Bay leaf from evil. We chase quarrels away: with the help of a bay leaf

  • 23.09.2019

The famous Ovid in his Metamorphoses tells that Apollo, who lived among people, fell in love with the nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. Once, after defeating the serpent Python, Apollo met the young god of love Eros with a bow and arrows and played a joke on him: “Why do you need a bow and arrows, baby? Are you thinking of surpassing me in the art of shooting?

This mockery offended Eros, and he sent two arrows in retaliation. The first, the arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second, the killing love, hit Daphne. Since then, Daphne has always run away from Apollo. No tricks helped him. Exhausted by suffering, eternal persecution, Daphne turned to her father Peneus and the Earth so that they would take away her image from her. After these words, she turned into a laurel bush (it is curious that in Russia until the 18th century Bay leaf called "daphnia" ("laurel" in Greek - "daphne").

The saddened Apollo from then on began to wear a wreath of evergreen laurel on his head. In Greece, houses were decorated with bay leaves to refresh the room. Laurel branches were put in mattresses to dream prophetic dreams. There was a belief that the laurel saves from a lightning strike.

So, the fact is known that the Roman emperor Tiberius, during the peals of thunder, put on a laurel wreath and crawled under the bed. Laurel was considered a sacred tree; its wreaths decorated the heads of the winners in Ancient Greece. For several millennia, this tradition has been preserved in other countries, for example, in England. From the word "laurel" came the word "laureate" - "crowned with laurels."

The magical properties of bay leaf

There are a lot of secrets of using bay leaf as a magical remedy, and everyone believes that he can bring him many positive changes in life. Bay leaf is used for love rituals, in order to attract a “soul mate”, money rituals (it is believed that the plant is directly related to the financial well-being of a person and literally “attracts” money to itself), as well as in order to get rid of any damage and fulfill your cherished desires.

Bay leaf is often symbol of wealth and prosperity. That is why laurel branches are often hung around a dwelling or workplace (office, shop, workshop) in order to attract customers and cash flows to the business. It is not uncommon for a bay leaf to be present in a person’s personal belongings, for example, in a wallet. So you can attract success to yourself, which will accompany not only in business, but also in work.

Good sign to take bay leaf with you and put in your pocket(as close to the body as possible) in order to succeed in an interview or meeting, in order to be noticed and recognized for your abilities, hired or promoted. So that the leaf does not get dirty and sometimes tormented by a too stuffy aroma, you can wrap it not just in a handkerchief, but in a patch of red or green (red color attracts good luck, green - money).

Many athletes, even before the announcement of the results in competitions, carry a bay leaf with them, which, in their opinion, brings victory and well-being in competitions, as well as recognition and self-sufficient life.

There is one rite that allows you to achieve the desired wealth with the help of a bay leaf. This ritual should be performed at home or at the workplace. Choose a large and whole bay leaf, without holes, cracks or damage. On its reverse side (not glossy), write with a pen or pencil your wish (“get rich”, “get a bonus” or, for example, “repay a debt”). This sheet should be burnt and its smoke spread throughout the room.

Another way suggests that you write your desire related to well-being on a piece of white paper and roll it up, tying three beautiful and undamaged lava leaves to the "bundle". This amulet should be kept in a secluded place at your work or home. Only after the wish comes true, the amulet should be burned and its ashes scattered over fertile land(garden Garden).

There is a conspiracy for money with a bay leaf. With it, you can count on good luck in the monetary sphere, and the growth of accumulated funds. To make it, you need to take a beautiful container and invest in it a coin of a large denomination. Each coin lining must be accompanied by a bay leaf lining. When lowering a coin into a container, it is necessary to say where the money will come from. It can be a gift, an inheritance, a good income or a sudden find. After the ritual, the container is closed and shaken. It says the conspiracy:

"Money to money, and poverty is beyond the threshold, profit is with me, like a laurel on a bush." After that, the container with the spoken coins is placed in a secluded place, away from prying eyes. If money comes to you in exactly the right way, then with each receipt of funds, do not forget to gratefully put a coin and a bay leaf into a piggy bank.

There is another conspiracy on the bay leaf for money. In order for you to always have money and increase capital, you should choose a large and whole leaf of lavrushka. This leaf should be rubbed between the palms of both hands, asking Lavrushka to help you in any financial matters. Then it is necessary to apply a little of any essential oil to the plant so that its smell merges with the smell of lavrushka. After that, the sheet must be put in the place where the money is stored. At the same time, the words are said:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

Bay leaf will attract cash flows and save you from unnecessary spending. A charmed plant can be put in a wallet so that money is kept and not transferred. Such rituals attract cash flows, and stimulate a person and learn to earn good money himself.

Bay leaf is used very often to attract money. In order for money to be found in the house, there is another ritual, for which it is necessary to take seven large and undamaged leaves of the plant. Leaves should have long stems. These legs are tied with red woolen thread. Either a banknote or a coin is tied to the thread, symbolizing monetary energy. Such a kind of amulet is hung over front door with words:

"Money to the house, and poverty beyond the threshold."

A conspiracy for money on a bay leaf is best done and read on the growing moon. It is believed that it is in this phase that flows are opened that increase profits and material well-being.

Why is a bay leaf put in a wallet, and with what words of conspiracy?

Putting a bay leaf in a wallet to attract money and well-being should also be “correct” so as not to incur any negative energy and not have the opposite effect. Of course, you can do without any rituals and just mentally wish yourself success, but reading a conspiracy to attract wealth will be much more effective. Such conspiracies are best read on the growing moon, sitting alone and in silence with a lit candle.

IMPORTANT: You should believe in the ritual itself and in every word spoken, so that your rite is sure to be effective.

This is what, it turns out, is a magical and strong ordinary bay leaf that everyone has at home.

magical bay leaf

All these rituals are aimed at attracting good luck and pleasant changes in your life. It is best to do them on the new moon or on any day of the growing moon.

Ritual 1. You will need 5 dried bay leaves and a red thread. It is necessary to tie bay leaves with a thread and hang them over the front door in your house with the words: "Laurel, which has grown under the hot sun, bring happiness and good luck to me!" This technique will help to attract good luck to people of creative professions. And also those who work a lot with people.

Ritual 2. Take 3 bay leaves and smear them with orange essential oil. After that, hide the laurel leaves in the places where you keep the money. For example, put one piece of paper in a safe, the second in a wallet, the third can be stored at work in a desk drawer.

Ritual 3. It is necessary to put four bay leaves under the rug at the front door, you need to place the leaves in a cross. If bay leaves crumble or break, replace them on the next new moon.

If the leaves are carried in a purse, bag or pocket, then this brings protection from troubles and good luck in business. Provides lightning protection.

If you feel morally impure or wish to bring positive changes into your life, then squeeze a fresh leaf from your palm, crush a dry leaf, or put a few drops of aromatic oil on a swab and inhale the aroma. Laurel is also used to remove fear and self-doubt from a person.

Laurel branches are attached over the front doors and children's beds to protect against evil eye and spoilage.

In order for love to never pass, lovers must break off a branch directly from the tree, break it in half, and each must keep his half.

Amulet for successful employment
Take a green handkerchief, or a square piece of green cloth about the same size. Spread it on the table with one corner towards you. Put three cardamom seeds, a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary (you can use dry) in the middle of the scarf.

These herbs give confidence in action and attract energy. Cardamom makes you pleasant in communication and reveals the gift of eloquence. Bay leaf is a symbol of success and victory. Rosemary is the herb of achievement and mental readiness. Gather the corners of the scarf together and tie them with a ribbon, you will get a small knot with herbs inside. Before you go to get a job (for an interview, competition, or just to the personnel department), take this bundle in your hands and mentally “scroll” the whole process, imagining in detail how you go there, how successful the meeting with the employer is, and you get a job best conditions. Be sure to take this amulet with you. At the same time, you should know that any refusal by the employer is a signal that this place of work will not bring you anything good.

Bay leaf grants wishes.
Indeed, the bay leaf is one of the species magical plants used in ceremonies and rituals. I will give an example of one of these rituals aimed at fulfilling a cherished desire.
Take any fireproof container, 1 large bay leaf, 1 white candle and 1 gold or silver colored marker.
Light a candle and write your wish with a gold or silver marker on a bay leaf. Visualize your desire by imagining that you already got what you wanted. Ask for blessings from higher powers, then kiss the bay leaf three times and set it on fire in a candle flame. Put the burning leaf in a refractory container with these words: “The power of the gods and the power of heaven, the power of the universe and the power of miracles. My wish came true, As I commanded, so it happened!

For laurel magic, in addition to dried laurel leaves, you will need a yellow or blue cloth. On Saturday, sew a bag out of the chosen material and start the spell on the same day.

Put three large bay leaves in a bag and sew it shut. Holding the bag with both hands, close your eyes and imagine your child in good location spirit, healthy and happy. Say the following spell words:

The power of protection and the power of laurel to help!

Who is this bag with?

Laurel will be

He is protected from everything dashing!

From that all evil deeds will go away,

All evil thoughts will depart!

From all evil

My child is protected!

No one will break this law!

May it be so!

May it be so!

May it be so!

The pouch can be kept in the children's room, but ideally, let the child carry it with him as a talisman. Laurel protects against unexpected troubles and protects against accidents, if you constantly keep it with you.

If you place a laurel in the corners of the house, it will protect the premises and bring good luck to the residents. In general, laurel magic is able to protect against negative energy and expel evil spirits.

Also, the laurel is endowed with the power to achieve glory, helps to overcome fears and insecurities, achieve goals and gain victory over enemies.

In addition, it enhances a person's divinatory gift.

And if the laurel is crushed into powder and added to the bath, you can call success and respect into your life.
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Laurel is used not only as a spice, but also in traditional medicine. Preparations from laurel improve heart function, lower blood pressure, improve appetite and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help treat asthma, reduce skin inflammation, destroy pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In the treatment of diabetes, 20-30 leaves are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water. And drink in the morning before breakfast and in small sips throughout the day. The course is 15-20 days. Then a break.

With cholecystitis, bay oil is taken, adding 10-15 drops to milk or tea.

For allergies, laurel oil, 5 drops, is dripped onto a piece of sugar and absorbed before meals.

As an anesthetic for rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, a decoction is taken: 2-3 leaves are crushed, poured with 2 cups of boiling water and simmered for 5 minutes. Insist, wrapped, 4 hours, filter, divide the liquid into 3 parts and drink 3 days in small sips during the day.

With sinusitis, drip 1 drop of bay oil into each nostril. Oil is sold in a pharmacy. You can do it yourself: chop 25 g of bay leaves and pour 1 glass of refined vegetable oil, insist a week, strain. The same oil can be used to lubricate skin rashes, abscesses, tumors, wounds, sprains and other injuries. For diseases of the ears, instill 1 drop in each ear. Laurel oil should not be taken internally.

Bay leaf is widely used in cooking for flavoring first and second courses, pickles, marinades. In the first dishes, the bay leaf is placed 5 minutes before readiness, in the second - 10 minutes before.

Magicians still use laurel for protection, exorcism, purification, healing and foresight. Laurel, growing near the house, protects all those living in it from diseases and intrigues of ill-wishers.

To remove the evil eye and spoilage, the bay leaf is burned along with sandalwood.

The aroma of laurel brings positive changes to life. To do this, inhale laurel oil or the aroma of a crushed dry leaf.

In ancient times, laurel branches were attached over doors and cradles.

And lovers, for the preservation of feelings, broke a branch from a laurel tree, broke it into two parts, and each kept his part, like the apple of an eye.

Canes were made from laurel, protecting the traveler from damage and robbers.

A branch of laurel is placed under the mattress so that none of the spouses think about treason.

And the laurel leaves under the rug in the hallway do not let quarrels and unwanted guests into the house.

High-quality bay leaf has a smooth matte light olive color and retains a pleasant aroma with a slight exciting bitterness. Rusty leaves are not suitable for use. The shelf life of bay leaves in the package is 2 years.

Bay leaf contains essential oil, acetic, valeric, caproic acid, cineol, pinene, phellandrene, geraniol, eugenol, phytoncides, trace elements, tannins and bitterness.

Fulfillment of desires with the help of this proven method really happens!

It is human nature to desire and strive for the best. There are many .

In this article, you will learn about a simple and extremely effective wishing magic.

How to fulfill a desire with the help of ... ordinary lavrushka? Why laurel?

The laurel tree symbolizes purity, triumph, determination and immortality. Bay leaves are used not only in cooking, but also in the acquisition life force, success and even fulfillment of desires.

Where did the veneration of the laurel come from?

From Ancient Greece. Mythology explains the appearance of the laurel as follows: God Apollo¹ was in love with the beautiful nymph Daphne² and pursued her everywhere. To save herself from shame, she turned herself into a laurel.

Since then, laurel branches have become a favorite decoration of Apollo and those whom he patronized: poets, musicians, winners Olympic Games. That is why the winners were given a wreath of laurel branches, depicted in statues of creative people.

Anyone can use bay leaves, it is believed that they attract health, good luck and success.

1. When a person carries a bay leaf with him, he saves himself from accidents and troubles.

2. The aroma of crushed bay leaf should be inhaled when overworked - it gives additional physical strength.

3. If you put bay leaves under your pillow, you will dream all night good dreams.

4. If the corners of the house (apartment) are laid out on a bay leaf, then all diseases will go away.

5. A laurel branch or a bunch of leaves over the child's bed will protect him from the evil eye.

6. It is believed that if the leaves of laurel are laid out at the corners of the bed of a woman in labor, this will reduce labor pains.

7. If a person wants to be successful in business, he should hang five laurel leaves tied with a red thread over the front door.

8. Success can be attracted by placing 4 bay leaves under the rug at the threshold. This must be done on the new moon, the leaves must be laid out with a handle inward in the form of a cross. Every new moon leaves need to be replaced.

And now consider an effective way to fulfill desires with the help of a bay leaf!

  • Take bay leaves (preferably fresh), rub them between your fingers, inhale the aroma and think about your desire.
  • Then say the correctly formulated³ wish aloud.
  • Write this wording on the laurel leaf itself and then burn it.
  • Imagine that along with the smoke, the desire is sent directly to the Universe, where the request will certainly be considered and approved.

Laurel is a plant that has strong magical properties. The spice is used in cooking, alternative medicine (broths), esoteric rituals. In the culture of Ancient Greece, it personified victory and good luck, was dedicated to Apollo and Dionysus. The intoxicating aroma of the plant reveals hidden depths in the subconscious, reveals the ability to create and divination. The magical properties of the bay leaf will help in achieving inner harmony, positive, love.

The magic leaf helps to achieve positive changes in your life. life path, absorbs negative energy, is used to perform divination and rituals for love. With the help of a bay leaf, you can diagnose negative effects (evil eye, spoilage).

What else helps the energy of the plant, its magical properties:

  • acts as a talisman for the home: it does not allow bad people to visit the home, absorbs negativity;
  • restores health;
  • helps to find a “soul mate”, accelerates the process of reunification of loving hearts;
  • assists in achieving material well-being;
  • contributes to success and career growth.

Methods of application in rituals

Bay leaf is used in magical rites for love, for the manufacture of amulets and amulets with strong miraculous properties. You can ask the talisman for help in your own words. To enhance the action on the sheet, you need to read the plot:

“I want wealth, I want success, I want happiness, I want health. I want money to come into my life."

The text is read at home, in a secluded place. It is advisable to perform the ritual on the full moon.

For love

Laurel will help you find a soul mate, reunite and enhance feelings loving people speed up the marriage process.

In order for the bride and groom to have a happy fate and a long life, on the eve of the wedding, one bay leaf is placed in the shoes of lovers. In the morning, the magic item must be removed.

Ritual to strengthen the senses. To complete, you need 3 bay leaves and a red thread. The leaves are tied with a thread and lowered into a pond with running water. To enhance the properties you need to read the plot:

Lord, help the slave (name). Just as a baby cannot live without mother's milk, so (name) cannot live a day without me. Amen.

A rite with strong properties is performed at midnight, on the growing moon.

Rite to help married woman, whose husband suddenly left for another. The ritual is performed at midnight, on the new moon. On the reverse side bay leaf write the name of the opponent, crush the magic object with your hands and throw it out the window. Next, you need to read the plot:

Just as sweet tea without sugar is not, so life (husband's name) without (wife's name) will be unsweetened and bitter.

The ritual for finding a soul mate will help ladies who want to get married as soon as possible. To perform, you will need a bay leaf (3 pieces), a red thread, a ring (wear at least 3 days before the ceremony). It is necessary to firmly bind the ring and the plant with strong properties, during this action read the magic words:

Two stars love forever, will not be deceived. I give them names: one (my name), the other (the name of a loved one). Love is forever in the heart, brings happiness.

As a charm for the house

In magical practice, the plant is used to cleanse the home, laurel with strong properties absorbs bad energy like a sponge.

You can use bay leaf as a talisman for the house:

  1. Place 4 leaves under the rug near the threshold of the front door. Every new moon, the amulet needs to be changed. This method of protection will help prevent the entry of unwanted people into the house.
  2. Put 5 leaves of laurel on a red thread and hang over the front door. A charm with strong properties brings good luck, success, fulfillment of desires. It is believed that a magical item will protect the home from lightning, storms and hurricanes.

Ways to cleanse the space with a bay leaf:

  1. Place a glass dish with a plant in each corner of the living space. It takes a week for the power of the plant to work. If too much negative energy has accumulated, it is possible to re-purify. A magical way will help protect your home from enemies and bad people.
  2. Heat bay leaves with strong properties in a frying pan until a smell appears. It is necessary to carry the pan through each room, paying special attention to the corners of the house.

Rituals are carried out systematically, at least once a month. It is advisable to carry out cleaning after visiting the home by a large number of people. Events help to clean the energy-information background of the room.

After the rituals, the leaves need to be burned, they have accumulated a lot of negative energy.

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

Laurel branch is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Ways to conspire to fulfill desires, attract money:

  1. Rub the leaf in your hands, inhale the pleasant aroma of the plant and say the wish out loud. Mentally imagine the fulfillment of the plan.
  2. The laurel branch will help you find your favorite job. To do this, on paper you need to write the desired position and salary. The paper is crushed and mixed with a crushed dry leaf. While mixing, you need to think that it will soon be possible to replace the hated work with one that is pleasing to the soul. Next, the mixture is placed in a saucer. white color and set on fire, the ashes are wrapped in a large banknote and used as a talisman.
  3. To attract money, the leaves are hung in a store, office. A magical item will help attract a stream of customers.
  4. If you have a responsible event (hiring, exam, conference), you need to take a bay leaf with you. A magical item with powerful properties will help you achieve success in a speech, promotion.
  5. In your room, build "beads" from bay leaves. To do this, fasten each on a red thread. Daily pierce a leaf with a needle, in the process mentally imagine the fulfillment of desire.
  6. Reading conspiracies and prayers for the fulfillment of desires. The ritual is performed at night. To perform the ceremony, you need to retire, light a candle. Conspiracy text

“Lord, in the Holy Trinity, help me (name the desire).

A way to quickly fulfill your plan: write cherished thoughts on the back of the laurel. A magical item with strong properties is set on fire, while pronouncing the words:

Fly to higher powers fire, air and water, say in the distant heights so that the plan is fulfilled.

From the evil eye and damage

If relations suddenly deteriorated in the family, scandals and quarrels reign, children do not respect their parents, the husband is sharply addicted to alcohol - these are signs of damage. With the help of laurel, a negative impact is diagnosed. To do this, the leaf is set on fire and the process is observed. If the flame burns unevenly, the smoke is black - this is a sign of damage.

Lavrushka can be used as an amulet that protects against damage, the evil eye, and negative intentions. They carry a kind of talisman in their pocket, bag, purse (you can put it in any thing). The magic of the bay leaf from the evil eye and damage will help protect the baby - for this, the amulet is hung over the crib.

To enhance the properties of the talisman from the evil eye, the plant is placed in a cotton bag. Amber or pearls are also placed there. Dried rowan berries help pregnant women successfully endure and give birth to a baby.

It is optimal to use magic spice for health by adding it to food. Bay leaf tea will help you lose weight and restore grace.

Features and rules of use

For rituals, it is better to use fresh bay leaves, their effect is more powerful in strength. If this is not possible, it is allowed to apply 2-3 drops of any essential oil to the magic object.

If the smell of laurel seems too intrusive, you can wrap the leaf in a red cloth.

Desires will surely come true if the intentions of a person are aimed at doing good. Rituals should not be performed bad mood- will not be able to achieve the desired result. Faith is needed in the success of the plan, the magical properties of the plant, so that the rite helps.

Bay leaf is a sign of victory, movement towards the goal, purification and eternal life. He brings to life strength, luck and triumph and the fulfillment of dreams.

Every housewife in the house has a package with laurel, but few people think that with the help of a seemingly ordinary spice and its magical properties, you can attract success, fulfillment of desires, vivid dreams and protection.

Even the ancient Greeks and Romans knew about mystical properties bay leaf and regularly used bay leaf in various magical rituals. The Romans knew that the laurel would surely bring triumph and victory to its owner in any business. In addition, the laurel had strong protective and cleansing properties, as Hippocrates noticed.

The magical properties of bay leaf

  • Take a large bay leaf and write your wish on it.. Yes, it will be difficult, but the desire is worth it to try, right? Try doing this with a thin marker or gel pen. Throw your "lavrushka" into the fire, now your wish will come true.
  • Bay leaf can be used as a talisman for household. Lay out a bay leaf in each corner of your apartment (any metaphysical "muck" always gathers in the corners). This ritual will protect you and your loved ones from illness and quarrels.
  • About the protective properties of laurel. If you carry a bay leaf as a talisman with you, it will not only help in minor disputes, but also protect you, including from magical influences.
  • If you want positive change in your life, rub a bay leaf between your fingers, while saying (in the present tense, of course) those positive changes that you want to appear in life.
    If you have nightmares, put laurel under your pillow before going to bed - it will drive away bad dreams.
  • In aromatherapy (try to find bay oil?), the smell of bay leaves relieves overexertion and helps to restore strength after exercise.
  • Another bay leaf ritual will attract success and protect the home.. Place 4 laurel leaves under the entrance rug in the hallway so that they form a cross, and all the leaves look in different directions. Their cuttings will be together.
  • Another powerful ritual is to tie 7 bay leaves with red thread and hang them over the front door. You will get both a talisman for protection and a talisman for success for your home.
  • A bay leaf under the child's pillow will give him good dreams and protect him from the evil eye.
  • Magic laurel can attract money. Boost it with a few drops of Sunny Orange Oil and keep it where your money is. This simple ritual will increase your income and keep it from running out.
  • Even in ancient times, the famous doctor Hippocrates wrote that if you put laurel leaves by the bed, this will reduce the pain of a person (sick, birth).

This is what turns out to be a magical and strong ordinary bay leaf that everyone has at home. Remember the mystical properties of the bay leaf!