The size of the head cushion for sleeping. A comfortable posture during sleep is the key to a healthy spine

  • 12.06.2019

Thinking about how to choose a pillow for the prevention of osteochondrosis, you should first of all pay attention to its shape. On sale today you can find the following:

Pillows are:

Regular pillows are less suitable for people with osteochondrosis. They are required to abandon feather fillers. Studies have shown that ticks feel good in such a filling, they are allergenic.

If it is not possible to use an orthopedic pillow, then when choosing a regular pillow, it should be taken into account that the filling of the pillow can be made of material that:

  • does not go astray
  • restores shape,
  • not allergenic,
  • can be cleaned.

These materials include holofiber. This filler is also used in the manufacture of orthopedic pillows.

For these products, other high-quality fillers are also used, which make it possible to sleep comfortably on them:

  1. Bamboo fiber provides air circulation and has high hygienic qualities.
  2. The cooling gel has the ability to correctly distribute the load.
  3. Latex is an environmentally friendly material that meets the requirements of filling for pillows used by people with cervical osteochondrosis.
  4. Buckwheat husk is a particularly useful filler. Its use provides a person not only with comfort, because under the weight of the head, the pillow easily follows its contours, but also the effect of massage with particles occurs, which improves blood circulation.
  5. Independent mini-springs - the product adjusts well to a sleeping person, providing a comfortable sleep.

There is another type of orthopedic pillows, which are made of material with a memory effect. It takes the shape of the body from its pressure and heat.

When the product is released from the load, it slowly returns to its original form. The pillow is very comfortable to use, but it cannot be washed.

The roller pillow is a modern device that relieves the condition of many people suffering from osteochondrosis. The roller helps to improve blood circulation in the cervical and lumbosacral spine.

If a person sleeps in the wrong position (especially those suffering from osteochondrosis), apart from circulatory disorders, he does not fully relax the muscles of the neck and back, which means that they do not fully rest. The use of a half-pillow-roller is aimed at complete relaxation of the muscles (cervical, paravertebral) during sleep.

You can buy such a roller pillow at a pharmacy or online stores.

Types of roller cushions

A modern pillow - a roller under the neck with osteochondrosis can have 2 forms: a roller and a semi-roller. On the one and the other, you can sleep both in the supine position and on your side.


The filler for such pillows is most often:

  • pressed cotton wool;
  • foam rubber;
  • thick cotton fabric, rolled up;
  • buckwheat husk;
  • latex;
  • polyester;
  • viscoelastic;
  • polyurethane foam.

Outside, the pillow has a cover made of bamboo, viscose, satin or other well-ventilated, hygroscopic and pleasant to the touch material.

The positive effect of the roller in osteochondrosis

The roller pillow has a number of positive aspects:

  • relieves discomfort and reduces pain (headache, cervical, lumbar);
  • improves blood circulation;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • provides good rest and sleep.

How to choose the right roller under the neck for osteochondrosis

When choosing a roller, it is important to evaluate whole line factors:

  • pillow filler;
  • packing density;
  • softness;
  • elasticity;
  • volume;
  • body weight of a person;
  • favorite positions for sleeping and resting.

When choosing a cushion pillow, consider the distance from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder. In addition, it is important to lie down on it in order to optimally assess its qualities. If the pillow is fitted correctly, you will feel the relaxation of the muscles in your neck and shoulders.

When choosing an orthopedic roller, it is also important to follow a number of rules:

  • It is best to buy it at a pharmacy.
  • The length of the roller should be at least 80 cm (this length is due to the displacement of a person during sleep).
  • The thickness is selected individually, for this it is necessary to measure the distance from the mattress to the neck and add 2 cm to it (mattress deflection). The optimal thickness of the roller will support the neck and follow the curves of the spine.
  • If osteochondrosis is of a lumbar nature, it is recommended to purchase several rollers (3 pcs.), One of which is placed under the lumbar region, the second in the knee area, and the third in the ankle joint area.
  • It is best to buy a roller that has an average cost (not the most expensive and not the cheapest). Too cheap pillows contain cheap and inferior materials as filler. It is best to check with your healthcare professional before purchasing a roller.

Operating tips

When buying a roller under the neck for osteochondrosis, it is important to evaluate its therapeutic effect, so you should pay attention to the following details:

  • If the pain increases after purchasing the pillow, you must stop using it. After a few days, you should try sleeping on the roller again.
  • If, with lumbar osteochondrosis, 1 roller does not help relieve discomfort or relieve pain, you need to buy 2 more rollers.
  • If, after sleeping on the roller, swelling of the legs appears, you need to consult a doctor, perhaps he will prescribe drugs that reduce swelling.
  • With constant sleep on your side, you need to clamp another roller between your legs - this will improve blood circulation.
  • The sleep roller can be replaced with a special collar or corset, it is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor.

Caring for your orthopedic roller pillow

It is best not to wash your roller pillow. Only the cover can be washed, it becomes dirty more often, it is recommended not to take it off and wear it constantly. The cover is most often made of materials that are easy to hand and machine washable... If the pillow is very dirty even with the use of the cover, it is possible to clean the roller or hand wash (this depends on the filler material).

If the roller is filled with natural latex, it can be hand washed in warm water using liquid detergent... You cannot wring out the pillow, you can only blot it with a dry towel. It is also impossible to dry such a pillow in the sun, ultraviolet light has a destructive effect on latex. Small areas of dirt on the pillow can be wiped off with a sponge.

Pillows filled with synthetic latex can be machine washed, but not more often than once every 6 months. If the latex in the roller is mixed, it should not be washed or wrung out. The roller can be cleaned by hand using a soft sponge and a gentle detergent, then rinse the pillow in water and air dry after blotting with a towel.

Do not wash orthopedic rollers filled with buckwheat husks and memory pillows. They can only be ventilated. You can wash the cover of these pillows by hand or in the washing machine.

With osteochondrosis, which more and more often affects the joints of the spinal column, a special roller under the neck for osteochondrosis greatly facilitates the patient's fate. Its use helps to normalize blood circulation in the lumbosacral and cervical spine. You can buy a roller at almost any pharmacy that has an assortment of these products. As a material for their manufacture, ordinary pressed cotton wool, foam rubber or tightly wound fabric, from which waffle towels are sewn, can be used. Which of the models will be useful in each case should be indicated by the doctor or an experienced pharmacist.

How to choose the right lumbar or neck roller

You should be very careful when choosing the thickness of the roller for osteochondrosis, since the therapeutic factor directly depends on this. To determine suitable size, you need to measure the distance from the neck to the mattress, adding about 2 cm to it, which go to the deflection of the mattress.

When pain occurs in the lower back, doctors advise using not one, but three rollers. The first is placed under the lumbar region, the second will support the knees, and the third will support the ankle joints. To eliminate discomfort in the lower back and relax overstrained muscles, experts recommend as a useful physical activity raise your legs from a horizontal position above the level of the pelvis.

What you should pay attention to when using an osteochondrosis roller

  1. If using a lumbar or cervical led to aggravation pain, then you need to stop using it for a while, taking a break for several days (2-3).
  2. If, due to some circumstances, it is not possible to purchase an orthopedic product, then you should more accurately choose a pillow under the bend of the neck and sleep so that the shoulder does not lie on it.
  3. If, when using one roller under the lower back, there is an increase in pain, then it is urgent to buy two more products - under the knees and ankles.
  4. The appearance of edema of the lower extremities in people who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral region requires the preliminary administration of special medications.
  5. If in a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis the situation is aggravated by the presence of varicose veins, then before using the roller, you will need to undergo procedures that will help eliminate congestion.
  6. Patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are advised to perform simple physical exercises that eliminate excess lymph and blood, facilitating their outflow from the lower extremities. To do this, swing legs, squats, rotations in the knee joints, create a load on the muscles of the press.
  7. If a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis is accustomed to lying on his side during sleep, then an additional roller is squeezed between the knees, which normalizes blood circulation in the legs.
  8. Patients with cervical osteochondrosis with exacerbations will be helped by the use of special supporting devices (corsets, collars) along with rollers.

Summing up, I must say that choosing the right roller for osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is a very difficult task. Therefore, it will be much better if a qualified specialist helps in this matter. We must not forget that orthopedic rollers are used in conjunction with various additional products.

There are many different ways related to making a pillow-roller quickly and easily with your own hands. It creates the necessary comfort for the neck and head, and also serves as a good interior decoration. It is convenient to read a book, watch TV or just doze on such a pillow.

We crochet a pillow-roller with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

You can crochet very interesting pillow covers for your neck.

The size of such a product is 45 cm in length and 14 cm in diameter.

Materials: ready-made pillow; Schachenmayr Catania or Anchor Bamboolo yarn # 206 (200 grams); hook number 5.

Knits according to the following pattern:

  1. The sides go in a circle, and at the base there is a rectangle.
  2. For the main element, cast on 80 stitches, seven more stitches and one air loop for lifting and thus knit 23 rows.
  3. For the side parts, make a loop, dial three air loops, form a circular row consisting of 21 double crochets. Next, close them with connecting posts.
  4. For the next four rows, make two double crochets in every third column in the previous row, close with connecting ones. Do not forget that the sidewalls must have two sides.
  5. Now sew the rectangular piece, insert the pad, and attach the side pieces using single crochet stitches. Ready!
Striped roller:

Master class on creating a pillow with a zipper:

First, make a pattern of a rectangle, when sewing which, a cylinder should be formed, as well as two circles as its bases. Next, prepare the zipper and stitch it on. This is done from the inside out along the seam of the main part, it can be done on a typewriter or by hand.

Now pin the circles to the cylinder with pins so that all the details are on the front side, and the fabric lies evenly. Then sew in a circle and cut the seam allowances with zigzag scissors as close to the stitching as possible. Thus, the seams will not puff up and lie neatly. It is done!

Simple pad:

A simple and versatile roller suitable for both leisure and sports activities such as yoga.

For manufacturing you will need: sewing machine(but you can also do it by hand), cotton fabric, needle, filling (batting, synthetic winterizer or old blankets), pins, threads in accordance with the selected shade of fabric.

Product dimensions: 75x20 cm.

Work description:

  1. Cut out the first element 78x66 cm in size and two round sides with a diameter of 23 cm.
  2. Pin the sides with the long edge facing each other, and then sew.
  3. Hook one of the circles to the edge of the cylinder with the wrong side out, and face side inside. Sew. Similarly, pin the second circle, but sew only halfway, leaving space for the padding.
  4. Turn on the face, thereby hiding all the seams. Make the filler in the shape of a roller (roll it into a roll) and put it into the pillow. Pin off the remaining seam and secure with the last stitches. Everything!
Bright pillow with bombs:

To begin with, cut out a rectangle so that its width corresponds to the future diameter of the roller itself, which can be absolutely anything, depending on your preferences. We advise you to take a bright fabric with an interesting pattern.

Next, attach the pom-pom braid to the small sides of the resulting rectangle. Ideally, its color should match one of the shades on the fabric, or you can choose a good dynamic contrast. Now sew the long side of the rectangle, forming a kind of cup out of it.

Next, cut out the bottoms, you can do this by tracing the outline of an object with a round bottom. Turn the product over your face and stuff it until it looks like a full-fledged roller. It remains to carefully sew up the remaining hole in the pad. Voila!

Let's make a pillow in the shape of a candy with our own hands

The manufacturing is based on the same rectangle with the addition decorative elements such as tassels, large beads, ribbon bows and braids.

  1. Separately cut out and sew the lower part, which will be needed for filling with filler. Then make a decorative pillowcase with zippers or buttons.
  2. Sew the rectangle along the long side, remembering to leave small allowances. Sew buttons or a zipper along the length of the product. Next, connect the main part with the sidewalls. Finish over the edges of the fabric and pull the ends towards the center. Be careful at this stage: the assembly should look neat.
  3. Now fold the filler to the shape of the bottom, insert it. Put a decorated cover on top, pull off the edges, tie bows. The candy is ready!

And for dessert, a photo of another version of interesting pillows:

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

Let's start from words to practice. Learn new manufacturing methods, get inspired and come up with your own. Happy viewing!

Lush, bulky pillows stuffed with feather and down are long overdue. Such a pillow can not only cause allergies, but also aggravate diseases of the spine. Modern orthopedic rollers will help you get rid of many back and neck problems.

Benefits of orthopedic roll cushions

Headaches, insomnia, pulling sensations in the neck - all these symptoms can signal a number of diseases. However, do not immediately run to the doctor: perhaps the whole point is in your pillow, which is long overdue to replace it with an orthopedic one. Classic fluffy pillows are a matter of many years of habit, but still it cannot be denied that they negatively affect the condition of the back. Most often, the upper spine in this position is too stretched and tense, and the chin drops to the chest. As a result, in the morning you may feel pulling pains in this area, which will subsequently lead to migraines and osteochondrosis.

Special orthopedic cushions in the form of a roller provide correct position body during sleep. You can eliminate flexion in the thoracic spine by giving your neck extra support. This fact is especially important in the long term, since the deformity of the spine occurs gradually, and the orthopedic roller can prevent the problem.

The roller can be placed not only under the neck, but also under the lower back. This will help ease the condition of your lower back.

Innovative fillers

If we are talking about a classic roller, there can hardly be many variations in the shape. However, the variety of fillings is impressive: manufacturers are in a marketing race to transform the pillow into a multi-functional treatment. Most often, you can find on sale orthopedic pillows filled with buckwheat husks. This is one of the most inexpensive, high quality and eco-friendly materials and you can buy such a pillow without hesitation.

However, there are many alternatives to this filler: latex, viscolastic, polyurethane foam and many others. Try different pillows for all the benefits.

Often on sale there are memory foam cushions. They adjust to your body contours and provide even more spine support

Women will surely appreciate the roller with cooling elements. According to the assurances of the manufacturers, such a pillow helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.