How do you celebrate the summer solstice at home? What is a solstice and an equinox? Signs for the summer solstice

  • 25.10.2020

There are four moments in the annual cycle that play a significant role in life on Earth.

People have long known about the existence of these transition points, but the physical essence of these phenomena became clear only with the development. We are talking about two solstices (winter and summer) and two equinoxes (spring and autumn).

What is a solstice?

At the everyday level, we understand that the solstice is the day with the longest (summer solstice) or shortest (winter solstice) daylight hours. Our distant ancestors knew well that the day shortens before the winter solstice, and after it begins to increase. In summer, everything happens the other way around. It has also been observed that on the day of the winter solstice the sun occupies the lowest position above the horizon, and at the time of the summer solstice it passes the highest point for the whole year.

What is happening with our planet and the Sun from a scientific point of view? Recall some astronomical concepts.

Celestial sphere- an imaginary surface that we look at while on Earth and looking at the sky. For us, earthly observers, it is in the celestial sphere that all celestial objects move, including the Sun.

Ecliptic- a circle located on the celestial sphere, along which the movement of the Sun relative to the Earth occurs.

celestial sphere- a circle located on the celestial sphere perpendicular to coincides with the equator of the Earth.

Due to the fact that the Earth's axis is inclined to the orbit of the planet around our star, the equator of the celestial sphere and the ecliptic do not coincide. Due to this, the seasons change with the moments of transition - the solstices.

On the day of the solstice, the Sun passes through the points of the ecliptic that are farthest from the celestial equator. Otherwise, it can be expressed as follows: the solstices are the moments of the greatest (winter) or least (summer) deviation of the earth's axis from the Sun.

Winter and summer solstice

The winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 (the date may vary for different time zones). On this day in the northern hemisphere, the shortest daylight hours and the longest night are observed. The summer solstice falls on June 21 and is distinguished by the fact that this date has the longest daylight hours and the most fleeting night.

In the southern hemisphere, opposite processes take place: there is a summer solstice in December, and a winter solstice in June.

What is an equinox?

There are two more important points in the annual cycle - the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. These days the Sun passes the intersection points of the celestial equator and the ecliptic. The days of the equinoxes fall in the middle of the period from one solstice to another (although due to the fact that the earth moves around the Sun not in a circle, but in an ellipse, the dates shift slightly).

The spring equinox falls on March 20 or 21, and the autumn equinox on September 22 or 23. As the name implies, the equinoxes are the moments when the day is equal in length to the night.

How do the solstices and equinoxes affect life on Earth?

People have always known that critical points in the movement of our luminary across the celestial sphere affect nature. This is especially true for residents of northern latitudes, where the change of seasons is more pronounced. For example, from the day of the March equinox, real spring comes to us: it becomes warmer, the soil warms up, plants come to life. This is of great importance for agriculture.

It is no coincidence that the agricultural calendar has always been associated with the days of the solstices and equinoxes. These dates included important pagan holidays, some of which were adopted by Christianity. Here are the holidays:

Winter Solstice - Catholic Christmas and Kolyada;

Spring equinox - Maslenitsa;

Summer solstice - the feast of Ivan Kupala;

The autumn equinox is a harvest festival.

As you can see, in the technocratic 21st century, we celebrate these events without even thinking that they are connected with the annual solar cycle and how dependent our ancestors were on natural phenomena.

The Winter Solstice has been celebrated in most countries of the world since the Neolithic (5 thousand years BC), as evidenced by archaeological finds. Find out below what kind of holiday it is, what are its traditions, and how it can be celebrated by a modern person.

Celebration traditions

Winter Solstice Date - December 21-22. It is she who is considered the astronomical beginning of winter. This is the shortest day of the year, after which the duration of daylight hours increases. In the opposite hemisphere of the Earth, the shortest night of the year and the Summer Solstice will come at this time.

Thousands of years ago, the day of the Winter Solstice was revered among the pagans of the world. The European peoples called the holiday Yule or Juul, the Romans - Sol Invictus, and in Iran Yalda. In the past, the end of December was marked with the end of preparations for winter, and easier days in everyday life began.

The Romans, Greeks and Egyptians on December 21 made sacrifices to the gods so that they would return the Sun to the sky. In the north of Europe, they praised Odin, arranged noisy feasts, sang songs. The Scandinavians and Slavs considered bonfires, which symbolized the Sun, to be an important part of the celebration. The Maya Indians played real performances, similar to modern performances by rope jumpers.

With the advent of Christianity, the date of Yule was designated as Catholic Christmas. The similarities between Yule and Christmas traditions are not at all accidental. Christian customs were compiled on the basis of pagan ones - the people did not want to part with their usual rituals. Festive spruce, mistletoe, gift giving and a generous feast - all this was in the pre-Christian period. The birth of the Sun turned into the birthday of Jesus Christ.

The most famous mass modern folk festivals take place near Stonehenge. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world gather to meet the astronomical winter.

Yule cat - the patron saint of the holiday

Yule cat

European pagans believed in the Yule cat - not a very benevolent personification of the holiday. It is black, fluffy and huge, the size of a bull. The eyes of the cat burn with yellow light, the claws are made of iron. Possibly Russian "eshkin cat" has something in common with the patron of the winter holiday.

The celebration lasted about two weeks, and all this time the Yule Cat was busy hunting idlers and breakers of traditions. According to legend, he will steal food from the table if the feast is not generous and cheerful enough. The cat also steals gifts intended for children who have misbehaved throughout the year. He is ruthless to those who offend pets, especially cats.

Beliefs say that the Yule cat can steal a child from a family that neglects the traditions of the holiday. The holiday patron does not like those who celebrate Yule alone, will punish or even kidnap.

New clothes are one of the holiday traditions. To protect themselves from the antics of the cat, on Yule morning they bought new clothes, often made of red wool. It was supposed to be worn until the end of the celebration. Of those who celebrated Yule in old clothes, they said: "he put on a Yule cat."

Day of the Winter Solstice among the Slavs - the customs of the ancestors

The eve of the winter holiday bore the name deities of winter and death Karachun. From the eve of the Solstice, winter takes over, power over the world until spring belongs to the dark pagan gods. After the longest night of the year, a new sun is born in the form of Kolyada, one of the incarnations of Dazhdbog. While he is young, the sun warms weakly, but by spring the god will grow up, and there will be more sunlight.

The Solstice is followed Veles days, which last until mid-January. Veles was associated with Santa Claus, his doll certainly adorned the house of a pagan in the winter. Most likely, Christmas signs and customs were formed on the basis of the Veles days.

In the old days, they believed that dark forces could prevent the solar deity from being reborn, and they helped him in every possible way. Therefore, an important attribute of the Slavic holiday of the Winter Solstice was a large fire, as a symbol of the sun. It was bred from oak and pine logs before sunrise. At night they told fortunes and caroled, which later became part of Christmas traditions.

The celebration began at dawn. After greeting the rising Sun, our ancestors arranged noisy feasts with songs and games, led round dances, jumped over fires to cleanse from negative energy. Mandatory elements of the feast were dishes of wild boar, pork and other meats. Uzvara, nuts and pastries were served on the table.

Honoring the Sun, they did not forget about the forest gods. Offerings were left for them - uzvars and ritual pastries of a round shape, which, again, represented the newborn Sun. Treats were also given to deceased relatives.

Signs and Traditions for the Winter Solstice

Fire is one of the most important attributes of Yule. But late December weather is rarely conducive to outdoor picnics. Not bad if you have a stove or fireplace. Otherwise, use candles. They prefer red, orange and other fiery shades. You can symbolically burn a few branches of oak or pine. As you light the fire, say:

The fire burns - it keeps the family from troubles, the flame plays - it drives away evil spirits.

Saluting the Sun with lights is another ancient holiday tradition. There is a lot of room for imagination here. You can leave burning candles near the east window, or go out into the field with sparklers. A prerequisite - do it at dawn.

Pork dishes were indispensable elements of the feast in most countries that celebrate Yule. This is a reflection of the custom to take oaths on this day on a boar's head. Keep this delicious tradition alive and good luck will be on your side for the whole year.

Dress up a spruce, decorate the house with garlands and branches of evergreens. The ancient pagan traditions are not so far from those followed by most modern people. The Christmas tree was once called the Yule tree. Even making wishes comes from Yule traditions. But on December 21-22, this is done not at midnight, but at dawn, looking at the awakening daylight.

Buying gifts is an important part of any holiday. According to signs, the one who will please other people's children with toys and sweets will soon be replenished in the family. New clothes will come in handy for you to protect yourself from the Yule cat.

There is an ancient tradition of the winter holiday - to plant any indoor flowers. For each flower, you can make a wish. If it fades, it won't come true. Cut cherry branches are placed in vases. Their flowering will decorate and fill the house with a delicate aroma.

In pagan times, it was customary to predict fate on the Winter Solstice. Try to find out what the future holds with maps, water, paper, and other tools. Can "eavesdrop" your future. Go outside at night and listen to random passers-by. Their words will tell you what to expect from fate. During the day, it is also worth taking a closer look at passers-by. Often there are happy couples - good luck in love. Have you witnessed a theft or a fight? Be vigilant, spirits warn of problems.

A new beginning on the day of the Winter Solstice is a good omen. Any business will be successful. Yule is the right time for serious deals, marriage proposals, job searches. The proposals made on this day can be accepted without hesitation. Declarations of love on the Winter Solstice lead to happy marriages.

Dreams seen in the period from the eve of the holiday to the end of the Veles days are prophetic. Before going to bed, you can think about a certain problem, then dreams will suggest a solution. But remembering and interpreting them will be more difficult than usual.

In Spain, it is believed that walking around the house with a suitcase attracts travel opportunities. If you do not have enough money, free time or energy for a dream tour, try this simple ritual for the Winter Solstice - it works well.

If you believe the signs of winter, what was the weather like on December 21-22, it will be the same for the New Year. Hoarfrost portends a good grain harvest, the wind means there will be a lot of pears and apples in the summer. Rain - to a warm but rainy spring.

Yule rites and rituals

In the old days, mummers went from house to house and sang hymns dedicated to Kolyada, the god of the winter Sun. They danced around sick people so that healing would come faster. In the modern world, it will be possible to realize the rite only in a circle of like-minded people. But you can sing the Kolyada hymn at home, alone. Its purpose is to pay homage to the Sun. Read as you light candles in honor of the daylight:

Bose Kolyada!
Glorious and Trislaven wake up!
Thank you,
for the gracious help to our birth!
And may You be an intercessor in all our deeds,
now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

On the Winter Solstice revere restless relatives but do so only after sunset. Treats for them are supposed to be left at the place of death. For the missing, offerings are left at the crossroads. Choose the favorite dishes of the deceased or what was prepared for the festive table that day. Leave a candle or lamp near the treat. In your own words, invite the deceased to treat yourself, ask him not to harm you and your family, to help the living as much as possible. After that, go home without looking back.

Conspiracies on the day of the Winter Solstice

The energy of the birthing Sun contributes to the practice of magic. December 21-22 is a favorable time for any positive witchcraft. Meditations and other spiritual practices will have a greater effect than at other times. Witches, sorcerers, esotericists do not miss such a strong time as the day of the Winter Solstice.

The simplest holiday ritual - writing lists. At dawn, take two sheets of paper. On one write what you would like to get rid of. This list needs to be burned, imagining how negativity leaves your life. On the second sheet, describe what you would like to receive. It must be stored for a year away from prying eyes, and then burned. You can cross out items that have already been implemented, add new ones, and otherwise adjust the list.

Purification of the Sort

mother goddess

Magical work to improve the situation with Rod is best done during the Winter Solstice. One of these conspiracies is addressed to Mother Goddess- the female archetype, which in one form or another is present in all religions of the world. It is read at home on the eve of the holiday, on a lit candle:

Take off, Mother Goddess, with your own hands, what is tangled on the roots of the family, what is imposed on the roots of the unkind, what is said with unkind lips, that in ignorance of the unclean it is broken. Truly so!

Extinguish the candle with your fingers. At night, after the shortest day of the year, light it again and say:

The world is getting along well and the fate of my family will be adjusted! May it be so!

This time, the candle must burn to the end. This conspiracy removes negativity from all relatives: evil eye, curses and other unpleasant magical programs.

Wish Fulfillment

In order to fulfill a wish with the help of Yule night magic, you will need 6 ribbons 2-3 meters long. Take the colors that suit your desire. For example, gold, silver and green are for money. Pink, red and white - for desires for privacy. Yellow, purple, and orange represent creativity and academic success.

Light a white candle. Tie the ribbons into a knot while saying the desire out loud. Weave a pigtail out of ribbons, while holding what you want in your mind's eye and reading the plot:

On the Yule night, by the light of a candle, my fate weaves. I weave ribbons - I call on fate: I even weave - I will bring to life (your desire in one phrase).

Repeat the plot all the time while weaving the braid. At its tip, tie a knot with these words:

May what I say come true! I conjure my destiny!

Put a braid of ribbons around the candle, leave the last one to burn out. When the flame goes out, hide the scythe in a secluded place. It should not fall into the wrong hands, otherwise the desire will not be fulfilled. When you get what you want, the scythe should be burned with gratitude to the Higher Powers.

How to speak an amulet for Yule

From time immemorial, on the Winter Solstice, they made protective amulets and talismans. They are supposed to be bought on the same day, preferably in the morning. You can make a charm yourself, it can be a pendant or a ring, a bag of herbs or an ordinary pin. Listen to your intuition, it will not let you down. The plot goes like this:

Protect me from the evil eye, so that I do not know refusal, protect me from sidelong glances and damage to evil rites.

After reading it, put on the amulet and keep it with you at all times. Repeat every year.

The Winter Solstice is one of the eight pagan days of power a year, when the energy of the Earth and the Sun is especially strong. At this time, one should honor the ancient gods, express respect for the ancestors and their traditions. In the old days, they believed that those who observed holiday traditions were lucky in literally everything.

The summer solstice marks the beginning of the calendar summer according to astronomical concepts. In June, the Sun reaches its zenith at the northernmost point of the Tropic of Cancer.

The summer and winter solstices are characterized by the greatest distance of the Sun from the celestial equator. At the same time, the shortest night of the year is observed in summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the longest.

And if the spring equinox is a sign of the beginning of spring, then the summer solstice is the middle of summer, its zenith. Some nations still celebrate many holidays on these days:

  • In fact, the solstice days are probably the oldest surviving holidays. Thus, references to the longest and shortest days of the year have been found on the famous disc from Nerba, which was supposedly created no later than 1600 BC.

    Even for the inhabitants of the Neolithic, the solstices were important. This can be seen in the soil footprints of some circular structures, such as at the Goseck in Saxony-Anhalt, between 4800 and 4600 BC, where two of the three gates are aligned with the points on the horizon where the sun rose or set on the winter solstice. Well, of course, do not forget about the fantastic Stonehenge in the UK.

    It is believed that ancient people calculated the days of equinoxes and solstices using similar structures, but most likely this is not entirely true. To calculate the summer solstice, a simple stick stuck vertically into the ground is enough. And if its shadow on a summer afternoon is the shortest of all recorded, then the solstice has come.

    And all the stone ancient buildings, most likely, were sanctuaries.

    Summer Solstice Dates

    A modern person does not need any special devices in order to find out the dates of the solstices and equinoxes. Astronomers have long ago calculated everything for several years ahead:

    However, the summer solstice does not always fall on June 21, for example, in leap years it shifts, but in general, the dates float from June 20 to 22.

    A little history of the solstice

    Our ancestors took solar holidays, especially such significant ones that were tied to astronomical phenomena, very, very seriously:

    year 2018 2019
    Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes
    20 16:15 21 10:07 23 01:54 21 22:23 20 21:58 21 15:54 23 07:50 22 04:19
    2020 20 03:50 20 21:44 22 13:31 21 10:02
    2021 20 09:37:27 21 03:32:08 22 19:21:03 21 15:59:16
    2022 20 15:33:23 21 09:13:49 23 01:03:40 21 21:48:10
    2023 20 21:24:24 21 14:57:47 23 06:49:56 22 03:27:19
    2024 20 03:06:21 20 20:50:56 22 12:43:36 21 09:20:30
    2025 20 09:01:25 21 02:42:11 22 18:19:16 21 15:03:01

      among the Slavs it was Kupala;

      in the Wiccan tradition of Lita (in ancient times, the festivities were called Alban Heffin, and all celebrations began on the eve of the longest day);

    Many peoples especially celebrated such holidays. This continues to this day, even despite the fact that Christian holidays began to push back and block pagan holidays.

    Related article: Rusal Week: traditions and rituals. What holiday is it?

    If we talk about the solstice, now it is combined with the celebration of the day of John the Baptist (hence the prefix to the primordially Slavic holiday of Kupala - Ivan).

    All festivals dedicated to the Sun, and especially at the peak of its zenith, are much older than the Bible. They have always taken place in:





      and the Baltic regions.

    Even the oldest tower in the world, the Tower of Jericho (Pre-Pottery Neolithic, 8400-7300 BC), shows what a significant role the Sun played in people's lives.

    During the festivities, echoes of pre-Christian rites on the occasion of the solstice still remain. For example, lighting fires is an old ritual of fertility and cleansing:

      the ashes of these fires were scattered over the fields to make them fertile;

      and everything old, unfit to be thrown into the fire.

    Ancient rites of the summer solstice

      The summer solstice, also called the summer solstice, is a celebration of the sun and fire. This is a fun holiday filled with delight. If the winter solstice was associated with anxiety about the imminent onset of cold weather, then the summer solstice is a celebration of the pure joy of life. People had no reason to worry, the earth produced the first fruits, and everything went on as usual.

      Everything around smelled of abundance. But survival was difficult in those distant times, and it was not easy, as it is now. But during the summer solstice, the triumph of life could be celebrated carelessly. The land was fertile, the plants quickly grew and promised a rich harvest. Nature lived as if yesterday and tomorrow did not exist. Summer with its own melody filled people's hearts with happiness.

      Huge fires were kindled, people danced around them and jumped over the fire. It was supposed to bring good luck and protect from evil. There are also versions that children were thrown over the fire to protect them from diseases. And smoldering logs were taken into the house to bless the dwelling.

      They celebrated the solstice until late at night, until morning came: burning wheels and logs rolled from the hills.

      On this day, women gathered herbs:

      • delphinium,

        and especially St. John's wort.

      These herbs were tied around the hips and worn until the morning. On their heads they wore wreaths of vervain and ground ivy (gunderman). It was believed that this promotes clairvoyance in people predisposed to it.

      Herbs on the night of the summer solstice received miraculously strong healing properties, which were most effective when the celebrations fell on the full moon.

      People danced naked, only covering their waist and hips with a "grass skirt". This was supposed to increase fertility. The nakedness of that night was sacred, it was a connection with the authenticity of human nature.

      In addition, with the help of magical herbs, strong beer was prepared, which had a particularly intoxicating effect and was an aphrodisiac.

    ancient gods

    Pagan priests, also known as Bilvi priests, served the sun god Belenus or Baldur. Their task was to bless the fields in the middle of summer. Especially honored the god of nature Cernunnos, nicknamed "Horned".

      In Greek mythology, he is known by the common name Pan.

      His Germanic name was Freyr.

    He, the king of beasts and a faithful companion of the great goddess of the Earth. It is he who is the deity of nature, the forest, the forces of nature, fruitfulness, creative power, growth, reincarnation, as well as love, prosperity and wealth. To pay tribute to him meant to increase one's own vitality and fertility.

    In honor of this deity, special “wolf” herbs were placed around the fields:

    • raven and others.

    Now, of course, all the rituals have changed a lot. We will write an article about the Celtic holiday Lita and the Slavic holiday Kupala, and we will tell you everything in more detail in these articles. You can subscribe to blog updates.

    Signs for the summer solstice

    We already had an article in which every day of the national calendar for June is signed, of course, the 21st is also there. People call this day Fyodor Kolodeznik.

    Most of the signs of the summer solstice are weather predictions, and there is nothing surprising in this, the harvest depends on the weather.

    1. Bad weather on June 21 to a crop failure and a bad summer
    2. But a lot of dew in the morning - to a bountiful harvest.
    3. The starry sky on the night of June 21 (20) promised mushrooms in early autumn.
    4. If you meet the dawn on the day of the summer solstice - be strong and healthy for the next year.
    5. On the day of the summer solstice, dreams can come true, especially if you make a cherished wish and climb over 12 fences.
    6. Children born on June 21 (20) have an "evil eye", that is, maybe not wanting it, they can jinx it or invite trouble. But this is just a version. There is a second one, that such children are under the protection of the Sun itself.
    7. If a guy accidentally (or maybe not) pours water on a girl, then there will be a quick wedding.
    8. And if you dance all night around nine bonfires, then the red maiden will absolutely marry this year. This is what our ancestors thought.

    In the most ancient mythological studies, especially in the Teutonic and Celtic ones, the sun was a female deity;

      The longest day of the year is not always the warmest;

      On the night of the solstice, various forest spirits, for example, fairies and elves, freely roam the earth;

      Norwegians believe that on this night you can’t sleep, but you need to have fun;

      In June, the distance to the Sun is greater than in December;

      The earliest sunrise does not occur on the day of the summer solstice, but earlier;

      The dew that fell on the longest day of the year was usually collected and poured into a separate vessel, as it was believed that it had a rejuvenating and healing effect.

      Stonehenge still celebrates the summer solstice.

    A Simple Ritual for the Summer Solstice

    At the end of the article, I would like to give one of the oldest purification rituals.

    Take a small linen bag and fill it with herbs:




      earth ivy.

    Mentally list all your worries, fears and problems and "put" them along with the herbs in the bag. Then tie the bag tightly, and throw it into the fire.

    The fire should be lit together with your like-minded people and friends, this will give more effect. If the fire is small enough, jump over it (only if it's completely safe and hassle free) to cleanse yourself of all negativity.

    Of course, the Christian church has a sharply negative attitude towards all these ancient rites. And that is why some of them have already been lost for centuries, and some are closely intertwined with the beliefs of Christians. But something, nevertheless, still managed to be preserved, after all, this is our culture and our heritage.

    That's all. Have a nice and happy summer.

    The calendar known to us indicates that the year begins on January 1 and is divided into 12 months. However, nature has other laws, which, alas, are poorly coordinated with the modern calendar. However, our ancestors have always respected the laws of nature. A significant event in the annual cycle is the summer solstice - what date will it be in 2020 and what rituals should be performed? Read the details in this article.

    What happens on this day?

    First of all, let's figure out what the summer solstice is. On this day we can observe the shortest night and the longest day of the year. Magic time, right? Our ancestors did not doubt it.

    Holiday dates:

    • June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
    • December 21 or 22 - in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, most Latin American countries, etc.).

    The exact date depends on the year, it's all about the calendar shift due to leap years.

    What date will be in 2020?

    In 2020, the summer solstice will occur on June 21 at 00:44 Moscow time. If you live in another region, you can calculate the time yourself, knowing Moscow.

    On this day, the Sun reaches its highest position. Further, at the end of June and July, it will begin to descend lower above the horizon, making daylight hours shorter.

    In astrology, on June 21, the Sun moves from the zodiac sign Gemini to the sign of Cancer, and the astrological summer begins (the period of Cancer, Leo and Virgo).

    The Cancer zodiac sign is associated with gender and family. On this day, astrologers advise spending time with your family, going out into nature in order to receive new strength from Mother Earth.

    On the first day of the astrological summer, you should think about your lifestyle, change it for the better. Switch to eating healthy foods and clean water. All this will help maintain internal energy for many years.

    Our ancestors viewed the summer solstice as a time of mysticism and magic.

    They wondered: for love, and for prosperity, and for the harvest. Certainly performed a variety of rituals, which will be discussed later.

    Some call the holiday the summer equinox. However, this is not true. The equinox occurs in spring and autumn, in March and September, when day equals night. And in winter and summer - solstices. There is also a second name - the summer solstice.

    Table of summer solstices until 2025

    Year Date and time in Moscow
    2019 June 21 at 18:54
    2020 June 21 at 00:44
    2021 June 21 at 06:32
    2022 June 21 at 12:13
    2023 June 21 at 17:57
    2024 June 20 at 23:50
    2025 June 21 at 05:42

    Ceremonies, rituals and signs

    There are many amazing rituals and rituals for the summer solstice that will help make life a little better, happier and more enjoyable. They will be discussed in this section.

    The rite of nourishment with the energy of the Sun

    On this day, the energy from the Sun is especially powerful, because today is the peak of its influence. Therefore, you should definitely take advantage of the great opportunity that comes only once a year.

    Here's what needs to be done:

    1. Early in the morning go to nature: to the forest, to the park or to the cottage. It is advisable to be there already at dawn.
    2. When the disk of the Sun is completely above the horizon, you can begin. Stand on the ground with bare feet, facing the Sun.
    3. Relax and close your eyes.
    4. Feel a warm stream of energy rise from the ground along your feet, it completely fills you.
    5. If you have not worked with energies before, then it is quite possible that you will not feel anything. In such a situation, just imagine how a wave of heat goes through you to the top of your head.
    6. Stay like this for about 30 minutes until you feel a "buzz" in the body or a slight dizziness and swaying. This is fine. Such manifestations are a sign of filling your aura with energy.
    7. Raise your arms up, spread them out to the sides with your palms up. Ask the Sun to give you strength. Look towards the Sun, but not directly at it (this is dangerous). Accept solar energy with gratitude.

    As a result of the ritual, you will become a stronger and more charismatic person, gain self-confidence. The sun also removes negativity from your aura.

    Ritual of rejuvenation with morning dew

    Morning dew collected from June 20 to 22 has extraordinary anti-aging properties. I'll tell you more about how to collect dew correctly.

    1. Prepare gauze measuring one and a half meters.
    2. Early in the morning at dawn, go to a forest glade, to a park or to your summer cottage.
    3. Gently lay the gauze on top of the grass and other plants.
    4. After half an hour, you can remove the gauze, it is already saturated with dew.

    To give youth, freshness and beauty to the face, make compresses from this gauze, folding it into 4-5 layers. Mentally imagine how all wrinkles are smoothed out, age spots disappear. After the procedure, do not wash your face and do not wipe your face with anything for 3 hours.

    Rite of unity with nature

    On the day of the summer solstice, an invisible door opens between the worlds: ours and the magical one. Trees, flowers, and other plants can talk to a person, answering questions and giving helpful hints.

    • On this day, during daylight hours, go to nature: to the park, to the forest, to the beach, to the river, and so on. It is important that you feel comfortable and at ease there.
    • Ask mentally those questions that you cannot find the answer to lately.
    • Listen for sounds, watch birds and animals if you meet them.
    • , stroke the grass or foliage with your hand. Feel their texture, what do they feel like? Breathe in the scent of flowers.
    • Just relax and listen to your inner voice. He will definitely give you clues from the wildlife world.
    • Thank nature for communicating with you.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish

    The summer solstice is inextricably linked with the making and fulfillment of desires. Therefore, do not miss such a great opportunity, because a magical day happens only once a year.

    1. Gather wild flowers.
    2. Weave them into a wreath. While weaving, think about your desire. Imagine that the wish has already come true. What are your feelings? Feel this joy and satisfaction.
    3. When the wreath is ready, put it on your head, wear it for a while.
    4. This item is optional, but it will enhance the effect of the ritual. Make a fire and throw in any item of little value (but not garbage) as a sacrifice. Then say out loud: "Paid." This means that you paid for the fulfillment of a wish.


    There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here are some of them.

    • If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be plentiful. Dew, by the way, was collected in a vessel, as they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.
    • Bad weather for crop failure.
    • If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, mushroom abundance is expected in early autumn.
    • For those who meet the dawn in nature, health and strength are provided for the whole year.
    • If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married.
    • Those born on June 21 are carriers of the "evil eye", they can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.
    • If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

    Watch an interesting video with new rituals:

    Festival of the summer solstice in different nations

    In Slavic culture

    The holiday is now called the day of Ivan Kupala. The ancient name for the summer solstice has not been preserved, but it was celebrated by the pagans long before the advent of Christianity.

    The modern name Ivan Kupala is the name of John the Baptist in a folk manner.

    On this day, it was customary for the Slavs to take a bath in natural reservoirs, but residents of cold regions bathed in a bath.

    The eve of the holiday was considered especially significant. At sunset, fires were kindled, a pole was set in the center of the fire, on which a wheel or a tar barrel was mounted. In some regions, fired wheels or barrels were rolled down the mountains. It symbolized the solstice.

    Everyone jumped over the fires, sang ritual songs. The girls exchanged wreaths of flowers.

    There is a tradition of searching for a fern flower. If someone finds it, they will get magical powers. Learn to understand the language of animals and see treasures, become invisible and open any locks.

    After the change of the Julian calendar to the Gregorian, the date of the holiday changed, it moved to July 7th.

    In the Baltics

    1. In Latvia they are called Ligo or Yanov day.
    2. In Lithuania it is called Jonines.
    3. In Estonia it is New Year's Day.

    I propose to consider the traditions on the example of the Latvian holiday.

    June 23 and 24 are official holidays here. Therefore, Latvians, as a rule, go out to celebrate Ligo in nature. This is one of the brightest holidays of the year.

    In nature, it is customary to sing songs and make fires. Special songs - with the chorus "Ligo, ligo".

    Weave wreaths of wild flowers and oak branches. An oak wreath is traditionally given to a man. And the girls get flowers.

    Many gather medicinal herbs and herbal teas around the solstice, as they are considered especially effective.

    Ligo prepares special drinks and treats:

    • special beer;
    • cheese with cumin, which has a characteristic pungent smell and taste.

    Wide festivities on Ligo are widespread in Latvia. Beer flows like water, fun reigns everywhere, festivals are held. This day is also called the holiday of love. The culmination of the holiday takes place on the night of June 23-24:

    How is it celebrated in Celtic culture?

    The summer solstice is called Lita. This is a bright and exuberant holiday, which is still celebrated in some European countries.

    On Litu the Sun turns on the Wheel of the Year. It is believed that forest spirits and fairies roam the earth, dreams are mixed with fantasies.

    On this mystical day, all 4 elements are combined:

    1. Fire;
    2. Water;
    3. Land
    4. Air.

    The key moment of the holiday is the opportunity to completely surrender to joy and pleasure, to love life with all your heart and breathe deeply. Indeed, at the end of June is the brightest and most joyful time of the year, there is still a large part of the summer ahead, which means warmth and pleasure.

    If on the previous holiday of the Wheel of the Year - - young people entered into a love affair, now in the middle of summer the girls were already pregnant. The holiday symbolizes the fertility of women and the fertility of the earth.

    On this day, people were guessing, especially for love. Traditionally, a guy and a girl were taken by the hand and jumped over the fire together. It was believed that if you jump three times, then a happy marriage and large families are guaranteed.

    Houses were decorated with tree branches and flower garlands. And with the onset of darkness, processions with torches were held.

    Healing herbs were collected in the forests. They were cut with a sickle in the light of the moon, and it was allowed to cut off only the upper third of the trunk. In this case, the plant will continue to grow and in the future will bring a new crop. The Celts treated Mother Nature very carefully.

    On the solstice there is a tradition to burn a sacrificial effigy. It should burn with the first rays of the sun. The scarecrow is a sacrifice to the gods of fertility. People thus ask for a bountiful harvest that neither hail nor torrential rains will destroy.

    Johannus in Finland

    Celebrated on Saturday between 20 and 26 June. At the same time, the Finnish Flag Day is celebrated here. Citizens were given an official day off on Friday on the eve of the celebration.

    It is customary to go out into nature. Swim in open water or saunas. Kindle fires.

    Midsommar in Sweden

    It is also customary to go out of town for the weekend. Relatives get together. Either youth meets the solstice in a larger company.

    On this day, flowers are picked and wreaths are woven. They decorate the symbol of the holiday - a pole, which is installed in a clearing. They dance around, dance round dances.

    Pickled herring, fresh boiled potatoes with herbs and sour cream are served on the table. They eat grilled meat. And as a dessert - strawberries with cream.

    Swedes on this day drink beer and sing drinking songs. See for yourself:

    Xiazhi in China

    On the Summer Solstice in China, the Xiazhi season begins, although the holiday is not celebrated as such. According to Chinese philosophy, at this point, the Yang energy in the world reaches its peak, and the level of Yin energy is at its lowest..

    Therefore, people wake up early in the morning more easily, and the activity of social life increases. It is easier to maintain a good mood and maintain clarity of thought. In the summer, laziness, melancholy, apathy are contraindicated.

    Places of power

    Stonehenge in the UK

    Stonehenge is a place of concentration of the secrets of the ancient civilization of the Celts. The complex is built in such a way that its axis is correlated with the location of the sun on the days of the summer and winter solstices.

    Every year, the festival takes place here on the night of June 20-21. People come to have fun, celebrate the shortest night of the year and meet the magical dawn.

    Many dress up in medieval costumes, perform ancient rituals, drums are heard everywhere. There is a mystical atmosphere around.

    Arkaim in the South Urals

    This is a mysterious ancient city where people lived 2-3 thousand years before our era. Mystics believe that here is the cradle of human civilization and the ancestral home of the Slavs.

    Organized groups and single tourists come here to touch the amazing atmosphere of this place of power.

    On the summer solstice here:

    • climb the legendary mountain Shamanka;
    • bathe in the Karaganka River, which, according to psychics, removes negative energy from a person;
    • meditate (on our website);
    • make wishes, which (as they say) will certainly come true;
    • doing yoga and practices;
    • attend concerts and other events in Arkaim.

    Watch an interesting video about the celebration in Arkaim. Maybe you would like to come here too?

    The summer solstice or summer equinox is the day when summer begins in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and winter begins in the southern hemisphere. The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction of the Sun takes on the smallest value. The day of the solstice is also called the solstice.

    Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and on December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere (winter solstice). In 2018, it will take place in Ukraine on June 21 at 13.07 Kyiv time. The longest day is 17 hours and 33 minutes long.

    This holiday has many names among the people: Ivan Kupala, Ivan the herbalist, Yarilin's day, Soncecres, Spirits' day, Feast of Dew - these are all the names of the summer solstice at different times among different peoples. And in some countries, such as Finland and Sweden, the summer solstice is even a day off and a national holiday.

    With the adoption of Christianity, the pagan holiday of Kupala did not disappear from Slavic culture, but was transformed into the day of John the Baptist, which, according to the old style, fell on June 24th. But after the transition to the Gregorian calendar, the day of John the Baptist shifted to July 7th. in Ukraine, the celebration of Ivan Kupala does not coincide with the summer solstice.

    Summer Solstice: Holiday Traditions

    The Midsummer Festival is a pagan and Zoroastrian holiday, the shortest night of the year. Scholars still cannot agree on when the pagans began to celebrate the solstice. We only know that it was long before our era. Many years ago, the summer solstice was of great importance to our ancestors, who obeyed the cycles of nature. In the times of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature.

    Many beliefs are associated with the summer solstice, which are still rightfully worthy of our attention, because on the day of the summer solstice there is a powerful surge of energies of goodness, love and prosperity. It is believed that on the day of the summer solstice, all magical rituals, rites and conspiracies have a special power.

    On the day of the summer solstice, they celebrated the midsummer festival, which was called Leta. On this day, they jumped over the fire, sang songs and just had fun.

    In ancient times, rituals involving fire and water were performed on this day. For example, it was believed that bathing in ponds cleanses the soul. Also, the flame had the properties of cleansing: mothers burned the shirts of sick children. According to legend, illness burned along with clothes.

    The ancestors had a tradition to meet the dawn on the day of the summer solstice, the ancestors were convinced that this gives strength and health for the whole year and protects from troubles.

    The summer solstice was considered a lucky day for a wedding. However, now weddings are not celebrated this week, because June 21 falls on fasting.

    Signs for the summer solstice

    On this day, they found out what the harvest and the weather will be like in summer.

    If thunder rumbles on this day, then expect a protracted bad weather.

    Well, if on this day you take a steam bath. Collect the broom on this day. So you can "knock out" all the bad thoughts and illnesses. The body and mind will be cleansed.

    To give strength for the whole year, as well as to get a strong amulet, the morning dawn, met by you alone or in a circle of close people, will help.

    Make your cherished wish and on this day climb over any twelve fences.

    If the sky is starry, then this summer expect a big crop of mushrooms.

    All misfortunes and troubles will bypass the house if you hang a bouquet of flowers from Ivan da Marya on the threshold.

    The water that was collected on the morning of June 21 is considered healing. Water was collected from wells and springs, washed with it on the same day and drank.

    But the rain that day did not bode well. In the evening, everyone went to jump over the fire, which promised a rich harvest and prosperity for the family. Rain and wet grass made it difficult to kindle fires and perform all the rituals.

    And so that unclean forces would not enter the house, it was necessary to put a burning or prickly plant, nettle or wild rose in the openings of windows and doors.