Day of the angel eve according to the church calendar. Eve's name day

  • 29.09.2019

head of catechesis courses of the Dnepropetrovsk diocese, cleric of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God:

– This question is connected with a serious church problem – neophyteism. The fact that the overwhelming majority of believers in the post-Soviet (post-atheist) space are new converts (neophytes) is quite axiomatic and does not require statistical confirmation. Well, neophytes inevitably want to testify to everyone around them that they belong to one or another religious structure.

There is no doubt that the feelings of these people are sincere and beautiful. Although the outward manifestations of their delight look naive, sometimes they are simply ridiculous and even stupid.

Neophyteism often manifests itself in appearance, but the naming of children in Orthodox families with rare biblical names also belongs to the same phenomenon. Although in former times it was more characteristic of sectarians: Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, etc.

For the Orthodox, this range expands to any rare Christian names that are in the calendar. But it should be noted that the attitude towards the saints has always been quite differentiated. That is, there are names by which monastics were most often called.

However, some names ceased to be purely monastic, and became more even secular. For example, the name Margarita - earlier this name was mainly called nuns. But this is hardly an exception.

"There's something sectarian about it"

– The neophyte complex itself, including the tendency to call children by rare biblical names, is, in my opinion, a sign of unconscious pride. A person seems to want to fight pride, but in reality he simply does not see that, sticking out his religiosity, he only found to realize pride new form. And children with such exotic names will have not only hard, but somewhat uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Society consists of different people, and such names can cause ridicule for some, and irritation for others. Although, of course, people from the environment of neophytes treat such names with approval. The neophyte is fixated on his new worldview model and, as a rule, wants to turn the whole world upside down so that it becomes consonant with his new beliefs. There is something sectarian about it. Therefore, the biblical names are perceived by others in combination with his annoying behavior and cause irritation.

“There is a name in the calendar - there is nowhere to go”

- And when they ask to be baptized with some very well rare name, and I want to recommend: well, then name the prophet Isaiah called his son: Meger Shelal Hash Baz. (True, he is not numbered among the saints). Or the name of the holy martyr Khusdazad - there is such a name in the calendar. In such cases, I invite parents to think, but do not insist. And there is no reason to refuse to baptize a child with that name: this name is in the holy calendar - there is nowhere to go.

This doesn't happen often in our parish, but no, no, it does happen. It was possible to baptize with the names of Rachel, Rebekah, Sampson. Somehow they brought a boy, Solomon, to be baptized. But with Solomon it is easier - the Church did not rank him among the saints.

Although there are quite a lot of biblical names and at the same time quite common. So, for example, after a long oblivion, they again began to call the boys Thomas. And the name David did become very popular.

And, of course, the name that many consider to be almost the most Russian is Ivan. In fact, it is not Russian, but of Jewish, biblical origin. True, the Jews have not called their children by this name for a long time. In their opinion, the fact that the name John (Heb. Yochanan) has become so common among Christian nations: Johannes (Hans), John, Jan, Jean, Juan - “discredits” him, and calling Jewish boys by that name is completely unacceptable. Even here, however, there are exceptions.

And finally, in recent times, the names Adam and Eve are often found. In Russia, these names were not so rare, and the name Eva, as it seemed to me, began to revive a little earlier than the name Adam. True, most often you have to call it that when they bring a girl with the name Evelina to be baptized. These names are often chosen by non-church people, because the names Adam and Eve are significant in secular culture and art.

“Any extremes are from demons”

But now we are not talking about such biblical names as Thomas, Adam and Eve, and even more so not about the name Ivan. And about the fact that the very desire to give children rare, even exotic names is due to the tendency to emphasize their peculiarity and exclusivity. However, the propensity for the exotic most often causes irritation and can be perceived as a kind of manifestation of marginality. And it will inevitably affect children.

For parents, choosing such names can be a form of outrageousness to show that we are not like everyone else. But it's one thing with a similar purpose to put on some kind of awkward T-shirt - he vilified it and threw it away. And another thing is to give a person a name.

Therefore, parents, when choosing a name for a child, must take into account all facets: so that it is both familiar, and euphonious, and Orthodox. Because if there is an inflection in one direction, then it gives a general roll. I do not remember which of the holy fathers, in my opinion, Saint Ambrose Optinsky said: "Any extremes are from demons." So in the naming of children, extremes must also be avoided.

“The child should be given such a name so that he falls in love with him” - the opinion of the head of the registry office

has been in charge of the city registry office in Vinnitsa for more than 30 years:

- There are parents who, even before the doors of the registry office, are arguing about what name to name the child. And it happens that not only dad and mom, but the whole family gathers and all relatives, in order to choose a name for the child, discuss, consult. They treat this responsibly - not just “the neighbor has a girl Nastenka, and we will call ourselves that.”

The child should be given such a name that he fell in love with him. Because if a child does not like his name, there will be no sense. And this is not a child who does not love his name - this is a child who is not loved in the family. He was named so that he was uncomfortable.

And such an observation: if a person comes to change his name, it means that the family could not make him fall in love with him. It depends on the parents and other relatives - they didn’t give the child something, some kind of trouble in the family.

Ancient unusual names of children, of course, are called - but this does not often happen. For example, with the name Savva, we register three children per year - no more. Now people have begun to look at church calendars: Catholics look in their own way, Jews in their own way, and Orthodox too. But Ukrainians twist the names - they do not write Kirilo, as it should be according to dictionaries, but Cyril, with two Ukrainian "i". Or Christina instead of Christina. Correctly in Ukrainian they do not want to call.

And during registration, parents can even call the child an Electric Pillar, even a Light Bulb. There are no restrictions. We write it down like this: "The name of the child is assigned by agreement of the parents." Especially when a non-traditional name is chosen or its spelling differs from the generally accepted one. Now they began to call children more by the names of grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers - they want the name to be preserved in the family and live on.

“Biblical names have the same right to restoration in the life of society as any other” - the opinion of a philologist

Natalya Ivanova, philologist, now working in an Orthodox kindergarten in Kaliningrad:

– And in our kindergarten there are many children with biblical and ancient Christian names. Most often they are the children of priests. I have two sisters in the group - Anastasia and Pelageya, there is also Fedor, Matvey, Mark, Makar.

As a philologist, I can say that every nation has its preferred names, which they use as national ones and pass on to the next generations. In Russia, for a long time, the saints played the main role in choosing a name. In the Soviet period, all rights were transferred to the registry office, that is, from the church to the state, which influenced the variety of names for babies, the so-called neologism names. V recent history there are no clear preferences towards the names of "secular", biblical, old Russian, etc.

Personally, I believe that names as such fix and transmit cultural attitudes and stereotypes from generation to generation, and the modern world is prone to universality in this matter as well. In particular, biblical names have the same right to life, more precisely, to restoration in the life of society, like any others.

“Themistocluses with Alcides and a crystal bridge across the river” - the opinion of a psychologist

Olga Shurygina, consultant psychologist at Yandex, St. Petersburg:

- When such names are given to children, then someone just wants to show off, and someone, perhaps, thinks that "whatever you call a yacht, so it will float." It seems to me that when choosing a name, one should be guided by an ear for music and respect for the future of the child, and not burden him with his cultural meanings or his fantasies about beautiful life heroes of epics and legends.

With an unsuccessful choice of name, the child may suffer. Either start to dislike and be ashamed of yourself, or secretly hate your parents. Nothing good - I would not experiment. And she allowed the authorities to change the problematic name in such cases. But maybe the child will be lucky with the psyche, and he will not care.

And I don’t think that the craving for exotic biblical names is manifested only among Orthodox believers. This is all that Gogol has already described. Remember the sons of Manilov? Themistoclus and Alcides. Claims for education and aristocracy. Meanwhile, at the very book, laid on the 14th page for two years already. What else to add to Gogol?!

There are rare cases when they are named after an idol that everyone knows about. And that is not healthy for a child, but at least it is understandable. Couldn't resist. And in all other cases - Themistocluses with Alcides and a crystal bridge across the river.

“If only the spouses did not quarrel when naming the child”

- Probably, the business of every parent and mother is how to name their children, - believes Natalya Grom, police major from Vinnitsa. – Although we should take into account the time in which we live, so that the child later in adult life would be comfortable with one name or another.

Everything depends on the name itself. Many do not even know, naming children, for example, Jacob or Eve, that these names are biblical, - says journalist Ludmila Kalita from Kiev. – However, there are many other names in the Bible that are not so attractive in sound (at least in our latitudes and in our time). When naming a child one of these, it is worth remembering that the children with whom your child will definitely communicate every day are not familiar with the meaning of all the names in the world. Therefore, we must prepare to wipe away his tears, if in the garden, in the yard or school to his unusual name picked up a derogatory name.

“I don’t like it when children are called rare biblical names,” says Vadim Romanenko, head of the company "Union of Publishing Houses" (Kyiv). “It's like putting on a frilly outfit that might be empty behind it.

“To be honest, I like it when children are called “old” names, and I sincerely groan and gasp if I hear that a newborn was named Luke or Elisha,” says Mother Victoria Mogilnaya, mother of eight children from Kiev.

When our fifth daughter was born, only such unusual names as Yazdundodkta were in the calendar nearby, and my husband gave me the freedom of choice. Now, despite all the banter from close relatives, we have a daughter with the ancient name of Eva. We also have Tikhon. True, he was born on the Annunciation. The Lord gave "according to his heart" - to name his son in honor of one of the most beloved saints.

To paraphrase Chesterton, I like everything "that prevents us from becoming truly modern people."

The name, probably, is also a kind of echo of bygone eras, where letters were written with a pen, and happiness did not depend on the presence hot water in the tap. If only the spouses did not quarrel when naming the child, and both liked the name. And whether it is ancient or not, fashionable or the most ordinary, it does not matter, it seems to me. This is the name of a saint, which means that we have hope for support and prayerful intercession.

Prepared by Anna Arkusha

Short form of the name Eve. Evushka, Evochka, Evka, Efi, Evita.
Synonyms for the name Eve. Yves, Willow, Eva, Hava, Ava, Efa, Eba.
Origin of the name Eva The name Eve is Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

The name Eve is the name of the progenitor of all mankind. It comes from the Hebrew name Hava, meaning "giving life", "life". In a modern context, it can be translated as "live", "mobile", "naughty". In some languages ​​​​of Christian nations, this name entered as Eva (Czech, Polish), Iva (English). In Georgian - Khava.

Eve is also short form not only some female (Evangelina, Eugenia, Evdokia, Evnika), but also male names - Evstigney, Eutropius. A variant of the name - Ava - is also an independent name.

The diminutive address Evita is also an independent name.

A woman named Eva has a strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control herself in any situation. She has such qualities as poise, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness. Eva has her own, different from others, view of everything that can happen in life. Eva has her own, different from others, view of everything that can happen in life, and she always has her own opinion on various issues as a priority, which does not depend on what others may think.

Such a woman has elevated level intellect. If any enterprise seems to her questionable in terms of morality or law, she will never get involved in it. A woman named Eva, as a rule, has a flexible and resourceful mind. Eve is reasonable: she trusts facts and logic more than her intuition. She tries to plan and build her own life and determine the values ​​​​in it.

As for a career, Eva can often become a top-class professional in medicine, linguistics, can be a teacher or a specialist in modeling and tailoring. He performs well in administrative and clerical work.

When it comes to love, its inherent logic and rationality recede into the background. Now it's affectionate, tender, cheerful woman, you will never get bored with her. As a life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners next to her. She will not marry until she finds a man who would fully correspond to her ideals. It often happens that Eve's first marriage may not be entirely successful.

In the family, she is the head, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with that name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent culinary specialist who will delight not only her family, but also guests with her edible masterpieces. From this, the husband is constantly crazy about his wife. Usually, Eva's family life always brings her happiness and lasts for many years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and tries to build a family nest outside her husband's parental home.

Often Eva can be strict with other people, principled, even a little conflicting, and sometimes it’s even impossible to predict how she will behave in a minute. But at the same time, she is quite cheerful and sociable.

sound. Eva is a short name, all consonants in which are voiced. The vast majority of people pay attention to its beauty. Almost always, tenderness (93%), mystery (90%) and majesty (90%) of the sound of the name are also noted. Sometimes a certain femininity is also distinguished in it (92%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Aisha, Amalia and Leila.

Eve's name day

Notable people named Eva

  • Eve (the foremother of all people, the first woman (in Kabbalistic versions - the second after Lilith), the wife of Adam, made from his rib, the mother of Cain, Abel and Seth)
  • Eva Denise Curie-Labouasse ((1904 - 2007) French and American writer and public figure)
  • Maria Eva Duarte de Peron ((1919 - 1952) Argentine actress, politician, first lady of Argentina, second wife of President Juan Peron, character in Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical "Evita", based on her biography, also known as Evita)
  • Eva Anna Paula Braun (last day of life - surname Hitler; mistress of Adolf Hitler, then his wife)
  • Eva Romanova (Czechoslovakian figure skater who danced on ice with her brother Pavel Roman; four-time world champions and two-time European champions)
  • Eva Jacqueline Longoria Parker (American actress and model, best known for her role as Gabrielle Solis on Desperate Housewives)
  • Eve Arden ((1908 - 1990) American film actress)
  • Yves Kuehler ((born 1936) American conductor)
  • Eve Curie, Eva Curie, Eva Curie ((1904 - 2007) French writer and public figure, daughter of Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
  • Eva Rutkai ((1927 - 1986) Hungarian actress)
  • Eva Simonaityte ((1897 - 1978) Lithuanian writer, people's writer of Lithuania)
  • Eva Mendes (American actress)
  • Eva Figes (English writer, literary critic, author of studies in the field of feminism, as well as memoirs describing her childhood in Berlin and the subsequent experience as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany)
  • Eva Herzigova (Herzigova) (Czech top model and actress)
  • Eva Neumann (German-Ukrainian film director, citizen of Ukraine)
  • Eva Rivas (real name - Valeria Alexandrovna Reshetnikova-Tsaturyan; Russian-Armenian pop singer)
  • Eva Olin (Swedish actress)
  • Eva Arnold (American photojournalist and first female member of Magnum Photos)
  • Eva Mary Saint (American actress, Oscar winner (1954))
  • Eva LaRue (American actress)
  • Eva-Lena Lundgren (film actress, Swedish supermodel who won 3rd place in the 1981 Miss Universe pageant)
  • Eva Serrano (French athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises)
  • Eva Hermann (nee - Eva Feldker; German TV journalist, in 1998-2006 - one of the presenters of the Tagesschau news program; fired for statements about National Socialism that do not coincide with the position of the leadership of the NDR television and radio company)
  • Eva Demarczyk (Polish singer)
  • Eva Amurri (American actress, daughter of Italian film director Franco Amurri and American film actress Susan Sarandon. Eva starred in her first film at the age of seven.)
  • Eva Gael Green (French actress, BAFTA Special Rising Star Award winner)
  • Eva Korpela (former Swedish biathlete, world champion, two-time World Cup winner)
  • Eva Ionesco (French film actress)
  • Iva Maioli (Croatian tennis player, the best Croatian tennis player of all time)
  • Iva Slaninova (Czechoslovakian orienteer, winner of the world championship in relay race orienteering)
  • Iva Kalibanova (Czechoslovakian orienteer, winner of the world championship in relay race orienteering)
  • Evelyn Laurie (real name - Eva Slovikova; Slovak fashion model)
  • Eva Bushmina (Ukrainian singer, soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra)
  • Eva Polna (Russian singer, soloist of the Russian group "Guests from the Future")
  • Eva Ionesco (Romanian-born French film actress)
  • Eva Urbanova (Czech opera singer (soprano))
  • Ewa Kowalewska (Polish artist)
  • Eva Kjær Hansen (Danish politician)
  • Eva-Britt Svensson ((born 1946) Swedish politician)

At the time of birth, a person is influenced by many factors that do not depend on anyone, such as time, place, year and month of birth. But there are factors that depend on our parents.

That factor is our name. The name Eve is very common, as it is very feminine and gentle. How did the name Eve come about?

Name origin

The name Eve comes from a Hebrew word meaning "giving life". In the modern context, the name is translated as “cheerful”, “naughty”. Exactly this famous name worldwide.

The name Eva in Orthodoxy

Eve is considered the biblical progenitor of all people. Adam gave this name to his wife. But also in Orthodoxy this name is associated with the fall, because it was because of the misconduct of Eve that the first people were expelled from Paradise.

Also, the name Eva is associated with the Slavic goddess of life Alive.

Name days and Angel Day

Eve - orthodox name. Her name day is celebrated on the week of veneration of Saints Adam and Eve, two weeks before Christmas. Name days can also be celebrated on the day of the memory of the saint. Great Martyr Eve August 27th. According to some sources Day Angel Eva celebrates April 12th.

The influence of the name on fate

Eve's fate is as contradictory as her character. Thanks to his artistic and unpredictable character, the fate of Eve is completely in her hands. No matter what happens in life, this woman will always be true to herself, her outlook on life and will not be led by others. Although this behavior complicates Eve's life, she will always remain herself. Her fate is completely in her hands, Eva is aware of this and builds her life as she sees fit. You will never get bored with Eve, by this she always attracts people to herself, and everyone can find something of their own in Eva.

Name Eva for a girl

The first impression that little Eva makes is that she is a very obedient and calm girl. But it hides real rebel character. Eva is very often a leader among her peers, her opinion is listened to, she is respected. She can subjugate children's team and lead him along. She is stubborn, capricious, self-willed. It is difficult for her to live by the rules established in society. Little Eva is a big dreamer. She can invent non-existent worlds, scare her family scary stories. As a child, Eva is very mobile, active, she is interested in everything around, but she does not have perseverance. More often she plays with older children, as she is not interested in peers.

Eva has the ability to learn, but she does not like to learn. Very often in her school years, Eva shocks both teachers and parents with her behavior.

Therefore, when raising Eva, it is necessary to be patient, and also provide her with the conditions for an active life: often walk with her, take her to circles and sections in order to give vent to her irrepressible energy. Eva's parents need to be sure to monitor her nutrition, as Eva, who is too active and addicted, sometimes forgets to eat.

The nature of the name

The name Eve endows its owner with both positive and negative features. Of the positive ones, one can single out: romance, responsiveness, the desire to avoid conflicts. TO negative traits refers to passivity, inability to take decisive action. Very often, women with the name Eve fall under the influence of magicians, sorcerers, various charlatans, join various sects, as they believe in everything supernatural. Eve's character is not easy, she is distinguished stubbornness, tantrums, unpredictability. Usually their positive features, such as kindness, peacefulness, Eve takes from her father. From her mother, Eve inherits stubbornness, an unbalanced character. Adult Eva, as in childhood, does not like to sit in one place. She loves to move, travel, hike, and especially swim. Eve has a very well developed intuition, so it is difficult to deceive her.

No matter what, Eva will never change her character and will not bend under circumstances. All her life she will be stubborn, impudent, assertive. He will always defend his views, have his own opinion.


Eve possess good health and stamina thanks to the love of an active lifestyle. They may suffer from hypotension (low blood pressure) and are also likely to be obese.

Eva needs to pay special attention to the work of the intestines, lungs and pay special attention to the skin. In general, Eve is recommended to lead a moderate lifestyle.

In relationships with men

Despite the complex nature, Eve is not deprived male attention. But Eve you have to choose your man. Those who are ready to throw everything at her feet, Eva is simply not interested. She is looking for a man to match herself, the same bright, strong, active. Next to her man, Eva becomes soft, affectionate, obedient. But if Eve is never able to meet a soul mate, she would rather be alone than with someone she does not like. Therefore, many Evas marry late or do not marry at all.


Eve ready to do everything for her family and beloved husband. A husband for Eve is a support, support and protection, since Eve is very vulnerable and sensitive to aggression or injustice. She is a wonderful mother and wife. She loves to cook, receive and entertain guests. Eva prefers a male society, pays a lot of attention to her appearance and clothing. With Eva, the family will never be bored, and all her loved ones will be surrounded by care and attention. Since Eva prefers an active life and does not like to stay at home, it is usually limited to one child. No matter how much Eve loved her husband, she never will not forgive betrayal. Eve often remarries.

Name compatibility

Name Eva compatible with such male names, like Boris, Gleb,. With men bearing these names, Eva can flare up vivid feelings, a dizzying romance. With men like, and Eve can create a strong family. Eve should not build relationships with men with names,.

Eve's career

Eve endowed with many talents, high capacity and resistance to stress and conflict. Eva always stands out from the society of her colleagues. Because of her rejection of life by the rules, it can be difficult for Eva to work in a team in which everything is laid out on the shelves. She needs freedom to realize her plans, but at the same time, Eva needs support and approval. In order for Eve's career to develop successfully, she needs to cope with her stubbornness, learn to respect the opinions of other people and listen to him. Eva will like professions such as teacher, manager, librarian, fashion designer. As well as all professions related to people, for example doctor, nurse. Eva can become an excellent leader who will charge her subordinates with faith in success, optimism and assertiveness.

Name and signs of the zodiac

The name Eve should be given to girls born under the signs Taurus, Pisces and Virgo. Thanks to the successful combination of the name and the zodiac sign, it will be easier for Eva to show her positive traits and deal with character flaws.

Charms and talismans:

In addition to the name, many factors influence our lives, so it’s not worth taking all the characteristics personally. But to know how the name affects us is worth it in order to be able to do the right thing and make the right decisions.

Eva is a kind girl. She looks more like her father than her mother. Having matured, Eva becomes principled and persistent. At the same time, Eva is very sensitive and impressionable. She is also unpredictable. It is not known what to expect from her and what surprise she can present. Eva is quite jealous, which causes her to have frequent conflicts with her boyfriend.

Eva chooses a husband who is similar to herself, with a strong character. Eva does not like softness and tenderness in men. The search for a future husband can drag on for Eve for a long time. Often she is left alone. But if, nevertheless, Eva got married, she becomes a good housewife who cooks well, maintains order in the house and brings up children. Eva loves to be in society. Her house is always full of guests. Eva has many friends who are with her throughout her life.

Fate: A woman named Eva has a strong-willed character, which is complemented by the ability to control herself in any situation. She has such qualities as poise, restraint, perseverance and attentiveness.

Eve Angel Day

From the Hebrew language - the giver of life. “And Adam called his wife's name Eve, for she became the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20). The name comes from the Hebrew name Havva, which means "life, living." Corresponds to the Slavic Zhivee, personifying life.

In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly chilly name, but groovy and purposeful. A significant role is also played by the idea of ​​"original sin" associated with this name, and due to the small distribution of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on the character of Eve. No, this does not mean at all that modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of mankind, however, the ambiguity of this biblical image and the interest in this issue that has not cooled over the centuries testify to its importance. In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

Indeed, in the name there is a sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat cold. Isn't it very similar to the biblical tradition, when the passion for "eating erotic apples" turns into anxiety, and then the coldness of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to everything Eva herself, these thoughts will come to mind at an early age, and first impressions, as you know, are most profound.

When it comes to love, its inherent logic and rationality recede into the background. Now she is an affectionate, gentle, cheerful woman, she will never get bored with her. As a life partner, Eva most often chooses a man with the same character and temperament as hers. She does not tolerate cold partners next to her. She will not marry until she finds a man who would fully correspond to her ideals. It often happens that Eve's first marriage may not be entirely successful.

In the family, she is the head, but she exercises this leadership tactfully. A woman with that name is a wonderful hospitable hostess and an excellent culinary specialist who will delight not only her family, but also guests with her edible masterpieces. From this, the husband is constantly crazy about his wife. Usually, Eva's family life always brings her happiness and lasts for many years. However, she does not want to live with her mother-in-law and tries to build a family nest outside her husband's parental home.

Eva is a beautiful, religious, multinational name, in different options existing in all languages ​​of the world. According to Jewish tradition, this was the name of Adam's second wife (the first was named Lilith). In Hebrew, the name Eve sounds like Chava, and is translated as "giving life."

In Russia, the name has never been particularly popular, perhaps due to its close association with "original sin". However, in the last decade, the name Eve has been steadily gaining popularity, especially since it has always been widespread in other countries.

The short, melodic, international name Eva goes well with many Russian patronymics, as well as with surnames, but not as simple as Ivanov or Sidorov.

History knows many prominent women who bear the beautiful biblical name Eve. Among them are famous actresses Eva Longoria and Eva Mendes, singers Eva Bushmina and Eva Polna, athletes Eva Romanova and Eva Serrano and many others.

Name days and patron saints

Until recently in Orthodox saints there was no name Eva, but in 2000 the Russian Church canonized Mother Superior Eva, the abbess of the Penza Monastery, who was shot in 1937. In the world, this woman was called Akilina Vasilisa Pavlovna.

Vasilisa was born into a peasant family on July 10, 1879, in the village of Issa, Penza province. When and under what circumstances she took the tonsure, the historian does not know, the only reliable fact is that until 1920 she served as a simple abbess in the Penza monastery. Then the monastery was closed, and Eva was arrested for "anti-revolutionary activities" and sentenced to 8 years in exile. Abbess Eva was shot in 1937 and buried in a mass grave.

Memorial Day of Saint Eve - 27 August. According to the Catholic calendar, Eva can celebrate name days on January 5, March 11, June 2, December 24 and 31.

Name characteristic

The main character traits of a woman named Eve are stubbornness and determination (which can be confirmed even in the Bible), as well as strict adherence to personal rules and beliefs. All Evas have enviable willpower, the ability to manipulate people, restraint and poise.

In the behavior of Eve, there is some coldness, prudence and efficiency. She does not like to seem weak and vulnerable, she hides her sensuality behind a mask of indifference, and sometimes arrogance. This is a highly moral person, equally demanding of himself and others. Unlike her progenitor, a woman named Eve very rarely enters into dubious adventures, and breaks the law even less often.

Being a closed person, Eve focuses all aspirations and desires on her own personality. When making decisions, she tends to choose what will contribute to her own growth and improvement - such a choice can increase the distance between her and the world around her every day. Over time, this "shell" can become thicker and more difficult to get out of it. Neither intellect nor theoretical knowledge can replace the skill of spiritual communication, "interpenetration", without which full life will be bland and uninteresting.

Eve is naturally gifted with high intelligence and intuition, she prefers to trust facts and logic, rather than guesswork and other people's words. By nature, she is a fighter and leader, difficulties only harden her. A woman does not know how to adapt to circumstances at all, she often provokes conflicts herself. But such qualities as envy, deceit and malice are not at all inherent in a strong and strong-willed Eve, on the contrary, she strives for mutual understanding, but she does not always succeed.

In general, Eva is a self-sufficient and self-confident person, carefully hiding her vulnerability and kind heart. Energy bubbles out of her, she spares no effort at all and gives all the best: it concerns her family or career.


Little Eva - cheerful, energetic, inquisitive child, from infancy distinguished by stubbornness. She gets used to listening only to herself, someone else's opinion means nothing to her. A girl can be influenced only through dialogue and logical arguments, while screaming and assertiveness will lead to the opposite result.

Eva studies easily, usually gets along well with her classmates. She will definitely never be a "gray mouse" among her peers, rather the opposite - a leader and ringleader. It will be good if the parents are able to direct the girl's overflowing energy into sports or creativity - then there will be much less trouble with her, especially in adolescence.


Eva is a hardy and active person with good health. But she loves to indulge her whims, so the love of tasty and unhealthy food can provoke digestive problems, as well as lead to weight gain.

Secrecy, constant suppression of one's emotions provokes such diseases as neurasthenia, depression, and neuralgia. Eve should learn to give vent to her emotions, learn to relax - for example, play sports or other activities that she enjoys.


Eva has amazing sensuality, but, being a highly moral person, she tries in every possible way to suppress it in herself. The most important joy for this woman is the joy of giving, but she is rather picky in choosing a partner.

Eva appreciates delicacy, intelligence, sensitivity in men, does not accept rudeness and vulgarity. In caresses, she is inventive and inexhaustible, always ready for experiments. There are usually always a lot of men around Eve, and she does not lack partners. Sexual desire retains until old age, with age it only intensifies.

Marriage and family, compatibility

The family occupies an important place in Eva's life; for her, it is much more important than her career aspirations. Early marriage is uncharacteristic for a woman; she approaches the choice of a life partner consciously. However, Eve's first marriage usually fails, and only in the second does she find happiness.

In the family, Eva will try to take a leadership position, perhaps she will attempt to remake her husband to fit her ideals, which, most likely, will end in failure. Relations with the mother-in-law will be difficult, however, as with most relatives. But Eva jealously guards the interests of the family, and will not allow anyone to interfere, even her parents.

Eva is very jealous and suspicious, sometimes unreasonably, which can also complicate family relationships. But she will turn out to be a wonderful hostess, children will be brought up in love and severity.

The strongest relationships can develop with men named Eugene, Alexei, Maxim, Vitaly, Konstantin, Boris, Dmitry, Yegor and Nikolai. Relations with Anton, Arthur, Vladislav, George, Oleg, Stanislav and Sergey should be avoided.

Business and career

Eve is suitable for professions that require complete dedication, otherwise she gets bored. A woman is not used to working at half strength, so she can show herself with positive side in any profession. But the work of a health worker, teacher, educator suits her best. Eva loves to travel and is easy-going, so she will enjoy the profession associated with frequent business trips.

Good organizational skills and a sense of responsibility make Eva an excellent leader, she will certainly enjoy authority among her subordinates. In business, Eva is incredibly lucky, luck very rarely turns its back on her. Moreover, a woman knows how to count money perfectly, and dubious adventures in the form of quick money do not appeal to her.

Talismans for Eva

  • The ruling planet is Saturn and the Sun.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Aries and Virgo.
  • A good time of the year is summer, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky color - red, blue, green.
  • Totem plant - lily and date palm. In the Christian tradition, the lily is identified with the Virgin Mary, and therefore is considered a symbol of purity, modesty, humility and humility. The date palm is a symbol of fertility, longevity and material well-being. A palm tree without fruits is considered the personification of the masculine, and with fruits - the feminine.
  • Totem animal - dove and doe. In Christianity, the dove is identified with motherhood, ingenuity, peace, family well-being. Doe symbolizes beauty, grace, softness and timidity.
  • Talisman stone - ruby ​​and jade. Ruby is gem giving power, power, strength and valor. In the Christian tradition, the ruby ​​is identified with devotion to faith and love for God. Jade is a symbol of softness, justice and purity. Jade amulet promotes happy changes in life, helps to avoid difficulties and solve problems.


Aries- outwardly calm and balanced personality, inside which serious passions boil. She is ambitious and stubborn, her strong will knows no bounds, and her thirst for activity constantly pushes forward. Eve-Aries will do everything to avoid boredom and depression, her main life goal assert itself. Sometimes she may not take into account the opinions of others, curiosity often borders on indiscretion and intemperance. But there is not a drop of meanness and deceit in it, all the emotions of a woman can be read like an open book. She knows how to sympathize, care and make her care noticeable, she always remembers other people's birthdays and loves to give gifts. Eve-Aries is able to infect others with her indomitable optimism and lust for life. A woman knows the value of money well and strives for material independence. She is dynamic in her work, always focused on career growth and team leadership. By nature, she is a fighter, and it is difficult to compete with her, including in family life. Family life with Eve-Aries will be difficult, because she has no equal in ambition and stubbornness. But she knows how to be devoted, will always support her husband in difficult times, will become his inspirer and driving force.

Taurus- a woman with iron self-control and will, at the same time feminine, sensual and charming. The most important thing for her is practical common sense, her goals are always clear and direct, and her thoughts reign supreme. perfect order. Usually she is calm and surprisingly reserved, but if she loses her temper, she can even scare strong man. True, this happens quite rarely and only if there are good reasons for this. Eve - Taurus has a keenly developed sense of harmony in everything, she knows how to make a good impression on others. He does not compete with men, does not strive for leadership, but does not tolerate vulgarity, laziness and carelessness. In her work, she does not mind some routine and monotony, she is very attentive to details. As a rule, Eva-Taurus always earns well, since the love of comfort and the need for confidence in the future are inherent in her by nature. Not having the habit of complaining about difficulties, Eve-Taurus will become a real support to her spouse, especially during financial difficulties. Her tolerance for pain and emotional stress is amazing, and her work ethic is admirable.

Twins- an open, tactful and friendly personality, in whose life there is no place for sadness and despair. You will never get bored with her - she is a diversified, intelligent, lively and dreamy, romantic, kind, flexible and adamant woman. She is diverse and a very big dreamer, but her knowledge is superficial, as well as her feelings. Eve-Gemini always strives for change, for the knowledge of something new, still unknown. Patience and stability are not her element, sometimes she is harmed by a tendency to fatalism and inconstancy. She possesses amazing ability live double life, and rarely anyone manages to see her true face, look into her soul. A woman's adaptability is unique, as is her tendency to deceive and exaggerate. Eve-Gemini has a difficult relationship with finances, since she does not like to work, she is especially disgusted by monotonous, monotonous and physical labor. To achieve career heights, a woman often lacks patience - she wants everything at once, and difficulties scare her. In family life, she is not very reliable, as she does not know how to control her feelings and mood. The spouse will have to constantly remind himself of himself, keep her interest, and most importantly, take on the financial support of the family.

Crayfish- A shy, vulnerable and modest woman who does not like too much attention to herself. She has few friends, but she does not feel lonely, on the contrary, she feels good and comfortable in her fictional world. Any conflict for Eve-Cancer can turn into stress and prolonged depression, she tends to exaggerate her difficulties. But she is not as helpless as it might seem at first glance. Eve-Cancer is prudent and pragmatic, so she always has money set aside in reserve, and her income will always exceed expenses. A woman will be able to keep in her hands what once got into them, she will not pretend to someone else's, but she will not give her own either - it concerns money, things or a loved one. One of the most pleasant qualities of Eve-Cancer is endless patience. By nature, she is not a fighter and not a leader, but she knows how to wait, wait for the right moment, and there is no doubt that she will definitely wait. Career aspirations are alien to her, the most important place in the life of this woman will always be occupied by the family. She may well marry by calculation, because confidence in the future is fundamental to her.

a lion- an active nature, hardworking and assertive, but there are a lot of conflicts in her life. She was born to lead, dictate her own terms, allow herself to be admired and take love for granted. A woman has a painful ego, she hates criticism in her address, she can become aggressive and uncontrollable. Pride is her main enemy, and poverty drives her into a state of depression. Relations with finances are complex, unhealthy ambition sometimes makes a woman live beyond her means, get into huge debts. In the team strives for leadership, is very disciplined and organized in stressful situations. With her efficiency, Eva-Leo is able to surprise, but only if she manages to defeat natural laziness. The role of wife and mother suits her perfectly, she will remain faithful to her husband as long as she is sure of his fidelity. But this does not mean that she will no longer need compliments and attention from other men - the spouse will have to learn to be philosophical about this and trust her beautiful wife.

Virgo is a creative personality, charming and shy, who lacks a bit of temperament. At the same time, there are many “stainless steel parts” in her character, obstacles in her way will not make a woman cry or ask for help - she always walks through life with her head held high. She hates hypocrisy and pretense, the practical mind in her is perfectly combined with a romantic nature. By nature, she is a skeptic who does not believe in intuition and premonitions, accustomed to subjecting everything she sees and hears to logical analysis. The main advantages of Eva-Virgo: practicality, the ability to live on your income, perseverance, diligence, the ability to provide support at a difficult moment. Of the minuses, one can note boringness, a pessimistic outlook on life, stinginess, stubbornness, rigidity towards oneself and others. In her profession, Eva-Virgo is impeccable; it is difficult to find a more diligent worker. Rarely enters into conflicts, executive, knows how to work both in a team and alone. In monetary matters, a woman is very careful, knows how to live on a small amount, likes to save for a rainy day. In marriage, she is a very reliable partner, an ideal mother, wife and mistress.

scales- interesting in communication, smart, sincere and incredibly friendly personality, a little insecure. She is a great peacemaker, trying to avoid even the slightest conflicts that unsettle her for a long time. Eva-Ves is very dependent on the opinions of others, so she tries to make a good impression on everyone. At the same time, she will not give up her principles for the sake of applause, humiliation is unacceptable for her. The activity of a woman is low, she tries to avoid responsibility, therefore she needs a partnership. A woman has a high intellect, she is always in search of knowledge, new heights, she is interested in the psychology of human relations. A velvet glove is put on her iron handle, she knows how to go to her goal delicately, in a roundabout way. Eva-Libra, like no one else, knows how to maintain a balance of strength and softness, perseverance and patience. In a difficult situation, she will be able to concentrate and lead the family out of the crisis, but she will do this without offending the manhood of her husband. She will idolize her husband, he means even more to her than children. If Eve-Libra is in peace of mind, the whole family will be happy.

Scorpion- distrustful, silent and secretive person, endowed with almost bestial instinct and intuition. She has such qualities as willpower, intelligence, bright emotional impulses, a tendency to self-destruction. She does not know how to take life lightly, everything she does, she does seriously. Eva-Scorpio despises weakness in herself and people, but at the same time she is a generous, compassionate person, without meanness and deceit. In the struggle, she is merciless, loves and hates equally passionately, vindictive, vindictive, but she will respond to good with double good. Eva-Scorpio knows how to control her desire to dominate, she can give the impression of a gentle, feminine creature. But do not be deceived, inside this woman there is an iron rod that helps her overcome any obstacles. One of the worst traits of Eve-Scorpio is the rejection of anyone's point of view, other than their own. Diplomacy is alien to her, she can provoke a conflict out of the blue. This woman, like no other, needs a family, but life with her will never be easy. For the sake of her loved ones, Eva-Scorpio is ready for anything, she will become a real support in the family, she will not even claim leadership, provided that her husband is worthy of her. In a marriage with a dull, weak-willed and deceitful person, Eve-Scorpio will be deeply unhappy.

Sagittarius- a kind and soft-hearted woman, not capable of lying. By nature, she is an idealist, direct and frank, in great need of recognition and understanding. Eve-Sagittarius is filled with a sense of responsibility for herself and for the whole world as a whole, but at the same time she has a strange alienation from family ties. Thrift and material wealth do not play any role in her life; more than anything, a woman values ​​her freedom and independence. At the same time, Eva-Sagittarius is a gullible child, with such naive views on life that she will always be very vulnerable to this cruel world. Eva-Sagittarius gets along well in a team, knows how to work in a team, and can compete with men in terms of performance. In general, she easily walks through life, thanks to her luck and natural talents, as well as irrepressible optimism. The first marriage of a woman usually turns out to be unsuccessful, a second or late marriage is more likely to be happy, since only with age does a woman become wiser and more tolerant.

Capricorn- a fair, honest and responsible person who lives according to his conscience. The main features of her character are ambition, diligence, constancy, organization. She steadily goes to the top, despite the obstacles. He believes in himself, his outlook on life is realistic, he always shows caution, does not like to depend on someone's location or be in debt. life path this woman is full of anxieties and worries, her goal is financial independence and a clear conscience. Eva-Capricorn knows how to withstand difficulties, her patience can be envied. Of the minuses, one can note boringness, secrecy, the ability to influence events from behind the scenes without going on stage, a tendency to despondency and melancholy. Eve-Capricorn can be content with little, lead a moderate life, does not like risk and speculation. She is ready to devote most of her life to her career, even to the detriment of her family. She does not like change, so she rarely changes her once chosen profession and place of work. Family happiness for Eve-Capricorn is inseparable from a career, so the wife of a woman should not be hindered in her desire to work and earn. Otherwise, Eve-Capricorn will be unhappy or the marriage will collapse.

Aquarius- a charming, witty, charismatic person who knows how to maintain equally even relations with everyone. She is distinguished by an eccentric temperament, determination, stubbornness, hates cheap imitation and flattery. The deliberate calmness of a woman is deceptive, she is constantly changing, striving for change, for new acquaintances. There are always a lot of people around Eve-Aquarius, she draws energy from communication, has an amazing ability to adapt to people from all walks of life. A woman does not put career ambitions at the forefront, as well as material wealth - for her, the very process of creation, the creation of something new, is much more important. Eva-Aquarius has original creative thinking, often stands at the origins of creating new projects or things. More than anything, Eva-Aquarius values ​​her freedom, so the spouse after the wedding should allow her to maintain her former way of life, otherwise the woman will feel unhappy and easily decide on a divorce. She was not created for housekeeping, she is much more worried about the comfortable psychological atmosphere in the family than unwashed dishes and the lack of dinner.

Fishes- an idealist and a dreamer rolled into one, who lives in her own world, far from reality. Eve-Pisces is a hypersensitive person, acutely responsive to the thoughts and feelings of other people. She tends to unconsciously absorb other people's ideas and ideas, is very suggestible and impressionable. By nature, she is not a fighter, she will not swim against the current, rather, she will wait until the problems are somehow resolved by themselves. Eve-Pisces does not have the slightest desire to compete with anyone, especially with men. The most difficult thing for her is to overcome her timidity and doubt, not to slide into a state of deep depression. She does not know how to earn money, while she herself is a big spender. She can be very successful in her profession, as she is extremely talented and diligent. But she should not go into business or take leadership positions, as she lacks self-confidence and stress resistance for this. But Eve-Pisces can become perfect wife and mother, surround all members of your family with love and care.