Essential oil - for ticks and nematodes. Essential oils for tick protection: simple and effective Essential oils for tick protection for dogs reviews

  • 14.06.2019

Repellent is an insect repellant. You can buy it in the store - it will be based on chemical active substances, or you can make a natural version with your own hands. There are different recipes, but I want to offer you a few. simple options which are easy to make hastily right in front of the street.

What oil to choose? The one that suits you is well absorbed and leaves no greasy residue. The most popular option is grape seed oil. To make it even less sticky, add broccoli or rosehip oil. 5-10% is enough - i.e. For 1 part broccoli oil, take 10 parts grape oil.

What essential oil is effective against ticks?

Universal oil-repellent against ticks, fleas and other insects - lavender essential oil. According to studies conducted in South Africa, lavender oil at a concentration of 10-20% showed efficacy against mites similar to diethyltoluamide (DEET, DEET), a synthetic ingredient in insect repellents.

Lavender essential oil, one of the few allowed for use in its pure form. Therefore, even such a large dosage as 10-20% will be safe. Be sure to dilute other essential oils in sufficient quantities with the base vegetable oil.

In the fight against ticks, other essential oils are also suitable:

  • tea tree
  • geranium
  • eucalyptus lemon
  • pine
  • cypress
  • carnation
  • fennel
  • cinnamon
  • rosemary
  • thyme

Lots of pine and spice oils, right? No wonder there are no ticks in the coniferous forest. More information about safe rest in nature you will find in the article.

How to dilute essential oils? For 2 tablespoons of base oil - 20 drops of essential oil.

Recipe 1

  • grape seed oil 18 ml
  • lavender essential oil 2 ml (10% dosage)

Measure the lavender oil into a 20 ml bottle with a dropper and add the grape oil to the full volume.

Recipe 2

  • grape oil 45 ml
  • broccoli oil 5 ml
  • essential oil of lemon eucalyptus 15 drops
  • lavender essential oil 30 drops

Take a 55 ml spray bottle, add base oils to it first, then essential oils, mix well.

Store the prepared mixture in a dark, cool place. Avoid getting moisture into the vial.

How to use tick oils

Apply the oil to your skin before going outside. If you are in nature long time, reapply.

The spray bottle does not spray oil like water, but dispenses it in a thin jet. First, draw the oil into the palm of your hand, and then spread it over the skin with massage movements.

The oils in these recipes are non-phototoxic and can be used before sun exposure.

Let your vacation in nature be carefree! And do not forget: using natural essential and vegetable oils in your personal and home care, you reduce the consumption of harmful chemicals that surround us everywhere.
Be healthy! Be beautiful! Be safe!

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With the onset of warm days, many tend to go out into nature. Unfortunately, rest outside the city, despite all its attractiveness, is accompanied by meetings with ticks, whose activity has been very high lately. The sucking of a tick is not only unpleasant in itself, but also represents a considerable danger, since they are carriers of such serious diseases as encephalitis, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis, so it is extremely important to protect yourself from their bites. Essential oils are an effective means of protection, the use of which will protect against the suction of ticks, without endangering human health. You can find a list of essential oils for ticks and how to use them in this article.

Essential oils that repel ticks

Nowadays, the stores provide a wide range of products designed to repel ticks. But they all contain chemicals that are sometimes neurotoxic, are applied only to clothing, in most cases have a sharp bad smell. Unlike them, natural essential repellents are safe for people and pets, can be applied directly to the skin, and have a pleasant aroma. The effect of their application appears immediately after application, you can immediately go for a walk in the forest or field.

For protection against ticks, geranium, basil, thyme, cloves, cedar, peppermint, and rose oils are perfect. Also repellent for ticks are Litsea, eucalyptus, tea tree oils.

Ways to apply essential oils from ticks

There are several ways to apply essential oil for ticks for people. First, it is applied directly to the skin. To do this, you need to mix a couple of spoons vegetable oil and 15-30 drops of essential.

  • availability;
  • security;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of application;
  • significant shelf life, since the solution prepared in this way can be stored for up to six months.

Before you try this way, you need to make sure that the person for whom it is used is not allergic to the ingredients that make up the solution.

Another option for applying a tick repellant is a spray. At home, it is very easy to prepare an anti-mite aerosol, for this you need to mix a glass of water with two teaspoons of geranium oil or, add a little alcohol, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Especially we can’t replace such a spray on a hike, when it is necessary to process the equipment so that the ticks, clinging to it, do not crawl onto a person as a result. The prepared solution is recommended to be applied to objects that have direct contact with the ground: a tent, tourist rugs, towels, a dog bed.

The advantages of this method are:

  • ease of preparation and use;
  • security;
  • high efficiency;
  • availability of ingredients.

You can also use a cleaning roller with adhesive tape to apply a natural tick repellent. It is enough just to moisten the device with oil and run it several times over the clothes. This method will ensure that the natural repellent is evenly applied to clothing, which will prevent the tick from reaching unprotected areas of the body.

The advantages of this application method:

  • efficiency, which is achieved by evenly distributing the agent over clothing;
  • simplicity, because the use of additional ingredients is not required.

Before using this method, you need to make sure that the oil does not leave marks on the clothes, for which it is recommended that you first apply it to a small hidden area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.

For humans, an essential oil for tick protection can be applied with wet wipes, which is especially true if there are no other aids at hand.

If there is no desire to apply oil to the skin, you can make a bracelet with essential oils that repel ticks at home by applying a few drops of the drug to a leather or wooden product.

Apply a natural repellent in the listed ways before visiting places where there is a danger of insect suction.

Using essential oils for ticks for dogs

Our animals also need anti-tick treatment. However, the products sold in veterinary clinics are sometimes very expensive and not available to everyone, while essential oils in this case are a safe and affordable alternative.

But before using oil for dogs, the following conditions must be met:

  • Apply a couple of drops of oil to the animal and watch the reaction. If the dog behaves restlessly, tries to lick the remedy, then this oil does not suit her, after a while you can try to apply another.
  • It is necessary to take into account the dosage, it should be less than for people. To prepare a solution for anti-mite treatment, you need to use no more than 5-10 drops. It is very important that the oil is natural, otherwise the dog will be harmed.

To treat a dog from ticks, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of one drop of lavender, a drop of thyme, two drops of eucalyptus, add a teaspoon of vodka, and then apply the product to the coat with a swab dipped in the resulting solution. This procedure must be repeated every week.

To remove an already attached tick, you can drop thyme, lavender, tea tree oil on it, and then remove it in a circular motion.

By adding lavender, thyme, and cypress oils to dog shampoo, a regular cleanser turns into an anti-mite treatment.

If you mix a drop of lavender, two drops of thyme, dissolve the resulting mixture in vegetable oil and apply to the collar, you get an affordable and effective remedy for tick control.

Using the proposed recipes and methods of dealing with ticks using natural remedies, you can not worry about your health, the health of loved ones and pets.

The oil is obtained from the leaves of the tea tree, which grows in Australia. How to get - steam distillation. When using high-quality raw materials and following the technology, a transparent light yellow or light olive fluid with a spicy woody scent.

If there is a smell of camphor in the aroma, then the oil is not natural.

The composition of the oil is complex - it includes more than 95 components, about 50% of which are monoterpenes. It is they who give him valuable properties:

  • bactericidal,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • warming.

The main active ingredients are terpinen-4-ol and cineol. In order for the action of the ether to be balanced and bring only benefits, their recommended content should be 40% and 5%, respectively.

In addition, the composition contains substances viridifloren (up to 1%), B-terpineol (0.25%), L-ternineol and allihexanoate (in the form of traces), which are rarely found in nature. Viridofloren enhances the bactericidal action of the oil.

Antibacterial effect so high that it is used instead of carbolic acid and phenol for disinfection of premises.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the oil are undeniable, it is used in cosmetology, medicine, household and sanitary purposes. Helps well with bite treatment insects- relieves swelling, redness and itching.

When using ether against mosquitoes and ticks, it is combined with other aromatic oils. Insects are repelled by smell, so it can be used as a repellent or fumigator instead of ready-made chemicals.

The bactericidal and fungicidal properties of the oil make it possible to use it for sanitary purposes - from mold on the walls and pathogenic microbes- staphylococcus, streptococcus, Escherichia coli.

To conditional shortcomings tea tree oil can be attributed to it irritant effect on mucous membranes shells.

Use the product with caution and only in diluted form.

Application for insect control

Summer pleases with warmth and greenery, but joy is sometimes poisoned by annoying insects. One of effective means the fight against them is tea tree oil.

Against ticks

Some of the insects are dangerous, such as ticks. Serious illnesses can result from their bites, so taking precautions when hiking in the woods is a must. Ticks are repelled by the smell of essential oils. Tea tree can be combined with other esters.

  • Tick ​​Repellent

A mixture of 50 ml of water and 10 drops of ether will help to avoid tick bites. Before going to the forest, the mixture must be shaken, dripped onto the palm of your hand and rubbed with it. open areas- face, neck, hands, apply it on the hair. It is also advisable to spray it on clothes. You can add a few drops of lavender, cedar or juniper oil to the mixture. After returning, the clothes should be treated again with this mixture in order to smoke out the mites remaining in the folds or pockets.

  • Tick ​​Shower Mix

To 30 ml of gel or other detergent for the body, add 15 drops of tea tree oil and 5 ml of soy. After a walk in the forest, you need to take a shower with this composition.

If the tick has already bitten, treating the bite site and the insect itself with 100% oil will help reduce the risk.

From mosquitoes

These buzzing insects can poison life, especially in the country. Repellents sold in stores do not always help and, definitely, do not benefit the body, especially for children. Mosquito coils lit at night do not help either. healthy sleep. Tea tree oil will not only successfully replace them, but will also benefit.

  • Mixture for aroma lamp

50 ml is poured into the aroma lamp hot water and 3-5 drops of tea tree oil are added, you can add geranium or basil ether. The mixture must be heated with a candle. This is enough to get rid of mosquitoes in a room or on a 15 square veranda. m. You will be provided not only a good night, but also good mood for the whole next day.

  • Spray mix

You got rid of mosquitoes indoors, now you need to scare away and fresh air. To do this, prepare a composition of water (50 ml), alcohol (3 ml) and ethereal (10 drops), (2 drops), (10 drops). Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and use when you go outside.

With this composition against mosquitoes, you can spray window frames and the front door in the country.

From lice and nits

Tea tree oil for lice can be used to prevent them reappearance.

Do not use pure oil. It should be mixed with a base oil or shampoo.
  • Alcohol tincture against lice and nits
  • For prevention

Prevention of the reappearance of lice and nits will be the use of a mixture of shampoo with tea tree oil to wash your hair. Add 2 ml of oil to a standard jar of shampoo. You will see what benefit it will bring to yours!

This mixture will not only heal the hair. It will soothe itchy scalp from bites, heal scratching and relieve swelling and redness.

From insect bites

From mosquito bites 100% oil works well. Necessary just wipe them a bite site. A little redness and burning from it is normal. Smear no more than once a day, otherwise the skin will begin to peel off.

One more recipe mixtures for mosquito and other insect bites, which helps with a strong reaction to them. This tea tree is combined with lavender ether in a proportion of 1.5 ml and 0.5 ml, respectively. Wipe the bitten places every hour until the redness and swelling subside.

With multiple bites, an oil bath will help (dilute 10 drops in milk and pour into the bath).

Additional recipes for folk remedies for mosquito bites:

Against mold

In damp rooms, mold often appears on the walls, which is very harmful to health. Dealing with it is difficult, but possible. by the most the best remedy from all types of mold on the walls, tea tree oil is considered.

  • Spray mixture for mold

Pour 250 ml of water and 1 teaspoon of oil into a spray bottle. The solution is applied to the surface of the walls with areas of mold and is not washed off. He will not only remove it, but also save forever from the subsequent appearance.


It has no strict contraindications, with the exception of allergic reaction and bronchial asthma. Use with caution in children under 3 years of age. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy and lactation, but if there is an urgent need, then use only after consulting a doctor.

Avoid contact with mucous membranes. Use only as an external agent.

Aromatherapy is not only effective for diseases of dogs, but is also a good remedy hygiene.

Dogs have about two hundred million olfactory receptors, and even purebred dogs can smell about ninety medicinal plants growing in nature.

If you offer your pet with an indigestion to choose between medicines and essential stomach oils, the dog will choose the latter, since this smell is embedded in her hereditary memory.

However, keep in mind that your four-legged friend's nose is several times more sensitive than yours, so approach the dosage with caution.

Rules for Using Essential Oils for Dogs

1. Dosage

The sense of smell in dogs is much stronger than in humans, so the exact dosage must be observed, as a rule, it is less than for an adult.

2. Quality

Choose only 100% natural essential oils, how to choose them correctly and where to find them will tell .

3. Reaction

When using an essential oil for the first time, observe the dog, if you notice strange behavior or reactions, then stop using this oil.

4. Specialist consultation

If you are concerned about using essential oils for your pet, please consult your veterinarian.

Treatment of dog diseases with essential oils

Colds in dogs

Dogs suffer from colds, coughs, pneumonia. In these cases, the best treatment effect is achieved by using oils. eucalyptus, tea tree and thyme .

you can use two application methods:

  1. Rubbing into the chest and neck of the dog;
  2. Inhalation of water bath vapors.

When using any method, be aware of the dog's high sensitivity to smells, so start with small doses and gradually increase.

  • tea tree - 2 drops;
  • eucalyptus - 2 drops;
  • thyme - 1 drop.

Start with one drop of the mixture for one teaspoon of vegetable oil, then two drops, three drops. Four drops is the maximum dose. You need to rub from the stomach to the shoulders into the skin of the animal. Long-haired animals should be rubbed with oils in the form of a vodka solution - two drops of the mixture per teaspoon of vodka and two tablespoons of water. Perform rubbing twice a day for 3-4 days.

The bedding of the animal must be washed by adding three drops of eucalyptus and three drops of tea tree to the water.

Arthritis (joint inflammation) in dogs

Arthritis hurts dogs just like it does people. With gentle massaging movements (dogs are very fond of massage), rub the following mixture twice a day into the area of ​​​​the affected joint, from bottom to top along the paw:

  • rosemary - 4 drops;
  • lavender - 2 drops;
  • juniper - 3 drops.

dissolve in two tablespoons of vegetable oil - daily dose.

Don't worry if your dog licks off the oils after a while. The oil will have a greater effect over the joint, penetrating into the skin. We recommend putting a cabbage leaf on the joint and changing the bandage 4-6 times a day.

Treatment of wounds, cuts and scratches in dogs

Pets are very supportive of natural scents that help heal wounds. Oils will help clean the wound, stop bleeding, act as antibiotics and antiseptics. It is very important to remove all dirt from the wound.

Treatment of wounds in dogs

If your dog has itchy eczema, wounds, or ulcers, rub the following essential oil mixture on the affected area. This mixture will bring healing and relief. In addition, the animal will become less susceptible to insect bites.

AT 50 ml vegetable oil add:

5 drops of lavender;
5 drops of tea tree.

Rub this mixture on the affected areas three times a day until the wounds are completely healed.

Treating scratch marks on dogs
  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • dissolve in a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Treat areas of scratching and irritation on the skin.

Treating Cuts in Dogs
  • 6-8 drops of lavender or thyme;
  • 200 ml of warm boiled water.

First you need to treat the cut with hydrogen peroxide, and then treat the cut or scratch with an aqueous solution of thyme or lavender.

Bandage on the wound
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • tea tree - 1 drop;
  • lemon - 1 drop.

Dissolve essential oils in . Moisten the bandage and apply to the wound.

If the dog's wound festered

First, thoroughly wash the wound with a solution of lavender oil:

  • 4 drops of lavender;
  • 150 ml of warm boiled water.

Then apply an ironed cabbage leaf to the wound, do not forget to change it 4-6 times a day. Then wash the wound with the same lavender water solution and apply a bandage with oils to the wound:

  • 2 drops of tea tree;
  • 1 drop of thyme;
  • 1 drop of rosemary.

Dissolve oils in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil , moisten the bandage and apply to the wound.

Essential oils for fleas and ticks in dogs

Flea and tick combing mixture
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • thyme - 1 drop;
  • eucalyptus - 2 drops;
  • dissolve in one teaspoon of vodka.

Moisten a cotton swab with the mixture, put it on the entire width of the comb and comb the coat well. It is enough to spend once a week for dogs, and for cats before a summer trip to the country.

Removing ticks in dogs with essential oils

Ticks can be easily removed with oil tea tree, lavender or thyme . Apply a drop of undiluted oil to the tick and use a counterclockwise circular motion to pull it out.

The smell also repels insects. camphor oil , oils of wormwood, vetiver, tansy, sage . Recognized flea repellent - pennyroyal .

Tick ​​Collar Oil Blend
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • thyme - 2 drops;
Flea Collar Oil Blend
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • oregano - 1 drop.
  • dissolve in one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Lubricate the pet's collar with this solution daily.

Dog Ear Care

Inflammatory diseases of the ears usually occur in dogs due to the accumulation of a large number sulfur. Accumulating in the external auditory canal, it irritates the skin of the ear and, if not removed in time, leads to disease. Ear pain is not only unpleasant, but it can affect the character of the animal. The fetid smell irritates and embitters the animal, and constant itching and tinnitus leads to scratching and wounds of the auricle. Ears should be disinfected and deodorized.

The best oil for this lavender .

Ear drops for dogs
  • 3 drops of lavender;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

Place 5-10 drops (depending on the size of the animal) in each ear. Then put cotton swabs in your ears and treat the entire auricle with the solution. Repeat this procedure daily to soften the earwax, then it should be removed with a cotton swab on a stick. After the dog stops experiencing discomfort, shaking his head, scratching his ears, perform preventive treatment once a week.

Teeth and bad breath in dogs

Salivation and bad breath indicate that the dog has dental problems. Your dog's teeth should be checked and cleaned with regular baking soda; essential oils will provide an opportunity to keep your teeth clean, remove tartar. For this, the following mixture is proposed:

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • 1 drop of cloves;
  • 1 drop of rosemary.

Mix well. Brush your dog's teeth with a cotton swab, which is better than a toothbrush to avoid damaging the gums. Then wipe off the rest of the mixture and let the dog drink water.

This procedure for preventive purposes should be done no more than once a week.

Bad breath is not always caused by bad teeth, it can be caused by various stomach problems. In this case, you can safely use oil peppermint . It is an excellent intestinal cleanser and aid to digestion.

To do this, just rub a drop of pure oil on the line from under the ear to the shoulders.

Aromatherapy for dogs

Animals, like people, are subject to mood swings and stress. With the help of essential oils, you can have a positive impact on the mood and well-being of your pets.

Animals have an extremely acute sense of smell, and therefore they pick up the aroma of essential oils even in the smallest concentrations.

The most acceptable means of aromatherapy for pets is a kerosene lamp, since essential oils evaporate slowly and in small quantities in it.

Relaxing mixture for a kerosene lamp
  • Melissa essential oil - 2 drops;
  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • chamomile - 1 drop;
  • bigaradia - 1 drop;
  • tangerine - 1 drop.

Advice: if there is a persistent smell of an animal in the room, then in order to get rid of it, put an aroma lamp in the room with 5 drops of geranium essential oil.

Literature: 1. Allison England. Aromatherapy for Mother and Child. 2. Anastasia Artyomova. "Aromas and oils healing and rejuvenating." 3. Vladislav S. Brud, Ivona Konopatskaya. "Fragrant Pharmacy. Secrets of Aromatherapy". 4. Denis Vicello Brown "Aromatherapy". 5. Lavrenova Galina. "Inhaling the marvelous aroma. Aromatherapy is pleasant and easy way treatment". 6. Leonova N.S. "Aromatherapy for beginners". 7. Libus O.K., Ivanova E.P. "Healing oils". 8. Tatyana Litvinova. "Aromatherapy: professional guidance in the world of smells". 9 Tatyana Novoselova "Aromatherapy" 10. L. Dmitrievskaya "Deceiving age. Practices of rejuvenation". 11. Kedrova Maria. "Fragrances of beauty and health. Secrets of Cleopatra". 12. Nikolaevsky V.V. "Aromatherapy. Handbook". 13. Semenova Anastasia. "Treatment with oils". 14. Edited by Zakharenkov V.I. "Encyclopedia of aromas". 15. Carol McGilvery and Jimmy Reed. "Fundamentals of aromatherapy". 16. Wolfgang Stix, Ulla Weigerstorfer. "In the Kingdom of Odors" 17. Mirgorodskaya S.A., "Aromology: Quantum Satis".

May-June is the period when ticks become active. The bite of these insects is not sensitive to humans, but dangerous. Ticks carry diseases such as encephalitis, borreliosis, fever, therefore, when leaving for a hike or kayaking, you should be especially careful.

First of all, take care of the appropriate clothing. Put on boots, tight pants, a long-sleeve sweater and a hat. Choose light-colored clothes, periodically inspect yourself and your friends. Avoid bushes and tall grass favorite place tick dislocation. And, of course, do not forget about protective equipment!

Now, various repellents are produced to protect against ticks. They are quite effective, but most often toxic. Many substances that come into contact with the skin can cause irritation and allergies. Repellents are especially dangerous for children, but kids are much more active in nature than adults. Therefore, before you run to the store for the coveted aerosol can, remember that there are proven over the years folk remedies from ticks. And yet completely safe. These include:

Essential oils

Dissolve tea tree, clove, spruce or eucalyptus oil in water in the ratio of half a teaspoon per 100 ml of water. Before going out into the forest, rub the exposed areas of the body with this composition, spray the rest on clothes. You will be reliably protected from a bite, as ticks do not tolerate these odors.

Ticks do not favor such beautiful flowers as geranium and lavender. Therefore, feel free to prepare impromptu perfumes. 2 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of oil in a glass of water and pour a small amount of alcohol. In a container with a tight lid, the mixture can be stored for up to six months without losing its properties.

Apple vinegar

Be sure to take natural. The smell and taste of this remedy are also not to the liking of ticks. Feel free to smear them on the skin and edges of clothing.

Onion and garlic

Eat a little onion or garlic before going out, you can rub them on your palms, ankles, neck. The smell is definitely not pleasant. It will scare away not only ticks, but also people :)

Birch tar

You can lubricate the skin and clothes with clean tar, or you can prepare a solution. 700 gr of tar pour 2 liters warm water and let it sit well. Place the mixture in a container with a tight lid. Such a remedy will be effective for a long time. If necessary, take out and lubricate exposed areas of the body.


This method is often used by foresters and hunters, but it is also suitable for tourists. Having met forest ants, take off your outer clothing and put it in an anthill for 10-15 minutes. Then shake off the ants - you can safely go further into the forest! And you can do it easier - buy formic alcohol at the pharmacy and treat clothes and exposed areas of the body with it.