Does my cat love me? 5 Signs Your Cat Really Loves You

  • 31.10.2020

Do cats walk on their own, do not attach to anyone and do not love anyone? Are these template statements true? Definitely not! Of course, experiments have shown that dogs are much more attached to people, but cats also love their owners. Doubt? The following are signs by which you can understand that the cat loves you.

The problem of ambiguity in expressing the feelings of cats towards their owners has always worried four-legged lovers a little. Dubious experiments carried out "on paper" led to "sensational" conclusions that cats do not need their owners.

Back in the 1970s, a test was developed based on long-term observation of the behavior of cats. According to the results of the test, any owner could determine how attached their pet is to the house and directly to the person. Not so long ago, an experiment was conducted showing that cats are excellent, although they often ignore it.

Almost all zoopsychologists agree that the observation of cats in the laboratory gives serious errors in the conclusions. Cats' natural curiosity makes them explore an unfamiliar room and people, which distorts their natural response.

That is why the test, which shows how much a cat loves you, is designed for owners who can observe the behavior of a pet in familiar, home conditions.

Until recently, the statement about the love of cats for people was considered winged. It wasn't until the 2000s that an extensive study was conducted showing that the affection that cats have for their owners stimulates the same areas of the brain that humans do when they feel in love.

How does a cat let you know that she likes you? By and large, this is attachment to a person who provides her with food, security and the need for communication.

22 signs a cat loves its owner

A cat loves its owner if most of the following points are true.

1. Cats that love their owners greet them at the door. What's more, when feeling separated, many cats "adjust" to hear footsteps, engine noise, or other sounds in advance that indicate the imminent arrival of the owner. Adult cats are well versed in time and often wait for the owner sitting at the door or at the window.

2. Cats that love their owners are constantly watching them. You may have noticed how your pet lazily follows you around the house, fits into a chair or armchair and calmly watches your actions, for example, while cleaning. Many pets follow their owners everywhere, even to the shower or toilet.

3. Direct eye contact in the animal kingdom means threat or aggression. A cat that loves its owner consciously seeks direct eye contact because it trusts him completely.

4. When communicating with the owner, the cat blinks slowly - this is a clear sign of love, affection and complete trust. If, against the background of slow blinking, a cat periodically pokes your face with its nose, there can be no doubt about its affection.

5. Does your cat meow? Cats do not communicate with each other by meowing, they hiss, growl and make other sounds. If the pet looks at you and meows, then he is trying and close interpersonal contact.

6. A cat that does not like the owner will not tolerate intrusive attention. Agree, it happens that you want to take a cat in your arms, stroke it, “cuddle” and so on. If the pet does not like you, he will respond sharply to a brazen invasion of personal space. If the cat shows tolerance and tolerates your "attacks", he definitely loves you.

7. It may not be obvious, but a cat that doesn't love its owner will bite hard and often. With the help of bites, the pet warns that it is ready for a full-scale fight and battle for the territory, which is why uninvited guests claiming your attention may be attacked by the pet.

8. Light biting during the game indicates a strong attachment. Naturally, it is better not to provoke such behavior. If you notice that the cat easily grabs your fingers with its teeth, it perceives you as a member of the family.

9. Cats that love their owners rub their heads against them. Rubbing against your legs and things, the pet leaves a scent mark indicating your belonging to the pack. If you visit a friend who has a cat, the competitor will realize that this person is already “busy”.

10. Alarm cats are loving pets. In the wild, sleeping too long is dangerous, especially on an empty stomach. If you stay too long in bed, the pet will come running to wake you up (even to ask for food) - this is an expression of concern.

11. A riot behind a closed door, scratches, loud screams and other manipulations expressing demands to open the door are a sign of care and love towards the owner. In some cases, this behavior may indicate dissatisfaction if the cat is locked in a separate room. If you are closed in the bedroom, and the cat is trying to break through the "defense", she is worried about your safety.

12. Cats that love their owners seek close physical contact. Usually, the warmer the attitude of a cat to a person, the more gentle its gestures. Most loving pets like to hug the owner's face or neck.

13. One of the most striking ways to express love and affection to a person is licking, especially hair and face.

14. The tenderness and love of a cat is expressed by “massage” - the cat puts its front (and sometimes hind paws) on you and begins to “trample”. With this behavior, the pet expresses affection similar to the mother's.

15. Dead mice, flies, butterflies and other "gifts" are a sign of great love. Judge for yourself, will a cat share the food it has got with an unloved member of the pack?

16. Jealousy is a destructive but very distinct expression of love towards the owner. A cat can be jealous of other animals and even people. Some owners say that cats were jealous of newborn children, because the little ones took too much attention from their beloved owners. If you have lived with a cat for a long time and suddenly brought the other half into the house, be prepared for attacks from the four-legged.

17. “Fall at your feet” is another way of expressing love. This behavior can annoy the wearer and even lead to "accidents". But if a cat overtakes you and falls in front of your feet, it shows unconditional affection.

18. Oddly enough, loving, bored cats may urinate on personal items or even the bed. By leaving urine stains on your bed, a cat mixes its scent with yours.

19. Loving cats learn the habits and skills of their owners. If you carefully observe the behavior of the pet, you may suddenly find that the cat is earlier in the places where you were going to go. So, you may notice that the pet is already in the bath when you came to brush your teeth or already in the kitchen when you remember that it needs to be fed.

20. Cats that love their owners try to stay close and often sit on their laps. Observing the behavior of only one animal, it is hard to believe in this pattern, however, monitoring the control groups showed that the constant “sitting” on the owner’s lap is not so easy for cats. Firstly, because it is inconvenient to sit on an inclined surface, secondly, the cat cannot release its claws to maintain balance, and thirdly, the natural curiosity of the four-legged constantly provokes him to be active ... but he remains unshakable.

21. This paragraph continues the previous one, a loving cat constantly tries to contact at least some part of the body. Particularly temperamental pets may try to climb on your head ... literally.

22. Is the cat lying on its back in front of you? If yes, you should understand that such a pose exposes two of the most vulnerable places at once: they live and the neck. An unsafe cat will never lie on its back of its own accord, except in the midst of a fight for a more powerful attack with its hind legs.

Have you finished reading the list and are upset because most of the above items are unfamiliar to you? Do not despair, it is never too late to build interpersonal relationships with your pet.

Start by unobtrusively establishing a closer connection. Take an old sweater or T-shirt and put it next to the cat bed, after a few days, transfer it to the bed itself. The constant smell of the owner develops a sense of affection in the cat.

Interesting! With an unobtrusive approach, the pet itself will not notice how it starts to need you.

The first sign that the cat begins to become attached to you can be considered a rhythmic twitching of the tail. If, meeting from work, the cat raises its tail and twitches its tip slightly, you can take this as a cordial greeting.

Try to gently pick up your cat when you watch TV or read a book. If you notice that the cat began to purr, then she feels safe, and this is the first step to complete trust.

Many consider cats independent animals, and affection for the owner for them is love for the place. This is partly true, but they also need attention and love. If you create favorable conditions for the cat, surround it with care and affection, she will respond in kind. This animal will become a true friend to its owner.

Cat sympathy can be determined by the behavior of the animal. First you need to establish contact with the cat. If this is done immediately, there will be no problems in the future. These animals subtly feel a person, they are capable of true friendship and love. There are several signs that make it clear that a cat loves its owner.

Manifestation of love

When a cat appears in the house, it is important to create a comfortable atmosphere that will allow him to quickly adapt and understand that a person needs him. When a kitten adapts to new living conditions, it must be surrounded by love and care. He must feel safe. These animals will not tolerate rough treatment.

To win the sympathy of a cat, you need to earn trust . Cats always remember the feeling of calm and security and perceive the person who gave it to them as a reliable friend. Only then can you hope for a pet's affection.

Signs of cat love

To find out the attitude of a cat to its owner, it is necessary to observe him and study his body language, because with the help of it he expresses his emotions and feelings.

It is important to pay attention to what sounds the cat makes and how it behaves in different situations. Signs of feline love include:

  • meowing and purring;
  • light biting;
  • "butting" the head or rubbing;
  • the desire to bring their own prey;
  • trampling paws on the body of the owner;
  • licking the face or hands;
  • gaze;
  • tail twitching;
  • backside demonstration;
  • sleep on your knees or in bed with the owner.

Cat meowing and purring

A long and persistent meow is an appeal to the owner. Sometimes a cat asks for help in this way. The most common cause of a cat's high-pitched meow is hunger. Perhaps they forgot to feed her on time, and she is trying to remind her of this.

Like the owner of the animal, the cat experiences loneliness. It is so important for her to draw attention to herself. If the animal meows, and the look is alive, she longs to communicate with her beloved owner.

Cats, like people, can get sick. If the animal shows anxiety during meowing, is nervous, does not find a place for itself, it is sick and asks for help.

The cat makes specific sounds when meeting the owner or sitting on his lap - she loves and appreciates him.

The cat's purr indicates that it is happy. The animal purrs on the lap of the owner and at the same time expresses calmness - it shows its gratitude to the person. If the cat plays and purrs, then he is trying to show his love and devotion.

But not always rumbling and purring means joy for a cat. Sometimes cats purr when they are in pain. The sound in such cases will be quiet, barely noticeable, and the animal will be sad.

Some cats purr when they die. In this case, the sounds will be disturbing and restless.

Biting and rubbing

Some cats sometimes seem aggressive due to the fact that they often bite their human. But it is worth distinguishing a real bite from a friendly one. Sometimes biting a cat means a compliment. A friendly cat bite does not hurt a human. From the outside, it may seem that the animal intends to bite hard, but this is not so. In addition, there is always the opportunity to calm the cat's aggression.

Gently biting his owner's toe or hand, the cat is trying to show how much he likes the person, that is, he considers his owner a true friend.

If the cat has played too hard and continues to bite his finger, you need to scream - such an action will frighten him. He will realize that he hurt, and will not do it again.

Rubbing the cat's muzzle against the owner is often perceived as an obsession. The owner usually expresses dissatisfaction and scolds the pet. But such behavior of the animal suggests that the cat trusts the person and feels completely safe with him. Do not disappoint a loving creature, it is better to show your love and devotion in return.

Proposal to share the booty

Cat affection is not limited to meowing or rubbing. True love is expressed in caring for its owner. The cat is sure that the owner needs not only her communication, but also help.

Cats are born hunters and often catch mice or birds. An animal can bring a “gift” to its person in the form of a dead mouse or bird. This speaks of care and great love for its owner.

If a cat shares its own prey, it must be thanked for it. Otherwise, the animal will hold a grudge.

Trampling on the human body

Trampling a cat on the body is perceived by many as begging for food. Partly it is. This behavior is due to the fact that kittens massage their mother's stomach during feeding.

But, besides this, stamping with paws on the body of the owner expresses the affection of the pet. The cat shows that he feels as calm and relaxed with the owner as with his mother.


Loving cats often show their feelings by licking exposed areas of the human body. Some take it for kisses, and they are right. This behavior is also a manifestation of love.

If a cat licks his person's nose or ear, then this is not just kissing, but real care. Similar actions are performed by all animals from the cat family, but they only care for members of their family.

If a pet does this, it means that it considers the owner and other household members to be a family. Such love must be maintained, otherwise the animal will be offended.

Cat's gaze

When a cat looks closely at his master, he trusts him completely.

If the cat blinked at the sight, you need to answer him in the same way. So he will understand that his love is mutual.

tail twitch

The tail is the most favorite part of the body for a cat. He will not allow a stranger or an unpleasant person to touch his own tail.

If the cat stood in the middle of the room and suddenly raised its tail, it is waiting for attention from the owner and longs to communicate with him.

Watching a cat's tail, you can understand what is bothering her. Tail twitching indicates excitement or fear. If the tip of the tail trembles, then the experience of the cat is pleasant.

The cat, wagging its tail, approaches its owner - he thinks only good things about him and hopes for the same from him.

Rear view

Some cats are happy to show their butt to the owner. Sometimes the pet brings it close to the person's face. The owner of the animal experiences discomfort and does not understand why the cat is doing this.

By demonstrating the rear, the cat shows its sympathy for the owner. This behavior is typical of kittens - this is how they greet their mother. If an animal pokes its back in a person's face, it shows that it trusts him as the closest and dearest creature.

Sleep with the owner

Cats choose cozy and safe places to sleep.

Therefore, if the cat chose a human bed for this, then he is sure that he is safe next to the owner.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come again!

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Cats are very loving animals. As spring approaches, it is not uncommon to hear their “serenades” on the street. In March, only cats delight people with these wonderful "songs". They say that in this way cats not only remind of the onset of spring, but also congratulate people on their holiday - the Day of Cats.

They sincerely love their owners and hope that their owners love them just as much. Cats show their love at every suitable opportunity. Unfortunately, they do it in their own language, and the owners cannot always understand their pets. Without knowing, some manifestations of people can take a little insulting. In order not to be angry with cats in vain, you need to remember a few “words” of their language.

1. Purring

The most important way for cats to express their feelings is purr. The purr may be gentle, calm and soft, or similar to the sounds of a tractor engine. The main thing to know is that if a cat purrs in the presence of its owner, it is an expression of its love and gratitude.

2. Stroking

Very often cats ask the owner caress your soft belly. In this way, they also show their sympathy and affection. After all, the stomach is the most sensitive part of the body of every little animal.

3. Face rub

The cutest expression of your feelings is when a cat rubs against the owner's hand or face. In no case should you push the animal away, as in this way they express the warmest feelings. The animal can be very offended, having received a rebuff.

4. Claws and furniture

When a cat uses furniture as a nail sharpener, in most cases, she demonstrates to the owner that she feels good and comfortable at home.

5. Paw trampling

Often, cats “trample” the belly of a lying owner with their paws. This is more likely not a habit, but an instinct that they have developed since childhood in order to suck as much milk from their mother as possible. So the animal shows trust and affection for the owner. She feels safe, calm and comfortable.

6. Tail

Cats also like to stomp under their feet, turning their tail towards the owner, which is raised up - this is also a kind of manifestation of love.

7. Loot

Cats are born hunters. Hunting skills directly depend on their upbringing and the ability of their mother. But, despite this, even a cat that grew up in an apartment and saw no other food besides food will not mind hunting. Sharing their prey they are usually with their family.

Therefore, if a cat brings a dead mouse or chick into the house, there is no need to scold him. The pet tried to please its owner, no need to scold him for it.

Do cats love people? Love is an abstract term, of course, but it is quite possible that cats and people understand it in approximately the same way.

How do cats show love to humans?

Yes, just like people. Signs of a cat's love for a person, first of all, are expressed tactilely. A cat that is not indifferent to you will trample you with its paws, associating exclusively with you those positive emotions that the kitten experiences when it “tramples”, that is, it massages the mother’s stomach, stimulating the mammary glands.

Cats also like to rub their muzzle against the owner, thereby not only showing their tenderness, but also marking with their smell. Also, if a cat loves you, she will probably lick you and sleep with you - it is quite possible that on her head.

An important indicator of love is the fact that a cat allows unpleasant procedures to be carried out on itself, such as grooming. Of course, no one will allow a stranger to disassemble the tangle. Of course, both the cat's purring and the moments when a devoted furry animal meets its owner are all unwise, but obvious signs of a cat's love for its owner.

There are quite a few examples of how cats show love for a person, and after talking with an “inveterate” cat lover, you will get the impression that there is no more sympathetic and loving animal.

There is no doubt that cats feel the love of a person. Certainly! As well as his indifference or rudeness. Therefore, even if the cat expresses his feelings at the wrong time, still try to be gentle with her.

Lucky people in life: what kind of people do cats like?

On the one hand, cat love, like any other, may seem irrational. Probably every cat lover has a couple of completely inexplicable stories about cat sympathies. When, for example, the hostess feeds the cat and pays more attention to him, but he still sleeps only with the owner, who disappears at work. Here the cat loves a person, and that's all, just a mystic.

It often happens that a kitten, literally in the first weeks of life, from the whole family chooses a person to his liking and only then devotes his whole life to him, as they say, "the soul's wonderful impulses."

But still, mysticism does not play a major role in what kind of people cats love. Cat sympathies, to a large extent, are associated with certain human behavior. For example, adult cats are attracted (or at least not annoyed) by people with a moderate timbre of voice, a balanced, restrained character, and calm behavior. Who knows, maybe the cat will like you already by lying in front of the TV for a long time? ..

A good way to make friends with a cat is not to stare at it, but to catch its eye and blink a few times. An unblinking gaze for animals is a sign of a challenge, a threat, and it is unlikely that you will thus fall into the number of people that cats and cats love. And when you blink, you demonstrate your loyalty, peaceful intentions.

If a person loves cats ...

If cats love a person, then it’s not such a lost soul! Animals, of course, are not psychics, but they are unlikely to show their best feelings in front of some ungrateful egoist.

Cat owners are usually characterized as sympathetic, maybe sometimes sentimental people with a high sense of responsibility, disposed towards family life, caring for loved ones.

Sometimes sincere love of a cat is more difficult to earn than human sympathy - if you succeeded, you are the right person, it is quite possible to deal with you!

Igor Kaverin

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A well-known adage says that cats walk "on their own." Therefore, some owners have doubts that their pets are truly attached to them. In fact, kittens show love and affection in their own way. How to understand that a cat loves its owner? To answer this question, you need to carefully monitor the behavioral reactions of the animal.

The main signs of love

How to understand that a cat loves you? - This question worries many owners. To everyone's surprise, some of the antics of a pet can mean a favor to a person. Each kitten is endowed with an individual character, but there are common signs by which you can determine whether a cat loves its owner.

Obvious signs of love include the following behavioral responses:

  • purring and purring;
  • sitting on the owner's lap;
  • rolling from side to side at a person's feet;
  • trampling on various parts of the body;
  • demonstrative demonstration of the tail;
  • point of claws on upholstered furniture;
  • the kitten brings gifts;
  • the pet "begs" affection from a person;
  • constant visual contact (the animal is watching the person);
  • the animal shows a desire to play with the owner.

Each pet's behavior varies depending on many factors. Cats show love in many ways. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the character of the animal, and then ask the question "How do you know that the cat loves you?" The 10 factors presented in the list are not exhaustive, but describe common signs of love and attention from pets.

Interpretation of pet behavior

Some owners worry about the excessive detachment of the kitten and ask themselves the question “Why does the cat not like to sit in his arms?” Representatives of certain breeds (Siamese and British) have a complex character and do not show physical affection for the owner, but sincerely adore him.

Such pets are distinguished by specific behavior: they wait for the owner from work and meet him when he comes home. In the behavior of some pets, the observance of distance is manifested: the animal avoids touching and stroking, but constantly observes the actions of a person.

Many owners are not satisfied with the passivity of their pets, and they are frantically looking for the answer to the question “How to make the cat love you?” But in any situation, it is important to correctly interpret the behavior of the animal and not put too much pressure on it. After all, animals, like people, have their own habits and behavioral characteristics.

After discussing the question “How to make a cat love you?” it is worth observing the more subtle signs indicating the affection and love of the animal. Some manifestations of love can be quite surprising. Many kittens like to bite and scratch rather than purr affectionately at human feet.

Unusual displays of affection

How to understand that a cat loves you if he does not show the main signs of affection? Many cats love to play with human hair, lick skin, and grab fingers with their teeth. If an animal unknowingly hurts a person, this does not mean that it wants to harm. On the contrary, such behavior indicates a strong affection of the animal.

Showing his hunting instinct, the kitten can also prove love for the owner. Cats living in private homes sometimes catch birds, mice and other small pests and bring the prey to the residents, thereby proving their devotion. Do cats like owners who impose their attention? Sometimes this behavior repels the kitten. You need to leave the kitten alone and wait until the animal wants to voluntarily restore communication.

Cat eyes are disproportionately large in relation to other parts of the body. Kittens are very protective of their eyes, and for this reason they are not accustomed to making prolonged eye contact. Prolonged observation of the actions of the owner can be regarded as a manifestation of attention. Zoologists call this look “cat kiss” for a reason.

Do cats love their owners and how does this manifest itself in unusual situations? Increased attention to furniture is sometimes interpreted as an expression of gratitude to the residents of the house. Leaving scratches on pieces of furniture and wallpaper, the animal “marks” the territory and shows how well it lives in this house. Most cats leave marks in places where the owners most often live (bed, sofa, kitchen table).

Meowing and purring

One of the popular answers to the question “How to understand that a cat loves its owner?” is a description of common signs - meowing or purring. After all, absolutely all kittens express their gratitude with the help of positive vibrations that accompany positive emotions.

Cat purring is used in medicine as sound therapy. Studies have proven that purring symbolizes a good mood in an animal, a response to human care and gratitude for food.

If the cat makes characteristic sounds, greeting a person or giving signals from behind a closed door, this means that he is worried about the owner. Thus, any increase in the cat's voice can be interpreted as an expression of love and affection towards the owner.

Many people ask themselves the question “How to make a cat love you?” Pet owners should remember that the main thing in dealing with pets is regular care and a sincere manifestation of care and attention. No need to wait for an instant reaction of the cat: the pet always feels human affection and sincerely cares about his beloved owner in return.