Quest "What life should be" (DLC Far Harbor). What should be the ideal lifestyle

  • 24.09.2019

Each person has his own main goal in life, to which he aspires. Or even multiple targets. Throughout life, they can change: losing their importance, some are removed, and in their place others, more relevant, appear. How many of these goals should there be?

Successful people claim that 50 human life goals is not the maximum at all. The longer the list of your goals, the better you will be able to understand your true desires.

For example, at the age of fifteen, John Goddard set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For the uninitiated, reference: we are talking about a researcher, an anthropologist, a traveler, a holder of scientific degrees, a Member of the Society of French Explorers, the Royal Geographical Society and the Archaeological Society, and a multiple Guinness World Record holder.

On his 50th birthday, John noted that he achieved 100 of the 127 goals he set. One can only envy his rich life.

Goals in order not to be ashamed and hurt

A happy person is called accomplished, successful. No one will call a loser happy - success is a component of happiness. Almost everyone remembers the famous phrase of Ostrovsky from “How to become tempered” about how you need to live your life. The end of the quote is especially bright: “So that it would not be excruciatingly painful ...” So that at the end of life it would not hurt and be ashamed of the aimlessly lived time, you need to set tasks for yourself today.

To consider life successful, a person must achieve the 50 most important life goals by old age. Summing up the results of his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires-goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. That is why it is so important to write down the 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper, periodically re-read the list.

Another important aspect - try to write down. This means that your goals must be in line with the five important criteria: specificity, measurability, relevance, achievability, limited time.

human needs

Before making a list, you should understand what is a priority, vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep are the 4 most important needs of organic life. The second row is health, housing, clothing, sex, rest - necessary attributes of life, but secondary. Unlike animals, a person is characterized not only by the elementary satisfaction of vital needs, he wants to do this, receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible for a person to live without satisfaction of primary needs, and without satisfaction of secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, a person suffers physically - firstly, morally - secondly. He is unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of the individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. Here is such a paradox.

Therefore, the 50 vital, priority goals of a person must necessarily include items, thanks to the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Listing such goals as “buy your own house” or “relax on the sea”, “do the necessary medical operation” or “cure and insert teeth”, “buy a fur coat” and “buy a car” may not be so important for complete happiness ( why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth more comfortable for people. To meet these needs, to achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, it is imperative to include an item on the list regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such goals:

  • find a high-paying job;
  • open your business;
  • to achieve that the business brings a net income of more than $ 10,000 per month, and the like.

Sample list of 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works of J. London.
  2. Complete an English course.
  3. Forgive insults to parents, friends.
  4. Stop being jealous.
  5. Increase personal efficiency by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
  7. Write at least 1,000 characters daily for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
  8. Reconcile with your sister (husband, mother, father).
  9. Start writing a personal diary every day.
  10. Go to church at least once a month.

Physical self-improvement:

  1. Go to the gym 3 times a week.
  2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
  3. Do a set of exercises daily in the morning;
  4. Walk every evening for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
  5. Refuse completely from the list of harmful products.
  6. Once a quarter, arrange a three-day cleansing hunger strike.
  7. In three months, learn to sit on the twine.
  8. In winter, go skiing in the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
  9. Lose 4 kilos.
  10. Soak in cold water in the morning.

Financial Goals:

  1. Raise your monthly income up to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the TIC of your site (blog) by the end of this year to 30.
  3. Go to the level of passive income.
  4. Learn to play the stock market.
  5. Learn how to make websites on your own.
  6. Pay off your bank loan early.
  7. Entrust all housework to be done by machines in order to save time for earnings.
  8. Save on meaningless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. Products to buy in wholesale stores, everything except perishable.
  10. Buy a cottage for growing fresh organic products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Monthly deduct 10% of profits to the orphanage for gifts to children.
  2. Arrange for orphans a New Year's performance with gifts by the local theater - to finance.
  3. Do not pass by those who ask for alms - be sure to give alms.
  4. Help a shelter for homeless animals - deduct money for food for dogs.
  5. By the New Year, make a small present for all the kids in the stairwell.
  6. On the day of the elderly, give all pensioners a set of products.
  7. Large family to buy a computer.
  8. Give unwanted items to those in need.
  9. Build a playground in the yard.
  10. To help financially talented girl Tanya go to the competition in Moscow "Light your star".

Demand as the main component of happiness

In addition, for the full happiness of the individual, something else is necessary. And that "something" is called recognition. Only being in demand, a person feels his significance, feels pleasure, happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for the prepared dinner is enough. Others feel a sense of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is a recognition, a highlight of the individual among all others.

For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness in the house and hear words of admiration from neighbors, others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet at the sight of their appearance, figure, outfits, hairstyles. For the third, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition at a wider level is necessary. These fourths do not limit the circle of people they want to be recognized by, relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.

These are scientists, discoverers, big businessmen, people of creative and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider range of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of "50 goals in my life." Examples of such goals might be:

  • find your soul mate to create a family, which (who) will be such and such, for whom I will have respect, love (passion), feelings should be reciprocal;
  • help your son finish school successfully;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • release your own collection of stories (a CD of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

intermediate goals

To achieve global goals, actions are needed to help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write intermediate goals related to advanced training, education, and the acquisition of skills. And in the list of "50 human life goals" examples of such can be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading manuals for a businessman authored by John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;
  • study of life stories and ways to success of major figures of science and culture;
  • studying of foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued with discretion based on the main objectives.


In order to achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that occupy the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list, designating; "50 Intermediate Human Life Goals". These goals include:

  • go on a trip around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • Refresh your wardrobe for the new season.

Some may write the items "do a facelift" or "do a tummy tuck". After all, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, which they are sometimes ashamed of. But when compiling a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important vital needs, but without joy and pleasure a person withers, he is bored with life, the meaning of achieving the main goals is lost.

Lightness of Being

Lightness comes to business and relationships when you are not afraid to “lose” and are ready for any scenario. The lightness of being appears when you do not make big bets on life and are not afraid to lose it. This is humility. There is no extreme difficulty in accepting such a view. This is just being honest with yourself. Tomorrow is unpredictable. The next second is unpredictable. To expect something is to deceive yourself. All expectations lead to a painful understanding of the difference that inevitably arises between fantasy and the real state of affairs. Apparently, sometimes it is simply necessary to deviate again and again from already understood and accepted truths, in order to return to them along new paths with a new level of understanding.

The lightness I'm talking about is not careless frivolity and not swine looseness. This is such a state when you don’t expect anything at all, realizing that life always does everything in its own way, but at the same time you continue to act.

Anything can happen in the next hour of life. Future moments flowing into tomorrow is such a virgin canvas of existence, on which reality draws for the first time, not guessing for sure, but as if spontaneously, playfully.

Yes, sometimes the “pictures” turn out to be serious, but the degree of their drama is directly proportional to the expectations and stakes that are placed on the future. The more hope, the more stronger experience. I already talked about this in a recent article about happiness in relationships.

Purely humanly, these are really difficult and ambiguous matters. And all because at the current stage of their life scenarios, almost everyone is packed to capacity with personal ideas about what life should be like. Nobody is in a hurry to give up these fantasies. They warm the soul very much, it is very sweet - to look forward to the fulfillment of desires.

Hopes and expectations are the very psychological desires that the Buddha described as the source of human suffering. In this sense, the lightness of being - this is such a spiritual enlightenment. The more this ease, the less dependence on the dreams of the mind, and the deeper the reality is accepted.

The whole drama of life arises along with desires. The higher the bet on a particular scenario, the greater the fear that things will go differently. And this “otherwise”, meanwhile, can be no worse than the expected development of the life plot. But desires have such an insidious property - to suggest that any alignment that goes beyond the expected, leads to misfortune. Such a "pan or lost" in psychology is called dichotomous - that is, black and white thinking.

Sounds like a diagnosis? But everyone is infected with this “disease” to one degree or another. On, I have already indirectly raised this topic in an article about hopes and hopelessness. This is such a style of thinking and living life, when the mind fishes out a buzz from dualistic anticipations. And the stronger he is addicted to them, the more fear in life that everything will not go according to plan, and the whole project, shaken by desires, will crushingly fall apart before our eyes.

There is nothing definite. Choice, destiny, karma - all these are attempts to catch the non-existent. How can we know what life should be like? Why are we so clinging to our own illusions? Mistakes are inevitable. It is they who provide the experience that allows them to get around.

Sometimes you just need to break a relationship, get involved in a problem, have children, and then get a divorce, turn up your nose like a child, tame, and then lose trust, lie well, get drunk, hit a wall - just to understand and see ... get your real experience . There are no fools. No one can or should do otherwise. There are only experienced and inexperienced - each in his own way of life.

Somehow I dreamed vivid dream, where my friends and I flew in a large passenger plane through a busy daytime city in the midst of tall buildings. The flight looked very dangerous, the wings of the plane rumbled against the walls of buildings, anxiety was felt, but along with it - trust in reality and some kind of joyful magic from an exciting journey. Something inside seemed to understand that it was useless to worry if the plane crashed, there was nothing to be done about it. Therefore, most of the attention was riveted to the speeding houses, busy roads and streets, to the realization of what was happening as a wonderful journey.

Unfortunately, I still don’t know how to treat life with the same ease. But this dream has become something like a beacon on the way. The lightness of being and the humility that I am talking about is not passivity, but action in spite of the all-consuming uncertainty from which we so diligently escape into the dreams of the mind. This is not a disregard for the fate of one's own body, but a clear understanding that the body is mortal, and sometimes, mortal - suddenly. It is not easy for me myself to admit this fact - something inside resists. But the deeper the understanding of this truth, the stronger personal freedom, the greater the ease in relation to life.

I remember Kastanedov's warrior and man of knowledge, whose main adviser is death over his left shoulder. A warrior acts without expecting rewards, seeks freedom, complains of nothing, regrets nothing, does not take himself seriously. He laughs at himself and at the seriousness of life.

The “sad” news is that we are all going to die; earthly accumulations and worries in this light are worth nothing. The good news is that it is completely optional to be sad and worry about it; life is like an exciting journey. Everyone - as if in the same plane - rushes in his present. We have a choice, there is a certain measure of control, but all personal freedom is conditioned by experience and the surrounding reality. At any moment, the unexpected can happen. This is a disturbing fact, but if it is not accepted, it only gets worse - reality turns into a meaningless death battle against the inevitable.

Quest "What should life be like" - another story quest add-on to the game Fallout 4 Far Harbor. The result of completing the quest "The Way Life Should Be" can be the destruction of Acadia, or the only peaceful ending of the Far Harbor DLC. This quest is an alternative to the Purification of the Earth quest.

For convenience, use summary :

Passage of the quest "What life should be" (DLC Far Harbor)

Option #1: "Tell everyone in Far Harbor (destruction of Acadia)"

In this scenario, you can blackmail Avery, she will pay 1300 caps for silence, or tell all the residents. To do this, you need to tell everything to the character Allen Lee, he will not believe you at first and will demand that you provide evidence of this monstrous setup. To do this, you need to go to Teddy Wright and conduct a DNA examination of Avery's remains. After receiving positive results, the protagonist will have two paths, either go to Allen and provide evidence, or jump to option 2 or 3, going to DiMA.

If you tell Allen Lee about everything, then he will hold a general meeting at which he will bring Captain Avery to " clean water", All this will end with the fact that all the inhabitants of Far Harbor will go to smash Acadia, the main character can participate in this or stay on the sidelines. After Acadia is destroyed, this quest will be completed and the last quest of this DLC will begin - the Family Business quest.

In order for the inhabitants of Far Harbor to treat the main character better and be easier to suggest, you need to go through the quest "Rite of Initiation".

Option #2: "Tell all to DiMA (destruction of Acadia, or peaceful ending)"

Instead of going to Far Harbor, you can go directly to DiMA, give him his memories and halo tape and blame him for this terrible act. Whatever he says in his defense, insist that he is guilty before the inhabitants and must personally go to them and tell the whole truth. All of DiMA's persuasion will have to be done at a difficult level, but in the end you will convince him of the need for this step.

DiMA will come to Far Harbor and repent of his sins, the inhabitants will be furious and going to execute DiMA and destroy Acadia, you can prevent them from doing this and even persuade them to save DiMA's life, or support the angry mob. In any case, this quest will be completed and the Family Business quest will begin.

Option #3: "Tell DiMA All (Peaceful Ending)"

Interesting is last option, when choosing it, only one person will die, it will be the leaders of the Children of the Atom. In a conversation with Dima about the death of Captain Avery, you can calm the synth by saying that everything he has done is correct and that it would be nice to change the leadership of the Children of the Atom in the same way. After DiMA agrees, this quest will be completed and

As you already understood, when passing through Fallout 4 Far Harbor, you are given a lot of various options passing the game and a lot of ramifications in the scenario. That is, all actions can really lead to several fundamentally different endings, and how exactly Fallout 4 Far Harbor can end, we will try to tell you.

Your choice in the end can lead to the complete destruction of all the inhabitants of the island, as well as to the fact that peace will reign on the island between all factions. Also, you can destroy each faction individually and give the surviving factions huge benefits.

Not only the fate of synths, Far Harbor and the Children of the Atom, but also specific game personalities such as Dima, Avery, Tekta and Kasumi . Also, the receipt of some bonuses, as well as the specific outcome of the game, will depend on your specific decision.

We have collected for you all the endings in the Fallout 4 Far Harbor add-on, namely, key events, which will affect the distribution of forces at the end of the game and further life on the island. We would like to remind you that as you progress through the game, you will be able to take a specific side or one of the sides.

peaceful ending

The mission "Reformation" is suitable for adherents of the peaceful end of the game. This mission will be available to you if, in the quest "What life should be like", you tell Dima about Captain Avery, who is the leader of the Far Harbor settlement and emphasizes that Dima can do justice to the High Confessor of the Children of the Atom. In this case, after completing the Reformation mission, peace will reign on the entire island. Under these conditions, Dima will be able to control what is happening on the island with the help of his people. You will also get the Defender of Acadia perk.

Destructive ending

Also, as we said in the previous part, the game also has an ending in which none of the factions survive. No chance will play a role here anymore, here all actions will be done consciously and you will be fully aware that all life on this island will be destroyed. That is, there will be no one to blame for this. To be honest, this turn of events would be completely pointless and give you absolutely no advantage. What advantages can we talk about when you are left all alone on a miserable piece of land?!

In this option, you will need to first destroy the Children of the Atom. To do this, you will need to use the key to launch missiles from the submarine of the High Confessor of the Children of the Atom. Next, you will need to destroy Far Harbor. To do this, you will need to turn off the fans that protect the settlement from the deadly fog. You can get the fan shutdown code during the mission "It's better not to remember" and after that go to the "Cleansing the Earth" task. And finally, you will need to deal with the synths. To do this, you will need to go to the Commonwealth and tell the Institute, or the Brotherhood of Steel, about the location of Acadia, it all depends on which side you are on at the end of Fallout 4. Also, you can deal with Acadia with the help of the inhabitants of Far- Harbor, but for this, they will need to be left alive.

With these options, you can destroy factions and selectively. Depending on the decisions you make, certain settlements will be destroyed.

Destruction of Far Harbor and its citizens

In the mission "Cleansing the Earth", you will need to infiltrate the building of the wind farm. At terminal 03, you will need to select Tempest, which will give you the option to turn off the capacitors. To carry out this action, you must have a code in your hands, which you could get during the passage of the mission "It's better not to remember." After you destroy Far Harbor, you will receive the Atom Inquisitor perk from Tekt, as well as the Atom Bastion armor. And as a bonus you will receive the achievement "Cleansing the Earth".

Destruction of the Nucleus and Children of the Atom

If you choose to side with Far Harbor, you will have the opportunity to destroy the Core and with it all the Children of the Atom in the "Cleansing the Earth" mission. To do this, you will need to sneak into Tekt's house in a submarine and use the missile launch key in it. The core will be completely destroyed, and the Children of the Atom on this island will remain history. You will also be given the Far Harbor Resident perk, as well as the "Cleansing the Land" achievement, as was the case in the first case.

Destruction of Acadia and the Synths

If synths bother you with their sense of self-importance, then you can deal with them. To do this, you will be given several options. The first option is in the mission "What should life be like" to tell the inhabitants of Far Harbor about the substitution that Dima made at one time. The inhabitants of Far Harbor will definitely not be happy about this. The second option is to go to the Commonwealth and tell the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel (depending on which faction you chose in the original Fallout 4 game) about synths. For destroying Acadia, you will receive sniper rifle"Lucky Eddie", as well as the "Acadia's Bane" perk. Plus, you'll get the "The Way Life Should Be" achievement.

The fate of Kasumi

Also, do not forget about why we came here. In order for Kasumi to return home, at the very least, she needs to stay alive. If you decide that Acadia must die, then Kasumi will die with her, which will block the completion of the Close to Home mission. So if you decide to finish this quest and send the girl home, then you need to choose a peaceful solution, or choose an ending in which Acadia will not suffer. All in your hands.

Indeed, having become acquainted with such a phenomenon as Fallout 4 Far Harbor, one comes to understand that DLC is a rather useless thing and that this thing should be given attention. The storyline, the presence of intrigue and other elements that make us worry and sometimes start going through these additions anew. In addition, the presence of various additional quests and a serious branch in the storyline, each passage of the game may not be similar to each other and you will pass new game every time. So it's safe to say that Fallout 4 Far Harbor is not only the biggest addition from Bethesda to Fallout 4, but also one of the most interesting.

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Before proceeding with the passage of the main tasks, make sure that you are prepared for elevated level radiation on the skeleton. Don't forget about new armor sets and rads. Also, it is worth starting the task with a sufficiently pumped character.
After completing the task Revelation”, a new one will appear in the pip-boy - you need to listen to the message of the Valentine detective agency. Go to the "Radio" tab and listen to the message. After that, go to diamond city and at the agency talk to Ellie. Now you need to go northeast to the fisherman's house - Kenji Nakano.

Talk to the family and go to the room of the missing girl, you need to collect her holotapes. After looking around, go to the boat house, which is located near the lake. Inside you will find a safe that can be opened with a key, it is hidden in a photo frame on the table.

Listen to the holotape found in the safe, and then talk to Kenji. After telling the girl's parents about the finds, go to Far Harbor, to do this, sit in the boat near the pier.

Walk in the park

Sailing to Far Harbor, talk to Captain Avery waiting for you at the pier. After asking her about Kasumi, your conversation will be interrupted - the city was attacked and the inhabitants need your help. Follow the captain to the wall and help fight off the attack. swallows and anglers. Having dealt with all enemies, you will be treated more trustingly, and you can learn new information.

After talking to everyone, go to the tavern" Last shelter» (located in the center of the settlement), there you need to talk to old Longfellow(next to it you can find " Islander's Almanac"). Stock up on stimulants and, together with the old man, go to Acadia. On the way you will stumble upon trappers - these are local thugs. There will be quite a few of them, so it's best to catch them by surprise and act stealthily. Having dealt with the enemies, you should not relax, on the way you will meet ghouls, swamps and other mutants. Run down the path for Longfellow, he will lead you to one of the followers Children of the Atom. From her you can learn Additional information, then run after the old man. Once in Acadia, you can ask Longfellow to be your companion, in any case, to complete the task, enter the observatory.

Find your place

Go to the observatory and talk to Dima- the main synth who manages the settlement. From him you will receive several side quests and information about Kasumi. After finishing the conversation, go down to the lower levels of the observatory, there is a girl. You can visit the lab along the way. Aster, here on the counter you can take " Islander's Almanac».

After talking with Kasumi, you need to fulfill her request, there are several ways to do this:

  • eavesdrop on conversations from the warehouse next to the meeting room - on the lower level, break open the door (if you can't contact Cog) and stand near the glass to eavesdrop on the conversation between DiM, Faraday and Chase.
  • bypass the security on Faraday's terminal and gain access to his documents - go to the upper level of the observatory and hack the terminal (need high skill).
  • just ask DiMa - it is possible only with pumped charisma.

In any case, you will find out the same information and you will need to download the program to the Faraday terminal. After downloading, talk to Kasumi and go to Core.

misty visions

The marker will take you to Richter, he will send you to a radioactive spring from which you need to drink water. Be careful when moving out, because the radiation level will rise.

After drinking water, the color scheme will change, and you will need to follow the person. He will lead you straight to the Temple, having dealt with the ghouls, open the door, for this enter the password MOTHER.

Take the idol and return to Richter, after talking to him the quest will be completed

It's better not to remember

Head to the Core control center. Be careful, along the way you will need to bypass the security system (lasers, turrets) and deal with the robots that block your path. Once you reach the control room, pull the lever to activate the extra power. After that, load the Faraday program into the terminal. Now you need to solve puzzles and extract memories in sequence.

Your task is to direct the beam at the yellow pillar of memories and pave the way for the bugs that will extract the memories. To do this, place blocks so that indexers can pass and destroy barriers by directing the beam in the right direction. Also place defense turrets to protect indexers. And so you need to do it several times. After receiving the memories, you will receive information about the location of the new armor and the coordinates of the BIP factory, go there.

What life should be

The factory you need is located in the center of the location and most likely you have already been there.

Still, you should not lose your vigilance, there are a lot of mutants near the factory, and there are even more of them on the roof - that's where you need to go. After clearing the lower floors of the factory, go up to the roof and through it go into the factory. Going downstairs, hack the terminal (Valentine can help here). Open the door and enter the elevator, exit the elevator and dig up the grave below the stairs. Here you will find various things:

  • Holotape - "What's done is done"
  • Avery's medallion
  • Avery Skull

These things will help you on your chosen path. Carefully inspect the factory and get out of it. Now you have a choice of endings, they are all different from each other and it's up to you to decide who will survive and who will not.

Far Harbor endings

good ending

Head to Acadia and talk to DiMa. Sint wants to keep the peace on the island and avoid war, agree to help him and go on the Reformation quest. After agreeing with his plan, go to the indicated marker in Martin's hideout. Here you need to take two holotapes - the first is by the bed, and the second is on the table.

Return to DiMa and talk to him, after that you need to persuade the High Confessor to meet. High Confessor Tekt is in the Core, just show him the holotape. Having done this, go to the Core control center and go to the marker on the minimap. Here you need to kill the confessor, if you don't want it, you can just convince him to run away.

You just have to talk with DiMa, and then in the task " family business» send Kasumi home and talk to her parents. As a result, peace will reign on the island, and the girl will return home.


Talk to DiMa and convince him to turn himself in and tell the truth to the people. Doing this will be problematic as you need a high Charisma skill to convince a synth. After providing the evidence to Alain, the synth trial will begin in Far Harbor.

Its outcome will be influenced by the number of additional tasks you completed, if there are few of them, the inhabitants will go to Acadia and Kasumi will die. DiMa will be executed, and you will need to take part in the destruction of the Core or the colony itself.


If you don't like the people on this island that much, you can kill them all. To do this, go to the Core and use the launch codes to destroy the cores. Run away quickly so as not to get hit by the blast wave.

In order to destroy Far Harbor, go to the power plant. There you need to find fuses to open the door. Three fuses are on the shelves next to closed door, and the fourth near the big box. Behind the door, destroy the robot and in the terminal select the option " Turn off turbines". In order to put an end to Acadia and the synths there, contact the Brotherhood of Steel. The result - all the inhabitants of the island are dead, like the girl for whom you came here.