth of pupils.

Self-development of personal value orientations

Purpose: moral

Self-improvement of pupils through awareness and acceptance

universal human values.

1. Level diagnostics

Education of students.

2. Development on the basis of diagnosing the topics of personality-oriented educational hours using the method of discourse (thinking about life).

3. Conducting a sociological survey of high school students to identify life values.

4. Exhibition of works on the topic: "One - the only life" (essays - reflections on the meaning of life)

Raising the level of upbringing, improving the microclimate in the classrooms and at the boarding school.

Leadership Development

through the School of Government.

Goal: improving the forms of student self-government, creating conditions for creative


pupils, manifestation of initiative, development

organizational skills.

1. Development of a school student project

self-government based

modern approaches to organizing the life of a boarding school.

2. Organization of school competitions:

Student of the Year;

Best team.

3. Introduction into practice of the school elective course: “Creative self-development


high school students."

Increasing the level of activity and creative initiative of pupils.


The problem of organizing educational work is solved in such a way as to arouse in pupils the desire to become better. It excites many, but not everything turns out the way we would like. Today they teach anything, but not

The ability to find mutual understanding with other people;

Ability to defend one's position and decisions;

The ability to maintain a positive attitude, no matter what happens;

Ability to cope with stress and depression;

The ability not to get upset because of failures, but, on the contrary, to extract useful experience from them;

Ability to be ready for anything, resolve conflicts;

Constantly engage in self-development.

You can encourage children to self-education, self-improvement as much as you like, but if you do not equip them with certain knowledge and skills, nothing will work. It is impossible to do this in words. It is necessary to convince the pupils that if he wants to make himself a Man with a capital letter, knowing and able, honest and kind, independently capable of achieving his goals, he must work persistently and patiently on himself. It is necessary to accustom the children to the idea that one cannot expect success immediately, one should not deceive oneself with one-time achievements, one should not brag about one good deed. There are guys who put the blame for their bad deeds on things beyond their control: bad caregivers, bad orders,

demands, etc., and consider themselves victims.

Self-development, self-education, self-improvement is a great and long work of the soul, which sometimes takes a whole life.

From the above, there are two main ideas:

1. The main goal of education should be education that encourages self-education.

2. In order to deal with the problem of pedagogical guidance in the self-education of children, the educator himself must be a person, strive to be an example for children to follow. Only personal

relations with pupils allow the educator to educate a teenager, only in the case of trust and respect for the educator, the student will respond to an individual approach, to conversations on educational hours, to advice in front of everyone. If an educator, even an ideal and organized one, does not have love for those who communicate with him, he will not be able to educate anyone.


Self-development must be conscious and conscious

Step 1 - Am I ready for change?

2nd step - why I want to develop

Step 3 - What I want in life

4 - step - Drawing up a development plan

5 - step - know yourself (introspection)

As a result, the level of self-awareness increases and adolescents have a need for self-improvement and self-education.

1st stage - diagnostics, self-assessment---- awareness of one's own imperfection


questionnaire testing observation conversation

Self-development and self-improvement- processes inextricably linked with the idea of ​​adequate self-assessment, recognition of one's own strengths and weaknesses and readiness to change oneself with the help of various methods, to turn oneself into someone new, better.

Self improvement

physical self-development intellectual spiritual self-development

Forms of self-improvement

adaptation imitation self-education

self-education is the highest form of self-improvement

With an increase in the level of self-awareness in adolescents, there is a need for self-improvement and self-education. The process of self-education is most active during adolescence and older age. The main role in the organization of self-education is played by pedagogical education at school. The desire for self-improvement through the thorns of laziness leads to high creative results.

The purpose of self-education comes from the motives that encourage you to work on yourself and the desires and aspirations of a person. Without a goal, not a single business can be started, including self-education. The main thing is to set tasks according to your strength. Otherwise, unrealistic, unrealistic hopes can backfire.

Types of self-education

Intellectual Ethical Physical Psychological

Main factors motivating the individual to engage in self-education:

Desire to be recognized as a person;

Examples of others;

Evaluation of others;

Properly organized process of education.

Self-education involves the use of such techniques:



Understanding one's own activities and behavior;

Self control.

Self-knowledge is the study by a person of his own physical and mental characteristics. It allows you to look at yourself from the side, evaluate your qualities, the actions of thought. Self-knowledge should take place in a calm, favorable atmosphere, because otherwise, it can lead to an inadequate assessment (overestimated or underestimated). Self-education and the direction of practical actions depend on self-esteem.

Methods of self-education:

self-persuasion- a method based on self-esteem. Having identified the bad in himself, a person usually mentally convinces himself of the eradication of this shortcoming. The most effective is to say out loud what needs to be done to eliminate the deficiency.

self-hypnosis- also uses speaking aloud, but not of his shortcomings, but only of the goal.

self-commitment- consists in pronouncing by a person the obligations that he gives himself.

self-criticism- gives rise to an internal contradiction in the mind of a person, which encourages work on oneself, personal qualities.

Empathy- mentally transferring oneself to the place of another person. Effective in cultivating the ability to sympathize, empathize, seek to help, etc.

Self-compulsion and self-order- is used in the education of the will. You need to give yourself a mental order to do what is necessary. The order must be confident, firm, sharp, not tolerating objections.

self-punishment-Based on self-control for compliance with the intended rules.

Stages in the process of leading self-education:

Stage 1 - encouraging students to strive to become better, develop positive personality traits, get rid of negative qualities.

Stage 2 - assisting students in evaluating themselves, in analyzing their lives, knowing their positive qualities and shortcomings (provided that the students have a desire to become better).

3rd stage - assistance in the development of a self-education program (provided that the goal is set and the pupil knows what needs to be educated in himself and what to get rid of).

4th stage - equipping pupils with methods and examples of self-education with the organization of exercises, activities to develop the necessary character traits, personality traits.

5th stage - self-control.

How many creatively gifted people do we know, and how many do not know,

who, due to their laziness or bad habits, ruin their creative abilities. People who put their baser needs above creative ones, who do not see and do not want to see that with their way of life, or laziness, they are destroying a genius, poet, writer, artist, physicist, doctor in themselves. Thinking about all this, with the naked eye you can see

what a huge role self-education plays in the development of creative abilities.

Pedagogical guidance of self-education of students

boarding schools

In the concept of "self-education" pedagogy describes the internal spiritual world man, his ability to develop independently. External factors of upbringing are only conditions, means of awakening them, bringing them into action. That is why philosophers, teachers, psychologists say that it is in the soul of a person that the driving forces of his development are laid.

Ways of self-knowledge:

1. Judge yourself by your deeds. Success in work is an indicator of your strengths, failures characterize your weaknesses and shortcomings.

2. Compare yourself with others, but not with those who are worse, but with those who are better.

3. Listen to criticism in your address:

    if one criticizes - think about it,

    if two - analyze your behavior,

    if three, remake yourself.

4. Compare your opinion with the opinion of others about you. Be more demanding of yourself than others. The enemy of your shortcomings is your friend.

A.I. Kochetov in the book "Organization of self-education of schoolchildren" offers rules that contribute to self-education:

Five musts:

1. Always help parents.

2. Fulfill the requirements of adults, study in good faith.

3. Be honest.

4. Subordinate personal interests to collective ones.

5. Always and everywhere show good faith.

Five "can":

    Have fun and play when the work is done perfectly.

2. Forget grievances, but remember who and why you offended yourself.

3. Cheer up in case of failures; If you persist, you will still succeed!

4. Learn from others if they work better than you.

5. Ask if you don’t know, ask for help if you can’t cope on your own.

This is what you need!

    To be honest! The strength of a man is in the truth, his weakness is a lie.

    Be hardworking! Do not be afraid of failures in a new business. Whoever is stubborn will create success from failures, forge victory from defeats.

    Be sensitive and caring. Remember, you will be treated well if you treat others well.

    Be healthy and clean! Do morning exercises, temper yourself, wash yourself to the waist with cold water, keep your hands clean, set aside an hour a day for walks and give another hour to work or sports.

    Be attentive, train attention! Good attention protects against mistakes in teaching and failures in the game, work, sports.

This cannot be done!

1. Learn without effort, lazily and irresponsibly.

2. Rude and fight with peers, offend the younger ones.

3. Tolerate shortcomings, otherwise they will destroy you. Be stronger than your weaknesses.

4. Pass by when a baby is offended nearby, a comrade is mocked, brazenly lies in the eyes of honest people.

5. Criticize others if you yourself suffer from a similar deficiency.

Five good things:

1. Be able to control yourself (do not get lost, do not be a coward, do not lose your temper over trifles).

2. Plan your every day.

3. Evaluate your actions.

4. Think first, then do.

5. Take on the hardest things first.

The rules are introduced gradually.

How to work on yourself.

1st stage. Determine the social purpose and meaning of your life.

my moral ideal.

1. The motto of life.

2. The ultimate goal of my aspirations and activities.

3. What I love in people and what I hate.

4. Spiritual values.

Stage 2. Know thyself.

What I am.

1. My virtues.

2. My shortcomings.

3. My interests and hobbies.

4. The purpose of my life.

5. Attitude towards learning.

6. Attitude to work.

7. Attitude towards people.

Objective self-assessment.

3rd stage. Define a self-education program.

What am I supposed to be.

    The requirement to me of parents and adults.

    Requirements to me comrades, collective.

    Requirements for oneself from the standpoint of an ideal and objective self-assessment.

4th stage. Create your lifestyle.



    Respect for time.

    Hygiene of work and rest.

    Rules of life.

5th stage. Train yourself, develop the necessary qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

Workouts, exercises.

1. Self-commitment.

2. Tasks for yourself for the day, week, month.


4. Self-coercion.

5. Self-control.


6th stage. Evaluate the results of work on yourself, set new tasks for self-education.

Self control.

1. Self-analysis and self-assessment of work on oneself.

2. Self-reward or self-punishment.

3. Improvement of the self-education program.

The ideal of personality.

- Man - humanist, democrat, hard worker, intellectual, creative person, optimist, fighter for social justice.

- Qualities of a man- attractiveness, fidelity, masculinity, mastery, delicacy, mutual understanding.

- Qualities of a woman - charm, fidelity, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, mutual understanding.

- Specialist Traits - professional competence, high efficiency, organization and efficiency, business cooperation and self-discipline, exactingness towards oneself and others, work culture and thrift, the need for self-education, self-improvement.

What gives a person self-knowledge?

    Objectively assess yourself, your capabilities and abilities. Based on this, determine the goals of life.

    Do not make mistakes, disappointments, unfounded claims, collapse of life plans.

    Determine your vocation, unmistakably choose a profession.

    Do not claim special attention to yourself from others;

modesty and dignity are indicators of objective self-esteem.

5. Look for the causes of trouble in yourself, and not in others.

What is important is a progressive mindset for self-education: to believe that effort, good study skills, and self-discipline can make a difference.

The Personal Improvement series consists of seven books in accordance with seven sections, each of which has its own manual. Each manual is designed for students of a certain age.

Grade 5 - (self-knowledge) "Know thyself."

6th grade - (self-education) "Do it yourself."

Grade 7 - (self-study) "Teach yourself to learn."

8th grade - (self-affirmation) "Affirm yourself."

Grade 9 - (self-determination) "Find yourself."

Grade 10 - (self-regulation) "Manage yourself."

11th grade - (self-actualization) "Realize yourself."

Bogomolova OA believes that moral education and the formation of moral experience is impossible without a deep understanding of moral norms. Pupils should be able not only to determine what is good and what is bad, but also to evaluate their behavior, their character.

Methodology "my personal growth" for studying the activity of students

5-8th grades in self-development activities

Target: determine the degree of activity of students - adolescents in activities for self-development of the individual


Each pupil is invited to listen (read) the statements and independently answer the question: “How often does he do this?”

To do this, the pupil needs to write a number opposite each statement or its number, which means the answer corresponding to his point of view.

The numbers mean the following answers:

3 - always;

2 - often;

1 - rarely;

0 - never.

1. I constantly strive to learn something new in various fields of science and culture, not limited to textbooks, I like to watch educational TV shows.

2. I can independently plan the implementation of educational tasks, put into practice the knowledge gained and do all my homework without reminders from my parents.

3. I strive to help everyone who needs it, I constantly participate in actions of mercy and care, I am always honest with people around me.

4. I am interested in and proud of the historical past of my country, I respect state symbols and am ready to make a contribution to the prosperity and development of my Motherland.

5. I observe public order, the rules of school life, and I consider it obligatory for every person to observe them.

6. I am tactful and polite with people, follow the rules of etiquette, do not violate the rules of school life.

7. I do exercise and sports to grow up strong and healthy, and I know that bad habits can damage my health.

8. I know and love nature, I take part in cleaning, landscaping the school, I don’t pass by when someone tortures animals.

9. I love books and TV shows about art, and everything I do, I try to do it neatly and beautifully.

10. I like to participate in labor affairs, without reminders I do housework.

11. I take an active part in the affairs of the class and school, I am friends with classmates, I can refuse personal affairs for the sake of public interests.

12. In difficult situations, I make decisions without the help of adults, I myself am responsible for my actions, I do not give in to persuasion to do something to the detriment of myself or others.

Processing of the received results: An indicator of a teenager's activity in self-development activities (A) is the quotient of dividing the sum of the scores of his answers by the number of answers. If A is greater than 2.2 points, then a high degree of activity can be stated; if A is more than 1.5 points, but less than 2.2 or A is less than 1.5 points, this respectively indicates an average or low level of activity of the pupil in self-development work.

Commandment. R. Kipling

Control yourself among the confused crowd,

Cursing you for the confusion of all,

Believe in yourself against the universe

And unbelieving let go of their sin;

Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired,

Let the liars lie, do not condescend to them,

Know how to forgive and do not seem to forgive

More generous and smarter than others.

Remain simple, conversing with kings,

Stay honest when talking to the crowd

Be direct and firm with enemies and friends

Let everyone in due time reckon with you;

Fill every moment with meaning

Hours and days inexorable run.

Then you will take possession of the whole world,

Then my son, you will be a MAN!

In this publication, I would like to deviate a little from the usual financial topics in order to talk about self-development and tell what it could be personality development program. Analyzing the statistics of the site and communicating with readers, I noticed that motivating articles about that, etc. are very popular, especially among regular readers. Therefore, I decided to pay more attention to the development of this topic and continue the series of articles about self-development.

So, today we will talk about what a personal development program is and why it is needed. Any person, any person in the course of his life can change, and these changes can occur both for the better and for the worse. Under the best changes, I mean the acquisition of some new useful knowledge, skills, abilities, under the worst - respectively, the loss of existing useful knowledge, skills, abilities. But also, in my opinion, even a stop in the development of personality can be considered a negative factor.

If a person stops in his development, he will inevitably begin to lose something in some areas of his life (work, business, relationships, hobbies, etc.). Now nothing stands still, therefore, in order to be successful, constant development is necessary. The absence of such development means inevitable losses, the longer it is absent, the stronger these losses can be.

There are people who think about their development and strive for it, there are those for whom it happens on its own, for example, due to professional activities, hobbies, etc. In addition, sometimes personality development can occur without any signs visible to the person himself: he does not notice changes in himself, but learns about them only from those around him. It depends on the degree of self-awareness of a person: the higher it is, the more he is able to objectively assess the changes taking place in his personality.

Which person will develop his personality more effectively: the one who takes some actions for this, sets goals and objectives for himself and achieves them, that is, is engaged in self-development, or the one who does not even think about it? In my opinion, the answer is obvious.

Personality development will be more effective for people who are engaged in self-development: they will be able to achieve better results than those who let the development of their personality take its course.

Then another question arises: what needs to be done for the development of personality? For this, as in any business, it is best to act according to a certain plan, to have a certain program of action. In this case, it can be called a “self-development program” or a “personal development program”. Let's take a look at what it could be.

So, a personality development program is a certain set of measures intended to achieve certain results in the self-development of the personality as a whole and its individual areas in particular. I bring to your attention the most general, simplified program of personal self-development, presented in the form of a diagram:

As you can see, it consists of 5 stages:

1. Goal setting;

2. Introspection;

3. Personal development plan;

4. Practical implementation;

5. Analysis of the results.

Let us consider in more detail what these stages of the personality development program include.

1. Goal setting. First of all, it is necessary to determine what exactly you need a personal development program for, that is, what goals you want to achieve in the end. At this stage, you need to “draw” yourself a certain perfect image the person you would like to become. It is advisable to set goals for yourself in all the main directions of personality development at once:

- Personal life;

– Work, career, earnings;

intellectual development;

– Health, physical development;

– Hobbies and hobbies;

– Getting rid of bad habits, etc.

Goals need to be formulated as clearly as possible so that it is specifically visible what you are striving for. In addition, these goals are also important as a motive, an incentive for achieving them. Having thought well and “drawing” this image for yourself, you will psychologically want to become it, you will have more desires and positive energy, which will become your assistant in self-development.

Goals can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Moreover, the presence of goals for one period does not relieve you of the need to set goals for another, longer or shorter period of achievement.

I strongly recommend that when setting goals in your personal development program, do not take into account stereotypes imposed by anyone (parents, teachers, acquaintances, people around you, etc.). You should strive to become exactly the kind of person you want to see in yourself, and not someone else. Otherwise, you may be deeply disappointed, and you will have to start all over again, but an irreplaceable human resource - time - will already be lost.

2. Introspection. After the goals are set, we move on to the second stage of the personality development program - introspection. If at the previous stage you “drawn” for yourself the image of the ideal “I”, now you need to “draw”, on the contrary, the real “I” - the way you are at the moment. You need to see and highlight all your positive qualities that will help you move towards achieving your goals, and negative ones, which, on the contrary, will slow you down and which you will have to fight.

Here, on the contrary, in order for introspection to be as objective as possible, it is necessary to compare how you see yourself and how others see you. By the way, this is not always easy. The fact is that your friends or acquaintances may, for reasons of ethics, “not notice” your negative qualities and shortcomings, then you yourself will not even notice them. But here you can use one trick: think about how you see your friends, your social circle. A person is always drawn to his own kind, so it is very likely that the shortcomings that you see in the people around you are a mirror image of your own shortcomings.

At the stage of self-analysis of the personality development program, you need to determine and fix the starting point, the initial data with which you will compare the result achieved in the future.

3. Personal development plan. The third step is to draw up a specific action plan with which you will achieve your goals. Let's call it "Personal Development Plan". Based on your identified strengths, consider how you can use them to get rid of weaknesses, eliminate negative qualities, and strengthen and strengthen positive ones even more.

For example, if we are talking about achieving some financial goals, it is necessary to draw up, on health promotion, a plan for classes, training, switching to proper nutrition, etc.

The personal development plan should contain not only a list of specific activities, but also specific deadlines for the implementation of each of them and the definition of factors by which it will be possible to believe that the goal has been achieved.

4. Practical implementation of the plan. When the plan is ready, we can assume that your program of self-development, the program of personality development has been drawn up, and proceed to it. practical implementation. That is, to carry out all the points of the planned plan in the sequence in which it is provided.

Any change is always difficult at the first stage. However, over time, these difficulties disappear. There is a so-called “Rule of 21 days”, which says that any new, inconvenient and undesirable action for you will turn into a habit after 21 days. Therefore, try to endure the initial difficulties and develop as many good habits as possible, which will begin to appear in just 3 weeks. And when you see some first, even minor successes, it will surely inspire you and motivate your self-development even more.

It is also necessary to understand that not all actions will necessarily give some kind of result, and this is quite normal. says that 20% of actions produce 80% of results and vice versa.

In order to carry out your personal development program more effectively, you will have to get rid of the so-called. "time wasters" - activities that do not bring any benefit, but take time. Well, for example, “hanging out” in social networks or empty chatter on the phone (every person will surely have their own “time wasters”). The time freed up in this way can be spent on more useful activities that your personal development program provides.

Also a good help in the implementation of the plan will be the establishment of new acquaintances and connections with people who are better than you in what you are striving for, or who are striving for the same thing as you. Firstly, they can become positive examples for you, increasing your motivation. Secondly, together it is easier to move towards the goal than alone. Thirdly, the more other people will be involved in the process of your self-development, the more difficult it will be for you to refuse it, because then you will fall in their eyes. Thus, look for new useful acquaintances among people who have something to learn, whom you would like to be like.

The practical implementation of a personal development program is the most difficult stage, but only it can lead you to the desired results. No matter how well and competently you plan your self-development, theory without practice, as you know, is blind.

5. Analysis of results. And, finally, like any process, a personality development program requires summing up, analyzing the results. It is far from a fact that you will achieve everything that you have planned on the first try. But still, you need to analyze all your actions, find in them what helped or, conversely, prevented you from achieving your goals.

If the goal is achieved - great, then you can set a new, more ambitious goal, and build a plan to achieve it, because, as you remember, self-development, personal development should never stop.

If the goal is not achieved, you always have more attempts that you can make, taking into account the analysis and correction of your mistakes.

Self-development can hardly be called a simple process, but it can certainly be called interesting and exciting. Developing his personality, a person constantly learns something new, acquires new skills and abilities, experience, and sooner or later all this will definitely help him in life, make life brighter and more interesting.

Stay on: the materials of this site will certainly help you in self-development, increase your financial literacy and teach you how to use your personal finances as efficiently as possible. See you soon!

From it is read that the personality of a person is formed by the age of three. This statement is only partially true: on the one hand, spiritual values, way of life, the foundations of the worldview are laid precisely in childhood(even if not by the age of three, but by five or six for sure), and on the other hand, self-education, the formation of conscious principles has not yet been canceled. Yes, children's consciousness perceives the norms laid down by parents much easier, but this is only a starting point with which the path of self-development in adulthood begins.

What is a personal development plan?

The process of self-development implies constant work on oneself, the desire to change one's life for the better, maintain health, while constantly moving forward. Any formation of a personality can move in two directions: a constant desire for self-improvement implies the growth of moral, spiritual and healthy principles, and passive contemplation without any purpose sooner or later leads to regression. Nature is complex and unpredictable, but this principle has no exceptions - all living things, including humans, either develop or gradually degrade.

The path of self-improvement is complex and thorny. Not only external factors sometimes prevent a person from becoming better, but also his inner “I”. Awareness of the problem does not guarantee its successful resolution: self-development, like a puzzle, is made up of many disparate and equally important pieces. The essential ingredients for success are:

  • the right direction;
  • firm confidence in the desired result;
  • motivation for personal growth;
  • strength of will;
  • willingness to sacrifice established habits in favor of a new, healthier lifestyle;
  • progressive, but continuous movement towards the goals.

The main assistant in the implementation of the goal will be a plan for self-development of the individual. It will help you clearly outline the desired results, break down the difficult path to a ghostly distant goal into short-term steps with individual achievements, outline the boundaries of what is permitted at each stage of the path, and think over methods that will help you get closer to your dream. It is not necessary to immediately develop a plan “for the next five years” - it is enough to think through just a few first steps, and the rest will follow in the process when the body gets a taste and appreciates all the delights of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if the plan succeeds and a healthy lifestyle becomes an obligatory part of the daily routine, this plan will be constantly adjusted and supplemented, because self-development is a dynamic, never-ending process. It is enough to take the first hesitant steps, and the rest of the progress will seem easy and self-evident, because it will not work out differently!

How to make a self-development plan?

The key point of self-improvement is correctly formulated goals. They should not look unrealistic or sky-high. Every person steps on this path for the sake of a good result:

  • achieving harmony with one's own "I";
  • preservation and enhancement of health - the only valuable, but, unfortunately, exhaustible resource;
  • victory over your own fears, complexes, weaknesses.

Of course, this wording can be left unchanged, but in this case the plan will look vague, and the results, although important, will be difficult to achieve. It is much easier to clothe highly spiritual values ​​in a more tangible form in order to experience joy and inspiration from small but regular victories over oneself.

Each of the set goals will look transparent and achievable if broken down into its components. To do this, it is worth answering the question: what is the personality lacking for balance and wholeness? The answer will become the basis for planning consistent self-development. For example, the harmonious development of a personality is impossible without control over one's emotions, the ability to keep thoughts and feelings in order, the predominance of the spiritual over the material. Preservation of health implies the rejection of bad habits, rational balanced diet, an active lifestyle and a thoughtful daily routine. Victory over one’s own weaknesses can have hundreds of guises: for some it’s just a fight against laziness and a passive life position, others need to eradicate gossip and idle talk in themselves, and still others do not want to get rid of commercialism ... You can list the nuances endlessly, because each person has a unique inner world and a set of qualities. However, you will agree that in this vein of self-development, planning looks much simpler and more accessible.

This breakdown is not final, because it may take more than one month to move to a new level. It is difficult, and sometimes dangerous, to completely rebuild the body in a day or even a week, give up junk food and start actively playing sports. In any process, including self-development, reasonableness and consistency are needed, therefore it is better to break each component of the ultimate goal into micro-components and, based on them, build a self-development plan for a month or a week. This will help track progress, adjust the program as it progresses, and analyze why some aspects are failing to translate into reality.

Plan of personal self-development. Stage 1: bad habits and how to deal with them

The most common addictions are considered to be alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction. Of course, these are the most insidious and dangerous enemies of a healthy lifestyle, so you should get rid of them immediately. However, the list of bad habits is not limited to this: no matter how controversial it may sound, elementary nail biting, nose picking, finger crunching is not so much a sign of bad upbringing as a banal sticky habit. And of course, the scourge of our time - Internet addiction - confidently takes pride of place in the ranking of addictions of a person.

Many do not even notice how they become slaves to bad habits - sticky manipulations are firmly planted in the subcortex, so they happen automatically. Therefore, getting rid of them at first seems almost an unrealistic undertaking. However, nothing is impossible: a well-designed plan for self-development of a person will help to overcome harmful cravings step by step.

Why is it necessary to overcome bad habits?

You can talk endlessly about the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction. A lot of medical articles, scientific papers and treatises have been written on this topic, but it has not been possible to fully put this information into the heads of patients - the number of doping addicts in the country is decreasing very slightly. At the same time, each raised glass destroys dozens of nerve cells, destroys blood vessels and undermines the work of the heart, each smoked cigarette settles with black smoke on the lungs, bringing oncological diseases and strokes closer. There is nothing to say about drug addiction: a person who is hooked on a “needle” destroys himself from the inside in a matter of months. This is only a physiological degradation - from a moral point of view, the consequences of addictions look no less depressing. Ethyl alcohol destroys consciousness, removes moral restrictions, and therefore turns a person into an unreasonable creature without principles and morality. And how much aggression does a smoker exude in search of a cigarette?

Even the most harmless at first glance habits are fraught with many pitfalls. It would seem, well, what is it about constantly gnawed nails or a cap from a ballpoint pen? At the same time, such a habit can ruin your teeth or become a source of an unpleasant intestinal infection - even if you wash your hands thoroughly, there will still be a bunch of pathogenic microbes under your nails that will immediately get into your mouth. And the annoying crunch of fingers around is the first cause of joint deformity.

You can continue indefinitely, because each bad habit is not named so in vain - it carries a well-founded and obvious destruction. And even if the damage from one case is minimal, turning into a “life partner”, the consequences of addictions accumulate like a snowball, while increasing the strength of the habit. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them as early as possible - tomorrow it will be a little more difficult, and the consequences will be a little more destructive.

Getting rid of bad habits: a personal plan for self-development

To eradicate addictions is not an easy task. To defeat them, it is necessary to initially determine in what circumstances there is a craving to perform this or that action, which became the primary source of a harmful cause. Having understood at what moments the hand itself reaches for a cigarette, and the glass involuntarily fills with alcohol, it is easier to defeat painful attachment - self-development, an approximate plan allows not only to streamline, but also to simplify. The classic scheme to help get rid of bad inclinations is as follows:

  1. Formation of the goal (short-term, long-term).
  2. Determination of motives for behavior correction.
  3. Identifying the source of the problem and the circumstances that encourage harmful behavior.
  4. Exclusion of these circumstances from the surrounding reality.
  5. Self-control and discipline within the established framework.
  6. The joy of small victories, gradually bringing closer to the cherished goal.

Of course, this plan will help to control the emotional side of addiction to a greater extent - the physiological aspects will remain unchanged. However, there is no such craving that iron willpower and the right attitudes could not defeat!

If we are talking about the use of harmful substances (alcohol, nicotine, narcotic drugs), you need to abandon them at once. Compromise options like reducing the dosage or frequency will not work: one way or another, “doping” will enter the body, which means that there can be no talk of victory over yourself. There is no talk of chronic alcohol and drug addiction - they should be treated exclusively in stationary conditions. But the widespread abuse of alcohol, which does not turn into painful forms, as well as nicotine addiction, can be self-corrected. Trivial, but very effective tips will help to cope with emotional and physical “withdrawal”:

  1. Think of breaking a habit not as a process, but as a fait accompli. For example, when you are called to smoke, say “I quit” instead of “I quit” - such a substitution of concepts will help the subconscious mind come to terms.
  2. Try to avoid circumstances that provoke you to relapse. If the craving for alcohol is still great, you should not attend a banquet where everyone will drink - by going there, you deliberately tempt an organism that is not yet accustomed to a new way of life.
  3. Find a rational replacement. Was a smoke break at work perceived as a small respite? Try resting differently: go out for a few minutes in the fresh air, chat with colleagues, listen to your favorite song, or just sit with your eyes closed for a while, immersed in your thoughts.
  4. Learn to enjoy without "dope". Look at the world with a fresh, uncomplicated look, and you will see a lot of beauty! How can a cloud of tobacco smoke or drunken courage in a semi-basement club compare with this? Spend time with friends or family, take a walk in the park, go to nature or sit on a bench by the pond, reading an informative spiritual book - this will give you much more goodness than the illusion of happiness from satisfying your own addiction.
  5. Start a calendar and mark each small victory: how many days you do not smoke or drink alcohol, how quickly you were able to overcome the "withdrawal", etc. In moments of weakness, this will help you not to turn off the true path.
  6. Do not equate a single failure with the collapse of the entire plan of self-development. No matter how ideal willpower is, the possibility of a breakdown cannot be completely ruled out, especially at first. If this has already happened, it is stupid and unproductive to worry, suffer from guilt and eventually give up the idea of ​​self-development.

As for more harmless bad habits, it is better to get rid of them gradually, and not en masse: take a week or two to completely wean one ritual, and then move on to the second. This will make it much easier for you to control yourself.

Rational nutrition is the leading chapter of the personal self-development plan

A harmoniously composed balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. It helps to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, keep the body in good shape, maintain efficiency and energy during the day, increase the duration and quality of life. Eating properly, a person will never face the problems of excess weight and associated side effects of the body.

The transition to a healthy diet is not as difficult as it seems at first glance: the human body is designed by nature to consume only wholesome plant foods without flavorings, and the frying process appeared in cooking relatively recently, when satiated gourmets began to look for new forms without thinking about the usefulness technology. Therefore, everything that is needed for a healthy diet is already in the body - it remains only to remind him of this.

Principles of building a rational menu

A comprehensive plan for the self-development of a person will enrich and fill with meaning an example of rational nutrition - the main thing is to understand how to build it correctly. To do this, it is necessary to take into account what principles are the basis of a harmonious diet.

  1. Refusal of harmful products. Even if you are a soulless person who has no compassion for living beings, at least take care of yourself: animal products only bring destruction. Eliminating them from your diet will make you feel healthier and more energetic.
  2. Cooking technology. Braising, boiling and steaming are healthier and safer food preparations. Fried foods contain a large number of cholesterol and other harmful components that are hard to digest by the gastrointestinal tract and subsequently affect the work of the body. Well, what can be eaten raw, it is better to use it that way, because then all the useful trace elements will be preserved in their original form.
  3. Flavor additives. Chemical seasonings with monosodium glutamate are a real poison for the body. It is much better to use spicy herbs and roots as seasonings - so the dishes will turn out not only fragrant, but also healthy. Use table salt It is also better to minimize or completely eliminate.
  4. Diverse menu. No need to focus on one type of food - nature has given us a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and berries. They can fully meet the needs of the body.
  5. Calorie per serving. The rule that you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger has a scientific basis. The feeling of fullness comes in 20-30 minutes after eating, so it is much more logical to calculate the required caloric content of a serving instead of being guided by your own feelings.
  6. Small and frequent meals. Even the most healthy dishes will go to the detriment if you eat a lot 1-2 times a day. An adult should eat 3 times a day at approximately the same time and have snacks twice more. This is the only way to provide the body with everything necessary, without overworking the stomach.
  7. Time for food. As trite as it may sound, eating is a ritual and should be treated with due respect. You should not eat on the go, try to swallow large pieces and quickly finish the meal - you need to chew each piece carefully, but eat consciously and without haste.
  8. No dryness. Soup should be eaten not only by children, but also by adults - a nutritious broth promotes the release of enzymes and gastric juice, improves digestion and helps food to be absorbed. In addition, during the day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid to maintain the balance of moisture in the body.
  9. Freshly prepared food. Cooking in advance and then freezing dishes is not the best idea. During long-term storage and freezing, the proportion of trace elements and vitamins is destroyed, so such food is not considered healthy.

These 9 rules will help you create a rich and varied menu, which will become the guarantor of excellent well-being and a fulfilling life.

Sample menu for the week: a personal development plan in action

If until now gluttony has been a part of your life, you do not need to abruptly cancel all harmful and potentially dangerous dishes. The transition to a healthy diet should be carried out gradually, otherwise the body will regard the restriction as temporary and go into “energy-saving mode”. Ideally, if you can develop a self-development plan for at least a few months, gradually changing the diet to a healthier and more complete one. Progressive progress on the path to health and longevity guarantees success, and the possibility of disruption is minimized.

Step #1. Refusal of animal food.

The first thing to do is to completely eliminate meat and fish from the diet. Any living being deserves to live the life allotted to it by nature, and killing for the sake of food is disgusting to human nature. People have forgotten about this, turning the meat industry into a real cult for profit, but supporting this production means becoming like murderers and sadists. By giving up a steak or barbecue, you will not only save the life of at least one innocent creature, but also help your body avoid serious diseases, because the chemical composition of meat has an extremely negative effect on human health. If the moral side is not so strong yet, and the temptation sometimes obscures common sense and humanity, open any video shot at the slaughterhouse - you will no longer have the desire to eat the innocently killed.

Step #2. Refusal of frying in favor of cooking.

At first glance, fried foods seem more attractive, but this visual design is extremely deceptive: many serious ailments are hidden behind the golden crust. At first, while the body is getting used to eating with the eyes, use small tricks: add a handful of colorful berries to the porridge, choose bright colors for stewing vegetables (for example, season cauliflower with red and yellow bell pepper, corn or green peas) - this will help satisfy not only hunger, but also aesthetic perception.

Step #3. Replacing salt and artificial seasonings.

Salt, chemical flavorings and flavorings turn the most healthy foods into a real poison. In addition to hiding the true taste of the ingredients, these additives are also extremely dangerous for the kidneys, liver and stomach. Try to replace store-bought spices with natural herbs (dill, parsley, basil, etc.) - the flavor will be unimaginable. And the lack of salt compensates for lemon or Apple juice, which can be sprinkled on the dish before serving. Homemade cakes or bread can be made with mineral water enriched with natural salts. If it is completely unbearable, at the initial stage, you can use a small amount of unrefined sea salt, rich in trace elements and minerals.

Analyze each key step and your readiness to change the diet, allocate the timing of the implementation of each of them, and then proceed to develop a weekly menu. Such an organization will help not to deviate from the chosen course until the body itself gets used to the new state of ease and comfort.

Physical form: a plan for a year for self-development

An active life position, maintaining the body in good shape is impossible without regular exercise. This does not mean that you need to start running marathons and lift 100 kg with one hand - harmony and consistency are important in everything. Physical self-development will not bring the desired result if it runs counter to moral satisfaction. That is why beginners and avid athletes choose yoga: a set of exercises is suitable both for the first acquaintance with physical education and for the full development of natural skills, and the philosophy of this discipline is akin to spiritual rebirth.

At first, you may need a mentor, but further self-development is possible on an individual basis. The main thing is to realize why each position is necessary, what is the true essence of the complexes, and then you will not encounter difficulties on the path of physical and spiritual development. This part of the self-improvement plan has no outlined completion, because yoga is multifaceted and deep, and even decades will not be enough to know all its subtleties. Therefore, the stages can be planned not only for the near future, but also for years to come.

Activity of body and soul

Yoga is a whole complex of philosophical beliefs. Knowing them, a person achieves harmony of the bodily and spiritual principles, strengthens health and physical fitness, tempers the spirit, learns to relax and at the same time control his impulses. The benefits of yoga are reflected not only in the physical component of self-development, but also in the moral aspects. The effect of classes will bring the body only positive aspects:

  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • the physical data laid down by nature will improve;
  • sleep will become deeper and more fulfilling;
  • stress and nervous strain will recede;
  • depressive disorders will be a thing of the past.

The measured and calm atmosphere in which all yoga classes take place is an opportunity not only to do physical exercises, but also to listen to your body, focus on breathing and a new position. A variety of exercises aimed at developing flexibility, endurance and strengthening the muscular skeleton will help bring the body into tone, give ease and smoothness of movement. For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, yoga will also benefit: body fat will go away smoothly and painlessly, the forms will become more defined and graceful.

Doctors recommend yoga for chronic pain and after injuries: well-chosen exercises have been proven to help relieve painful symptoms, promote the fastest recovery of lost functions, and help prevent recurrent injuries after damage to tendons and joints. The beneficial effect is achieved through balanced training, improving overall blood flow and supplying tissues with oxygen and beneficial trace elements. In addition, improved coordination will help to avoid the circumstances that led to injury later, which means that the risk of re-injury is minimized.

Personal Development Plan: Yoga for Beginners

Including yoga in the program of self-improvement, it is necessary to get acquainted in detail with the philosophy of this direction, to accept the origins of the teaching and to know their true value. It’s great if a spiritual mentor can help you with this, but it’s not always possible to find such a person. The specialized literature of the leading gurus and masters of yoga, philosophers and adepts can become a source of knowledge.

Yoga classes should become an obligatory part of the day, regardless of its workload - only a systematic approach will help improve health, ensure efficiency and harmony. It is better to dedicate a couple of hours to yoga immediately after waking up, but the evening is also suitable for productive activities. No need to overeat before exercise: it is worth exercising on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. Before you start, take care of creating a relaxing environment. Lay out a non-slip rubber mat for maximum silence and privacy.

Do not overexert yourself: the main condition is calmness, safety and pleasure from classes. If any posture is difficult or causes pain, it is better to postpone it to a later stage, when the body is sufficiently prepared. All movements should be smooth and consistent, and then the benefits will not keep you waiting.

It is best to start with simple and understandable asanas for beginners:

  • Tree pose. This asana is performed as the opening of each session. Standing on straight legs, slowly raise your arms up (while inhaling). Then take your hands behind your head, straightening your chest. More experienced practitioners can complicate the pose by lifting the bent leg and touching the foot to the opposite knee.
  • Chair posture. This exercise is familiar to everyone from the school physical education course. The pose helps to improve coordination, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, back and abdominals. To perform it, it is necessary to take a vertical position, focusing on the feet spaced shoulder-width apart. Then raise your arms up with your palms facing each other. Slowly sit down on an imaginary chair, gradually bending your legs to an angle of 90 degrees, leaving your back always straight. Hold this position for 2-3 breaths, then slowly straighten up.
  • Reclined posture. Deeply performed slopes activate blood circulation, improve stretching and prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis. This pose is especially useful for the spine - maximum stretching helps to relax muscle spasms and align the position of each vertebra. As you exhale, tilt your straightened torso to the floor, standing on straight legs. Once the tilt is completed, relax the body and linger in this position for another 2-3 breaths.
  • Bow pose. This exercise has a positive effect on posture, muscle tone of the shoulders and cervical spine. Lying on your stomach, wrap your hands around your ankles behind your back, and as you inhale, tighten your muscles, lifting your body and hips a few centimeters from the floor. As you exhale, take the starting position and relax.
  • Candle pose ("Birch"). Even babies in kindergarten they teach this exercise to develop dexterity and coordination, they only call it "Birch". Lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs up, and then tear your pelvis off the ground, propping it up with your arms bent at the elbows. The higher you can go, the better. Keep your legs straight, imitating a slender young birch (or a candle, whichever you prefer).

These exercises are only a small part of the variety that yoga has prepared. Starting with the simplest, you yourself will not notice how the body becomes toned, and new poses will work out easier and more confidently.

We tame the negative: a plan for personal self-development, or how to become a little kinder

Character, emotional background and moral qualities are inherent in a person almost at the genetic level. True, you should not justify this boorish behavior, excessive aggression, nervousness, irritability and other negative forms of behavior. Even if a person is brought up in the best way, constant stress unsettles him, and it is a tense timetable exhausting. In such conditions, even an angelically restrained person can break loose and behave in a bad way: shout, answer with excessive harshness or sarcasm. Nervous tension will accumulate like a snowball if you do not give it an outlet. However, you do not need to break loose on others - such behavior will only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to develop your own method of relieving stress in order to direct negative energy there.

Healing effect of meditation

In order not to succumb to stress, it is necessary to minimize the situations that provoke it. But in the modern world, full of fuss and chaos, this is not so easy to do. Therefore, the only thing that can help is switching attention from annoying factors to inner harmony. Meditation is the perfect companion for this.

The beneficial effect of meditation has a logical justification, confirmed by scientific research. Those who regularly use this technique note dramatic changes in self-perception:

  • actions become more conscious;
  • anxiety and irritability recede;
  • thoughts lend themselves to systematization;
  • depression goes away;
  • health becomes stronger, and the mind clearer.

During meditation, blood pressure returns to normal, blood circulation improves, which means that the brain receives more oxygen and is gradually restored. The beneficial effect also affects nervous system, which rests from external stimuli and returns to normal. After such a session, the world involuntarily seems beautiful and bright, energy overflows, and positive thinking prevails over nervousness.

Since most diseases appear in the body precisely against the background of nervous disorders, meditation has a therapeutic effect on health as well. According to statistics, people who practice this method are less likely to catch colds and recover faster. Meditation is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, and pulmonary abnormalities. In addition, the time devoted to communicating with your inner “I” helps to conduct introspection and better understand your inner world.

Meditation as an important point in the personal self-development plan

Self-education cannot do without control over one's own emotions, because they give rise to weaknesses and vices. That is why it is important to master at first at least elementary meditation techniques, so that in the future it would be easier to reach a new level of self-knowledge and relaxation.

Breathing techniques are great for beginners. To do this, you need to take the most comfortable position, relax your muscles and abstract from what is happening around. Try to focus on your breathing: think about how your lungs slowly expand, filling with air, how life-giving oxygen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, and all the negativity is released along with the exhalation. If conditions allow, you can combine breathing meditation with aromatherapy with soothing essential oils or incense.

Visual meditation is also extremely effective. Just focus your eyes on any object around you - a candle flame, wall clock, foliage outside the window or any interior detail. Study it in detail, imagine how it feels to the touch, feel it with your fingertips in your imagination. Distracting from external influences, you learn to contemplate the beauty around you, see beauty in every little thing and look at the world more positively.

For complete relaxation, you can use acoustic meditation. This does not mean that you should surround yourself with modern pop music or try to distract yourself with heavy beats. Turn on the background sounds of nature or a classical instrumental composition, try to feel it not only with your ears, but also with your soul, imagining what is happening to this melody, how the leaves are spinning, a mountain stream is rustling, or an experienced violinist raises the bow above the instrument. Immersion in oneself, one's thoughts and associations will calm and set in a new way.

You should choose a technique based on your own feelings and capabilities: some incense may seem too intrusive, others may be upset by the sounds of rain or thunder on the audio, and still others will fall into a slight depression from the classics. Therefore, there is no single mechanism of meditation - you need to be guided by the positive effect that the sessions bring, and then stress and nervous strain will be left far behind.

Personal self-development plan: how to avoid common mistakes?

Sometimes even the most ideally thought out and drawn up plan does not bring tangible results. This is due to common mistakes that are faced not only by beginners, but also by experienced adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Here are the main ones:

  1. Knowledge does not translate into action. You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of addictions, be aware of their harm, read a lot of literature on the spiritual and moral education of a person, but all this will be useless if you do not apply the knowledge gained in practice. Only the active introduction of new attitudes into the lifestyle will help change it for the better.
  2. Rejection of authority. Some truths are better known on own experience, however, on the path of self-improvement, each person will need a mentor - a kind of landmark, examples of which can draw inspiration. Be sure to include a role model in your self-development plan! It does not have to be an acquaintance from the inner circle - you can choose a scientist, preacher or writer as an authority - the main thing is that his ideas resonate in your soul.
  3. Lack of motivation. Self-development for the sake of the process itself is a utopian and useless undertaking. It is important to understand why you are doing this. There can be a lot of options: to preserve your health, set a positive example for loved ones (most often children), overcome your weaknesses and vices, feel yourself a happy and harmonious person.
  4. Limitation of self-improvement. Balance is impossible without an integrated approach: focusing on one of the areas, you can miss the important thing that is necessary for balance. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, and one aspect of it cannot be promoted at the expense of others.
  5. Elevation above others. Unfortunately, many perceive a healthy lifestyle superficially, changing their life position not for personal growth, but for the sake of modern fashion trends. Having achieved certain successes, a person begins to flaunt them, which is fundamentally wrong: those who have realized all the charm of a rational and healthy life should only gently instruct those around them by their example, and not put themselves a step higher. Pride is not the best helper!

Only by avoiding these mistakes, you can achieve significant results, unlock the potential of your body and live in harmony with yourself.

Instead of an epilogue

You can talk about self-development, make plans and dream that tomorrow everything will change, you can endlessly. It is much more difficult to start acting, not from Monday, the first day or the New Year, but today. Time flies inexorably, and if you do not start changing today, another day will be lost. Give up French fries for dinner, walk through a picturesque park, breathe in the wonderful aroma of freshness - and you will understand how good life is. So why waste in vain what mother nature gave us with a generous hand: health, love of life, optimism, energy and kindness? After all, in fact personal plan self-development has already been formed deep in the subconscious, it remains only to clothe it in words and put it into practice.

It is necessary to plan not only the affairs for every day or the great milestones of your life. You also need to have a clear self-development program so that there is no chaos in your life. And your personality change should be in line with your aspirations and goals.

In your personal program, you must definitely include the processing of those qualities and skills that you need to achieve your goals. Any person, first of all, acquires the necessary tools for himself, and then begins to master some kind of skill. And his training consists of a series of successive steps of gradual skill development.

How is your life different from your work environment? Is it only the fact that money is paid for the work, and you develop for yourself. People turn into, because there is always not enough money. Their work sucks all their strength and energy, becomes a constant companion of life. They have no time to think about how to engage in personal growth and self-development. They should sleep at least sometime.

But after all, in the process of self-development there is a fee, only invisible. And the highest currency here - your happiness. We develop in order to live happily. Is it really worth less than any currency?

What does mission mean

Moreover, work on yourself does not require much time. You just need to do something regularly. Much harder to get started. Although this is not so difficult to do if a person understands his Purpose or Mission on Earth. When he realizes this, then it remains only for him to follow this path.

Mission- a very high concept, which reflects the purpose for which a person appeared on Earth. Sometimes it takes not even years, but decades to find it.

But there are two points that can bring a person closer to the realization of his Mission.

  • First, purpose is always connected with what you Like make. Therefore, if you go this way and start doing what you love, then sooner or later you will find your Mission.
  • Second, your work should bring benefit other people.

Where to find the time

When people say they don't have time for anything, it only means one thing - they can't manage it. Not a single person has a “shaggy paw” somewhere up there and no one will add an extra hour to him. Only some people can rationally use their time and they have enough for all their affairs. Others are just wasting their time.

To get out of the endless bustle and find the way to your Mission, start just with the development of time management skills. First, work on the three biggest ones: interrupts, time traps, and time pockets. Do not immediately set an impossible task for yourself - to remove all this from your life. First your step– to cut the time it takes for them exactly in half.

Personal program

It is necessary to work on the Personal Growth Program in writing. It may take you a few days to realize important issues and put your thoughts in order.

We begin the work with an analysis of what we already have at the moment. You should have a list of what you already have: knowledge, skills, work, connections, property ...

Next step- fulfillment of desires. You need to understand and write down what you want most now. Write everything, regardless of the possibility or illusory nature of your dream. The main thing is that all this is yours, and not imposed from outside, and that it would give you real pleasure.

Third step- building a chain of steps that could lead you to your goal. You should end up with a thread that connects what you want with what you already have.

Fourth step- deep self-digging. There is a standard set of qualities that usually prevent people from achieving their goals: fear, insecurity, timidity, low self-esteem, and so on. Your task is to reveal all your fears that arise inside you as soon as you start thinking about what is missing to achieve your dreams. Each fear must be written on a separate sheet of paper. For example, you do not have enough money. There may be the following fears - I'm afraid:

Fifth step- determine the quality (character trait) that is hidden behind each fear. For example:

  • I'm afraid to demand an increase in salary - I'm shy;
  • I'm afraid to change jobs - I'm indecisive;
  • I'm afraid to start my own business - I lack self-confidence.

So you got your first list of those traits (qualities) that you need to develop. Write them down on a separate list and review it again to see if you missed anything. As a rule, for most people, the stumbling block is low self-esteem. Many do not know their talents and do not know how to be proud of themselves. And real success always starts with a confident “I”.

sixth step already more difficult. You need to combine the list of required qualities with your chain that you made in the Third step. So you will immediately see the trait with the development of which you need to start.

seventh step- write your first action, your first step in self-development. Be sure to indicate what result you expect. Set yourself deadlines. So the first version of your Self-Development Program is ready. The rest you will figure out later.

Let's hit the road

Very important start doing your program as soon as possible. There is a well-known effect of 72 hours - if you do nothing during this time, the probability of achieving the goal drops sharply.

When you start working on yourself, you will have new challenges, because the boundaries of your perception will expand and your way of thinking will change.

Therefore, over time, you will see your mistakes more clearly and will be able to reduce their number. Remove the restriction immediately. that it's wrong to be wrong. Give yourself the right to make a mistake, the main thing is that you draw the right conclusions and move on again.

I can immediately say that one of the most common mistakes is too high goals. Learn to break them down small steps so you can better see how to achieve them.

Be sure to develop yourself. No great peak can be conquered for one moment. The best example of perseverance in achieving your dreams is perhaps history. Take an example from such people and no problems can interfere with you.

Feel free to reach out to others with questions and for help. When you ask questions, you get to the bottom of things better. And people often dream of helping someone.

Will support you very much. Just write down in it not only all your achievements, but also those qualities that helped you achieve this. And then you will be able to achieve the highest goals, because you will be worthy of them!

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