Martha: translation and meaning of a rare name. The meaning of the name Martha

  • 26.09.2019

Forms of the name Martha

Short form of the name Marfa. Marfusha, Marfonka, Marfenka, Marfunya, Marfuta, Marfukha, Marfenya, Mara, Marusha. Synonyms for the name Marfa. .

Marfa name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 瑪莎 (Mǎ shā). Japanese: マーサ (Māsa). Arabic: مارثا. Hindi: मार्था (Mārthā). Ukrainian: Martha. Greek: Μάρθα (Mártha). English: Martha (Martha).

origin of the name Martha

Name Martha - name biblical character from the New Testament. This name was borne by the sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, in whose house Jesus Christ stayed. These sisters, Martha and Mary, became symbols of two various types character - active and contemplative. Martha is an active person, Mary is a contemplative one. Martha cared, was glad to receive Jesus in her house, so she fussed a lot. Maria was calm and attentively listened to the guest.

Numerology Of The Name Martha

The owners of the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. "Twos", as a rule, have a very fine mental organization, it is better not to disturb them and not to disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, go away from problems. However, the "twos" are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, are easy for them and reveal all their most strengths. Twos are patient but need a secure environment. Holders of the number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Colour: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansies.
Beasts: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

The name Martha as a phrase

M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
F Fert (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Basis, Source)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Martha

M - a caring person, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to "pull the blanket over himself." Being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
Ф - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to put into action the allegedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

General description of the name Martha

The Russian form of the name Marta is "lady". According to another version, it comes from the Hebrew marah - “bitter”, “sad”.

The name is obsolete and rarely chosen nowadays.

Martha is a strong, strong-willed person, with a strong character and a sober outlook on life. Very proud, sometimes even arrogant. She knows her own worth, knows how to present herself; among unfamiliar people he is very arrogant and cold. Marfa is smart, persistent, stubborn, emotional, very obligatory.

Martha never panics, tries to achieve her goal at all costs, finds the best way out of any difficult situation. Marfa is a materialist, almost every goal of hers has a material interest. She has a well-developed sense of humor, but jokes can be quite snarky.

Women with this name are caring mothers. They love their children, although they bring them up in severity. Martha treats her husband with respect, but she will never forgive betrayal. No, she will not run away to get a divorce right away, but she will always remember betrayal.

In Marfa, the mind is successfully combined with perseverance, determination - with self-confidence. Such an alloy is the basis of a strong and fairly solid personality, if not for excessive pride, vindictiveness and stubbornness. But these extremely sharp character traits recede into the shadows when Martha wants to attract the attention of the male half of society. This is where her purely feminine emotional richness and the attractive power of charm are revealed.

Totem plant - chamomile, totem animal - ladybug, talisman stone - pomegranate.

Sexuality of the name Martha

Martha can be noted such negative traits character as some irascibility, suspiciousness, ambition, a tendency to manifest envy and vindictiveness. But she can be re-educated own will for the sake of a man or let a man re-educate himself. Very diligent, homely, she strives to do several things at the same time, but she does not always succeed.

AT personal life Martha is restrained and constant. She chooses her man for a long time and rationally, if not for life, then for a very long time. Her constancy will ensure that in her old age she will achieve almost everything that she wanted or planned. All her admirers must be highly educated and ambitious men who are not devoid of the desire for material wealth. Martha is trying to find a man with whom she can both work and relax. There are many requirements for applicants, although Martha herself can afford to behave as she pleases.

Pros and cons of the name Marfa

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Martha? It should be said that it has both, because in its sound some parents will be impressed by the old village charm, and some will not be able to get rid of the obsessive negative meaning. This name is positively characterized by its good compatibility with Russian surnames and patronymics, as well as a large number of reductions, such as Marfusha, Marfonka, Marfunya, Marusha, Marfushka. And his perception is negatively affected by the complex nature of many Marthas, which spoils general impression about this name.


Marfa's health is not bad, but she should pay attention to the condition of the gallbladder, eat right, perhaps attend yoga classes that will allow her to become calmer and more understandable to people.

Love and family relationships

AT family relationships Martha shows a desire for leadership. She takes on everything, spends a lot of time at home, taking care of children, often forgetting that it is time to instill in them a sense of independence.

Professional area

In the professional field, the owner of this name demonstrates diligence and willingness to work in any field. She can make a nurse, a pharmacist, a livestock breeder, a cashier, a cook, a merchandiser, a taxi driver, a tour guide, a salesman, a secretary.

Notable people named Martha

Martha (Marta) Sabinina ((1831 - 1892) Russian public figure, founder of the Russian Red Cross, front-line sister of mercy, organizer of Orthodox church parishes and communities.)
Marfa Alekseevna ((1652 - 1707) Russian princess, daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife Maria Ilyinichna, sister of the kings Fedor III and Ivan V Alekseevich and the half-sister of Tsar Peter I. In 1698, for sympathy and help for her sister, Princess Sophia, she was tonsured in the Assumption Monastery in Alexander Sloboda under the name of Margarita. While living in a monastery, she continued to correspond with her sisters. In 1706, her nephew, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, secretly visited her on her way to her mother. Contemporary to her, "The Book of the Description of the Russian Saints" mentions Marfa Alekseevna among the saints not canonized by the church.)
Marfa Shchepkina ((1894 - 1984) Russian Slavist and paleographer, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Born in Moscow in the family of paleographer and historian of ancient Russian art Vyacheslav Shchepkin. In 1919 she graduated from the historical and philological faculty of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses and came to work at the State historical Museum where she worked all her life. In 1954 she became the head of the department of ancient manuscripts and early printed books, since 1976 she has been a scientific consultant. In 1964 she defended her doctoral dissertation on deciphering Novgorod birch bark letters. Author of works in the field of studying ancient chronicles, church handwritten books, book miniatures and works applied arts. A separate area of ​​scientific interest for her was the Tale of Igor's Campaign.)
Countess Martha Osterman ((1698 - 1781) nee - Streshneva; lady of state of Catherine I, wife of Count Osterman, the famous statesman the time of Anna Ioannovna)
Marfa Shubina ((1918 - 2011) nee - Kosorukova; Soviet builder, Hero of Socialist Labor)
Martha Boretskaya (known as Martha the posadnitsa, various sources indicate the patronymic Semyonovna or Ivanovna; wife of the Novgorod posadnik Isaac Boretsky)
Marfa Musina-Yuryeva ((1801 - 1803) illegitimate daughter of Emperor Paul I and, possibly, Lyubov Bagarat, his last, posthumous child)
Marfa Trubina ((1888 - 1956) Chuvash children's writer, honored teacher of the RSFSR and the Chuvash Republic. Author of more than 30 books of prose and poetry.)
Martha Apraksina ((1664 - 1715/1716) Russian empress, second wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich)
Marfa Muravyova ((1838 - 1879) Russian ballerina)
Nun Martha, the great old woman Martha ((d. ​​1631) in the world - Xenia Romanova, before marriage - Shestova; mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, wife of Fyodor Nikitievich Romanov (Patriarch Filaret), who was called in the letters of her son "great empress")
Martha Sobakina ((died 1571) the third wife of Ivan the Terrible, daughter of a Kolomna nobleman. Definitely appointed as the wife of the tsar after the traditional procedure for brides, the appointed royal bride Sobakina soon became seriously ill. The marriage took place on October 28, 1571, Queen Martha died 15 days later. As and in the case of Ivan's first two wives, Anastasia Romanovna and Maria Temryukovna, the early death of the tsarina gave rise to suspicions of poisoning and angered Ivan, according to some sources, 20 people were executed during the investigation. that due to the illness of the bride and her sudden death, she did not have time to become his wife.A study of the remains of Martha, conducted in the 1990s, did not reveal toxic metals and other stable substances; this, however, does not exclude the use of plant poison that is not amenable to chemical analysis.It is reported that during the opening of the tomb, the royal bride lay in the coffin pale, but as if alive vaya, untouched by decay, despite the fact that it lay underground for 360 years. However, within minutes, her face turned black and turned to dust.)

Some of the names are currently not popular, but in vain, because they have so much interesting information. For example, the name Martha endows its owner with courage, strength and perseverance.

It is these traits that are inherent in the character of women with this name, moreover, they are distinguished by sociability and activity. In today's article, we will try to explore the meaning of the name Martha, as well as understand all the intricacies of the character of its owners.

The origin is what opens the first veil of mystery for us, because thanks to the analysis of history, we get to know the first owners of this name. So, the name Marfa is of Jewish origin, although many consider this name to be Slavic. From the Hebrew language, the name Martha is translated as "mistress."

Martha is a biblical character endowed with a wonderful character and truly feminine traits: meekness, the ability to love and be open. It was Martha and her sister Mary who were among those who were next to the body of the already deceased Christ.

Also in the "dark" times there were several women with this name who fought for the Christian faith and accepted a terrible death. Therefore, the name Martha is in the calendar, and they can name the child during baptism.

female character

Personality traits and character - this is what is largely formed under the influence of the name, because it is not for nothing that many who changed their name noticed changes in their personality. So, if you give this name to your daughter, then you will have a charming and charming girl.

I must say that along with the charm, this baby will be endowed with both activity and obstinacy, which will make her a real tomboy. It will be common for this girl to spend more time with boys than with girls, run a lot and even play “war”.

Martha is unrestrained in many ways, she can express what she thinks or not hide her emotions, which often causes conflicts both in the family and at school. She does not forgive those who offended her, and tries not to maintain contact with these people. Despite her restless disposition, she is distinguished by sensitivity and sensitivity, as well as vulnerability.

In her youth, Martha does not sit in the backyard, but brightly and powerfully declares herself to the world. She has her own opinion on everything, and she forces the people around her to reckon with it. She is determined and stubborn: if she takes up something, she will bring it to the end.

It is impossible to convince or "crush" her, she is like a steadfast tin soldier, which means that she easily becomes a real leader for many. She is critical both in relation to herself and in relation to others, therefore she is surrounded by those who are in many ways similar to Martha.

With age, nihilistic ardor and youthful maximalism dissipate somewhat, and they are replaced by restraint and the ability to control one's emotions. For many, she gives the impression of a cold and prudent person, but know that a warm heart beats behind this external impregnability.

She is a great friend: she always expresses her opinion and does not try to please someone. He does not tolerate lies and intrigues, he knows how to look at things soberly, without illusions and “rose-colored glasses”.

Also, when exploring the meaning of the name Martha, it is important to understand how the character affects her behavior and what attitudes he forms:

  • Martha is moral, she honors the law, moral norms. She shares generally accepted values ​​and tries to live in harmony with herself and with the world. You can always trust her, because she will not deceive and will not flatter.
  • Diet is an important foundation in Martha's life. If she can eat right and not overload the body, then until old age she will be in excellent shape.
  • This woman has a wonderful mind, she is able to think analytically, paying attention to details and nuances. She is also able to link completely, at first glance, unrelated details.
  • Purposefulness and responsibility help this woman to make a brilliant career. She has everything to become an excellent leader and lead the company to prosperity.
  • Women endowed with masculine qualities try to listen less to intuition and rely more on logic - Martha is no exception.

How will the relationship work out?

Relationships and love are something without which it is impossible to imagine full life, and therefore this issue should be analyzed in detail. Martha loves the attention of men, she likes to communicate with them, she really enjoys flirting.

She can choose the man of her dreams for a long time, because not everyone will accept her difficult character. Martha can be harsh and jealous, but if she shows more gentleness, then she will find a husband for herself faster.

In the family, Marfa is transformed, she becomes - soft, smooth, economic. She does everything to make both the children and her husband feel warm, cozy and comfortable: she cooks well, keeps order in the house, and also brings up her children perfectly.

Martha will be able to find female happiness with Vladimir, Evgeny, Karp, Sergey. But difficulties may arise with Ilya, Erast, Alexei, and.

It will also be important for all Marthas to know the following:

  • Martha celebrates her birthday on February 19 and March 16.
  • Forms of the name - Mara, Marfusha, Marfunka, Marfuta.
  • Helper stone and amulet - pomegranate.
  • Animal protector - ladybug.
  • Totem plant - chestnut.

Analyzing names is an exciting activity that will allow you to learn more about yourself and your loved ones. The more you learn, the more familiar people will open up to you. Author: Daria Potykan

Origin: Martha comes from the ancient Aramaic language - "lady." Confident possession of feelings (Mar-) and fixation of their will (-ta) give rise to the image of the ruler by the forces of the elements, in a bright manner asserting her will and lifestyle.

Meaning: The name Marfa means mistress, mentor, mistress, mistress.

Name day: February 19, April 25, April 26, June 17, June 22, July 17, July 19, September 14, November 21

Name zodiac: Twins.

Planet: Mercury.

name color: Orange, blue, dark purple.

Talisman stone: Garnet.

Plant: Chestnut, chamomile, tulip.

Animal: Ladybug, lark.

Main features: Will, activity, health.

Type: Martha is as strong as nature itself. Has a somewhat masculine character. Swift as an arrow or a lark. She is a choleric, so it is better not to tease her.

Name and character: Marfa is smart, stubborn, emotional, charming. Very diverse in character and behavior. The solidity and directed magnetism of this name gives the impression of a character that rejects external influences and clearly manifests the power of internal attraction. Martha is resolute, self-confident, does not lose her presence of mind even in the most difficult situations. Very proud and quite vindictive. He loves the company of men and knows how to draw attention to himself. With age, such things disappear from her character. negative traits, as sharpness and the habit of arguing on any occasion. This woman "will not climb into her pocket for a word." However, he is able to admit that he is wrong. Martha is capable of the most unexpected things. Since childhood, Marfusha has been impudent, noisy and mischievous. Not only plays, but also fights with the boys. He does not study very well, as he argues with teachers, does not obey his parents, and does little to help them around the house.

Mind: She likes contact with the outside world, but she is absolutely unaffected. Growing up, Martha becomes calmer, more pleasant in communication, more restrained. However, she does not forgive infidelity and expresses to the man in the face everything that she thinks about him. Then he leaves, slamming the door loudly.

Intuition: Martha usually knows how to foresee and command. But he considers intuition incompatible with intelligence and common sense.

Intelligence: At a high level.

Moral: Own moral principles Martha depends on the foundations of her environment. This is a reliable friend, but in trouble helps not only relatives, but also everyone around.

Health: Martha is prone to overweight, so she needs to follow a diet and not neglect sports. Weak stomach and genitals.

Sexuality: Sex for her is a pleasure. In relation to men, he shows a certain aggressiveness. She does not give in to impulses of sensuality - she is guided by calculation. I'm lenient on compliments. The first can take a step towards an intimate relationship. Usually she is not too demanding of a partner, since she herself was not very skilled in sex. Martha usually has one sexual partner, with whom she practically does not part. She does not seek to find a husband. She is quite satisfied with the relationship in which the partners are not bound by any obligations.

Marriage: The bonds of marriage are of great importance. Martha is focused on the family, attached to parents and children. However, he does not like to do household chores, in general he spends little time at home. In old age, she is a vigorous, active woman. He is engaged in raising grandchildren and neighbor children, leads various circles.

Favorable alliances: with Viktor, Nikolai, Grigory, Vadim, Oleg, Alexander, Ivan and Stanislav.

Unfavorable alliances: with Andrey, Dmitry, Semyon, Philip, Vyacheslav and Roman.

Hobbies: Martha is athletic. Often engaged skiing and mountain climbing, sometimes wrestling. Goes on hikes, travels a lot.

Field of work: Martha is extremely hardworking. Always achieves his goal. The scope of her activities is very extensive: she can be a doctor, a pharmacist, she is fond of the exact sciences, languages. He enjoys working where he needs to travel on business trips. Marfa is a natural educator and teacher, so in any job, whether she is an agronomist or a bar owner, she strives to teach.

Business: Martha is persistent and ambitious. Always trying to achieve the best results. She is a professional in her field, often making a dizzying career through knowledge, ability and hard work, as well as the ability to get along with people.

From the history: Marfa Boretskaya is the wife of the posadnik Isaac Andreevich, who, after the death of her husband, became the head of the supporters of independent Lithuania in Novgorod and therefore is better known as Martha the posadnik. She was a smart and energetic woman who loved freedom. She headed the anti-Moscow party of the Novgorod boyars. After the annexation of Novgorod to the Muscovite state in 1478, she was taken into custody. The activities of Marfa Boretskaya seemed to many writers an excellent plot for stories and dramas. So, N. M. Karamzin wrote the story "Marfa the Posadnitsa, or the Conquest of Novgorod" (1802).

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Marfa is detailed description origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Marfa. Marfusha, Marfonka, Marfenka, Marfunya, Marfuta, Marfukha, Marfenya, Mara, Marusha.
Synonyms for the name Marfa. Martha.
Origin of the name Marfa The name Marfa is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Jewish.

The name Martha is the name of a biblical character from the New Testament. This name was borne by the sister of Mary and Lazarus of Bethany, in whose house Jesus Christ stayed. These sisters, Martha and Mary, became symbols of two different types of character - active and contemplative. Martha is an active person, Mary is a contemplative one. Martha cared, was glad to receive Jesus in her house, so she fussed a lot. Maria was calm and attentively listened to the guest.

The name Martha is a female Russian personal name, derived from a Hebrew name, meaning "lady", "mistress". In Europe, the most commonly used form is Martha and its synonyms. The diminutive address Mara is also an appeal to other names and an independent name.

The name Marfa has been used quite widely in Russia since the Middle Ages. In the second half of the 18th century, the name was in use among the peasant and merchant classes, but was rare among the nobles. Later, during the 19th century, the popularity of the name decreased, but at the end of the century it was still noted among the common names. After the October Revolution, the name Martha became associated with the old, royal, orders, with the inert village life, and gradually completely fell into disuse. At the same time, it acquired the status of a common people's name.

According to the calculations of Vladimir Andreevich Nikonov, a Soviet linguist, in 1961 not a single case of naming by this name was revealed. Also, according to the statistics of naming in Leningrad, from the 1920s to the 1980s, not a single newborn was named by this name. Therefore, the name Martha belongs to the category of the rarest Russian personal names.

Among the Orthodox, in addition to the myrrh-bearing women, the early Christian holy martyr Martha of Persia and the Monk Martha of Cappadocia are revered. For the name Marfa will be indicated Orthodox name day. Catholic name days See the name Marta.

Anything can be expected from Martha. Since childhood, she is unpredictable, noisy and impudent. Studying well at school. At any opportunity, he begins to prove his point of view to teachers. She is independent, rarely listens to the opinion of her parents. Doesn't like to do household chores.

By nature, Martha is strong in spirit. She has enough male character. In business, she is swift and stubborn. In disputes, it is often emotional. She is an interesting and intelligent conversationalist. Very charming, which attracts people to her. A girl with that name can be completely different. She does not lose her composure even in the most difficult situations. Martha is always confident in her abilities. Often shows pride and vindictiveness. Having matured, she becomes kinder, more restrained, ceases to enter into an argument for any reason. It becomes much easier to communicate with her.

She likes to spend time among men. The girl always knows how to draw attention to herself. Martha is not able to forgive betrayal. He always expresses his claims directly to his chosen one. In relation to the opposite sex can be aggressive. Quite lenient on compliments. In relationships, she is most often guided not by feelings, but by calculation. She does not show excessive demands on her partner. Martha is not inclined to change men often. However, she does not show any desire to get married. She likes relationships that do not require commitment.

The owner of this name is a sociable, uninfluenced person. Martha is able to lead people. In any situation, the manifestation of common sense is felt in it.

Martha's moral principles depend on the social environment in which she lives. She always proves herself to be reliable and devoted friend. She will never give up in difficult moments. She is ready to help not only close people, but also any person she knows.

Notable people named Martha

  • Martha (Marta) Sabinina ((1831 - 1892) Russian public figure, founder of the Russian Red Cross, front-line sister of mercy, organizer of Orthodox church parishes and communities.)
  • Marfa Alekseevna ((1652 - 1707) Russian princess, daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife Maria Ilyinichna, sister of Tsars Fedor III and Ivan V Alekseevich and half-sister of Tsar Peter I. In 1698, for sympathy and help to her sister, Princess Sophia was tonsured in the Assumption Monastery in Alexandrova Sloboda under the name of Margarita. While living in the monastery, she continued to correspond with her sisters. In 1706, her nephew, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, secretly visited her on her way to her mother. The contemporary book "The book that describes the Russian saints" mentions Marfa Alekseevna among saints not canonized by the Church.)
  • Marfa Shchepkina ((1894 - 1984) Russian Slavist and paleographer, Doctor of Historical Sciences. Born in Moscow in the family of paleographer and historian of ancient Russian art Vyacheslav Shchepkin. In 1919 she graduated from the historical and philological faculty of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses and came to work at the State Historical Museum where she worked all her life.In 1954 she became the head of the department of ancient manuscripts and early printed books, since 1976 - a scientific consultant.In 1964 she defended her doctoral dissertation on the decoding of Novgorod birch bark letters. books, book miniatures and works of applied art (The Tale of Igor's Campaign was a separate area of ​​scientific interest for her.)
  • Countess Martha Osterman ((1698 - 1781) nee - Streshneva; lady of state of Catherine I, wife of Count Osterman, a famous statesman of the time of Anna Ioannovna)
  • Marfa Shubina ((1918 - 2011) nee - Kosorukova; Soviet builder, Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Martha Boretskaya (known as Martha the posadnitsa, various sources indicate the patronymic Semyonovna or Ivanovna; wife of the Novgorod posadnik Isaac Boretsky)
  • Marfa Musina-Yuryeva ((1801 - 1803) illegitimate daughter of Emperor Paul I and, possibly, Lyubov Bagarat, his last, posthumous child)
  • Marfa Trubina ((1888 - 1956) Chuvash children's writer, honored teacher of the RSFSR and the Chuvash Republic. Author of more than 30 books of prose and poetry.)
  • Martha Apraksina ((1664 - 1715/1716) Russian empress, second wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich)
  • Marfa Muravyova ((1838 - 1879) Russian ballerina)
  • Nun Martha, the great old woman Martha ((d. ​​1631) in the world - Xenia Romanova, before marriage - Shestova; mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, wife of Fyodor Nikitievich Romanov (Patriarch Filaret), who was called in the letters of her son "great empress")
  • Martha Sobakina ((died 1571) the third wife of Ivan the Terrible, daughter of a Kolomna nobleman. Definitely appointed as the wife of the tsar after the traditional procedure for brides, the appointed royal bride Sobakina soon became seriously ill. The marriage took place on October 28, 1571, Queen Martha died 15 days later. As and in the case of Ivan's first two wives, Anastasia Romanovna and Maria Temryukovna, the early death of the tsarina gave rise to suspicions of poisoning and angered Ivan, according to some sources, 20 people were executed during the investigation. that due to the illness of the bride and her sudden death, she did not have time to become his wife.A study of the remains of Martha, conducted in the 1990s, did not reveal toxic metals and other stable substances; this, however, does not exclude the use of plant poison that is not amenable to chemical analysis.It is reported that during the opening of the tomb, the royal bride lay in the coffin pale, but as if alive vaya, untouched by decay, despite the fact that it lay underground for 360 years. However, within minutes, her face turned black and turned to dust.)
  • Names: origin and forms

    Martha- (from Aramaic) Mrs.

    colloquial: Martin.
    Derivatives: Marfonka, Marfunya, Marfuta, Marfukha, Marfusha, Marfenya, Mara, Marusha.

    Directory of Russian names

    mentor(from Aramaic).

    Very diverse in character and behavior. Capable of the most unexpected things. Usually they know how to foresee and command. They can adequately condemn their own mistake, and this helps them to carry along. Focused on the family, affectionate to parents and children.

    The secret of the name

    Martha, Martha- mistress, mistress (ancient Aramaic).
    Marfa - Russian version of the name, very common in Ancient Russia, XVII-XIX centuries. Now rare. More often called by the Western European version - March.
    name zodiac: Twins.
    Planet: Mercury.
    Name color: orange.
    Talisman Stone: Garnet.
    auspicious plant: chestnut, chamomile.
    name patron: ladybug.
    Happy day: Wednesday.
    happy season: Spring.
    Diminutive forms: Marfenka, Marfunya, Marfuta, Marfukha, Marfusha, Mara, Marusha.
    Main features: will, activity.


    Martha of Asia, virgin, martyr. After various torments, she was crucified on the cross and beheaded with a sword (II century), February 19 (6).
    Martha of Antioch, Edesskaya, July 17 (4).
    Martha of Cappadocia, 14 (1) September.
    Martha Persian, martyr, June 22 (9).
    Martha Persian, Roman, martyr, July 19 (6).
    Martha of Bethany, sister of Lazarus of the Four Days, on the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women. With sister Mary she helped her brother, resurrected by Jesus Christ on the fourth day after death, in preaching the Gospel, she died peacefully (1st century).



    Marfushka is a very impudent girl, noisy and mischievous. He plays outdoor games with the boys and even fights with them. He makes decisions quickly and does not change what he promised, he will definitely do it. At school, both girls and boys respect her. She is active, sociable, keeps pace everywhere, is engaged in the sports section, chess, participates in various Olympiads. He studies well, already in childhood he knows who he will be when he grows up and directs all his forces to the realization of his goal.

    Martha is fond of the exact sciences, languages, quite often dreams of becoming a doctor, a surgeon. Martha is domineering, loves to teach, in any profession she becomes an educator, a teacher. She is very demanding both to herself and to others. Sometimes, as they say, "goes too far", becomes simply merciless, she is exhorted to be more tolerant, but she is absolutely unaffected. Martha's failures are not embarrassing, but she reacts to someone's attacks so violently that the one who touched her regrets.

    In the depths of her soul, Marfa is a kind person, she is only afraid to show it, considering kindness a weakness that interferes with business. However, Martha can be sociable, she is not without a sense of humor, she knows how to be emphatically refined and courteous. Martha is diverse in character and behavior.

    Martha is smart, self-confident, proud, sometimes even insidious towards women who cannot cope with their work, wasting time on gossip and intrigue. In general, Martha does not like women; she prefers the company of men to them.

    Martha knows how to impress men. Outwardly, she is attractive, athletic, skiing, climbing, hiking, traveling. Here, with her like-minded people, she becomes calmer, more restrained. She is a reliable comrade on campaigns, however, she will always help in trouble.

    Martha does not give in to impulses of sensuality, she is always guided by calculation. Martha will be completely satisfied with the relationship in which the partners are not bound by any obligations. She marries quite late, often married twice. Especially in the second marriage, she is focused on the family, attached to her husband and children. She does not like to do household chores, but, if necessary, she will be able to do everything herself, without waiting for her husband. A husband sometimes feels embarrassed under the stern gaze of his wife. Perhaps only her grandchildren, whom she dearly loves and forgives them for everything in the world, can melt the ice of her heart. Family trials in alliance with Martha will be able to withstand Victor, Nikolai, Grigory, Vadim, Oleg, Alexander, Ivan, Stanislav.


    Martha, the wife of the former posadnik of Novgorod Isaac Boretsky, is an ardent, proud and ambitious woman. Her house was the richest in Novgorod, everyone respected her as the widow of a famous posadnik. Grand Duke John III Vasilyevich, as a sign of special mercy, granted her eldest son the rank of boyar of Moscow, but all this was not enough for her: she wanted to rule all of Novgorod and, since this was impossible under the rule of the sovereign of Moscow, she urged the Novgorodians not to consider themselves subjects of the princes of Moscow, that Novgorod he is his own master, that its inhabitants are free people, that they only need a patron, and it is better if it is not John, but Casimir, the king of Poland and the prince of Lithuania. Martha wanted to marry a Lithuanian nobleman and together with him, on behalf of Casimir, manage her city. The Grand Duke came with an army to Novgorod and accused Marfa of treason to the fatherland. Her main associates, including her eldest son, were executed, she herself was tonsured into a monastery in Nizhny Novgorod.

    The activities of Martha Boretskaya, closely connected with the fate of Veliky Novgorod at a turning point in its history, attracted many writers, starting with N.M. Karamzin, who wrote the story "Marfa Posadnitsa, or the fall of Novgorod" (1808).

    Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.