Strong link: how to answer awkward interview questions. Interview questions What job are you going to work on?

  • 11.08.2021

So you've been invited for an interview. Do you really want to work in this position and are very afraid of not being selected? Then you need to gather all the will into a fist and prepare for the conversation: think over the style of clothing and rehearse the speech, taking into account likely questions.

The 11 Essential Interview Questions and Smart Answers You Can Find Here. How to answer complex and non-standard questions in order to please the employer? What questions a recruiter will ask depends on what position the employee is being hired for, however, as a rule, there is a standard set of questions that are asked to all applicants, which will be discussed below.

Before conducting an interview, the employer usually invites the applicant to fill out a special questionnaire, a sample of which can be viewed.

Recently, situational questions have become very popular, when the employer describes the situation and invites the applicant to choose the right behavior in this situation.

Top 11 Interview Questions with Answers

1. What to answer the question - Tell us about yourself at the interview.

When answering this question and other questions from the interviewer, remain calm and speak in a confident tone. Tell us what it will be important for the employer to hear: place of study and specialty, work experience, knowledge and skills, interest in this particular job and personal qualities - stress resistance, learning ability, diligence. This point is considered in more detail in, where an approximate story of the applicant about himself is given, as well as recommendations are given on how best to answer.

2. What to answer at the interview to the question - Why did you quit?

When asked why you left your previous job, don't talk about conflicts at your previous job or speak badly about your boss or co-workers. You may be suspected of conflict and inability to work in a team. It is better to recall the positive moments from past experience, and the reason for leaving is the desire to fully realize one's abilities, the desire to improve the professional level and pay.

3. What to answer the question - Why do you want to work with us?

Start with the positive aspects in the work of the company - stability and a professional, well-coordinated team, interest in the field of activity, and then add what attracts the position and work schedule, proximity to home, decent wages.

4. Why do you think you are suitable for this position?

What to answer the question - why should we take you? Here you must clearly and reasonably prove that you are the best specialist in this field. Tell us about the work of the company and the industry in which you are going to work, do not hesitate to praise yourself, tell us about your achievements.

5. How to answer the question about the shortcomings at the interview?

The issue of disadvantages is a tricky one. Spreading your cons as a spirit is not worth it. Name such “disadvantages” that look more like advantages. For example: I am picky about my work, I do not know how to step back from work. And it is best to say neutrally: I, like everyone else, have shortcomings, but they do not affect my professional qualities in any way.

6 secrets of a successful interview

6. What are your strengths?

  • sociability;
  • learnability;
  • punctuality;
  • performance.

These are standard examples of advantages that are included in almost every one; for the employer, they are not of particular importance, and do not distinguish the applicant from others in any way.

It is better to talk at an interview about professional merits that will be useful and interesting to the employer:

  • I have experience in negotiations at various levels;
  • easily conclude important agreements and contracts;
  • I can rationally organize my working day, etc.

Such answers will attract attention and stand out among other answers.

7. What salary do you expect?

The services of a good specialist cannot be cheap. There is an option - to name the amount above the average salary or focus on the salary that you received at your previous job and overestimate it by 10 -15%. Stick to the golden mean, otherwise they may think that you are either a bad specialist or too ambitious.

8. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

Persistent and purposeful people set long-term goals for themselves, plan their personal and career growth. If you have not thought about this question yet, then do it before the interview. Emphasize your desire to work in the same company, but during this time to climb the career ladder.

Do not hide the place of the previous work, be prepared to give phone numbers of former colleagues and managers. If, when answering this question, you hesitate or even evade the answer, then the employer may feel that you want to avoid negative reviews.

10. Are you ready for a professional workload?

The employer can hint at processing in this way. In this case, ask how often they are possible: how many times a month or for how many hours. If you are ready for such conditions, then confirm your readiness for stress.

11. Do you have additional questions?

It's time to find out the details of future work: starting from the schedule and social. package, up to the requirements for the employees of the company. A person who doesn't ask questions after an interview is showing their disinterest. So there must be questions, and it is best to think them over in advance.

Examples of great, good, and bad answers to interview questions:

Video - uncomfortable interview questions

Instruction for the applicant

the site interviewed applicants and found out which questions they consider the most uncomfortable. It turned out that the most difficult thing is to talk about your shortcomings and imagine your professional future - that way in five years. Let's figure out how to answer the tricky questions of recruiters.

The most inconvenient questions for applicants (according to the site survey)

1. Tell us about yourself...

It is believed that with the help of this question you can find out about the priorities of the candidate in life: people first of all talk about what worries them more. Olga Bezumova, recruiting manager at the Planet Kadrat recruitment agency, says that the employer is primarily interested in your education and work experience and is not interested in hearing about hobbies. Elena Volkova, head of the recruiting company ABC Consulting, advises to tell a little about everything: both about education and about hobbies. According to Yulia Tartakovskaya, HR manager of the Vokrug Sveta group of companies, such a question needs to be specified: specify what exactly to tell about, about your professional experience or about something personal.

2. Tell us about your shortcomings...

The question is no longer original. In response, you can show your sense of humor, but it is better to answer neutrally. “Of course, I have shortcomings, but they do not affect the work in any way,” advises Olga Bezumova. And do not give out real shortcomings under any pretext.

3. Tell us about your achievements...

Test of self-esteem and prudence. Tell us that you increased sales, successfully implemented a project, improved your skills, and received a gold cup. The main thing is not to overdo it. Of course, not everyone can boast of super achievements. If the above is not about you, say that in the previous place you mastered a new computer program or increased the level of a foreign language - this is also not bad.

4. Why did you leave your previous job?

The employer wants to know what did not suit you at the previous job and what do you expect from the new one. Tell the truth. But keep in mind that it is highly undesirable to refer to a bad relationship with a former boss or colleagues. One more but: before referring to the lack of career growth and the routine in the old place, make sure that everything is in order with career growth and interesting tasks in the new company. It is better to talk about the desire to get more in the last place, as if by the way, they say, money is not the only reason for my employment. For some reason, many employers like to think that all good employees work rather for an idea.

5. What salary are you applying for? (Name the desired minimum and maximum salary)

In other words, can the company buy you and keep you for a while. Feel free to name the amount, which is 10-15% higher than the previous salary. “The maximum is 30%,” adds Elena Volkova.

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

The question can be very uncomfortable if you are currently applying for one position, and in the future you see yourself as someone completely different. Or you have no idea what you will be doing at least in a year. And you imagine and answer at least to yourself. Well, for personnel officers, the ideal answer would be that you want to continue working on the same path, grow as a professional and move up the career ladder (a little).

7. What do you know about our company?

The question is difficult only for the lazy. You need to know at least a minimum about the company, at least check out its website.

8. Why do you want to work with us?

Usually this is a continuation of the question “about our company” - an attempt to completely confuse the candidate and draw out of him some secret reason for employment. It is better to keep silent about money at first. Start from afar - flatter a little: the company has been on the market for many years, and this indicates stability (this is exactly what you need), the company is a revolutionary in the market (this is exactly what you need), it is interesting to work in such and such an area, suits the position, responsibilities , the location of the office is convenient and the like.

9. How long do you plan to work with us?

That is, what are your goals, motives and how sincere are you. “In order to answer the question, I have to work a little and understand whether the team likes me, whether I have to solve interesting tasks, whether the atmosphere in the team is close to me. If you like everything, then our cooperation will be long and mutually beneficial,” Yulia Tartakovskaya offers the answer.

10. How do you handle heavy workloads?

Most likely you are being prepared for processing. Ask a counter question: “What, processing is possible? How many hours? How many times a month? If everything suits you, confidently say that you are ready for “large production loads”.

Find out what plans for career growth. How long the employee expects to be in the position.

Answer. It is worth deciding what you expect from this company: stability or development. If you are a young specialist, it is clear that you are primarily interested in development, and not in a reliable "sitting" in one place. If you are already an “adult specialist” who has reached certain heights and wants to stay on them, a company that offers a long job in one area, without moving up the career ladder, is quite suitable for you. If you raise the issue of a raise after 2 years, you may incur the displeasure of the employer. Almost all managers are ready to develop their employees and expect to get a specialist for at least 2 years.

Question 6. "Tell us about yourself?"

The employer is primarily interested in your education and work experience and is not interested in hearing about hobbies

Answer. Such a question needs to be specified: specify what exactly to tell, about your professional experience or about something personal.

Question 7. "What are your shortcomings?"

The employer is trying to find out what to expect from you.

Answer. It is better to remember a harmless flaw that does not affect the work in any way.

Question 8. "Why did you leave your previous job?"

The employer wants to know what did not suit you at the previous job and what you expect from the new one.

Answer. You can refer to the same duties and routine in the old place, to the fact that it is geographically inconvenient, the schedule did not suit - and it is better if all this is true.

Question 9. "What is the desired minimum and maximum salary?"

Can a company buy you and keep you for a while.

Answer. Feel free to name the amount, which is 10-15% higher than the previous salary.

Question 10. "Tell us about your achievements?"

Test of self-esteem and prudence.

Answer. Tell us about how you increased sales, successfully completed a project, improved your qualifications, received a gold cup, mastered a new computer program, improved your level of a foreign language, or maybe brought peace and tranquility to a rowdy office

Question 11. "How do you handle colossal workloads?"

Most likely you are being prepared for processing.

Answer. “What, processing is possible? How many hours? How many times a month? If everything suits you, confidently say that you are ready for “colossal production loads”.

Question 12. "Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?"

Find out your advantages over others.

Answer. Name your main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must

demonstrate your ability to convince by emphasizing your advantages.

Question 13. "How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?"

Answer. Describe your professional growth, note your increased potential for the company.

Question 14. "Who can I contact for feedback on your work?"

Find out your plans in the field of career, professional and personal growth, views on the company.

Answer. Must readily provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and leaders. Withholding such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive recommendations or the inexperience of the applicant.

Question 15. "What questions do you have?"

As a rule, it is set when the employer is ready to hire you.

Answer. Perhaps you wanted to clarify something about the access control, the availability of a coffee machine, the number of employees, etc.

Question 16. "Describe your character in five words?"

Answer. Describe yourself in advance

Question 17. "What irritates you in people and how do you deal with it?"

Perhaps there are a number of visible shortcomings in the team.

Answer. Tell the truth, emphasize tolerance and the fact that everything is not without flaws.

Question 18. "What professional achievements are you most proud of?"

It is better to know the merits of the applicant.

Answer. Perhaps a unique designed project, awards, praise.

Question 19. "Can you give examples of ideas that came to your mind and were brought to life?"

Assess your creativity.

Answer. The most significant personal projects.

Question 20. "How do you look at life: what difficulties do you see in it and how do you cope with them?"

Answer. Life does not happen without problems, difficulties can be overcome, the fate and career of a person is in his hands, people are friendly and ready to cooperate, a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. So says a person who takes an active life position, aimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life. .

Question 21. "What attracts you to work with us in this position?"

Answer. I must give serious and concrete arguments: the desire to apply my qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals.

Question 22

Answer. This question is often asked to women. In an attempt to circumvent the law, some firms impose strict conditions, such as not having children for a certain period of time, not taking sick leave to care for a child, not taking unpaid leave, etc.

Question 23

Answer. It is necessary to focus on those qualities that best meet the qualification requirements for this position. When naming weaknesses, you need to avoid those that could interfere with future work.

Question 24. "What did you do at your previous job?"

Answer. The answer to this question requires a clear and detailed job description. As far as possible, it is desirable to name successful projects in which one had to take part, to focus on the main achievements in the work.

Question 25. "What are the 5 main criteria for you that are the most significant when choosing a job?"

Answer. The answer options depend on the goals of each individual applicant. Answer options: “opportunity for professional and career growth, stability of the company, decent work motivation, friendly team, convenient location, work schedule”, etc.

The task:

      Prepare questions for an interview for the position of manager in the reservation department of a tour operator company

      Name 3 weaknesses that can be considered from a positive point of view

      Prepare responses to typical interview questions

An interview is a very exciting and responsible event for every applicant. After all, how you show yourself in an interview with an employer depends on its outcome and result, as well as the successful receipt of the desired position. Interview questions can be completely different. Most candidates now usually prepare for interviews and actively gather information about the vacancy, study the company in which the interview will be and the questions asked at the interview.

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Based on their many years of practical experience in the field of recruitment and complex work with applicants, our specialists have prepared questions to be asked during a job interview. We have tried to highlight the most common interview questions. These questions have been used for many years by HR professionals in various fields.
You will learn about what questions are asked at the interview to applicants and how best to answer them. Job interview questions are constantly updated. We suggest that you get acquainted with the most basic ones so that you can successfully pass the interview.

The most common interview questions

Question 1. Tell us a little about yourself.
Every interview starts with this question. It is necessary to pay attention to important points: what education did you get, where did you start
development of your career. Give this story no more than 2-3 minutes, dwelling in detail on your functionality. More often use such phrases as "our company", "our department under my leadership" and so on.

Question 2. Tell us what you did at your last job.
Tell us about the responsibilities and achievements that you had in the process of working in a previous company. Do not talk too much, only the most important and to the point.

Question 3. What made you interested in the vacancy of our company?
The purpose of this question is whether you know well the information about the company you came to for an interview. You can say that you have heard a lot about the company, how it is developing dynamically at the moment, and your professional experience can help it in implementing plans for further development.

Question 4. Why did you leave your previous job?

Briefly state the main reason for looking for a job. For example, this is the inconvenience of the location, lack of professional growth, change of leadership. Never scold or criticize your former leader and team, no matter how bad he is.

Question 5. What do you expect from the new job?
All applicants expect stability from a new job, this is the most important thing to say. If you dream of career growth and professional development, mention this in a dialogue with the employer. You can also note that you are waiting for an interesting and diverse work that will allow you to develop.

Question 6. What do you know about our company?

Before you go for an interview, study the information about the company. How many years it has existed, how many, whether it has branches and representative offices in Russian cities. Tell us everything you managed to learn about this company, only the most important and relevant.

Question 7. How do you imagine your first working day at a new job?

This question, in fact, is not as simple as it seems. According to experts, this question is needed to find out who you are: a “process worker” or a “resultant”. “Process workers” are those who easily work with papers and documents, these are secretaries , office managers, accountants.
"Results" focused on getting results. These professionals include sales managers, sales managers, personnel managers.

Question 8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
This question needs to be answered in a streamlined way, for example, you would like to eventually take a more responsible and serious position, to have extended functionality. Never say that you have plans to start your own business or start your own company.

Question 9. What attracts you to this position?

The answer must be reasoned and serious, such answers as "desire to apply your experience", "work of a market leader", "the opportunity to realize your professional skills in a new field for yourself" are possible.

Question 10. What is important for you in your work?
Tell us about what kind of work you would like to get, what working conditions are optimal for you. Is the workplace, the atmosphere in the team, social guarantees, etc. important for you?

Question 11. What kind of team is optimal for you?
Actually, this is not such a question as it seems. Very often, a candidate asks a clarifying question to a recruiter about what he means. You can answer like this: "For me, the team is optimal, where there is mutual assistance, help and support. For me, the opinion of my manager about my work and a favorable atmosphere within the department are important."

Question 12. Tell me about three successes and three failures in your professional life.
Of course, you are a living person and tend to make mistakes, tell us about the 3 most significant mistakes. Mention how, with experience, you realized that you could have done differently or avoided these mistakes. Tell us also about the brightest achievements in your professional career. This question has other modifications. You may also be asked if you have made mistakes in your work. This question must be answered in the affirmative. Yes, you have made mistakes, and with experience you try not to make them again.

Question 13. Tell me about your main strengths/weaknesses.
First you need to name your qualities that will help you effectively cope with this work. Never be direct about your weaknesses. Build your answer better in such a way as to slightly shift the emphasis: mentioning your shortcomings, supplement your answer with positive qualities that compensate for it.

Question 14. Why do you think that we should make a choice in favor of your candidacy?
Describe your advantages, emphasize your relevant work experience and your desire to develop, professionalism, ability to perform your work efficiently and in a short time.

Question 15. How long do you plan to stay in this position without career advancement?
This question must be answered honestly, depending on what you expect from this organization. Any company is ready to consider a working employee for another, higher position, in 2 years.

Question 16. What do you do in your free time?
Tell us about your hobbies, how you spend your days off, how you relax. Tell us that you like to read professional literature and are fond of active sports. This option is a win-win for any interview.

Question 17. What was the last book you read?
You may be asked about the last book you read or about the book you are currently reading. Or about your musical tastes, for example.
It's better that you answer right away. This question is aimed at finding out the general level of development and the desire for self-development of the candidate. If you name one professional book and another artistic one, it will only be a plus for you.

Question 19. When can you start work?

If you need time to think about the employer's offer, say so. Let your employer know if you need to work 2 weeks at your last job. If you like the offer, you can say that you are ready to start working at any time.

Question 20. What questions do you have?

You should definitely ask questions to the interviewer. Ask about your responsibilities, the job itself, the number of employees in the department. The question of career growth should be asked carefully, perhaps the position does not imply this, or there is no opportunity for career growth in the company. Learn about motivation, social package, normalization of the working day. You must be sure that when you start working, you will not be disappointed in this company.

There are many sample interview questions. We really hope that our article on what questions are asked in a job interview will help you prepare for your upcoming interview. You will learn how to answer interview questions and what you should pay special attention to.
We recommend preparing for each interview and studying the information about the vacancy and the company,
to which you have been invited.

Each of us at the interview can be confused by different questions. And before moving on to the most common, let's start with a general recommendation. If you feel uncomfortable and the question you have been asked seems too personal or completely unrelated to a particular position, clarify why you are being asked - find out the motives. Perhaps for a potential employer, it is really important for some reason. As a rule, after explanations, it is already easier for candidates to answer the question. And remember that you can always end the interview. If the interviewer's approach seems unacceptable to you, it may not be your company. It is up to you to decide where the boundaries of your personal space lie.

1. How long do you plan to work in our company?

It is best to answer that you are committed to long-term cooperation and changing your place of work every year is not included in your plans. In the context of this question, you can clarify what the career ladder looks like in a company, this will help you better understand the prospects for development and growth within a particular company.

So, for example, one of the applicants answered such a question that at the previous stages of the interview he found out what the career ladder in the company looks like, and based on the information received, he told how he sees his future. And this means that the candidate has collected information about the company, thereby showing a proactive approach, and is set for long-term cooperation.

2. What is your current income level?

Many find this question uncomfortable. In general, you can choose not to respond to it by referring to the privacy policy that exists in your company. But this may lead the interviewer to think that you are overestimating your expected income. You can answer it in a veiled way: orient yourself according to your expectations when moving to a new place, and note that it is, for example, 10-15-20% higher than your current level.

You can always find the right wording, which, on the one hand, will not be a direct answer to the question, on the other hand, will guide you according to your salary expectations. For example, you can refer to the fact that you analyzed the market and found out what the average salary of specialists in your position is. Summing up, say that you would be satisfied with such a figure.

3. Tell us about your boss

Answer this question carefully, regardless of your relationship with your boss. Try to give constructive feedback, speaking about professional, not personal qualities. In general, I recommend avoiding excessive negativity in interviews in relation to the manager, colleagues, clients. It certainly won't work for you.

So, once in an interview, a candidate told horrors about his current leader in great detail and for a long time. He described what intrigues his boss was plotting, as he saw him as a competitor. According to the candidate, the envious boss did not let his subordinate's ideas and projects pass on purpose and turned the team against him. But, firstly, he spent about 10 minutes talking about his leader: believe me, this is a lot in the interview format. Secondly, he was not aware that the interviewer knew his boss well and was also aware of this situation, which strongly disagreed with the candidate's version.

4. Do you want to take my place/position?

The question is provocative. On the one hand, if you answer that you don’t want to, you may seem unambitious. And this quality is important and critical for some positions. On the other hand, answering directly “yes” is also dangerous. After all, you do not know for sure for what purpose a potential leader asks you this question. I recommend that you answer carefully, for example, yes, your position is interesting, and I would like to take it in N years; I do not think that we will have a conflict of interest, since by this time you will already occupy a clearly higher role.

Most recently, I was looking for a senior lawyer for a large company. At one stage, the head of the legal department asked the candidate if he wants to grow within this company to the head. The candidate wanted to, but was embarrassed to voice it, as he was afraid that the current leader might regard this as a desire to sit him down. The candidate was turned down: it turned out that the manager planned to leave this company in the near future and was looking for a senior lawyer with a subsequent transition to his role, so candidates who were not ready to take such a position and did not have such ambition did not suit him.

5. Tell us about your parents/family

In one of the interviews, the CEO of the client company asked the best candidate (a 30-year-old young man) a question about who he lives with. The candidate honestly answered that he lives with his parents. The general was surprised and asked why he, who positions himself as an adult and independent person, lives at the age of 30 with his parents.

The candidate reacted with humor, said that he himself often asks himself this question, and somehow laughed it off. The important thing is that he did not become annoyed and succumb to provocation. By the way, as a result, the choice was stopped on him. Humor and healthy irony - that, as it turned out, was what the general expected from our candidates, and not individual apartments and mortgages, as it might seem at first glance.