Rating of board games for the whole family. Top Board Games for Kids, Review of Board Games for Kids

  • 25.09.2019

Every year (well, almost every year) in my blog I talk about best games ah last year. Usually I do this based on my tastes and opinions, but this year I decided to do it easier. I'm not Tom Wesel, no one sends me popular and hot news, so that I am aware of absolutely all the new products, so I don't really want to express my opinions about games, judging only by other people's opinions. Let's make it simple - turn to the main desktop site - Board Game Geek (BGG), and based on international opinion, we will draw our conclusions. Today is January 5 (when I start writing a note), and I do this - I go to BGG, in the search for games I drive in 2016, sort the list by rating and look at the top twenty.

Of course, on January 6 or 7, the numbers of the overall rating and places in the top may change, so do not judge strictly if something changes on BGG while I finish the article.

Let's start the review from the 20th place (the place in the overall rating according to the BGG version is indicated in brackets).

20 (466). Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

Last year and the year before last, the topic was very popular in the desktop world. pandemics . Probably on the wave of success Pandemic Legacy publishing house Z Man began to rivet games from the same series, but in a different setting. The most successful game was the version about the good old Cthulhu.

The game is based on the same Pandemic Matt Leacock - players roam the map and, instead of finding a cure for diseases, close the opened portals to the other world. There are not so many differences from the original in the game - portals; Shoggoths passing through the portals and bringing the awakening of Cthulhu closer; sanity tokens, the loss of which leads to the loss of player actions; moving around the map is much easier.

Judging by the impressions of the players who wrote the reviews, the game turned out to be lighter than the original Pandemics. The theme of Cthulhu seems to be there, but it is not pronounced, it seems to be interesting to play, but more was expected from the game.

To be honest, the 20th place in this game confuses me. In essence, this is a simplified Pandemic for lovers of Lovecraft myths, but a deep dive into the topic did not work out. It's good that at least there are shoggots besides cultists.

The game is nicely designed. This is probably the only reason I could buy this game, but I'm unlikely to ever do it, because it's better pandemics can only be Pandemic . The Cthulhu theme is just plain fun that can brighten up a few evenings. Visually, everything is cool and even very cool, but the gameplay is still simple.

19 (463). Imhotep

Who would have thought that such a simple toy would take 19th place. I wrote about it when I was reviewing the games that are getting ready to be shown on Jen Con. Even then, there were good reviews about the game on BGG, but commentators on my blog said that they did not see anything interesting in Imhotep . In fact, the board game does not claim to be a furious hardcore, it is such a simple and unpretentious eurogame about the construction of Egypt.

The gameplay is very simple. On his turn, the player chooses one action from: take a stone, place a stone on the ship, play a blue market card, or send the ship, if it is full of his own or other stones, to one of the areas with goodies. Sending a ship is the most important part of the game. Those. everything seems simple, but tasteful. I think that's why boarders all over the world love the game. It's not difficult, but there is a twist, and this is the main thing.

Compared to other top games of 2016 Imhotep looks a little pale, but I can believe that the game got the 19th place for a reason. I would not buy a board game, but I would play it for sure.

18 (454). Mare Nostrum: Empires

"Sometimes they come back." Recently, it has become fashionable to recall old games, blow the dust off them, redraw art, modernize the rules and release a new edition. O Mare Nostrum few people remembered, but as soon as it was re-released, a wave of laudatory reviews immediately began, because games of this kind now appear infrequently.

This is a civilization game in which players build their empires. In it, you need to engage in trade, build wonders of the world, develop an army, expand political influence in the nearest territories.

IMHO, an amateur game. Try now to seat teenagers at the computer Age of Empires , for example, from which blows mold. Tsiva is ours, Marenostrum, naked. Cthulhu is not there, the minks are not CMON's, there is no smell of superheroes in the game, but the worst thing is that it was not Vincent Dutré who painted everything. The game is designed purely for civo-geeks who sometimes like to develop their empires. Therefore, some younger players call the game a little dry, yet the taste of 2003 is felt, whatever one may say.

I'm interested in the board itself. I would not buy it, but I would play someone else's copy. I honestly admit that I am not very familiar with civilization games, so I would be happy to draw a conclusion based on this game.

Oldfags like the game, newfags in thought.

17 (425). Secret Hitler

For me, this is a puzzle game. I used to hear that a PnP version of a certain party game about Hitler appeared on the net. Someone wrote that they printed out the game, tried to play and it seems like Secret Hitler liked it. It seemed to me that this desktop game would remain in a free-roaming version of the network, but it was still published from afar with the help of crowdfunding. To be honest, the 17th place of this game surprised me a little, because this modest party game managed to bypass many large projects that were supposed to be in the top 20.

Gameplay SH resembles Resistance (or Avalon , according to BGG, but have not played this game). At the beginning of the game, players are secretly divided into 2 teams - fascists and liberals. As in the Mafia, at the beginning of the game, all players close their eyes, and then the Nazis open them, getting to know each other. Then in each round there will be elections of the President and the First Secretary. This stage of elections is very similar to the formation of teams in Resistance . Players vote for and against, after which positions are approved or new elections are held if the majority does not support the candidates. Then an interesting element begins, which I have not seen in other games. The President draws 3 law cards from the deck. Actually, both liberal and fascist laws can be caught there. One law he puts aside, and the other two he gives to the Secretary, who must choose one of the laws and lay it out in the open. What happens next is that the Secretary and the President must try to prove that they voted correctly, that they were simply unlucky when distributing cards if a fascist law was passed (for example, 3 fascist cards fell out). The task of the fascists is to collect 6 fascist laws, the liberals - 6 liberal laws.

It seems that the gameplay is kind of rustic, but since I like it Resistance , then I would also play in SH. But still, IMHO, for such a partygame, the game has climbed a bit high in terms of rating. It seems to me that later she will give up her positions.

But in general, I liked most of all to read in the reviews about the game what residents of other countries think about Hitler. Many are shocked that the game is dedicated to the bloody dictator. One girl devoted most of the review to describing her life in Russia. She talked about what she saw on the streets of this country on the Fuhrer's birthday. I'm afraid that even if someone in Russia wants to publish this game, they will have difficulties with its name...

Also, what I like stylish design games. If not for the ill-fated Adik, some Gaga could well have localized the game.

16 (417). 51st State: Master Set

Probably, Pan Trzewiczek managed to enter the same water twice. Imperial Settlers should have been a worthy replacement new era , but it turned out something casual. At the same time, the sales of the game were quite high, the boarders praised the board game on their Internet and were glad that they got what they wanted. New 51st State was supposed to be a good replacement for the old one, but the game was heavily criticized in RuNet, so the 16th place in the list of the best games according to BGG seems somehow strange to me. Probably, after all, there is a big difference between English-speaking and Russian-speaking players in the perception of board games.

Trzewiczek simplified old ideas, redrawn the art and presented the old product as a new game. And it works - people like it, they give the game high marks, which means that Ignacy is doing everything right.

A game about building a city with cards, in which the card can be used in three different ways. The game includes both old maps from the original game and maps from expansions.

It is said that those who have played new era , for other card games from this series will no longer sit. But if you want something simpler and prettier, then the Master Set is very good.

15 (399). cry havoc

And again, sir Ignacy, hello! Although Trzewiczek himself did not take part in the development of the game, he released it. Tom Wesel made an excellent advertisement for the game in the summer, saying that this is the main contender for the game of the year.

For me, Kray Havok is an interesting project. I admit, I'm a sucker for board games with dudes on the map. In this game, everything seems to be done just for me - you need to collect resources, buy upgrades for the army, hire new fighters and beat opponents for fat places on the field. What confuses me a little is the asymmetry of the factions. This seems to be good, since the game appears before us in all its diversity, but on the other hand, I often hear that one faction is stronger, then another, or even completely, that it’s not interesting to play together and three ... Indeed, it's a bit sad if the game is really skewed in one direction.

I can even agree with the place of this game. Visually, it does not cause any complaints, it looks delicious, although there seems to be nothing very new in the game. I am glad to see that in the age of fillers and party games, someone is trying to make big toys. True, I doubt that CH will stay in the top for a long time ...

14 (378). Millennium Blades

Oh, I'm ashamed, but I don't even know what kind of game this is. Several times I heard requests to Gaga to localize the game Millennium Blades but what kind of game it is, I have no idea. I will study right now...

Well, what I want to tell you - but the project is interesting! MB is a CCG simulator. Those. not the CCG itself, but the game in those who play the CCG. Plus, in the appendage, we have anime art and kish humor. There are many, many cards in the box with the game, from which players form their starting decks, then they play one tournament, receive money as prizes, which they spend on buying boosters and singles, which are collected from the cards in the box. Then a new tournament is played, and again, at the end of it, everyone buys something. Those who have spent many years on collectible card games remember very well the very exciting sensations of opening boosters and forming new decks for the next tournament. Judging by the reviews, MB simulates all this perfectly.

Do not flatter yourself that the tournament part of the game boasts cool gameplay that can be compared with card giants such as Mtg. In tournaments, you simply play the properties of the cards to earn points that lead the player to victory.

Of the minuses, the following is noted - it takes a lot of time to prepare for the game, it is inconvenient to shuffle a mountain of cards, one game lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

Well, this is quite interesting, and now I also want this game to be released GaGa Games . They have been cooperating with the publishing house for a long time. Level 99 Games (from a distance Pixel Tactics , for example), so there is hope that they can also release a card simulator. True, it will cost much more than PT, and this has weight in our difficult economic time.

By the way, good review games I found on Tesera.

13 (377). Dead of Winter: The Long Night

I once longed to acquire Dead of Winter , but when it was localized, I suddenly wanted something. I look at the picture from the add-on box, and I don’t want to mess with it even more =) Some too scary zombies there ...

There is nothing surprising in the fact that an independent addition to one of the most successful games of recent years is in the top, no. Of course, faithful boarders will buy an addition to their favorite game. They just say that the independence of the supplement did not go into the hands. I heard the opinion that if you play one extra, then there is a feeling that something is missing. If you play along with the base, then not all of the extras are interesting, but only part of it, so there is a feeling that you overpaid for the game. But there is also an opinion that this edition turned out to be cooler than the first, so it is Long Night that is advised to take if we do not have a base.

Also lately on Teser, I see a lot of questions related to the rules of this add-on, which raises doubts about a well-written rulebook.

It feels like the players got the same thing as in the base - a group of people trying to survive in a massive influx of zombies. Yes, the cards in this game are different, different characters, but the feeling is the same. Surely those who really liked the base were satisfied with the additional one.

Friends who played? How are the impressions?

It seems to me that this add-on will be the last in the zombie series. Previously, the authors of the game promised that they would continue to make similar games with crossroads, but with a different theme. Zombies are no longer as popular as they used to be. It's time to change something.

12 (287). Sushi Go Party!

I didn't know much about this game before writing this article. No I don't mean the game Sushi Go . I know almost everything about her. But what kind of "party" is - I have no idea.

As it turned out, Sushi Go Party is an updated version old game. The most important change is that the game has expanded. If in the usual "sushi" there were only 8 dishes, then in the party version there were much more of them, so the players got the opportunity to create their own menu before the start of the game. It turns out that the new version is the old version with a “+” sign. Plus the usual Sushi Go the fact that there the box is smaller and the game unfolds faster. As for me, then Party is preferable to buy if someone still does not have this game.

Sushi Go is a simple game with draft mechanics. Players pass around the cards, collect sets from them and score victory points. This is a really great game for beginners who are just new to board games. For a filler, the game climbed quite high in the rankings.

And I also really want to game expert I localized this desktop… She's cute!

11 (225). Codenames: Pictures

And with this game, too, nothing surprising. "Pictures" is a continuation of last year's sensational spy word game. This is the same Codenames, only not textual, but illustrated. Words have been replaced by abstract pictures, to which you can come up with many interesting associations.

Although it's really impossible to say unequivocally that Pictures are as cool as the original game. It's a matter of taste. Some like to come up with associations to words, others to pictures. Someone after buying the game said that they Pictures I like it more, but someone complained that they bought into the hype in vain.

In any case, Russian-speaking boarders will have the opportunity to check the coolness of the game for themselves, since in 2017 it will be published by GaGa Games . I admit, I would be curious to look at this desktop, because Codenames I liked it.

10(223). Quadropolis

Well, here we come to the top 10, it's getting more and more interesting.

Probably, first of all, this game is remembered not by its theme and gameplay, but by the name of its author. Quadropolis is a city building game. Players have to choose tiles of buildings and structures and lay them out on their tablet. Each built tile brings bonuses to the player, and in this regard Qudropolis can be compared with the well-known Suburbia .

As for me, this is another good family from Days of wonder . As you know, this publisher only releases games that they are 100% sure of, so you should not expect a catch from DoW. However, I did not notice the revolutionary gameplay in Q. A good game, yes, but I won’t run to the store for it. In my opinion, 10th place for this game is a bit too high.

9 (218). Captain Sonar

Captain Sonar is an advanced Sea Combat. The players are divided into two teams (ideally, each team should have 4 players) and distribute the roles that they will have to play.

One player moves the submarine around the playing field, the other is looking for the enemy submarine, the third monitors the performance of the boat, the fourth launches torpedoes at the enemy. They say that the gameplay is very fun, but still it is worth recognizing that finding 8 people for a full-fledged game is not for everyone.

It seems to me that the game first of all captivates with its unusualness, which is why it is in 9th place. Talking about Captain Sonar , it cannot be said that this is another game about building a city, destroying monsters in a dungeon or conquering space. Therefore, boarders are intrigued by what this game offers. It's not every year that you're offered real-time control of a submarine. I myself would play someone else's copy with great pleasure, but I wouldn't take it for myself =) I simply won't have 8 people for a game, so I don't see any point in spending money on it.

An unusual game, an interesting experiment to complicate the rules of the classic Sea Battle.

8 (104). Arkham Horror: The Card Game

To replace the closed LCD Call of Cthulhu came a new game from a series of games made on the myths of Lovecraft. This is also a live card game, only unlike CoC, it is cooperative.

In spirit, the game is similar to another cooperative LCD - Lord of the Rings . Card AH offers players to go through several adventures using personal investigator decks. The base can be played with two people (or three people if you buy another base box). There are cards in the decks of the players that enhance the capabilities of the players, but there are also those that weaken these capabilities. And only a competent approach to interaction will lead players to victory.

It was probably worth expecting the game to reach the top 10 in 2016, because usually all new FFG LCDs are in high demand at first, which then gradually falls. Card AH turned out again, like any other LCD, not without minuses. As usual, there are few components in the box, no organizer, a lot of randomness, little variability, no bag of chaos from which you need to draw tokens, etc. etc. Those. in the core set, we are again offered a demo game, after playing which we will understand whether it is worth spending money on it further.

7 (95). Great Western Trail

What are you doing with us, Pfister... Probably, after all, the regiment of brilliant authors has arrived (although Pasha Medvedev denies this in every possible way :)), because the last years of Alexander Pfister's games occupy top places. Noisy last year Mombasa , and in this sly, his new game about transporting cows in the setting of the Wild West crept up to the top.

I noticed this toy even when it was shown at the largest American exhibition. Then the people who bought the game spoke funny about her - no one expected something special from her, and then suddenly the tabletop turned out to be very suitable and interesting.

GWT is a eurogame about points with all the consequences. Players need to transport cows from point A to point B using deck building mechanics. To do this more efficiently, players hire different assistants and use the properties of the buildings they meet along the way. I haven't seen any really bad reviews about the game. The game is either highly praised or simply called good, which you can easily agree to play if someone offers. The most pleasant thing in this whole story is that, quite unexpectedly, the Russian publishing house Star announced the localization of the game. The desktop game will be released this spring, and without any crowdfunding, which has set the teeth on edge. And this will be my first game in the collection Stars =) I'm looking forward to GWT in Russian.

6 (69). A Feast for Odin

Before you start doing A Feast for Odin , Uwe Rosenberg practiced on a small two-player game called Patchwork . Although, if you think about it, Caverna , Agricola and Field of Arles he also practiced A Feast for Odin is a symbiosis of all these games.

AFFO is a game for gamers. For serious gamers, and not those who only occasionally indulge in desktop games, and then preferably no more than one hour. Rosenberg immediately throws out over 60 options for players to perform on their turn.

At the beginning of the game, all players have a bunch of negative points that need to be covered with useful items that either give positive VP or some kind of bonus to a set of coins, cards, or something else. The player thinks about what is more important for him - to gain bonuses or get rid of minuses.

WITH patchwork I met last fall, and this game managed to win me over. I'm very intrigued by the fact that AFfO is a big hardcore Patchwork . The 6th place of the game does not bother me a bit, because. Rosenberg is an eminent author, beloved by many, and even in this game several of his best games are combined together. I would love to play this game myself. And how great it is that Russian publishing houses do not stand aside and periodically buy the rights to localize world hits. A Feast for Odin we were promised to publish hobby world .

5 (49). Mechs vs. Minions

Friends, I don’t know at all what to tell you about this game ... Out of the corner of my ear I heard something about it while reading Tesera, but I didn’t suspect at all that this game jumped to the 5th place in the rating.

Somehow the game is related to the computer game League of Legends (similar to DOTA). Because I'm not familiar with LoL, so I can't say exactly what is taken from computer game(like the heroes are taken and LoL). In MvM, players use mechs to fight against minions, and they do it cooperatively.

If you read reviews on BGG, you can conclude that 70-80% of these reviews are about how the game looks and how much it costs. I confess that at first I didn’t believe in it myself, but when I watched the video with unpacking, my eyes became more and more rounded and faith began to appear. The box is huge and costs $75. It seems that the price is rather high for a board game, and there is nothing extraordinary about it. But when I saw how the happy owner of the game opens the box and shows the lodgement with minks, I just said - "Well, ok." The lodgment was removed, and there ... A new set of minks. Well, I thought, this is already cool. But at the bottom there was another lodgment! And then I said wow! But he was not the last! And all this costs $75? How??? How can a game that can safely be called deluxe cost only 75 bucks? Is this a joke? Honestly, in our cruel and unfair world, it is considered normal to bend the price for a minimum of components and say that everyone does it, and you overpay for the idea, not the game. In the case of MvM, we can safely say that you are paying for a game that you can touch and be satisfied with. Everything that lies inside the box would cost many times more in another publisher. Therefore, everyone who has bought this desktop considers it proper to first of all tell that even if you don’t really like the game itself, you will still be satisfied with it, because the minks in it are simply the coolest. 4 figures of heroes are completely painted for you.

As for the gameplay, this is a game in which events develop according to scenarios. Each scenario generates a level, places for minions to spawn and sets a task for the players. The actions of the players are programmable. First, the players draft the cards (and they are limited in time by the hourglass), and then lay them out on the action order sheet. You can choose an action that is useful for you, but it will be completely useless for another player, so you have to cooperate so that everyone is happy.

Probably, the gameplay will surprise those who want ameritrash mineks, but he is not here. This is generally just a programmable co-op in which you need to constantly kill minions, but they cannot kill you. This is a puzzle game to be solved through joint actions. Some boarders wrote that not all scenarios have a hardcore level of difficulty, that sometimes the tasks are very simple, but ... But minks, gentlemen! Oh, those minks, tokens, fields with a glossy sheen and a chic boss figure. And how much lies ahead of us!

I'm at a crossroads with this game. On the one hand, its gameplay does not attract me much, on the other hand, the cost of the tabletop is chic, and it’s not a pity for money for such a game. Americans, and other inhabitants of the world, enjoy the game and give it 10s. Therefore, 5th place. It's probably fair.

Unfortunately, nothing is heard about the localization of this game.

4 (36). Mansions of Madness: Second Edition

It feels like heavy artillery has gone. Where are those fillers, where are the gateways that were at the top of the list? That's right, they don't. What are the top 5 fillers? Only hardcore! And only Cthulhu.

In 2016, FFG pleased us with the second edition of the game called Mansion of Madness , which I avoided due to the requirement to have an overlord at the table. I didn't like that some of the players played monsters and knew the essence of the scenario, while other players played the roles of detectives. If I bought the game, I suspect that I would never play as detectives, so I didn’t really look at the game.

V new version MoM for monsters is played by artificial intelligence, which easily fits in your device (or even on a computer or laptop). Now all players can safely search for clues in the cursed estate, meet dangers and run away from them, losing their sanity.

To me, it's all cool. Cool, but expensive. On Coolstaff, the game costs 85 bucks, and this is not exactly the price that is certainly not a pity for such a cool game. Moreover, after purchasing the base, you will also have to buy numerous add-ons. But can a high price affect a place in the top? Maybe, of course, but not so much that the game slipped into the first or second hundred. MoM is good, you can't help but love it. The problem with the overlord was solved, and quite well, as it seems to me. I fully and completely agree with the 4th place of the game. The only pity is that nothing is heard about its localization (and it is unlikely that it will ever be).

3 (22). Terraforming Mars

There have been many games about Mars in the past year, but the most interesting of them came from Jacob Frixelius, who developed Terraforming Mars .

Although, to be honest, about the game I hear most often such reviews - this is not a super-duper game, but it is good. And then bam - and third place for "just a good game" ... I really, really want to test the game for myself to say for sure if it deserves third place.

On the other hand, if we compare this game with Mechs vs Minions , in which everything is cheap, but visually very beautiful, then TM cannot boast of anything like that. I would rather believe the gray Cinderella than the golden King. If the game is in third place and at the same time it does not shine with gold, then it clearly takes its gameplay, and this is what we need. TM has won the hearts of boarders with its honesty.

What about our gameplay? We buy maps to make Mars more habitable for humans. We increase the amount of oxygen, we manipulate water and solar energy, we build buildings, we get victory points. Internet is full of detailed analysis games, so I won't dwell on it.

Soon all Russian-speaking boarders will have the opportunity to try TM and draw their own conclusions, since Games Shop localizes this game. This is a great trend that I hope will continue this year.

2(6). Scythe

The second place of honor is occupied by a game about alternative Europe, which has been “hyping” in the desktop environment for more than two years in full.

First, a prototype of the game was shown at JenCon, after which the art for the game floated on the net. What you see now on the box was drawn a long time ago. " Here the peasants work in the field against the backdrop of warring mechanisms! Blimey! This is fantasy!“, - everyone said admiringly.

Art did not touch me in the slightest. And then I was even more disappointed when I found out that instead of a hardcore ameritrash about robots, they prepared a eurogame for us, which actively mows down to ameritrash. However, my skepticism was not supported by a huge number of boarders who voted for the game with rubles and 10s on BGG. I can only shrug my shoulders - second place, so second, but I'm not very interested in it. Although... Maybe after a flood of Russian-language copies of the game pours into the CIS, when people start writing and shooting reviews, maybe I will find something interesting in the game, and maybe even run to the store, waving money in the wind, in the hope of the fact that the game has not yet been crushed on the shelves.

Maybe it's really a nugget, but my desktop vision has just fallen to a critical point, which is why I point-blank do not notice its value.

Pleasantly pleased with the fact that the second place of the top will also be Russified. The publisher is responsible for this one crowd games .

1 (5). Star Wars: Rebellion

Tadaaaam - and the winner was the publishing house Fantasy Flight Games with their game in the Star Wars universe. Who would have thought... I couldn't because I'm not a Star Wars fan. But all the fans who have played Rebellion , they said that this is a really cool game, and I believe them.

I really really want to enthusiastically talk about how cool stormtroopers are in the game, what powerful rebels, what Organs, Vaders and Skywalkers, but I’m a layman in this and therefore I can’t convey the entire palette of colors that BGG reviews are full of.

More than 150 miniatures - yes, that's cool. 2 to 4 players is fine. A big, big box is cool. Asymmetrical gameplay is great. 69 reviews on BGG - just super.

I don't know if there were earlier Star Wars games of the same level? So that these are not minks with a ruler, but a real tabletop, with a playing field and tokens. Imperial Assault except perhaps ... But precisely from Rebellion pulls with a full-fledged game that conveys the fragrant smell of the franchise. Probably, if I were a fan of the universe, I would immediately take Rebellion. I think I would still not refuse to play this board game, because it does not require complete knowledge of the universe. Tea is not a quiz...

It may not be unusual for a great Star Wars game to be in first place. The universe has many fans around the globe, and they easily pushed the high-rated game to the top of Mount Olympus. And we can only hope that HW will be able to complete all the documents and publish this best game of 2016 in Russian.


While the article was being written, several games managed to swap places (but not at all critical) - Quadropolis changed places with Codenames: Pictures , a Millennium Blades castling with cry havoc . Of course, games will continue to switch places as boarders continue to rate games and move them up and down the scale.

I'd also like to point out a few games that didn't make the top 20, but they have a chance to do so in the near future.

inis (499th place on BGG) - this game will be localized soon Games Shop

Everyone was sure that the emergence and active development computer technology blotted out of sight without a trace board games. Bright graphics and a more realistic story in the virtual space - much more interesting and exciting than paper games on the table.
However, despite the new inventions of mankind, board games have not disappeared anywhere, but have become even more popular. Moreover, in addition to the entertaining function, board games are educational, so for many parents they are of particular interest, as they instill skills and abilities in children in a playful way. real life.

Today's market offers a huge range of board educational games for all ages. Alas, not all parents clearly understand the importance of board games. Why is it needed if the house has modern gadgets: mobile phone, laptop, TV. If the advantages of these popular electronic devices can still be argued, then the benefits of board games are obvious.

Firstly, board games do not require an equipped room, you can play it on the table or on the floor. In addition, all the necessary equipment (cards, chips, game dice, etc.) is included with the game, that is, there is no need to spend money on additional equipment.

Secondly, board games allow you to:

  • rally all family members or all playing players;
  • interesting, informative, expedient to spend family leisure;
  • organize a pleasant, fun, competitive environment during the festive events;
  • to take the kids on the road during a long trip;
  • do not get bored with the child in his free time;
  • and is also an excellent didactic material in preschool and school institutions.

Thirdly, board games can be played by any company (two, three or more people), at any time of the year, at any time of the day, in any weather.

What do board games teach?

If you think that board games are primarily fun, then you are greatly mistaken. Board games, in addition to entertainment functions, hide many others.

Useful features of board games:

  • educational function. During the game, the child learns easier and faster.
  • The game allows the personal qualities and abilities of the child.
  • With the help of board games, the child develops visual memory, attention, logic, ingenuity, imaginative thinking, imagination.
  • The board game involves the participation of several people, thereby developing communicative ability in children. The child learns to communicate in a team and with a team, learn to empathize, wait for their turn, and correctly endure loss and failure.
  • The board game develops personal qualities in a child: tolerance, goodwill, sensitivity, responsiveness, sincerity, individuality, kindness, generosity, optimism, creativity.
  • Board games develop physical qualities in children: dexterity, speed, coordination, endurance.
  • During a board game, laughter arises, which, as scientists have long proven, produces endorphins - elements that cause joy and happiness in a person.

Family Board Games (Review)

The range of board games is increasing every year. Among these games, the most popular are family taking into account the interests of the whole family: parents and children.
Board games are usually classified according to various criteria.

Depending on the functions games are:

  • educational board games
  • gambling table games
  • communicative board games
  • leisure board games

Depending on the character games are:

  • gambling board games that during the game cause excitement among the players. In such games, the winner is not the one who has more dexterity or cunning, but the one to whom fortune smiles.
  • intellectual board games. These include chess, checkers, sea battle. In such games, the one who is smarter, who calculates the opponent's moves in advance, wins.
  • games that test physical ability players. In such games, the speed, attentiveness and reaction of the players are tested.

Depending on the type of items used in the game:

  • Cards(Fool, preference, etc.)
  • bones(backgammon)
  • boards(checkers, chess)
  • stationery(sea battle, tic-tac-toe and so on)
  • laying out patterns(dominoes, etc.)

Depending on the rules Board games are divided into:

  • games with firmly established rules that cannot be changed (checkers, chess).
  • games in which the rules are given to the players to choose from. In such games, participants play for themselves (poker).

Depending on the player interactions in the game games are divided into:

  • competitive - each participant in the game is solely responsible for himself.
  • team - players are divided into teams, where each team tries to get around the other.
  • one against all - one player plays against all participants in the game (Mafia).

Top 10 family board games.

The most popular family board games in recent times are:

10th place - "Erudite"

The goal of the game is to put as many words as possible on the field from the available letters. For each correct word, the player receives points. The player who scores the most points wins. With the help of this game, children develop vocabulary Russian language.

9th place - Friday

The goal of the game is to guess as many words as possible, placed on the forehead, with the help of leading questions from your opponents. Cards with words are distributed equally among the players. The one who guesses the most words wins. Each player is given a certain amount of time to guess the word.

8th place - Russian Lotto

The goal of the game is to win the one who fills all the fields vertically and horizontally. At the beginning of the game, a leader is chosen, who takes turns taking kegs out of the bag and calls the numbers.

7th place - Monopoly

Monopoly is economic strategy. The goal of the game is to use your starting capital, which you want to use rationally, to achieve bankruptcy from other players. This game introduces children and teenagers to various financial structures: buying and selling land, what is competition, taxes, monetization, loans.

6th place - Crocodile

The goal of the game is to show without words, only with gestures, as many words as possible, indicated on the cards. Explaining words with gestures always causes joy and laughter among the players.

5th place - Answer in 5 seconds

The goal of the game is for the player to give three answers to the question in five seconds. If he answers correctly, he moves the chip forward across the field, if not, he remains in place. The one who reaches the finish line the fastest wins. With the help of this game, speed, logic, erudition develop.

4th place - Jackal Treasure Island

Jackal: Treasure Island allows players to play as pirates. The goal of the game is that the player must find as much gold as possible and smelt it into own ship. During the game, various adventures take place on the island. Players meet evil crocodiles, dig up bottles with mysterious messages, find weapons.

3rd place - Ekivoki

The goal of the game is to complete the task indicated on the card as quickly and artistically as possible. The tasks in the cards are written in a variety of ways and should be performed in a variety of ways: sing, dance, draw, sculpt, and so on.

2nd place - Imaginarium

The goal of the game is to come up with associations to the cards from the game. For guessed associations the player receives points. The winner is the one who first brings his figure to the end (finish). This game allows you to better study the players, to understand their thoughts.

1st place - Wizard emerald city

The goal of the game is to help the girl Ellie and her four-legged friend Totoshka reach the Magic Emerald City. Along the way, participants need to perform very interesting and fun tasks.

When choosing a family board game, consider the interests and wishes of all members, as well as their age capabilities.

Games for boys desktop developing.

When choosing a game for your child, you should take into account not only his age, but also his interests.

Board Game » Best Board Games for Boys 4 in 1″

The Board Games for Boys game is one of the best sets containing four different and very exciting games. The game "Football" will allow you to be on the field and become one of the best players by scoring the coveted goal. The game "Guess" is a game for big company perfect for a large company. For a certain time, you should explain as many words as possible without naming them. The game "Automarket" - will allow you to find yourself in the car market and independently buy a car for yourself. In Starship Racing, players will fly starships to uncharted galaxies.

Board game "Behind the wheel"

The driving game is a mini car where each player becomes a real driver. To play, turn the ignition key, press the gas and the game is running. During the game, be careful and don't let your car collide with various obstacles on the track.

Top 10 interesting board games for boys.

10th place - the game "Knight's battle"

Age - 5+.
If your child is fond of chivalry and wants to play the role of a real knight, then this game is exactly what you need. The child will not only transform into knights and fight in duels with his opponents, but also get acquainted with the history of military art.

9th place — board game "Tanks"

Age - 6+.
The game "Tanks" is based on the plot of the game "Battleship". Players become real tankers, undertake their own battle strategy. The one who destroys his opponent first wins. The bright design of the game and the excitement will not leave indifferent any young tanker.

8th place - the game "Big Races"

Every boy dreams of his own car, and since young age does not allow this, the game "Big Races" will help fulfill the dream: to become the owner of your own car and learn how to drive it. The board game "Big Races" is a walking game, the goal of which is to reach the finish line before others. As the game progresses, the boys get acquainted with the device of the car and other useful information.

7th place - board game "Big Fishing"

Fishing is an exciting activity for every boy, but not all seasons are suitable for this hobby. The board game "Big Fishing" will allow you to do your favorite pastime at any time, regardless of the season or weather conditions. In addition, she will introduce you to the types of fish, about complementary foods for them, and will describe in detail the purpose of certain gear.

6th place - board game "Forbidden Desert"

The board game "Forbidden Desert" is a vivid example of the fact that "one in the field is not a warrior." You can survive together by collecting special device, which will help to fly over a very hot desert.

5th place - board game "Carcassonne"

The game "Carcassonne" will plunge into the Middle Ages. The game allows you to independently create a whole city with your own roads, monasteries and buildings, populating them with people with your own strength and success. The one who earns the most points wins.

4th place - board game "Lost Cities"

The board game "Lost Cities" will be useful for any travel lover. It is saturated with the spirit of travel and unknown secrets. The task of the game is to lay out cards (5 pieces) in a certain sequence until the deck of cards runs out. The disadvantage of the game is that it is designed exclusively for two players.

3rd place — board game "World of Tanks"

Board game World of Tanks is a continuation of the computer game. It makes you feel all the splendor of a tank battle. Players in the game are unit commanders who have a huge amount of military equipment at their disposal. During the game, you should destroy the opponents' military equipment, attack their bases, and also complete certain tasks. For this, the player is awarded medals. The more medals, the more chances to win.

2nd place - board game "Berserk"

The board game Berserk is a card game where players become real great magicians fighting each other. The game provides for various unpredictable battles, the outcome of which depends solely on the actions of the participants.
Berserk is a collectible game. Each participant outside the game can independently supplement his army with new cards.

1st place - the board game "Warcraft"

The board game "Warcraft" is an analogue of the computer game "World of Warcraft". The game traces the motives of the online game. During the game, participants explore the misty rocks, search for lost lands, search for legendary equipment, artifacts. On their great journey, the boys show courage and bravery as they fight against worst enemies and defending their honor.

Board educational games for girls.

Board educational games for girls are distinguished by their design, glamour. Their main characters are princesses or Barbie dolls. Such games teach proper housekeeping, teach the basics of cooking, tell how to properly take care of children, and teach how to properly manage a family budget. In them, girls feel like adults and imitate their parents in games.

Game "Best Board Games for Girls 4 in 1"

Age - 5+.
An exciting game consists of four playing fields created according to the plot of famous fairy tales. In the game, girls can transform into Cinderella, the Little Mermaid, a fortune teller, or even become a real designer to dress up the doll. During the game, various miracles and obstacles await them, which they can easily overcome and have a great time.

Board game "My pets"

The board game "My Pets" is for those girls who cannot imagine their life without pets. In the game, the child will be able to become a real mistress of a pet, will be able to take care of him, pick up clothes for him. The set for the game includes a playing field with cards, chips and a dice.

Game "Beauty Salon"

Age - 3+.
Every girl, regardless of age, wants to look beautiful, well-groomed and stylish. Since girls at this age are still small to visit real tanning beds and beauty salons, the Beauty Salon game will help to experiment and acquire skills in creating harmonious images. Here, the girls take their dolls to a beauty salon, pick up sets of clothes for her. The player whose doll image gets the most points wins.

Board game "Fortuneteller"

The funny game "Fortuneteller" will enable girls to plunge into the atmosphere of magic and become a real fortune teller. What awaits them? - a wedding in Paris, a prince on a white horse, a career in the modeling business, a house on the ocean - this and much more will be predicted by the Fortune Teller board game.

Board game "Fashion Seasons"

Fashion Seasons is not only an exciting board game, but also a real encyclopedia of fashion history. She will tell you where the clothes came from, teach you how to sew correctly, and develop an interest in design. "Fashion Seasons" is exactly the game that teaches girls to be beautiful, helps to create their own stylish image and introduces the best design solutions.

Top 10 popular best board games for girls.

We present to your attention the top 10 most popular board games for girls with which your princesses will spend their time with benefit and interest.

1st place "Quiz for girls"

Age – 4+
Introduces children to the alphabet, with the surrounding, plant and animal world, gives information "everything about everything." In the game, girls develop leadership qualities, develop memory, thinking.

2nd place - the game "Journey to the Palace"

Age – 3+
The board game for girls "Journey to the Palace" is a walking game from the famous German brand Ravensburg. The rules of the game are very simple, so a three-year-old princess can easily handle them. The essence of the game is to deliver Princess Sofia to the palace as quickly as possible for your opponents.

3rd place - Monopoly for Girls

Age – 6+
The board game "Monopoly for Girls" is made according to the girly style - glamorous. It is this version of the monopoly game that is very useful for all girls, as it teaches them not to waste money, but teaches them to save it and manage it correctly.
"Monopoly for Girls" makes girls real business women, she teaches them the most complex basics of the economy, develops perseverance, attentiveness, and logical thinking.
The goal of the game in this version is the same as in the regular version.

4th place - the game "Nose to nose"

Age from 4 to 8 years.
The game "Nose to nose" provides for various variations of the game. In this game, young housewives learn to identify different smells, which, along with cards and scent jars, come with the game. The game develops not only memory, logical thinking, but also the sense of smell.

5th place - the game "Color code"

Age - 5+, but it is also suitable for children of three years.
The Color Code game is an educational game that can be played alone or with a whole group. The game is divided into four difficulty levels. The task of the players is to assemble the desired image from colored plasticine as quickly and correctly as possible. During such an activity, memory, combination skills are developed. color solutions and also trains spatial thinking.

6th place - "Doctor Plyusheva"

Age - 5+.
Every girl has favorite plush toys that get sick from time to time. The game "Doctor Plush" is exactly the manual that will help you transform into a real qualified doctor who will not only prescribe medicines correctly, but also perform the operation expertly.

7th place - the game "Igroskaz"

Age - 6+.
What girl doesn't love fairy tales! It is fairy tales that help girls turn into princesses, where they live in enchanted kingdoms and only beautiful princes on a white horse can save them from imprisonment. The best gift for young princesses will be the board game "Igroskaz". With the help of this game, they will come up with their own fantastic fairy tale, and the cards included in the kit will become a small hint for the main plot. The player who has no cards left in their hand wins the game.

8th place - the game "Little hostess"

Age - 7+.
The game "Little Hostess" is a visual aid for young cooks. During the game, girls learn the tricks of housekeeping and cooking. At first it is only a theory, but it can always be tested in practice.
The game includes two stages: collecting all the products for preparing a certain dish, then collecting the dishes for cooking it. The winner is the one who cooks the food the fastest and most correctly.

9th place - the game "Jam".

Age — 8+.
On summer days, during the berry picking season, mothers and grandmothers make jam. The board game "Jam" will teach little girls how to cook jam correctly and tasty, even if it is imaginary at first, but the hints given in the game will undoubtedly come in handy in real life.
The one who makes the most jam wins the game. However, during cooking, young cooks are waiting for various obstacles that must be met.

10th place - the game "Our family".

The board game "Our Family" is an analogue of the game "mothers and daughters". Every girl dreams of quickly becoming a mother, raising children. "Our Family" invites young beauties to rehearse all the main events in family life. Here, as in real life, unpleasant moments and happy events await them. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line the fastest and plays a silver wedding.

Board games for boys and girls

Board game "Boys and Girls"

The educational game "Boys and Girls" is intended for children of preschool and school age. The task of the game is to introduce children to the distinctive features of boys and girls.

The game "ABC of security"

The ABC of Safety game will teach children the rules of the road, tell them how to act in certain traffic situations.

Shark Mania game

A very exciting game "Shark Mania" will teach your kids dexterity, attention, logical thinking, quick wits. The task of the players is to catch with a fishing rod in the shark's mouth the kind of fish that the cube indicates. If the shark closes its mouth during the catch, the player is out. Whoever has the biggest catch wins.

The game "La Tortuga - Turtle Race"

The rules of the game "La Tortuga" are very simple. Children only need simple addition and counting skills. The meaning of the game is that the turtles live on the island of La Tortuga, where they raise their offspring. Whose turtle gets more offspring, that player wins.

Board game “Chest of knowledge. Nature"

The game "Chest of Knowledge" will reveal all the secrets associated with the flora and fauna, introduce interesting facts about nature. This game is useful and interesting for both children and their parents.

Puzzle toys for a child by age

Puzzles give children both pleasure and benefit at the same time. They are also universal toys and are perfect for boys, girls, and their parents.
While spending time with a puzzle toy, a child:

  • fine motor skills develop
  • develops logic and spatial thinking
  • perseverance, purposefulness, perseverance develops
  • develops ingenuity
  • memory improves
  • attention is concentrated

Toys - puzzles are usually classified by age:

  • up to one year. These are simple pyramids, small puzzles up to four parts, logic cubes, liners.

  • from one to two years. These are complicated pyramids, inserts, labyrinths, puzzles from four to 8 - 12 puzzles, constructors - lacing, logic cubes.

  • two to three years. These can be complicated pyramids, puzzles (12 pieces), lacing games, mosaics, constructors, various building blocks, constructor, logical labyrinths.

  • toys - puzzles for children from three to six years. At this age, puzzles that train memory and attention are best for children, in which the child can express his fantasies. These can be various kinds of constructors, mosaics, tags, etc.

  • for kids school age from 7 to 18 years old - these are complicated puzzles, puzzles, a rubik's cube, tags.

Rubik's Cube


Puzzle toy "Ball labyrinth"


Rope puzzles

Wooden puzzle

Educational games, examples of educational games

A huge assortment of board games cannot but please parents, because the task of such games is to educate the child in a playful way. Board games for preschoolers help kids expand their vocabulary, introduce them to the realities of life.

Educational game "Soon to school"

The Back to School game is designed for children aged 5-7. Educational game - useful didactic manual to prepare the child for school, allowing to develop thinking, attention, speech, logic, perseverance.

Domino game

At the present time, the Lotto game is presented in children's stores in the most variety of options. Lotto with animals, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, numbers and so on. All these printed drawings provide children with educational material on a variety of topics. In addition to all this, the child develops fine motor skills of the hands, develops ingenuity, the ability to analyze the situation that has arisen, enriches the child's vocabulary and develops coherent speech.

Game - walkers

"Walkers" remain one of the most popular and favorite games among children of any age, and thanks to the wide variety, it is easy and simple for a parent to choose a game based on their child's hobby.
A game with a cube and chips can develop a variety of skills and abilities in a child:

  • communication skills
  • development fine motor skills and concentration of movements
  • development of mathematical actions and consolidation of the account
  • development of mindfulness and perseverance

The game "Tow - Rvaklya"

The game "Tow - Rvaklya" is intended for children from 6 years old. The game will quickly introduce children to rhyming and develop skills and abilities for writing poetry. "Tow - Rvaklya" will very quickly help to reveal the child's potential for writing poetry, because there is nothing complicated here. Players should look at the pictures and name all the rhyming words as quickly as possible. The participant who named the largest number of rhymes becomes the winner.

Math learning games for toddlers

Board games are an excellent tool for teaching children the basics of mathematics, it is in the form of a game that a child most quickly masters mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication). Board math games are capable of:

  • develop logical thinking in children
  • form the concept of mathematics and mathematical operations,
  • introduce them to numbers
  • fix the account

Very useful and interesting mathematical games for children and their parents are:

Game "Mathematical Scrabble for kids"

With the help of the game "Mathematical Scholar for Children", children very quickly master counting, learn to perform mathematical operations in their minds. During the game, participants develop logical thinking, learn to plan strategically, expand their knowledge in mathematics. The board game is designed for an audience over five years old who already perform simple operations (addition and subtraction).

Game "Math Lotto"

The game "Mathematical Lotto" is an analogue of the Russian loto, however, in this version, young mathematicians are invited to solve simple examples. The winner is the player who fills all the fields of his card with chips faster than others. The exciting game "Math Lotto" teaches kids to count from 1 to 20, develops thinking, memory, and also develops children's interest in mathematical actions.

Game "Fruit Ten"

The task of the game "Fruit Ten" is to teach, as well as to consolidate, counting, addition and subtraction in children. The task of the participants in the game is to find two fruits on two cards as quickly as possible, giving a total of ten. However, the catch is that they must be identical fruits or fruits of the same color.

Games that develop intelligence and memory, teaching economics

Economic games are games that make you think, analyze every step. They introduce the basics of business and economics and help hone entrepreneurial knowledge.

The Game of Life

"Game of Life" will allow each player to live their own new life. In it, as in reality, participants create their own path: get an education, create a business, buy real estate, receive a salary, pay taxes, and so on. They do everything to ensure a carefree old age for themselves in the future. The goal of the game is to retire as quickly as possible and get as much as possible during the game. more money. The game ends when all players are retired. Only after this is the calculation of the funds from the participants.

Game "Market"

The goal of the game "Market" is to become the owner of the largest capital. The economic game "Market" is one of the best manuals on the Russian economy, which introduces the basis of the economy, teaches how to overcome various economic situations. This board game helps to reveal to the participants the hidden abilities of doing business, provides an opportunity, without spending your real money, to open your own business and achieve success in it.

Game "Business - Life"

If you dream of becoming a banker, financial broker or entrepreneur, then this game is for you. It is the game "Business Life", like no other, that will help you deal with the most complex financial transactions. He will introduce what the stock exchange is, what shares are for, what they are intended for. In it, you will fight with your competitors, who will lead you to either bankruptcy or prosperity. Participation in the game will help players to better navigate the modern business, help to overcome financial difficulties correctly.

Board games developing dexterity and eye

In the piggy bank of every family, there must certainly be board games that allow you to develop dexterity and an eye. Such games are not only a great pastime with children, but also excellent helpers for the development of perseverance, hand motor skills, and the ability to think through the opponent's moves in advance.

Clicado game

Before the start of the game, sticks are distributed among all players. During the game, each player must get rid of them as much as possible by placing them in a common structure. The difficulty lies in the fact that all sticks are different from each other: with magnets, without, long, short, and so on. The sticks that fell during the moves, the player takes for himself.

Mikado game

The game "Mikado" is the exact opposite of the game "Clickado". Players take it in turn to take out sticks from a common pile. If the player does not touch the wand while drawing, he is given the opportunity to draw another one. This continues until he moves or moves others. When this happens, the turn passes to the opponent. Whoever has the most sticks wins.

Riff Raff game

In the Riff Raff game, players transform into real loaders, who must very deftly and skillfully place on the ship all the items that were distributed between them before the start of the game. At the same time, the ship does not stop, but rages on the waves.

Game Seals in the arena

The game "Seals in the arena" is a real circus performance. The seals will show skill in juggling balls, they will hit the rings, and for their painstaking work, the participants will feed them with fish. The winner is the one who collects the most fish hidden in special circles in the circus arena.

Top 10 most interesting popular board games

We bring to your attention a list of the ten most interesting and popular board games in the world.

1st place - Colonizers

The game "Colonists" is a real strategy game, the goal of which is to collect as many victory points as possible. During the game, players become real discoverers of various lands, extract resources, build their own roads, cities, settlements, create their own armies.

2nd place - Mafia

Mafia is a game that can be enjoyed not only behind the TV screen, but also at the table within the walls of your own home. The task of civilians is to detect and neutralize the mafia as quickly as possible, the goal of the mafia is to do everything to go unnoticed and harm civilians as much as possible.

3rd place - Poker

Poker is a card game that arouses excitement and sports interest among players. The one who takes the pot wins, which can be taken with the help of the highest combination. During the game, participants bluff, as bluffing helps to stay on top.

4th place - Twister

The exciting game "Twister" allows you to develop a sense of humor. The task of the players is to complete all the tasks of the leader and try not to fall during the game. Simple and interesting conditions Even the smallest kids will love it.

5th place - Uno

The board game "Uno" develops players' mindfulness and ingenuity. The goal of the game is to discard all cards and score points based on the remaining cards in the players' hands.

6th place - Jenga

"Jenga" or its other name "Leaning Tower" makes players not only think, but also develops manual dexterity. The goal of the game is to keep the tower from falling. Each player in turn takes a block out of the tower and puts it on top. Each time the structure becomes more fragile and taller. The player during whose turn the tower collapsed loses.

7th place - Scotland Yard

The game "Scotland Yard" is a detective game, its format is "one against all". Before the start of the game, players choose a criminal, the rest become policemen. The goal of the game is to find and expose the criminal as quickly as possible. The peculiarity of the game is that the criminal makes his moves "secretly" and does not show them to anyone.

8th place - Backgammon

Backgammon is one of the oldest and most exciting games designed exclusively for two players. The task of the players is to move the checkers of their color counterclockwise as quickly as possible, go into their house and throw out the checkers of their opponent from there.

9th place - Millionaire

The main quality of the game "Millionaire", which all participants must possess, is not luck, but the "vein" of a businessman. It is she who will allow you to predict the moves of your opponents and the current situations. The goal of the game is to master all enterprises in various sectors of the economy. This can be done by earning money, completing various real estate transactions.

10th place - Munchkin

"Munchkin" refers to card games. It has a very simple task - to reach the tenth level. To complete the levels, participants have to fight various monsters, get special cards and dump expensive assets.

Time spent with children is the most valuable! Explore the world while playing!

Board games have always brought people of all ages together. Spend a wonderful evening with friends, plunge into the comfort of family gatherings, enjoy time with loved ones - all this is possible thanks to board games.

Now there are many game options, the choice of which often just run up your eyes. In order to choose a board game, it is important to follow 3 simple rules:

  1. Always pay attention to the age category, which is usually written on the box. For everyone to be happy, it must be suitable for the group of people with whom you are going to play.
  2. Choose the type of board game that suits you best. There are many of them: "walkers", intellectual games and developing logic, active games and many others.
  3. Decide on the theme of the games. There are many options and directions. So, for example, there are board games suitable for two, for the whole family, or for adult company. Think in advance what game your friends or relatives will want to play.

In order to make it easier for you to choose and search, we have compiled a list of the most best board games for 2018. This rating is based on reviews and research of the largest gaming portal gaga.ru

Our rating is opened by a board game for two called "For You". If you want to have a great time with your soul mate, then this game is for you. It is somewhat non-standard, and its passage may take you a month, or maybe half a year, but if you want to refresh your relationship, then feel free to start playing.

The following rules are the basis: for each player (for her and for him) there are several cards with tasks, the specifics of which are based from simple to complex. For example, from a banal breakfast in bed, to a joint parachute jump.

An integral advantage of this board game is its price - only 600 rubles. It also brings new emotions and impressions to the relationship. The downside is that some cards are too extreme or require a lot of preparation to play them.

The game, probably familiar to everyone since childhood, occupies the 9th line of our rating. The essence of the game is simple - choose a card with numbers and be the first to close it with chips. The Lotto rules are simple and easy to remember. You can play both for "interest" and for cash rewards.

For children there special types such as animals or plants. This type of game will help your child easily remember a lot of new and interesting things. That is why Lotto is considered a universal game for all ages and companies.

The price starts from 400 rubles, it all depends on the quantity and quality of components. The undoubted advantage of the board game are simple and clear rules. But if suddenly you decide to make money bets, don’t get carried away too much, otherwise you can stay in the “minus”.

8. Erudite

The next place goes to the intellectual game "Erudite". Combine words from letters, earn as many points as possible, and you are the winner. This game is great for a company of 4 - 6 people thanks to a large number chips.

For children, this is a great option for learning the Russian language and replenishing their vocabulary. The rules of the game will be clear to any child whose age has already approached independent reading. And the need to count points will also help him with mathematics.

The most important advantage of "Erudite" is the development of mental and intellectual abilities, as well as an affordable price - the cost starts from 650 rubles. The downside is the presence of many small parts that are easy to lose over time.

Scrabble is very similar to Scrabble. The purpose of this game is to form words on a special field with tasks from letters that are distributed at the beginning. The winner is the one who first gets rid of all his chips and scores the most points.

The initial price of the game starts from 1600 rubles, which is 3 times more expensive than Erudite. A small number of letters in the set will not allow you to attract more than 4 people to the game, but it will greatly help develop the mental abilities of the child.

6th place goes to a very cheerful and interesting game"Activity". It is designed for a large company and is designed to relieve tension of unfamiliar people. If there are only three of you, then everyone plays for himself, but if there are more of you, divide into teams.

The meaning of the game is quite simple - you need to guess as many words as possible, which your partner explains in 1 minute. He can do this in 3 ways: explaining aloud, but not using the same root words; gestures, as in a crocodile; or drawing an image on paper.

"Activity" cheers up, brings people together, gives a lot of positive emotions. The analogue of this board game is "Elias". You can buy a set in the range from 350 to 2100 rubles. It all depends on the kit you choose. However, this game cannot be played together.

5. Monopoly

"Monopoly" breaks into the top 5 leaders. This is not quite a simple, but exciting game. Feel like a businessman and ruin your rivals, remaining the only monopolist. Manage real estate and transport, build hotels and houses, but most importantly, don't go to jail!

The game is perfect for both adults and children from 8 years old. You will have to understand the rules, but it's worth it. "Monopoly" is designed for a company of 6 people, but you can play together. The board game leaves a lot of positive emotions, but do not forget that this is just a game!

The advantages of Monopoly are the development logical thinking, a variety of options for the development of events, the ability to play with the whole family. However, the game can take a very long time, depending on the number of players.

The board game, which is an indispensable friend of large companies, takes 4th place. If you want to have fun and learn more about your friends, feel free to start playing Mafia.

Participants are divided into two teams: red - they are civilians, and black - they are mafia. The goal of the game is to figure out all the criminals and lead the civilian population of the city to victory. But don't forget that you can't trust anyone!

The advantages of the game are a fascinating and unpredictable plot; a lot of positive emotions, the development of logic and observation. Too bad if you leave the game first. The cost of a set can vary from 500 to 2500 rubles.

The top three is opened by the modern and exciting game "Colonialists". Lead your land to victory by improving it; develop the economy and become the richest and most influential founder of the new world.

The game will require from 2 to 4 people. Your luck will be determined by the game dice, which you will roll in turn. Whoever gets the coveted 10 points first in the game is the winner. The game "Colonialists" will positively affect your economic and mathematical knowledge.

The cost of the kit starts from 2000 rubles. To play this game, you have to fork out. Be sure to keep an eye on the time, the game can drag you into a new and unknown world for a long time.

2. Imaginarium

An honorable second place goes to the reality-defying board game Imaginarium. Play and get a huge charge of emotions and creativity. Come up with complex associations, guess what your friends wanted to say, and victory is in your pocket.

The maximum number of players in the "Imaginarium" is 7 people. The game is also available for children aged 4 years and older. Just look for the "baby" label on the boxes. In the set you will find several cards with amazing drawings, a field and flying elephants.

The price of "Imaginarium" starts from 1000 rubles. It all depends on what's in the box. Undoubtedly, the board game will shake your imagination and give you a lot of positive impressions. It all depends on your imagination. However, sometimes there are rather gloomy pictures in the cards.

1. Munchkin

The winner of our rating is the cult game of our time "Munchkin". Kill all kinds of monsters, frame your friends, find more treasures - after all, just good intentions are not enough to win.

The goal of the game is to reach the maximum level of your character as quickly as possible. You will have to act in turn, gradually plunging into a bizarre and Magic world, a bit reminiscent of The Lord of the Rings.

There are many variations of sets, the average price for a good Munchkin set starts from 900 rubles. The game has no limit on the number of players, so you don't have to worry about it. However, it will be impossible to play Munchkin with two people. And remember that this is just a game, and your friendship is much more important.

One of the most rewarding ways to relax together has always been and always will be games. They are carried out not only on fresh air and in specially prepared places, but also for simple table. The modern world of board games is so huge that it is difficult to count. Any player can find an occupation that fully satisfies his interests. Our rating contains the most popular board games of our time.

The first place in popularity is occupied by "Colonialists", which have not left the tops of the best board games for more than 20 years. During this time, the game has won a lot of fans and awards. The secret of the "Colonialists" is simple - accessible rules, an attractive background, bright chips.

The game is designed for 3-4 participants. Playing field - 19 six-sided cards. Each depicts a landscape surrounded by sea water. The goal of the participants is to build the largest and most developed settlement on the island. The winner is the one who scores 10 points first.

All elements of the island have their own number. Each landscape corresponds to a certain resource (stone, wool, wood, etc.), which can be used as needed. The game contains a lot of combinations of events and a wide range of strategic actions, which won the love of adults and children for many years.

Unusual in its simplicity, but attractive in terms of motor skills, a game that can be played indefinitely. Several people of different ages can play at the same time. "Jenga" is designed for balanced people, has an architectural focus.

The main task is not to destroy the blocky vertical tower. Players alternately take out the parts and transfer them to the top of the structure. The game requires accuracy and attention, as any careless movement can end in failure.

The tower is made of 54 blocks. Their width is equal to 1/3 of the length, and the height is half the width. Most often, an 18-story tower is built first - 3 blocks per tier. Only one hand "participates" in the game. On average, one party lasts about half an hour. The game develops many useful qualities, including composure and concentration.

Another popular board game is Mafia. It develops intuition, observation, communication, helps to reveal the meaning and motives of the behavior of others. The goal is to save the civilian population from criminals.

In the classic version, exactly 10 players should participate, but now few adhere to these principles. However, with a small number of people, it is not interesting to play. On the other hand, if there are more than 20 participants, then the discussions will be too long and the rules will not be respected.

At first, the host assigns roles by distributing red and black cards. During the game, the participants vote against one of the players. The team that manages to keep its representatives wins.

One of the most non-standard board games that develops attentiveness and speed of reaction. With its help, an ordinary quiet evening will turn into a funny, noisy competition for dexterity and quick reaction. The competition is for an ancient wooden totem!

A firm hand and outward calmness are a couple of things that will definitely come in handy for the participants. "Wild Jungle" contains 2 main parts - a wooden totem, which is installed in the middle of the table, and a set of cards equally divided between the participants.

Each player seeks to be the first to throw off his cards, revealing them one at a time. As soon as two participants have the same drawings, they must try to capture the totem (who is ahead). Everything seems to be very simple. But the game also has its own tricks: for example, cards can be similar, but slightly different.

The rules of the "Wild Jungle" are mastered in a few minutes, and the pleasure is enough for more than one hour. Kids and adults with undisguised delight will spend time doing "getting the totem."

Fantasy RPG with parody content. Designed for a young audience. It is recommended to play in a group of 3-6 people. The goal is to reach the last level. During the game, participants must fight monsters by trading equipment or using special cards.

The set includes a six-sided die and a pair of decks: treasures and doors. The battle with the monster is to compare the fighting prowess of the monster and the player. A participant can increase his military capabilities with "clothes" and one-time points.

A stronger monster can be escaped by rolling a die. If the escape fails, the participant is subjected to punishments written on the card: from the loss of things to "death".

Munchkin is a special game. It allows unfair actions, such as selfless help, friendship with a monster, quarrels between players, etc.

Included in the list of the most popular board games on the planet. Compiled according to the crossword principle. Ideal for a company of 2-4 connoisseurs. The goal is to use 7 letters to make a word on the field.

The main set is chips with letters, the task is to get the maximum number of points. Bones have different values, on which the number of points scored depends.

The playing field is made in the form of a 15×15 square, divided into 225 parts, which serve as "houses" for letters (as in a crossword puzzle). By filling them in, players make up words. At the beginning of the game, each connoisseur holds any 7 tokens. The first word is lined up in the center, and then the participants try to compose them vertically or horizontally.

Scrabble is a great game for family vacation and enjoy your time with your friends. It increases ingenuity, ingenuity, degree of thinking, vocabulary. Some regions host special Scrabble competitions and tournaments.

An interesting team game for guessing words. Based on the exchange of ideas between participants. All known forms of description are used: mimic, graphic, verbal. In the course of the game, the words become more complicated, and who will become the leader is not known until the very end.

4 teams are participating. The main task of the player is to explain what is drawn on the card without naming the word itself. You can use facial expressions, synonyms, a drawing, the main thing is that the name be guessed in one minute.

The triumph of the team depends on the resourcefulness, ingenuity and friendly contact of the participants. In case of violation of the rules, the move is immediately transferred to the opponents.

The popularity of this board game has been proven over the years. This is an economic strategy, the main goal of which is to build your business. Designed for players aged 8+. Each participant becomes the owner of certain property, which he can use as he wants.

The task of the players is to achieve personal economic triumph with the parallel ruin of rivals. The playing field contains squares arranged in a circle, divided into 2 types: events and assets. The number of moves is determined by the numbers on the die that the players roll.

In 1935, Monopoly was the top selling board game in the United States. Today, tournaments with a real cash prize are held on it.

A fun, uncomplicated, compact card game that is loved by many people on the planet. Designed for any age group. The goal is to throw off all the cards that are in your hands as quickly as possible.

Uno is not like other card games. The numbers, colors and drawings here are very bright and easy to remember. Participants go in turn, covering the opponent’s card with their own card, of the corresponding value or color, and if there is none, then they draw from the deck until they find the right one.

An unusual but very popular board game based on making associations. Targeted at a creative audience. Its complexity lies in the fact that far from simple drawings can be depicted on the cards.

The player says what the image on the card looks like. Then he puts it face down, and the rest of the participants find in their set the most similar pictures in their opinion and place them next to the main card. The player wins if at least one of the cards matches the hidden one.

The game ends after all the cards have been used. The winner is the one who is in the leading position and has completed the maximum number of full circles. One of the famous varieties of "Imaginarium" is the game "Dixit", which also does not leave the first steps of the ratings for board games in the world.

The ten best games according to our customers are the most simple, fun and sociable. It was not easy to choose them: sales statistics speak more about the popularity of games than about their versatility. Therefore, when compiling the rating, we also focused on your feedback. Let's check if you have played all the games in our hit parade.

1. Imaginarium

How nice it is to put a Russian game in the first place in the rating! In "" you need to come up with associations to strange drawings on the cards, trying to make at least someone, but not all, guess your card. The creators of "Imaginarium" Timur Kadyrov and Sergey Kuznetsov were big fans of the Western game "" with similar mechanics, but did not completely repeat it, but changed the scoring system and added several new rules. The paintings in the Imaginarium are also original - they were painted by Russian artists. Perhaps it is more interesting to understand the depths of the domestic subconscious? And why is the Imaginarium so much more popular than its Western counterpart?

“Wonderful game! Both children and adults enjoy playing! During the game, all participants reveal themselves better as individuals, so in addition to having an interesting pastime, you can learn something new about each other.


“Great game, it’s always interesting to play it, despite the fact that there aren’t many cards in the set, they don’t bother you, because different associations come with different moods =)”

2. Activity

“The Elias game is not new for us, we played it with our friends at home, in the country. When the question arose of how we would entertain the invited guests, the only answer was Elias and Activity!”


4. Uno

“The Svintus game was liked not only by children, but also by adults. I advise you to buy the game if you want to have fun with friends"

Galina Vladimirovna

7. Consideration

In "" you will have to think quickly, as indicated in the title. Each turn, you need to open two cards from the piles: one indicates the situation, the other - the letter. Whoever comes up with the first word with the given conditions, he takes the card with the letter. At the end of the game there is a count and the player with the most words wins.

Why is it fun in a big company? Just imagine how you open the cards “weighs more than a ton” and “F”, and your friend shouts “ass” joyfully at this. By the way, it is worth agreeing in advance which words are banned in the game.

"A fun game. We played on New Year's Eve, maybe that's why we didn't think very quickly. But the game is fun, I recommend to buy "

8. Munchkin

The best proof of the popularity of "" is the number of versions and additions. For example, our section with games of this series occupies two pages of the online store. What is good about this game? The fact that if you delve into the rules once (it will take 15-20 minutes maximum), then you can play Munchkin all day long, it is so exciting and replayable. Each game depends on the nature of the players at the table and game situations are rarely repeated. In addition, you can always buy a couple of add-ons (we already said that there are a lot of them).

For those who hear about "" for the first time, this is a card game in which you need to put on clothes and measure strength with monsters. For defeating monsters, you will receive levels and treasure cards - some can strengthen you, others can harm your opponents, and universal ones can do both. To win, you need to be the first to reach the tenth level, and this one is not easy and terribly fun!

“The game will hook you and you will want to play other Munchkins, try them all and beat them! Keep in mind - I warned you)) "

9. Bang

"" is similar in meaning to the mafia, only the action takes place in the Wild West. Also in the dark roles are distributed: the sheriff, his assistants, bandits and a renegade who plays for himself. Now you need to take turns walking - draw cards from the deck and activate their abilities. For example, a weapon shoots at enemies, a mustang allows you to go to the distance of a shot, you can hide behind a barrel, beer has healing properties, the Indians harm everyone. To win here, you will have to show both eloquence (at the beginning of the game, no one knows who is for whom, only the sheriff is revealed), and ingenuity.

10. Dobble

And we will close the selection with a very simple and fast game in which all your attentiveness and ability to think quickly will come in handy. Different symbols are drawn on round cardboard disks - each two has at least one common item. You need to open the disks one by one and compare with your own: whoever sees the match first gets the disk for himself. Whoever has more wins!

" " is one of the best family games, but we added it to the adult selection because adults also enjoy playing it. And at alcohol parties, this test of mindfulness becomes even more difficult!