Eva: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and fate of a person. Who is Eve (biblical character)

  • 25.09.2019

And Seth, the first people born outside the Garden of Eden. Seduced by the serpent, she gave her husband Adam a taste of the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which in Christian mythology caused the fall of the first people.

Creation of man

God created the first people, Adam and Eve, in his own image and likeness. It was assumed that the ancestors of mankind would rule over everything that is on the living earth. God first made Adam “out of the dust of the ground” and breathed life into him through his nostrils. Then God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from him, and from this material created Eve, the first woman.

Eve became Adam's wife. Both lived in the Garden of Eden, walked "naked and not ashamed." The "canonical" story of Adam and Eve is found in the book of Genesis. However, there are apocrypha, according to which Eve is not the second person created after Adam, but the third, because the second was Lilith, the first "unsuccessful" wife of Adam, whom God created before Eve. This is described in the book Zohar.

Lilith can be called the first feminist in mythological history to vote in favor of equal rights for men and women. Lilith refused to obey Adam, declaring that God created a woman equal to him. Lilith flew away from Adam, saying the secret name of God, and Adam went to God to complain.

Three angels were sent after the fugitive, who overtook Lilith at the Red Sea. The woman refused to return to her husband and was punished. Lilith turned into an evil demon who kills babies, and according to Kabbalah, into a devil who comes to young bachelors in a dream and seduces them.

Eve, created from a rib, no longer considered herself equal to her husband, but she also brought him trouble.

Original sin

When creating the Garden of Eden, God "included in the project" two special trees - the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life. The fruits from the second gave eternal life, and the Lord forbade trying the fruits from the first. The punishment for those who transgress the ban will be death. The rest of the flora in Eden was at the full disposal of Adam and Eve.

At first, people observed the Lord's prohibition, until a serpent turned to Eve, who was "smarter than all the animals of the field." The serpent began to persuade Eve to taste the forbidden fruit. At first, Eve refused to obey the serpent and said that God forbade approaching that tree and tasting the fruits from it under the threat of death.

The serpent convinced Eve that they were not in danger of death, on the contrary, having eaten the fruit, people themselves would become like gods. Fascinated by the speeches of the devilish reptile, Eve tasted the fruit, which in popular culture is considered to be an apple. In fact, the type of fruit in the Bible is not specified, and at the expense of what exactly Eve ate, there is different opinions- from a fig or fig in the version of the Jews to a peach in the version of the Armenians.

Having tasted the fruit, Eve fed her husband with it. After tasting the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve suddenly noticed that both were naked, became embarrassed and tried to hide from God. The Lord punished each participant in the events. He cursed the snake to forever crawl on its belly and feed on dust. And Adam and Eve, who committed original sin, were expelled from Eden.

Outside the Garden of Eden, a man had to work hard all his life and cultivate the land, and Eve was doomed to obey her husband and “bear children in sickness.” People lost the immortality that was characteristic of them in the Garden of Eden, and after death they were doomed to return to dust - to the earth. So that people would not make their way back to Eden and not taste the fruits of the Tree of Life there, which give immortality, the Lord placed a cherub at the entrance - a many-winged angel with a fiery sword.

After the expulsion from paradise, people began to be fruitful and multiply. Eve gave birth to the first son - Cain, and after him the second - Abel. The third son, Seth, was born to Eve when she was already 130 years old. From the family of this Seth came Noah - the Old Testament patriarch, who was saved in the ark during the Flood, along with a small group of the chosen righteous. The descendants of the other sons of Eve - Cain and Abel - died during the flood. Thus, Seth is considered the ancestor of modern humanity.

Screen adaptations

In episode 11 of the first season of The X-Files, the name of Eva is given to female and female clones artificially created during a genetic experiment. These lab-enhanced kids were supposed to be super soldiers. But something went wrong, and Eve's test subjects began to fly off the rails in their teens, turning into psychopathic killers.

In 2014, the biblical epic film Noah was released, where the image of Eve was embodied by actress Arian Rinehart.

In the TV series Supernatural, Eve is the mother of monsters, a powerful being that appeared long before angels and humans. She lived in Purgatory until she escaped from there to Earth, where, in the form of a mortal woman, she gathers her own army to resist angels, demons, and everything in general.

In 2013, Jim Jarmusch's film "Only Lovers Left Alive" was released, which is about a couple of vampires - an underground musician (), who lives in a semi-abandoned Detroit and is thinking about suicide, and his stylish wife (), who loves poetry and chats in the evenings with contemporary English poet Christopher Marlo in the warm Moroccan city of Tangier. Both vampires are named after the biblical progenitors - Adam and Eve.

  • The images of Adam and Eve were repeatedly played up in art. The images of the progenitors of mankind are famous all over the world on the diptych of the German artist Albrecht Dürer and on the wings of the Ghent Altar of the van Eyck brothers. Hieronymus Bosch depicted Adam and Eve on the left wing of the famous triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights", which shows the last three days of the creation of the world.

  • Molecular biologists have dubbed "mitochondrial Eve" a woman who became the last common maternal ancestor of all living people and lived about two hundred thousand years ago. All human women have the mitochondrial DNA of this hypothetically existing lady, but this does not mean that she was the only "foremother" of mankind, like the biblical Eve. Other women also lived at the same time as the so-called "mitochondrial Eve", and also made their own contribution to the human gene pool. The two-part film "Discovery" "The Real Eve" is dedicated to this discovery.
  • In Peterhof there are paired fountains "Adam" and "Eve", sculpted by the Italian Giovanni Bonazza by order of the Russian diplomat Raguzinsky at the time. For three centuries of existence, the fountains have not changed and have retained their original appearance.
  • In Abrahamic religious traditions, it is believed that the Old Testament characters have very real burial places. The progenitor Eve, according to Judaism, was buried in the Cave of the Patriarchs, she is also the Cave of Machpelah, in the ancient part of the city of Hebron on the banks of the Jordan River. Together with Eve, Sarah, the wife of Abraham, Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, and Leah, the wife of Jacob, are buried there. And according to the Islamic version, the tomb of Eve is located in the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, where there is a place called the Tomb of Havva, or Mukbarat umna Havva.

  • In Muslim tradition, Eve is called Havva. The Qur'an does not say anything about Adam's wife, she is only mentioned, without details. But the details are present in the hadiths, or traditions that tell about life. In this version, the Lord sent Adam and Havva to different parts of the world: after the fall, the man ended up in India, and the woman ended up in the Arabian Peninsula. It is believed that Havva gave birth not three times, but twenty, and each time - twins. The last Havva gave birth to one son. In total, Khavva, according to the Islamic version, had 39 children.
  • Asteroid 164, discovered in 1876, is named after Eve.


"And Adam called his wife's name Eve, for she became the mother of all living." - Genesis 3:20
“And the serpent said to the woman, Did God truly say, Do not eat from any tree in Paradise? And the woman said to the serpent: We can eat fruits from trees, only the fruits of a tree that is in the middle of paradise, God said, do not eat them and do not touch them, lest you die. And the serpent said to the woman: No, you will not die, but God knows that on the day you eat them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil. And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasing to the eye and desirable, because it gives knowledge; and took its fruit and ate; and gave also to her husband, and he ate.” - Genesis 3:1-6
"Our Garden is one Tree,
With a multi-leaf host of branches.
It was planted by radiant Eve,
For centuries and centuries, the immaculate Virgin ... "

The name Eva is one of the most famous female names in the world. According to the Abrahamic religions, which include all branches of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the name Eve is the name of the first woman in the Old Testament world.

From Hebrew, the name Eve (written as חוה‎, pronounced as Chava) is translated as "giving life", and if so, then we can safely say that Eve's name means "giving life". However, in the context, the name Eve can be translated as "naughty" or "mobile". Like many other names that come from the Bible, the name Eve can have several meanings.

The familiar sound of the name Eve in other languages ​​sounds completely different. In the Czech Republic and Poland, the name Eva is pronounced as Eva, and in the UK as Iva. The closest pronunciation of the name Eve in Georgia to the original source is Khava.

The name Eva is also a short form a large number other names. These are the names of Eugene, Evangelina, Evelina, Evdokia and many others.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl

Eva grows up as a cheerful and active girl. No wonder the name is translated, including as mischievous. It imposes on parents certain obligations. With little Eva, you need to walk a lot on the street, and as you grow up, it is best to direct this activity in a positive direction. Eva enjoys attending all kinds of circles, but often changes them.

Eva studies well, but she takes her studies calmly. She does not have the desire to be the best in the class. Studying for Eva is not a tool for self-realization. Eva is successful in all subjects, but she will definitely have a few favorite disciplines.

The girl grows up in good health. She rarely gets sick, which is facilitated by her love of physical education. However, in adolescence, parents should pay attention to the child's diet. Often, getting carried away, she forgets to eat, which in the future can negatively affect the digestive system.

Short name Eva

Evka, Eva, Yves, Willow, Ivvy, Efa, Efi.

Diminutive names

Evochka, Evushka, Evonka, Evusik, Evunya, Evusha, Evulya, Evita.

Name Eva in English

V English language the name Eva is spelled Eva, but reads Willow.

Eva name for passport-EVA.

Translation of the name Eve into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Həvva
in Arabic - إيفا‎‎
in Armenian - Եվա (Eve)
in Belarusian - Eva
in Bulgarian - Eva
in Greek - Εύα
in Hebrew - אווה‎
in Spanish - Eva
in Italian - Eva
in Chinese - 伊娃
in Latin - Eva
in German - Eva
in Polish - Eva
in Romanian - Eva
in Serbian - Eva
in Slovenian - Eve
in Ukrainian - ЄVA
in Finnish - Eeva
in French - Eve
in Czech - Eva
in Japanese - イブ

Church name Eva(v Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Eve. Eve can be baptized under her worldly name at baptism, but she can also change her name.

Characteristics of the name Eva

If the characteristic of Eve in childhood is active, then at an older age she can rather be called hardworking. She is still mobile and cheerful, but most of her energy is spent on various useful things. Eva is an adult self-sufficient person. She does not need listeners, in the form of girlfriends. She herself gives an excellent assessment of life situations and knows what is good and what is bad. Because of this, I often consider her secretive and self-confident.

Eva is a winner by nature and is ready to work hard to win. She has strong willed qualities, which helps Eve a lot in life. Sometimes tired of easy victories, she herself begins to look for more difficult and interesting tasks. Eve's defeat is extremely difficult. She temporarily loses the strength to do anything and it is treated only with time. The task of relatives is to support Eve.

Eva loves to work, but she loves work, where there is a place for a real life feat, otherwise she will get bored. If Eva did not give her best at work, then she believes that she worked dishonestly. But this does not mean that Eve will do stupid pointless work, do not underestimate her. Eve can make a great leader. By her example, she will charge the team with confidence in the success.

Well, the most important calling in Eva's life is a family. In her priorities, the family is the most important and the most important. Eva is a born mother and a wonderful wife, but not every man can live next to her. Her activity and diligence cause in some men dumbfounded and even fear. It is not surprising that, feeling this well, Eva is in no hurry to get married and chooses a mate for a long time to start a family. She simply will not be able to love such a man, no matter how hard he tries.

The secret of the name Eva

One of the secrets of the name Eva can be called her wonderful intuition. Eva is not a fan of sharing her inner experiences anyway, and she considers intuitive sensations to be completely personal. Therefore, her intuitive abilities remain a mystery to many. Those around her, trying in every possible way to influence her, often do not understand that Eva clearly sees their thoughts and motives.

The second secret of Eve can be called her vulnerability. She does not know how to defend herself at all and is very worried about aggression from other people. Here Eva needs support and protection from loved ones and, best of all, from a man. Such a man for little Eve can be a dad or brother, and for an adult - a husband.

Planet- The sun.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

totem animal- Lan.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Date palm.

Plant- Magnolia.

A rock- Rubin.

According to Mendelev

It is rare that someone dares to name their daughter after the foremother Eve. Perhaps the parents are kept from this step by the memory of the fate of the first bearer of this name. In vain: it is good, simple, beautiful and strong, even powerful, although not bright.

Eva grows up as a strong, strong-willed person, distinguished by enviable self-control. Restrained and balanced, attentive and even strict to people, which does not prevent her from being moderately sociable and moderately cheerful. She fits well into any team, but does not tolerate familiarity, swagger and vulgarity in relationships.

Eva often becomes a high-class professional in various fields of activity. She plans and builds her own destiny, is very rational, trusts analysis and careful consideration of all factors more than her own and other people's intuition. He has an increased intelligence, a peculiar outlook on life and an independent opinion of his own on many issues. She can be convinced of something only by substantiating her point of view clearly and logically. Window dressing and external effects are deeply alien to her. She is reliable and active, willingly comes to the rescue, not afraid of any struggle, but does not get involved in a dubious (in a moral or legal sense) enterprise. Nevertheless, he has the necessary flexibility of mind and resourcefulness.

In love, this is a completely different woman, beautiful, tender and cheerful. Her rationalism and logic recede into the shadows. As a rule, she is the head of the family, although the "powerful methods" of leadership, pressure and peremptory judgments are alien to her.

Eva's husbands tend to love her very much, and family life lasts happily ever after.

The color of the name is emerald green with a narrow scarlet stripe.

1. Personality: women reigning in heaven and on earth

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: will - susceptibility - morality - activity

4. Totem plant: lily

5. Spirit animal: dove

6. Sign: maiden

7. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. These are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy, envious, but they have huge reserves of love and tenderness.

8. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw into themselves and do not always reveal their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident and prudent.

9. Will. Very strong, leaving no room for selfishness. Their totem is a lily - a symbol of beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, is not tolerated by everyone.

10. Excitability. Combined with responsiveness, it becomes simply explosive!

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Huge! If they do not agree with something, then they express their disagreement very violently. Stubborn. Defeats and failures upset them, but they do not make a tragedy out of it.

12. Field of activity. Usually they are exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give all their best, but most of all they are suited for the role of the mother of the family and the keeper of the hearth. They like to work with children and take care of the sick, they can become doctors, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

13. Intuition. They have good intuition, but do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. They stand firmly on the ground.

14. Intelligence. They do not seek to shine, rather they prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They have an analytical mindset, hence the interest in the little things, and not in the whole.

15. Susceptibility. Such women are easily offended and hurt. But they are quicker to stand up for others than to defend themselves. Capable of strong affection, but the circle of their friends is limited and carefully selected.

16. Morality, Adhere to too strict moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced at turning points in their lives.

17. Health. They have enviable health and stamina. They must lead a measured life. Weak "sides" - intestines, lungs and skin.

18. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their lives. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

19. Activity. It seems that what others have to take with difficulty, they are given with ease.

20. Sociability. In society, they feel easy and at ease, although they themselves do not seek to communicate.

21. Conclusion. In childhood, they do not cause trouble, as they early learn to solve their problems on their own, without putting them on the shoulders of others.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Life, living" (biblical). According to the Bible, this was the name of the first foremother of mankind. Corresponds to the Slavic Zhiva, personifying Life, and the Greek Zoya

Energy of the name and character: In terms of its sound energy, Eva is a slightly chilly name, but groovy and purposeful. A significant role is also played by the idea of ​​"original sin" associated with this name, and due to the small distribution of this name in Russia, such a connection can be traced quite clearly, leaving a certain imprint on the character of Eve. No, this does not mean at all that modern Eve will be a copy of the legendary foremother of mankind, however, the ambiguity of this biblical image and the interest in this issue that has not cooled over the centuries testify to its importance. In addition, this idea resonates well with the general energy of the name.

Indeed, in the name there is a sensual aspiration, activity, perhaps even passion, but at the same time a certain lack of softness makes the name somewhat cold. Isn't it very similar to the biblical tradition, when the passion for "eating erotic apples" turns into anxiety, and then the coldness of expulsion from a happy paradise? In addition to everything Eve herself, these thoughts will come to mind at an early age, and first impressions, as you know, are most profound.

Of course, in our age of pragmatic materialism, few people can be intimidated by such horror stories, rather, this is a topic for jokes, so it’s very possible that Eva will be very sober about sex issues, it’s another matter that she won’t go from the heart, but from the head. Most likely, in her external behavior some coldness and efficiency will show through, behind which considerable sensuality can be hidden, and therefore irritability. It often happens the other way around, when Eve tries to emphasize the passion of her character, but no matter how she treats her feelings, we must not forget that logic deprives emotions of naturalness. There is no need to emphasize anything - after all, this can cause the exact opposite effect, and either coldness will actually penetrate the soul, or the restrained passions will acquire some dangerous forms in the depths of the soul. It is much better to try to find balance with a lighter and more fun way of looking at life and yourself. In this case, she will have a much better chance of achieving success in life. If she wants to achieve happiness and peace in personal life, then you can find it only in sincere communication with loved ones.

Secrets of communication: Very often, communication with Eve is difficult for some of her irritability and unpredictability. On top of that, she is very proud, which should also be taken into account when talking with her. You can try to avoid sharp corners with the help of calm logic, especially if it is combined with light humor.

The trace of a name in history:

The Legend of Eve

"And Adam called his wife's name: Eve, for she became the mother of all living," says the Bible, and it is interesting that the very name of the foremother of mankind appears in the holy book only directly when it comes to the fall - before this episode in the main text of the legend the woman is unnamed.

In the legends about the creation of man, including the version about the creation of a woman from the rib of a man, the name of Eve is also not mentioned: "... but for a man there was no helper like him. And the God Yahweh brought a sound sleep to the man; and when he fell asleep, took one of his ribs, and covered that place with flesh. And the God Yahweh formed a wife from the rib taken from the man, and brought her to the man." The further fate of the first human couple is described in detail in the legend of the fall: about how Eve, who succumbed to temptation, and then her pliable husband, ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, for which they were forever expelled from paradise. It is in punishment for their sin, according to legend, that all mankind is still paying the price: a man is forced to get bread in the sweat of his face, while a woman is doomed to give birth in pain.

It is interesting that until now the theme of original sin now and then pops up as an argument of misogynists, who in all seriousness claim that if it were not for Eve, man would still live in paradise. On the other hand, many philosophers and theologians, on the contrary, honor Eve not only as the foremother of mankind, but also as a perfect Woman, personifying all the virtues inherent in her gender. As for the expulsion from paradise, Mark Twain said it well, putting into the mouth of Adam the words that he could have said on the grave of Eve: "Where she was, there was paradise."

By Higiru

Giver of life, life (translated from Hebrew). Eve is the name of the biblical progenitor. With a good character, little Eva went to her father, although she inherited stubbornness from her mother. Perseverance, adherence to principles distinguish the adult Eve. But the main feature of Eve, which distinguishes her from many other women, is sensuality, many other qualities of Eve are predetermined by her: jealousy, unpredictability, some conflict. Men love these living women because, as they say, “you won’t get bored” with them, although they never forgive male betrayals. Eva is looking for a husband with the same temperament as hers, a cold man is not for her. In search of a worthy partner, some of them never get married. Married Evas are good cooks, they are especially good at sweet dishes. They are hospitable, love society, especially men's, they assign an important role in life to their appearance and clothing; prefer black and red. Eva, as a rule, has one child (the "winter" ones have girls, the "summer" and "autumn" ones have boys).

"Winter" - with a controversial, quarrelsome character (it is better for them to live apart with their mother-in-law!). Many of them marry twice.

"Autumn" - calmer, softer and more tolerant.

Eva is one of those women who do not sit still for a long time: long trips, ski trips, swimming for them are “name days of the heart”. The owner of this name is usually a lively, thin blonde (often dyed, because she believes that men prefer blondes).

They choose for themselves the work of a secretary-typist, doctor, translator, tailor, hairdresser, teacher.

The most suitable man for Eve: Vladimir, Zinovy, Adam, Mikhail, Miroslav, Yaroslav, Moses, Bronislav, Adolf, Oleg or Oles. Marriage with one of those who are called Vladislav, Miron, Maximillian, Nazar, Nikolai, Robert, Rodion or Rostislav will not be successful.

Meaning of the name

Eva is a purposeful, active, quite tough, but at the same time a sensual and temperamental person who lacks softness and sensitivity. Her strong-willed character, which is characterized by such qualities as perseverance, poise and restraint, is complemented by a rare ability for women to control themselves and their emotions in any situation. The owner of this name is independent and has her own authoritative point of view on everything.

Characteristics of the name Eva

winter eve has a contradictory and quarrelsome character. She has no authority, but she herself will be happy to command at the first opportunity. This narcissistic woman revels in her power, sometimes forgetting about such qualities as kindness and responsiveness. When the winter Eve realizes her mistake, it is too late to correct her. It is not surprising that she has practically no friends, although she tries to do everything so that others believe in her sincerity.

Spring Eve - an intellectual, for whom art and science can not only replace communication with friends, but also become an obstacle on the way to establishing a personal life. In fairness, we note that she is incredibly charming and interesting, but men are afraid of her mind, and women do not want to seem stupid against the background of spring Eve. However, this situation does not upset Eva, especially since in her environment there will always be those with whom she can talk about everything in the world.

Summer Eve - a gentle, attentive, good-natured and caring person who tries to create an atmosphere of love and happiness around him. A smile does not leave her face, she is ready to give the last to those in need, she will always listen and help in any way she can. But others often take advantage of her kindness, which greatly hurts the disinterested summer Eve, who should temper her character (a little toughness in relations with people has not hurt anyone yet).

autumn eve - a calm, balanced and patient woman, accustomed to being guided primarily by the interests of other people when solving a particular issue. But this woman often forgets about herself, completely dissolving in the problems and concerns of others. Autumn Eve is easy to offend, but she does not know how to be angry for a long time, and therefore she is the first to go to reconciliation, even if she is not the instigator of the conflict.

Stone - talisman

The stones that patronize Eve are ruby, sard and jade.


This gem used as an amulet since ancient times, while symbolic meaning ruby in cultures different peoples did not differ significantly. So, the ruby ​​was considered a stone of security, power, power, invulnerability, valor and strength.

From time immemorial, the red color of the stone has been associated with passion and true love. In addition, the ruby ​​is able to dispel sadness and inspire hope and optimism in its owner.

Muslims believed that an amulet with this stone helps to accomplish the most difficult plans. But Christians identified the ruby ​​​​with devotion to faith and divine love.

In the East, the ruby ​​symbolized fearlessness and wisdom (it was believed that this stone bestows life-giving power).


The Romans and Greeks personified the sard with fiery energy, power and invincibility, while the Indians revered this stone as a symbol of fertility. Among Christians, the sard was considered a symbol of the "greatness of the Lord."

Sard improves concentration, awakens compassion, gives joy to life and increases sensuality. Sard brings warmth to relationships: it strengthens friendship, enhances passion between lovers, and establishes working contacts.


A symbol of gentleness, justice, self-improvement, courage and purity. Amulets with jade not only contributed to happy changes, but also helped to overcome any difficulties, so they were worn by those who wanted to radically change their lives.

In the East, jade symbolizes vitality, greatness, perfection, good health, longevity and immortality.

I must say that in China this stone represents a number of virtues, including justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, fidelity and benevolence. It is believed that with the help of jade one can judge the essence of a person: for example, a clouded and darkened stone indicates that its owner is prone to impartial actions.





Animal - symbol

Eve's totem animals are deer and dove.


This graceful animal symbolizes timidity, fearfulness, speed, softness, beauty and grace.

In the East, the doe is the personification of tenderness, longevity, wealth, high social status, the desire for self-improvement and self-knowledge. At the same time, this animal symbolizes love passion.

The Japanese considered the deer to be a symbol of loneliness and melancholy, but at the same time, a symbol of the beginning.

The Celts considered the doe to be a divine messenger, so its skin and shoulder blades were used in the manufacture of ritual clothing.


This bird personifies the spirit of life in general and the human soul in particular, innocence, tenderness and peace (although in some traditions the dove symbolizes voluptuousness).

In Christianity, the dove is identified with motherhood, purity, simplicity, meekness, innocence, ingenuity, peace and renewal of life. Seven doves are a symbol of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, while a flock of doves means believers, and a dove with an olive branch represents peace, forgiveness, victory over death, and deliverance from sins.

For the Chinese, the dove is a symbol of spring, longevity, devotion, respect for the elders.

In the Greco-Roman tradition, the dove symbolizes love (the image of a pair of doves represents family happiness and prosperity).



Plants-symbols of Eve - date palm, magnolia and lily.

Date palm

It is a symbol of fertility, life, prosperity, longevity and material well-being (it is the date in the Christian tradition that is considered the personification of those chosen ones who received divine blessings).

In all cultures, the palm tree symbolizes the solar beginning, glory, straightforwardness, constancy, victory, triumph and honesty (as you know, winners were awarded a palm branch along with laurel wreaths).

Interesting fact! A date palm without fruit is the personification of the masculine, while a tree with fruits is a symbol of the feminine and fertility.


Magnolia symbolizes purity, nobility and perseverance.

In China this amazing plant is considered the personification of spring, femininity, beauty, chastity, sincere love and sweetness love relationships. In addition, magnolia is one of the signs of prestige, prosperity and sophistication.


This exotic plant has a rather contradictory symbolism, since it is the personification of truth and chastity, but at the same time sin and repentance.

In the East, the lily is a symbol of purity, righteousness, harmony, tranquility, nobility, grandeur and tenderness.

In the Christian tradition, this flower is identified with the immaculate Virgin Mary, therefore it is considered a symbol of modesty, humility, humility, and meekness.

In Rome and Egypt, the lily was considered a symbol of hope, prosperity and fertility.

Interesting fact! White lily is a symbol of purity and immortality, yellow is considered a flower of pride, impregnability and arrogance, while orange represents independence and originality, and pink represents youth and tenderness. lilies dark shades- the embodiment of desire and passion.


Gold is the metal of Eve, symbolizing power, material well-being, glory, power and luxury.

In Christianity, gold from time immemorial has symbolized nobility, the divine principle, purity and steadfastness of faith.

auspicious day



origin of the name Eva

Name translation

From the Hebrew language, the name Eve is translated as "living", "life", "naughty" or "mobile".

Name history

The name Eve comes from the Hebrew name Havva, which translates as "giving life." In addition, it is believed that Eva is a short version of such female and male names as Evangelina, Eugenia, Evdokia, as well as Evstigney and Eutropius.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Short forms of the name Eva: Evochka, Evushka, Eva, Evita, Evka, Evonka, Evulya, Evusya.

The secret of the name Eva

name patrons

  • Holy Great Martyr Eve.
  • Foremother Eve (wife of Adam).

Angel Day (name day)

Eva celebrates her birthday in April (12th) and December (23rd and 25th).

The legend of the name Eva

The most famous owner of the name Eve is the first woman on earth, created by God from Adam's rib in order to brighten up the last stay in paradise.

Adam and Eve lived in happiness and grace, but they disobeyed the Lord, who forbade picking and eating fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which grew far from other trees. But seduced by beautiful apples, Eve could not resist the temptation to taste the forbidden fruit, but the snake-tempter pushed her to this decision. Not only that, Eve shared an apple with Adam.

Having barely tasted the ruddy apple, Adam and Eve saw that they were completely naked, and they were ashamed of their naked body, and therefore did not dare to show themselves to God, who called them, having learned about the sin committed. As punishment for their disobedience, Adam and Eve were banished from paradise forever. In addition, from now on, all people on earth have become mortal, while Eve (and, consequently, all women) was destined for the birth of children in agony, and Adam - the extraction of daily bread through hard work.

But before leaving paradise, God ordered Adam to give names to all things: then the first man on earth called his wife Eve.

The exiles came out of paradise in leather clothes (in this way God took care of his children who turned off the true path, because there was no eternal summer outside of paradise).

Famous people

Famous actresses named Eva:

  • Eva Rutkai;
  • Eva Braun (later wife of Adolf Hitler);
  • Eva Herzigova;
  • Eva Le Gallienne;
  • Eva Longoria;
  • Eva Mendes;
  • Eva Olin;
  • Eva Mary Saint;
  • Eva Lundgren.

Famous singers named Eva:

  • Eva Bushmina;
  • Eva Polna.

Famous writers named Eva:

  • Eva Simonaityte;
  • Eva Denise.

Famous athletes named Eva:

  • Eva Romanova - figure skater from the former Czechoslovakia;
  • Eva Serrano is a French rhythmic gymnast.

The meaning of the name Eva

For a child

Little Eve is a dreamer who, from childhood, gravitates toward everything mysterious and even mystical. She firmly believes in fairy tales, while real friends are often replaced by her fictional characters. wonderful stories which she gladly shares with others. In adult life, such a belief in mysticism can cause Eve to fall under the negative influence of false soothsayers.

In Eva, the stubbornness and independence of the mother, as well as the perseverance, responsiveness and good nature of the father, are surprisingly combined. The owner of this name grows up as an independent, but at the same time an obedient and self-sufficient child, who causes very little trouble for her loved ones.

Eva is cheerful, energetic and mobile, therefore she is always in the center of all events, life is constantly raging around her. She has several hobbies at once, and in each of them she achieves considerable success.

At school, Eva is interested in exact sciences, she is also interested in history, biology and chemistry. She is attentive to detail and scrupulous, but she is extremely rare as an excellent student, because she does not strive to be the best in the class. Education for Eve is, first of all, a duty (a certain mandatory life stage), but by no means a tool for self-realization.

Diplomatic and sincere, Eva is a wonderful friend who will never betray.

For girl

Young Eve has an unpredictable character: she can be irritable, principled and proud, and can be good-natured and affectionate. It can be influenced through calm dialogue and arguments of reason, while shouting and assertiveness can lead to the opposite result.

Smart by nature, Eva chooses as friends no less intelligent friends who are independent themselves and know how to respect the freedom of choice and the opinion of another person.

It should be noted that this girl does not like to share her inner feelings, so for many it remains an unsolved mystery that you want to unravel. But for Eve it is not difficult to figure out a person, to understand his thoughts and motives.

Despite her strong character, Eva is very vulnerable. Moreover, she absolutely does not know how to defend herself, therefore it is extremely difficult for her to experience attacks from others. Therefore, Eve simply needs the support and protection of relatives and friends.

Eva is smart, hardworking, self-confident, prudent, ambitious and selfish, she is secretive and touchy, so she does not have many friends, especially considering that this girl always strives to show her leadership qualities in everything.

For woman

Adult Eva is a sensual, romantic, sympathetic, active and inquisitive woman who tries to make every day different from the previous one. At the same time, this woman makes many mistakes because of her mood swings and impulsiveness. She can be overly strict and principled towards people, and her unwillingness to admit her mistakes sooner or later leads to the fact that she loses loved ones.

Eva cannot live without risk, and she knows how to charge others with her energy. Adventurism is one of the main qualities of this woman who does not tolerate monotony in life.

In general, Eva gives the impression of a cold and masterful woman who does not have any feminine weaknesses. But this is not at all the case: in fact, behind the dryness of this woman lies a vulnerable and kind nature, ready to open up exclusively to close people who have actually earned her trust.

A leader by nature, Eva is used to winning, and for this she is ready to work hard. Easy victories do not suit her, so often she herself begins to look for more difficult tasks.

Note that such qualities as envy and malice are absolutely not inherent in a strong and strong-willed Eve. On the contrary, it strives for harmony, peace, mutual understanding. But among the negative qualities of the owner of this name can be called secrecy and inability to adapt to the circumstances.

Description of the name Eva


Eva always adheres to high moral and ethical principles, she is decent and principled, especially in relations with her loved one. In other people, the owner of this name also highly appreciates morality.


As a rule, Eva has good health, she is hardy and active, she tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But the love of tasty and not always healthy food can provoke digestive problems.


Affectionate, gentle, easy to communicate and mysterious Eve is a success with men, and, being in a relationship, she forgets about her inherent logic and rationalism. She completely surrenders to feelings, but also expects a similar attitude from her partner. But her man should be prepared for the fact that Eve will not take any decisive steps towards her happiness. Initiative is not her forte.

Love for Eve is an explosion of feelings and emotions, so cold and reasonable partners do not suit her. This woman will not tolerate boredom in a relationship.

I must say that in the life of sensual and passionate Eve, love plays a special role, because it is the state of being in love that brings energy and the desire to move on into her life.


Eva for a long time does not dare to tie her fate with strong bonds of marriage, as she is looking for perfect man who would meet all her high requirements, that is, be smart, temperamental, witty, open and active. Often the first marriage of this woman ends in a complete fiasco, which also postpones the moment of remarriage for an indefinite period.

Having found "her" man, Eva will become a faithful wife and a devoted friend who will always be there in any situation.

Family relationships

In the family, Eva immediately tries to take a dominant position. Moreover, her impulsiveness and imbalance can negatively affect family life, so Eva's husband will have to be patient if he wants to save the marriage.

Despite her rather sharp character, Eva is a wonderful and very hospitable hostess who is ready to please relatives and guests. delicious meals and good mood.

Eva is very zealous in protecting the interests of her family, so she does not allow anyone to interfere in her family relationships. She rarely has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, because she is not going to share her husband's love and attention with anyone.

Eva brings up children in strictness, while trying to give them all the best. She is caring and demanding, affectionate and despotic at the same time.


Sensuality, sexuality and a certain mystery make Eva a desirable object for men who want to possess not only the body, but also the soul of this strong woman. At the same time, Eva herself considers the sexual component an integral part of any relationship.

Eva is a temperamental lover who prefers to give rather than take. She loves diversity in the intimate sphere, so her chosen one will have to make the most of her imagination in order not to let her impulsive and romantic partner get bored.

Mind (intelligence)

Eve has a well-developed intellect, which she does not get tired of improving. She thinks in terms of logic and rationalism, while she does not let feelings take precedence over reason.


Eva is not used to doing anything with half strength, so in any field she will show herself exclusively with positive side and quickly climb the corporate ladder. But still there are professions that are the vocation of this woman: a doctor, a teacher, an educator.

Eva will reach no less heights in the field of a lawyer, journalist, translator, because she loves to discover more and more facets for herself and in herself.

Thanks to her organizational skills, diligence, attentiveness and responsibility, the owner of this name will make an excellent boss. In addition, Eve is fair and rational, which helps her gain the authority of her subordinates and the respect of senior management.

Interestingly, she is disgusted by monotonous and routine work, especially if it is associated with stressful situations in which Eva is lost, which negatively affects the productivity of the work process.


Eva can easily be called a very successful person, so she is often lucky in business. However, one should not write off everything just for luck, because this woman knows how to think soberly, she always analyzes everything that happens and draws the right conclusions. But still, she should remember that business is not a wheel of fortune, and therefore, for the prosperity of her business, she must work and work again.


Eva prefers to relax in good company, where fun reigns. She does not spare money for traveling, because she draws a lot of energy from them. She also likes a quiet pastime (the main thing is that it be well thought out and organized).

Character type


Eva's character is dominated by coldness and pragmatism, while she tries not to reveal her feelings to anyone. But she still won’t be able to hide her spiritual warmth, especially if she is surrounded by loving and understanding people.

This woman tries not to impose her opinion, but she will not allow anyone to tell her what to do either. It is easier for Eva to let the conflict situation go by itself than to zealously prove her case: her own spiritual harmony is much more important for her than ambition.

It is easy to offend Eve, while she will not take revenge on the offender, but she will not be able to forget about the offenses inflicted.


Eva has excellent intuition, which, unfortunately, she never uses, preferring to proceed by trial and error.

Eva horoscope

Eve - Aries

Serious passions boil in this outwardly calm and balanced woman, which she carefully hides from others, fearing that they will consider her weak. Such secrecy can become not only the cause of the loneliness of Eve-Aries, but also the development of depressive conditions in her. This woman needs a kind, affectionate and open man who can awaken sensuality and tenderness in her.

Eve - Taurus

This is an ambitious and purposeful woman, for whom the meaning of life is her professional activity. Thus, in order to achieve the set goals and career development Eve-Taurus is ready to sacrifice family happiness and communication with friends, whom she already has too few. An active, witty and strong-willed man will be able to distract this careerist from work, although for this he will have to make a lot of efforts.

Eve - Gemini

Open, tactful, good-natured and friendly Eve-Gemini gives the impression of a slightly naive, eccentric and frivolous person, in whose life there is no place for sadness and despair. In fact, even this resilient optimist is characterized by bouts of apathy and indifference, with which she tries to fight through active pastime with her loved ones. Next to her, Eve-Gemini sees the same resilient and energetic partner.

Eve - Cancer

Shy, vulnerable and modest Eve-Cancer does not like excessive attention to her person. On the contrary, she tries to remain in the shadows, so she has almost no friends, and she rarely spends time with those she has. At the same time, she does not feel deprived or lonely, as her friends are replaced by books and philosophical reflections on life. Eva-Cancer will feel comfortable next to a responsible and firm character of a man.

Eva - Leo

Life is seething in this active nature: for example, Eva-Leo cannot sit still for a minute, so she tries to direct her indefatigable energy in the right direction (for example, she takes on the responsibility of organizing various events). She is hardworking and assertive, therefore she expects determination and perseverance in achieving her goals from a man. Weak-willed and lazy representatives of the stronger sex are absolutely not interested in her.

Eva - Virgo

This is a creative person who thinks in abstract categories and is well versed in everything that is not related to everyday everyday problems.

She understands philosophy, painting and literature, but is absolutely not adapted to realities. modern life. Therefore, Eve-Virgo needs a guide man who will take on all the topical problems, thereby giving her the opportunity to focus on thinking about the global problems of mankind.

Eve - Libra

Interesting in communication, smart, sincere and incredibly benevolent, Eva-Libra tries to make a good impression on everyone around her, and she does it at ease and unobtrusively. She is insecure, so she craves approval from the outside. Sometimes Eve-Libra is too dependent on the opinions of outsiders. She can forget about her fears only with a strong character of a man who will protect her from all troubles and misfortunes.

Eve - Scorpio

Silent, modest and shy Eve-Scorpio is afraid to trust people. She wants to become more sociable and open, but she cannot always step over her shyness. And this should help her. close person, namely the beloved man, next to whom Eve-Scorpio will surely bloom. This woman can only trust a man who has been tested by time and circumstances, who is confident in himself and is ready to be patient with Eve-Scorpio.

Eva - Sagittarius

This woman does not tolerate loneliness, so she tries to meet her friends more often, whom she cherishes very much. Because of the kindness and kindness, Eva-Sagittarius often gets into various adventures, so over time this woman ceases to trust people. Moreover, it is very difficult for her to open up to a man, so for a long time Eva-Sagittarius cannot build her personal life (she does not succeed in creating a happy family the first time).

Eve - Capricorn

Practical, fair, honest and responsible, Eva-Capricorn is authoritative and respected, because she tries to live according to her conscience. She is of little interest in material goods, especially if in order to achieve them one must commit betrayal or deceit. The main thing for Eve-Capricorn is to do what you love and be useful to people. Men consider this woman closed and arrogant, and only a sensitive and insightful man can discern a tender and sensitive woman in her.

Eve - Aquarius

Charming, charismatic and witty Eva-Aquarius is always in good mood. She is diplomatic and tactful, therefore she maintains even friendly relations with everyone, which helps her achieve a lot both in work and in her personal life. The chosen one of Eve-Aquarius will never fully unravel this mysterious woman, who plays the role of everyone's favorite. And he will have to come to terms with this.

Eva - Pisces

This is an idealist and a dreamer rolled into one, who lives in her own special world, far from reality. She hides shyness and indecision behind a mask of sociability and fun. And only a few know that real Eve-Pisces, which attracts with its sincerity and kindness. This woman needs a gentle and caring man who will not manipulate or play with her feelings and emotions.

Eva name compatibility with male names

Eva and Dmitry

Eva and Anton

Eva is ready to forget about her career for the sake of her family, while Anton does not want to part with a bachelor's lifestyle, which implies complete freedom of action. There comes a time when Eve gets tired of fighting the love of freedom of her chosen one and leaves.

Eva and Michael

Strong and purposeful Eve tries to instill in the hardworking, but absolutely not ambitious Michael, the desire to act. But he is completely satisfied with the state of affairs in which he is not responsible for anything. As a result, the couple breaks up.

Eva and Nikolay

If Eva and Nikolai do not learn to yield to each other, then their family life will end as soon as it begins. They must remember that building a prosperous family relations- hard work that requires patience.

Eva and Igor

Charming Igor loves to flirt with women, so Eva has many reasons for jealousy, while being a secretive and vulnerable person, she tries not to show her feelings. But in the end, she gets tired of enduring the adventures of Igor, and she leaves him.

Eva and Anatoly

There are more than enough difficulties in this union: these are the different characters of Eva and Anatoly, and their opposite views on life. But still, these two are able to overcome difficulties, therefore their union often turns out to be very strong.

Eva and Vyacheslav

Practical Eva cannot come to terms with Vyacheslav's frivolous attitude to life. A woman in this union seeks to create a cozy family hearth, while a man is more concerned about his own interests, which are far from always connected with the family. This tandem quickly breaks up.

Eva and Ilya

Life is in full swing in Eva, while Ilya is used to doing everything thoroughly and measuredly. Such slowness of Ilya can annoy Eve, which over time can cause scandals and a break in the couple's relationship.

Eva and Vladislav

Happiness, harmony and tenderness are the foundation of the relationship between Eva and Vladislavwho protect their family nest from any troubles and hardships. These two manage to create an ideal family in which there is no place for scandals.

Eva and Vitaly

Ambitious Eva and conservative Vitaly can become not only a wonderful family, but also excellent business partners with ambitious plans. They are united by diligence and honesty, as well as loyalty to family traditions.

Eva and Nikita

Emotional and impulsive Nikita, although he loves his energetic companion, still believes that Eve lacks adventurism and a certain lightness. Eva, on the other hand, is constantly jealous of her chosen one, which ultimately destroys the relationship.

Eva and Vadim

Practical Eva knows what she wants from life, while Vadim is used to relying on fate and going with the flow, which absolutely does not suit his active companion. Eve's straightforwardness does not add strength to relationships, which directly points to Vadim's shortcomings.

Eva and Oleg

The union of Eva and Oleg can only have prospects if both learn to adapt to each other, if they can cultivate in themselves such qualities as patience and understanding.

Eva and Ruslan

There is no unbridled passion in the relationship between Eva and Ruslan, but they have a deep and real feeling of that calm love that can survive any life storms. Eva and Ruslan are devoted friends and loving spouses.

“A direct descendant of Eve” - this is what J. G. Byron says in the poem “Don Juan” about the father of the protagonist, referring to the tendency to “pick forbidden fruits” ... it’s hard to disagree with this, since any person, by definition, is a direct descendant Eve... at least that's what the Bible says.

The name of the heroine - Eve (originally - Khavva) - perfectly reflects her role in the universe: from the Hebrew "hai" - "life". True, some modern researchers raise this name to the Aramaic "hevya" - "snake", but "giving life" looks somehow more convincing.

The creation of Eve is mentioned twice in Genesis - and often there is a contradiction between these two stories: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; He created them male and female,” says Chapter 1. Chapter 2 gives the details: “And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; Let us make him a helper fit for him.” The Creator offers the first man Adam animals - "but for man there was no helper like him." And only then does God create a woman from Adam's rib... So is there a contradiction here?

In fact, it is resolved very simply: the woman was in the Creator's original plan - but the Man had to realize her need through an unsatisfied need, because, as you know, contradictions (including between the need and the possibility of satisfying it) are the driving force of development. And now - a person comes to the realization that he needs someone equal to him - and at the same time different from him, a being with whom it is impossible to identify himself, respectively - it is impossible to fully understand. Such a being can only be known through love.

Another story related to Eve is the Fall. First of all, we should reject the stereotype that is not shared by any Christian - but very common in the philistine mind: the Fall is in no way connected with sex and childbearing! Perhaps the reason was that the word “to know a woman” in the Bible is used in the meaning of “to copulate”, and the Fall was also associated with the topic of knowledge ... this is a misunderstanding that blinds many eyes. Meanwhile, even before the Fall, the Creator ordered people to “be fruitful and multiply”…

In fact, the meaning of the Fall is much deeper. And we will see it very clearly when we look closely at modern civilization.

What is the main value in terms of modern man? That's right - the human person! In its name, human rights organizations, the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights, etc. are being created. and so on - and the layman likes to speculate about the "freedom of the individual." And behind all this bacchanalia, the fact that a person exists only in the human community somehow escapes attention (although this elementary truth is contained in any textbook of psychology). Destroy the community with its limitations - and there will be no person-personality, only the animal-individual will remain: "I want to eat" - and went to steal, "I want this woman" - and went to rape, "I want to throw out a bad mood" - and went to beat someone... And what if someone wants to satisfy such needs at your expense - after all, there are the same “free personalities” around (in the sense of individual animals) ... And now - they beat you, stole from you ... and then you begin to understand why a society is needed that “fetters” a person, why a hierarchy is needed that is inherent in society ...

And so, at the dawn of the existence of Mankind, the first people had to assimilate the first hierarchy: "God is a man." Only by cognizing this foundation of the universe could one cognize everything else - to cognize through self-restraint. This restriction concerned the fundamental human desire - the thirst for knowledge (at the same time, the value of knowledge also increased - remember how Adam learns the value of a woman through her initial absence).

But humanity - in the person of Eve - does not learn this lesson: "personal development" ("you will, like God, know Good and Evil") and "human rights" she puts above the will of God. And now - the hierarchy of the universe is collapsing, the connection “God - man” is collapsing, the nature of man is distorted - sin comes into it ... This is the death that God promised as a result of the violation of the only prohibition - and not physical death at all (otherwise we would have to assume that the Creator... how to put it mildly - gave out incorrect information: after all, physically the ancestors do not die immediately after eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil). And such a death can only be neutralized by the death of the God-man - the New Adam... but that's another story.

As for Adam and Eve, after being expelled from the Garden of Eden, they had to atone for their sin with sincere repentance and a righteous life - and upon descending into Hell in Great Saturday The Savior brought them out of the underworld along with other Old Testament righteous...

Was it - or was it not?

Of course, we do not have a textbook of paleoanthropology before us (even M.V. Lomonosov said that one cannot study chemistry from the Psalms - since there is no chemistry there ... in the same way one cannot study the history of the emergence of the biological species Homo Sapiens from the book of Genesis). God dictated the Bible - but people still wrote, and these people were not scientists in modern form but rather poets. And nothing prevents us from assuming that the "dust of the earth" from which man was created are mineral substances that were washed into the ocean by giant tidal waves on the young Earth - and from which organic molecules arose, and from them - life ... One way or another, the fall of the first people took place (if you doubt it, look not even at those around you, but at yourself first of all)...

And yet - was there such a woman from whom every representative of modern humanity descends?

Yes, there was. There is such an organelle in cells - mitochondria, we will not dwell on its functions now, the important thing is that it has its own DNA molecule. And if the DNA contained in the nucleus is made up of paternal and maternal genes, then we get mitochondrial DNA entirely from the maternal egg. And therefore, using mitochondrial DNA, one can calculate the degree of relationship of all living people - as well as the time of accumulation of mutations. And so, molecular biologists have calculated that a hypothetical woman, to whom all modern humanity should go back, lived in Africa approximately 140 thousand years ago. This woman is called "mitochondrial Eve (or "African Eve").

And this is another proof that there are no and cannot be contradictions between the Bible and science. And if we see them, it means that we don't know enough yet.