All about the name Bogdan. Interesting facts and useful information

  • 16.10.2019

The meaning of the name Bogdan is God-given.

Name origin

The origin of the name Bogdan is Old Slavonic. According to another version, this name is a literal translation of the Greek name Theodotus, which is interpreted as "given by God." Bogdan is often a late, long-awaited and only child.

Derivatives: Bogdash, Bogdanka, Bogda, Dana, Bodia, God.

Name characteristic


Bogdan always gives the impression of a pleasant and easy person. The characteristic of the name Bogdan is a balanced, calm, self-controlled man. Although in childhood it is a capricious boy, strongly attached to his mother.

He is interested in the world around him, spends his whole life in search of perfection. He has an intuitive nature, he is self-absorbed, dreamy and quite smug. By nature, he is timid and reserved, but sometimes he can make risky decisions.

Bogdan has a well-developed memory and intuition. Among friends, he is known as a walking encyclopedia. Always extricate himself from any hopeless situation. He is ready to find his own solution to the problem.

It is always a pleasure to live or work with Bogdan. He prefers to rotate in a simple society, where he has enough love and understanding.

Gives the impression of spontaneity. He avoids hard efforts, the reaction speed is slow. Sociable, he is able to gather around him friends who share his views, sympathies, tastes.


Bogdan is attracted by psychology and medicine. He can become a good teacher, writer, politician.

By the seasons

  • "Winter" Bogdan is a man with a strong character, eccentric, purposeful.
  • "Autumn" - a good diplomat, strict in judgments, tends to medical research.
  • "Summer" - sensitive, amorous, hard going through any failures.
  • "Spring" - spends a lot of time at the mirror, selfish, careless, merry.

Personal life

Bogdan has many qualities that characterize him as a good husband. For example, he is economical in expenses, does a good job, is persistent in search of earnings. As a rule, all his life he loves one woman. He devotes himself to his wife and children.

In communicating with his wife, the main thing for Bogdan is understanding, spiritual closeness, similar intellectual interests. He is very jealous, he will never forgive his wife for infidelity.

Name compatibility

Good compatibility of the name Bogdan with patronymics: Filippovich, Mikhailovich, Viktorovich, Fedorovich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich, Vitalievich, Aleksandrovich, Nikonovich, Yakovlevich, Gavrilovich.

Good spouses for him can be: Svetlana, Anastasia, Julia, Venus, Barbara, Bogdana, Nelly, Victoria, Elena, Olga, Nadezhda. A high probability of an unsuccessful marriage with Valeria, Angela, Clara, Wanda, Nina, Oksana, Tamara, Dina, Yana.

name day

Patron Saints: Bogdan of Rome, Bogdan of Kessari, Bogdan of Darianopol.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Bogdan: Belsky, Khmelnitsky, Voitsekhovsky, Schweitzer, Titomir, Shishkovsky, Benyuk, Nilus, Shershun, Mortar, Zvonko, Lobonts, Saltanov, Glinsky, Belsky, Gelfreich 1st, von Glazenap, Kiselevich, Chaly Filov, Hashdeu, Goronzhuk , Zalesky, Khitrovo, Filov.

short form named after Bogdan. God, Boyd, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Bogo, Bogdasya, Boto, Botio, Boncho, Bonyo, Boni, Bobi, Boban, Dancho, Danyo, Danko, Dan, Danya, Dani, Dacho, Bogdanko, Vogdas.
Synonyms for the name Bogdan. Bagdan.
origin of the name Bogdan The name Bogdan is Russian, Slavic, Ukrainian, Orthodox.

The name Bogdan is Slavic name, means "given by God", "bestowed by God", "God's gift". Very often the name Bogdan was used as a variant of the names John (Ivan), Theodore (Fyodor) and Theodot (Fedot), which have the same meaning.

The name Bogdan corresponds to the Hebrew names Nathaniel and Jonathan, Greek Theodot, Latin Deodat, French Dieudonne, Bulgarian Bozhidar. V Orthodox Church Bogdan is baptized under the name Theodotos. Paired female name - Bogdana.

Often, parents, without realizing it themselves, give the name Bogdan to children whose birth was associated with anxiety and anxieties. Therefore, in most cases, Bogdan is the only, long-awaited, and possibly late child. The mother takes pity on her beloved child and, on the one hand, indulges his whims too much and does not allow the father's son to be brought up at all. So it turns out that Bogdan is very jealous of his mother, trying with all his might not to let her go from him. For example, a tantrum arranged by a boy will not come as a surprise if his mother decides to chat with a girlfriend for a long time.

Adult Bogdan is somewhat closed, stingy and dry. Bogdan is distinguished by dreaminess and some narcissism. He has a well developed intuition. Despite his restrained and timid nature, Bogdan is capable of risky decisions. Bogdan, born in the summer, seeks to diversify the emotional sphere and this sometimes complicates his life.

In his school years, Bogdan is largely hampered by his inherent laziness. It is thanks to her that he studies averagely, and talents and abilities do not develop in him to the fullest. Growing up, Bogdan becomes calm person who know their own worth. He strives to get a good job in life, to achieve high skill in the profession. Bogdan chooses his future specialty so that it does not require inspiration and improvisation from him. It is possible that Bogdan, born in winter, will become an artist, historian or musician.

As a child, Bogdan does not get along well with other children. At school, he prefers to communicate with guys who are respected by their comrades and who can protect Bogdan if necessary. Adult Bogdan is arrogant and categorical. Surrounding people notice in him not always appropriate stubbornness and adherence to principles. Drunk Bogdan will argue on any occasion, and does not even try to delve into the essence of the opponent's arguments. In general, there should be as little alcohol as possible in the house where Bogdan lives.

In relations, Bogdan is the undisputed leader. He chooses a submissive wife for himself, keeps her strict, maybe even shout at her in public. But, nevertheless, Bogdan comes out very good husband. He seeks to find additional income for himself, does a lot of housework with his own hands, and spends what he earns sparingly. The only thing that Bogdan does not spare money for is rest. And he prefers family holidays.

Bogdan loves only once, in a relationship he is faithful to his soul mate, and in jealousy he simply becomes uncontrollable. This feature is somewhat softened in men born in spring or summer. In a woman, he seeks, first of all, understanding and spiritual intimacy. Bogdan should have similar intellectual interests with his future wife. From all of the above, it becomes clear that Bogdan is not able to create an alliance with every woman.

The chosen one of the "summer" Bogdan can rely on his nobility and ability not to lose his presence of mind in any situation. He inspires confidence in his girlfriend, although outwardly he is not sentimental. A frivolous woman will not be able to win the trust of Bogdan, since he has a well-developed intuition. Bogdan must be completely sure of his companion, he makes very high demands on his wife, he can choose her for years.

Name day of Bogdan

Notable people named Bogdan

  • Bogdan-Zinoviy Khmelnitsky ((1595 - 1657) hetman of the Zaporizhzhya army, commander and statesman. The organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks against the authorities of the Commonwealth, which, in the course of a nine-year struggle, resulted in the foundation of a new state formation - the Zaporizhian Army, which, as part of the Commonwealth (formally) and then Russia, existed until the end of the 18th century.)
  • Bogdan Mikhnevich ((1951 - 2000) Soviet and Ukrainian sound engineer, sound engineer)
  • Bogdan Deditsky ((1827 - 1909) the first professional Galician-Russian journalist, writer and poet)
  • Bogdan Nilus ((1866 - ?) Russian architect)
  • Bogdan Saltanov ((c. 1630 - 1703) is also referred to as Ivan Ievlev (ich) Saltanov; court painter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his successors, chief master of the Armory (since 1686). Author of icons, illustrations for manuscripts, parsun. By origin - an Armenian from Persia.)
  • Bogdan Stupka ((born 1941) Ukrainian theater and film actor)
  • Bogdan Schweitzer ((1816 - 1873) Russian astronomer and astrometerist)
  • Bogdan Glinsky ((d.1509/1512) is also known as "Mamai"; prince from the Glinsky family, governor of Cherkasy (1488 - 1495) and Putivl (1495 - 1497). One of the atamans of the Ukrainian Cossack detachments and the leader of military campaigns against the Crimean Tatars .)
  • Bogdan Lobonc (Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Gelfreich 1st ((1776 - 1843) real name - Gottgard August von Gelfreich; Russian military leader, lieutenant general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, came from an old Estonian noble family)
  • Bogdan Blavatsky ((born 1963) Ukrainian football player and football coach)
  • Bogdan von Glazenap ((1811 - 1892) real name - Gottlieb Friedrich; admiral (1869), adjutant general, chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, member of the Admiralty Council, agent of the Naval Ministry in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1855 - 1856), collector materials on the history of the fleet of the XVIII-XIX centuries)
  • Bogdan Belsky ((d.1611) a prominent figure in the oprichnina, a participant in the Livonian War. Nephew of Malyuta Skuratov. Companion of Ivan the Terrible in last years, was his agent in various diplomatic assignments (in particular, in negotiations with England). The tsar died in the presence of Belsky (according to one version, he was strangled by him and Boris Godunov), when they played chess with him. Appointed by Ivan to the regency council under Fyodor Ioannovich.)
  • Bogdan Benyuk (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Ukraine)
  • Bogdan Sliva ((1922 - 2003) Polish chess player; grandmaster (1987), 6-time champion of Poland (1946, 1951-1954, 1960); in the national championships 1957, 1961 and 1967 - 2nd places)
  • Bohdan Shershun (Ukrainian footballer)
  • Jon Bogdan Mara (Romanian football player)
  • Bogdan Mamonov ((born 1964) Russian artist, curator, art critic, author of installations, paintings, video slide films, performances, book illustrations)
  • Bogdan Kiselevich ((born 1990) Russian hockey player, defender)
  • Bogdan Haushi (Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist, art historian and politician. He made an important contribution to the study of ancient art. In 1918 he discovered the Trebenishta necropolis of the Iron Age, rich in gold and iron products.)
  • Bogdan Khashdeu ((1836 - 1907) real name - Faddey Alexandrovich Hizhdeu; Moldavian and Romanian writer, poet, philologist, publicist, historian)
  • Bogdan Chaly ((born 1924) Ukrainian children's writer, poet and prose writer. Member of the Great Patriotic War, collaborated with army newspapers. In 1947 he published the first collection of poems for children "On a Clear Sunny Morning". In 1951-1975 he edited the Ukrainian children's magazine "Periwinkle", an analogue of "Murzilka" or "Funny Pictures". Author of the books "How Periwinkle Became a Hero", fairy tale poems: "How Periwinkle and Daisy Flew Over the Sea", "Periwinkle and Spring", "Periwinkle at School" Author of the well-illustrated book "One Hundred Adventures of Periwinkle and Chamomile". And in 2002, new adventures of Periwinkle "Periwinkle and Distant Constellations" were published. In 1974, at the XIV Congress of the International Council for Children's and Youth Literature, Bogdan Chaly for the fairy tale "Periwinkle and Spring" awarded an honorary diploma (prize) named after G.Kh. Andersen.)
  • Bogdan Zvonko ((born 1942) is a singer of traditional folk music of Vojvodina. But he is famous not only as a singer, but also as a composer, artist and jockey. But he is best known for his courteous and gentlemanly manner. Zvonko Bogdan sings original and traditional songs (especially songs belonging to the Bunev ethnic group), accompanied by the traditional "tamburitsa orchestra".)
  • Bogdan Goronzhuk ((born 1934) Polish poet, songwriter, graphic artist)
  • Bogdan Khitrovo ((1615 - 1680) Russian boyar, founder of the Moscow Armory)
  • Bogdan Titomir ((born 1967) Russian pop singer, DJ)
  • Jozef Bogdan Zaleski ((1802 - 1886) Polish poet)
  • Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist and politician)
  • Bogdan Diklich ((born 1953) Serbian theater and film actor)
  • Bogdan Stela ((born 1967) Romanian footballer)
  • Bogdan Olteanu ((born 1971) Romanian politician)

Meaning of the name

Bogdan is a persistent, ambitious and balanced man, in whom rather contradictory qualities are calmly combined, which does not provoke internal conflict. And all for the simple reason that this man knows how to control his emotions, not letting them take precedence over the arguments of reason. Calm and self-confident Bogdan can show such qualities as irascibility, stubbornness and categoricalness, while his behavior and character are partly dictated by the time of year he was born.

Characteristics of the name Bogdan

Winter Bogdan - nature is eccentric and extraordinary. This is a creative person with a strong character, whose determination and perseverance can only be envied. But he should remember that everything is good in moderation, and therefore it is better to learn how to balance on the verge of originality and everyday life, modesty and selfishness, kindness and rigidity. If winter Bogdan does not learn how to do this, he will not be able to achieve success in life, despite his high potential.

Spring Bogdan narcissistic, mannered and careless, which is fraught with dislike from others and isolation in society. The frivolity of this man and his impulsiveness can lead to serious conflicts not only at work, but also at home. Therefore, if the spring Bogdan wants to live in harmony with himself and the world around him, then he will have to not only reconsider his priorities, but also try to become more responsible and serious.

Summer Bogdan - a man is sensitive, emotional and vulnerable, so it is not easy for him to experience criticism and any failures. He reacts sharply to any injustice (and it doesn’t matter if it concerns him personally or his friends), he can even withdraw into himself. Summer Bogdan cannot be alone for a long time, therefore, in his life there are many novels, which he always takes seriously, sincerely hoping that sooner or later he will find his ideal woman.

Autumn Bogdan strict in judgments, diplomatic and prudent. It is impossible to deceive him, because he is well versed in people and their weaknesses. At the same time, he will never use the shortcomings of others for his own purposes. On the contrary, this man tries to help people to the best of his ability and capabilities, which he does very well. And most the best award for this, he considers not a material component, but a good attitude towards himself.

Stone - talisman

Carnelian and green marble are considered Bogdan's talisman stones.


In the East, the carnelian is considered a traditional love talisman, contributing to the emergence of a feeling of love. At the same time, it is this stone that is able to protect its owner from love spells imposed from outside, to preserve family happiness and fidelity.

Red carnelian is especially in demand, stimulating the sexual energy and attractiveness of a person. In addition, the stone given color protects from quarrels, conflicts and disputes, as it has a calming and pacifying effect on a person.

The action of carnelian:

  • mood improvement;
  • attracting success and material well-being;
  • concentration vitality;
  • strengthening intuition and insight;
  • strengthening memory;
  • attraction to the house of the world;
  • protection from accidents and natural disasters.

Muslims believed that products with carnelian contribute to the fulfillment of desires, give joy and prosperity.

Carnelian is a symbol of love, fidelity, longevity, faith, hope and happiness, protecting from debauchery, witchcraft, human aggression, hatred, and envy.

Green marble

Marble is a symbol of luxury, abundance and wealth, while the green color of the stone represents life, tranquility, harmony, peace and stability.

Green marble gives its owner self-confidence and a sense of security, helps to concentrate and find the best possible way out of the current situation.

V Ancient Greece a stone of this color was considered a symbol of love and passion, sensitivity, understanding and responsiveness. In addition, the Greeks believed that products with green marble could scare away evil spirits.

Our ancestors attributed healing properties to this stone and used it in the fight against internal fears and insomnia.

Products made of green marble are recommended to be worn by people whose profession involves risks, as this stone protects against accidents and exposure. negative energy. An amulet with green marble will also help those who cannot find their family happiness.


The following colors will bring prosperity to Bogdan: brown, orange, yellow and green (you can read about them in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").


Seven is the lucky number of Bogdan (more about the influence of this number can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").




Animal - symbol

Bogdan's totem animal is a bat, which has a dual symbolic interpretation.

In Western countries, the bat is a symbol of blindness, night, witchcraft, envy, fear and death (for example, the devil in Western art is often depicted with the wings of this unattractive creature).

The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the bat with insight, hope, good luck, vigilance and insight.

In China, the bat is a symbol of happiness, longevity, health, wealth, chaste love and a dignified death.

In Antiquity, with the help of bats nailed to doorways, protected the house from demons and other evil spirits.


Plants-symbols of Bogdan are laurel and immortelle.


This plant symbolizes triumph, victory, glory, peace, constancy, eternity, and also immortality.

Laurel is able to calm anger and pacify negative emotions, cleanse the aura of negativity.

In ancient Rome, it was the laurel wreath that was considered the highest sign of both military and imperial glory. Also, the laurel personified purity and purity, therefore it was identified with the vestal virgins.

In the Christian tradition bay leaves symbolized martyrdom and eternal life which can be reached through the redemptive acts of Jesus.


This plant is a symbol of health, vigor and longevity. In addition, the immortelle personifies purposefulness, modesty and elegance.


Gold, patronizing Bogdan, symbolizes power, wealth, spiritual nobility, power and luxury. In Christianity, this metal symbolizes the purity of faith and sincerity.

auspicious day


origin of the name Bogdan

Name translation

The Slavic name Bogdan means "given by God", "God's gift".

Name history

The name Bogdan came to the territory of Russia along with Christianity, it is a form (or tracing paper) of the Greek name Theodotus, meaning "bestowed by God."

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Bogdan are: Bogdasha, Bogdanchik, Bodya, Danya, Danechka, Danyusha, Bogdik, Bogda, Bogdasia, Bogdanko.

The secret of the name Bogdan

name patrons

The name Bogdan is not in the Orthodox church calendar therefore, the name day of the owners of this name is celebrated in the days of Theodotus (saints with this name are considered the patrons of Bogdan).

  • Martyr Theodotos of Adrianople.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Rome.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Caesarea (or Cappadocia).
  • Martyr Theodotus.
  • Confessor and Bishop Theodotos of Cyrene.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Kizicheski.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Ancyra.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Libya.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Markianopol (or Mysia).
  • Bishop Theodotos of Ephesus.
  • Martyr Theodotos of Melitinsky.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 14 number.

March: 4th and 15th.

May: 12th and 31st.

June: 11th and 20th.

July: 17 number.

September: 15th and 28th.

October: 25 number.

November: 16th and 20th.

The legend of the name Bogdan

There is a well-known legend about Theodotus (Bogdan) of Adrianople, who lived in a difficult period for Christians during the reign of the cruel emperor Maximian, who was intolerant of Christians who suffered persecution because of their faith.

Little is known about the life of this saint: for example, once the ruler Tiris called three true believers to him - Theodotus, Maximus and the martyr Asclepiod (the last two came from a noble family, but no riches could lead them astray and force them to renounce Christ) . Tiris urged them to return to the pagan faith of their ancestors, but all three refused to follow his exhortations. Then the ruler subjected them to beatings and tortures, which did not break the spirit of the believers.

Moreover, Saint Theodotus began to reproach the impious Tiris, for which, together with Maximus and Asclepiode, he was thrown to be torn to pieces by a she-bear, which did not touch the saints. But Tiris was not going to stop and in 310 he executed the holy martyrs.

Famous people

Bogdan Belsky - Russian statesman of the times of the oprichnina and a favorite of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

Bogdan Voitsekhovsky - Soviet hydrodynamicist.

Bogdan Nilus - Russian architect, recognized master of Moscow Art Nouveau.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky - Hetman of Ukraine, whose reign fell on 1595 - 1657.

Bogdan Schweitzer - Russian astronomer.

Bogdan Titomir - Russian singer, popular in the 90s.

Bogdan Stupka - Soviet-Ukrainian theater and film actor.

Bogdan Glinsky - Prince and ataman of the Ukrainian Cossack detachments, who led military campaigns against the Crimean Tatars.

Bogdan Mamonov - Russian artist.

Bogdan Kiselevich - Russian hockey player who plays as a defender.

The meaning of the name Bogdan

For a child

Little Bogdan is most often very capricious, selfish and spoiled, and all for the reason that parents most often give this name to very long-awaited children, whose birth was associated with anxiety or anxieties. It is not surprising that such a child is overly pampered, and this can subsequently negatively affect his character.

Bogdan is a child surrounded by affection and attention of a mother who does not allow her son to be strictly raised, so often the boy's father simply withdraws from this process. But in vain, because any boy needs a strong father's shoulder. As a result, the boy grows up pampered and absolutely not adapted to an independent life.

In a society of peers, Bogdan feels insecure (he reaches out to guys with a strong character, whose purposefulness he admires).

The school program is given to this boy quite easily (Bogdan can be a solid good student if he overcomes his laziness). In general, he has a lot of talents, but he is in no hurry to develop them. And the boy's parents should pay special attention to this if they do not want to raise a lazy person who prefers to live at someone else's expense.

For teenager

Growing up, Bogdan becomes a calmer, balanced and self-confident person, for whom it is very important to take a certain position in society. In communication with others, he is still closed and somewhat cold, but at the same time softness and plasticity appear in his character.

Bogdan gives the impression of an arrogant, categorical, principled and stubborn young man, although in fact he lacks friendly support, understanding and approval from those around him, he is simply afraid to admit it to himself.

The main disadvantage of this young man, as in childhood, is laziness, because of which he misses a lot of opportunities to prove himself and show off with better side. He tends to shift his duties onto other people's shoulders in order to avoid responsibility. But still, over time, Bogdan will learn to make the right decisions on his own, which will help him find his place in the professional field.

Bogdan has practically no friends, which is connected with the fear of being deceived and betrayed. After all, in fact, this young man is very impressionable and vulnerable, only a narrow circle of people knows about it.

For a man

Adult Bogdan knows how to perfectly adapt to any situation and make the most of it. This is an adventurous player who is ready to put everything on the line, just to achieve the desired result. He is confident and ambitious, and therefore does not like to lose.

If an adult Bogdan learns to cope with his laziness, then his life will turn out quite well, because this man is persistent and ambitious.

It is interesting that behind the guise of a narcissistic and tight-fisted materialist, there is a dreamy and romantic nature that is waiting in the wings to open up. However, one should not expect the manifestation of bright emotional outbursts from Bogdan, because his actions are guided by the mind. But sometimes even such a restrained person as Bogdan can succumb to emotions, and then one should not expect good from this aggressive man.

The stubborn and principled Bogdan will have a hard time in life, but at the same time he is not going to change, because he considers himself an ideal man.

Description of the name Bogdan


Bogdan does not always adhere to the requirements of morality, although he cannot be called an immoral person either, he just knows how to take advantage of any situation.


Bogdan boasts excellent health, which he carefully monitors throughout his life.

In old age, he may have problems with the heart and the functioning of the liver. In addition, special attention should be paid to this man proper nutrition if he does not want to gain weight.


In women, Bogdan appreciates, first of all, erudition, sincerity and warmth, while beauty and brightness for him are not of decisive importance when choosing a chosen one. But still, the owner of this name is very demanding of his woman, since he takes relationships very seriously (Bogdan rarely has light short-term novels that do not oblige to anything).

In general, Bogdan can be called monogamous, true to his feelings, so he will not tolerate flirting from his partner. He opens up to his beloved woman from the side that even the closest friends cannot see: he becomes open, tender and sentimental. From a pragmatist and a realist, he turns into a real romantic, ready for recklessness.

A woman next to such a man will always feel loved, desired and protected. But Bogdan should learn to cope with such a significant drawback of his as jealousy.


Bogdan approaches the creation of a family very responsibly, therefore he looks at the object of his desire for a long time. A leader by nature, this man is looking for a smart, but at the same time submissive wife who will not claim leadership.

If Bogdan's first marriage fails, he will forget about a serious relationship for a long time. Moreover, he will lose self-confidence, which can lead to the fact that he will join the ranks of bachelors who are disappointed in the institution of marriage in general and in women in particular.

Family relationships

Bogdan shows strictness, categoricalness and exactingness not only in communication with acquaintances, but also with his household members. Sometimes his leadership goes beyond the permitted boundaries, and this is expressed in the fact that he can, without embarrassment, arrange public moralizing for his wife or children.

At the same time, the owner of this name devotes a lot of time to the family (by the way, he teaches children to discipline from childhood, raising them in severity). Bogdan works hard to provide a decent standard of living for his family, with whom he tries to spend all his free time.

Bogdan reserves the right to make the final decision, although he consults with his wife, whose main task is to run the household, as well as take care of him and the children.

Since mother always plays a key role in Bogdan's life, his chosen one will have to establish warm relations with her mother-in-law if she wants to keep an atmosphere of warmth and harmony in the house.


Bogdan is not indifferent to sexual pleasure, but he allows intimacy only with the woman whom he will completely trust. It is very important for him that his partner has a reciprocal feeling for him, then he will open up to the fullest, forget about stiffness and shyness, which will favorably affect intimate relationships.

And one more thing: Bogdan does not belong to those men who will spread about their amorous affairs in order to acquire the role of a macho and heartthrob.

Mind (intelligence)

Bogdan has an inquisitive and agile mind, helping him to easily cope with various life hardships.

The resourcefulness of this man opens up an excellent opportunity for him to skillfully hide his second "I" from those around him.


For Bogdan, material independence is extremely important, therefore, when choosing a profession, he is guided precisely by considerations of profit and stability. He takes on any job that promises a solid monetary reward. But still, there are areas of activity that irresistibly attract Bogdan - these are medicine, pedagogy, politics and psychology.

But even in the field of a military man, engineer or economist, the owner of this name will feel no less confident and comfortable. The main thing is to overcome your laziness, then Bogdan's career will develop rapidly.

But it is better for him to refuse creative professions, despite the rather developed imagination. Bogdan and bohemian life are incompatible things.


Bogdan can easily become a successful businessman, because he has such qualities as responsibility, diligence and organization. At the same time, he should run his business on his own (without involving partners), since he is not going to share the laurels of the winner with anyone.


Bogdan's main hobby is his family, with whom he tries to spend all his free time. Family trips to nature, fishing, travel - that's best holiday for Bogdan.

Character type


Communicating with Bogdan is not always easy, which is to blame for his isolation and self-confidence. In addition, this man does not know how to reckon with the opinions of others, which is not beneficial to establishing contact with others.

But among close people, he opens up, becomes softer and calmer, only Bogdan has few such people, but he truly values ​​them. He gives the impression of a balanced person, but as soon as he gets angry, his aggression comes out, revealing to others the rather unattractive side of Bogdan's character.

I must say that Bogdan has an amazing gift - to get out of hopeless situations. And all for the reason that he is well versed in people, and therefore knows which strings of the soul need to be pressed in order to achieve his goal.


Bogdan has a good developed intuition, to which, although not very often, but still listens.

Horoscope named after Bogdan

Bogdan - Aries

Solid, principled and tough in statements, Bogdan-Aries is not used to trusting people (it would be better if he is alone than betrayed by the person to whom he opened his soul). It is quite natural that this man has practically no friends, and he does not need them, since he belongs to the category of people who do not need company for recreation). Bogdan-Aries approaches the choice of a companion responsibly, giving preference to calm and intelligent women who are looking for family happiness.

Bogdan - Taurus

Responsible, executive and erudite Bogdan-Taurus will think over the action a hundred times before committing it. He achieves a lot in life, as he knows how to pacify his emotions and feelings at the right time.

In the circle of friends, Bogdan-Taurus is cheerful and witty, which attracts the fair sex to him, who see him as a reliable man with whom you can create a truly harmonious and strong family.

Bogdan - Gemini

This is a soft, charming and open romantic man who cannot be in a state of loneliness. On the contrary, he is attracted by large companies and interesting people, adventurous adventures and unforgettable emotions. In relations with women, Bogdan-Gemini also seeks thrills, therefore he chooses emotional, bright and sensual girls, with whom it is far from always easy, cozy and comfortable. But this type of relationship suits this man.

Bogdan - Cancer

This impressionable, emotional and vulnerable person needs support and understanding (and it doesn’t matter at all whether a friend or a beloved woman provides this support). Bogdan-Rak is unsure of himself, therefore he acutely perceives any criticism addressed to him, especially if he understands that it is constructive and justified. With women, Bogdan-Rak is timid and shy, which prevents him from building a serious relationship in which he wants to be the leader and head of the family.

Bogdan - Leo

This man has an amazing charm, so it is not difficult for him to win over anyone. But still, when communicating with Bogdan-Lev, one feels his lack of sincerity and interest (it seems that you are constantly being told exactly what you want to hear). Bogdan-Lev has many friends, while he has no real friends. Women are drawn to this man, and at the same time they are afraid to trust him, because they do not want to be deceived.

Bogdan - Virgo

Strong, strong-willed and purposeful Bogdan-Virgo does not get tired of improving and changing. Day after day, he struggles with such shortcomings as insecurity, shyness and distrust. This man is well aware that negative emotions cannot become a creative force. With women, Bogdan-Virgo is gentle, attentive and courteous. He falls in love very rarely, but his feeling is always sincere and deep, which cannot but bribe.

Bogdan - Libra

For Bogdan-Libra, the approval of others is important, for whose respect he is ready to fight in every possible way. This man is smart and quick-witted, but he lacks confidence and self-confidence, so relatives should often focus on his merits. Women consider Bogdan-Libra to be too restrained and serious, although in fact he is sensual and temperamental, but only with one who can understand and accept him as he is.

Bogdan - Scorpio

This is the owner of a very complex character, which greatly complicates the quick-tempered, emotional and stubborn Bogdan-Scorpio life. The categoricalness of this man is amazing, as is intolerance towards those who have a different point of view. Moreover, he always tries to impose his principles on others, considering this quite appropriate. A woman of Bogdan-Scorpio must have truly angelic patience, otherwise the relationship will not last long.

Bogdan - Sagittarius

Sharp in his statements and impulsive, Bogdan-Sagittarius, behind his sharp character, hides uncertainty, as well as the fear of being in an uncomfortable or stupid position. He should learn to trust people, be more open and sincere, then positive changes will come into his life. Women like Bogdan-Sagittarius, only now they do not quite understand how to arrange and fall in love with this serious and categorical man.

Bogdan - Capricorn

The practicality and prudence of Bogdan-Capricorn help him achieve his goals. He prefers to live for today and make plans for the foreseeable future, but he does not like to remember the past. He is not interested in adventures and risky ventures, the main thing for him is stability. In a woman, Bogdan-Capricorn appreciates openness, intelligence and fidelity, especially since this man knows how to distinguish sincerity from lies and falsehood.

Bogdan - Aquarius

Diplomacy and tact of Bogdan-Aquarius are endearing, therefore he has many acquaintances and friends who respect the authoritative opinion of this erudite man who knows how to listen and understand. The contender for the heart of Bogdan-Aquarius must be not only smart and feminine, but also modest. In addition, Bogdan does not like conflicting and hysterical women who do not know how to find a compromise.

Bogdan - Pisces

This is a good-natured and unforgiving man who knows how to forgive. Bogdan-Pisces quickly converges with people, but he does not have very many real friends, since he is not used to trusting people. He is also wary of women, looking at his chosen one for a long time. It’s just that Bogdan-Pisces prefers to start a serious relationship that flows into a prosperous family life, while he considers light novels a waste of time.

Bogdan name compatibility with female names

Bogdan and Olga

This is a frequent union, which most often turns out to be very strong, since Bogdan and Olga have similar characters and have common interests and values.

In addition, marriage for both is a great opportunity to find stability, comfort, as well as family happiness and comfort.

Bogdan and Anna

Assertive and strong in spirit, Bogdan is looking for a fragile and calm woman who will make him family happiness. It is in Anna that he finds his ideal of femininity. But independent Anna and closed Bogdan should remember that such components as openness and mutual understanding are also important in relationships.

Bogdan and Elena

This is not a very strong relationship in which the practical Bogdan is not ready to indulge the whims of his restless chosen one. In addition, Elena does not really like household chores, which Bogdan is dissatisfied with, for whom everything should be perfect. Grievances, accumulating, can destroy this union.

Bogdan and Julia

In this rather complicated tandem, Yulia is not ready to focus solely on building a family, because by her nature she is a careerist. At the same time, Bogdan dreams of comfort and warmth, of a loving wife waiting for him from work with a delicious dinner and an affectionate smile.

Bogdan and Anastasia

Both have strong characters, while the aspirations of Bogdan and Anastasia are far from each other. So, a woman in this union wants independence and independence, which a man is not ready to give, because he himself wants to be a leader in the family. Nobody wants to compromise.

Bogdan and Tatiana

This is an exemplary couple in which there are no disagreements, since both partners think the same way and strive for the same goals. The thoroughness and reliability of Bogdan instills confidence in the future in the calm and gentle Tatyana. In addition, this couple does everything together: they solve problems and have a rest.

Bogdan and Ekaterina

This is a fragile tandem that does not bring any positive emotions into the life of Bogdan and Ekaterina. Yes, Bogdan is attracted by the wit of the charming Katya, but over time, the frivolity of his partner begins to annoy him, because he wants seriousness and stability.

Bogdan and Natalia

In this successful union, warm and open relations reign, in which both partners understand each other. Economical and stubborn Bogdan appreciates Natalya as a hardworking, reliable and understanding woman, ready to support in any situation. This marriage is strong and reliable.

Bogdan and Marina

Loyal and attentive Bogdan is the perfect match for a responsible and reliable Marina. Therefore, it is quite natural that, when meeting, these two converge once and for all in order to create a truly strong family, the relationship in which can only be envied.

Bogdan and Maria

Understanding and mutual assistance - these are the "whales" on which the tandem of Bogdan and Maria rests, who sincerely love each other, despite all the obstacles that are enough on the way to their family happiness. Moreover, this is the rare case when a married couple can create an excellent business union.

Bogdan and Svetlana

Sensitive and eccentric Svetlana is drawn to the practical and reasonable Bogdan, but after a certain time this relationship exhausts itself. As a result, the couple breaks up, sometimes without understanding what caused the separation of two once loving people.

Bogdan and Christina

Between Bogdan and Kristina warm and trusting relationship with no secrets. In this union, there are stubborn, hardworking and solid people who build their future together. The life of Bogdan and Christina is measured and calm, which absolutely suits them.

Bogdan and Victoria

The caring Bogdan gives Victoria reliability and protection, but in return demands humility, which his eccentric and impulsive partner cannot promise, while she is ready to surround her chosen one with affection, care and tenderness.

Only patience and mutual compromise will save this relationship.

Bogdan and Ksenia

Any peaks are submitted to this pair, because both partners are ambitious and assertive. In addition, Bogdan and Ksenia without extra words understand each other, so there are simply no unsolvable problems for them. They are united by common interests and hobbies, which is also important.

Bogdan and Yana

An enviable idyll reigns in this couple, based on trust, as well as a deep sense of love and respect. Bogdan and Yana do not know what jealousy is, on the contrary, they try to give each other a bit of freedom and independence. This is truly a happy union.

Bogdan and Alina

Alina's ambitiousness haunts her, because brilliant ideas constantly arise in the head of this girl, which she must implement. Such excessive activity is incomprehensible to Bogdan, who is used to approaching everything responsibly and wisely. But, having overcome contradictions, this couple can be strong.

Bogdan and Evgeniya

Evgenia is a talker, while Bogdan is always ready to listen to his soul mate, especially since common themes they have a lot. In general, this union is strong and reliable, because the calm Zhenya is always ready to make concessions to her imperious Bogdan.

Bogdan and Daria

Bogdan's restraint does not suit the emotional and temperamental Daria, who is used to finding out all the pros and cons at the stage of their occurrence. But Bogdan simply withdraws into himself and avoids problems, preferring to calm down first, and only then make any decisions.

Bogdan and Irina

Irina is the owner of refined taste, who loves to shine and attract attention to herself, which absolutely does not suit the jealous owner Bogdan, who is not ready to endure the flirting of his companion. Frequent quarrels on the basis of jealousy gradually destroy the love in this couple.

Bogdan and Olesya

This is a strong union, built on practicality, patience, dedication and love of Bogdan and Olesya, who honor family values and know how to preserve and increase their bright feeling. Both try to devote all their time to each other.

Bogdan and Polina

Polina, a homebody, fully corresponds to the ideal of an economic woman, Bogdan, for whom stability and prosperity are important in family life, and not Italian passions. Care, fidelity, love - these are the components without which both partners cannot imagine a happy family life.

Bogdan and Alena

Alena wants her every day to be like a holiday, forgetting that family life is hard work, in which there is not always time for unrestrained fun. All attempts by Bogdan to re-educate his chosen one fail, because of which the relationship ends.

Bogdan and Alexandra

This is the rare case when a woman manages to awaken in a man his best hidden sides. Alexandra finds the key that opens the secret door, behind which the temperamental, open and passionate Bogdan is waiting for her. In return, the man is ready to put the whole world at Sasha's feet.

Bogdan and Hope

The union of Nadezhda and Bogdan is concluded in heaven, because quarrels and disagreements never arise between them, they not only love each other, but also carry this feeling through their whole lives, never doubting it. This is the rare case when people do not need anyone other than their beloved soulmate.

Forms of the name Bogdan

Common name options: Bogdanka, Bogdasha, Danya, Bodya. Synonyms for the name Bogdan. Bagdan. Short form of the name Bogdan. , Boyda, Bogdik, Bogdanek, Bogo, Bogdasya, Boto, Botio, Boncho, Bonyo, Boni, Bobi, Boban, Dancho, Danyo, Danko, Dan, Danya, Dani, Dacho, Dachko, Bogdanko, Vogdas. Patronymic of the name Bogdan: Bogdanovich, Bogdanovna; unfold Bogdanich.

Name Bogdan in different languages

Consider the spelling and sounding of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 波格丹 (Bōgé dān). Japanese: ボグダン (Bogudan). Bengali: জন্য Bogdan (Jan "ya Bogdan). Yiddish: באָגדאַן (Bʼágdʼan). Ukrainian: Bogdan. Punjabi: ਬੌਗਡਨ (Baugaḍana). English: Bogdan (Bogdan).

origin of the name Bogdan

Often, parents, without realizing it, give the name Bogdan to children whose birth was associated with anxiety and anxieties. Therefore, in most cases, Bogdan is the only, long-awaited, and possibly late child. The mother takes pity on her beloved child and, on the one hand, indulges his whims too much and does not allow the father's son to be brought up at all. So it turns out that Bogdan is very jealous of his mother, trying with all his might not to let her go from him. For example, a tantrum arranged by a boy will not come as a surprise if his mother decides to chat with a girlfriend for a long time.

The nature of the name Bogdan

Bogdan outwardly is a balanced, self-controlled person, but meanwhile animal instincts are very strong in him. He prefers the company of people who are not burdened with high intelligence and some psychological tricks: he has enough understanding and love to be happy. In any situation, it is difficult to expect an explosion of emotions from him: why be nervous and angry if nothing can be changed? However, Bogdan has a practical mind, and if he suggests the possibility of a small loophole to improve the situation, Bogdan immediately takes advantage of it and, with his characteristic slowness, honorably gets out of an unpleasant situation in which a more refined intellect and more sophisticated feelings will get bogged down.

A calm, self-aware person, somewhat withdrawn and dryish, often tight-fisted, arrogant and categorical. Strives to be well and thoroughly settled in life. persistent in search extra income, he is economical in expenses, but he never spares money for vacations.

Monogamous and, moreover, jealous, in his wife most of all appreciates humility, so not every woman will be happy next to him. He does not forgive adultery, he immediately divorces. In choosing a life partner, spiritual closeness, mutual understanding, and common intellectual interests are important for him. His wife feels secure around him. Sex does not play a primary role in his life, but an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for a long time and deprive him of a sense of confidence.

Bogdan is lucky and successful, courageous to the point of desperation, active and agile, professions that require strength, dexterity, instant decision-making and quick reaction are suitable for him. On the way to the intended goal, there are no obstacles for him. By old age, he becomes a conservative, somewhat squeamish and confident in his own rightness.

As a child, the boy is stubborn, obstinate and capricious, strongly attached to his mother.

Adult Bogdan controls himself, but is often internally aggressive. However, it is quite easy to communicate with him, he knows how to adapt, find a way out of the most hopeless situation. Bogdan keeps everything inside himself, but his character is unbalanced, sometimes he breaks down and then he looks ugly.

Bogdan does not reveal his dreams and plans even to close friends. He has an excellent memory, friends consider him a "walking encyclopedia". There are many friends, they share his tastes and sympathies, and Bogdan easily succumbs to their influence, which does not always benefit him. Most often, these friends do not have high intelligence, and against their background Bogdan becomes a prominent figure, which gives him confidence in his abilities.

Bogdan's intuition is not bad, but he does not trust her, prefers to follow reason. He has a strong character, purposeful, gravitates towards medical research. Can be an artist, musician, historian.

Bogdan is amorous, very sensitive and will always understand how you really feel about him. A happy marriage is good for him, he flourishes, settles well in life. In the family circle, he strives for leadership, is categorical and stubborn. However, he knows that he must provide for his family, equip the house.

Astrological characteristics of the name Bogdan

name color: green
Radiation Bogdan: 87%
planets: mars
A rock-mascot: green marble
Plant Bogdan: laurel
Totemic animal Bogdan: a vampire

The main character traits of Bogdan: morality, will, receptivity, good health

Additional characteristics of the name Bogdan:

Vibration: 94,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 81%
Psyche Bogdan: extrovert, open to the world
Health Bogdan: nervous disorders

Positive traits of the name

Self-confidence, perseverance in achieving specific goals, firmness of character, mental balance, sober calculation and logic in thinking, restraint of impulses and emotions. Bogdan is observant, prone to analysis, has a rather mobile mind, is resourceful, and is not subject to internal conflicts.

Negative traits of the name

Vanity and ambition, selfishness, internal tension, excessive categoricalness and inability to compromise.

Choosing a profession by name

Bogdan is gifted with creative and commercial abilities. Can realize himself in art, show business as a performer and leader. He is not afraid of difficulties in organizing a new business, perfectly adapts to a variety of situations, knows how to establish business relations even with those who are unpleasant to him. In a critical situation and in the event of danger, he opens up new potential opportunities in himself, is resourceful, able to evade persecution.

The impact of the name on business

Material well-being and peace mean a lot in Bogdan's life. Thanks to the right choice of path, diligence and perseverance, Bogdan manages to secure a comfortable existence for himself. Can live one day without saving money for a rainy day. For the sake of this, he can neglect ambitious plans. His motto is: "The end justifies the means."

The impact of the name on health

Bogdan is hardy, able to resist disease, but he may have an unusual disease internal organs or digestive problems. Internal tension and constant containment of emotions can ruin Bogdan's health as early as adolescence. He is prone to neuralgic pains, disorders nervous system and psyche.

Name psychology

Bogdan is secretive, independent, does not tolerate humiliation, but at the same time he can look for a person whom he could trust all his life. Values ​​calm and respectful relationships. He just needs the warmth of a loved one. Bogdan belongs to those people who are "their own head", so it is difficult to argue with him or give him advice. With people who irritate him, he can be quite tough. Already in childhood, he can show resistance to his parents if he is put too much pressure on him. You can avoid conflict with Bogdan if you resort to "iron" logic, writing down all the "pluses" and "minuses" of his position.

Characteristics of Bogdan in the opinion of P. Rouge

Personality. Seeking men.

Character. 81%.

Radiation. 87%.

Vibration. 94,000 vibrations/s

Color. Green.

Main features. Susceptibility - morality - health - will.

Totem plant. Laurel.

totem animal. A vampire

Sign. Aries.

A type. Very balanced, self-controlled, but meanwhile they have strong animal instincts.

Psyche. Living or working with them is quite pleasant. They revolve in a simple society, where they have enough understanding and love to be happy. They are extroverts by nature and always watch the world with interest.

Will. They give the impression of spontaneity and lightness, far from hard efforts.

Excitability. Everyone keeps inside themselves, but sometimes breaks down.

Speed ​​reaction. Slow. Why be nervous or angry, they say, if the situation still does not change?

Field of work. It is from them that “eternal students” are obtained. They are irresistibly attracted to medicine and psychology. Adaptability and a fervent imagination make them good writers, educators, and politicians.

Intuition. Bogdan trusts not intuition, but reason.

Intelligence. They have the gift to find a way out of even the most hopeless situations and an excellent memory, the latter gives them the right to be considered a "walking encyclopedia".

Susceptibility. Very sensitive, they will always understand whether you are sincere or not.

Moral. Do not ask these men why they did this and not otherwise - their actions always meet the requirements of morality.

Health. Good health is a consequence of their balance, and only if they do not adhere to the correct lifestyle, they can be disturbed by nervous disorders.

Sexuality. It all depends on the strength of heartfelt attachment... They simply blossom in marriage.

Activity. Corresponds to their balanced character.

Sociability. They manage to gather friends around them who share their tastes, sympathies and views.

Conclusion. There is no perfection in this world, so they are not perfect either. They can also go astray, get lost, but Bogdan is always able to find a way out and his own solution to the problem.

Sexuality of the name Bogdan

Bogdan has the nature of a dreamer, he is self-absorbed and quite self-satisfied. This is a deeply intuitive nature, he is distinguished by fidelity and a jealous stubborn character. The adultery of his wife absolutely does not accept and is capable, if such a thing is found, for an immediate divorce.

In communicating with a woman, the main thing for him is spiritual closeness, understanding, similar intellectual interests. Not with every woman he is able to create an alliance. He is not at all indifferent to sex, but he does not like to advertise his connections, he does not tolerate conversations on intimate topics, which men often have among themselves.

He can take care of a woman for a long time, meet her, show various signs of attention before deciding on intimacy. Although by nature Bogdan is reserved and timid, he can make the most risky decisions.

"Summer" Bogdan loves variety in the emotional sphere and from time to time complicates his life. He is noble, no matter what happens, his chosen one can always rely on him. In any situation, he knows how not to lose his presence of mind, hope and faith. He is sentimental, but tries not to show it, his reliability gives a woman confidence and has an exciting effect on her. A frivolous woman is not able to win his trust, his subtle intuition protects him from many disappointments and deceit. He wants to be sure that his girlfriend belongs exclusively to him, and only then is he able to feel the fullness of sexual experiences. He makes high demands on his future wife, so it may take years before he makes his choice. He is very afraid of making a mistake, because an unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for a long time and deprive him of a sense of confidence. Communicating with Bogdan, a woman always feels protected, completely safe.

"Autumn" Bogdan most often marries the woman he has known for a long time. He may have love affairs on the side - he is generally no stranger to entertainment.

Bogdan is suitable for "summer" women.

The mystery of the name Bogdan according to B. Khigir.

Translated from Old Slavonic - "bestowed by God." In early childhood, Bogdan is a calm and accommodating boy, he does not cause trouble to his parents, kindergarten teachers and teachers at school. A boy with this name is talented, he has early musical abilities, he loves to dance and choreograph, he reads a lot. At school - an excellent student, Bogdan has an excellent memory. Often this boy surprises teachers with his knowledge, which goes far beyond the school curriculum. After school, Bogdan always tries to enter a university, graduates from it, like a school with honors. Often enters the conservatory, becomes a musician.

Bogdan is devoted to his chosen profession, he is a true enthusiast of his work. This man has been working in the same place for many years, enjoys the love and respect of his colleagues. Often he becomes a leader, but does not abuse his position. Bogdan is modest, diligent, attentive to the people around him. A man with this name is intelligent, self-possessed, does not give vent to his emotions. He never judges rashly, always tries to figure it out and only then decides how to act and relate to what is happening.

Bogdan never imposes his opinion on other people and respects someone else's point of view. A man with this name does not tolerate rudeness towards women. Often he is shy, vulnerable, takes grievances hard, but does not show it. Bogdan loves to tinker with books, understands art and constantly visits museums and art galleries. Bogdan marries twice, the second marriage is happy. He is faithful to his wife, loves children. Bogdan has great success with women, despite the fact that he is usually not very experienced in love games. However, he takes his charm, affection and willingness to meet all the desires of a partner. He always takes care not only about himself, but also about the woman with whom he enters into an intimate relationship.

Bogdan always tries to adapt to his partner, does not like to force women and put pressure on them. He loves partners older and more experienced than himself, affectionate and uninhibited. This man, out of curiosity, wants to try different types sex, but still prefers intimacy without any special tricks. Failures in intimate relationships do not discourage Bogdan, on the contrary, they make him want to try again. Although, if he cannot find a woman who would completely satisfy him, he becomes nervous. But Bogdan never takes his anger out on his partner, even if he is dissatisfied with her. He always tries to find a way out of the situation, try again, often calls a woman for a frank conversation. This man is not shy about discussing their sexual relationship with his partner. Bogdan always has only one woman, he does not like to deceive a woman with whom he has an intimate relationship, but he also does not tolerate deception on her part.

Bogdan always enters into an intimate relationship with a woman before marriage to check sexual compatibility, since sex is as important to him as love. Bogdan, born in winter, is cautious and distrustful. He looks at his chosen one for a long time, studies her character and habits, before offering her to have sex. This Bogdan is a gentle, affectionate, charming man, he is often handsome. He is very popular with the opposite sex.

Bogdan chooses a partner equal to him in intelligence and experience, or higher than himself. He is demanding of a partner and does not like inexperienced women. Bogdan does not tolerate slovenliness and disorganization, he is demanding, a woman who is constantly late for a date with him takes risks, because Bogdan can break off relations with her.

Winter Bogdan always attracts attention. He is very popular with the opposite sex. This man is handsome, he has a good tongue, he is a great storyteller, cheerful, witty, charming. This Bogdan loves to conquer women. However, he doesn't always succeed. But this man experiences failures in love easily, he does not get upset for a long time, and immediately takes up the old. Spring Bogdan is complex in character, he is stubborn and proud, loves to achieve his goal, to win. This man tries to be the first in everything. He is faithful to friendship, often friendship means much more to him than love.

Bogdan, born in the summer, is good-natured, flexible, slow-witted. He loves to make new acquaintances, go to visit, invite people to his home. He is charming, elegant, successful with women. Autumn Bogdan is practical, sensible, but contradictory and sometimes inconsistent in actions. The most important thing in his life is work. He is energetic, purposeful, with a quick reaction and willpower. This Bogdan is a materialist. He prefers long caresses, this is very important for him, as it gives him the opportunity to feel his partner better.

Compatibility of the name Bogdan and patronymic

Bogdan Borisovich, Vadimovich, Vitalievich, Grigorievich, Pavlovich, Eduardovich has a controversial character, shows stubbornness with or without reason. Somewhat lazy. Doesn't get along well with "winter" people, prefers "summer" ones. Only the woman who earns his trust, recognizes his refined nature, and becomes his support in difficult times can become his wife. Bogdan in extreme conditions is indecisive, capricious, wayward. Often complains of a difficult fate, needs pity and attention. Subject to nervous breakdowns, depression. He does not like to do housework, but then he vigilantly monitors how his wife copes with it. She is not involved in raising children, only sometimes she can take part in their games.

Bogdan Andreevich, Arkadievich, Kirillovich, Matveevich, Nikitich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Yakovlevich is balanced, with his amazing calmness he is able to influence the interlocutor. Sociable, can not stand loneliness. Marries in adulthood, seriously approaches the issue of creating a family. He takes a modest, serious woman, economic and devoted, as his wife. He is caring in the family, knows how to cook deliciously and sets the table for guests with pleasure. A faithful husband, too sensible to have an affair on the side. He devotes a lot of time to children. Be sure to get a pet for them, he willingly tinkers with him. Most of all he loves dogs and fish.

Bogdan Bogdanovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich is easy to communicate with. His life is not easy, his talent is not revealed immediately, the formation of his personality takes a long time. Has a sense of humor. Very amorous, can spontaneously marry in early youth, but this marriage, as a rule, is fragile. Remarriage, concluded in adulthood, will be happy. Willingly helps his wife around the house, but does not dictate his own rules. Knows how to make, but only when there is a desire. He loves children, does not stop relations with a child from his first marriage, takes an active part in his personal life provides financially. Not inclined to change sexual partners, loves stability in intimate relationships. Appreciates intelligence and devotion in a woman.

Bogdan Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Egorovich, Iosifovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is closed and laconic. Restrained in manifestations of feelings, stingy. In family life, he strives for unconditional leadership. He takes a calm and patient woman as his wife. Demands unquestioning obedience from her, can shout at her, emphasize his superiority. Not distinguished by tact and delicacy. With friends, he likes to show off his dominant position in the family. It is difficult to get along with him, but you can be sure that he will never leave his family. He needs to have a strong rear, which he finds in the family. He is not at all interested in the household and does not take part in its conduct. He is strict with children, but he is not involved in their upbringing.

Bogdan Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is quick-tempered and conflicted. He likes to argue, he does not know how to lose. Great actor. Wise with experience, gives good advice. He rarely makes mistakes in calculations. He loves noisy companies, he welcomes guests with pleasure, you can come to him at any time, he will be glad to everyone. He tries to surprise his friends with his exquisite taste and hospitality. He is generous with his soul, loves to give gifts to loved ones, often brings flowers to his wife. He enjoys the manifestation of his cordiality. Marries late, chooses a spouse for a long time. He takes an accommodating, compliant woman, patient and not overbearing, as his wife. An attentive loving spouse, but very jealous and aggressive, especially when drunk, can make a scandal in the house. He strives to re-educate his wife, forces her to adapt to his rhythm of life, which is why marriage often breaks up. Economical, somewhat fisted, constantly points out to his wife about unnecessary expenses. He is strict with children, does not spoil them, but he also does little to educate them.

Horoscope named after Bogdan

According to the sign of the Zodiac, the name Bogdan corresponds to Taurus, and Mercury is the patron planet. According to the horoscope, the pronunciation and meaning of the name Bogdan correspond to the following character traits: perseverance, artistry, ambition. Name colors (not necessarily favorites): dark brown, sometimes red and black. Lucky colors for Bogdan: orange and yellow. The Bogdanovs have only one talisman stone, this is carnelian, however, sometimes gold is also added to the list of stones of this name.

Notable people named Bogdan

Bogdan-Zinoviy Khmelnitsky ((1595 - 1657) hetman of the Zaporizhzhya army, commander and statesman. Organizer and ideological leader of the uprising of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks against the authorities of the Commonwealth, the result of which, in the process of a nine-year struggle, was the foundation of a new state formation - the Zaporizhzhya Army, which in part of the Commonwealth (formally) and then Russia existed until the end of the 18th century.)
Bogdan Mikhnevich ((1951 - 2000) Soviet and Ukrainian sound engineer, sound engineer)
Bogdan Deditsky ((1827 - 1909) the first professional Galician-Russian journalist, writer and poet)
Bogdan Nilus ((1866 - ?) Russian architect)
Bogdan Saltanov ((c. 1630 - 1703) is also referred to as Ivan Ievlev (ich) Saltanov; court painter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his successors, chief master of the Armory (since 1686). Author of icons, illustrations for manuscripts, parsun. By origin - an Armenian from Persia.)
Bogdan Stupka ((born 1941) Ukrainian theater and film actor)
Bogdan Schweitzer ((1816 - 1873) Russian astronomer and astrometerist)
Bogdan Glinsky ((d.1509/1512) is also known as "Mamai"; prince from the Glinsky family, governor of Cherkasy (1488 - 1495) and Putivl (1495 - 1497). One of the atamans of the Ukrainian Cossack detachments and the leader of military campaigns against the Crimean Tatars .)
Bogdan Lobonc (Romanian footballer)
Bogdan Gelfreich 1st ((1776 - 1843) real name - Gottgard August von Gelfreich; Russian military leader, lieutenant general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, came from an old Estonian noble family)
Bogdan Blavatsky ((born 1963) Ukrainian football player and football coach)
Bogdan von Glazenap ((1811 - 1892) real name - Gottlieb Friedrich; admiral (1869), adjutant general, chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, member of the Admiralty Council, agent of the Naval Ministry in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (1855 - 1856), collector materials on the history of the fleet of the XVIII-XIX centuries)
Bogdan Belsky ((d.1611) a prominent figure in the oprichnina, a participant in the Livonian War. Nephew of Malyuta Skuratov. An associate of Ivan the Terrible in recent years, was his agent in various diplomatic assignments (in particular, in negotiations with England). The tsar died in the presence of Belsky ( according to one version, he was strangled by him and Boris Godunov) when they played chess with him. Appointed by Ivan to the regency council under Fyodor Ioannovich.)
Bogdan Benyuk (Soviet and Ukrainian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Ukraine)
Bogdan Sliva ((1922 - 2003) Polish chess player; grandmaster (1987), 6-time champion of Poland (1946, 1951-1954, 1960); in the national championships 1957, 1961 and 1967 - 2nd places)
Bohdan Shershun (Ukrainian footballer)
Jon Bogdan Mara (Romanian football player)
Bogdan Mamonov ((born 1964) Russian artist, curator, art critic, author of installations, paintings, video slide films, performances, book illustrations)
Bogdan Kiselevich ((born 1990) Russian hockey player, defender)
Bogdan Haushi (Romanian footballer)
Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist, art historian and politician. He made an important contribution to the study of ancient art. In 1918 he discovered the Trebenishta necropolis of the Iron Age, rich in gold and iron products.)
Bogdan Khashdeu ((1836 - 1907) real name - Faddey Alexandrovich Khizdeu; Moldavian and Romanian writer, poet, philologist, publicist, historian)
Bogdan Chaly ((born 1924) Ukrainian children's writer, poet and prose writer. Member of the Great Patriotic War, collaborated with army newspapers. In 1947 he published the first collection of poems for children "On a Clear Sunny Morning". In 1951-1975 he edited the Ukrainian children's magazine "Periwinkle", an analogue of "Murzilka" or "Funny Pictures". Author of the books "How Periwinkle Became a Hero", fairy tale poems: "How Periwinkle and Daisy Flew Over the Sea", "Periwinkle and Spring", "Periwinkle at School" Author of the well-illustrated book "One Hundred Adventures of Periwinkle and Chamomile". And in 2002, new adventures of Periwinkle "Periwinkle and Distant Constellations" were published. In 1974, at the XIV Congress of the International Council for Children's and Youth Literature, Bogdan Chaly for the fairy tale "Periwinkle and Spring" awarded an honorary diploma (prize) named after G.Kh. Andersen.)
Bogdan Zvonko ((born 1942) is a singer of traditional folk music of Vojvodina. But he is famous not only as a singer, but also as a composer, artist and jockey. But he is best known for his courteous and gentlemanly manner. Zvonko Bogdan sings original and traditional songs (especially songs belonging to the Bunev ethnic group), accompanied by the traditional "tamburitsa orchestra".)
Bogdan Goronzhuk ((born 1934) Polish poet, songwriter, graphic artist)
Bogdan Khitrovo ((1615 - 1680) Russian boyar, founder of the Moscow Armory)
Bogdan Titomir ((born 1967) Russian pop singer, DJ)
Jozef Bogdan Zaleski ((1802 - 1886) Polish poet)
Bogdan Filov ((1883 - 1945) Bulgarian archaeologist and politician)
Bogdan Diklich ((born 1953) Serbian theater and film actor)
Bogdan Stela ((born 1967) Romanian footballer)
Bogdan Olteanu ((born 1971) Romanian politician)

"given by God"

origin of the name Bogdan


Characteristics of the name Bogdan

as a rule, it is a long-awaited, late and only child, whose birth was associated with great anxieties and hopes. Bogdan has been strongly attached to his mother all his life. In childhood, he often gets sick, easily gets cold, and the mother, worrying about the health of her son, indulges all his whims. At school, Bogdan usually makes friends with those who are successful with his comrades and will be able to protect him. In family life, monogamous and strives for leadership. Thrifty, sometimes stingy, but does not spare money for rest. Bogdan usually has abilities, even talent, but laziness, which passes over the years, often interferes with developing them to the fullest. An adult Bogdan is a calm person who knows his own worth, in whom there is a noticeable desire to thoroughly settle in life. Achieves high skill in a profession that does not require inspiration and improvisation. At the same time, he can have artistry, and then good artists, musicians, historians, military leaders come out of Bogdanov.

Famous people: Hetman Bogdan Khmelnytsky - the initiator of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. The Soviet and Ukrainian actor Bogdan Stupka is also well known today.

Name Bogdan - when is the name day?

January 14, March 3, May 31, June 11, June 20, July 17, September 15, October 25, November 16, November 20

Derivatives of the name Bogdan:

Bogdanka, Bogdash, Bogda, God, Body.

What zodiac signs will suit the name Bogdan:

The name Bogdan suits those born under the signs of Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius.

Harmony with name bearers:

Name bearer incompatibilities:


The name Bogdan in the Orthodox tradition corresponds to the name Theodot. Theodotus was the bishop of the city of Kyrenia in Cyprus. During the persecution of Christians, he called on the pagans to leave idolatry and turn to the true God. The governor of Cyprus Savin ordered to find and bring the bishop. Theodotus, without waiting for the sent soldiers, himself appeared to the governor with dictionaries: "I am the one you are looking for, I have come to preach Christ my God." Theodotus was subjected to inhuman torture. Many witnesses of the sufferings of the martyr, struck by his patience and faith, came to believe in Christ. Upon learning of this, Savin ordered to stop the torture and imprisoned Theodotos. Later, the saint was released, returned to Kyrenia, and, after two years of episcopal service, peacefully reposed in the Lord around the year 326.