A visual aid for the development of speech. Didactic manual "Teremok" for the development of speech of preschoolers

  • 15.07.2020

Department of Education of the Executive Committee of the Bugulma Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Methodological guide for the development of speech of preschoolers

From work experience


I qualification category

MBDOU No. 22 "Goldfish"

Sevryukova N.V.



« Magic world sounds and words"

The development of speech.

Methodical manual for educators of preschool educational institutions

The manual contains materials from the experience of the educator I qualification category MBDOU No. 22 "Goldfish" Sevryukova N.V. on the development of speech and intellectual development of preschoolers.

The manual is addressed to teachers working in preschool educational institutions, and can also be used by parents in the conditions of home schooling of children.

Used Books

Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education. - Mosaic-Synthesis 2010. Ushakova O.S. Classes for the development of speech in kindergarten. Moscow, 2001 Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Cospectives of classes in senior group kindergarten. The development of speech. - Voronezh, 2008. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - Moscow, 2004. Sevostyanova E.O. Want to know everything. The development of the intellect of children 5-7 years old. – Moscow, 2005 Repina Z.A., Buyko V.I. Logopedic lessons. - Ekatirenburg, 2001 Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. - Moscow, 1990.

Gerbova V.V. A book for reading in kindergarten and at home: 5-7 years: A guide for kindergarten teachers and parents. - Moscow, Oniks Publishing House, 2008.

Kartushina M.Yu. Logistics for kids. Scenarios of classes with children 3-4 years old. – Moscow, 2005

From the compiler.

“There are all factual and theoretical grounds for asserting that not only the intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”

L.S. Vygotsky

Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a "knot" in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means human communication, knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for familiarizing with the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. The development of oral monologue speech in preschool childhood lays the foundation for successful schooling.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full ownership

mother tongue in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

Working with children of the older group, I was faced with the fact that many of them have poorly developed coherent speech, they hardly talk about the events of their lives, they cannot retell literary works. That is why I pay special attention to the development of the speech of preschoolers, in an effort to diversify classes, achieve maximum efficiency, I use in my work such methods and techniques as logorhythm, the method of visual modeling, as well as psycho-correction methods that contribute to the development of children's communication skills, the education of a benevolent, tolerant attitude to each other, to the environment.

This book contains materials intended not only for workers preschool institutions, educators and methodologists, but also for parents who want to independently engage in the development of the speech of their own children of preschool age.

The method of visual modeling in the classroom for the development of speech

The practice of work shows that of all the existing methods of teaching coherent speech of children, the most effective is the modeling method. It allows the child to visually represent abstract concepts (sound, word, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal.

Visual modeling is reproduction essential properties the object under study, the creation of its deputy and work with it.

Modeling consists of the following steps:

    assimilation and analysis of sensory material;

    its translation into sign-symbolic language;

    work with the model.

The formation of visual modeling skills occurs in a certain sequence with a constant increase in the proportion of independent participation of preschoolers. With the development of visual modeling skills, the following didactic tasks are solved:

    familiarity with the graphical way of presenting information;

    development of the ability to decipher the model;

    formation of the skill of independent modeling.

The use of the modeling method gives children the necessary freedom, the possibility of creative movement, a variety of forms of building classes, allows you to effectively enrich the dictionary, develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, expressiveness; to teach children to build complete and expressive answers; to develop in children thinking and imagination, emotional responsiveness, memory.

in II junior group

Retelling of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" with the help of modeling.

Purpose of the lesson:

    Develop speech in children.

    Continue to teach to emotionally perceive the content of the tale, memorize the characters;

    Learn to retell the Russian folk tale "Teremok" using the modeling method;

    To teach intonation expressively reproduce words and phrases from a fairy tale in the process of retelling;

    Continue to educate responsiveness in children, teach to empathize and understand the heroes of a fairy tale;

    Continue to teach children to solve riddles;

    Teach children to navigate on the surface of a sheet of paper;

    Develop the ability to highlight the height parameter when comparing objects;

    To consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes and colors;

    Develop mental operations, imagination, attention, memory, creativity.

Vocabulary work: to consolidate the ability to form words with diminutive suffixes (fox-chanterelle-fox, fox-sister);

Preliminary work:

    Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok" and looking at the illustrations;

    Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" with the help of a theater on a flannelograph and a table theater;

    Conducting games and exercises: “Teremok”, “Say kindly”, “What has changed?”, “What form? What color?”, “What happens round (square, triangular, rectangular)?”, “What happens green (red, yellow, etc.)?”.

Materials and equipment:

Hare - bibabo; white sheets of A4 size for each child; square, triangle, 6 multi-colored strips of various sizes for each child; white sheet A3 size, square, triangle, 6 multi-colored strips of various sizes for the teacher's sample; beautiful box; figurines of animals from the table theater "Teremok".

Lesson progress:

/Children sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle on the carpet./

Educator: Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and try to guess it, and then you will find out who came to visit us:

in the summer, white in winter,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.

Educator: Not a simple bunny came to visit us, but a fabulous one. Tell me, please, in which fairy tales is the hero Bunny? ("Kolobok", "Teremok", "Zayushkina hut", etc.)

Bunny: Hello guys. (Crying)

Educator: Zainka, why are you crying? What happened?

Bunny: An evil witch bewitched my friends from the fairy tale "Teremok", turned them into multi-colored stripes.

Educator: Zainka, how can we help you? How can you disenchant heroes?

Bunny: It is necessary to lay out the strips in order, who came to the tower for whom, and tell a fairy tale.

Educator: Guys, can we help Bunny get his friends back?

/Children are seated at the tables, on which attributes are prepared for each child./

Educator: Guys, look carefully, each of you has a sheet on the table on which we will collect fairy-tale characters in order.

Educator: And what is shown on the sheet?

Educator: Who was the first to come to the tower? What stripe do you think the mouse turned into? (What figure is this?) What color is this stripe? Why is she grey?

We apply a strip (rectangle) next to the house so that all the heroes fit on a white sheet.

Educator: Who came after the mouse? What stripe do you think the frog has turned into? What color is this stripe? Why is she green?

Apply a strip next to the mouse.

/This work is carried out for each hero/

Game exercise "Call kindly"

/ The teacher asks about each hero, how can he be called differently, affectionately? For example, fox-fox-chanterelle, wolf-top-wolf, etc. /

Educator: Are the strips the same or different in height? What is the lowest bar? And what is the highest? Are there stripes of the same color? What color are they? Which heroes have turned into these stripes? What do the stripes lined up look like?

Bunny: Guys, you are great! Lined up correctly. Let's play with you, you will also turn into little bunnies for a while.

The musical game "A little white hare is sitting ...".

Educator: Guys, now we are going to tell a fairy tale. Be careful, someone will start a fairy tale, and someone will continue.

Children, with the help of a teacher and a compiled model, tell the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Educator: Well done, guys. They all told the story together.

Sounds like a musical instrument.

Teacher: Oh, what is it? What are the sounds?

The teacher takes out a beautiful box, opens it and takes out fairy-tale characters. Educator: Guys, look, these are our heroes. We helped Bunny, saved his friends!

Bunny: Thank you guys! It's time for us to go to our fabulous forest. But we will definitely come to visit you again! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, did you like our lesson? What did we do? What have the heroes become? Have the heroes turned into the same or different stripes? What story are we telling?

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the senior group (with modeling elements)

"Winter's Tale"

Purpose of the lesson:

    Develop the ability to understand the meaning of figurative expressions of a riddle

    Exercise in the selection of definitions for a given word

    Learn to form possessive adjectives (meaning belonging) and adjectives from noun stems

    Develop the ability to build coherent statements such as reasoning, use various means of connecting parts of a sentence

    Develop creative storytelling skills, the ability to stick to the chosen line in creative storytelling

    Formation of the skill of expressing one's own opinion

    Develop logical thinking and the ability to defend your opinion

Vocabulary work: dictionary activation; selection of definitions for a given word; formation of adjectives from noun stems, for example, strawberries - strawberry, apples - apple, etc.

Materials and equipment:

    Photo illustrations depicting a winter forest

    Pictures for the game "Logic chains"

    Picture cards for composing a fairy tale

    Flat images of houses of different animals

    "Jars of jam" with pasted pictures of berries

    "Pies" with the image of "filling"

Preliminary work:

    A conversation about the seasons

    Guessing and inventing riddles about natural phenomena

    Game exercises "Choose a word", "Say the opposite", "Associations", "Call it right"

    Drawing up stories according to a plan, from personal experience



- Dear children, our lesson today will be fabulous. And we will start it with a fabulous riddle.


Troika, trio arrived. The horses in that trio are white. And in the sleigh sits the queen - White-skinned, fair-faced. How she waved her sleeve - She covered everything with silver!

- What do you think, what kind of queen are we talking about in this riddle?

- Why is winter called the queen here?

- Are the definitions of “white-skinned”, “light-skinned” suitable for winter?

- On which troika did winter arrive? What kind of horses are in this trio? (children's answers)

- That's right, it's the winter months. Remember their names.

- Listen to another riddle about winter:

Who, guess what? The gray-haired hostess: shakes the feather beds - over the world of fluff!

- Tell us what winter is called in this riddle.

- Why is winter called in it a gray-haired mistress?

- What kind of feather beds does winter shake and what kind of fluffs fly out of them?

And here are some more “winter” riddles, listen carefully and guess. He entered - no one saw. He said no one heard. He blew on the windows and disappeared. And a forest grew on the windows.


What kind of master put on the glass And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?


White Tikhon is knocked down from the sky, Where he runs, he covers him with a carpet.


- Guys, you managed to solve all the riddles and we can go on a trip. We're off to a winter wonderland.


- You can't get into a fairy tale by ordinary transport. I propose to create an unusual train, all the wagons of which are interconnected using a logical connection. I put the picture of the Christmas tree on the flannelgraph first, because New Year is the main holiday of winter, and the Christmas tree is the main attribute, symbol of this holiday. There are other pictures on the table here. You should think about what picture you can put next to the Christmas tree in order to logically explain their neighborhood. For example, I will put a picture of fir cones next to the tree, because the cones grow on the tree. Please continue this chain. Everyone must choose at least one picture, include it in the chain and explain their choice.

Game "Logic chains"

/Examples of logical chain: 1) Squirrel , because in winter it peels spruce cones and feeds on spruce seeds. - Cat , which can climb trees as dexterously as a squirrel. - Piglet because he is also a pet, like a cat. - Chick , he is also a pet, or rather a bird. - Parrot because he is also a bird. - Sheet from the tree, because the parrot is sitting on the tree. - Boots for autumn walks, because the leaf is autumn. - Mittens , since it is also a piece of clothing, like boots. Coat , because it is winter clothes, and the fir branches in the picture are covered with snow. - Cat because she is also "dressed" in a warm fur coat. - mouse , for which the cat loves to hunt so much. - The mouse is holding a piece of cheese. Cheese usually put on bread and eat this sandwich with tea. We put a picture with teapot. - jar of jam for tea. - Apple because apples make delicious jam. - Sunflower because it is also a plant. - Shovel because the plant needs to be dug. - Watering can because the plant needs to be watered.

2) Christmas tree . - Christmas toy for decoration. - toy bike (also a toy). - Automobile, because it is also transport. - Telephone , because it is also red (this selection can also be; it is important that the child explains his choice). - gnome, whom I can call. - Flowers , because the dwarf is also holding a flower . - Butterfly because she loves flower nectar. - Peacock , it has the same motley coloring as a butterfly. - Parrot because he is also a bird. - Month the same yellow color like a parrot. - Rainbow She is also a natural phenomenon. - A rainbow comes after the rain. Needed in the rain umbrella./


- Guys, our pictures turned out to be a real train, long, with many trailers. Now we can get to the fabulous winter forest.

Fizminutka "Train"

- We arrived in the winter forest. In winter, the forest looks fabulous: the trees are covered with snow, a ski track winds under them, anthills take refuge under snowdrifts. Let's try to find colorful words to describe the forest.

Selection of epithets

- What is the snow in the forest? (Fluffy, shiny in the sun, soft, prickly, sparkling, silver.)

What do trees look like in winter? (Quiet, thoughtful; covered with snow, like a blanket; dressed in snow coats; dozing under a snow blanket; frozen, chilled; the needles of the fir trees are like ice fingers.)

- Snowfall in the forest, what is it like? (Snow flakes, quiet snow, fluffy snowflakes, quiet swirling.)


- After a walk in the forest, I suggest you take a break. To do this, let's go to visit Lesovichka. But here in the clearing there are a lot of houses of forest dwellers.

Game exercise "Whose house?"

/ Formation of possessive adjectives (meaning of ownership) /

- In this house, the yapping of a fox is heard. Whose house? (Fox.)

- A bear lives in another house. Whose house? (Bearish.)

- A wolf lives in this crowbar with his family. Whose house? (Wolf.)

- Hares live together in the house. Whose house? (Hare.)

- A wild boar grunts in this house. Whose house? (Boar.)

- Finally, we found Lesovichka's house. Let's go visit him. Lesovichok wants to treat us to tea. Sit at the table. There will be pies and jams for tea. Take the jars that are on the table in front of you. The stickers depict berries from which jam is made.

- I have raspberry jam - raspberry. And you?

Game exercise "Jam"

Currant jam - currant,

from strawberries - strawberry, from apples - apple,

from cherries - cherry, from plums - plum,

from apricots - apricot, from peaches - peach,

from strawberries - strawberry, from blueberries - blueberries,

from lingonberries - lingonberry, from cranberries - cranberry.

Now let's try the pies. Mine has a gooseberry on it, so it's a gooseberry pie, a gooseberry pie. And you?

Game exercise "Pies"

/Formation of adjectives from noun stems/

With strawberries - strawberry,

with strawberries - strawberry,

with cherry - cherry,

with apples - apple,

with plum - plum,

with apricots - apricot,

with peaches - peach,

with currant - currant,

with blueberries - blueberry,

with lingonberries - lingonberry,

with cranberries - cranberry,

with raspberries - raspberry.


“Now that you have refreshed yourself and rested, come to this table. It has picture cards on it. Please take one. Now try to make commands. There is only one condition: each team must have four people. Look at the pictures on the cards. And now the task for each team: try to come up with a fairy tale using four keywords from your cards. You decide how you will tell the story - one of the team, or all in turn.

Making up a story from pictures

/ If necessary, the teacher helps the children by asking questions, thus guiding the development of the plot.

Examples of pictures: bear, hare, lake, forest, Christmas tree, snowdrift, gift, paint, snowfall, blizzard, thaw, Snow Maiden, fox, holiday, deceit, punishment, month, squirrel, tinsel, Baba Yaga./

The teacher offers to evaluate the results of the lesson for the children. To do this, he asks them to choose red chips if the children liked the activity and were interested;

yellow chips, if you didn’t like something in the lesson;

blue chips if you didn’t like the lesson at all.

Then the teacher invites the children to evaluate their own work in the classroom using the same chips. This helps children develop the skills to actively control their work. With incorrect self-esteem, the teacher asks other children to express their opinion about the work of a friend, his relationship with other children.

In turn, the teacher emphasizes that the best, most interesting fairy tales came from those teams where the children managed to agree, coordinate their actions.

Methods of psycho-emotional correction in the classroom for the development of speech

One of the most important tricks used in speech development classes is the use of psycho-emotional correction (psycho-gymnastics, group creativity, dramatization), which are aimed at relieving emotional stress, regulating stress in children, and also contribute to the development of communication skills, teach children a benevolent, tolerant attitude towards others.

After all, working with children should be dynamic and emotionally enjoyable. It is for this purpose that, along with traditional methods and techniques in speech development classes, I also use non-traditional speech therapy methods and exercises to develop auditory attention and phonemic perception, speech breathing, fine and articulatory motor skills, and general coordination of movements.

These non-traditional exercises, which are playful in nature, cause positive emotions in children.

In order to normalize muscle tone, you can start the lesson with breathing and relaxing exercises.

The use of psycho-gymnastics, relaxation exercises, psycho-physical gymnastics in the classroom helps to relieve increased muscle tension (relaxation exercises), improves the functioning of the facial muscles, promotes the mobility of the articulatory apparatus (psycho-gymnastics), helps to relax children, develops imagination, and overcomes motor awkwardness.

Psycho-gymnastics also contributes to the upbringing of emotions, the development of expressiveness of movements, mastering the skills of self-relaxation. Its main goal is to relieve mental stress and create opportunities for self-expression.

In classes with elements of psycho-gymnastics, children learn the ABC of expressing emotions - expressive gestures, facial expressions, movements.

At the end of classes, it is advisable to use relaxation exercises in order to relieve excessive excitability, muscle tension and restore a good emotional state.

The introduction of psycho-gymnastics and relaxation elements into speech development classes is a very important point. Children become more open, begin to communicate more actively with peers and adults, they get rid of many neurotic manifestations (fears, aggression, various kinds of fears, insecurity)

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in middle group(using modeling and psycho-emotional correction)


Purpose of the lesson:

    Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Pets".

    Continue to form children's ideas about domestic animals and their cubs, their habitat, what they eat.

    Name animals in a diminutive form.

    Correctional and educational goals: to teach children to compose descriptive stories according to a picture-graphic plan.

    Correction-developing goals: development of coherent speech, visual attention, thinking, articulation, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

    Correctional and educational goals: the formation of skills of goodwill, independence, responsibility. Raising love and respect for animals.

Preliminary work: guessing riddles about pets, looking at illustrations depicting pets, compiling descriptive stories, getting to know the picture and graphic plan, practicing articulatory gymnastics “Horse”, “Kitty”.

Materials and equipment: small pet toys, a diagram for compiling a descriptive story, split pictures depicting pets.

Lesson progress:

Psychological attitude: an exercise aimed at developing arbitrariness and self-control

"Screamers - whisperers - silence."

/ Children sit in a circle, the teacher raises the cards one by one - the silhouettes of the palms different color.

Red - "Screamer" - you can make noise, shout, clap.

Yellow - Whisperer "- a signal that you can whisper quietly.

Blue - "Silent" - sit quietly, do not make noise. /

Game exercise "Tell me who it is"

/ Show figurines of animals. Clarify what they are called, name their cubs, what they eat. /

Didactic game "Who is screaming?" (onomatopoeia)

/ Cat ... (meows - meow), dog ... (Barks - woof, woof), cow ... (mumbles - moo-woo), horse ... (neighs - yoke-go), etc. /

Drawing up descriptive stories using a picture-graphic plan.

    Animal name

    wild or domestic


    The size


    Smooth or spiky

    Body parts


    What does it eat

Educator. This plan will help us to compose a story / shows a picture-graphic plan /. First you need to tell the name of your animal. Is it wild or domestic? Where does he live, in the forest, or with a person? Then describe what size and color it is, what kind of fur it has. What are the features in the structure of the body. Remember and name the cubs how they give voice. What do they eat.

Physical education minute

The cat sat under the bush, (squat down)

Cheese ate a piece. (pat yourself on the stomach)

The cat got up, stretched (get up, stretch)

Her fur unfurled. (stroke belly with hands)

Didactic game "Fold the whole from the parts" (work with split pictures)

/ Everyone has split pictures on the tables, cut into 4 - 6 parts. Children collect the whole image of the animal./

Didactic game "Call it affectionately."

Cat ... (kitty).

Cow ... (cow).

Goat ... (goat).

Dog ... (dog).

Sheep ... (lamb). Etc.

Logarithmic exercise "Sheep".

/ Children stand in a circle, music sounds: “Sounds of Nature”, movements are performed in accordance with the text of the poem /

Sheep have rings on their coats,

Those sheep are grazing by the river.

They are grazed by two shaggy dogs,

That wag their shaggy tails.

And the shepherd on the hill by the tree

He plays the flute intricately.

Dexterous fingers run fast,

Dandelions bloom in the meadow.

The bell sways in the wind

We hear a wonderful melody.

Reflection "My mood"

/ The teacher invites the children to determine their mood with the help of pictures depicting a cheerful and sad bear. The one who considers his mood to be good, chooses a picture with a cheerful bear, bad - a sad bear.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech

in the senior group (with elements of psycho-emotional correction)

"Visiting the Rainbow"

Purpose of the lesson:

    Connected speech. Learn to compose a story based on reference pictures; tell coherently and vividly, without deviating from a given topic; develop communication skills.

    Grammar. Teach children to understand and use adverbs in speech; to consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns.

    Dictionary. Develop and enrich children's active vocabulary.

    Sound culture of speech. Exercise in the pronunciation of the isolated sound R, as well as the sound Sh in words.

    Contribute to the moral development of the child, by forming his ideas about kindness, friendship, culture of communication; cultivate tolerance, a friendly attitude towards each other; develop cognitive processes: attention, memory, imagination.

Equipment and materials: colored pencils (colors of the spectrum); cardboard mock-up of a rainbow on magnets; reference pictures - rain, meadow, insects, sun, rainbow; didactic game "Magic Flowers"; cardboard layout of the house; children's high chair, decorated with appliqué; audio recording of the song by V. Shainsky "The world is like a colored meadow."

Preliminary work: studying the colors of the spectrum; viewing the illustration "Rainbow"; teacher's story "How the rainbow appeared"; didactic game "Butterflies and Flowers"; learning speech exercises for sound pronunciation; guessing riddles about the seasons; word game "Say the opposite"; learning Kondratiev's poems "Hello!", "Good afternoon"; reading by V. Oseeva "The Magic Word"; conversation with children on the topic "How to call a person."

Lesson progress:

Educator: / holding a box of colored pencils / Guys, today I have prepared colored pencils for class, but we will not draw with them. Today I want to read you a fairy tale about words that will help you draw the world in colors and without colored pencils.

/ The teacher reads the fairy tale of M. Stoyan to the children, in the course of reading, exposing a cardboard layout of the rainbow on a magnetic board /

-Often in the rain, you stand at the window, look, listen, and it starts to seem to you that all things have a voice, that they all talk and your pencils, right?

Hear, the red one says: I am a poppy, I am a fire, I am a banner ... Orange responds after him: I am an orange, I am a carrot, I am a fox ... Yellow is also not silent: I am a duckling fluff, I am wheat, I - the sun ... And the green rustles: I am the grass, I am the gardens, I am the forests ... And the blue does not lag behind: I am the bell, I am the sky, I am the sea ... And the purple whispers: I am the twilight, I am the lilac in bloom, I am plum...

But now the rain stops, And with it the colored pencils stop.

- Look! - says red, Rainbow - it's me! “Me too,” orange adds. - And I, - smiles yellow. - And I, - rejoices green. - And I, - cries blue. - And I, - blue has fun. "Me too," Violet laughs.

Teacher: What did we get? A painted yoke hung across the river. What's this? That's right, it's a rainbow! Have you ever seen a rainbow? / children's answers / Which of you will tell when you can see it? (Rainbows can be seen after rain if the sun comes out.)

Educator: Right. Let's come up with a story about the rainbow together, and the pictures will help us. /puts up a picture of rain/ So, one day it was raining heavily over the meadow.

And who in the meadow was happy with the rain? /exposes a picture of a flowering meadow/

Children: Grass and meadow flowers were happy with the rain. Water watered the earth, the grass turned green, flowers blossomed.

Educator: Who was afraid of the rain in the meadow? /picture depicting insects: butterflies, flies, dragonflies/

Children: Butterflies, dragonflies, flies were afraid of the rain. They hid under leaves, in cracks and minks. Insects will not be able to fly if the rain wets their wings.

Children: The rain is over, the sky is blue again. The bright, radiant sun shone.

Educator: But we know that if the sun peeks out after the rain, then ... / a picture of a rainbow /

Children: A colorful rainbow appeared in the sky.

Educator: The story turned out just wonderful. Now imagine that you and I ended up in this meadow. I invite you to the meadow

Relaxation exercise “Let's draw what we talked about” / Children sit on the carpet in a circle one after another and “draw” rain, flowers and grass, insects, sun, etc. on the back of the person sitting in front of them /

Educator: In the rainbow above the horizon - all the colors of the miter: and oranges, and wheat, and the sky, and the sea, and lilacs in bloom. Look at the sky above the meadow after the rain, and you will see a huge multi-colored rainbow there. She is like a gate leading to a fairy-tale land. Do you want to go there? This is a very kind fairyland. Only kind and good children can get there. Are you like that? Then let's remind each other of this.

Communicative game "Praise your neighbor"

/ Children, sitting in a circle, praise their neighbors, characterizing them with the help of adjectives, coordinating adjectives with nouns, for example: Sasha is brave, Nikita is kind and strong, Nastya is affectionate, Irina is cheerful, etc. /

Educator: In a magical country, everyone knows how to speak correctly and beautifully, pronounce all the sounds. Do you know how? Let's practice pronouncing the sound Sh

Sound pronunciation exercise

Who has what?

Midge's wings, Lusha's cat,

Fluffy cat, Mouse Tanyusha,

Pebbles at Masha, Ears at the bear,

Natasha has a box, a monkey has a tail.

Educator: And different animals live in this country. Although they growl, they do not bite anyone, because this country is kind. Remember and name such animals that can growl. (tigers, bears, lions, wolves, panthers, etc.)

Educator: Now stand in a circle, imagine that you are animals, cover your “muzzles” with your “paws”. Let's play a game.


Psycho-speech gymnastics "Beasts"

The teacher stands in the center of the circle and lightly taps on the “legs” of the “animals”, pronouncing the words:

Don't knock on these doors

The animals must be sleeping already!

If you knock -

Animals can roar!

After the word "roar", the children look out of their hiding places and growl: R - R - R!

Educator: Guys, look at what unusual flowers grow in a magical land. In the middle of the flower, the question is “When?”, So we will answer it. How many petals, so many questions. Listen to the first question.

Game exercise "Magic Flowers"

It's time for us to get up. The Cockerel has been singing since .... / in the morning /; We all go to dinner And it happens .... / in the afternoon / etc.

Educator: And in the middle of the next flower is the question "How?".

Let's try to answer it.

How does the mouse squeak? /quietly/ How does a lion roar? /loudly/ How does the hare run? /quickly/ How is it outside in winter? /coldly/ How do you answer? /correct/ etc.

Educator: And what bright and elegant houses in the country near the rainbow. Let's look at this house and answer the question that is written on its roof: “Where?

Game exercise "Tell me where?"

Where is the foundation of the house? /below/ Where is the roof? /above/ Where is the porch? /left/ etc.

Educator: Well done, you diligently answered the questions, and now let's have a rest and play a ball game.

Ball game "Say the other way around"

/Children stand in a circle. The teacher alternately throws the ball to the children, naming the adverb, the children must return the ball, picking up the adverb opposite in meaning. For example: warm - cold, dirty - clean, fast - slow, etc. /

Educator: Guys, listen to the poem - a riddle

"What a word?"

Masha knew a lot of words, But one of them was gone, And it is - as if it were a sin - It is said most often. This word follows For a gift, for dinner, This word is said, If you are thanked ... / thank you / V. Golyakhovsky

That's right, it's a polite word "thank you." The inhabitants of the magical land know and very often say polite or, as they are also called, magic words. We also know these words. Remember them and name them. (Please, hello, be kind, thank you, etc.)

Educator: Well done, they remembered a lot of words. Now let's listen to poems about polite words.

/Children read pre-learned poems:/


- Hello! - you say to the person - Hello! he smiles back. And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy, And will be healthy for many years.

"Good afternoon"

- Good afternoon! - you said - Good afternoon! – you answered. Two threads connected you with warmth and kindness.

Educator: And indeed, kind words seem to connect us with each other, it turns out a chain of kindness

Psycho-gymnastics "Chain of kindness"

Educator: Let's feel the warmth of each other. Let's close our eyes and imagine how warmth spreads throughout the body, and now we will try to transfer this warmth to a neighbor by touching our palms or stroking our hands, we can hug, and then warmth and kindness will be transferred to everyone along the chain, from one to another. So the magic words have become our friends and there is so much kindness left in our hearts.

/ There is a knock on the door and a crying girl appears. The role is played by the teacher or the child of the preparatory group. /

Teacher: What happened? Who are you and why are you crying?

Katya: My name is Katya, and I cry because the girls with whom I played in the yard call me Katya. I don't like it at all, I'm not Katya, but Katya.

Educator: I know what to do, we will take you with us to a magical land, because there is a magic miracle chair, and it will help us calm and please you.

/ The teacher shows the children a chair decorated with colored appliqué /

Educator: This miracle chair is not simple, the one who sits on it can only be called kind, affectionate words. Let's put Katya on it and call her. (Katya, Katyusha, Katya, etc.)

Educator: But a person can be called not only by name, but also by other affectionate words, for example, the sun, sweetie. Maybe some of you are also called such an affectionate word? Let's try to find such words for Katya. (Kitten, honey, hare, etc.)

Educator: Look, guys, Katya is no longer sad, she is smiling. And who among you wants to sit on a miracle chair?

Game exercise "Miracle - high chair"

/Children take turns sitting on a chair, and the rest try to call them affectionately by name or in some other way./

Educator: Here are interesting names our guys! How beautiful and affectionate you can call them! It will be very good if we in the group call each other affectionate, gentle and kind words. Then our mood will be kind and joyful. So that you want to sing and dance, as now.

/Children sing the song "The world is like a colored meadow", music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky./

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. We visited the rainbow today. Rainbow! We are leaving your domain, but the secrets of your colors and words, with which we have made friends, will forever remain with us.

Logorhythm - a holiday of beautiful speech for children

Logorhythm is a system of motor exercises in which various movements are combined with the pronunciation of special speech material.

Logorhythm helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develops breathing, motor functions, a sense of balance, correct posture, gait, grace of movements.

Speech is one of the main elements in motor-spatial exercises. The rhythm of speech, especially the rhythm of poems, sayings, proverbs, contributes to the development of coordination, general and fine voluntary motor skills. With the help of poetic rhythmic speech, the correct tempo of speech, the rhythm of breathing are developed, speech hearing, speech memory are developed.
The structure of logorhythmic lessons includes the development of memory, attention, optical-spatial functions, auditory functions, motor sphere, manual motor skills, articulatory motor skills, speech functional system, sound pronunciation. The classes include finger games or finger massage, eye gymnastics, various types of walking and running to music, poems accompanied by movements, speech therapy gymnastics, facial exercises, and there may also be relaxation exercises to music, tongue twisters, speech and music games.
As a result of logarithmic classes, the following tasks are implemented:

    clarification of articulation

    development of phonemic perception

    vocabulary expansion

    development of auditory attention and motor memory

    improvement of general and fine motor skills

    development of clear, coordinated movements in conjunction with speech

    development of creativity and imagination.

Practice shows that regular practice of logorhythmics contributes to the normalization of the child's speech, forms a positive emotional mood, teaches communication with peers, and much more.

Abstract of a lesson on logarithmics in the middle group

"Toy shop"

Purpose: to develop phonemic perception, auditory attention, speech breathing, visual memory. Improve general and fine motor skills of hands, articulation. Develop coordination of speech and movements. Education of expressiveness of movements. The ability to transform, the ability to coordinate music with movement.

Materials and equipment: toys - soldiers, bear, matryoshka, tumbler, doll; half masks - doll, monkey, ball, horse, cat; large cubes.

Preliminary work: learning outdoor switchgear "Toys", logarithmic exercises "Snow", "Teremok", words for the logarithmic game "Shop", singing the song "Bear scratched his paw"

Lesson progress:

Educator. Do you guys want to go to the toy store? This is not a simple store, but a magical one: toys can come to life in it, and customers can turn into toys for a short time.

Look in the store for all the toys in the window: Clockwork bunnies, dolls and balls, fluffy kittens, nesting dolls, cubs. Everyone is sitting on the shelves, They want to play with us. In our store, each toy has its own song.

A set of general developmental exercises to music

/ the educator reads poems about each toy; children pronounce words and do exercises /

    Here the soldiers are standing, the parade begins. One, two, three, four, five - we begin to walk. /marching/

    Here are the cars running, rustling their tires. Yellow and red are all so different. / move in a flood /

    The little bear took the harmonica and decided to play a little. One, two! Turn... he dances and sings. / imitate playing the harmonica /

    Here are baby dolls, colorful clothes, / spring / Bright handkerchiefs, pink cheeks. /show cheeks/

    You better look! The puppets are dancing. The legs are exposed, they are invited to visit. /put one foot on the heel one by one, raising arms bent at the elbows up/

    What a fun ball. So it jumps! So it jumps! I would rather catch him to play again! / jump on two legs, squat at the end of the phrase /

    Roly-up, Roly-up, squat, squat, What a naughty you are! We can't handle you! / tilts in different directions, threaten with a finger /

    The most beautiful locomotive of all: two pipes and a hundred wheels. Well, toys ride in it - dolls, bunnies, parsley. / move in fractional steps, arms bent at the elbows /

/ Continuing to move, they perform the song “Steam Engine” (music by Z. Kompaneyts, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya), “reach” the carpet, sit down /

Educator. Now let's play with sand in the yard.

Let's make houses out of the sand in the courtyard. Things are quickly arguing, the doll's house is being built.

finger game

We’ll make everything we want out of the sand, / clap your hands / Gosha sculpts a bun, / they “sculpt” a bun / And Albina is a teremok, / they connect their hands above their heads / Lyuba sculpts different fish, / they press their palms one to another and move them right-left / Well, Sasha is a white mushroom. / one hand is clenched into a fist, covered from above with the palm of the other hand - a mushroom cap /

Educator. Interested in playing in the sand? And even more interesting in our magical toy store. Here the children themselves have become toys. Get in a circle. It's time to open our store.

Logo-rhythmic game "Shop"

/ children put on half masks, move in a round dance, pronouncing words /

Bom-bom! Bim-bim! We open a store. Come in, come in, buy what you want!

Doll. / a child in a half-mask goes into a circle / You look at me and take me home with you. I will love and listen to you. And my name is Katyusha.

Educator. Who buys a toy and takes it with him?

Child. I'm buying a toy!

Doll. Before you can pick me up, you must catch me!

/ the child catches the toy and stands with it in a circle. Children move in a circle, pronouncing the words: “Bom-bom! Bim-bim! Opening the shop…”, the game continues/


. I am a jumper, a funny ball, I don’t like the one who cries, I don’t love the one who cries, but I love the one who jumps! ....


I am a funny monkey, monkey, naughty. One, two, three, four, five! I want to play with you!....

Skate. I am not a simple skate, I am a clockwork skate. Top top! Tsok-tsok! Take me, my friend!....

Kitty. I'm a cat-cat, I'm good at catching mice. I sing a song to the children: “Meow! Baiushki bye!"….

Educator. We sold out all the toys in the store, it's time for the store to close / The children move in a circle, pronouncing the words / Bom-bom! Bim-bim! We close the store.

Educator. It stands in the field of a teremok-teremok. He is neither low nor high. The doll lives in that little house, she is waiting for all her friends to visit today. Let's take a look into the teremok, to the doll for a light. Only here is the trouble of the tower-teremok is locked. Maybe a kitten-cat will open a teremok for us?

Finger game "Tryk-trok!"

Kitty. / steps forward, shows movements, all the children follow him / There is a teremok in the field on the door a lock hangs. Trick-trock! And the tower opened!

Educator. Thank you kitty kitty!

The doll invites you to visit, treats you with sweet tea: “Come, all the toys! There will be a cake for you and buns!

Let's go in, just knock on the door first.

Logo-rhythmic exercise "Knock-knock!"

- Knock-Knock. /Three blows of fists against each other/ - Yes, yes, yes. /three claps/ - May I come to you? / three punches against each other / - Always glad! /three claps/

/Children enter an imaginary teremok, sit down on cubes/

Educator. The doll wants to treat you and me with hot tea with jam and sweets.

Articulation gymnastics

    Exercise "Delicious jam." The mouth is open. Lips parted in a smile. With a wide front edge of the tongue, children lick the upper lip, making a movement from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate.

    Exercise "Blow for tea." Children put a wide tongue on the lower lip and exhale on the tip of the tongue.

    Exercise "Roll candy in your mouth" mouth closed. The tip of the tongue rests on the cheek and moves up and down.

Educator. Guys, look, a naughty bear came to visit the doll. Let's sing a song about him.

The song "The bear scratched his paw ..."

Educator. Bear drinks hot tea and sucks on candy. Don't get wet by chance, tie a napkin! But the bear does not listen to us, he is naughty. The bear tries different treats from the table.

Mimic exercises

/ children with the help of facial expressions show how the bear eats a lemon, pickle, cake, candy, chocolate, etc./

Educator. Something our bear became quite sad, probably ate a lot of chocolate. Let's take pity on the bear.

Breathing exercise"Sorry Bear"

/children blow on the palm as long as possible, trying to make the air come out in a uniform jet/

Educator. Our bear is completely healthy - even ready to dance. Well, the doll and the bear have fun - they dance the Polechka without a break.

Dance "Bear with a doll"

Educator. The bear liked visiting the doll, he did not notice how winter had come. It was quiet and cold in the forest. A bear is walking through the forest. It’s cold for him, his fur coat got wet, his paws froze. Show how cold the bear is in the winter forest.

Psychogymnastics "Sad Bear"

Educator. It's time for the bear to sleep in the lair. He climbed into the lair, filled the lair with snow, a whole mountain of snow grew. The bear got warm under the snow and fell asleep.

Logarithmic exercise "Snow"

Like on a hill there is snow, snow, / show a “hill” with your hands / and under a hill there is snow, snow, / show with your hands “under a hill” / and on a Christmas tree there is snow, snow, / show a “hill” with your hands / and under a Christmas tree snow, snow, / show with your hands “under the hill” / and under the snow a bear sleeps. /hands under the cheek/ Hush! Quiet! Keep quiet! / wag your finger, then bring it to your mouth /

Educator. And it's time for the doll to sleep, our tower with toys is closing.

Synopsis of a logarithmic lesson in II junior group "VISITING GRANDMA"


    Activate the dictionary on the topic "Pets".

    Fix the articulation and characterization of the sound [y].

    Develop articulation, fine motor skills, coordination of movements and speech.

    Develop speech exhalation.

    Develop expressiveness of movements and speech.

    Instill a love for animals.

Materials and equipment: half masks for domestic animals: cockerel, horse, goose; half masks of cats according to the number of children; train made of large building material.

Preliminary work: learning verses for the logarithmic exercises “Ladushki”, “Cockerel”, “Horse”, “Train”; learning finger games "Geese", "Let's stroke the cat"; articulation gymnastics "Horse";

Lesson progress:

/ Children enter the hall to a cheerful melody and stand in a circle /

Educator: Today we will go to visit grandma. Do you rejoice when you go to visit your grandmother?

And when people are happy, they clap their hands. Let's clap too.

Logorhythmic exercise "Pancakes"

/ Children pronounce the text, clap for every word, the last word in the line they are distinguished by cotton over the head /

Frets, frets, frets,

We're going to visit grandma

To our dear grandmother,

To Grandma Zabavushka.

The kids go to her

Dear grandchildren.

Educator: We need to hurry, because the train gives a signal for departure and sings its song.

Musical chant "tuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" / Development of speech exhalation /

Educator: Which song is long or short? Why? What sound helps pull it? Let's sing it again.

Sound articulation [y]

Educator: The train is picking up speed.

Logo-rhythmic exercise "Train" / Development of the rhythm of movements /

/Children sing and perform rhythmic movements to the music according to the text/

We sit in wagons

We are sitting, we are sitting!

And we look out the window

Have fun looking!

Rides, rides a steam locomotive -

One hundred wheels, one hundred wheels.

He took the kids

Have fun.

Exercise for coordination of movements and speech, development of auditory attention "Guess who came?"

Educator: Listen to the music and guess who meets us with my grandmother? / Cockerel./

/ The child, who guessed the animal before others, puts on a mask of a rooster and recites a poem, accompanying the speech with movements (rhythmic raising of arms and legs) /

Child: Here comes the cockerel,

Proudly raised the comb,

red beard,


Educator: Standing asleep, head down, horse. Here she opens her eyes and neighs: wow.

/ A child in a mask depicts a horse, accompanying speech with movements, clicks his tongue and snaps his fingers /

Child: I am a horse - a gray side,

Click, click, click!

I will knock with a hoof,

If you want, I'll ride

Click, click, click, click!

Educator: Shall we ride a horse?

Articulation gymnastics "Horse"

/ Children rhythmically click their tongues and click their fingers to the soundtrack /

Educator: And the goose wants to show off, he has an addition to his family. Show with your fingers what beaks do geese have?

Finger gymnastics "Geese"

/Children connect the thumbs and forefingers on the hands of both hands and rhythmically pronounce the text, opening and closing the "beaks"/

Ha-ha-ha - the goose cackles,

I'm proud of my family

For goslings and goose

I look, I don't look.

Educator: But most of all, the cat was waiting for us, because she loves being stroked.

Psycho-speech gymnastics "Cat"

/Children with a relaxed hand under the poetic text imitate stroking a cat/

Kisonka, murisenka,

Eats, drinks, sings songs,

Soft Paws,

And scratches in the paws.

Educator: Let's ask the cat to teach us how to walk as gently as she does.

Logarithmic exercise "Cat"

/ Children put on cat masks and imitate her movements, accompanying them with words /

The cat is very good

Walks softly, slowly

Sit, wash

Wipes off with a paw.

Educator: Let's stroke the cat behind the ears.

Finger gymnastics "Let's stroke the cat"

/Children to the music rhythmically imitate stroking with each finger/

Educator: The cat saw the mouse. Show how she jumps.

Exercise for the development of speech exhalation "The cat catches the mouse"

/ Children clench their fingers into fists, inhale through their nose. As you exhale, throw your hands forward, pronouncing "meow" /

Educator: And now let's play the game "Cats and mice". The cat goes hunting for mice. As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice go out for a walk.

Mobile game "CATS AND MOUSE"

/Children choose a cat with the help of a rhyme: the child pronounces the rhyme, pointing to each child with his hand/


Here comes the black cat

Hiding, waiting for the mouse.

Mouse, mouse, beware

And don't get caught by the cat.

Educator: Oh, how interesting it was visiting my grandmother! But it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to grandma and her pets.

Logo-rhythmic exercise "Ladushki" /Rhythmic pronunciation with claps/

Frets, frets, frets,

Where were you? By Grandma.

Goodbye, grandma

Grandma Fun.

Synopsis of a logarithmic lesson in the senior group "Domok - Teremok"


    Overcoming speech disorders through the development, education and correction of the motor sphere in combination with the word and music.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of nouns with suffixes -onok, -enok).

    Development of speech breathing, speech hearing, fine, general and articulatory motor skills, pantomime, attention, melodic-intonational side of speech, sense of rhythm, musical ear, auditory-motor coordination. Increasing the amount of memory.

    Education of expressiveness of movements, switchability from one field of activity to another, the ability to transform, the ability to coordinate music with movement, a positive attitude to the lesson.

Equipment and materials: Phonograms of lyrical melody and lullaby; torch; Free Images: bear, goose, cat with a kitten, mouse, frog, kitten, kid, mouse, gosling, calf; modular house; noise toy "shurshunchik" for each child.

Preliminary work: learning poems by Yu. Sokolova "House", "Geese"; articulation gymnastics; finger games; didactic game "Whose baby?"; singing songs from the children's collection "Funny Songs for Children"

Lesson progress:

/ Children enter the hall to a calm melody and stand in a circle /

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then get ready, now I will tell you about what house-teremok the Bear built. (One, two, three - a fairy tale come.) / calm music sounds /

Who lives in a fairy tale? (bear) What bear? (large, brown, clumsy)

So the fairy tale begins. Forest. Winter. It became quiet and cold in the forest in winter. Misha the bear is walking through the forest.

Let's show how Bear walks.

Imitation movement "Bear"

/Children stand in a circle on the carpet and show the gait of a bear to the musical accompaniment/

Educator: The bear is cold, the fur coat got wet, the paws are frozen, show how the Bear is cold and sad.

/Children show the bear's gait and emotional state to the music/

Educator: Well done! Now sit down and listen to the story further.

/Children sit on chairs/

"How will I winter the winter?" - Thinks the Bear. Thought and thought and thought. I decided to build a house for myself, warm and strong. Misha began to collect tools. But the trouble is, Misha does not know what tools are needed. Let's help him collect the right tool.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Shovel". Put a wide, flattened and motionless tongue with the front edge on the lower teeth.

"Saw". Having arched the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth. Slowly move the protruding tongue from left to right and back

"Axe". Having arched the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth. We slowly bring together and squeeze the teeth, unclench them again, check whether the tongue is held in a given position.

Educator: Misha collected the tools and began to build a house, and we will help him.

Poem with movements "House"

I knock with a hammer, They strike each other with fists.

I want to build a house. Connect the tips of the fingers above the head.

I'm building a tall house, Raise straight arms up.

I will live in that house. They clap their hands.

Y. Sokolova

caregiver recites a poem and shows the child m house built from modules.

Here is built new house,
Mishka settled in it.

Very big bear's house,
It has both a stove and a chimney.

Educator: What did Misha build? (new house)

What is the house like? (large, with stove and chimney)

It's dark for Misha the bear in the big house, let's light a flashlight in it.

Breathing exercises.

Exercise "Light the flashlight."

/Educator invites the children to approach the house, lower their hands, take a calm breath, “send air into the tummy”, and as you exhale, make your lips a tube and blow on a flashlight /

Educator: Mishka lives in a new house, enjoys warmth and comfort. Yes, he began to think: “I feel good, warm. And what about my buddies? They'll be cold in the winter." Mishka decided to invite his friends to the house-teremok. The geese came first. Their paws are red from the cold.

- Come out on the mat, let's play the game "Geese".

Logorithmic exercise "Geese"

(musical accompaniment)

Gray geese flew. / Run on toes, waving their arms /

They quietly sat down on the lawn, / Squat /

Like. /Walk on socks/

They pecked. / Tilt your head forward /

Then they quickly ran. / They run one after another and sit on chairs /


Educator: Who has now settled in Misha's house? (geese)

The geese began to chop wood and heat the stove, so that it would always be warm in the house.

A cat with a kitten came to the teremok and also found a job. The cat grinds the grain to make flour, and the kitten plays.

/Children are invited to stand near their chairs. They are given noise toys "shurshunchiki" /

Rhythmic game "Tsapki"

(the game is repeated 2 times)

The pussy played with her paws, / They hit the knees with both palms at the same time /

The pussy paws pounded: /Make a sound in quarter durations/

Tsap - tsap - tsap - tsap, / Make a sound in eighth durations /

Tsap - tsap - tsap - / Alternately slap on the knees /

Tsap! / quickly hide their hands behind their backs /

Educator: And then the girlfriends came - the Mouse with the Frog. They bake pies out of flour.

Good for Mouse
From the oven donuts.
And at the Frog -
Cheesecakes for tea. V. Khesin

Finger game "Cheesecakes"

Let's bake cheesecakes!

We kneaded the dough, /Pinch themselves on the thighs/

We put sugar, / “Sprinkle granulated sugar” with the fingers of both hands /

Berries, cottage cheese - / “They make pies” (one hand on top, then the other) /

We bake a pie.

Tutu-tutyushki! /clap hands/

Eat the cheesecakes! / Stretch your arms forward, turning your palms up /

Educator: The Mouse and the Frog are happy that the cheesecakes are delicious. The treat is baked, it's time to play. I invite you to play the game "Cat and Mice".

/Children go to the carpet to play. A child is chosen to play the role of a cat. The remaining children turn into mice under the "magic" coverlet /

The song is the game "Mouse".

Mice sit under the floor / Hands raised above their heads /

They follow the cat. / Hands alternately placed with a visor /

The cat is close here, it doesn't matter / They threaten with an index finger /

We are not afraid of the cat. / Waving the index finger to the right - to the left /

Let's go out, the mice take a walk / Walk in small steps on toes around the hall /

And show yourself to everyone!

In the meantime, the cat is not here, / They twirl their tail /

We will dance "mouse-ballet"!

/ Music sounds. Children put their feet alternately on the toe forward, to the side, back. Circling in place right-left /

Educator: So, guys, let's remember what animals live in Misha's house-teremka?

The Bear is happy that everyone lives together. And in the evenings he and his friends recall warm summer days and sings songs.

Song "In the Meadow"

(from the collection "Funny Songs for Children")

Educator: The bear sings, and all the animals sing along with him. Help , guys, figure out who sings what song.

caregiver shows a picture and asks questions, the children answer.

Mu Mu! Who is screaming? Small ……. (calf).

Meow meow! Who is screaming? Small ……. (Kitty).

Oink-oink! Who is screaming? Small ……. (piglet).

Me-me! Who is screaming? Small ……. (kid).

Ha-ha! Who is screaming? Small ……. (caterpillar), etc.

Educator: Now our fairy tale is over, it's time to say goodbye.

Logorhythmic exercise "Teremok"

Well, in the evening we will close the lock / fingers in the lock / our beautiful painted tower / hands "house" / There will be residents in it until the morning / hands under the cheek / The fairy tale is over. It's time to say goodbye. /waving goodbye/

/Children leave the hall to the sound of the song "In my house"/

Parents about the development of speech of preschoolers

Speech is one of the important inventions of a child in preschool childhood. It is acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults should make a lot of efforts so that the child's speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

Children learn spoken language by imitating the language of others. Unfortunately, parents often forget about this and let the process of developing the baby's speech take its course. The child spends little time in the company of adults, sitting at the computer, watching TV or with his toys, which replace his parents' stories and fairy tales. As a result, by the time the child enters school, there are many problems.

Many parents rely on kindergarten to solve the problem of speech development, but it is the parents who are the first and main "teachers" of their child. And, of course, the child masters speech more successfully when they are engaged with him not only in the preschool educational institution, but also in the family.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the teacher's work is to promote knowledge among parents on the speech development of children. A correct understanding by parents of the tasks of upbringing and education, knowledge of some of the methodological techniques used by the educator in the development of children's speech will undoubtedly help them in organizing speech lessons at home.

In the process of working with parents, the educator can recommend poems, riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, pure proverbs for memorizing with children at home; to advise what books should be read to children of different preschool age; suggest what and how to do with the child at home, how to use the practical material; prepare consultations on the speech development of children.

Other forms of work are also effective: the organization of stands, where tables are posted indicating correct stress in difficult words for children; small notes, articles on the development of the speech of preschool children, etc.

Speech alphabet for parents

Articulation gymnastics - this is gymnastics for the lips, tongue, lower jaw. Teach your baby to open and close his mouth in front of the mirror, raise his tongue up, make it wide and narrow, and hold it in the correct position.

fast speech - unacceptable in a conversation with a child. Speak clearly, clearly, correctly. Don't let your baby talk too fast.

Always tell your child about what you see, remember that if everything around you is familiar and familiar, then the baby needs to be introduced to everything that surrounds us. Explain to him that the tree is growing, the flower is blooming, why there is a bee on it. It depends on you whether your baby will be developed.

The main components of beautiful speech: correctness, clarity, intelligibility, moderate pace and loudness, richness of vocabulary and intonational expressiveness. This is how your speech should be.

Breathing exercises important in the development of speech. To develop the correct air jet necessary for pronouncing many sounds, teach your child to blow in a thin stream on light toys, balls, boats on the water (you can’t inflate your cheeks!)

If the child is over 3 years , he must be able to speak in phrases. The absence of phrasal speech indicates a delay in speech development, and the absence of words at 3 years of age indicates gross violations of general development.

Gestures complement our speech. But if the baby uses gestures instead of speech, do not try to understand his speech without words. Pretend you don't know what he wants. Encourage him to ask. The longer you understand the sign language of the child, the longer he will be silent.

"Golden Mean" - that's what you need to strive for in the development of the child, that is, to the norm. Take a look at the baby. Is he different from his peers? Do not overload it with information, do not speed up its development. Until the child has mastered his native language, it is too early to learn a foreign language (it is not for nothing that children in bilingual families very often have a general underdevelopment of speech).

Illustrations in children's books, appropriate for the age of the child, are an excellent tool for the development of speech. Consider illustrations with him, talk about what (who) is depicted in them; let the baby answer the questions: where? Who? When? What does, etc.

Parents should know the criteria by which a child's speech can be assessed. For example, the norms of sound pronunciation are as follows: 3-4 years - C, Z, C should already be pronounced correctly; 4-5 years - W, F, H, W; 5-6 years - L, Y; up to 5-6 years, it is allowed to replace the most complex sound P with a simpler sound or its absence in speech. left-handedness - not a deviation, but an individual feature of a person, does not accept retraining. This can lead to neurosis and stuttering.

fine motor skills - this is usually called the movements of the hands and fingers. The better the fingers are developed, the better the speech is developed. Therefore, strive to develop the muscles of the baby's hand. Let it first be finger massage, games like "Magpie, Magpie", then games with small objects under your control, lacing, modeling, buttoning, etc.

You can’t work with a child if you are in a bad mood, the baby is upset or sick with something. Only positive emotions provide high efficiency of the lesson.

General underdevelopment of speech (OHP) is often found in those children who spoke late: words - after 2 years, phrases - after 3. You can talk about OHP when the child has underdevelopment of all components of speech: sound pronunciation is impaired, vocabulary is limited, phonemic hearing is poorly developed, impaired grammatical structure of speech.

The nipple is harmful if the baby sucks it for a long time and often. First, it forms a high (Gothic) sky, which affects the formation correct pronunciation sounds. Secondly, the nipple interferes with verbal communication. Instead of speaking words, the child communicates through gestures and pantomime.

Only the complex impact of specialists (speech therapist, doctor, educators, parents) will help to qualitatively improve or correct complex speech disorders.

Folklore - the best speech material accumulated by the people for centuries. Nursery rhymes, sayings, tongue twisters, poems, songs develop children's speech and are perceived with pleasure.

Mental development is inseparable from speech , therefore, engaging with the child in the development of speech, you develop everything mental processes: thinking, memory, speech, perception.

Advice for parents

Where does "porridge in the mouth" come from?

Quite often one hears from parents the statements "Porridge in the mouth" with notes of displeasure and irritation. And where does the "porridge in the mouth" come from? How can I help my child learn to speak correctly? What should you pay attention to?

"Porridge in the mouth" may be the result of violations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus: deviations in the development of teeth, incorrect positioning of the upper teeth in relation to the lower ones, etc. To prevent this, it is very important to monitor the condition and development of the dentoalveolar system and consult a dentist in time . Also, distorted sound pronunciation may be the result of impaired muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus. And here it is already necessary to consult a speech therapist and a psychoneurologist.

Particular attention should be paid to hearing. Hearing plays an important role in the child's mastery of speech, in the correct and timely assimilation of sounds. Hearing speech, individual words, sounds, the child begins to pronounce them himself. Even with a slight decrease in hearing, he loses the ability to perceive speech normally. Therefore, it is very important for parents to pay attention to the development of the baby's hearing. It is necessary to protect the child's hearing from constant strong sound effects (radio, TV turned on at full volume), and in case of diseases of the hearing organs, treat them in a timely manner.

Parents should take care of the still fragile voice apparatus of the child, not to allow excessively loud speech.

Adults should help the child to master the correct pronunciation, but speech development should not be forced. It is also harmful to load the baby with complex speech material, force him to repeat words he does not understand, memorize poems that are complex in form, content and volume, learn to pronounce sounds correctly, which, due to the unpreparedness of the articulatory apparatus, are not yet available to him (for example, at 2-3 years old, learn correctly pronounce the sounds [w], [g], [p]), read works of art intended for older children.

The child learns speech by imitation. Therefore, it is very important that adults monitor their pronunciation, speak slowly, pronounce all sounds and words clearly and correctly.

Often the cause of incorrect sound pronunciation is the child's imitation of the incorrect speech of adults, older brothers, sisters, peers with whom the baby often communicates.

Parents should also pay attention to the fact that when communicating with a child, especially at an early and younger preschool age, one should not pronounce words distortedly, use truncated words or onomatopoeia instead of generally accepted words (“bibika”, “lyalya”, “yum-yum” and etc.) This will only slow down the assimilation of sounds, delay the timely mastery of the dictionary. The frequent use of words with diminutive suffixes, as well as words that are inaccessible to his understanding or complex in sound-syllabic composition, does not contribute to the development of the child's speech. If your child incorrectly pronounces any sounds, words, phrases, you should not mimic him, laugh or, conversely, praise him. It is also impossible to demand the correct pronunciation of sounds during that period of the baby's life, when the process of formation and automation is not completed.

Some violations of children's speech can only be corrected with the help of specialists, speech therapists. But a number of shortcomings can be corrected at home. In the family, they usually correct the child when he incorrectly pronounces this or that sound, word, but sometimes they do it with mockery or irritation. Correction of speech errors must be approached very carefully. In no case do not scold the baby for his bad speech and do not demand from him an immediate correct repetition of a difficult word for him. Such methods lead to the fact that the child refuses to speak at all, closes in himself. You need to correct mistakes in a tactful, friendly tone. You should not repeat the word incorrectly pronounced by the child, it is better to give an example of its pronunciation.

Studying with a child at home, reading a book to him, looking at illustrations, invite him to answer questions about the content of the text, retell the content of the tale (story), answer what is shown in the picture. In the event that the child makes mistakes, you should not interrupt him, give him the opportunity to complete the statement, and then correct his mistakes.

Very often children ask us different questions. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately find the right answer to them. But you should not dismiss the questions of the child. In this case, you can promise to give an answer later, when the child eats (takes a walk, completes some task, etc.), during which time you can prepare for the story. Then the baby will receive the correct information, see, in the face of his parents, an interesting interlocutor for himself and will strive to communicate.

In the family, it is necessary to create such conditions for the child so that he feels satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to build sentences correctly, pronounce sounds and words clearly, and tell interesting stories.

An example of creating such an environment can be a complete or at least partial refusal to watch TV movies and TV programs in the presence of a child, the exception, perhaps, may be the children's program "Good night kids" and only as a preparation for sleep. And as the parents themselves notice, communication with the child becomes longer, more conscious and filled with educational games, activities, and joint creativity.

How to teach poetry with a child?

Ways to memorize poems practical advice for parents)

Of course, memorization of poems is not a problem for all kids. For some, it’s even the opposite: they remember with lightning speed what they especially like. So, in families where relatives talk a lot and often with a child, read, kids, already at the age of one, are funny clattering their tongues, finishing the lines from A. Barto's poem “I love my horse”. But there are also children who find it difficult to memorize poetry, for whom it is just hard labor. Why? Most often, because he teaches the poem incorrectly. We want to tell you how to teach poetry with a child, taking into account his psychological characteristics, age, temperament and even literary preferences.

Method number 1.

In order for the baby to easily and well remember the rhyme, it is necessary to introduce him to the “melody” of the poem and it’s worth starting as early as possible. The baby is still in the stroller, and you are already reciting to him the rhythmic “A bull is swinging”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly”. When the child grows up, this first experience embedded in the subconscious will make it easier for him to take a conscious approach to the process of memorization. And remember that the most favorable age for memorizing poems is 4-5 years. It is during this age period that the baby's memory begins to develop especially rapidly. And if up to four years we do not set the task for the child to remember the work, but simply “read” their number - what he will remember, he will remember, then after four years we already purposefully teach the child to memorize the text by heart. And you need to learn as much as possible - this is the most The best way form the amount of memory necessary for training.

Method number 2.

In order for a poem to be easy to learn, its content must correspond to the age and temperament of the child. No need to force a four-year-old baby to memorize excerpts from Onegin for the amusement of guests. It is best to teach children's classics Mikhalkov, Barto, Chukovsky.

It is better for naughty people to offer rhythmic, cheerful verses for memorization, for calm children - measured, smooth. Of course, no one will take their temperament into account at school, but while we are just learning to learn poetry, it is better to do just that. The main thing for a child is to understand the memorization technique, and this is easier to do on the material that is “closer to the heart”. And yet - you can’t just learn a poem. This must be a gift for someone: mom, grandmother, or, for example, the arrival of Santa Claus. Only at the age of seven or eight, we will slowly aim the child at the fact that you need to know the verses by heart for yourself.

Method number 3.

A poem should be memorized emotionally and with expression - such is the nature of children! Otherwise, it will be meaningless for the child. By the way, some teachers in kindergartens accustom children to an inexpressive manner of reading poetry. There are many children in the group, and collective memorization involuntarily turns into a monotonous “Ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ta ...” This is wrong! It is better to learn a poem individually, so remember this and keep the situation under control. A kid who was not imbued with the beauty of the poetic literary form in childhood, becoming an adult, is unlikely to often turn to poetry.

Method number 4.

Before memorization begins, the adult who will learn the poem with the child must read it himself with expression. Even better if an adult knows it by heart. Then you should definitely find in the text words unfamiliar or incomprehensible to the baby and explain them. When all the words are explained, the poem must be read again, slowly, placing semantic accents. After re-reading, tell the child who wrote such a wonderful work, about how and when this poem was written. This approach teaches the little person to the culture of memorization and facilitates the perception of poetry. After showing the child the illustrations that the artist drew, inspired by the beauty of the poem, and while the child is looking at them, read the poem again. Thus, the image of the work is formed in the baby. And only after such preliminary work proceed directly to memorization.

Method number 5.

We know that some of us remember poems better by ear, others definitely need to read them several times themselves, others need to walk around the room to the rhythm of the poem, and the fourth, on the contrary, need absolute immobility. These features are inherent not only to adults, but also to kids. There are different methods of memorizing poems that focus on these differences. Try each of them in turn and you will see how easier it is for your child to memorize the verses. At the same time, you can conclude what type of memory the baby is leading.

Perhaps you will use several methods or combine one with another. The main thing is the result: an easy and joyful process of memorizing poems from communication with poetry.

Method number 6.

And one more general advice for everyone. Draw with your child each learned poem. A peculiar own illustration to it. Sign the title and author. Put these drawings in a separate folder. Periodically take out, examine with loved ones, remember and read by heart previously learned poems. This is a wonderful way to support the memory capacity and literary poetic baggage of the baby.

Home speech therapy for caring parents


    In order for your home speech therapy classes to be as effective as possible and not difficult for the child, you should follow certain rules in their conduct.

    All classes should be built according to the rules of the game, otherwise you may encounter a child's stubborn unwillingness to study.

    The duration of the lesson without a break should be no more than 15-20 minutes (you need to start from 3-5 minutes).

    Classes should be held 2-3 times a day; best time for classes - after breakfast and after daytime sleep.

    Do not force your child to study if he is not feeling well.

    Set aside a special place for classes where nothing can interfere with the child.

    When explaining something to a child, use visual material.

    Do not use the word "wrong", support all the undertakings of the baby, praise even for minor successes.

    Talk to the baby clearly, turning to face him; let him see and remember the movements of your lips.

    Conduct seasonal thematic classes at the appropriate time of the year

    Do not be afraid to experiment: you can come up with games and exercises yourself.

    In addition to conducting specific classes, you should read as much as possible to the baby.

    Do not forget that communication with you is very important for your child. And not only during classes, but every minute of your time together with him.

    Be patient and do not give up the work you have begun, even if the result is not immediately visible. As they say, patience and work will grind everything. And you and your baby will definitely succeed.

Good luck and be patient!

We develop the speech of children

Sets of exercises for practicing at home

Articulation gymnastics

"Knead the Dough" smile slap the tongue between the lips - "pya-pya-pya-pya-pya ..." bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements)

"CUP" smile open your mouth wide stick out a wide tongue and give it the shape of a "cup" (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue)

"PIPE" with tension pull forward lips (teeth closed)

"FENCE" smile, with tension exposing closed teeth

"PUSSY" lips in a smile, mouth open tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth bend the tongue in a slide, resting the tip of the tongue on the lower teeth

“WE CATCH THE MOUSE” lips in a smile, open your mouth, say “ah” and bite the wide tip of your tongue (caught the mouse by the tail)

"HORSE" stretch out lips, open mouth slightly, click with a "narrow" tongue (like horses click with their hooves)

"TURKEYS TALK" quickly move the tongue along the upper lip - "bl-bl-bl-bl ..."

"Pancake" smile open your mouth put a wide tongue on your lower lip

"DELICIOUS JAM" smile open your mouth with a wide tongue in the shape of a "cup" lick your upper lip

"BALL" inflate cheeks blow off cheeks

finger games

Finger games not only affect the development of speech, but their beauty is also that they instantly switch the baby's attention from whims or nervousness to bodily sensations - and soothe. This is a great activity when the child has nothing else to do (for example, on the road or in line). Just touch your finger and say:

Hello, finger, come out,

Look at Julia (say the name of your child).

Here's your palm - bend over, baby. (Touch your palm with your finger.)

Here's your palm - get up, baby. (Straighten your finger.)

Then take the next finger and repeat the same. And so with all ten.

Soon you will notice how the child will begin to "help" you by giving the next finger. This means that your baby's fingers become "smarter", the speech center is activated and speech development improves.

Kids are very fond of rhythmically organized speech, so uncomplicated verses or fairy tales will bring them special joy:

They watered the turnip (show with your fingers how water flows from the watering can),

A turnip grew (show how it grows, gradually straighten your fingers)

Good and strong (leave your palms open and bend your fingers like hooks)!

Pull-pull (the hooks of the left and right hands interlock and pull - each in its own direction),

We can’t pull it out (we shook it with our hands),

Who will help us? (all the heroes of the fairy tale come running in turn and help to pull)

Pull-pull, pull-pull!

Wow (hands unhooked, shaken with brushes)!

Pulled out the turnip.

Simple Rules games:

Try to get all fingers involved in the games (especially the ring and little fingers - they are the laziest). Be sure to alternate three types of movements: compression; stretching; relaxation.

Logarithmic exercises

VODICHKA Water, water,
(with both hands, take turns showing how water is pouring from above)
Wash my face.
(palms imitate washing)
To make your eyes sparkle
(touch the eye in turn)
To make cheeks blush
(rubbing cheeks)
Smiling mouth
(smile, stroke your mouth with your hands)
And he bit his teeth.
(knock teeth, show with hands how the mouth closes)

KNOCK KNOCK - Knock-Knock.
- Yes Yes Yes.
(three hand claps)
- Can I come to you?
(Three punches against each other)
- Glad always!
(three hand claps)

BUNNS Once upon a time there were bunnies

On the edge of the forest.
(raise your arms in front of you, describing a circle)
Once upon a time there were bunnies
(show bunny ears on head)
In a gray hut.
(fold hands over head in the shape of a house)
Wash your ears
(run hands over imaginary ears)
Washed their paws.
(imitate washing hands)
Bunnies dressed up
(hands on the sides, slightly turn to both sides, in a semi-squat)
They wore slippers.
(hands on the sides, alternately put forward the right and left legs)

SNOW Like snow on a hill, snow,
(showing "hill" with hands)
Snow, snow, snow, snow.

And under the hill snow, snow,
(pointing with hands "under the hill")
Snow, snow, snow, snow.
(move hands, fingering)
A bear sleeps under the snow.
(first, palms under the cheek, and then depict the ears of a bear)
Hush, hush, don't make noise!
(finger to mouth, threaten with a finger)

Raisa Mikhailovna Fedorenko
"Wonder Cube"

Preparation for schooling, comprehensive mental and intellectual development, is an urgent task of upbringing and education. The main general educational program of a preschool organization is the basis for solving this problem within the framework of a kindergarten. by the most effective method educational work is a game. During the game, the child freely expresses his ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Analyzing level indicators speech development of children, I set myself the following task: pay more attention to individual work on speech development especially with inactive children. In order to solve this problem, I replenished the demo material and updated the file cabinet didactic and word games in all sections of speech development of preschoolers.

One of my methodological developments is didactic manual which I called « wonder cube» . Given allowance used in direct educational activities, in solving problems of individual development and in the independent activities of children speech development.

Benefit consists of a cube with 6 faces of different colors and planar images of objects, animals, plants, etc. The images are removable, they are attached to the cube with Velcro. The task of the child is to attach pictures to the faces of the cube in accordance with the task.

On the faces of the cube are games aimed at development phonemic hearing children:

1."Identify the first sound in the word". Target: the formation of the ability to determine the first sound in a word.

2."Where is the sound in the word". Target: children's exercise in determining the sound in a word (beginning, middle, end).

3."Find your picture". Target: differentiation of sounds [L] - [P] in words.

4."Split the Word". Target: the formation of the ability to divide words into syllables.

Games you can play with didactic manual form a lexical and grammatical structure preschoolers:

1."Say one word". Target: pinning in speeches children of generalizing concepts.

2."Pick by color". Target: consolidation of ideas about color and use in speeches children of quality adjectives.

3."Vice versa". Target: strengthening the skill of selecting words of the opposite meaning of the word.

4."Mystery Games". Target: expansion of the vocabulary with adjectives.

5."What's gone?". Target: children's exercise in the formation of nouns in the accusative case of the singular, development of attention.

Usage didactic aid contributes to the development of coherent speech in children. For this you can use the following games:

1."Making proposals". Target: development of coherent speech, logical thinking.

2."Where is what". Target: Development spatial representations, enhancing the use of speeches prepositions to indicate the spatial position of objects.

Working with didactic guide I also use games and tasks to build cognitive processes:

1."Put it in place". Target: classification of objects based on various semantic features.

2."What's extra?". Target: development logical thinking, attention, connected speeches, consolidation of knowledge about the classification of objects.

3."What changed?". Target: activation in children's speech prepositions.

Benefit can be used for classes with children 4-7 years old.

Main advantages benefits:

Availability of material for perception by preschoolers;

Possibility of replacement of educational material;

Cubes give the educator the opportunity to use a variety of didactic games aimed at the formation of children's vocabulary, grammatical structure speeches, connected speeches, phonemic analysis, phonemic representations, on development cognitive processes, orientation in space, as well as the automation of sounds.

Implementation of the continuity of preschool and primary general education within the framework of the implementation of the FGOST and FGT In March 2013, VIPKRO released the collection “Innovations in Preschool Education”, in which an article by N. G. Antonova and N. S. Gorenets was published.

Presentation of the teachers' council "Updating the system of preschool education" I Motivation for work: Exercise "Association" II 1 Question: - Why did it become necessary to revise the organization of the pedagogical process, that is, modernization.

Maria Queen
Benefits for the development of speech and logical thinking

Our group has accumulated a lot of old magazines and children's books. Having cut out pictures from them and pasted them on cards, we got excellent manuals for the development of speech and logical thinking of children. We present to you some of these benefits.

The goal is to teach children to classify objects according to a certain attribute, to highlight an extra one in a number of objects and explain why. Develop logical thinking, memory. Cultivate perseverance.

"Say one word"

The goal is to teach children to classify objects and combine them into groups according to a certain attribute. Develop memory, Attention, logical thinking.

The goal is to expand vocabulary, learn to select words that are opposite in meaning; develop ability to analyze and compare; educate mindfulness, perseverance.

"Determine the place of the sound in the word"

The goal is to learn to determine where the sound is (at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end) by the name of the item in the picture; develop auditory memory, thinking.

"What is good and what is bad"

The goal is to teach to see good deeds and bad ones, to do the right thing ourselves, promote the assimilation of social norms and rules of conduct. Develop connected speech the ability to argue your point of view.

The goal is to expand vocabulary, activate the use of speech verbs; develop memory. Cultivate mindfulness, perseverance.

"What branch baby"

Purpose - To learn to identify the plant shown in the picture, to distinguish between the shape of the leaf and the fruit, to pronounce the name of the plants correctly. Develop visual memory, thinking.

Thank you for your attention!

Do-it-yourself home theater Dear parents! I present to your attention several types of theater that can be done at home with children from waste.

Master class on making the manual "Butterflies on a camomile" (for the formation of breathing) Hello dear colleagues. Yesterday we had a master class for teachers and parents on making manuals for the development of breathing (see.

Didactic guide for the development of speech

Margarita Zalman
Didactic guide for the development of speech

Didactic guide for the development of speech

Didactic literacy preparation game

"Find a home for the word" Didactic guide Designed for children of preschool age 6-7 years.

Benefit It is used both in the continuous educational activities of children, as well as in the independent activities of children, in individual work with the child.

The goal is to consolidate the ability of children to divide two-syllable and three-syllable words with open syllables into parts.

develop phonemic awareness;

- to consolidate the ability to distinguish words by length;

- learn to form words from syllables.

Material: three houses, on each of which one of the numbers is written (1, 2 and 3, pictures with images of animals consisting of one syllable, two syllables, three syllables, stands for houses and cards.

Game progress: children are given play houses with coasters, the teacher has cards with pictures. the teacher shows a picture of animals, the children name who is shown in the picture, pronounce the word, determine how many syllables are in the word, look for suitable house for a word (if the word has one syllable, then the animal lives in a house with the number 1, if there are two syllables, then the animal lives in a house with the number 2, etc.)

Didactic manual for artistic and aesthetic development "Dress up the doll" This manual was made by me from thick cardboard, then I laminated it, pasted the usual "Velcro" on the dresses and on the painting elements. Doll.

Didactic manual for the development of the skill of orientation in space.

Didactic manual for the development of speech for children aged 5–7 with OHP “Catch a fish” In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, each teacher faces the task of introducing gaming technologies into the educational process.

Didactic guide for the development of speech for preparatory school groups "The Casket of Sounds" Lived in one magical land "Azbuka" sounds. This country was very tiny. And there were only 31 inhabitants in it. Nobody saw them, since.

Didactic guide for speech development "Colorful rug" We take a sheet of cardboard measuring 16 cm * 16 cm. We line it into equal squares 4cm * 4cm. We take sheets of sticky colored paper. I chose 5.

Lapbook "Write-read!" - didactic manual for the development of speech .... "To learn to speak, one must speak." -M. R. Lvov. Older children, by themselves already almost big, everything seems interesting to them.

Sensory and didactic manual for the development of speech of preschool children "Magic Hat" Practical application (games, tasks) Game "One - many". Purpose: Formation of sensory culture, increase in the speech level of children.

Didactic manual for sensory development "Funny covers" goals: - to fix the primary colors; - develop fine motor skills of the hands; - develop attentiveness, perseverance, imagination, logic; Use.

Multifunctional didactic aid for the development of children's speech This aid helps the child to organize information on the topic being studied and to better understand and remember.

Valentina Gerbova: The development of speech in kindergarten. 2-3 years. Visual and didactic manual

Synopsis for "Speech Development in Kindergarten. 2-3 years. Visual and didactic manual "

This manual is intended for classes on the development of speech with children 2-3 years old.
In the course of classes on this manual, not only the speech of children is improved (the vocabulary is enriched, preschoolers learn to build speech statements correctly), but also the ideas of children about the world around them are clarified and consolidated.
The manual is addressed to teachers of preschool institutions.
Illustrator: V. Kurkulina.

I recommend this manual for moms, dads and educators. It consists of 12 pictures for the development of speech with various subjects (A3 picture format), in which children participate. The pictures are accompanied by a methodological manual that will help you deal with the child, and this is a very big plus. The pictures are bright, colorful, showing typical situations in relationships between babies and just stories from their lives, such as: “does not give a stroller”, “dressing up”, “so.

The visual aid consists of 12 A3 posters and a small methodological aid and can be used both as material in kindergarten and at home, however, it must be borne in mind that several posters refer specifically to kindergarten. There are illustrations for winter, New Year, summer themes, a turnip, and various actions of children indoors. All 12 posters are clear, good color resolution, thick paper (not cardboard), slightly glossy.
For more detailed lessons and integration.

Speech development, Handbook for preschoolers, Part 1, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005.

The manual for the development of speech for preschoolers is a visual material in the form of cards. It is intended for use in classes with preschoolers 3-6 years old to develop speech and prepare for literacy. It is an appendix to the manual "On the road to the ABC" by the authors R.N. Buneeva, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Kislova. The cards can also be used for classes with preschoolers and other courses of the comprehensive Development and Education Program for Preschoolers "Kindergarten - 2100" ("Hello, world!", "Know yourself"), as well as other educational systems.

Commentary for the teacher.
A manual for the development of coherent speech of preschoolers has been prepared in the form of visual material (cards). Cards should be cut out and divided into series, and then used as a display material, placed on the board, or as a handout.

The presented series of plot pictures differ in the degree of difficulty of working with them (from 2 to 4 pictures) and in the plot orientation: in some, natural patterns are traced (an anthology of a man and a woman, seasons, flowering, flower growth, snowman melting), in others, problematic situations, positive and negative examples behavior (a fight for a truck, a girl and an apple, a girl washes herself, "Glutton", "Fashionista"), in the third - a story with an interesting plot is illustrated ("Saving a kitten"), the fourth are cognitive in nature ("Magician", making jam, sowing flower). Work with such pictures is built in accordance with their orientation.

Types of work with series of two pictures:
- find out what is shown in each of the two pictures;
- offer to think about what happened before, what later, and explain their position;
- for plots of a behavioral plan - invite children to express their opinion about the plot and, in case of condemnation, explain how they should act; give examples of similar behavior from the personal experience of children;
- mix pictures of two or three episodes and invite the children to break them into story groups.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Speech Development, A Handbook for Preschoolers, Part 1, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Visual materials for making sentences and oral stories, Appendix to the manual for preschoolers On the way to the ABC, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2009
  • Forest stories, On the way to the ABC, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.
  • Forest stories on the way to the alphabet, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2012
  • Speech development, Handbook for preschoolers, Part 2, Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R., 2005

The following tutorials and books.

1. Photo of a do-it-yourself development aid.

2. Description of the algorithm for making the manual.

You must write:

- materials: watch box, toothpaste box, 2 flag sticks, self-adhesive paper of different colors, adhesive tape, scissors, a series of plot pictures, 2 pictures with the inscription with the title of the film “Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino” and “The End”.

- execution sequence: We glue boxes from watches and toothpaste with self-adhesive paper. We glue the imitation of the buttons, as on the TV and the remote control. We glue together a series of pictures in the correct sequence, at the beginning we glue the name of the film “Once Upon a Time in Prostokvashino”, the last file is the “end”. We make slots for sticks from flags. Insert the edge of the first sheet with the name of the film inside the box and fix it with adhesive tape on the left stick. We twist all the sheets (film) onto the left stick, fix the edge of the last sheet on the right stick with tape. We close the box. The developing aid for the development of speech "TV" is ready for use.

3. Tasks that this manual helps to solve.

The manual can be used to develop children's coherent speech, enrich the vocabulary, to form verbal communication skills, in the process of learning to compose a story from pictures. When using this manual, speech hearing and expressiveness of speech develop.

4. Option to use the benefit.

A fragment of a lesson on the development of speech of children of senior preschool age "Once in Prostokvashino"

Target: to promote the formation of coherent oral speech and the skills of verbal communication with others on the basis of mastering literary language of his people.


1. To consolidate the ability to speak coherently, build sentences correctly, compose a story based on a series of pictures.

2. Develop speech hearing, expressiveness of speech - intonation, stress; form an idea about different types text.

3. Cultivate responsiveness, compassion, the desire to help others.


The postman Pechkin enters.

Postman Pechkin: Good day! Is this kindergarten?

Pechkin: I was asked to give you an envelope from Prostokvashino.

Educator: Thank you, dear Pechkin.

Pechkin: Well, I went, otherwise they are waiting for me in Prostokvashino.

Educator: Guys, some strange letter .. in the envelope of the picture, but something is wrong in them (the pictures are out of sequence). There is also a letter in the envelope for us. (is reading)

“Dear guys, an interesting story happened to me, Uncle Fedor, and my dog ​​Sharik. I would like to make a film and tell Matroskin about it, who went to visit Phil and Stepashka. But I can't make films. Help me please."

Teacher: Can we help?

Children put the pictures in the correct order. Glue them. Inserted into TV.

Educator: We helped Uncle Fedor. We got a real movie, but it needs to be dubbed (children offer their own versions of the film's voice acting, i.e. make up stories based on a series of pictures).

It should be noted that these game aids are quite simple to manufacture, so most kindergarten teachers can make them with their own hands.

In addition, they are able to help focus the attention of children during the development of new material, emotionally attach them to the process of acquiring knowledge, aim at independent solution of game problems, and evoke positive emotions.

Game guide for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

"Creating a picture" (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: exercise children in making sentences using prepositions; training in the ability to determine the spatial arrangement of objects; development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination.


The teacher offers children clothespins, geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals and plants. Pupils, according to the teacher's instructions, attach objects to a stretched lattice of fishing line. Then they make proposals on the questions of the educator. (A butterfly sits on a flower.)


Children independently create a picture from the proposed geometric shapes, silhouettes of animals and plants.

Game aids for the development of phonemic perception, syllabic analysis and synthesis, correction of sound pronunciation

"Let's take candy from the mouse" (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: automating the pronunciation of sounds in words.

The manual includes a panel with two mice and candies made of colored paper, on the reverse side - subject illustrations with automated sound.

The teacher draws attention to a mouse pulling a string of sweets that she wants to drag into a mink. The mouse stole the candies and they need to be returned. If the child pronounces the word correctly, the candy is taken away, if with an error, it remains with the mouse. Two mice are needed in order to use this tutorial to differentiate mixed sounds. (For example: [s]-[w].)

"Wonder Tree" (for children 4-6 years old)

Target: automation of the pronunciation of sounds in words, the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

The manual is a panel with a picture of a fabulous tree, on which, with the help of decorative clothespins, silhouette images of fruits (apples, pears, cherries) are attached; subject cards are attached to their back side for a certain sound: [s], [h], [w], [g], [l], [p].

Children are encouraged to "harvest". Picking a fruit from a tree, the child names the object depicted on the card and tries to correctly pronounce the automated sound. If the sound is pronounced correctly, the card remains with the child, if not, it is returned to the tree. At the end of the game, you can count how many fruits are collected, how many words the child said correctly.

"Starry sky" (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: training in the ability to perform sound analysis of words.

In the night sky, an asterisk "lights up" - a card. Children call it, determine the sequence and number of sounds in a word; make up its scheme, denoting sounds with color symbols (if the answer is correct, an asterisk of the corresponding color lights up).

"Mushroom" (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: learning the ability to determine the place of sound in a word, the development of phonemic hearing, attention.

On the cap of the mushroom there are three windows for determining the place of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). There are cards in the grass below him. Children (child) determine the place of the given sound in the word-name of the image on the selected card.

"Caterpillar" (for children 5-6 years old)


Target: teaching the ability to divide words into syllables, determine their number.

On the first circle of the body of the caterpillar, the syllabic scheme of the word (1-3 syllables) is placed. Children pick up cards with an image, in the name of which there is a specified number of syllables, and lay them out on subsequent circles.


Target: strengthening the ability to highlight the first sound in a word.

A letter is attached to the first circle of the caterpillar's body, the children select cards with images of objects in the name of which the given sound is at the beginning of the word for subsequent circles.


Target: development of tactile sensations.

The mugs-segments of the body of the caterpillar are made of fabric of different textures (silk, wool, velvet, etc.). Children are invited to touch to determine the properties of their surface.


Target: development of fine motor skills.

Children connect the circle segments with laces, tying them into bows, attach the caterpillar to the body with the help of boots buttons.

Game aids for

"Magic Cube" (for children 2-4 years old)

Target: development of fine motor coordination of the hands and fingers, spatial orientation, coherent statements.

The manual includes a cube with multi-colored faces, on which transparent pockets are sewn to accommodate various ones, and six double-sided rugs that are attached to its faces with buttons, zippers, and buttons.

The teacher offers the children to fasten and unfasten zippers, straps, buckles, clips, buttons, hooks, buttons, tie knots, bows, and lace.

It is intended both for joint game with the adult, and for independent. Tasks should be selected based on the capabilities of the child and the content of the cards. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity for the development of children's speech. The use of special tasks-surprises placed in the pockets of rugs is effective.

"Colorful carousel" (for children 3-4 years old)

Target: teaching the ability to correlate objects by color, the development of fine motor skills.

Children are invited to play with color: arrange the cubes in color fields, hide them in bags of the same color, tie a ribbon on a bow.

"Funny laces and caps" (for children 4-5 years old)

Target: familiarity with color and learning the ability to correlate objects by color; development of visual-motor coordination of hands, visual-figurative thinking.

Children are invited to consider “funny laces”, “funny caps”, name their color, play hide and seek with them. The teacher offers to decorate the picture with bows, pick up the caps according to the color, swap them.

"Fruit tree" (for children 5-6 years old)

Target: fixing the account within 10, knowledge about the quantitative composition of the number; teaching the ability to distinguish fruits by shape and touch; development of tactile perception, fine motor skills of hands, spatial orientation.

Apples and pears filled with millet are laid out on a large panel tree. The teacher gives the children a task: to count how many pears, apples are laid out; make the number 5 from pears and apples, put pears at the top, apples at the bottom, right, left; close your eyes, recognize the fruit by touch.

A. Alyushkevich, L. Gvozdovskaya, M. Zharnovskaya, I. Statsenko