New complications for the game crocodile. Crocodile game, rules, interesting words

  • 21.09.2019

Are you interested in Crocodile game and words for it? Today, especially for you, we will publish a set of words for the Crocodile game for those who plan fun party with friends!

It is worth noting that the words for playing Crocodile are easy to come up with on your own! To do this, you just need to be guided by simple rules:

  1. It is better to think over the tasks for the Crocodile in advance, because at the party you may simply not have enough time and imagination for this.
  2. The list of words for the game Crocodile is the usual everyday situations and phrases that we use every day. Just think! For example, “turned off TV” is very difficult to show, especially if you play according to the classic rules of the game and do not involve additional attributes.
  3. When thinking about what word to make in the Crocodile, it is best to choose various kinds of “absurdities”. For example, "blue hippopotamus", "sober electrician", "visually impaired artist".

Thus, the Crocodile game and example words for it will become not only a logical, but also a funny task.

Game Crocodile: interesting words

Easy level

  • yellow daffodils
  • diary
  • subbotnik
  • calendar
  • soap bubble
  • leopard
  • sauna
  • daily regime
  • chainsaw

As you can see, in this case, the words for Crocodile are a list of simple words and phrases that we use everywhere.

Middle level

  • blooming garden
  • ophthalmologist
  • cellar
  • red squirrel
  • smiling conductor
  • drama
  • publishing house
  • sad end
  • interpreter
  • toffee
  • cute skier
  • non-standard approach
  • guard
  • Universal Soldier
  • glamorous teacher

Difficult words for the Crocodile game are best taken in the form of lines from songs and poems, scientific books and encyclopedias.

Difficult level

  • Competition Crocodile
  • Where the maple makes noise
  • Lilac mist floats above us
  • You don't look for me, I'm lyuli-lyuli
  • Now I am Cheburashka
  • I draw with white chalk

Of course, the Crocodile contest and the words for the game can be selected in accordance with the theme of the holiday. , Birthday, March 8 or corporate party - all this can become a topic for inventing new words.

Easy level

  • boots
  • The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
  • runaway bunny
  • new year gift
  • snow blizzard
  • March 8
  • frying pan
  • bouquet

Middle level

  • d monetary premium
  • I love my job
  • Father Frost
  • festive corporate party
  • Friendly team
  • pancakes with poppy seeds

Difficult level

  • good boss
  • Human Resources Department
  • strict accountability
  • unemployed programmer
  • logics
  • long-term contract
  • The snow is spinning, flying, flying
  • Once upon a time there was a dog
  • Happy birthday to you

Very often, players like to use various complex words for Crocodile, based on the specifics of their work. Physical and chemical terms, special expressions and meanings are best left for the circle of colleagues, since from fun game the competition can turn into a long and boring test.

Do not forget that the words for the Crocodile are interesting and funny phrases that are not so easy to show without words, and the most difficult words for the crocodile are not necessarily difficult to pronounce terms and concepts.

Difficult level

  • foreman woman
  • little tractor driver
  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Ah, this wedding-wedding sang and walked
  • Fantasy
  • taekwondo
  • Anton Chekhov
  • bright rain

Prescribing simple words to play Crocodile, don't forget to think about animals and plants, shades and natural phenomena.

Easy level

  • heavy rain
  • night thunderstorm
  • Lazy cat
  • big mouse
  • talking parrot

When preparing for a party, it is best to print out the phrases and words for the Crocodile game in advance. They can also be used for other holidays, so it makes sense to create separate cards for such a game. In this case, put the blanks for the competition in a separate box, decorated thematically. Thus, you will have a home set for the Crocodile game, which you can replenish at any time.

Are you preparing a Crocodile contest and the words should be cool? Then you! Here we have collected funny phrases for you and your guests!

Crocodile game: tasks and words without categories

  • Swan geese
  • stylish wallet
  • huge scarf
  • radar
  • stock
  • subscription
  • solarium
  • aristocrat
  • beautiful umbrella
  • long vacation
  • vegetables
  • sleepy captain
  • black flamingo
  • nail glitter
  • avalanche
  • chocolate biscuits
  • silver bullet
  • stupid mermaid

We hope that our article will help you to play the game even more fun and active!

Great entertainment for any holiday or gathering at home - interesting games with family and friends. For example, play your favorite "Crocodile"!

Cards for the game "Crocodile"

1. We bring to your attention cards for playing crocodile on New Year's winter theme. These cards are suitable for playing with the whole family.

Crocodile for all occasions.

These cards are suitable for playing with the whole family.

Main rules.

By showing the word, you can:

- move any part of your body - even with your ears;
- take any posture - up to standing on your head;
- answer the questions of guessers with gestures;
- draw with gestures on a wall or other flat surface;
- point to your clothes, jewelry and other things that happened to be with you when you went to show the word;
-show the phrase in several steps, breaking it into separate words.

When showing a word, you can NOT:

-talk, deliberately make any sounds (except for expressing emotions);
- point to any objects, except for those that you have with you, pick them up, use them;
- pronounce words silently, with one mouth;
-show individual letters;
-draw (even if you had a pen or pencil with you) and generally leave visible marks on any surface;
-show the word in parts or syllables.

Every man for himself

Choose the player who goes to show the word first. He draws the top card from the deck, chooses one of the words indicated on it and begins to show it to the other players using facial expressions, gestures and other body movements.
While you show the word, other players guess it by saying their versions out loud. As soon as the correct version sounds (matching the word you chose from the drawn card), your turn ends. You return to the other players and now you will guess with them, and the player who guessed your word draws a new card from the deck, chooses one of the words and starts showing it.

Team game

An individual game is good for the first acquaintance with the "Crocodile", but this game is truly revealed in teams. By playing team against team, you will not only develop team spirit and learn to understand your comrades from one movement.
If your team has more than six people, we strongly recommend splitting into two, three or even four equal teams.
The principle of team play:
-teams go in turn, each time sending a new participant to show the word;
- the team's turn lasts exactly 1 minute, and the more words are guessed during this time, the more points the team will earn;
- only members of the team from which the player from which the team shows the word can guess;
- the game lasts exactly 12 rounds, after which the teams count the points earned and determine the winner.


Crocodile is a game of pantomime. And it's better than this game, during interesting gatherings with friends, you probably can't imagine. Sometimes no holiday with friends can do without this game. It perfectly cheers up everyone around, and also develops imagination and fantasy, and is great for big company adults and children. If you do not know how to play the crocodile game, then now we will tell you its rules, as well as advise a few interesting words for her.

What are the rules for playing crocodile?

The rules of ira crocodile are quite simple. All participants are divided into two teams. Sometimes it happens that the teams are divided separately into girls and boys, thus getting a rather interesting gameplay. Then one team must think of a difficult word, and tell it to one person from the opposing team. He, in turn, must, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, depict the word that he was asked for for his team. It is forbidden to speak or prompt your team during the image! The team must guess the word itself by asking questions or expressing their guesses. The impersonator can only answer by shaking his head “yes” or “no” whether his team guessed the hidden word or not. If the word is guessed, then the teams change places, and a new person is always put up for the image.

There is another option how to play crocodile game, in case there are few players to split into two teams. Then there are the following rules. Only one team participates. One person thinks of a word and tells it to the second player. At the same time, no one else knows the hidden word. Then the depicter must also represent this word, and those players who do not know him must guess. The one who guesses the word takes the place of the depicter, and the one who depicted in front of him must tell him a new word.

Interesting words for the game crocodile

The more complex word you come up with your opponent, the more funny and interesting game succeed. Imagine what your opponent will portray if you think of such words as: egg cutter, colorblind, vampire, or even worse if you think of whole phrases, for example: “an excited female praying mantis”. There are a great many such interesting words, and if it’s difficult for you to come up with them yourself, then there are sites on the Internet with a ready-made list of words for the crocodile game To warm up, you can use simple words, and then move on to more complex ones. You can guess not only individual words, but also whole sentences, phrases from songs, sayings or proverbs, and so on ..

chapter from the book Shishova T. "Shy invisible"

Perhaps the first thing that catches your eye when meeting with a shy child is his incredible stiffness. He is tense, awkward, his face is inexpressive, his voice is dull, sometimes even strangled. Of course, when parental pressure weakens, and the child's self-esteem rises, he begins to feel more free, but he is still far from real looseness. Many parents try to send shy sons and daughters to some sports section, hoping that this will help them to be liberated. But, as a rule, such attempts end in failure.

The nature of such children is not at all competitive, but strict discipline, without which sports are impossible, only further suppresses their already suppressed personality. Ballroom dancing, which many mothers rely on, is also unlikely to help at this stage. Especially boys. Indeed, nowadays ballroom dancing, with all the desire, cannot be attributed to prestigious male occupations. This is not karate or talk-wando. The shy little boy is already so worried that he is “like a girl” (fortunately, both adults and children will not fail to remind him of this once again!), And here he is also forced to do “girl business”. Of course, a child with a suppressed will often does not dare to grumble and dutifully goes to the dance class, so the parents may even get the impression that he goes there with pleasure. But I assure you, he does not dream about it in silence before going to bed.

It is better to go from simple to complex. As in any other business. Take care of yourself first emancipation of your baby. How? - Start with MIMIC and GESTURES.

1. "GUESS THE EMOTION" (for children 4-10 years old)

Here, almost the most important thing is to properly motivate the need for the game. The fact is that the children in question are usually embarrassed by their faces. And even more so, they are ashamed to grimace in public. And this exercise will be perceived by them as antics. Therefore, you must take an active role and set an example for your child. In addition, since shy children are usually happy to be in the role of artists (of course, when they are sure that they succeed), you can imagine mime, pantomime, and so on. exercises as useful acting training. Play together first. Then, when he can already easily cope with the tasks, involve his friends in the game. The rules of the game are very simple: the host shows some emotion with facial expressions, and the players name it and try to reproduce it. Whoever does it first gets a point. Start with easy-to-guess emotions: surprise, fear, joy, anger, sadness. They must be shown exaggeratedly, even caricatured. Gradually expand the range of feelings, introduce different shades of emotions (say, irritation, indignation, anger, rage). Older children can be given the task not only to guess the emotion, but also to impromptu play a small scene (either in puppets or “in a live plan”) with the corresponding plot.

2. "LIVE ILLUSTRATION" (for children 5-10 years old)

A. Barto's verses are ideal for this game. She has a lot of poetic genre sketches that accurately convey various childhood experiences and are colored with gentle humor, which often turns out to be healing for nervous children of any medicine. One player reads a poem, and the other player illustrates the described events and emotions with facial expressions and gestures. Teach your child to gradually capture and convey subtle shades of feelings. Barto's poems provide the richest material for this. For kids, rhymes like "Bear", "Bychok", "Ball" are more suitable. For older children - "Resentment", "Lyubochka", "Sonechka", "On the way to class" and many others.
If there are several players (and, I repeat, your goal is to gradually bring the shy child out of the closed world of the family), then you can introduce an element of competition. Let the host evaluate the performances and award the winners. But, of course, an adult should not forget about the main goal of the game and encourage a shy child even if he is not up to par. Your task in this case is psycho-correction, and not the establishment of justice.

3. "PICTURE THE ANIMAL" (for children 4-10 years old)

This game is used by many professionals. Children are asked to pantomimically show various animals and birds. It is important to consider two points here. Firstly, we must try to create an atmosphere of unrestrained fun, so that each performance is met with an explosion of laughter and applause, and secondly, not to give too difficult tasks. Every time, try to imagine first: how would you yourself portray this or that animal? (For example, can you draw an armadillo or a hippopotamus similarly?) Try to choose animals with bright colors. hallmarks and easily recognizable habits. Be sure to discuss later with the children what character the shown animal has. Shy children have difficulty communicating with others. And the inability to correctly express their feelings, stiffness and awkwardness play an important role here. Some psychologists claim that the child remains a non-verbal being almost until school. Those. he mostly communicates not at the verbal level, but at the level of facial expressions and gestures. True, I think that this is somewhat exaggerated, but, of course, facial expressions and gestures are very important for full communication. It is believed that children with inexpressive, "immovable" faces lose at least 10-15% of information when communicating. They do not fully grasp what is communicated to them on a non-verbal level, and often misjudge the attitude of others towards them. So pantomime games will help your child not only to be liberated, but also to better understand other people.

4. "WHERE WE HAVE BEEN - WE WILL NOT SAY, BUT WHAT WE DID - WE WILL SHOW" (for children 5-10 years old)

The task of this common children's game is to show any action without words. If there are a lot of guys, you can split into two teams. One shows, the other guesses. Then they change places.

5. "PANTOMIMICAL SCENES" (for children 5-10 years old)

The facilitator briefly describes the situation, and the child (or several children who have distributed roles among themselves) portray it in pantomime. Situations should be simple and emotionally colored. For example:
- The boy is skating. Falls. Wants to cry, but restrains himself, remembering that the boy should be courageous, and even smiles. Although with difficulty.
- The child notices a fruit on the plate. He carefully looks around to see if his mother sees him, otherwise she will be angry, because his mother allows him to eat fruit only after dinner. He puts a piece of fruit in his mouth and grimaces - it turns out that there was a lemon on the plate. (Play the mother and then switch roles with the child. The more roles the shy toddler replays, the better.)
- Fighter swings at another child. At first, he is frightened, wants to run away, but then he gathers his courage and gives him back. The dragon is crying.
- The child goes out into the yard and sees children playing. At first he does not dare to approach them, but then he nevertheless approaches and introduces himself (without words, only with gestures).
- The girl walks in the forest, picks mushrooms, looks at the trees, admires the beautiful flowers. Then he almost steps into an anthill. Shakes off ants crawling on the leg. Ouch! The ant bit her. Hurt! (You can invite the child to continue this story himself).

6. "CONVERSATION WITH A DEAF GRANDMA" (version of the game proposed by M.I. Chistyakova) (for children 4-10 years old)

A child is talking to a deaf grandmother. She speaks, and he speaks to her with gestures, because the grandmother does not hear anything. Natural play with children school age should be more complicated and colored with humor. For example, it is enough for a four-year-old kid to simply show where grandmother's glasses are, and a third-grader is already able to depict with gestures both the glasses themselves and the fact that they are broken, as someone inadvertently sat on them. In this game, as in the previous one, there can be a great variety of options. It all depends on your collective imagination.
To help you tune in to the right wave, here is a small fragment of such a game:
Grandmother opens the door for her grandson.
Grandmother: Where have you been, mischievous?
The grandson shows with gestures that he played football.
Grandmother: So, how are you?
The grandson raises his thumb up - they say, excellent.
Grandmother: Why are you limping?
The grandson waves his hand: they say, nothing, do not pay attention.
Grandmother: No, after all... Have you fallen?
The grandson shows without words how he caught the ball and fell, breaking his knee. He was in pain, but he didn't show it.

The easiest trick to create comic situations is if the grandson asks the grandmother for something with gestures, and she understands him wrong and does the wrong thing. Here, of course, a lot depends on the resourcefulness and artistry of an adult. Remember: the more humor there is in the game, the sooner your child will relax and be liberated.

7. "THROUGH THE GLASS" (game proposed by N. Kukhtina; suitable for children aged 6-10)

Imagine that you are communicating with someone through soundproof glass and must convey a message to him without words, pantomime. For example: “You forgot to put on a hat, but it’s very cold outside”, “let’s go swimming, the water is warm today”, “bring a glass of water, I’m thirsty”, etc. You can guess the message and get points for it, or, on the contrary, you can complete the task of the presenter. In this case, he must evaluate whether the meaning of his words is correctly conveyed by gestures. Like other similar games, this one, among other things, develops ingenuity.

8. "DIFFERENT GAIT" (exercise proposed by V. Levy; suitable for children 7-10 years old)

Have a shy boy or girl act like:
- a baby who has recently stood up and is taking his first steps,
- deep old man
- drunk, - lion,
- gorilla,
- Stage performer.

(Of course, there are many more options.)

1. Draw without a subject

Invite the children to use their imagination to do the following in public: 1. Thread a needle. 2. Sew on a button. 3. Toss and catch the ball (remember - without the ball). 4. Toss with a friend the ball. 5. Split firewood. 6. Plan the board with a planer. 7. Sharpen the pencil. 8. Cut your nails with scissors. 9. Move an item from one place to another. 10. Flip through a book with thin pages and an album with thick ones. 11. Unfold and fold the newspaper. 12. Pour water several times from one glass to another. 13. Throw water at someone from a glass and manage to avoid being doused. 14. Lift things weighing 1,2,3,4,5 and 10 kilograms. 15. Take in turn a very cold, warm, and hot object. 16. Feel velvet, silk, wool. 17. Place several plates one inside the other without making the slightest noise. 18. Smell an apple, orange, rose, clove, onion, ammonia. 19. Cut a watermelon into slices and eat one piece ...

2. Competition of poetic genres

Participants of the competition select at their own discretion poems of different genres (sonnet, elegy, ballad, epigram, epitaph) and read them to all those present. The spectators of the competition determine the genre of the work and write answers on the sheets, sign their names and immediately hand them over to the jury. At the end of the competition, the correct answers are determined, pseudonyms are revealed (if someone signed them instead of a surname), the winners (both readers and viewers) are awarded.

3. Competition of "anonymous" poets

The contestants choose several poems by famous poets, read these poems and invite everyone else to identify the authors.

4. Competition of poetic feelings

Participants of the competition are given the task to find poems in which certain feelings are clearly expressed. Which ones are determined by the organizers of the competition, for example: pride, joy, hatred, sadness. Participants of the competition read the corresponding verses. The jury determines and evaluates the works that best meet the assigned task.

5. "Signal translation"

Some schoolchildren lead a story, read poetry, sing songs. Others "translate" being nearby, like special television announcers, depicting the content of literary texts with their hands and facial expressions. It is clear that this is pure improvisation, but what scope for fiction is hidden in it!

6. Theater directors

Invite students to compose and stage a performance in 15-30 minutes, the text of which consists of only four lines. For example: Once in a cold, winter time, I came out of the forest. Was hard frost. I look, a horse is slowly rising up the mountain, carrying a cart of brushwood. Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped a ball into the river. Hush, Tanechka, don't cry, the ball won't sink in the river. A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest. In winter and summer, it was slender green. (You can take any other well-known quatrains.) The performance-improvisation by the forces of the creative group (troupe) should be staged by lot in the genres of opera, operetta, circus, horror film, musical, drama, melo-drama, comedy, detective story, documentary film, pop and etc. An interesting and funny performance can turn out.

7. Cameramen

For very a short time together with the children, "stage", "shoot" a small plot according to the laws of silent cinema. We remind you: the actors in such a film do not pronounce words, and the roles are portrayed by facial expressions, gestures, postures. As a plot for a silent movie, you can take fairy tales: "Ryaba the Hen", "Gingerbread Man", "Three Bears", "Little Red Riding Hood". You can play Krylov's fables: "The Wolf and the Lamb", "Quartet", "Crow and Fox", "Dragonfly and Ant", etc. , come on!", "Mowgli", "The Adventures of a Beaver".

8. Musicians

The noise orchestra was a favorite genre for children in the 1920s and 1930s. You can play in such an orchestra on any "instruments" that sound: bottles, combs, kitchen utensils, toys, poles, metal objects, whistles, pipes, even educational subjects from a physics or chemistry classroom. We advise you to include one of the participants in the orchestra, who will play either the button accordion, or the piano, or the balalaika, violin or guitar, that is, lead the musical theme. But! The orchestra must have its own face, which differs: -3 pieces of music, costumes, directing and... composition musical instruments. We offer "genres" of noise orchestras: "merry cooks", "toy shop", "fire station", "Bremen Town Musicians", "Scheherazade", "market", "bird yard", "restaurant", "lumberjacks", "school ", " garden plot", etc. Come up with your "genre", your "face", your "instruments". They can only be made of wood, metal, glass, brick, stone, polymers, etc.

9. Pantomime artists

Organize your own pantomime theatre. Let the artists of mimams with or without music depict: 1) a coffee grinder, door lock, a jackhammer, a dovecote, a cuckoo clock, a striking clock, a tractor in the field, a motorcycle, a military siren, etc. You, of course, have noticed that all "objects" are resonant, which means that, in addition to pantomime, "sound" is also needed;

2) you can depict objects without sound, for example, a burning candle, a flashing light bulb, blunt scissors, a hot iron, glasses falling from your nose, a damaged TV, a non-working lighter, a bicycle with a "eight". Come up with your own expressive objects. Mimamsa artists on stage, in the hall may risk portraying:

3) a conductor who directs and manages an orchestra of folk instruments, a symphony orchestra, a pop group, military and other imaginary orchestras that perform the corresponding songs and musical pieces. By the way, the audience should guess what is being performed: a waltz, a military march, a symphony, a folk or pop song;

4) a hairdresser who shaves a client, trims a large beard, makes a complex female hairstyle, perms, etc. By the way, hairstyles can be done for real, but in a given style: “mustang tail”, “square-nested”, “Russian field", "Pippi Longstocking", "Elbrus", etc.

5) a situation from life: "The cook makes dinner", "The surgeon performs an operation", "The dentist pulls out a tooth", "The hostess cleans the perches", "The driver repairs the car, lying under it", etc.;

6) The object for the image is an angry cat, a hungry pig, a lazy penguin, a talking parrot, a proud rooster, angry dog, a cowardly rabbit, an arrogant turkey, a night owl, a handsome peacock, an ostrich, etc. The main thing here is to convey the "character" of an animal or bird. Depict his (her) gait, "voice", demeanor. All this must be done cheerfully, with fiction;

7) Another objects for a mimic image are pedestrians walking leisurely along the street, or people in a hurry somewhere. They have different gaits, different facial expressions. You can depict an old woman with a dog on a leash; a sentry policeman whose boots are tight; a lover who has a toothache; a person who inadvertently kicked cardboard box in which the brick lay; a girl in a miniskirt with an umbrella in her hands and the wind is strong; a mother of many children with a bunch of running children;

8) By the way, you can ask the guys to show the "gait" of a chicken, duck, turkey, goose, penguin. They are very individual. They must be "grabbed" and try to repeat. Animals jump very peculiarly. Let the guys jump like jerboas, frogs, kangaroos, hares, cats, dogs. And you can invite the children to show how a snake or a crocodile crawls on the ground, how a bear, a panther and a monkey climb a tree. How an angry rooster behaves; cat meeting dog a fox sitting in an "ambush"; a hare hiding under a bush; a crow taking a piece of bread from a sparrow, etc.

10. "Tell" with gestures

Two (three) groups are given small plot texts (story, fairy tale), it is necessary to read this text and<пересказать" его жестами, мимикой. Соперникам надо быстро догадаться, о чем идет речь, перевести жесты на язык слов.

11. Who runs, walks, jumps

In this competition, any participant must show his powers of observation and demonstrate, for example, how geese, camels, wagtails, peacocks, ducks, cats, elephants, seals, giraffes walk; jumping frogs, grasshoppers, hares, kangaroos, panthers; running horses, hippos, dogs, turkeys; crayfish, snakes, crocodiles crawl.

12. Choral ensembles

The guys can perform one or two verses of a well-known song, for example: "The Blue Wagon", "The Fisherman", "The Black Cat", "The Grasshopper Sat in the Grass", as this song would have been performed: the Pyatnitsky Choir, the Georgian ensemble "Orero" , a vocal group of a kindergarten, a choir of stage veterans, a military song and dance ensemble, an African tribe "Lumbu-Mumbu", a dog breeders' club, etc. Other "creative" groups can also be depicted.

13. Orchestras

Groups of children represent with movements and sounds an orchestra of sacred music, a military orchestra, an orchestra of folk instruments, a symphony orchestra, a violin ensemble, a pop orchestra, jazz, a brass band. The main thing is to remember the composition of the instruments and show how they are played. Then it remains to portray the orchestra as truthfully, interestingly and cheerfully as possible.

14. Dancers

All children love to dance. We offer to hold a dance concert with objects. To the well-known melodies "Apple", "Cossack", "Kalinka" and other favorite rhythms and melodies, let the guys dance: with an apple (ball, ball, small pillow) between their foreheads; riding on broomsticks; with chairs or stools; with watering cans and mops; with backpacks on their backs. Come up with other "dance" items.

15. Theater artists

Invite the children to imagine that they are theater performers in ancient Greece, or Shakespearean theater, or Japanese theater.<Кабуки", или дореволюционного провинциального театра времен знаменитого э Волкова, или театра авангардного искусства, или показать, что они - артисты МХАТа. А играть ребятам надле-жит спектакль по мотивам сказки "Красная Шапочка". Текст может быть симпровизирован. Роли, костюмы, реквизит необходимо быстро придумать и сделать.

16. Circus performers

Tell the students that they are trainers. Let them come up with and show a number with elephants, tigers, panthers, sea lions, dogs, monkeys, parrots, cats, mice, kangaroos. Naturally, they themselves will portray these animals. And you will be a tamer. If you don't be afraid. Children are like jugglers. They will work with pebbles, balls, plastic plates, rings and even potatoes. Naturally, the number must be invented and put. You can balance with a gymnastic stick, mop, broom, cue from billiards. Tell the children that they are parody clowns. They need, speaking in the arena, to make the audience laugh, portraying a magician, illusionist, gymnast, animal trainer, juggler, power acrobat, rider, etc. And then just fool around. Maybe come up with a funny number?

17. Tap dancers

Probably, all the guys watched the film "Winter Evening in Gagra", where the popular film artists Evstigneev and Pankratov-Cherny played the roles of tap dancers and rhythm players. The tap dancer perfectly feels the rhythm of the melody and taps it out with his feet, usually very quickly. Let schoolchildren try themselves in this role and tap the soles of their boots, shoes "Kovyryalochka", "Drobotushki", "Lezginka", "Topotushki" and just any rhythmic melody. But fervently, with fiction.

18. Small choirs

Only children who have brown or, say, blue eyes can be participants in such choirs; brunettes or redheads; snub-nosed or those with Greek noses, those who were born either in winter, or in spring, or in summer, or in autumn, who were born under one or another sign of the zodiac. You can enter into one chorus choleric or sanguine, melancholic or phlegmatic. You can combine into one "chapel" guys with straight or curly hair, short, medium and high growth. Finally, friends and associates will sing together in one small choir. What are they going to sing? Obviously, something unusual and in an unusual way too.

Give the children the following options:

1. Perform the alphabet without missing a single letter. Sing the alphabet - a, b, c, d, e, etc. - a song, other well-known melodies. Probably, you can insert unions "and", "a", "but", although it would be better to do without them.

2. Take a famous poem. For example, Pushkin's "Song of the Prophetic Oleg". Participants must take the risk of singing this poem to the melody of different songs: "Louder, music, play victory", "Varangian". Suggest other options.

3. Choirs can compete in the performance of one verse or even a line of songs that mention women's names, or the word "love", or Russian berries, or Russian cities, or the sea (river), birds, trees, insects. In a word, this is a kind of small festival of songs about dogs or unhappy love, fairy-tale characters or roads.

19. A song that has an answer to any question

In the texts of many songs, the authors have put this or that question. Remember at least a popular song where the question sounds demanding: "What, what, what are our boys made of?" Now, the answer must be found in another song, but it must somehow correspond to the question. A song with a question can be performed by the presenter or the "opponent" team. The other team, one of the participants in such a competition, or any of the guys in the hall must sing their answer. Understandably? Then let the guys look for answers to the questions of such famous lines from the songs: - Why did I, my dear, recognize you, Why did you answer my love? - Where are you, fellow soldiers?.. - What are you dreaming about, cruiser Aurora?.. - Where does 1-one begin?. . - Where, where did you go?

20. Shadow theater

Shadow theater has existed since ancient times. It has its own genres: figurines cut out of paper or cardboard; finger theater; theater of volume objects of toys; household tools; acting theater. With the palms of the hands, fingers, let the guys depict on the screen (wall, canvas): a barking dog, a hare, an elephant, a deer, a hedgehog, a cat, a bird, a horse. It must be "live", moving animals and birds. Definitely fun and funny. Remember, for shadow theater you need a bright light source (lamp, lantern, candle), a screen and darkness in the room. It also needs a lot of imagination and ingenuity. With the help of cut out figures, you can show a fairy tale, a fable or a funny story about friends.

21. Fashion Theater

It is often shown on television - these are fashion contests that take place in cities and villages. Create your "fashion theater". Let fashion designers, "fashion models" and authors of new clothes show new school uniforms, beach suits, ball gowns, clothes of young housewives, sports uniforms, clothes of tourists or fishermen, taxi drivers or policemen. Any "cry of fashion" is possible, a bold fantasy of fashion designers.

22. Playing out verses

All good poems for children, as a rule, are small figurative, situational plays. They can be played. Remember the names of the most dramatic children's poets: K. Chukovsky, B. Zakhoder, S. Oster, A. Barto, G. Sabdir, B. Okudzhava and, of course, S. Marshak. Especially his English cycle of translations by R. Burns. "The Princess and the Cannibal" by G. Sabdir, "The King is Going on a Campaign" by B. Okudzhava, "Bad Advice" by S. Oster are played immediately, from the sheet, by roles. And the parables of K. Chukovsky known to everyone since childhood "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Aibolit", "Moydodyr" are whole dramas and tragedies with dozens of roles: people, animals and "humanized" objects! Such well-known poems as "The lady checked in the luggage", "Three gifts", "The house that Jack built", "I make my way along the gate", "You whistle, I will not keep you waiting", "The ballad of the royal sandwich", "I lived an absent-minded person", "What are boys made of?" - interesting material for theatrical impromptu. By the way, children's counting rhymes are also small, exciting, funny plays. We propose to hold a theatrical competition. Two or three groups of children, voluntarily or by lot, take the poems that we mentioned, or other, favorite poems, say S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, assign roles, invent costumes, props and either play them spontaneously, or a little rehearse. Try to do this with children, and you will experience the joy of theatrical, impromptu creativity.

23. Sculptures, pyramids, living paintings

All children are dreamers. With them, you can come up with the most incredible situations. For example, open a "wax museum" or "sculpture gallery" or create a "vernissage of living paintings." In this "genre" the guys will simultaneously be artists of pantomime, theater, circus and even ballet on ice. This means that they will be a little sculptors, artists, athletes and directors at the same time. What can you "build" with the help of simple props, costume details and fiction? And here's what:

1. Moscow University, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the television tower in Ostankino, the Kremlin, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Egyptian pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, the Montreal springboard, the American Statue of Liberty and even the Great Wall of China. It will be something like a living pyramid, the main thing is that it looks like the mentioned architectural structures. A competition of living pyramids can be part of a sports festival.

2. Famous sculptural monuments, monuments, compositions: "The Thinker" by Rodin, "Laocoön", "Apollo Belvedere" by unknown authors, "David" by Michelangelo, "Discobolus" by Miran, "Mephistopheles" by Antokolsky, "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" by Mukhina, fountains of Peterhof , horses on the Klodt Anichkov Bridge, monuments to Peter I, Catherine, Suvorov in St. Petersburg. You can "create" sculptural images of athletes: a girl with a paddle, a weightlifter, a gymnast, a football player, a skier, a skater, etc. 3. Have the children come up with and show their friends their "monument", which can be dedicated to weed control; school cafeteria; a quiet hour at a summer camp; the teachers' council; border guards on patrol; school break; school line, etc. These will be frozen moments of school life, funny and instructive.

4. You can create a monument that reflects the well-known proverbs and sayings: "What fell from the cart is gone"; "Don't say gop until you jump over"; "Where the needle is, there is the thread"; "What's on the forehead, what's on the forehead"; "Do not sit in your sleigh"; "A bad head does not give rest to the legs"; "The law is not written for fools", etc.

5- Remember the final scene of N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector", when the heroes of the play freeze when they learn about the arrival of a real auditor? This is the so-called mimic scene. Try together with the children to find the appropriate places in familiar plays, fairy tales, cartoons, stories, illustrate them with mimic siennas. For example, from the works of A. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek", "Timur and his team". Or from your favorite cartoons "Well, wait a minute!", "Prostokvashino", about a boa constrictor, a parrot and a monkey, etc.

6. The guys like to depict plots of famous paintings: "Barge Haulers on the Volga", "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan" by Repin, "Three Heroes", "The Knight at the Crossroads" by Vasnetsov, "Hunters at Rest", "Troika" by Perov, etc. . Hold a "Riddle" vernissage and let the children show their "paintings" to the audience. The audience must guess: what is this picture and who painted it?

24. Television

He is loved and known by everyone who considers himself a TV viewer. We give two options for playing "TV". First: in such well-known programs as "Morning Star", "Addresses of the Young", "Village Hour", "Stadium for All", "Music Kiosk", "Time", "News", "Health", "Kinopanorama", "According to the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", "Before and after midnight", "Good night, kids!" and others, children need to get their school content in. Preparation should be short-term, impromptu. Second: invite the guys to compose their own "Wick", "Yeralash", their own program "Come, a fairy tale", "Morning", "Telebridge", etc. It was like being on real TV. Invite them to portray Gennady Khazanov, Valery Leontiev, Alla Pugacheva, Muslim Magomayev, Vyacheslav Druzhinin, Evgeny Leonov, Mikhail Boyarsky, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Valentina Tolkunova, Iosif Kobzon, Vladimir Vinokur, Alexander Malinin and other artists with their distinctive, characteristic manners of performance, roles .

25. Storytellers

Fans of domestic or foreign fairy tales can take part in the competition of storytellers, storytellers, authors - performers of their own versions of famous or simply favorite fairy tales. They can be played with music. Fairy tales can be illustrated with drawings shown through an epidiascope, slides, filmstrips. Storytellers, of course, should be dressed in Russian folk costumes. Fairy tales can be dramatized, that is, played like a performance.

26. Acrobat gymnasts

Probably, there is no such adult who did not like to do somersaults, do "splits", "bridges", etc. in childhood. Spend an evening with schoolchildren, a matinee, where they will perform like gymnasts or acrobats. For this you need: a sports uniform or training suits, mats and ... fantasy. At the heart of such impromptu are sports pyramids. To make the children's imagination work, tell them simple plots: depict (in a pyramid) a single-engine or twin-engine aircraft, a "haunted" house, a border guard post with dogs, a humpbacked bridge, a "devil's bridge", etc. You can come up with and quickly make real pyramids. One should not only "build" complex compositions without training. Let us remember that this is still a game of gymnasts and acrobats.

27. Sitting on chairs

You can also dance or dance while sitting on chairs. Without getting up! You can do it one by one, you can do it together. Melodies, of course, should be different: lambada, waltz, tango, Russian dance, lezginka, etc. You can offer to dance some kind of dance with tied legs. They must be tied with something soft, for example, a scarf, belt, towel.